Biden Drops Out
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I expect a wave of sympathy for the old man, although not necessarily in my comments.
What do you think the impact will be?
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Our long national nightmare is over!
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.
Long live the nightmare!
Josh is now presumptive Harris Shapiro 2024!Replies: @Hannah Katz, @No jack london
No immediate impact. Trump will still win, and some democrat will get a boost towards their 2028 campaign.
When you guys see this in sixteen hours it will blow your minds:
Interesting. I really didn’t think he would quit.
There’ll be a week or so of released tension, then the calls will start for him to resign.
So much for Steve’s theory that Biden is in control.
There will be no impact. Trump has been already selected as the next president for a while, the fake ritual of the "assassination attempt" was only the final step.Replies: @Precious
On Saturday night he (or his X writers) posted this:
By Sunday afternoon, he (they) were forced to sign this:
A “Saturday Night Massacre” for the 21st century.Replies: @Jack D, @anonymous
Poor Joe, he could have been a contendah!
I also expect a wave of undeserved sympathy for Biden, with all sorts of paeans to his “years of service to the Nation”, yada, yada, yada.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don’t believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He’s the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn’t.
Jones praises his selflessness in pulling out of the race.
None of these newscaster lapdogs can be true leftists as you said he was always in bed with corrupt bankers and warmongers.Replies: @Yngvar
Perhaps the Biden story is not over. A second ‘career’ as a Catholic saint is always possible. St Joseph of Rehoboth; patron saint of addled grifters?
The donors are going to end up split among various potential Democratic nominees, which gives them all a disadvantage because they won’t be uniting the cash behind one candidate. Kamala has already ticked off a bunch of donors in a conference call, or so I have read. A lot of Dems want someone else besides Kamala.
It's already starting. Something has been going on behind the scenes over the past week with various sticks and carrots, analogously to how everyone dropped out suddenly to give middling Biden the nomination in 2020.
And of course the media will do its part. Expect them to work overdrive for Harris, even more than they would for another Democrat Woman of Color (to the extent that's possible), to make amends for increasing Biden's vulnerability.
I predict that Harris will be "elected" president.Replies: @Anonymous
I think Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro would destroy him in a debate. And both of those guys are bad news. But honestly, so is Trump.
Luckily, Biden is endorsing Kamala Harris. Hopefully she’s the nominee, loses, and Trump does nothing but talk shit in the internet for the next four years.
Thus did it come about, in Year One of the reign of the God-Emperor…
Having already admitted their Leader of the Free World is a hollow shell, I don’t see how they can viably turn around and say the woman they nominated to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency shouldn’t be the Democratic candidate.
Harris will probably have to nominate her husband as VP; nobody else can stand to be around her.
Also possible that Harris gets 100 million votes–most popular candidate ever. Even more popular than the wildly popular Joe Biden.
because they missed Trump. has to be.
that is the sequence of events. they expected Donald Trump to be dead right now.
tried to take him out before Republican Convention, missed, now have to dump Biden before Democrat Convention.
titanic all time historical events happening right now with the fate of the country on the line.
To commemorate the kind of Catholic Biden is, St Joseph of Rehoboth’s followers could wear a little cafeteria tray around their necks.
It’s Trump’s race to lose — which I think is well within his ability.
Policy aside, there hasn’t been a president in years whose speech mannerisms haven’t irritated me in one way or another, and what I’ve got to look forward to now is either an opinionated barfly (yes, I know, he’s a teetotaler, but that’s still how he talks) or a kindergarten teacher. What’s wrong with this country?!?
Well, if we see a repeat of 2020 with the b.s. mail-ins and early voting and such, you can bet on it.
He didn't waste a millisecond. He has been posting like a maniac. Replies: @duncsbaby, @AnotherDad
Kamala is in no way prepared to deal with Donald Trump. Their debate will be a monster truck demolition derby, with Kamala in the beat up Toyota, and Donald in the oversized Semi with monster wheels.
It will be Nasty Skank Bambi vs Godzilla.
Because Kamala is a well-documented certified Ho-bag, Trump should spotlight that, as well as her Indian upbringing that had zero to do with American black culture, and let Kamala self-destruct under the pressure of viable scrutiny. It would help for Trump supporters in the hip hop community join forces on tik tok, and ridicule her fake black angle.
Trump’s strategy should be to disembowel Kamala, with zero worries about blowback. Treat her like Hillary’s filthy, dumb little sister, because that’s exactly what she is.
Pound her into paste of herpes and remorse.
My argument all along is that Biden could not drop out because the Dems had no adequate substitute.
I was wrong. They do have no adequate substitute for 2024, but they need to remove Kamala from the running for 2028 without seeming racist. The Dems are going to use the 2024 election to eliminate Kamala from all future presidential elections by having her lose that election.
The knives are out for Kamala. She is that repellent. She is Hillary-level repellent. The Dems need her to go away. And there is nothing quite so effective as having her run against Trump this year.
Who are the Dems going to run against JD Vance in 2028? My guess is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. The man has Kennedy-level charisma.Replies: @Ralph L, @Renard, @anonymous
Jim Clyburn is getting one hell of a blow job right about now.
Maybe Harris will nominate him as VP.
I’m honestly surprised. Figured Jill and Hunter would keep him in the race.
They’ll want to “balance the ticket”. I’m assuming Harris gets the nod since Biden endorsed her. I’m assuming her running mate will be some bland white guy without a history of too loony or too far left statements
I expect a wave of sympathy for the old man… for Trump.
What looked like a walk in the park a few hours ago is now a horse race.
Anybody could see Trump and his VanceBot winning against the lettuce head. Now?
Do they HAVE to go with Kamel? Can they just open it up and get some new blood?
Worse yet — can Obama step in and become prez again? Obama and Big Mike — the 20s tour?
This is just the Democrats rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. It is not going to make any difference. They are going to lose.
There likely would have been a red wave in the 2022 election but some Republican candidates took an extremist position on the abortion issue and that alienated some suburban voters. The party learned a lesson from that. Rather than supporting a national abortion ban, they now advocate it be left up to the states.
A recent Gallup poll showed a big jump in support for immigration restriction. People are starting to realize the Democrats open border policy was not a good idea. They realize the mass vaccination requirements for an inadequately tested vaccine and lengthy lockdowns the Democrats pushed was not a good idea. They realize the Biden Ukraine intervention is turning into another quagmire like Vietnam or Afghanistan and was not a good idea. They realize the Democrats defunding the police was not a good idea. Therefore, keeping the Democrats in power is not a good idea.
American Psycho/Whore 2024
Stick a fork in America
Democracy (noun): A system of government in which a guy named “Mike Novogratz” decides who will serve as chief executive of the nation.
Go on, Democrats, lecture us some more about “Our Democracy”.
What percentage of leaders who take power through a coup later lose power to a coup?
Probably pretty high.
So, the party that offers lectures on the sanctity of our democracy just staged a coup before our eyes, after a fake and rigged primary, and Dems expect us not to notice it.
The polls showed Trump just barely beating the empty shell of Joe Biden.
Trump will need an additional edge to defeat the strong new Democratic candidate.
Fortunately, the Democrats seem to be on the verge of making a big mistake. Trump’s victory is assured if he has enough courage and enough intelligence to take advantage of their mistake.
Biden’s die-hard supporters were anti-war critics of Israel such as Ilhan Omar and AOC. Pro-war Zionists such as Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff, on the other hand, led the effort to oust Biden. This indicates that the Democratic nominee will be more pro-war and more Zionist than Biden was.
If Trump fervently embraces a true America First foreign policy, with no unprincipled exception for Israel, then he can benefit from the swing vote in this election: the anti-genocide voters who voted “uncommitted” in large numbers in the Democratic primaries, especially in the Rust Belt states.
Trump needs to be a humanitarian, he needs to be an American patriot, and he needs to be politically smart. He needs to promise to end US aid to Israel, and end all wars and economic sanctions against the people who helped him defeat ISIS and Al-Qaeda (Iran, Syria’s Assad, Yemen’s Houthis, Iraq’s PMF, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah).
I was just on the verge of calling Adult Protective Services to report a shocking case of elder abuse against our fearless leader. Thank God Dr. Jill has finally given Sleepy Joe permission to go to bed.
Nighty-night. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
His endorsement of Harris feels like a big fu to his party.
"Biden is no longer competent enough to be our candidate. He is also no longer competent enough to suggest a replacement candidate."
Also, I'm waiting for Biden to resign the presidency, retroactive to January 20, 2021.
From elsewhere on the internets:
The upside is that Harris, who is absolutely awful, will probably be the nominee. Most of the delegates were chosen for their loyalty to Biden and/or Harris. Ditching Harris would hurt with the black vote. If Harris isn’t the nominee, the running mate will almost certainly be black.
The downside is that Harris now has the option of choosing a more appealing running mate from a battleground state – Whitmer or Shapiro, most likely. Two women on the same ticket would certainly be a first, and might play pretty well.
JD Vance was a brilliant pick, in no small part because of his age. Being in a race with two old men and Harris, who turns 60 this year, made the Republican ticket seem so much younger. But, depending on who the Dems pick, they may neutralize that advantage.
Trump really shouldn’t have agreed to debate Biden so early. It was a huge strategic gaffe. If he had waited until after the Dem’s convention it would be too late for Biden to drop out. Or perhaps certain Democrats were always looking to push Biden out, and would have found another way.
Surely you jest. That would just tell every man still voting Democrat that it's a women's club and he ain't welcome.Replies: @anonymous, @Bumpkin
It should be a MAJOR issue for republicans to keep repeating that Democrats are still operating like a crazed cult by not demanding that a mentally disabled Biden step down immediately, since if he’s too senile to carry on in a presidential race, it doesn’t logically follow that he should remain in office, and to do so is clearly putting our country’s national security at risk, and makes no sense except for a party which has digressed into a cult which has hijacked the presidency, putting our democracy in grave danger.
For a disabled Biden to continue with democrat support makes the Democratic Party an enemy of the people. Our national security is at dire risk.
Members of Congress should also lay out articles for impeachment of Biden immediately, with more demands for information regarding his conspiracy to receive payoffs via his crackhead son’s China initiatives. Biden has time to testify in congress now. Let’s not waste it.
Create pressure on him and his crazy crackhead son now.
The issue that matters, the alpha and omega is immigration. And broadening from that minoritarianism--DEI, CRT, pro-crime black pandering, tranny nonsense (against natural sexuality, marriage, fertility, family).
We are seeing the immivasion/fertility destruction of the greatest civilization in human history--the West.
That is what matters. If your "MAJOR" issue is taxes or Israel or Ukraine or green energy or spending whatever ... you are clueless. Some things are transients that will be gone with the wind. Some this are substantial and forever--existential. If they are not fixed, then our nation(s) no longer exist and all the other nonsense is utterly irrelevant.
Harris was picked as someone who could stand next to Biden and make him look presidential by comparison. She dropped out of the 2020 race in 2019. Her pokemon points weren’t enough to get her any particular support among blacks or women.
Now her campaign managers are going to have to compete her against Trump, who just took a bullet for democracy. I guess no one else wanted the job (or does someone?). The hard-core Trump-haters will vote for her of course, but that only goes so far. Can you smell the desperation?
So what’s left? They’ll be scrambling to fortify the hell out of this election. I keep seeing things in my news feed about how COVID is surging in certain states. I think that noise I hear is printers spewing out mail-in ballots by the metric ton.
WWIII is on the table too. So many possibilities.
Where’s it all end? I have my doubts if we’ll actually have an election in November. If we do, it may well be the last.
Sorry, I’m too busy working on my upcoming book From Getting To Giving Blowjobs: The US Presidency From Clinton to Harris.
I know that most of us here don’t think much of Harris, but I think the Harris/Levine ticket will be hard to beat. Oh, hadn’t you heard? Admiral Rachel Levine, transwoman Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health, would be ready to serve, I’m sure.
A Black/Indian woman and a transwoman white guy (you know what I mean). I’m pretty sure that covers all the intersectional bases.
Do you want more of this, America?
Straight white religious girls from good families quickly realize they MUST become atheistic "LUGs" (Lesbians Until Graduation) in order to survive college.
Their professors are fat black atheist lesbians in wheelchairs with they/them pronouns, thus prompting the nubile frosh to engage in a mad dash for Pokemon points as fast as possible.
1. He has been going from the start – I doubt if any senior Dem expected him to stand – that he didn’t know that is just more evidence…
2. There will be a Dem Convention and the DNC can pretty much insert who they want (no convention and it will be Harris but no one wants her – that she may not know that is just more evidence…).
3. The Dem Candidate must have been known for a while. But the next 3 months program of campaigning has to be re-written starting from the day they are appointed.
4. Incredibly Biden in 2020 got 16m more votes than Hillary in 2016. 15m and 12m votes than Obama in 2012 and 2008. No one has a clue what Biden’s contribution to that was.
The key issue for Dems is to have a credible candidate so that 81m votes can again be counted straight faced.
Barrack can run as VP, Michelle as either. Either one would give Barrack his 4th term.Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @martin_2
Josh Shapiro currently in the lead for VP nomination. I’d buy him at current 21 cents up to 30.
There likely would have been a red wave in the 2022 election but some Republican candidates took an extremist position on the abortion issue and that alienated some suburban voters. The party learned a lesson from that. Rather than supporting a national abortion ban, they now advocate it be left up to the states.
A recent Gallup poll showed a big jump in support for immigration restriction. People are starting to realize the Democrats open border policy was not a good idea. They realize the mass vaccination requirements for an inadequately tested vaccine and lengthy lockdowns the Democrats pushed was not a good idea. They realize the Biden Ukraine intervention is turning into another quagmire like Vietnam or Afghanistan and was not a good idea. They realize the Democrats defunding the police was not a good idea. Therefore, keeping the Democrats in power is not a good idea.Replies: @epebble, @Jonathan Mason
Are you sure about that? If they appoint a smooth talking and good-looking VP candidate and Trump starts garbling his syntax, isn’t his age going to concern some people? What if some people start thinking, hmm, if he is like this now, how will he be when he is 82 or 83? Some swing voters who reluctantly didn’t want to vote for the corpse may not have that excuse anymore. It is no longer the corpse vs. the criminal choice for them; it is a normal person vs. a criminal.
Well kudos to AnotherBrother who called it a year or two back–though he was expecting it to happen sometime last fall, not this summer after all the primaries. Late still counts.
It makes the Democratic convention way more interesting, and that mere “excitement” can help them–a bit. But likely they are going to be stuck with Harris who excites positively no one. Or they risk generating bad feelings among blackocrats or gyneocrats or both.
Fundamentally the Parasite Party is running up against their “coalition of the fringes” problem that Steve has pointed out. It’s a parasite coalition “united” only in the common enemy of the normal productive white male–who they nonetheless want to keep producing “rich country” loot for them to loot. But the demos in the coalition do not actually love, or even respect, each other very much nor want to be “led”, or “lectured” by each other. (Jews and Muslims. Blacks and Mexicans. Blacks and everyone else. White women and everyone else.)
(I took my quickie poke at some of the fissures here:
Bottom line, amusingly enough their best demo for President–least offensive to the most people–is actually the font of all evil the hetero white gentile male.
But yes, a white male works because the Coalition of the Fringes is just a variation on the old zero sum spoils system. If you pick any member of the coalition then the other factions immediately feel that they are being shorted. A white male is a sort of neutral, equally hated by all. However, blacks as the most special CotF member are something of an exception.Replies: @AnotherDad
The dimocrats are going to provide a lot of entertainment this August as they try to prove that A and not-A are logically equivalent, that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, that the Ukraine is winning the US hegemon's war against the Russian Federation, and that Israel is not a genocidal threat to civilization and humanity.
If the curtain is accidentally drawn back and the Pritzker-Clinton-Obama-et al. Machine Wizard is revealed, we'll truly be leaving Kansas behind.
Doctah Jill must have been promised something big to agree to this.
Hunter is probably thinking of becoming a Jew and making Aliyah to escape prison in this country. Come to think of it, probably the whole Biden family are contemplating similar strategies.
Now the fun will really begin. A lot of pressure will be applied to make Harris the candidate by the fringes that make up what Steve calls the “Coalition of the Fringes.
But Harris is probably the least popular of all potential candidates. She was getting two percent or so of the dimocrat base vote when she bowed out, early on, during the last primary season. I suspect that a large majority of Americans share my visceral dislike of the woman, based on her mannerisms, her cackle, her absurd word salads when speaking off the cuff, and her unsavory means of rising to political prominence via suction on a certain part of Willie Brown’s anatomy.
An open convention will be a hoot and a half, probably resembling Chicago in 1968.
Let the games begin!
It makes the Democratic convention way more interesting, and that mere "excitement" can help them--a bit. But likely they are going to be stuck with Harris who excites positively no one. Or they risk generating bad feelings among blackocrats or gyneocrats or both.
Fundamentally the Parasite Party is running up against their "coalition of the fringes" problem that Steve has pointed out. It's a parasite coalition "united" only in the common enemy of the normal productive white male--who they nonetheless want to keep producing "rich country" loot for them to loot. But the demos in the coalition do not actually love, or even respect, each other very much nor want to be "led", or "lectured" by each other. (Jews and Muslims. Blacks and Mexicans. Blacks and everyone else. White women and everyone else.)
(I took my quickie poke at some of the fissures here:
Bottom line, amusingly enough their best demo for President--least offensive to the most people--is actually the font of all evil the hetero white gentile male.Replies: @Wilkey, @Jack D, @Jus' Sayin'...
I called it back in February, early in the primaries, in a comment here on iSteve. Biden’s people were keeping his condition quiet until after the primaries, waiting long enough until Kamala was the only likely option – bypassing all the Democratic Party voters. No other way for Kamala to be the nominee. Kamala is corrupt as they come. She has shown that she’s willing to do anything – or anyone – in order to get ahead.
trump and biden and steve all suffering from dementia and all teetotalers.
alcohol is a risk factor for dementia, but only for alcoholic dementia, which unlike all other forms of dementia is reversible.
i can’t help thinking steve’s vascular dementia could have been averted with a wee dram or two.
but now it’s too late.
steve needs to drop out.
Not sure about the impact, but it could be good for Trump.
Obviously Harris is a third-rate DEI candidate, but as a Holy Black, if she gets passed over, the black female base of the party will screech and some will withhold support.
So either 3rd-rate Harris is the candidate, or a somewhat better 2nd-rate Democrat is the candidate but without as much black female support. Either way, good for Trump.
Biden has endorsed Harris and for any number of reasons they have to give it to her.
I think this will be disastrous for the Dems. Even worse than Biden staying in. They say never underestimate the stupidity of the general public but I think that even the general public can see that Harris lacks the gravitas to be the leader of the free world.
I was speaking to someone today who is connected with Dem. politics in PA and he said that the blak vote in Philly is already maxed out – they can’t have (much) more than 100% of the Philly vote go Dem. So in order to take PA you have to take a certain % of the swing vote in suburban and red counties. Biden has at least some appeal to some blue collar whites but Harris is going to go over with this crowd like a lead balloon.
Even in Philly I don’t think Harris is as appealing as say Obama was. Obama was also a mixed breed immigrant kid raised by his non-black mother but when he became an adult he connected himself to the black community of Chicago. Other than Willie Brown (Harris was sure “connected” to him), Harris cast her lot with white liberals in CA. And her former job was as a prosecutor, puttin’ the brothas and sistas (mostly brothas) in jail. And before the era of catch and release prosecution. This is not a recipe for popularity in the black community.
They couldn't see that Biden was incompetent in 2020... The Dems will line up and do as they are told; if they don't they will be excommunicated and ostracized. It is a religion, you know.
"... they can’t have (much) more than 100% of the Philly vote go Dem.'
Oh, I'm pretty sure that can be stretched to 106% or even 108%. Hasn't that been done before? But I'm nitpicking.
Only we think that Harris would be a disastrous choice. The Dems think as they are told to think. Cacklin' Kamala will be revealed as a canny strategist - she only put on that act because VPs are expected to act like clowns at a bull fight, to protect their principal.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
My suggested line for the Dems:
“Biden is no longer competent enough to be our candidate. He is also no longer competent enough to suggest a replacement candidate.”
Also, I’m waiting for Biden to resign the presidency, retroactive to January 20, 2021.
Two women on the same ticket would certainly be a first, and might play pretty well.
Surely you jest. That would just tell every man still voting Democrat that it’s a women’s club and he ain’t welcome.
It’s already getting fun. I expect it to get crazy before it ends.
The best bookies in the world right now have it at:
Donald Trump — 8/15
Kamala Harris — 9/4
Keep in mind Trump was still a lot higher when it was just him and Joe.
The 10,000 listing for JD Vance will change if it hasn’t already. He gets a few points just for being new. When they get to know him as well as we do, it’ll go right into the gutter.
Why they are listing oddities like Gavin Newsom is a complete mystery to me.
Remember that past omen of the End Times.
The pro wrestler from the 80s and 90s, ‘Kamala the Ugandan Giant’, actually had the real last name ‘Harris’.
James ‘Kamala’ Harris passed away just the DAY before this more recent Kamala Harris became the running mate on the 2020 Democratic ticket. It all happened in the Aug 9-10, 2020 period of 24 hours.
Hence, there was an original ‘Kamala Harris’ 30 years ago :
To think, the first ‘Kamala Harris’ passed away just the day before the second ‘Kamala Harris’ was appointed on the Veep slot, at a time when never has a Veep had a better chance of actually becoming POTUS due to Biden’s advanced age.
What a coincidence. This was truly an immense coincidence.
This was an Omen of supernatural proportions. It should still not be taken lightly, even four years on. Coincidences of such precision are always omens.
Just like Trump turning his head at exactly the correct split second was also an act of divine intervention. Perhaps this divine act cancels out the previous ‘Kamala’ omen of end times.
Biden dont know what is happening…
I wonder how much longer Biden’s going to live now. I’d give him a 50/50 chance of surviving the next two years and a 1/4 chance of surviving four years. Retirement can be deadly for some people.
He'll get good health care.
If Biden is too far gone to run, then how is he still fit to govern? If he’s fully endorsed the capability of his VP, why not step aside now and let her take the reins of the administration?
One answer, I suppose, is that the people writing the script do not intend Harris to be the president. She may briefly serve as the nominee; but a reason will be found for her, too, to step aside. Look for a troubling financial scandal involving the husband in the coming weeks, to give Harris an alibi to bow out entirely. (This playbook has been rehearsed recently with NJ Sen. Menendez, though he refused to leave gracefully and has been excommunicated from the party.)
In other words, this may be step one in a two-part process to clear the decks of the 2020 ticket, and install a completely new pair before the election. (Again, NJ senatorial politics provides the precedent, in the case of the 11th-hour replacement of the embattled and corrupt Sen. Torricelli.)
Whatever shenanigans are deployed in the coming weeks, I expect most Dem voters to be totally on board, willing to accept *and defend* whatever crazy excuse is proffered for overriding a “democratic” election process. It goes without saying that the media and political class will unquestioningly follow orders.
It is funny how people on the ‘right’ refuse to remember that vote fraud overrides any notion of ‘getting Trump elected’. Trump needs 56% of the vote in any swing state to clear the fraud hurdle and take the EVs of that state. That, of course, is impossible.
Most cuckservatives (both voters and commentators) are going out of their way to not remind anyone that vote fraud is going to happen again, when there is no reason for Dems to abandon something that worked before.
They began immediately after the shock of 2016
By 2020, they had built a hurdle of +3 from vote fraud
By 2024, the fortress they have built is now +6
By the 2030s, the Senate will have a permanent supermajority of Democrats, with the Dem control ranging between 67 and 75 seats at all times. The GOP will be nothing more than a minor controlled opposition bunch of Lincoln Project types.
Maybe conservatism is so unthinking about ‘conserving’ the status quo even if left-wing, that now vote fraud that favors Democrats is something conservatives have a Pavlovian need to ‘conserve’. We are thus in the weird state of Republicans doing the work to maintain the smokescreen that enables vote fraud favoring Democrats.
With a ‘right’ like this, who needs the left?
Maybe part of our posture is that we're not convinced the Democrats can suborn the elections in 34-37 states to reach your projected Senatorial totals, especially when we are in 1980 type economic conditions that are substantially caused by "Biden." How many, which specific states you make a case for this?
How are you so absolutely sure all "safe" Blue states will be that way come November? Past elections almost always include at least one surprise; maybe there will be more this year, again if it's 1980, "are you better off than you were four years ago?"
And there's potentials for disastrous (mostly) Blue foreign policy outcomes we've not quite seen yet to compare to 1980, but there could be much pain in the cards due to insane procurement policies, most especially including munition production and inventories.
Meanwhile, on the RNC side, the Romney who helped lose three election cycles is out, noises are being made about reining in election cheating, and we hear about some cases being in progress.Replies: @anonymous
Generally agree.
The early debate may have been a 4-d chess move. Problem is, the Dems have no particularly good replacement.
Assassination attempt could well be the edge.
What’s the deal Brandon negotiated?
-Dr Jill president of an Ivy
-pardon for Hunter and the whole crooked family
-Big cash payoff via Netflix or something. No more access for Biden Inc to sell
-granddaughter Navy plays in traffic and disappears
It makes the Democratic convention way more interesting, and that mere "excitement" can help them--a bit. But likely they are going to be stuck with Harris who excites positively no one. Or they risk generating bad feelings among blackocrats or gyneocrats or both.
Fundamentally the Parasite Party is running up against their "coalition of the fringes" problem that Steve has pointed out. It's a parasite coalition "united" only in the common enemy of the normal productive white male--who they nonetheless want to keep producing "rich country" loot for them to loot. But the demos in the coalition do not actually love, or even respect, each other very much nor want to be "led", or "lectured" by each other. (Jews and Muslims. Blacks and Mexicans. Blacks and everyone else. White women and everyone else.)
(I took my quickie poke at some of the fissures here:
Bottom line, amusingly enough their best demo for President--least offensive to the most people--is actually the font of all evil the hetero white gentile male.Replies: @Wilkey, @Jack D, @Jus' Sayin'...
I dunno, Obama was pretty popular. I think the RIGHT black candidate (let’s say WESTLEY WATENDE OMARI (WES) MOORE) could have worked pretty well for them, just not Harris. (The Watende Omari is just phony Kwanzaa style blak nationalism from his parents. He actually had a relatively middle class upbringing.)
But yes, a white male works because the Coalition of the Fringes is just a variation on the old zero sum spoils system. If you pick any member of the coalition then the other factions immediately feel that they are being shorted. A white male is a sort of neutral, equally hated by all. However, blacks as the most special CotF member are something of an exception.
To be clear, I was talking about statistical generalizations. You have groups--notably blacks and women--that deliver huge numbers of votes and really think they ought to be represented. But members of those groups--and especially the ones who happen to be putting themselves forward--might not actually be all the appealing, competent, compelling to other groups in the party and to the swing voters the party must appeal to in order to win the presidency.
You are correct, in some sense it's just same old, same old coalition politics. But race and gender advertise and amplify the divisions. When conservatives wanted to bounce Henry Wallace from the ticket--insiders knowing Roosevelt was dying--Jimmy Byrnes might think he's the smartest guy in the room and ought to be next president, but the party left and right can compromise or a non-entity like Truman who offended no one and everyone in the party and public can sort of hum along ok. But when you have to play race and sex games and end up with an unpleasant incompetent like Kamala Harris, bouncing her becomes much, much more fraught. How dare you suggest a *woman*, a black *woman* isn't up to the job?
Race/sex diversity makes the coalition much more about *identity* rather than just ideology, policy and spoils and makes the squabbles much, much more fraught. Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on "who we are", on self-worth.Replies: @nebulafox, @Houston 1992
Hard to believe Kamala Harris can win. Nobody likes her. Widely considered to be incompetent. From California, which is a negative for most of the nation. Half-Jamaican half-Hindu woman scores some DEI points with some voters, but probably a negative for more voters. She has a lot of other negatives that we will be hearing more about.
You forgot to mention, ALL-Not-American. Which of course is the new "American" these days, im Dickicht. Take a bow, Jack D, you finally got what you wanted.
"but probably a negative for more voters."
Pfft. As if "voting" actually matters. You're so charmingly 20th-century. Wait, maybe 19th-century.Replies: @Jack D, @ThreeCranes
For years, Steve spoke of the democrats stealing elections through bringing in millions of foreign ringers, and I nodded in assent. However, neither he nor I (nor anyone else) foresaw the democrats not waiting on their foreign ringers, and instead engaging in massive election fraud on a national basis.Replies: @John Johnson
Luckily, Biden is endorsing Kamala Harris. Hopefully she’s the nominee, loses, and Trump does nothing but talk shit in the internet for the next four years.Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
Josh Shapiro is turning Pennsylvania into a tax farm for its public sector. Its net domestic migration is -40,500 people a year.
It makes the Democratic convention way more interesting, and that mere "excitement" can help them--a bit. But likely they are going to be stuck with Harris who excites positively no one. Or they risk generating bad feelings among blackocrats or gyneocrats or both.
Fundamentally the Parasite Party is running up against their "coalition of the fringes" problem that Steve has pointed out. It's a parasite coalition "united" only in the common enemy of the normal productive white male--who they nonetheless want to keep producing "rich country" loot for them to loot. But the demos in the coalition do not actually love, or even respect, each other very much nor want to be "led", or "lectured" by each other. (Jews and Muslims. Blacks and Mexicans. Blacks and everyone else. White women and everyone else.)
(I took my quickie poke at some of the fissures here:
Bottom line, amusingly enough their best demo for President--least offensive to the most people--is actually the font of all evil the hetero white gentile male.Replies: @Wilkey, @Jack D, @Jus' Sayin'...
Your comment, which you link to, is spot on.
The dimocrats are going to provide a lot of entertainment this August as they try to prove that A and not-A are logically equivalent, that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, that the Ukraine is winning the US hegemon’s war against the Russian Federation, and that Israel is not a genocidal threat to civilization and humanity.
If the curtain is accidentally drawn back and the Pritzker-Clinton-Obama-et al. Machine Wizard is revealed, we’ll truly be leaving Kansas behind.
Surely you jest. That would just tell every man still voting Democrat that it's a women's club and he ain't welcome.Replies: @anonymous, @Bumpkin
Uh, you understand leftist men are cucks who are fine with the weaker sex dominating them, yes?
“I think that even the general public can see that Harris lacks the gravitas to be the leader of the free world.”
Jack, is that not what was said of #43…wonder who will be selected to play the role of Kamala’s Cheney?
As for November 5th, guessing when the “popular vote” count is complete, the number will come in well North of the 81 million cast & found for Biden. @Prester John
“…even the general public can see that Harris lacks the gravitas to be the leader of the free world”
They couldn’t see that Biden was incompetent in 2020… The Dems will line up and do as they are told; if they don’t they will be excommunicated and ostracized. It is a religion, you know.
“… they can’t have (much) more than 100% of the Philly vote go Dem.’
Oh, I’m pretty sure that can be stretched to 106% or even 108%. Hasn’t that been done before? But I’m nitpicking.
Only we think that Harris would be a disastrous choice. The Dems think as they are told to think. Cacklin’ Kamala will be revealed as a canny strategist – she only put on that act because VPs are expected to act like clowns at a bull fight, to protect their principal.
Indeed. I won’t gloat since so many of my predictions are off, but it was clear that he was sunk after the debate, maybe done in by his own party. As for his fortitude, he’s at the stage of his life when implied threats of withdrawal of bathroom assistance or ‘no more chocolate pudding, Joe’ are existential threats.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
Biden is a loathsome snake, it is true, but the comments about Biden written by Donald Trump today on Truth Social are unhinged.
It would be better to take Biden to task for his diplomatic failures over Ukraine and Israel.
The question is what happens in the White House now?
Is Kamala Harris now president of the USA effective Monday?
Who will she select as her running mate? George Clooney?
Buttigieg looks like a good candidate, except for one thing that would turn off a lot of voters. But then again Harris is alleged to suck dick too. So maybe they could work together.
Could A. Blinken be the Democrats new Abe Lincoln? Good catch. Is it yours?Replies: @Jonathan Mason
Pity Tulsi is out.Replies: @vinteuil, @mc23
Put the bong down.
For a disabled Biden to continue with democrat support makes the Democratic Party an enemy of the people. Our national security is at dire risk.
Members of Congress should also lay out articles for impeachment of Biden immediately, with more demands for information regarding his conspiracy to receive payoffs via his crackhead son's China initiatives. Biden has time to testify in congress now. Let’s not waste it.
Create pressure on him and his crazy crackhead son now.Replies: @epebble, @AnotherDad
But if Biden quits today, Harris will have the title of President on election day. Unless she screws up big time, who can argue that a president is not fit to be elected to the office of the president?
What’s the over/under on how many more times we see Biden in public? 10?
Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex successfully kept unscripted Joe, who occupies the most scrutinized office on earth, out of the public eye for four years. When everyone finally got an at-length look at Joe in the debate, it wasn't his "debate performance" that was shocking, it was that his obvious incompetency had been hidden for so long.
They won't want a sequel.
So maybe a few scripted (teleprompter+ Adderall) appearances. Maaaaybe an accidental comment or two between venues. But they put down the marker that Joe had "an off night." They don't want it obviously confirmed that they were lying again.Replies: @Mike Tre
Does exemption from criminal prosecution in office also apply to a vice-president?
If so there is nothing to stop Kamala Harris from quite legally sticking a knife in the back of Joe Biden so that she can assume the presidency right away.
It has all been done before.
Joe decides to step out just as the skirmish between Israel and the Houthi’s begins to heat up. Now all Joe has to do is resign and leave it all to Harris. The republicans are already are calling for him to step aside. Does the Speaker become VP? Will the racist country fight for Harris? Only time will tell.
It was only a question of when, not if. Biden is endorsing Harris as his successor but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the party agrees. Am still betting on an open (and brokered) convention, with at least one of the two nominees being black (either Harris or someone else).
I am perplexed. Biden seemingly wants to stay in office for the remaining months – so he gives Harris no chance to show presidential abilities, the only way she could improve her reputation. Thus, does he not really support Harris? But then, why say so?
But I think realistically Joe's endorsement is not because he loves or even like Harris, it is a claim that he did not screw up back in 2020, it is an endorsement of himself as a decision maker.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Anonymous
Jack, is that not what was said of #43...wonder who will be selected to play the role of Kamala's Cheney?
As for November 5th, guessing when the "popular vote" count is complete, the number will come in well North of the 81 million cast & found for Biden.Replies: @epebble
For the numerically inclined, Trump won in 2016 by about 80,000 votes strategically distributed across battleground states. This against a woman about whom one could shout ‘lock her up’ for her email server shenanigans. Between 2016 to 2024, Democrats likely have a 2 million advantage due to demographic change (and thanks to a million plus -predominantly older – Covid deaths). I don’t think it would be a cakewalk against Harris for a 78-year-old man with a perception of “convicted felon”.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
The only way to last in Washington for decades is to have zero principals and embrace whatever the latest craze is.
Jones praises his selflessness in pulling out of the race.
None of these newscaster lapdogs can be true leftists as you said he was always in bed with corrupt bankers and warmongers.
Stick a fork in AmericaReplies: @Gordo, @Curle
Jesus what a tableau!
Perhaps the most fascinating thing here is how Harris has hurtled almost onto the throne despite no one other than the media wanting her. And even they don’t really want her anymore I don’t think, they wanted her in 2019. Well before the 2020 primary’s got rolling many declared her the frontrunner. Nate Silver, in particular, I recall saying this. But then Harris’s primary campaign was a failure beyond imagination. Dropped out before Iowa even cause she got no traction at all. But confused old Biden makes her VP for some unknown reason. Even if they felt obliged to include a black woman as the VP they could’ve looked for someone that hadn’t already failed when put in the limelight. It would’ve been a nonentity, but again, Harris was already a failure. Becoming VP has not made her any more likable though obviously it made her may more prominent. Even so, a primary campaign would’ve been very challenging. No good reason to believe she’d win. But now here she is as the presumptive nominee. May not happen of course, we’re in uncharted waters. But it’ll be hard to deny her after Biden’s endorsement.
Democrat ground game types must be pretty annoyed though. Now they’ve got to reprint all their fake ballots!
Interesting. If they toss her, then they will probably have to nominate another black for VP (if not for POTUS), otherwise the black vote will collectively stay home in November. They can’t afford that.
At least both of them kept it within their respective races, so there’s that.
Good catch. Is it yours?
Blinken? Interesting.
Pity Tulsi is out.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
The Doha Accord was signed in February 2020 under authority of President Trump and US troop withdrawals began within 135 days to be completed by May 2021.
“It’s Trump’s race to lose”
Well, if we see a repeat of 2020 with the b.s. mail-ins and early voting and such, you can bet on it.
America lost its innocence twice in one week; three times if you count the CrowdStrike thing.
A dog’s breakfast of a man.
Humph — wait, sorry… what? Are we talking about Biden?
Well, him too.
I expect a wave of sympathy for the old man
Aye, well he’ll not get it from me. He was a disgraceful shitbag who devoted his life to harming the USA and, indeed, the rest of the world.
But he did give me one guffaw in the last few days. He argued that SCOTUS should have a mandatory retirement age of 80. Meantime he was running for re-election aged 81.
Hugh Hewitt is a conventionally accredited high verbal expert, a government lawyer, a professor of Constitutional law, an attender of elegant Green Zone soirees where he rubs elbows with generals and admirals. He is consistently wrong in predictions, especially on foreign policy.
Mike Gallagher is a goofball theatre nerd with no particular expertise outside radio hosting and musical theatre. He consistently beats Hugh, especially on foreign policy. This past week he started beating a drum: “Don’t say ‘Kamala Harris,’ always say, ‘Border Tsar Kamala Harris.’”
NPR just now, doing their best to put a brave face on the chaos, described the border as one of Harris’s strengths. There is also the problem of idiot women believing that a Republican victory will make the Handmaid’s Tale real, even as the GOP has wisely attempted to step back from abortion as a campaign issue.
A voice on the radio last night, asked to sum it all up: “The CIA is really, really bad at running a country.”
Somebody has to start doing “Kamala the HR Lady” memes.
HR Lady for POTUS!
The free world could really use first-class Human Resources leadership!
Gotta meet those EEOC quotas? Kamala’s the woman for the job.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
Biden is a great illustration of the danger of corruption. This isn’t about tallying shortcomings, this isn’t about sin. Every single one of the deaths in the Ukraine are a result of the Biden crime family wanting money that did not belong to it.
This is high level gaslighting. Exactly why Mr. Sailer is focusing on Substack.
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.Replies: @JimB, @QCIC, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke, @James Speaks
Six months. Learn to count.
Has Biden effectively been fired because he couldn’t even carry off a simple assassination?
If Joe’s in control of his bodily functions he’s having a good day. But I think he really didn’t want to stand down. Pushing for Kamala to replace him could be a parting revenge.
If you decide to retire, you were never in control? What? Please think before you post (or click “Agree”.) If you are claiming someone forced Biden not to run again you need to provide actual supporting evidence.
He was pressured.Replies: @Anonymous
What looked like a walk in the park a few hours ago is now a horse race.
Anybody could see Trump and his VanceBot winning against the lettuce head. Now?
Do they HAVE to go with Kamel? Can they just open it up and get some new blood?
Worse yet -- can Obama step in and become prez again? Obama and Big Mike -- the 20s tour?Replies: @ScarletNumber, @Torna atrás, @Anonymous, @Jim Don Bob
If you mean Kamala: No, they don’t. The convention will be open. The only legal right she has is if Biden steps down from the presidency. Then she will be president through January 20, 2025.
In other words, the rights of those thousands of individuals who gave him money are better protected than the 14 million individuals who have already given him votes.Replies: @SF, @Gandydancer
Your fame might rise a few notches for correctly predicting Kamala Harris’ climbing to the (officially) highest rank.
Oh – and the USA might have a new greeting August personae.
2. There will be a Dem Convention and the DNC can pretty much insert who they want (no convention and it will be Harris but no one wants her - that she may not know that is just more evidence...).
3. The Dem Candidate must have been known for a while. But the next 3 months program of campaigning has to be re-written starting from the day they are appointed.
4. Incredibly Biden in 2020 got 16m more votes than Hillary in 2016. 15m and 12m votes than Obama in 2012 and 2008. No one has a clue what Biden's contribution to that was.
The key issue for Dems is to have a credible candidate so that 81m votes can again be counted straight faced.Replies: @trevor, @TWS
It wouldn’t be surprising if the Democrats put one or the other of the Obamas on the ticket.
Barrack can run as VP, Michelle as either. Either one would give Barrack his 4th term. @Anonymous, @mc23
What is so remarkable about it?
But yes, a white male works because the Coalition of the Fringes is just a variation on the old zero sum spoils system. If you pick any member of the coalition then the other factions immediately feel that they are being shorted. A white male is a sort of neutral, equally hated by all. However, blacks as the most special CotF member are something of an exception.Replies: @AnotherDad
Agree. Obama was a great candidate for them, because both because of his affect and being “black” he was a huge stoke for the “good whites” getting to vote for the black messiah, plus had appeal to blacks being “black” (enough). But now the whole “first black!” thing is done.
To be clear, I was talking about statistical generalizations. You have groups–notably blacks and women–that deliver huge numbers of votes and really think they ought to be represented. But members of those groups–and especially the ones who happen to be putting themselves forward–might not actually be all the appealing, competent, compelling to other groups in the party and to the swing voters the party must appeal to in order to win the presidency.
You are correct, in some sense it’s just same old, same old coalition politics. But race and gender advertise and amplify the divisions. When conservatives wanted to bounce Henry Wallace from the ticket–insiders knowing Roosevelt was dying–Jimmy Byrnes might think he’s the smartest guy in the room and ought to be next president, but the party left and right can compromise or a non-entity like Truman who offended no one and everyone in the party and public can sort of hum along ok. But when you have to play race and sex games and end up with an unpleasant incompetent like Kamala Harris, bouncing her becomes much, much more fraught. How dare you suggest a *woman*, a black *woman* isn’t up to the job?
Race/sex diversity makes the coalition much more about *identity* rather than just ideology, policy and spoils and makes the squabbles much, much more fraught. Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on “who we are”, on self-worth.
If Harris really was an appealing prospect who could easily beat Trump, Jill would have never been able to keep Biden in the saddle as long as she did. It's part of why I strongly suspect she's a sacrifice bone who 2024 can be blamed on.
>Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on “who we are”, on self-worth.
Lebanon, Yugoslavia, the former USSR...
Equally , Harris could implode for many reasons . Managing the tension between the donor class versus the voters who are often pro - Pal is probably impossible
Does Harris as Senate President need to preside over Congress when Bibi comes ? She cannot simultaneously remain seated and clap , and stand while clapping ? Yet, one action alienates either donor$ or voters especially the young and MI MuslimsReplies: @Anon
That theory changed—it’s the Puritans anon. Steve still in the game!
2. There will be a Dem Convention and the DNC can pretty much insert who they want (no convention and it will be Harris but no one wants her - that she may not know that is just more evidence...).
3. The Dem Candidate must have been known for a while. But the next 3 months program of campaigning has to be re-written starting from the day they are appointed.
4. Incredibly Biden in 2020 got 16m more votes than Hillary in 2016. 15m and 12m votes than Obama in 2012 and 2008. No one has a clue what Biden's contribution to that was.
The key issue for Dems is to have a credible candidate so that 81m votes can again be counted straight faced.Replies: @trevor, @TWS
Fortification i.e. fraud. That was what his campaign brought to the table. “The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden.
Harris/Pritzker is my prediction. The Democrats will steal enough votes for them to win.
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn't be a bad choice. But--as I've commented--the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio's senior senator, Sherrod Brown--a bit on the old side but younger than Trump--to go toe to toe with Vance. I'm sure the "party elders" will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin--Notorious RBG's heartthrob--would be the ideal "ticket balancing" choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous, @James B. Shearer, @Anonymous
Aye, well he'll not get it from me. He was a disgraceful shitbag who devoted his life to harming the USA and, indeed, the rest of the world.
But he did give me one guffaw in the last few days. He argued that SCOTUS should have a mandatory retirement age of 80. Meantime he was running for re-election aged 81.Replies: @Cagey Beast
Biden still has time to do a lot more harm. If anything he’s more dangerous now.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
You left out the sexual predator part.
Oh, and the showering with his daughter thing.
Joe Biden is slime.
Having already admitted their Leader of the Free World is a hollow shell, I don't see how they can viably turn around and say the woman they nominated to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency shouldn't be the Democratic candidate.
Harris will probably have to nominate her husband as VP; nobody else can stand to be around her.
Also possible that Harris gets 100 million votes--most popular candidate ever. Even more popular than the wildly popular Joe Biden.Replies: @Anonymous
This isn’t 1968 or 1972.
Democrats have this thing in the bag regardless of who they run. Contrary to the idea they are a “circular firing squad,” after the 2016 asleep at the switch moment, Democrats will always fall in-line come November. Look at 2020 and 2022. They own the “Ground Game.”
Harvesting, mail-ins, a complicit media and half the former “silent majority” of purple-haired, nose-ringed women conditioned by post-1965 politics to vote exclusively on their dream to one day having an abortion.
Add to that the conditioning of these people that Trump is somehow Hitler and Kamala gets at minimum 90 million votes.
As I tell my Republican friends “It’s over Johnnie…..”
It's more the anti-abortion fanatics saying things like a fertilized egg and a woman are of equal value thereby showing they don't value women.Replies: @Oscar Goldman, @Reg Cæsar
But there's a white pill to take along with the black one (as it were). My instinct tells me that a lot of TPTB had been resigning themselves to a Trump-47 term in the past several weeks precisely because they look at the bigger picture and figure that we are overdue for an significant economic downturn--one based on familiar secular business cycles and not a black swan like Covid. They figured, not unreasonably, that if it could be engineered to happen on Trump's watch, the GOP would be the one left holding the bag, and get a truly left-authoritarian regime in 2028. That scheme is out the window now, so folks on the right can look forward--not as sour grapes but more along the lines of Lenin's "чем хуже, тем лучше"--to take advantage of Cackles and her gang of chislers' hapless reaction to the coming De-dollarization Crash.
Anon said,
Plan A was calling him hilter
Plan B was calling his supporters nazis
Plan C was saying he was a russian spy
Plan D was fake civil unrest
Plan E was fakedemic
Plan F was steal the election
Plan G was staging an insurrection
Plan H was arresting his supporters
Plan I was lawfare
Plan J was kill him
Plan K giving up???
Him or his double?
The best bookies in the world right now have it at:
Donald Trump -- 8/15
Kamala Harris -- 9/4
Keep in mind Trump was still a lot higher when it was just him and Joe.
The 10,000 listing for JD Vance will change if it hasn't already. He gets a few points just for being new. When they get to know him as well as we do, it'll go right into the gutter.
Why they are listing oddities like Gavin Newsom is a complete mystery to me.Replies: @Anon
What do you mean? Do you not consider Vance a good candidate?
The lack of substance is already showing.
"A walk in the depths of his soul would barely get your feet wet."
November is still a long way off. He will be seen for the empty suit he is long before.
The next four months are going to be unpleasant — if we’re lucky.
If we’re unlucky, the next four and a half years are going to be unpleasant.
She also has the right to campaign using Joe’s money, which otherwise must be returned to the donor. It can’t go directly to any other candidate.
In other words, the rights of those thousands of individuals who gave him money are better protected than the 14 million individuals who have already given him votes.
IMHO there is zero chance that the courts will deny Harris access to these funds for any significant period of time.
The above link takes you to a Stanford U website with a photo of Kamala’s father, born in Jamaica, later divorced from her mother.
You will notice that from his photo Harris is not “African” but at most biracial.
So, for the racial demographics, Kamala is 1/2 “dot” Indian (mother) and 1/4 “African” Jamaican and somewhere back there, White Jamaican (father), likely from England.
So Kamala is even less “black” than Obama is.
Of course in the Dem propaganda this will be ignored.
When it comes to racial politics, the Democrats still honor the ‘one-drop” rule. (See Sen. “Big Chief’ Liz Warren, 1/1028 th American Indian.)
Be fair, it’s not just Novogratz. Other donors also get a vote. Our Democracy™ in action. It will doubtless shock you to learn that Novogratz’s brother in law is the owner of TED talks. You could have knocked me over with a feather! Novogratz is not Jewish btw, in case you were wondering though he did get his start at Goldman..
Perhaps Melania could supply us with details.
Michael's father was a football star at Army back when that meant something. This makes Mike the Mark Harmon of Silicon Valley.
Back to the campaign, now two of the last three Democratic candidates have been women, and two-and-a-half of the last five black. The last one who was white, male, and coherent was John Kerry, 20 years ago.Replies: @Stan Adams, @nebulafox
Steve’s theory — which I think is probably right — was that Biden was in fact the top dog, rather than being a puppet of other forces. That’s not the same as having total control though. Even a top dog has to back down if enough of the pack turns on him.
I should add that, having dealt with a relative who had a significant of dementia, I don’t thing Biden was actually senile. He was just physically frail and easily exhausted.
Many cases of dementia are progressive, they start out barely noticeable with very little impairment but then just keep getting worse. So whether or not Biden was currently impaired enough to be fairly called senile he was likely on the way.
Barrack can run as VP, Michelle as either. Either one would give Barrack his 4th term.Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @martin_2
No he cannot. The final sentence of the Twelfth Amendment:
Well, he can run till he’s blue in the face, but he cannot serve, even for a day. And probably not even eligible to be on most state’s ballots.
For all the Jew obsessed commentators here, how is this “good for the Jews”?
If Jews control everything, why this now?
I have little doubt that some will eventually construct some Rube Goldberg theory (see! they do control everything!) but at the moment this seems obscure.
All the money invested in Senile Joe is now kaput.
Slogan of the hour: “Believe the Democrat Party! Eventually we get it right!”
Did Biden have anything to do with this tweet? He doesn't write his own tweets. Announcing this by tweet and not by a proper press conference sounds suspicious. This morning his campaign manager went on TV and insisted that Biden wasn't dropping out. After the tweet, Biden campaign staffers told journalists that they were caught completely off guard and had had no indication he'd leave the race.
I honestly think they just waited until he was asleep and then tweeted this because, like legislating gay marriage from the bench, it's a matter of overcoming inertia. Now Biden has to go along with it because properly rejecting the tweet would prove that nobody's in charge anyway.
Democrats just blew up their own narratives regarding 2020 and Biden's competency in the first three years. Everyone now understands why Biden didn't campaign in 2020 and that the election was fraudulent.
The downside is that she might win.
So you’re saying it’s like Illinois: shedding productive taxpayers and Republicans.
Don’t quit your day job just yet.
North Carolina -
Trump's 2020 margin: 1.34%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 12.73%
Michigan -
Biden's 2020 margin: 2.78%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 13.2%
Wisconsin -
Biden's 2020 margin: 0.63%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 8.4%
Minnesota -
Biden's 2020 margin: 7.12%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 18.8%
Pennsylvania -
Biden's margin 2020: 1.16%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.3%
Nevada -
Biden's 2020 margin: 2.39%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.6%Replies: @RadicalCenter Good catch. Is it yours?Replies: @Jonathan Mason
Harris and a Hispanic politician. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter.
The most interesting development is the Clintons almost immediate endorsement of Harris. If she wins, they look like the pros everyone claims they are. If she loses, oh well, they did what they could to help. Obama looks like a Johnny come lately.
No white is gonna be on the Democrat ticket for a while...even if Harris picks a white Latina, they are not a White Anglo.
I’ve been reading the news since the debate. Every single news report on the issue said that he did not want to withdraw.
He was pressured.
Graetz is not uncommonly a Jewish name.
Per Jim Rickards:
1. Q: In quiet circles, there are serious concerns about Obama assuming the role of president. Since he can’t be elected for a third term, can he run as a vice presidential candidate with Kamala Harris and then legally accept the presidency if the president resigns? Or does the 12th Amendment forbid that? -Bill W.
A: The controlling law in this case is the Twenty-Second Amendment. It says, “No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice…” Obama has been elected twice so he cannot be elected President again. He could be elected Vice President on a ticket with President Kamala Harris. Thereafter, if Kamala Harris resigned, Obama would become President again. This does not violate the Twenty-Second Amendment because his third time as President is not the result of being “elected to the office.”
1. Q: In quiet circles, there are serious concerns about Obama assuming the role of president. Since he can’t be elected for a third term, can he run as a vice presidential candidate with Kamala Harris and then legally accept the presidency if the president resigns? Or does the 12th Amendment forbid that? -Bill W.
A: The controlling law in this case is the Twenty-Second Amendment. It says, “No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice…” Obama has been elected twice so he cannot be elected President again. He could be elected Vice President on a ticket with President Kamala Harris. Thereafter, if Kamala Harris resigned, Obama would become President again. This does not violate the Twenty-Second Amendment because his third time as President is not the result of being “elected to the office.”
Your qualifications and authority, Reg?
Originalism could be of use here. Let's go back to the Congressional debates and ratification sessions and find the stated intention of inserting a back-door end run to be used by future Cæsars. Or Roosevelts.
Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
Dems should run Barrack Obama for VP, then have Harris step down after two years and a day in office.
Not that it matters to the decisions made by our actual rulers, I guess.
RC has loony ideas about the meaning of the 22nd Amendment , but the 12th is dispositive, and I've thanked him for pointing that out.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Steve thinks that “Biden is in control” (he wasn’t “in control” ever, not even at the beginning of it, nor for his whole life), that there are no conspiracies and that the elites are well-meaning but inept, that racial replacement is being pushed just because the Harvard grads haven’t realized that Blacks run faster than Whites (which proves “HBD”, thus, that Blacks are also dumber), etc etc.
There will be no impact. Trump has been already selected as the next president for a while, the fake ritual of the “assassination attempt” was only the final step. @Jack D
Who would they choose, Maxine Waters? lol
It’s all a lot of drama but will things really be that different no matter who runs and wins in November? The biggest impact will be all the hard feelings generated. Will permanent Washington tolerate real change? All the evidence says otherwise.
Kamala was too lazy and narcissistic to work with an acting coach during the transition, or thereafter. But her staff is sure scrambling to hire one right now, as I type this. And, the hard part, diplomatically negotiating with fiery private Kamala: Please, Madam Vice President…at least work on eliminating the charming, winsome, but now-inappropriate laugh, and the too-companionable tone. Just a gravitas short course.” Harris will agree to that much. The result will be that, while word-salad verbal constructions will still be uttered, these will be delivered in a style that does not resemble a kindergarten teacher. She would need to take a short refresher course every single day until it truly sinks in.
Are we sure that Biden is still alive? A Twitter statement and a promised TV appearance later this week does not inspire confidence.
If Jews control everything, why this now?
I have little doubt that some will eventually construct some Rube Goldberg theory (see! they do control everything!) but at the moment this seems obscure.
All the money invested in Senile Joe is now kaput.
Slogan of the hour: "Believe the Democrat Party! Eventually we get it right!"
Replies: @J.Ross, @mc23
Actually, that’s one of the simplest issues here. The Obamist faction of the Democrats has been the coldest toward Israel in memory. Biden restored the JCPOA, indirectly supported terrorism, then hemmed and hawwed about supporting Israel during a war, and picked fights with their leadership. There’s lots of other things happening but this part of it is quite straightforward.
Did Biden have anything to do with this tweet? He doesn’t write his own tweets. Announcing this by tweet and not by a proper press conference sounds suspicious. This morning his campaign manager went on TV and insisted that Biden wasn’t dropping out. After the tweet, Biden campaign staffers told journalists that they were caught completely off guard and had had no indication he’d leave the race.
I honestly think they just waited until he was asleep and then tweeted this because, like legislating gay marriage from the bench, it’s a matter of overcoming inertia. Now Biden has to go along with it because properly rejecting the tweet would prove that nobody’s in charge anyway.
Democrats just blew up their own narratives regarding 2020 and Biden’s competency in the first three years. Everyone now understands why Biden didn’t campaign in 2020 and that the election was fraudulent.
The Maltese Chickenhawk, as it were.
I know that most of us here don't think much of Harris, but I think the Harris/Levine ticket will be hard to beat. Oh, hadn't you heard? Admiral Rachel Levine, transwoman Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health, would be ready to serve, I'm sure.
A Black/Indian woman and a transwoman white guy (you know what I mean). I'm pretty sure that covers all the intersectional bases.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star, @ChrisZ, @Mr. Anon, @Thomas Huxley
A Dindu-Hindu and a Man-Woman. American unity at its finest.
There likely would have been a red wave in the 2022 election but some Republican candidates took an extremist position on the abortion issue and that alienated some suburban voters. The party learned a lesson from that. Rather than supporting a national abortion ban, they now advocate it be left up to the states.
A recent Gallup poll showed a big jump in support for immigration restriction. People are starting to realize the Democrats open border policy was not a good idea. They realize the mass vaccination requirements for an inadequately tested vaccine and lengthy lockdowns the Democrats pushed was not a good idea. They realize the Biden Ukraine intervention is turning into another quagmire like Vietnam or Afghanistan and was not a good idea. They realize the Democrats defunding the police was not a good idea. Therefore, keeping the Democrats in power is not a good idea.Replies: @epebble, @Jonathan Mason
More fool Gallup.
The Democrats do not have an open borders policy, except for specially designated temporary protected status Nations such as Cuba, Haiti, and Venezuela.
Of course the Democrats are still complying with the UN international treaty on refugees and asylum, as did the Trump administration.
It is not yet clear what legislative changes the Republicans intend to make regarding the excepted Nations and the asylum laws.
If Trump wins the election and takes office and on day one he issues an executive order saying that the United States no longer has an open borders policy, this will achieve precisely nothing.
Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Reg Cæsar, @Prester John
But we all knew that. @Barnard, @Wokechoke
Why would anyone with a possible future at that level want to be number 2 to Kamala?
I am surprised by Biden’s withdrawal, but then the man is clearly dying. He should spend what little time he has left with his grandchildren, including the one he has so far refused to meet.
The Harris selection is good.
First, by rallying around her, the party avoids an ugly intraparty fight.
Second, since Harris isn’t dying, she can actually campaign. She may be an unlikeable moron, but being able to campaign is an upgrade over obviously dying. In this sense she’s high variance, whereas with Joe there’s no hope of recovery.
Third, because the Democrats are probably cooked in November no matter what, letting Harris take the L eliminates this obvious liability from future Presidential races. The party can then nominate a better contender like Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, Kelly, or Beshear in 2028 to square off against Vance.
I’m sure her Jamaican grandfather having owned 200 slaves back in the day will help her with the black vote. I wonder how reparations work in that case?
My argument all along is that Biden could not drop out because the Dems had no adequate substitute.
I was wrong. They do have no adequate substitute for 2024, but they need to remove Kamala from the running for 2028 without seeming racist. The Dems are going to use the 2024 election to eliminate Kamala from all future presidential elections by having her lose that election.
The knives are out for Kamala. She is that repellent. She is Hillary-level repellent. The Dems need her to go away. And there is nothing quite so effective as having her run against Trump this year.
Who are the Dems going to run against JD Vance in 2028? My guess is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. The man has Kennedy-level charisma.
I'm pretty sure I saw him and his mother and twin brother in a show about the Statue of Liberty's reopening in '86.
Meanwhile, owing to his talent for high-status shit-talking, his love of bling, good humor, assorted kids from different marriages, suffering through bogus criminal and civil court cases, being accused by a prostitute for something he didn’t do, and finally, actually taking a bullet from an enemy from a rival gang, I submit that Donald Trump is qualifiably the first real black man to hold the office of President of the United States!!
Getting knocked off his perch via white folks treachery, only to return to take it back, is as black as that shit gets!
I, for one, bow before our returning Black President!
And to Kamala Harris: Sit down you cross-eyed Indian ho-bag! Ain’t nuthin' bout you that’s black! Give that shit up!
Shaun King laughs at you!
The more common spellings of Novogoratz and Novogoracz are bunched up in the village of Szentpéterfa, Hungary, along the borders of Austria and Slovenia. It is to be found at the south end of this monstrosity:
Perhaps Melania could supply us with details.
Michael’s father was a football star at Army back when that meant something. This makes Mike the Mark Harmon of Silicon Valley.
Back to the campaign, now two of the last three Democratic candidates have been women, and two-and-a-half of the last five black. The last one who was white, male, and coherent was John Kerry, 20 years ago.
They’re having him withdraw now so he can prepare to run again in 2028.
Strange how Biden did not hold a press conference and instead announced the decision via Twitter and the online letter. It’s and understatement to say this is totally Soviet. Of course, since the Democrat party is now run by Jewish Bolsheviks this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Pity Tulsi is out.Replies: @vinteuil, @mc23
This exchange between Bardon Kaldian & Jonathan Mason seems worth preserving.
Biden (or something/someone looking remarkably similar) is scheduled to meet Netanyahu in Washington on Tuesday. It’s said that he didn’t want to give Netanyahu the satisfaction of his standing down before the visit. All very curious.
If Trump wins, he can retire any time after he’s sworn in, and it won’t affect his legacy. In fact, retiring sooner would be better as he wouldn’t have the problem of unforeseen recessions, etc. Hopefully, he doesn’t have in mind something like “be remembered as the President who ended Iran.”
Might have to distinguish between scripted and unscripted appearances.
Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex successfully kept unscripted Joe, who occupies the most scrutinized office on earth, out of the public eye for four years. When everyone finally got an at-length look at Joe in the debate, it wasn’t his “debate performance” that was shocking, it was that his obvious incompetency had been hidden for so long.
They won’t want a sequel.
So maybe a few scripted (teleprompter+ Adderall) appearances. Maaaaybe an accidental comment or two between venues. But they put down the marker that Joe had “an off night.” They don’t want it obviously confirmed that they were lying again.
That true, although I can't remember an unscripted appearance since he took office.
"Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex"
Try Dem Industrial Complex-Media, or DIC-M for short.Replies: @Almost Missouri
Trump just needs to whip out the fight, fight, fight photo
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.Replies: @JimB, @QCIC, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke, @James Speaks
The nightmare is dead!
Long live the nightmare!
They couldn't see that Biden was incompetent in 2020... The Dems will line up and do as they are told; if they don't they will be excommunicated and ostracized. It is a religion, you know.
"... they can’t have (much) more than 100% of the Philly vote go Dem.'
Oh, I'm pretty sure that can be stretched to 106% or even 108%. Hasn't that been done before? But I'm nitpicking.
Only we think that Harris would be a disastrous choice. The Dems think as they are told to think. Cacklin' Kamala will be revealed as a canny strategist - she only put on that act because VPs are expected to act like clowns at a bull fight, to protect their principal.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
Her persona till now, starting as a sex worker for Willie Brown, has been a clever impersonation like the Scarlet Pimpernel. Kamala has mastered (mistressed?) the art of 4-D chess! She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes!
Great convention Guys!
I was thoroughly entertained.
Steve Sailer sez:
I don’t need Unz Review now. I struck it so rich, I’ve decided to chuck it. So long, all you losers, now beggars can choose, and I’m going the Substack route. Suck it!
After the nominee is determined, Biden should resign.
Over the last few months, Biden had lost people’s confidence that he can perform as President during the next few years.
He isn’t getting any younger.
Biden wasn't getting any younger when he ran in 2020. The signs were already well entrenched at that point for all to notice.
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
The Taliban took over so leaving Afghanistan was a massive failure.
The only failure was getting into the mess in the first place.
It’s Trump’s race to lose — which I think is well within his ability.
He didn’t waste a millisecond. He has been posting like a maniac.
Trump needs to get Biden out of his head. Biden--the man--is utterly irrelevant now. There are only two points about Biden that are still relevant:
1) The Democrats and the Press
-- covered up and downplayed his corruption
-- covered up and lied about his complete unfitness for office.
They have both shown a complete willingness to directly lie to the American people, there is no reason for anyone to believe them.
2) It's obvious now Biden was incapable of being "in charge" of anything. So the treasonous open border--an attack upon Americans and the American Dream--is not "Joe Biden's" policy but the Democrat Party's policy. The Democrat party is a treason party--for open borders and trashing the American Dream--decent jobs at decent wages, affordable housing, decent schools, livable American communities--for young Americans, for our children, for our posterity.
If a true “America First” platform gives the anti-genocide “uncommitted” Democratic primary voters a good reason to stay home, vote 3rd party, or even switch to the Republicans, then Trump will win all the swing states.
North Carolina –
Trump’s 2020 margin: 1.34%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 12.73%
Michigan –
Biden’s 2020 margin: 2.78%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 13.2%
Wisconsin –
Biden’s 2020 margin: 0.63%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 8.4%
Minnesota –
Biden’s 2020 margin: 7.12%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 18.8%
Pennsylvania –
Biden’s margin 2020: 1.16%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.3%
Nevada –
Biden’s 2020 margin: 2.39%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.6%
But staying home or voting third-party, yes, perhaps enough of them will do that.Replies: @John Gruskos
Pity Tulsi is out.Replies: @vinteuil, @mc23
Agreed. Tulsi seems to be a real person. I could see Josh Shapiro as a dark horse.
Perhaps Melania could supply us with details.
Michael's father was a football star at Army back when that meant something. This makes Mike the Mark Harmon of Silicon Valley.
Back to the campaign, now two of the last three Democratic candidates have been women, and two-and-a-half of the last five black. The last one who was white, male, and coherent was John Kerry, 20 years ago.Replies: @Stan Adams, @nebulafox
At first I read coherent as continent.
If Jews control everything, why this now?
I have little doubt that some will eventually construct some Rube Goldberg theory (see! they do control everything!) but at the moment this seems obscure.
All the money invested in Senile Joe is now kaput.
Slogan of the hour: "Believe the Democrat Party! Eventually we get it right!"
Replies: @J.Ross, @mc23
The Republican Convention looked very good for the Jews. I doubt the Democratic Convention will look as good.
Hasn’t the commenter noticed that the Big Jews are solidly behing Trump?
But, he supposedly remains popular …can you explain?
I know that most of us here don't think much of Harris, but I think the Harris/Levine ticket will be hard to beat. Oh, hadn't you heard? Admiral Rachel Levine, transwoman Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health, would be ready to serve, I'm sure.
A Black/Indian woman and a transwoman white guy (you know what I mean). I'm pretty sure that covers all the intersectional bases.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star, @ChrisZ, @Mr. Anon, @Thomas Huxley
Interesting title. But Harris might not be the first president to qualify, I’m afraid.
No real impact. What could possibly change?
No immediate impact. Trump will still win, and some democrat will get a boost towards their 2028 campaign.
Trump’s best chance was against Biden. Polls have been clear on that over a year.
Independents in swing states take practically anyone over Trump.
He will be in trouble if the Democrats field an experienced moderate.
The pro wrestler from the 80s and 90s, ‘Kamala the Ugandan Giant’, actually had the real last name ‘Harris’.
James ‘Kamala’ Harris passed away just the DAY before this more recent Kamala Harris became the running mate on the 2020 Democratic ticket. It all happened in the Aug 9-10, 2020 period of 24 hours.
Hence, there was an original ‘Kamala Harris’ 30 years ago :
To think, the first ‘Kamala Harris’ passed away just the day before the second ‘Kamala Harris’ was appointed on the Veep slot, at a time when never has a Veep had a better chance of actually becoming POTUS due to Biden’s advanced age.
What a coincidence. This was truly an immense coincidence.
This was an Omen of supernatural proportions. It should still not be taken lightly, even four years on. Coincidences of such precision are always omens.
Just like Trump turning his head at exactly the correct split second was also an act of divine intervention. Perhaps this divine act cancels out the previous ‘Kamala’ omen of end times.Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
Wrestling Kamala had an obscure punchline career, dooming his latter-day ‘namesake’ to a similar fate. Meanwhile, Hulkamania and Trumpamania is running wild to this day.
However, we should not assume that the first Kamala Harris was an ally of the second Kamala Harris, since she took his life energy. He died pretty much on the same day as her anointment onto the Biden ticket (August 9-10, 2020). If anything, she seized his life energy against his will for satanic purposes. role of this website was not small either.
The most interesting development is the Clintons almost immediate endorsement of Harris. If she wins, they look like the pros everyone claims they are. If she loses, oh well, they did what they could to help. Obama looks like a Johnny come lately.Replies: @Gore 2004, @Colin Wright
Harris will pick Eva Longoria or one of the Mexican telenovela girls.
No white is gonna be on the Democrat ticket for a while…even if Harris picks a white Latina, they are not a White Anglo.
Oh - and the USA might have a new greeting August personae.Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican
LOL. People were already aware she is Vice President. Not much of a stretch to predict her being in the running.
Barrack can run as VP, Michelle as either. Either one would give Barrack his 4th term.Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @martin_2
There’s an economic pundit called Jim Rickards who was adamant months ago that Biden would not run. Now he speculates that Obama could be the Vice President, and if Harris stands down once she is elected, Obama would be the President again.
Jimmy Carter and Taylor Swift, however, are both eligible.
I don’t necessarily disagree, but how does the crazy progressive wing of the Democrats allow that to happen? And there are few national Democrats who are “experienced moderates”. And I think the “hide senile Joe” shell game, along with “VP Kneepads”, has done substantial damage to what’s left of the Democrats’ brand.
Your point could have been made with greater emphasis with this clip :
However, we should not assume that the first Kamala Harris was an ally of the second Kamala Harris, since she took his life energy. He died pretty much on the same day as her anointment onto the Biden ticket (August 9-10, 2020). If anything, she seized his life energy against his will for satanic purposes.

The role of this website was not small either.
Trump’s response was incredibly deranged and uncouth… I could believe it’s him and not a PR person at least lol.
Who would that be? Commenters here have named Shapiro, for example. I’d bet more than 50% of registered democrats couldn’t pick him out of lineup. Buttigieg? Fuck no. Not enough time to market a candidate, I don’t think. @Haxo Angmark, @AnotherDad
just for the record, the b/w ‘shop was originally a photo of (L to R) Voroshilov, Stalin, and NKVD chief Yezhov out for a stroll, first published in Pravda/Izvestia…..shortly thereafter,Yezhov was purged, shot, and replaced by Beria. The photo was then republished minus Yezhov.
It’s a de facto open border. The law has not changed but someone (Biden administration) decided to ignore the law and let millions stroll in.
Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?
"Public charge" means relying on public programs for financial support. I would define it much more strictly, to mean not earning or spending enough to contribute the median tax revenue.
Poor immigrants also push poor citizens further into poverty, so the problem is twice as bad as it appears on the surface.Replies: @deep anonymous
You’re missing the obvious–not letting her show her “presidential abilities” is a huge net plus for the Harris campaign.
But I think realistically Joe’s endorsement is not because he loves or even like Harris, it is a claim that he did not screw up back in 2020, it is an endorsement of himself as a decision maker.
It would be a repeat of what happened when the leadership sabotaged Bernie's campaign in 2016. That caused intense bitterness and toxicity which I'm sure nobody wants to revisit.
(In retrospect it would have been better if Bernie had been allowed to win the nomination and had then run against Trump with Hillary as VP. Maybe he would have still lost, but the party would have avoided a lot of poisonous infighting.)
He was killed the same day Biden picked the sucker.
Trump will miss Joe:
I know that most of us here don't think much of Harris, but I think the Harris/Levine ticket will be hard to beat. Oh, hadn't you heard? Admiral Rachel Levine, transwoman Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health, would be ready to serve, I'm sure.
A Black/Indian woman and a transwoman white guy (you know what I mean). I'm pretty sure that covers all the intersectional bases.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star, @ChrisZ, @Mr. Anon, @Thomas Huxley
Republican ads should prominently feature Biden/Harris appointees like Levine and that luggage-stealing, dog-f**king weirdo they named to a responsible post in the Department of Energy with the tag-line:
Do you want more of this, America?
As an aside, the last President to be elected without having any legitimate children was Warren Harding.
Taking it one step further, the most recent President to have no biological grandchildren is Ronald Reagan, although it isn’t completely out of the question just yet.
He could have extracted our forces from Afghanistan starting in January 2017. We don’t need a pact, a treaty, or an accord to just say: We are outta here! Been nice smellin’ ya! (not).
If he was serious about it, he’d have seen that it was completed during his first term.
Biden's cabinet/handlers OTOH have a lot more real political power (an or blackmail leverage) and thus were able to overrule the MIC and bail on Afghanistan.
The Republicans can’t help but to double down on stupid!! Continually reinforcing the fact that Biden suffers from dementia has resulted in him pulling out of the race. So, a younger, less “Demented” candidate will face Trump in the race. Not that I care!
True, Harris is not a dementia patient, but she is a drunk and if she becomes the candidate Trump can point out she lied through her teeth to the American public about Joe's dementia for years.
How much cash did Jeffrey Katzenburg et al pay Biden to step down?
Why was this big decision not announced by the President himself? Not even a video of him announcing he is dropping out of the race. If Biden was in control of this administration he would have made this announcement on TV with Kamala Harris by his side.
Is Joe Biden even aware of the statement his handlers gave to the press today? When will Joe Biden realize he is no longer the Dem Nominee? @Haxo Angmark, @AnotherDad
I think the Jill Biden thing is sociologically interesting:
There have been women doing the whole “power behind the throne” thing– including trying to hang after a their husband had lost his mojo–before in history.
Nonetheless any sort of decent wife would have realized this situation was untenable and rather than pushing him to stay in nudged him out a nudged him to bow out of another run a year or more ago and retired to enjoy her grandchildren.
But here’s the thing. Jill Biden–as far as I can tell–does not have any grandchildren and never will. Her lone daughter Ashley Biden has been married to some Jewish guy for a decade–with no kids–and is now 40 something. (Hunter, of course, continues to sire children like he’s Secretariat but Hunter is not hers.)
Effectively Jill is a twig, with only a smaller twig that didn’t fruit–a barren branch of the tree of life. She passes on nothing. So being First Lady and a power behind the throne with all the attention and deference that got her, was probably really hard to let go of … for an empty old age of nothing more than watching old Joe nod off and poop his pants.
And as the West dies, we see more and more people, more and more families in similar scenarios where no descendants will be left behind and the end of their lives just fade … snap off and drop to the forest floor. Vibrant fertile Guatemalans, Somalis and Nigerians saplings sprouting up to replace them.
It seems pretty obvious that Jill's entire relationship with Sloppy Joe has been, from her standpoint, all about access to power and privilege. She could care less about grandkids, probably only spit out one kid with Joe to make sure she had a claim to his assets through the daughter (similar to how women get impregnated by pro athletes merely to gain access to the gravy train.) in case divorce or death came a knockin;.
So of course she would fight hard to have him run again - she wants 4 more years how the pampering and privilege a first lady gets. It's all that matters to her, and she will gladly sacrifice what ever remaining dignity/legacy Joe might have to keep it. She's a pathological narcissist.
Alas regression to the human mean.Replies: @bomag
I think having no hope of grandchildren is sad, but if Dr. Jill has a big passel of quality nieces and nephews with children that isn’t so bad.
After 8 years of Obama I think people became accepting of a president who liked to smoke the pole.
Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Reg Cæsar, @Prester John
I don’t know. Does anybody have any statistics on what percentage are showing up, taking into account that some will already have gone home voluntarily?
OT – this happened in a place called “Oakland”. I remember a city called Oakland in the old United States of America. But this clearly isn’t the United States of America.
Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex successfully kept unscripted Joe, who occupies the most scrutinized office on earth, out of the public eye for four years. When everyone finally got an at-length look at Joe in the debate, it wasn't his "debate performance" that was shocking, it was that his obvious incompetency had been hidden for so long.
They won't want a sequel.
So maybe a few scripted (teleprompter+ Adderall) appearances. Maaaaybe an accidental comment or two between venues. But they put down the marker that Joe had "an off night." They don't want it obviously confirmed that they were lying again.Replies: @Mike Tre
“Might have to distinguish between scripted and unscripted appearances. ”
That true, although I can’t remember an unscripted appearance since he took office.
“Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex”
Try Dem Industrial Complex-Media, or DIC-M for short.
And occasionally he made a non-sensical remark on his way to/from Marine One. lol
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.Replies: @JimB, @QCIC, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke, @James Speaks
Josh Shapiro is the executive of Pennsylvania. His counter sniper state police unit failed to kill Crooks before he got off several shots.
Josh is now presumptive Harris Shapiro 2024!
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.Replies: @JimB, @QCIC, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke, @James Speaks
What a week that was.
“Nonetheless any sort of decent wife would have realized this situation was untenable and rather than pushing him to stay in nudged him out a nudged him to bow out of another run a year or more ago and retired to enjoy her grandchildren.”
It seems pretty obvious that Jill’s entire relationship with Sloppy Joe has been, from her standpoint, all about access to power and privilege. She could care less about grandkids, probably only spit out one kid with Joe to make sure she had a claim to his assets through the daughter (similar to how women get impregnated by pro athletes merely to gain access to the gravy train.) in case divorce or death came a knockin;.
So of course she would fight hard to have him run again – she wants 4 more years how the pampering and privilege a first lady gets. It’s all that matters to her, and she will gladly sacrifice what ever remaining dignity/legacy Joe might have to keep it. She’s a pathological narcissist.
How bad could a Harris Presidency be? We’re seeing all kids of overwrought analysis from the right about just how terrible they think it could be.
Well, I’m not saying that we won’t get our hair mussed. But I do say, no more than six or seven billion killed, tops! Depending on the breaks.
“Half-Jamaican half-Hindu woman”
You forgot to mention, ALL-Not-American. Which of course is the new “American” these days, im Dickicht. Take a bow, Jack D, you finally got what you wanted.
“but probably a negative for more voters.”
Pfft. As if “voting” actually matters. You’re so charmingly 20th-century. Wait, maybe 19th-century.
I dislike Kamala but not for her ancestry. She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.Replies: @Nachum, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Colin Wright
This is quite a funny take. The assassination attempt, whatever the origin etc has significantly impacted this calculus. While I’m inclined to think nothing changes as a sort of default position I do reckon that Trump is now the moderate. The left are the swivel eyed lunatics in the middle American mind now.
I know that most of us here don't think much of Harris, but I think the Harris/Levine ticket will be hard to beat. Oh, hadn't you heard? Admiral Rachel Levine, transwoman Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health, would be ready to serve, I'm sure.
A Black/Indian woman and a transwoman white guy (you know what I mean). I'm pretty sure that covers all the intersectional bases.Replies: @Etruscan Film Star, @ChrisZ, @Mr. Anon, @Thomas Huxley
We don’t talk enough about Pokemon points.
Straight white religious girls from good families quickly realize they MUST become atheistic “LUGs” (Lesbians Until Graduation) in order to survive college.
Their professors are fat black atheist lesbians in wheelchairs with they/them pronouns, thus prompting the nubile frosh to engage in a mad dash for Pokemon points as fast as possible. @Anon
Yeah, by far the most interesting take. The more you think about it, the more plausible it gets.
Same as the last three years, Stephen.
This isn't relevant, but I couldn't help laughing: @Bill Jones
The UN treaty doesn’t obligate US to take in Ecuadorian or Chinese asylum seekers.
HR Lady for POTUS!
The free world could really use first-class Human Resources leadership!
Gotta meet those EEOC quotas? Kamala's the woman for the job.Replies: @epebble
Also, Marxist Jamaican woman. Where is the Birth certificate? Where is the Long form BC?
What about Hunter’s byblow with stripper Lunden Roberts? Though the Bidens seem to want to sweep that under the carpet.
If Democrats field a moderate, I agree that Trump will have trouble getting reelected. But he shouldn’t have trouble. No matter whom the Dems run, America gets the same disastrous policies and programs put in place by whomever was running the country while Biden took a three and a half year nap. Democrats never run on their actual agenda of open borders, inflationary government spending, centralized health care, US global hegemony and elimination of home ownership, the middle class, and the nuclear family, etc
Minimal. Whether it is Biden or Harris, this is a kamikaze mission barring a GOP meltdown: and the fact that Trump’s legal conviction failed ultimately to compensate for Biden’s unpopularity speaks volumes on what it would take there. When LBJ dropped out in 1968, he still had the core of the New Deal coalition with which he could attempt a late push against Republican challengers, and he was dealing with four different challengers, not one. The two situations aren’t comparable.
I wonder if the turning point was Jill Biden having this spelled out to her in no uncertain terms after the failed assassination attempt on Trump.
“And as the West dies, we see more and more people, more and more families in similar scenarios where no descendants will be left behind and the end of their lives just fade … snap off and drop to the forest floor. Vibrant fertile Guatemalans, Somalis and Nigerians saplings sprouting up to replace them. ”
Alas regression to the human mean.
Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Reg Cæsar, @Prester John
Exactly. It’s not open borders on paper. But it’s not our longest-running de facto immigration problem, either. That would be the ignoring of the public charge provision. Which is still on the books.
“Public charge” means relying on public programs for financial support. I would define it much more strictly, to mean not earning or spending enough to contribute the median tax revenue.
Poor immigrants also push poor citizens further into poverty, so the problem is twice as bad as it appears on the surface.
Perhaps Melania could supply us with details.
Michael's father was a football star at Army back when that meant something. This makes Mike the Mark Harmon of Silicon Valley.
Back to the campaign, now two of the last three Democratic candidates have been women, and two-and-a-half of the last five black. The last one who was white, male, and coherent was John Kerry, 20 years ago.Replies: @Stan Adams, @nebulafox
Novogratz sounds like a Germanized version of a Magyar or Slavic name. It wasn’t uncommon for families living in ethnically mixed regions to change their names to sound more German in the environment of the 1920s and 1930s, both in the former Habsburg realm or in Prussia. I’m sure there was a parallel dynamic in a place like, say, interwar Poland, home to sizeable Jewish, Ukrainian, German, Belarussian and Lithuanian minorities: many of whom were not at all happy to be in the new state.
Just within that map… Burgenland used to be Hungarian speaking. Eisenstadt was known as Kismarton. Bratislava was over 90% German or Magyar and was known as Pressburg. And Brno, like a lot of cities throughout the lands of the former four eagles of conservative monarchy, had one ethnic group (Germans-they called the city Brünn) in the city and another (Czechs) dominate the countryside surrounding it.
>Perhaps Melania could supply us with details.
She grew up in the former Yugoslavia and would probably be more informative about that.
> The last one who was white, male, and coherent was John Kerry, 20 years ago.
If we are using John Kerry as an upward bar, heaven help us all.
Steve how fast can you support the cause with anti-Kamalalala hit pieces?
Mason, please just stop. Stop.
C. Augustus passed over his low-IQ (not retarded but a big loser) natural son in favor of his stepson Tiberius. Beyond that, he quasi-imprisoned him rather than let him marry and procreate, though he didn’t anticipate his more promising sons dying young.
I think having no hope of grandchildren is sad, but if Dr. Jill has a big passel of quality nieces and nephews with children that isn’t so bad.
To be clear, I was talking about statistical generalizations. You have groups--notably blacks and women--that deliver huge numbers of votes and really think they ought to be represented. But members of those groups--and especially the ones who happen to be putting themselves forward--might not actually be all the appealing, competent, compelling to other groups in the party and to the swing voters the party must appeal to in order to win the presidency.
You are correct, in some sense it's just same old, same old coalition politics. But race and gender advertise and amplify the divisions. When conservatives wanted to bounce Henry Wallace from the ticket--insiders knowing Roosevelt was dying--Jimmy Byrnes might think he's the smartest guy in the room and ought to be next president, but the party left and right can compromise or a non-entity like Truman who offended no one and everyone in the party and public can sort of hum along ok. But when you have to play race and sex games and end up with an unpleasant incompetent like Kamala Harris, bouncing her becomes much, much more fraught. How dare you suggest a *woman*, a black *woman* isn't up to the job?
Race/sex diversity makes the coalition much more about *identity* rather than just ideology, policy and spoils and makes the squabbles much, much more fraught. Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on "who we are", on self-worth.Replies: @nebulafox, @Houston 1992
Agreed. There’s no way Harris is going to be able to do what Obama did. Apart from it no longer being novel, she just does not cause American intellectuals to have involuntary orgasms nor has the same emotional connection with black voters.
If Harris really was an appealing prospect who could easily beat Trump, Jill would have never been able to keep Biden in the saddle as long as she did. It’s part of why I strongly suspect she’s a sacrifice bone who 2024 can be blamed on.
>Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on “who we are”, on self-worth.
Lebanon, Yugoslavia, the former USSR…
By 2020, they had built a hurdle of +3 from vote fraud
By 2024, the fortress they have built is now +6By the 2030s, the Senate will have a permanent supermajority of Democrats, with the Dem control ranging between 67 and 75 seats at all times. The GOP will be nothing more than a minor controlled opposition bunch of Lincoln Project types. Maybe conservatism is so unthinking about ‘conserving’ the status quo even if left-wing, that now vote fraud that favors Democrats is something conservatives have a Pavlovian need to ‘conserve’. We are thus in the weird state of Republicans doing the work to maintain the smokescreen that enables vote fraud favoring Democrats.With a ‘right’ like this, who needs the left?Replies: @That Would Be Telling
I’m going to focus on 2024 (and perhaps previous elections), too early to make such confident predictions about following ones.
Maybe part of our posture is that we’re not convinced the Democrats can suborn the elections in 34-37 states to reach your projected Senatorial totals, especially when we are in 1980 type economic conditions that are substantially caused by “Biden.”
How many, which specific states you make a case for this?
How are you so absolutely sure all “safe” Blue states will be that way come November? Past elections almost always include at least one surprise; maybe there will be more this year, again if it’s 1980, “are you better off than you were four years ago?”
And there’s potentials for disastrous (mostly) Blue foreign policy outcomes we’ve not quite seen yet to compare to 1980, but there could be much pain in the cards due to insane procurement policies, most especially including munition production and inventories.
Meanwhile, on the RNC side, the Romney who helped lose three election cycles is out, noises are being made about reining in election cheating, and we hear about some cases being in progress.
What % of America is white today?
In all likelihood? Just about none of them. They all know that immigration enforcement is mostly an empty threat. They are “in the system” under some name or another, but how do we even know it’s their real name?
It’s still all about the Purple13. The remainder of the country has pretty much made up it’s mind.
So if Harris grabs a few competitive states –by no means a sure thing– she’s in: provided she picks a VP that doesn’t freak everybody out.
I see trump winning in Ga, Az where he didn’t last time. Maybe Harris wins squeakers in Va, Pa, NH.
What will Netanyahu do (this week) to leverage his blood-thirsty support. He digs the authoritarian Trump while Harris has a Jewish husband? The Gaza war should still be in gear on our election day.
I’ve thought about that too. I made sure to have kids in my twenties (the best time for women). So did my sister. We have thirteen grandchildren between us.
Yet so many are voluntarily childless. It’s rude to ask people about it so I don’t know what they’re thinking.
For a disabled Biden to continue with democrat support makes the Democratic Party an enemy of the people. Our national security is at dire risk.
Members of Congress should also lay out articles for impeachment of Biden immediately, with more demands for information regarding his conspiracy to receive payoffs via his crackhead son's China initiatives. Biden has time to testify in congress now. Let’s not waste it.
Create pressure on him and his crazy crackhead son now.Replies: @epebble, @AnotherDad
No. That’s not even an issue much less a “MAJOR” issue.
The issue that matters, the alpha and omega is immigration. And broadening from that minoritarianism–DEI, CRT, pro-crime black pandering, tranny nonsense (against natural sexuality, marriage, fertility, family).
We are seeing the immivasion/fertility destruction of the greatest civilization in human history–the West.
That is what matters. If your “MAJOR” issue is taxes or Israel or Ukraine or green energy or spending whatever … you are clueless. Some things are transients that will be gone with the wind. Some this are substantial and forever–existential. If they are not fixed, then our nation(s) no longer exist and all the other nonsense is utterly irrelevant.
Well said. Immigration, particularly from CA and Mexico and worst of all, sub Saharan Africa , is the only issue. All other things can be reversed.
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance. The only guy they have is Manchin out of W Virginia but the communists in the party would walk out if it was him, or someone like him. Biden was, and it’s hard to believe, their best shot. I think the owners of America have woken up and realized they were killing the golden goose. We may actually have a shot at going back towards a little bit of normalcy.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
African voter registration and turnout would be massive, probably putting Georgia and North Carolina, for example, out of reach for the Republicans.
The most interesting development is the Clintons almost immediate endorsement of Harris. If she wins, they look like the pros everyone claims they are. If she loses, oh well, they did what they could to help. Obama looks like a Johnny come lately.Replies: @Gore 2004, @Colin Wright
Who’d you have in mind? It’s indicative of the extent to which the Democratic party has taken Hispanics for granted that there are no Hispanic politicians of stature.
But I think realistically Joe's endorsement is not because he loves or even like Harris, it is a claim that he did not screw up back in 2020, it is an endorsement of himself as a decision maker.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Anonymous
This is a little far-fetched. Speaking for myself, I took it for granted that Biden had nothing to do with the decision.
Once again, your hamster wheel is out of control with unbridled gaslighting. There was no steal in The Election of 2020. Trump lost. He said so himself. Even audits in AZ and WI showed there was not the type of fraud as alleged. @MEH 0910
Biden has an honest lock on the title of worst president ever. I can’t think of a single positive achievement on his part, and there are plenty of negative ones.
Hey, it wasn’t James Buchanan’s fault the nation was ripped apart during his term, because the forces that did so predated his administration, and he was not responsible for creating them. Yes, Franklin Pierce drank, but he didn’t allow his country to be flooded by invaders with the hope of getting himself re-elected. Yes, Carter screwed up in Iran, but he didn’t assist another country in committing genocide. Yes, Lyndon Johnson got us mired in Vietnam, but he has some nifty books written about him by Robert Caro, so there is no great loss without some small gain, as the saying goes. There is going to be no great book written about Biden. His klutzy ineptitude is not capable of inspiring any author that way. Biden is a class clown with his goofiness barely covering a nasty, vindictive streak.
Yes, Obama ran up the national debt, but Biden ran up the national debt and topped that with massive inflation at the same time. Biden also produced the worst presidential offspring ever in Hunter, beating out John Adams’ drunk son Charles. Biden was the worst influence peddler since Ulysses Grant, but Grant actually won a war, and Biden couldn’t even manage a simple withdrawal in Afghanistan.
Yes, Hoover mismanaged the economy after a stock market crash, but at least he had a distinguished career beforehand. All Biden was noted for was being 2nd banana and suckup to Obama.
At least William Henry Harrison had the grace to die in office in his first few weeks, unlike Biden, and Harrison may have turned out to be a decent president. Biden? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, buddy.
And to interject at least one note of sympathy, he is very probably in his last 30 days - 6 months and they just couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.Replies: @Jack D, @Harry Baldwin, @Bill Jones
We’ll see. Trump may fall victim to ‘mustn’t be mean to the Negro’ disease.
Probably pretty high.Replies: @Bragadocious
I’m glad someone used the C word because that’s what this was. Biden didn’t “drop out,” he was likely threatened with physical harm or a life sentence in Supermax for Hunter. Anyone who knows Biden knows he’s a narcissist who would never do anything for “the good of the country.” It’s Joe first, and I’m not even factoring in his sadistic, power-mad wife.
So, the party that offers lectures on the sanctity of our democracy just staged a coup before our eyes, after a fake and rigged primary, and Dems expect us not to notice it.
Without the Israel lobby we would not be in this Great Replacement existential crisis you denounce.
You know this, right?
My dad’s brother married a woman with 12 siblings. They had 4 children, two of each, all in their forties or older now. They have one grandchild. And they’re Catholic!
On a lighter note but in same vein as dropping out…
Eldrick dropped out of PGA tourney. Not gonna play til end of year, he’s pushing 50. May have to think about going over to the Seniors.
Steve? Perhaps an entire section of golf articles for your next book, the rise, fall, last gasp, and final decline of Eldrick.
PS: Some substandards got inducted into Cooperstown this year, like Todd Helton and Joe Mauer. If stats are supposed to count, you might as well induct Dave Kingman, Al Oliver, Rusty Staub, and Dave Parker at this point.
Maybe part of our posture is that we're not convinced the Democrats can suborn the elections in 34-37 states to reach your projected Senatorial totals, especially when we are in 1980 type economic conditions that are substantially caused by "Biden." How many, which specific states you make a case for this?
How are you so absolutely sure all "safe" Blue states will be that way come November? Past elections almost always include at least one surprise; maybe there will be more this year, again if it's 1980, "are you better off than you were four years ago?"
And there's potentials for disastrous (mostly) Blue foreign policy outcomes we've not quite seen yet to compare to 1980, but there could be much pain in the cards due to insane procurement policies, most especially including munition production and inventories.
Meanwhile, on the RNC side, the Romney who helped lose three election cycles is out, noises are being made about reining in election cheating, and we hear about some cases being in progress.Replies: @anonymous
What % of America was white in 1980?
What % of America is white today?
Biden’s withdrawal deprives comedians of the ability to display their joke wit.
Over the last few months, Biden had lost people’s confidence that he can perform as President during the next few years.
He isn’t getting any younger.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
That would seem reasonable.
This is one of your more outlandish takes. Joe may have those tendencies in certain situations, but that is not his overall personality. For Trump, there is no filter. His penchant for outright lying and making things go away is legendary.
So it looks like you’re mailing it in here on this fine opinion webzine. Why not take the Biden way out and let your readers know you’re done?
Unless, of course, you’re going to squeeze one more donation fest from your loyal audience. If that be the case, that is…laudable.Replies: @William Badwhite
An “economic pundit”, perhaps, but a constitutional moron. Obama, Bush, and Clinton are ineligible to be Vice President. 12 + 22.
Jimmy Carter and Taylor Swift, however, are both eligible.
Biden was, and it’s hard to believe, their best shot
That was not their best shot.
You don’t run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You’re focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don’t like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn’t matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don’t decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That’s it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.
Boring or not, they had five guys with a business background (four white, one Oriental) who set up campaign committees in 2020, two of whom had been public executives as well. Their electorate took a glance at Michael Bloomberg and ignored the rest. Their voters weren't interested in Gov. Bullock, either, his success with a red state electorate notwithstanding. Maybe they'll settle on one of the five (5) members of Congress who thought a bill to institute measures to impede voting by illegal aliens was worth voting for; a guy can dream, right?
Since women decide everything it’s an iron law of US presidential elections that the candidate with the ugliest wife wins. Clinton v Trump threw a spanner in the female brain, but with Biden v Trump it was back to normality. Trump should win this one easily.
Whatever you’re on…I want two of them.
Jones praises his selflessness in pulling out of the race.
None of these newscaster lapdogs can be true leftists as you said he was always in bed with corrupt bankers and warmongers.Replies: @Yngvar
“A politician needs thick skin, to stand upright without a spine.”
He was pressured.Replies: @Anonymous
Yes, but there’s a big difference between being persuaded and being compelled.
“…women conditioned by post-1965 politics to vote exclusively on their dream to one day having an abortion.”
It’s more the anti-abortion fanatics saying things like a fertilized egg and a woman are of equal value thereby showing they don’t value women.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
Whites are not guilty.
“I should add that, having dealt with a relative who had a significant of dementia, I don’t thing Biden was actually senile. …”
Many cases of dementia are progressive, they start out barely noticeable with very little impairment but then just keep getting worse. So whether or not Biden was currently impaired enough to be fairly called senile he was likely on the way.
Not necessarily. You assume “elected” means directly. A Vice President, or a Speaker of the House or a President Pro Tempore of the Senate, for that matter, is elected to the line of succession. Even Gerald Ford had to be confirmed by both chambers of Congress, which constitutes an election of sorts.
This loophole is narrower than the one about crime in the Idaho portion of Yellowstone. Does election to the vice presidency constitute election, albeit indirect, to the presidency? (After all, the president himself is elected indirectly!) That would be up to the Supreme Court. Can you name which particular Justices would allow for this Cæsarian/Napoleonic/Bokassian farce to go through? Does it add up to five?
This also assumes you could get his name on the ballots of states with enough electors, in time for Election Day, regardless of their particular laws. Can the FEC trump those?
(New York’s law, by the way, ties the two offices together rather tightly. If a presidential candidate runs on multiple party lines with the same vice presidential candidate, votes on all those lines can be combined; e.g., FDR in 1940 and 1944. But should the #2 man differ, those tallies cannot. Who knows what quirks lie in the other 49 states’ codes.)
And why wait until January? Joe could resign tomorrow, and Kamala appoint Barack immediately, then resign herself. Or have Barack pull a 25th Amendment coup on her. Of course, he would have to wait for confirmation of both houses himself. But that’s a formality in a banana republic such as Rickards’s.
Cornerstone Law spells out several alternative routes to the Presidency:
One could argue– before the Court– that every one of them constitutes an election in one way or another. Our votes are filtered through proxies in each, whether Electors or Senators and Representatives.
My bet is that SCOTUS smacks it down good and hard.
Over the last few months, Biden had lost people’s confidence that he can perform as President during the next few years.
He isn’t getting any younger.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
“He isn’t getting any younger.”
Biden wasn’t getting any younger when he ran in 2020. The signs were already well entrenched at that point for all to notice.
Re: Coalition of the Fringes
My large department at the university consisted mostly of Whites, Jews,
Chinese, and dot Indians. They didn’t necessarily hate each other but were
very competitive. They couldn’t agree whom to pick as chair so they
typically ended up reluctantly picking a middle-aged Englishman as the
most neutral choice despite what elsewhere would be his fatal flaw,
namely he had a well-known proclivity for sleeping with comely coeds,
not many, mind you, so in this sense he was rather discreet.
This was long before the #MeToo era, and the department was about 95%
male, so people seemed rather understanding – he is in a position of great
responsibility, and needs to steady his nerves somehow, so this was regarded
as a superior coping mechanism to hitting the bottle, even though he was known
to take long lunches with his girl de jour, so who knows what was going on
By the way, the tradition of older males being revitalized by the presence of
young females, preferably virgins, is very old. Even the Bible recommends it
(see the story of old King David and Abishag or look up the term “Shunamitism”).
Perhaps that’s why academics tend to live long – these days the students in many
departments are 60-70% female, so the professors often spend much of
their time in the company of svelte young women.
Surely you jest. That would just tell every man still voting Democrat that it's a women's club and he ain't welcome.Replies: @anonymous, @Bumpkin
Does that mean the feminists are right that all the exclusively male tickets so far mean that it’s a men’s club where women “aren’t welcome?” You may have revealed more than you wanted to with that statement.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
“All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That’s it.”
Not quite all it. There’s also name recognition. Remember, if the new candidate isn’t officially announced to the nation until the convention, then that means that they’ve got a little more than 2 months to build them up for voters. If it’s a candidate with no name recognition, that could be a major handicap. Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him. Don’t make the automatic mistake of assuming that his negatives are like Hillary’s were in 2016, where people hated, thoroughly hated Hillary and would risk their lives just to vote vs her. There is some of that hatred regarding Trump, but not enough to turn the tide. Namely, because there’s just as many rabid Trump supporters that will turn out in November to cancel that faction out.
Trump would have fairly easily defeated Biden among moderates and independents, knowing what they saw post-debate in late June. He most likely got the traditional campaign bounce and the polls later thisweek will reflect that. Also getting almost assassinated will probably help give him an additional bounce. I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
The Dems are already floating trial balloons, the MSM doesn’t get things first. They’re spoonfed by the deep state.
Hm. A boring white dude with a business background.
Like….Mitt Romney?
But then, Romney lost to Obama, and was soundly trounced by the independent moderate voters in the Rust Belt states that you claim are fairly anti-Trump.
Come November, it could come down to having the base turn out in solid numbers. Which side will get their base to come out in record numbers? After all, we know that Trump’s base is fully ignited and behind him solidly now going forward. The assassination attempt only solidified his base of support even more.
The trial balloons are all recognizable names, which makes sense.
If they chose a total unknown, there’s no absolute guarantee that they will ignite the base as well as majority of independents to fully support them and turn out in major numbers come November. If they’re an unknown with no national recognition, then they have about 2 months to build the candidacy up in order to make them appear at the same level as Trump.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
That's not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won't matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it's the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn't able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Art Deco
True, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are Jewish Novogratzs as well but Mike ain’t one of them.
LOL. Try again. Pritzker is both grotesquely fat and butt ugly. And I mean butt ugly, as in my ass–even if I’ve been in the pool an hour–still looks better than his face. And he’s from Illinois.
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn’t be a bad choice. But–as I’ve commented–the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio’s senior senator, Sherrod Brown–a bit on the old side but younger than Trump–to go toe to toe with Vance. I’m sure the “party elders” will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin–Notorious RBG’s heartthrob–would be the ideal “ticket balancing” choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)
They need the Senate seat. Probably won't pick a Senator from a marginal state.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
But there are other reasons Pritzker would try. All of the other mooted governors are in kind of a difficult place. None of them really wanted to run for President this year, in order to keep their powder dry for 2028. But if Harris wins, even as her VP, they will have to assume she will be renominated that year, and they will be old news in 2032. Whitmer will not age well, and, lest you think I'm being sexist, Newsom in '32 will look like a cross between Dorian Gray and Skeletor. If they are ambitious, and I think they are, they will cross their fingers that she loses, and not with them as a running mate so as to damage their own brand. So that boosts Pritzker's chances, since he wasn't really on the short list anyway.
Besides, as you've noted before with Biden's cabinet and WH staff, they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Even though Pritzker looks like Jabba the Hutt, maybe he will decide the vice presidency is worth a shot this year, because, between Emhoff and him, they can probably exercise effective control over a "Harris" Oval Office, maybe to an even greater degree than was done with Biden as figurehead (as I think even his supporters can all now admit he was all along), while their folks' "bust-out" operation continues.
Hunter is not Jill’s child.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
“The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.”
Practical. Now that’s a laugh. If they were doing what was practical, they never would’ve run Biden in 2020 in the first place when he was clearly in major stages of dementia.
If they want to go for an unknown, they could go for someone like Michael Dukakis in 88. Nationally he was a total unknown when he won the nomination. This allowed the GOP to define him. Trump could do the same vs a total unknown. And Dukakis lost an election where he had about roughly half a year to introduce himself to voters. This new candidate, if they are a total unknown nationally, or have zero name recognition nationally, will have about eight weeks to make their case, which will give Trump plenty of time to define them to the voters.
That’s not as simple as one might suppose. It takes time to develop one’s brand on a national basis. And like it or not, Trump has had national name recognition for nearly 40 yrs. Everyone over the age of about seven yrs old has heard of him. People recognized his name on a nationwide basis since about the late ’80’s.
So on a practical level, it would tend to take a candidate with a similar name recognition on a national level.
And, suppose Kamala or someone else at the convention would like the nomination? There is such a thing as a convention fight for delegates (something that used to happen in US history, albeit behind the scenes).
Each day that passes from now until the convention without a candidate named, is a day lost in attempting to have the party united behind a candidate…and then one has to build their brand up to the level of Trump–not an easy thing to do, especially if they aren’t well known nationally. If they wait until the convention to officially announce “This is our candidate” they will have lost several weeks of precious time in building them up for voters.
Also, a Democrat with a business background or is viewed as pro-business is almost an oxymoron. They might attempt to go for an independent candidate, one who would be viewed as uniting both sides of the aisle. Hence the name Mitt Romney.
But if the coalition of the fringes decide to make a public squawk at the convention and demand that one of their candidates should lead the top of the ticket, then the party has a major conundrum. The party’s internal polls must’ve really been drastically horrible for them to have yanked Biden–as in, a major landslide for Trump in November should Biden have stayed in the race. Either way, Trump has the edge for now, since he has the nomination and the wind at his back regarding name recognition. Also, he was officially elected president before. So if coming down to an unknown and a very muc hknown at the final hour, the independents will break for Trump. After all, he was the president before and the nation didn’t totally collapse.
And of all of this while the clock is ticking to November. Time’s a wasting. Eight weeks simply isn’t enough time to make an unknown candidate well known nationally without the GOP defining them for the voters.
Biden did, just not Joe.
Well done FK. Ok, you’re not up there with my hero kaganovitch … but well done. You–and your sister–were wise young women.
So? Why should I care? The Taliban ruled Afghanistan in 2001. They rule it today. They, or some group like them, were bound to rule it eventually, no matter what we did.
The only failure was getting into the mess in the first place.
Yes, you are right. An oversight on my part. I left out the Tara Reid allegations and the whole creepy hair-sniffing thing.
Oh, and the showering with his daughter thing.
Joe Biden is slime.
The job description for the Vice Presidency includes taking over in the event of the death or incapacitation of the President, and always has. Voters knew this perfectly well in 1960, 1944, 1920, 1900, etc. Thus, those vice presidents were “elected to the office” of the Presidency. Just via a third, rather than only a second, stage.
Originalism could be of use here. Let’s go back to the Congressional debates and ratification sessions and find the stated intention of inserting a back-door end run to be used by future Cæsars. Or Roosevelts.
Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn't be a bad choice. But--as I've commented--the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio's senior senator, Sherrod Brown--a bit on the old side but younger than Trump--to go toe to toe with Vance. I'm sure the "party elders" will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin--Notorious RBG's heartthrob--would be the ideal "ticket balancing" choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous, @James B. Shearer, @Anonymous
I keep confusing the Pritzkers and the Sacklers. The Pritzkers are the ones with the tranny, right? The First Queen. (Okay, Second.)
Sacklers--they peddled Oxycontin. Made billions from Purdue Pharma. Trying to finesse the bankruptcy system to protect their ill-gotten wealth, and SCOTUS just recently thwarted their attempt, at least for now.Replies: @MGB
Superficially only. Like a trendy CEO.
The lack of substance is already showing.
“A walk in the depths of his soul would barely get your feet wet.”
November is still a long way off. He will be seen for the empty suit he is long before.
In other words, the rights of those thousands of individuals who gave him money are better protected than the 14 million individuals who have already given him votes.Replies: @SF, @Gandydancer
How much of a problem would it be for the Dems to contact the donors and ask them whether they want a refund or want to transfer their donation to a reconstituted PAC to defeat Trump behind candidate X? If candidate X looks like a winner, 90% would pitch in.
You’re an idiot.
But we all knew that.
That’s probably right, with the caveat that Obama could serve only two years as president after succeeding a dead / resigned Harris.
Dems should run Barrack Obama for VP, then have Harris step down after two years and a day in office.
Not that it matters to the decisions made by our actual rulers, I guess.
How many skeletons in the billionaire Family Pritzker closet?
Besides, the Dems don’t need any help to win Illinois. Dead people have been voting there for decades. Pennsylvania or Michigan they need help in. Anyone from the South? Not enough chance of tilting a major state down there. Maybe Mark Kelly in Arizona. I have no idea how good a candidate he is, but he has a swell story to match JD Vance’s. If they pick Kelly they would have two people on the ballot who have directly been affected by gun violence, highlighting gun control as an issue (even though only Republicans care about it enough to base their vote on it).
If Harris picks Shapiro it would mark the first time in history that a major party ticket hasn’t included a white Christian. Harris is married to a Jewish man, so three of the four candidates and their spouses would be Jewish. The major campaigns wouldn’t mention it, of course, but you can guarantee there’d be a lot of online chatter about it. Maybe then at least we could stop having to pretend that Jews are “oppressed.”
Is Donald Harris Jewish?
He doesn't look like much of a Negro.
Just like electing a black president healed our racial wounds?
Jake Shields is a champion UFC/MMA fighter. In this video, he described how the Israeli govt attempted to sexually blackmail him.
Makes you wonder how they'd respond to someone who doesn't care about blackmail because he's got nothing to lose or care about anyway. Makes you wonder how a political establishment that relies constantly off an implicit MAD situation based on blackmail would.
My argument all along is that Biden could not drop out because the Dems had no adequate substitute.
I was wrong. They do have no adequate substitute for 2024, but they need to remove Kamala from the running for 2028 without seeming racist. The Dems are going to use the 2024 election to eliminate Kamala from all future presidential elections by having her lose that election.
The knives are out for Kamala. She is that repellent. She is Hillary-level repellent. The Dems need her to go away. And there is nothing quite so effective as having her run against Trump this year.
Who are the Dems going to run against JD Vance in 2028? My guess is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. The man has Kennedy-level charisma.Replies: @Ralph L, @Renard, @anonymous
Vindman was born in the Soviet Ukraine. Don’t ask me how he got a security clearance.
I’m pretty sure I saw him and his mother and twin brother in a show about the Statue of Liberty’s reopening in ’86.
North Carolina -
Trump's 2020 margin: 1.34%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 12.73%
Michigan -
Biden's 2020 margin: 2.78%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 13.2%
Wisconsin -
Biden's 2020 margin: 0.63%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 8.4%
Minnesota -
Biden's 2020 margin: 7.12%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 18.8%
Pennsylvania -
Biden's margin 2020: 1.16%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.3%
Nevada -
Biden's 2020 margin: 2.39%
Uncommitted Democrats 2024: 5.6%Replies: @RadicalCenter
It would be absurd for a decent anti-genocide person to switch to Trump.
But staying home or voting third-party, yes, perhaps enough of them will do that.
If the US government takes these steps, Israel will be compelled to reach an equitable settlement with the Palestinians.
In 2016 Trump received more support among Arab Christians and Shiites than previous Republican presidential candidates. Part of the reason for this was his opposition to Hillary Clinton's plans for a regime change war in Syria.
The 22nd Amendment does not explicitly retract the language of the 12th Amendment, so you may assume it is still operative.
Don’t know how the courts would interpret it if, say, Obama were the Speaker of the House and both president and vice-president resigned. But that’s at least a little far-fetched.
Plus, absolutely *no one* who is POTUS is stepping aside just to make way for someone else, apart from the most extenuating circumstances. And as we have seen from the Biden Administration, even severe incapacitation doesn’t qualify as extenuating.
The 22nd refers to the electoral route to the Presidency, the 12th to the succession route. The two are distinct and separate.
The 22nd could have used "may assume" rather than "may be elected" if that was the intent.
Any betting on the Dims trying an end run on Trump with the 22nd Amendment?
Oops, You actually Won in 2020 Don, too bad there was that Jan 6th SNAFU that stopped you taking office…
The impact for Dems so far is increased donations. Kamala probably won’t help them much at the top of the ticket, but they might do better down ballot without Biden.
And if Trump wins, they won’t have to worry about Kamala or feel compelled to nominate another nonwhite woman in 2028.
Their best shot is probably running some white guy who has successfully pretended to be “moderate” or sensible at the state level, plus Barrack Obama for Vice-President. And yes, the Constitution would permit Obama to serve two years as president after succeeding the dead / resigned president.
African voter registration and turnout would be massive, probably putting Georgia and North Carolina, for example, out of reach for the Republicans.
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn't be a bad choice. But--as I've commented--the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio's senior senator, Sherrod Brown--a bit on the old side but younger than Trump--to go toe to toe with Vance. I'm sure the "party elders" will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin--Notorious RBG's heartthrob--would be the ideal "ticket balancing" choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous, @James B. Shearer, @Anonymous
Pritzker would look fine if he wasn’t so damn fat. (I suppose he has that in common with many of his Midwestern constituents.) He also looks like there’s a tinge of hearty E. Euro gentile in his blood.
Twelfth Amendment: “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”
The 22nd refers to the electoral route to the Presidency, the 12th to the succession route. The two are distinct and separate.
The 22nd could have used “may assume” rather than “may be elected” if that was the intent.
A bit OT, but with Biden bowing out we’ve now had two one term presidents in a row. If Kamala does happen to eke out a victory, and yet manages to be every bit as big a failure as everyone suspects she would be, we could end up with three one term presidents in a row. That’s a losing streak not seen since Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter. And given the demographic and financial straits our country is in, there’s a solid chance the losing streak won’t stop at three.
My argument all along is that Biden could not drop out because the Dems had no adequate substitute.
I was wrong. They do have no adequate substitute for 2024, but they need to remove Kamala from the running for 2028 without seeming racist. The Dems are going to use the 2024 election to eliminate Kamala from all future presidential elections by having her lose that election.
The knives are out for Kamala. She is that repellent. She is Hillary-level repellent. The Dems need her to go away. And there is nothing quite so effective as having her run against Trump this year.
Who are the Dems going to run against JD Vance in 2028? My guess is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. The man has Kennedy-level charisma.Replies: @Ralph L, @Renard, @anonymous
Whether or not that’s accurate, may I remind you that 1) the Dems ran Hillary as their candidate and 2) she won considerably more votes than Donald.
Many people here mistake their own (however justified) antipathy for Kamala for that of the electorate. The people here aren’t remotely representative of the electorate.
My argument all along is that Biden could not drop out because the Dems had no adequate substitute.
I was wrong. They do have no adequate substitute for 2024, but they need to remove Kamala from the running for 2028 without seeming racist. The Dems are going to use the 2024 election to eliminate Kamala from all future presidential elections by having her lose that election.
The knives are out for Kamala. She is that repellent. She is Hillary-level repellent. The Dems need her to go away. And there is nothing quite so effective as having her run against Trump this year.
Who are the Dems going to run against JD Vance in 2028? My guess is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. The man has Kennedy-level charisma.Replies: @Ralph L, @Renard, @anonymous
Agreed. She’s a qualified sociopath like Hillary, without the time spent in powerful positions like Hillary, BUT she’s a documented Ho-bag, and descendant of the nastiest variety of slave owner, those harkening from Jamaica. That hellscape made American slavery look relatively like a visit to Club Med.
Meanwhile, owing to his talent for high-status shit-talking, his love of bling, good humor, assorted kids from different marriages, suffering through bogus criminal and civil court cases, being accused by a prostitute for something he didn’t do, and finally, actually taking a bullet from an enemy from a rival gang, I submit that Donald Trump is qualifiably the first real black man to hold the office of President of the United States!!
Getting knocked off his perch via white folks treachery, only to return to take it back, is as black as that shit gets!
I, for one, bow before our returning Black President!
And to Kamala Harris: Sit down you cross-eyed Indian ho-bag! Ain’t nuthin’ bout you that’s black! Give that shit up!
Shaun King laughs at you!
“<- Dog Cologne"
Obviously he was forced out.
On Saturday night he (or his X writers) posted this:
By Sunday afternoon, he (they) were forced to sign this:
A “Saturday Night Massacre” for the 21st century.
Biden was forced out by Pelosi, Obama, etc. but the fact that the campaign machine was running right up until the end does not prove it.Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @Travis
First of all, this will be a very unimportant election (like all the others ones in the past few decades), so whoever wins this means zero. People here discussing the US political scene is like pro wrestling fans discussing who will be the next champion, the (((people))) really running things don’t care which fake Republican/Democrat candidate wins, they will always get what they want. Don’t believe me, then prove me wrong, show me just a single example where the presidential winner has ever been a problem for them in the last hundred years.
Trump is a problem for them. If he weren't, there wouldn't be this visceral reaction to him.
Nah, they’ll fall in line with Harris to save Our Democracy from Hitler, etc.
It’s already starting. Something has been going on behind the scenes over the past week with various sticks and carrots, analogously to how everyone dropped out suddenly to give middling Biden the nomination in 2020.
And of course the media will do its part. Expect them to work overdrive for Harris, even more than they would for another Democrat Woman of Color (to the extent that’s possible), to make amends for increasing Biden’s vulnerability.
I predict that Harris will be “elected” president.
I’m all out of reaction tags but wanted to register my vigorous agreement. If the Dems ran on their actual agenda they wouldn’t be successful. So they prevaricate, and prevail.
You forgot to mention, ALL-Not-American. Which of course is the new "American" these days, im Dickicht. Take a bow, Jack D, you finally got what you wanted.
"but probably a negative for more voters."
Pfft. As if "voting" actually matters. You're so charmingly 20th-century. Wait, maybe 19th-century.Replies: @Jack D, @ThreeCranes
Really? I wanted Kamala? When did I say this?
I dislike Kamala but not for her ancestry. She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.
On Saturday night he (or his X writers) posted this:
By Sunday afternoon, he (they) were forced to sign this:
A “Saturday Night Massacre” for the 21st century.Replies: @Jack D, @anonymous
The campaign team (who ran the Twitter account) were not told until literally the last minute.
Biden was forced out by Pelosi, Obama, etc. but the fact that the campaign machine was running right up until the end does not prove it.
Many Jewish scientists were involved in the Manhattan Project; Meron Medzini noted that they were fine with dropping the atomic bombs on Japan instead of Germany.
Japanese officials and scholars often compared American detention camps for the Japanese to the Nazi concentration camps, which has been criticized as part of attempting to demonize the US with justice warrior babble.
Biden was forced out by Pelosi, Obama, etc. but the fact that the campaign machine was running right up until the end does not prove it.Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @Travis
Are we sure Biden actually had any say in this? Couldn’t they indeed just have announced it while he was asleep and given him the fait accompli when he woke up, muzzy and with covid, which doesn’t improve quick thinking?
What looked like a walk in the park a few hours ago is now a horse race.
Anybody could see Trump and his VanceBot winning against the lettuce head. Now?
Do they HAVE to go with Kamel? Can they just open it up and get some new blood?
Worse yet -- can Obama step in and become prez again? Obama and Big Mike -- the 20s tour?Replies: @ScarletNumber, @Torna atrás, @Anonymous, @Jim Don Bob
Obama messed Japan up big time!
Jimmy Carter could well outlive him.
Are the Gopalans Indian Jews?
Is Donald Harris Jewish?
He doesn’t look like much of a Negro.
Top rated comment on the Guardian:
He gets elected by Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Allentown. And things stay the way they are for the same reason Cuba stays the way it does. There is nothing like the prospect of a fat, defined-benefit pension from government to get people voting Democrat. And you can maintain your Electoral College standing and your Congressional delegation with international immigrants. Vhat a country!
New York has grown by 2.5m from the 1970 to the 2020 Census, popping the 20m threshold for the first time-- and in that time has lost fifteen House districts, and thus Electors. Similarly, Pennsylvania grew by over 10%, yet lost ten districts, Illinois by 15%, losing nine.
However, immigration is spread around enough that it is far less of a factor in district shift than internal migration is. The top four states by percentage of foreign-born are California, New Jersey, New York, and Florida, winners and losers. Texas, the big winner in districts, isn't dramatically higher than the US as a whole, 17.2% vs 13.9%.
Percentage of foreign-born population in the United States in 2022, by state
Which States Won — And Lost — Seats In The 2020 Census?
I dislike Kamala but not for her ancestry. She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.Replies: @Nachum, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Colin Wright
Well, Presidents have to be born citizens, not “American born.” Kamala was indeed born a citizen, but she grew up in Canada. She didn’t really live in the US until she was an adult.
...for government work, as the expression would have it. More seriously, I cannot think of any respect in which Canada varies from the United States more than the various states vary from each other. From my moving career, the most striking distinction I can recall is that underpass clearance heights were rather unnervingly expressed in meters. Fast math time! '4.3 m' is how many feet and inches?
He didn't waste a millisecond. He has been posting like a maniac. Replies: @duncsbaby, @AnotherDad
No misspellings & I laughed my ass off at the George Slopodopolous line. Thanks!
I’d like to think it’s too big to steal this time but with electoral margins of victory within the margin of error yes, it’s up to the vote-counters not the voters.
This just in: Van Jones is a qualified sociopath
Speaking of dark-hearted evil, why is Biden still getting a free pass from democrats and the media regarding his past habit of taking showers with his 12 year old daughter? And even the few news outlets that have mentioned it never mention that his daughter would stay in her room and wait until after midnight to take a shower because by then Biden had given up on waiting for her and gone to bed, as was clearly and well documented in her discarded diary?
WTF, Van Jones?!
Glad to see the old bastard pissed on by his own party. He’s been the worst president in history, destroying the nation with the illegal alien invasion. I hope he suffers in his dementia in his final years .
"Public charge" means relying on public programs for financial support. I would define it much more strictly, to mean not earning or spending enough to contribute the median tax revenue.
Poor immigrants also push poor citizens further into poverty, so the problem is twice as bad as it appears on the surface.Replies: @deep anonymous
Trump made a brief attempt to enforce the public charge rule, but he was rebuffed by the coalition of the Treason Bar and the Kritarchy. And of course Trump has the attention span of a gnat, so his Administration did not make a consistent, persistent effort. In fact, his first major appointment in that area, Brigitte Nielsen, was a Deep-Stater opposed to immigration control.
Josh is now presumptive Harris Shapiro 2024!Replies: @Hannah Katz, @No jack london
My money is on Stacy Abrams for the Veep spot. Then Harris Abrams can run on the theme of a truly diverse ticket, or something. Get ready for reparations on steroids. Buy stock in companies that sell gawdy jewelry, fancy cars, hair products and malt liquor.
Pritzkers–Chicago-based, groomed Obama, one of them is a tranny. I think their fortune came from hotels and/or real estate, but I might be mistaken.
Sacklers–they peddled Oxycontin. Made billions from Purdue Pharma. Trying to finesse the bankruptcy system to protect their ill-gotten wealth, and SCOTUS just recently thwarted their attempt, at least for now.
I dislike Kamala but not for her ancestry. She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.Replies: @Nachum, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Colin Wright
“She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.”
Yeah, except Trump’s “recent immigrant” ancestors don’t categorically hate and resent the American people, and didn’t teach him to do so… and Kamala’s do — otherwise she’d be running as just another goofball American candidate, and not as the “black” or “of color” candidate.
But you knew that, and yet you lied about it. Why?
That seems completely baseless. Her father is a highly respected Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and her mother was a scientist doing cancer research. Both seem to have led impeccable lives. Definitely an order of magnitude superior to Fred trump, the slumlord. Her black politics is entirely American. @Curle, @The Germ Theory of Disease
I was thoroughly entertained. @anonymous
Black people also have to obey Jewish power. The firing of the first black president of Harvard set an example and I think all blacks who have been given powerful positions have taken notice.
But I think realistically Joe's endorsement is not because he loves or even like Harris, it is a claim that he did not screw up back in 2020, it is an endorsement of himself as a decision maker.Replies: @Colin Wright, @Anonymous
Dems have to run with Kamala or it will provoke a civil war in the party.
It would be a repeat of what happened when the leadership sabotaged Bernie’s campaign in 2016. That caused intense bitterness and toxicity which I’m sure nobody wants to revisit.
(In retrospect it would have been better if Bernie had been allowed to win the nomination and had then run against Trump with Hillary as VP. Maybe he would have still lost, but the party would have avoided a lot of poisonous infighting.)
Joe’s lifestyle of light socializing and political grift will scarcely change.
He’ll get good health care.
What looked like a walk in the park a few hours ago is now a horse race.
Anybody could see Trump and his VanceBot winning against the lettuce head. Now?
Do they HAVE to go with Kamel? Can they just open it up and get some new blood?
Worse yet -- can Obama step in and become prez again? Obama and Big Mike -- the 20s tour?Replies: @ScarletNumber, @Torna atrás, @Anonymous, @Jim Don Bob
My impression of Obama is that he quickly grew tired of the job and was glad to be out of it. Maybe his wife wants to return to the White House but I doubt he does. They would have to offer him a BIG incentive to do this.
The slogan for Harris should be:
‘From pee pads to knee pads!’ @Anonymous, @mc23
Kamala is already working on her acceptance speech
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn't be a bad choice. But--as I've commented--the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio's senior senator, Sherrod Brown--a bit on the old side but younger than Trump--to go toe to toe with Vance. I'm sure the "party elders" will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin--Notorious RBG's heartthrob--would be the ideal "ticket balancing" choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous, @James B. Shearer, @Anonymous
“…Or even Ohio’s senior senator, Sherrod Brown–a bit on the old side but younger than Trump–to go toe to toe with Vance. …”
They need the Senate seat. Probably won’t pick a Senator from a marginal state.
The Boxer/Feinstein dynasty lasted 30 years. Can anyone name a single swing state with such a record? Had Kamala not been chosen the President of the Senate, she'd still be there, in the Boxer seat.
True enough in one sense, but badly misleading. No one has ever liked Biden, either. He greatly benefitted from essentially disappearing for 8 years as N1gbama’s veep, but he still did terrible in the 2020 primaries until SC. In South Carolina, which is what I assume you are talking about, the groids all got behind Biden solely at the behest of Clyburn, otherwise, he would have lost his ass badly there too–Clyburn knew, and communicated to the groids, that Biden would be a compliant sock puppet for a third Obama term, which is what he was.
On top of that, I guarantee you, a whole lot of money trickled down in 2020 and will this year, too, to seal the deal-(or steal). In 2020, I bet that every colored boy preacher in SC bought a brand new Lexus thanks to Clyburn’s machine. Lower-level street lieutenants got a few grand, and the black guttersnipes got a carton of Newports and some whiskey, which passes for a “future” for them. Gwine’ ta habs dem’ a wild time.
N1gmala has it far easier. She’s black. If groids think that she has a shot, they’ll vote in droves for her, even without the bribes they will still get. And Whites pointing out that she’s not “really black” will backfire, just like calling her a skank will with women.
Negroes and 80% + of women-certainly all liberal women- are retarded children. Except they can vote. In the case of negroes, often more than once. Having White men “punching down” and saying those things, true or true-ish as they are-is pissing on a beehive.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
That’s the point, they can’t run a “boring White guy”, Biden was their last “boring White guy”. Now they’re officially the black party, and their blacks are all radicals. The dems I know here in NY are communists by a different name and they aren’t going for any more “boring White guys”. If they try to put a White male at the top of their ticket, 2024 Chicago will look worse than 1968 Chicago.
Governor Shapiro PA ,
Roy Cooper NC @Rich
The gaslighting by you on this subject never ends, does it, “counselor”?
Alas regression to the human mean.Replies: @bomag
Which humans?
Everyone heads for the world built by Neolithic man: HVAC and TV. But Paleolithic man (Guatemalans, Somalis and Nigerians) are filling the ecosystem and showing little interest in keeping the lights on.
We're really talking about neolithic peoples vs. HVAC people.Replies: @bomag
The best analogy of the Biden debacle comes from the guys at The Duran: Biden as the Castilian warlord El Cid, dead but corpse in an iron frame strapped to his horse to lead the troops into one last battle.
Unlike the Movie, Biden’s horse wanted no part in it.
Another point they raised is the battle in the Democratic Party, Sunday morning the Clinton’s backing Biden, Obama leading the “Pedo Joe has got to go!” crowd.
Barry made Biden and he broke Biden.
It’s hard not to laugh…
Yes you’ve found me out. I’m gaslighting a bunch of 60-yr old men with fringe political beliefs on iSteve. And you should drop your cornball “counselor” routine; you don’t even fake it correctly. Attending your SSDI hearing doesn’t make you a lawyer.
“And yet Joe’s basically another crass blowhard, much like Trump.”
This is one of your more outlandish takes. Joe may have those tendencies in certain situations, but that is not his overall personality. For Trump, there is no filter. His penchant for outright lying and making things go away is legendary.
So it looks like you’re mailing it in here on this fine opinion webzine. Why not take the Biden way out and let your readers know you’re done?
Unless, of course, you’re going to squeeze one more donation fest from your loyal audience. If that be the case, that is…laudable.
Josh is now presumptive Harris Shapiro 2024!Replies: @Hannah Katz, @No jack london
Preach to the choir!PA in bag,WI drop box vote only industrial strenght fraud in Michigan.
At 7.5% foreign-born, Pennsylvania is tied with Alaska for 25th place, and at barely half the US percentage of 13.9%. Immigration is costing the Commonwealth districts and electors!
New York has grown by 2.5m from the 1970 to the 2020 Census, popping the 20m threshold for the first time– and in that time has lost fifteen House districts, and thus Electors. Similarly, Pennsylvania grew by over 10%, yet lost ten districts, Illinois by 15%, losing nine.
However, immigration is spread around enough that it is far less of a factor in district shift than internal migration is. The top four states by percentage of foreign-born are California, New Jersey, New York, and Florida, winners and losers. Texas, the big winner in districts, isn’t dramatically higher than the US as a whole, 17.2% vs 13.9%.
Percentage of foreign-born population in the United States in 2022, by state
Which States Won — And Lost — Seats In The 2020 Census?
Yeah, it’s not clear that ol’ Joe knows “he” dropped out yet. Quit the race via personal-account tweet and PDF-posting. No live appearance.
Same as the last three years, Stephen.
This isn’t relevant, but I couldn’t help laughing:
They don't let him near the Presidential Stationary anymore.
And Vance is married to a Hindoo and Trump is married to a furrener. I guess all American white Christians married to other all American white Christians are getting sorta thin on the ground, at least among the elites.
Which is “better” for the Men of Unz, a radical Leftist “Baptist” like Kamala (at least she’s a Christian or says she is a Christian) or a relatively moderate (by Democrat standards) Jew like Shapiro? If you were told that the Harris-Shapiro ticket was going to win (it’s not looking good right now but for the next 3.5 months the MSM are going to do their best to get them in), would it be better for America for Shapiro or Harris to be at the top of the ticket?
The truth is that Joe Biden was/is a deeply corrupt politician, who during his years as a Senator did the bidding of the financial interests, especially consumer credit companies. He ran an influence peddling operation through his family with his degenerate son, Hunter, serving as his bagman.
Biden was a reliable tool of the security-state; he even fronted the original version of the Patriot Act back in the 90s (I don't believe he actually wrote it or any legislation for that matter). He was a habitual liar, even lying about his own biography in things that were easy to check. He just seemed to enjoy lying. He would do or say anything for momentary political advantage.
He's the kind of loathsome sociopathic prick who pack the halls of power.
I will give him credit for exactly one thing. He (or at least who ever was pulling his strings at the time) did finally extract our military forces from Afghanistan. It was done poorly, but at least it was done. Trump had four years to do it and didn't.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Thea, @The Anti-Gnostic, @J.Ross, @John Henry, @Jay Fink, @fnn
Doha Accord signed in February 2020. Only four US troops killed by enemy action (two by “Green on Blue” inside job attack) in all of 2020. By way of comparison, South Carolina in 2020 lost three cops to gunfire and one to vehicular assault. Then, of course, 13 US troops were killed by a suicide bomber during Biden’s horribly botched withdrawal.
That true, although I can't remember an unscripted appearance since he took office.
"Remember that the Dem-Media-Industrial-Complex"
Try Dem Industrial Complex-Media, or DIC-M for short.Replies: @Almost Missouri
There was that time he fell off his bike.
And occasionally he made a non-sensical remark on his way to/from Marine One.
Hey, it wasn't James Buchanan's fault the nation was ripped apart during his term, because the forces that did so predated his administration, and he was not responsible for creating them. Yes, Franklin Pierce drank, but he didn't allow his country to be flooded by invaders with the hope of getting himself re-elected. Yes, Carter screwed up in Iran, but he didn't assist another country in committing genocide. Yes, Lyndon Johnson got us mired in Vietnam, but he has some nifty books written about him by Robert Caro, so there is no great loss without some small gain, as the saying goes. There is going to be no great book written about Biden. His klutzy ineptitude is not capable of inspiring any author that way. Biden is a class clown with his goofiness barely covering a nasty, vindictive streak.
Yes, Obama ran up the national debt, but Biden ran up the national debt and topped that with massive inflation at the same time. Biden also produced the worst presidential offspring ever in Hunter, beating out John Adams' drunk son Charles. Biden was the worst influence peddler since Ulysses Grant, but Grant actually won a war, and Biden couldn't even manage a simple withdrawal in Afghanistan.
Yes, Hoover mismanaged the economy after a stock market crash, but at least he had a distinguished career beforehand. All Biden was noted for was being 2nd banana and suckup to Obama.
At least William Henry Harrison had the grace to die in office in his first few weeks, unlike Biden, and Harrison may have turned out to be a decent president. Biden? Don't let the door hit you on the way out, buddy.Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
I wouldn’t be sure Biden made a single independent judgment-call in the past 4 years. I think he sat there between Blinken and Klain and nodded and said OK.
And to interject at least one note of sympathy, he is very probably in his last 30 days – 6 months and they just couldn’t keep up the charade any longer. He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.
Maybe he doesn't enjoy his family.Replies: @kaganovitch
Kamala is a Rastafarian.
Her poor reputation seems to be mostly because she is not very good on television. With some professional coaching, she will no doubt improve a bit.
Also she perhaps has a tendency to use Californian slang, which is not well understood in the rest of the world.
I don’t understand the big deal about her not visiting the border. I have not visited the border either, Borders are pretty boring, but what would she have done differently if she had visited the border and tried her own hand at crawling under barbed wire and proclaimed “Ich bin eine Mexicana”?
As vice president, could she not get people to travel to the border and make video recordings so she can see what it is like at the border?
Her biggest failure, if you like, was probably in failing to get Republican support for immigration reform. Right at the beginning of the congressional term the adminstration send the Bipartisan National Security Agreement immigration reform bill to Congress, but it didn’t pass.
Blame Congress, not Harris.
That is absurd. Why would the Republicans hand over the fattest cow to Democrats? Immigration issue is THE new vote getter, after the end of abortion debate, tax cuts and wars.
I know people who know her dad, Donald Harris. He is a rather distinguished elderly professor, a well regarded economist retired from Stanford who (although he is obviously aware that he is of mixed race) is proud of his distinguished (white) Jamaican ancestors and would have nothing to do with ignorant low class weed smoking Rastafarians with nothing but slave ancestors. He is from a different sort of people.
You of all people should be aware of the class distinctions in 3rd world countries. They all may look like a bunch of brownish buggers to us but within the islands societies these distinctions are sharp and well understood, perhaps even sharper in that you can't discern class based strictly on skin color. [British society used to be like that too - perhaps if you stripped them to their undershorts you could not tell a clubbable gentleman from a cockney longshoreman at 50 yards but as soon as they opened their mouths the secret would be revealed.]
During her brief campaign for President, Kamala was asked on a radio interview if she had ever smoked marijuana in her youth to which she replied:
“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she responded. “Are you kidding me?”
That joke didn’t go over well with Donald, who sent a scathing statement to Jamaica Global Online [a Jamaican website] . He wrote: “My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics.”
Later in the essay, he added, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”
Kamala grew up removed from island society but was surely not unaware of these distinctions. As her father discerned, she made this cheap remark because she thought it would play well in the context of American identity politics. I have no idea whether she smoked dope or not but she didn't really care about the truth - she was just grubbing for votes. If she had said "the Harrises are distinguished members of the Jamaican upper class. We usually prefer Scotch and would never associate with filthy weed smoking rabble except maybe when they come to our house to clean the drains", it would have been more truthful but in American Democrat political terms it would not have gone over well. Harris, Sr. regards American electoral politics as a low, hucksterish profession, similar to becoming a carnival barker or a professional wrestler and is rather disappointed that Kamala grew up to enter such a whorish profession (in her case almost literally which I'm sure does not thrill him either). Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.Replies: @kaganovitch, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Jonathan Mason
All "immigration reform" bills--whether from the Democrats or "bi-partisan"--are more immigration bills.
This last one was particularly foul. It was a bill to essentially legalize near "Biden Administration" levels of border hopping. It had some sort of goofy two-stage process. (Something like at 3000 people/day the President can start thinking about doing something, at 5000 people a day the President is empowered to do something ... if he feels like it.) While back in reality-ville, the President is already empowered to "do something" to stop border hopping--at the very first man. And not only empowered to do so, but as Commander in Chief stopping invasion across our borders is his paramount responsibly under our Constitution!
For folks like you who need help seeing past the propaganda that means it was a bill to legalize random border hoppers to the tune of 1.825 million (5000x365) extra people a year ... in addition to our already existing massive 1 million plus legal immigration. This in a nation that births about 3.6 million people a year--a good quarter of them "Hispanics" and another couple hundred thousand Asians--both populations that were essentially trivial in the US when I was born. It was a bill to actually legalize and speed up replacement of the American population--replacing 1/3 of it in a single generation. And not just with foreigners, but essentially random un-selected foreigners--whoever shows up at the border.
a) a complete moron
b) someone who hates America and Americans
would consider such a bill "reform".Replies: @Jonathan Mason
The big deal with the border is she was put in charge of it and did nothing. @Prester John
That Democratic advantage (2M) is at bare minimum. It’s probably more. 2020, which featured en masse mail-in voting for the first time, may have been a watershed year in terms of how we vote for presidential candidates going forward. I don’t know if we will see the numbers we saw in 2020 but if it’s anywhere near what it was in 2020 I’m afraid that Trump will be toast yet again.
In post-2020 elections, it’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.
Sacklers are latter day Sassoons, drug barons, having aggressively lobbied to legalize a known damgerous narcotic and then worked aggressively to hide the effect and misdirect all the complaints, they completely own every aspect of the fentanyl crisis. Pritzkers sponsored Obama, and made drones in time for the age of drones, and had toilets removed from one of their mansions to throw a tax assessment (no, really).
The smart strategy would be if she takes Newsom on as a VP candidate. Newsom himself should act in a restrained supportive manner. If they win, then it’s possible that Newsom might handle a lot of the specifics, while giving her the credit. In this way, many Democrats who don’t like Harris might be reconciled to the ticket. If they lose, then Newsom should let it be understood that he was only playing a background role in this campaign to help the party out, but that his real candidacy will begin 2028. If this was played carefully, it could be made into a shrewd political strategy. It’s just a question of whether or not the Democrats still have shrewd political strategists. FDR was one. But you can’t say much for the people in power today.
Maybe then at least we could stop having to pretend that Jews are “oppressed.”
Just like electing a black president healed our racial wounds?
failing to get Republican support for immigration reform
That is absurd. Why would the Republicans hand over the fattest cow to Democrats? Immigration issue is THE new vote getter, after the end of abortion debate, tax cuts and wars.
Sadly, you are probably correct. Maybe slightly less than 100M, just to make it look slightly less third world.
But there’s a white pill to take along with the black one (as it were). My instinct tells me that a lot of TPTB had been resigning themselves to a Trump-47 term in the past several weeks precisely because they look at the bigger picture and figure that we are overdue for an significant economic downturn–one based on familiar secular business cycles and not a black swan like Covid. They figured, not unreasonably, that if it could be engineered to happen on Trump’s watch, the GOP would be the one left holding the bag, and get a truly left-authoritarian regime in 2028. That scheme is out the window now, so folks on the right can look forward–not as sour grapes but more along the lines of Lenin’s “чем хуже, тем лучше”–to take advantage of Cackles and her gang of chislers’ hapless reaction to the coming De-dollarization Crash.
True. 1992-2016 was a golden era of stability, with three back-to-back two term presidencies. Now, the financial situation is dire. As any marriage counselor will tell you, the #1 reason for divorces is money. Expect to see mostly One Term Presidents.
The Deep State made two fatal mistakes: 1) missing Trump 2) not choosing to shoot Biden instead of Trump..
Think about it, with Biden assassinated by a “MAGA” patsy, the Dems would have won by a landslide, no need for cheating. Why? Because they would have got rid of the Biden problem and make him a martyr or at least Garner sympathy from moderates. Also, it would rally the liberals in this elections. “Maga orange man and his gun-crazy goons want to take out democracy away from us! ”
Which goes to show that America is run by imbeciles.
Show me her dreadlocks.
I know people who know her dad, Donald Harris. He is a rather distinguished elderly professor, a well regarded economist retired from Stanford who (although he is obviously aware that he is of mixed race) is proud of his distinguished (white) Jamaican ancestors and would have nothing to do with ignorant low class weed smoking Rastafarians with nothing but slave ancestors. He is from a different sort of people.
You of all people should be aware of the class distinctions in 3rd world countries. They all may look like a bunch of brownish buggers to us but within the islands societies these distinctions are sharp and well understood, perhaps even sharper in that you can’t discern class based strictly on skin color. [British society used to be like that too – perhaps if you stripped them to their undershorts you could not tell a clubbable gentleman from a cockney longshoreman at 50 yards but as soon as they opened their mouths the secret would be revealed.]
During her brief campaign for President, Kamala was asked on a radio interview if she had ever smoked marijuana in her youth to which she replied:
“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she responded. “Are you kidding me?”
That joke didn’t go over well with Donald, who sent a scathing statement to Jamaica Global Online [a Jamaican website] . He wrote: “My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics.”
Later in the essay, he added, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”
Kamala grew up removed from island society but was surely not unaware of these distinctions. As her father discerned, she made this cheap remark because she thought it would play well in the context of American identity politics. I have no idea whether she smoked dope or not but she didn’t really care about the truth – she was just grubbing for votes. If she had said “the Harrises are distinguished members of the Jamaican upper class. We usually prefer Scotch and would never associate with filthy weed smoking rabble except maybe when they come to our house to clean the drains”, it would have been more truthful but in American Democrat political terms it would not have gone over well. Harris, Sr. regards American electoral politics as a low, hucksterish profession, similar to becoming a carnival barker or a professional wrestler and is rather disappointed that Kamala grew up to enter such a whorish profession (in her case almost literally which I’m sure does not thrill him either). Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.
As she's a woman, the Harris line is automatically discontinued. Unless Donald had a son, then Harris line is kaput.
So caste systems exist in Jamaica, the Caribbean, South America, etc. Who woulda thunk it?
But then, on one level, Kamala's shenanigans aren't much different than Kardashians and Hiltons behaving badly. They too came from prominent social lines, (both were part of the top 1%) and yet both debutantes made sex tapes, did reality shows,...and laughed all the way to the bank.
Welcome to the 21st century, a new way of making it big.
My remark was purely jocular in reference to the fact that she claimed that of course she smoked marijuana because she was part Jamaican. It would therefore appear that she was some kind of Rastafarian sympathizer.
I very much doubt if Andrew Holness, appreciated her remarks, but I am sure that if she is elected president he will politely congratulate her.
Could A. Blinken be the Democrats new Abe Lincoln?
Put the bong down.
If so there is nothing to stop Kamala Harris from quite legally sticking a knife in the back of Joe Biden so that she can assume the presidency right away.
It has all been done before.Replies: @Art Deco
Your contention is what, that Chet Arthur hired Charles Guiteau?
Guiteau was an Illinois Protestant of Huguenot descent. You could see him as the original Never Trumper.
So much of today's weirdness has precedents. Santayana was right.Replies: @Ron Mexico
You’re a lunatic.
If she was picking a Jewish guy, the Pennsylvania guy while not handsome, looks normal. He wouldn't be a bad choice. But--as I've commented--the least offensive demo, to all the other demos in the Parasite Party coalition of the fringes, is good old generic white guys. Their guy in North Carolina or Kentucky would work. Or even Ohio's senior senator, Sherrod Brown--a bit on the old side but younger than Trump--to go toe to toe with Vance. I'm sure the "party elders" will give her suggestions.
(** Judah P. Benjamin--Notorious RBG's heartthrob--would be the ideal "ticket balancing" choice for her, but alas gave up his citizenship and is deceased.)Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous, @James B. Shearer, @Anonymous
True, but that only helps–it makes Heels-Up look like a beauty queen by comparison.
But there are other reasons Pritzker would try. All of the other mooted governors are in kind of a difficult place. None of them really wanted to run for President this year, in order to keep their powder dry for 2028. But if Harris wins, even as her VP, they will have to assume she will be renominated that year, and they will be old news in 2032. Whitmer will not age well, and, lest you think I’m being sexist, Newsom in ’32 will look like a cross between Dorian Gray and Skeletor. If they are ambitious, and I think they are, they will cross their fingers that she loses, and not with them as a running mate so as to damage their own brand. So that boosts Pritzker’s chances, since he wasn’t really on the short list anyway.
Besides, as you’ve noted before with Biden’s cabinet and WH staff, they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Even though Pritzker looks like Jabba the Hutt, maybe he will decide the vice presidency is worth a shot this year, because, between Emhoff and him, they can probably exercise effective control over a “Harris” Oval Office, maybe to an even greater degree than was done with Biden as figurehead (as I think even his supporters can all now admit he was all along), while their folks’ “bust-out” operation continues.
And to interject at least one note of sympathy, he is very probably in his last 30 days - 6 months and they just couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.Replies: @Jack D, @Harry Baldwin, @Bill Jones
I highly doubt this, although at his age a stroke or heart attack having nothing to do with his mental condition is not impossible. Unfortunately, brain degenerative diseases tend to be rather slow. The patient can linger at increasingly low levels of cognition for years and years before he finally stops breathing. Ronald Reagan left office in Jan. 1989 at age 78, by which time he was showing symptoms of impaired function not unlike those currently exhibited by Joe but he did not die until 2004 at the age of 93. Sadly, many Alzheimer’s patients experience a sort of living death where their body is alive and kicking but their higher functions waste away bit by bit until they no longer even recognize their own spouse and children.
What will happen is that in a short time from now, Joe will disappear from public life. Maybe they will wheel him out once in a while at Democrat conventions or at Pelosi’s funeral where he will smile and wave but not speak or he will be seen eating ice cream in Delaware once in a while.
The median duration of noticeable impairment is about eight years and Biden is four years into it. The life expectancy for a generic man Biden's age is about seven years.Replies: @Jack D, @James B. Shearer Replies: @Jack D, @MEH 0910
So, the heading for this post is “Biden Drops Out”, but people on social media are wondering “Did Biden Really Drop Out?” It has been pointed out that all we have is a copy of a letter and a social media post.
The last time this happened, President Lyndon Johnson announced it on television at the end of March in 1968.
He made his announcement in the early months of the presidential primary season; as I recall, most states had yet to have their primary elections, giving other candidates a chance to be vetted by the people.
Biden was forced out by Pelosi, Obama, etc. but the fact that the campaign machine was running right up until the end does not prove it.Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @Travis
White House aids discovered Biden was dropping out via Twitter. Makes one wonder when Joe Biden learned he was replaced as the democratic nominee. @Je Suis Omar Mateen
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.Replies: @J.Ross, @Art Deco, @Travis, @mc23
“Biden is a great illustration of the danger of corruption. This isn’t about tallying shortcomings, this isn’t about sin. Every single one of the deaths in the Ukraine are a result of the Biden crime family wanting money that did not belong to it.”
This is high level gaslighting. Exactly why Mr. Sailer is focusing on Substack.
Trump and Vance are campaigning for Kamala Harris today. They are seeking to have Harris replace Biden as the current President. Not sure why they are pushing to have Harris replace Biden as our President. Why would they want Harris as President ? I suppose they want people to observe how unpleasant she is and her lack of prime-time appeal.
Several reasons for this. It gives Trump a chance to continue running against Biden which is what he wanted to do. Make the Democrats defend Biden's fitness after they pushed him out of the nomination. Maybe cause some dissension in the ranks. And as someone else pointed out if Biden did resign then Harris would have to perform two demanding jobs, being President and running for President, at the same time. Getting up to speed on both quickly would likely be a problem for just about anybody.
This is one of your more outlandish takes. Joe may have those tendencies in certain situations, but that is not his overall personality. For Trump, there is no filter. His penchant for outright lying and making things go away is legendary.
So it looks like you’re mailing it in here on this fine opinion webzine. Why not take the Biden way out and let your readers know you’re done?
Unless, of course, you’re going to squeeze one more donation fest from your loyal audience. If that be the case, that is…laudable.Replies: @William Badwhite
Come on Stancil, keep it to Twitter
Kamala Harris is a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco. Her favorite bible verse is ‘We walk by faith and not by sight.’
I know people who know her dad, Donald Harris. He is a rather distinguished elderly professor, a well regarded economist retired from Stanford who (although he is obviously aware that he is of mixed race) is proud of his distinguished (white) Jamaican ancestors and would have nothing to do with ignorant low class weed smoking Rastafarians with nothing but slave ancestors. He is from a different sort of people.
You of all people should be aware of the class distinctions in 3rd world countries. They all may look like a bunch of brownish buggers to us but within the islands societies these distinctions are sharp and well understood, perhaps even sharper in that you can't discern class based strictly on skin color. [British society used to be like that too - perhaps if you stripped them to their undershorts you could not tell a clubbable gentleman from a cockney longshoreman at 50 yards but as soon as they opened their mouths the secret would be revealed.]
During her brief campaign for President, Kamala was asked on a radio interview if she had ever smoked marijuana in her youth to which she replied:
“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she responded. “Are you kidding me?”
That joke didn’t go over well with Donald, who sent a scathing statement to Jamaica Global Online [a Jamaican website] . He wrote: “My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics.”
Later in the essay, he added, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”
Kamala grew up removed from island society but was surely not unaware of these distinctions. As her father discerned, she made this cheap remark because she thought it would play well in the context of American identity politics. I have no idea whether she smoked dope or not but she didn't really care about the truth - she was just grubbing for votes. If she had said "the Harrises are distinguished members of the Jamaican upper class. We usually prefer Scotch and would never associate with filthy weed smoking rabble except maybe when they come to our house to clean the drains", it would have been more truthful but in American Democrat political terms it would not have gone over well. Harris, Sr. regards American electoral politics as a low, hucksterish profession, similar to becoming a carnival barker or a professional wrestler and is rather disappointed that Kamala grew up to enter such a whorish profession (in her case almost literally which I'm sure does not thrill him either). Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.Replies: @kaganovitch, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Jonathan Mason
On the contrary, it’s very much in the ‘Wogs start at Calais’ tradition.
Arthur’s parents came here from Quebec, and Chester may have been born there, rendering him ineligible for the Presidency had that been the case and had anyone known. The first “birther” case.
Guiteau was an Illinois Protestant of Huguenot descent. You could see him as the original Never Trumper.
So much of today’s weirdness has precedents. Santayana was right.
If the Dems win, it needs to be as awful and humiliating as possible. There is no hope of reconciliation. Anglo America’s only real hope is some form of secession. And for that to happen normie White America needs to be pushed over the edge. The worst case scenario would be a slick Newsom type character that can hypnotize the masses. I’m all for the worst, wokest and least appealing candidates the Dems have to offer. Kamala is pretty good in that respect.
Having old boring generic white guy Uncle Joe, as a figure head was useful for very vile, treasonous people carrying out their "y'all come on in now, hear" attack upon America.
Been slow getting to it, but I was going to make the comment last night that now we have the candidates that really represent their respective sides--the candidates that America deserves to see.
We've got:
-- a white man--granted an ego-centric blustering one, not as disciplined as he should be, but a guy who made a career building stuff and loves America.
-- a black-Indian woman--silly, incoherent, narrative peddling, a lawyer parasite who slept her way onto the affirmative action ladder lifting her up, who hasn't done a single productive or useful thing her entire life but feels entitled to lecture Americans on their failings
It's up to Americans now to wake up and smell the coffee. Do we really want to be sheep-dipped in feminized silly minoritarian nonsense, fed to us by parasitic minority grifters?
Nah, looting doesn’t bring in much revenue to those companies.
Same as the last three years, Stephen.
This isn't relevant, but I couldn't help laughing: @Bill Jones
A couple of people have mentioned this.
They don’t let him near the Presidential Stationary anymore.
What looked like a walk in the park a few hours ago is now a horse race.
Anybody could see Trump and his VanceBot winning against the lettuce head. Now?
Do they HAVE to go with Kamel? Can they just open it up and get some new blood?
Worse yet -- can Obama step in and become prez again? Obama and Big Mike -- the 20s tour?Replies: @ScarletNumber, @Torna atrás, @Anonymous, @Jim Don Bob
Kamala could run with BHO as VP.
That was not their best shot.
You don't run a candidate where a majority of the party wants him to leave:
No one likes Kamala. She couldn’t get blacks to vote for her in Carolina for crying out loud. Pritzker? Newsom? No chance.
You're focused too much on names tossed around the media.
Moderates and independents in swing states don't like Trump. That is the reality. It doesn't matter how many Black pastors or former wrestlers Trump can bring to the table. A million screaming MAGA fanatics don't decide the presidential election.
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That's it.
The question is whether or not they will do what is practical or if they will select a candidate based on White guilt.Replies: @Anonymous, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Rich, @Art Deco
All the Democrats have to do is run some boring White guy with a business background. That’s it.
Boring or not, they had five guys with a business background (four white, one Oriental) who set up campaign committees in 2020, two of whom had been public executives as well. Their electorate took a glance at Michael Bloomberg and ignored the rest. Their voters weren’t interested in Gov. Bullock, either, his success with a red state electorate notwithstanding. Maybe they’ll settle on one of the five (5) members of Congress who thought a bill to institute measures to impede voting by illegal aliens was worth voting for; a guy can dream, right?
Sacklers--they peddled Oxycontin. Made billions from Purdue Pharma. Trying to finesse the bankruptcy system to protect their ill-gotten wealth, and SCOTUS just recently thwarted their attempt, at least for now.Replies: @MGB
See The Outfit by Gus Russo. Abe Pritzker was the mob’s lawyer in Chicago back in the day, IIRC.
For the same reason Nancy Pelosi wanted Mike Pence in 2019, and Newt Gingrich Al Gore 20 years earlier? You don’t remember those “Gore ’99” stickers and buttons? (That’s okay– neither do Google and DuckDuckGo.)
There is also the non-partisan, good-government position that the current occupant is no longer fit for duty, and his departure is long overdue.
Reg Cæsar, at least 6 buttons still available...never could take that smirk: @Reg Cæsar
But Harris has always fully backed Biden, they are both standard Democratic politicians with identical policies and identical agendas for America. Why campaign for Harris to be President when you are weeks away from campaigning against her?
Trump and Vance are also stating that the Democrats organized a coup against President Biden. This implies that Biden is fine, so he should remain the President. So why should Harris be made President if the dems just orchestrated a coup against the sitting President?
The Third biggest event of the past week was the President of the Teamsters Union, Sean O’Brien speaking top the Republican Convention, an historic first.
The Republicans are now the official Party of the working classes. The Democrats can no deny their sole allegiance is to the parasites.
The Lamprey Party. @Barnard, @Wokechoke
He played his part by overseeing the security in Pennsylvania.
Has anyone actually seen Joe Biden recently?
Is he alive?
According to NYT, Biden is suffering from Covid and was not up to public speaking.
A fake president felled by a fake illness - so very fitting.
i hate scottish pipo.
He was not and his daughter was explicit about it. She first noticed something amiss in May of 1993. Reagan underwent a collapse in his function during 1993-95 after which he declined gradually. (A pattern I’ve seen among family friends).
The median duration of noticeable impairment is about eight years and Biden is four years into it. The life expectancy for a generic man Biden’s age is about seven years.
You have to be a little careful here. His daughter is not a doctor and may not have been in constant contact with him. The first signs of dementia can be very minor and easily missed. In my relative's case it was three years of increasingly garbled tax returns but you wouldn't have noticed anything wrong in normal interactions. Maybe if you asked them to count backwards from one hundred by sevens (a quick and dirty test for dementia) but who does that.
OT — CNASR — What is the Coalition for a North American Socialist Republic? What is their connection to the New Year Nashville event? Are they exploiting our open border? Did they kill Nathaniel Sergio? Do they receive software packages from Beijing? Why would they deliver packages to the leader of the Proud Boys? What were they planning on doing in Taiwan before backing out? Is the People’s Republic of China positioning communist terrorists to knock down our grid?
But more importantly, can the same FBI that thought that Trump was a Russian protect us from these or indeed any bad actors?
Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Reg Cæsar, @Prester John
“Sure they might have court dates for establishing that they’re refugees but how many will show up?”
Few, if any. And even if they did, so what? The administrative judge would hear their tales of woe and then order them to appear at a later date etc. but by that time they would have already disappeared into the void. Once that happens it’s almost impossible to trace these people from what I’ve heard and read, which is why no one really knows for sure how many immigrants, legal or otherwise, there are in this country, notwithstanding the b.s. statistics. And the process of getting citizenship for the average stiff is long, long, entangled amidst a spider’s web of bureaucratic rules and regs. Of course, if you have lots of coin in the pocket there’s always payoff. The INS, like most of the administrative agencies in this country, is corrupt to the core.
This is one of those subjects for which there is no solution other than removing the incentive for these people to leave their homelands in the first place. And to do that would require a kind of Marshall Plan, except in this case the cost would exceed the original by several orders of magnitude. Of course, the OTHER alternative is to simply shoot ’em as they cross the border. Bang! No more immigrants! That ain’t happenin’, but neither is the former and for the same reason: the price–economically and morally–is prohibitive.
If there ever was a no-win situation it’s immigration.
I keep saying you Westerners are just too squeamish about this.
Ditto for gun laws. If the leftoids really want gun control, then control illegal gun use first!
Illegal possession of firearm? Illegal discharge of firearm? Obviously, the leftoids would never suggest this, which means they have some other agenda. Disarming the US populace sounds about right...Replies: @Nico
The median duration of noticeable impairment is about eight years and Biden is four years into it. The life expectancy for a generic man Biden's age is about seven years.Replies: @Jack D, @James B. Shearer
By the time of his Iran contra testimony in 1990, it was already apparent that Reagan’s memory was faltering but let’s say it was 1995. He still lived 9 more years. TAG gave Biden as little as 30 days and 6 months on the outside. I would take 10 to 1 that Biden will be alive 6 months from now.
Yeah, sure. Trump is saying this not for political advantage but just because he is civic minded.
James Michener comes to mind. Eugene McCarthy. Not many since.
“…remember those “Gore ’99” stickers and buttons…”
Reg Cæsar, at least 6 buttons still available…never could take that smirk:
Contact Mitch McConnell for details. Or Dennis Hastert.
People are getting this wrong. Biden is fading but he is not totally gone. He is not nearly as far gone as people imagine him to be. He is certainly well off of his A game but he is not at the drooling idiot stage.
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.
One would expect a letter of this significance to be physically signed by the President and not released on Twitter before notifying his staff. There was not even a photo of Biden pretending to sign this letter.
I would expect a prime time announcement by him on the major networks like when President Johnson decided not to run in 1968. One would expect some public appearance of Biden by now, unless he is in worse shape than we realize and is no longer able to speak coherently.Replies: @Frau Katze, @Jack D
It would more accurate if to say donors had been withholding 81 million dollars unless Biden to stepped down. The donors were also certainly withholding millions from other Democratic races as well. Stands to reason much of the upper party leadership was onboard with the donor boycott.
On Saturday night he (or his X writers) posted this:
By Sunday afternoon, he (they) were forced to sign this:
A “Saturday Night Massacre” for the 21st century.Replies: @Jack D, @anonymous
Uh… I don’t want to be “that guy,” but…
It’s Monday. An almost unprecedented declaration was apparently made this weekend by the President of the United States, yet… the mother fucker still hasn’t shown his mother fucking face!
We haven’t seen him say it!
We haven’t seen him… AT ALL!!
Where is the media concern? Is this a coup attempt?!
There’s a historically bizarre communication breakdown going on now, and apparently nobody is seeing to it!
The lack of respect for the American people by the entire Biden administration, especially Kamala, who is expected to supply leadership in this matter for a now a rudderless administration is…ASTOUNDING!!
Was it a coup?
Or did Democratic operatives make him an offer he could not refuse?
(What if he tried to refuse it, or tried to walk it back today? If he does try that, then no one with any situational awareness should get within miles of his physical location.)
Listen, everyone knows you have three reprehensible handles here—William Badwhite, deep anonymous, and TruthVigilante. It’s pathetic that you don’t stick to one handle, which is Mr. Unz’s rule.
I could see why democrats wanted Pence over Trump, since Pence did not support the Trump platform of America First and he was not very popular with the voters.
But Harris has always fully backed Biden, they are both standard Democratic politicians with identical policies and identical agendas for America. Why campaign for Harris to be President when you are weeks away from campaigning against her?
Trump and Vance are also stating that the Democrats organized a coup against President Biden. This implies that Biden is fine, so he should remain the President. So why should Harris be made President if the dems just orchestrated a coup against the sitting President?
So Barry The Kenyan, after maneuvering Biden out has yet to endorse Heel’s Up.
Is this a clearing of the decks for Big Mike?
Any new learnings from the Secret Service testimony? I’m not up for watching a bunch of Congresstalkers thumping their chests and trying to get Fox News appearances.
Even though I’m on the right. Just not into the Hannity style morons. Anyone weeded through it to see if any real news came out? Or even questions that made the Director think (not just in your face silliness, but actually new important questions).
One rumor going around Twitter is that Trump’s line of attack will be “Harris was too tough on crime”. *facepalm*
Dude had done it once before. It didn't work the second time.
No hero me, I’m pretty close to median among ultra-Ortho Jews. Two of my daughters in law come from double digit families.
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.Replies: @J.Ross, @Art Deco, @Travis, @mc23
So you think Biden is alive?
Can we get an over/under for the number of NYT and WaPo articles/opinion pieces that will mention Kamala’s hair? I am thinking about 2.5 per month through November.
Reg Cæsar, at least 6 buttons still available...never could take that smirk: @Reg Cæsar
No, you misunderstand. “Gore 2000” was a Democratic effort, “Gore ’99” was a Republican one.
Contact Mitch McConnell for details. Or Dennis Hastert. @danand, @nebulafox
“…former world-champion UFC/MMA fighter revealed to that the IDF tried to run an Epstein-style entrapment scheme on him when he visited Israel…”
JohnnyWalker123, nothing too new I guess. Healthy Nations/Governments/Peoples do what they can to protect and promote themselves. Perhaps some ways of going about that are better than others?
The funny bit was when Jake, the champ, said in the clip if he’d partaken of the underage bait “he’d be like Jordon Peterson now…going around saying “give them hell”.” Goofily my initial thought was that Jake was referencing JP the Canadian intellectual.
All I said is that this is a position that can be taken by the civic-minded. Didn’t mention any names.
James Michener comes to mind. Eugene McCarthy. Not many since.
Something called the 25th Amendment. Replace Biden now with Harris. A bit surprised that they didn’t do this a few years ago. At least then, Kamala would’ve been viewed as more of a legitimate candidate for president, as she would’ve been acting president for half of Biden’s term.
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.Replies: @J.Ross, @Art Deco, @Travis, @mc23
Your opinion is gratuitous.
A Japananon links Covid Grandpa discussing the vax and dementia:
Joe Biden has had six (6) Covid vaccines, and has contracted Covid 3 times.
Dr. John Campbell, leading Noticer, compares mrna gene therapy with the emergence of dementia in susceptible patients.
(This video dropped 3 hours ago, however at this point in time there is no word on whether Joe Biden is still alive)
[Vidlink below more tag to not thro Ww off page load]
Not quite all it. There’s also name recognition. Remember, if the new candidate isn’t officially announced to the nation until the convention, then that means that they’ve got a little more than 2 months to build them up for voters. If it’s a candidate with no name recognition, that could be a major handicap.
That’s not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won’t matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it’s the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn’t able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.
Nope, its 100% true. When it comes to vote, incumbents still have a very high return rate. Careerism in politics continues unabated. A no-name candidate. You mean like Bill Gates? Or Elon Musk? (oops, he's supporting Trump) Or Mark Zuckerberg?
This no name candidate has to have major name recognition. Otherwise, Trump's campaign can help define him for the voters. This has always worked in the past. The reason Hillary couldn't define Trump is that he had major name recognition, and was just as famous as she was.
"The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump."
Trumps leading in the polls, you know. Even among independents.
Also, what they tend to say and how they tend to vote, isn't always accurate. After all, independents SAID in 2016, that for the most part, they preferred Hillary. Didn't quite work out that way.
You do appear to be making it sound as though Trump is going to get trounced in November, that he doesn't have a legitimate chance to win. Seriously?
"Americans have a 3 month memory. It won’t matter enough in November."
Now that's a lie. This is a lie. Do Americans remember JFK, getting assassinated? Do voting age citizens know that JFK was assassinated? Yes they do. And that was way before 3 months ago.
Trump is going to make sure that the voters remember. That iconic photo of him with the fist pump will be shown everywhere. The video will be used in many campaign ads. The idea that adults won't remember him being nearly killed is asisine and laughable.
"Because she never polled well with independents."
Initially, Hillary polled better than Trump in 16 with Independents. In 20, trump did fairly well with independents. There is a reason why this idea that the election, or at least in certain key states, was stolen or let's say "creatively borrowed with clever math".
You also assume that from now on, both parties are going to run total unknowns to be their standardbearer in November. Considering that both parties are heavily controlled by donors, and not to mention the party leaders, many of them elected officials, the idea that they're just going to step aside and not reach for the brass ring, something that several of them on both sides have been doing their entire lives, moving up the ranks of their party--to just...nope can't have that. That idea is utterly ridiculous.
Things will continue, more or less, as before. Incumbents still have a high return rate, and so will nominating party members to be their standardbearers for a long, long time.
"He wasn’t able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected."
I think in fairness, we also have to consider that there was some (some, not widespread, but SOME) voter fraud, especially in the counting of ballots. GA and AZ for instance have solidly voted GOP for several decades.
Show us the polls that Donald Trump does not have a legitimate chance of being reelected in November. If they exist, do show them.
Also, Independents are very important. But they are unreliable as a whole. Both sides get a share of them. It will also depend on which candidate's base turns out in full swing to support their candidacies. Trump's base is thoroughly united behind him. In this, he has head start over the Dems because the base is solidly behind him.
There is obviously, more work to do.
At the same time my original point stands. Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election. Frankly that is just asinine, and not based on solid history.
Fact: Dukakis was a total unknown outside of NE in 88. Did he win?
Fact: Perot was a total unknown outside of say, TX. Did he win?
Funny how both parties for well over a century tend to run career politicians, and the voters keep voting them in, cycle after cycle after cycle.
I asked you directly: Which candidate who is considered to be a total unknown would be the best chance for the Democrats to run in Novemeber? There was no answer.
Also, again. This hypothetical unknown would have to have some national name recognition. Joe Dokes from nowheresville who isn't known outside his home town ain't gonna be nominated.
Therefore that would tend to leave two options for the Democrats. They can:
1. Nominate a total unknown in politics BUT someone who has name recognition of stature (e.g. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,
2.Nominate someone who is viewed as a uniter for both sides (e.g. Mitt Romney)
Or even
3. Business as usual, avoid unnessary risks, and nominate one of their traditional party members (e.g. Harris, Newsom, etc)
Looking at how History tends to play out regarding how parties choose their nominees for over a century, I tend to lean toward #3.
Because the risk is all too real. IF you nominate a total unknown and they have skeletons in their closet, or they are so unknown then that leaves the other side to help define them for the voters.
Unknowns are easier to define to the voters. Example: A businessman a la Warren Buffett is nominated, and poof! A month before November, suddenly its revealed that he was involved with corrupt outsourcing jobs, and received major tax breaks at the same time.
This type of thing, would be VERRRY interesting to independents and hence they wouldn't go for him.
And on top of that, it turns out that said businessman said some, shall we say, racist things and held racist views towards black.
Now, knowning what we know about 2024 (e.g. DEI, Woke, CRT, race card etc) how exactly would that help said candidate with black voters?
But again, since my original point was not specifically addressed, therefore it stands: Two months isn't enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents. Trump was the outlier because he wasn't a total unknown. He wasn't part of the system, but neither was he some gadfly down at Mike's Local Dive Bar. He had national name recognition since the late 80's. In that sense, Trump is truly the outlier since he had as much name recognition as Hillary and in that sense was her equal. Being who he was, voters felt he could be trusted enough to be elected president.
Now the rejoiner can be: 'well, since Trump was elected president before, and clearly the world didn't disappear under his watch. Vote for him again'.
Was Trump defeated in 20 by an outlier? By someone outside the system? Hell to the no. He was defeated by a career politician who had first been elected to Congress when Trump was barely out of school.
History is a reliable guide. Assuming that the Democrats cannot find another special person of color that can be marketed as a transcender of politics, a uniter not a divider, then history shows that they will nominate another career politician, one who is also very pro-Israel, to cite a relevant example. After all, they do have their party's long term fortunes to consider.Replies: @John Johnson
In 2016 Jill Stein ran as an independent candidate. She took some votes away from Hillary.
In 2024, RFKjr is running. If he takes sufficient votes away from the Democrats, this will help Trump's chances as well.
Let's not quickly be dismissive of the role of third parties as the spoiler. In 2000 Ralph Nader ran as a third party member. He was specifically successful in FL.
In other words, it's where the third party candidate is succesful. Some of history shows that a third party candidate can have their greatest success in swing states (Wallace in 68, Nader in 2000, and Stein in 16). Not a slam dunk automatic, but it does happen. It does occur.
And some of the votes a third party candidate will receive will be from among independents.
Realistically, even if RFKjr receives at most about 2-3% nationally of the total vote, if his greatest strength comes from the swing states (and in this case would tend to believe that it would be from that region of the US, since he is from the Northeast).
Suppose a Kennedy-Sanders ticket. Just go with it for a second as an hypothetical. Realistically, where would this ticket draw its greatest number of voters from--the swing states. The Rust Belt and Northeast.
Elections are sometimes turned on third party candidacies.
If the election is close. If RFKjr gets as high as 2% nationally, but gets a large amount of votes from a specific region (e.g. swing states) then that definitely could help turn the tide in November.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
What do the polls show? And,
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to win vs her in November?
Not a trick or sarcastic question, it's an honest question
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
That would mean as far as the independents are concerned they can;
1. Stay home
2. Vote for Trump or Vote for Harris
3. Vote for RFKjr as more of a "protest" vote (as said before depending where the votes come from, in the swing states, for instance, that would tend to tip the victory to Trump as it would take likely voting democratic votes away from Harris)
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party's conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.Replies: @John Johnson
I know people who know her dad, Donald Harris. He is a rather distinguished elderly professor, a well regarded economist retired from Stanford who (although he is obviously aware that he is of mixed race) is proud of his distinguished (white) Jamaican ancestors and would have nothing to do with ignorant low class weed smoking Rastafarians with nothing but slave ancestors. He is from a different sort of people.
You of all people should be aware of the class distinctions in 3rd world countries. They all may look like a bunch of brownish buggers to us but within the islands societies these distinctions are sharp and well understood, perhaps even sharper in that you can't discern class based strictly on skin color. [British society used to be like that too - perhaps if you stripped them to their undershorts you could not tell a clubbable gentleman from a cockney longshoreman at 50 yards but as soon as they opened their mouths the secret would be revealed.]
During her brief campaign for President, Kamala was asked on a radio interview if she had ever smoked marijuana in her youth to which she replied:
“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she responded. “Are you kidding me?”
That joke didn’t go over well with Donald, who sent a scathing statement to Jamaica Global Online [a Jamaican website] . He wrote: “My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics.”
Later in the essay, he added, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”
Kamala grew up removed from island society but was surely not unaware of these distinctions. As her father discerned, she made this cheap remark because she thought it would play well in the context of American identity politics. I have no idea whether she smoked dope or not but she didn't really care about the truth - she was just grubbing for votes. If she had said "the Harrises are distinguished members of the Jamaican upper class. We usually prefer Scotch and would never associate with filthy weed smoking rabble except maybe when they come to our house to clean the drains", it would have been more truthful but in American Democrat political terms it would not have gone over well. Harris, Sr. regards American electoral politics as a low, hucksterish profession, similar to becoming a carnival barker or a professional wrestler and is rather disappointed that Kamala grew up to enter such a whorish profession (in her case almost literally which I'm sure does not thrill him either). Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.Replies: @kaganovitch, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Jonathan Mason
“Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.”
As she’s a woman, the Harris line is automatically discontinued. Unless Donald had a son, then Harris line is kaput.
So caste systems exist in Jamaica, the Caribbean, South America, etc. Who woulda thunk it?
But then, on one level, Kamala’s shenanigans aren’t much different than Kardashians and Hiltons behaving badly. They too came from prominent social lines, (both were part of the top 1%) and yet both debutantes made sex tapes, did reality shows,…and laughed all the way to the bank.
Welcome to the 21st century, a new way of making it big.
Meanwhile, deep in the dark pits of the stagnant third world hell hole currently described as “Los Angeles,” a rather dramatic presentation of “Sailer’s Law”.
NOTE: The LAPD needs to update their training for police cadets so that their cadets can accurately identify machine gun fire, when leveled at the cadets proper, which could serve to remove the mystery and confusion for police officers when fired upon by a machine gun.
I’m not interested in your squabble, but I can say for certain you are wrong about multiple handles. I post under one handle. Period.
I have seen it happen fast and slow. The degeneration doesn’t proceed uniformly higher to lower, and you can lose some vital functions along the way, like the ability to swallow or digest as your brain forgets how to tell the other systems what to do. But point taken. There’s footage of his legs being tucked into the limo for him. His doctors are probably already telling family members he should have a walker or 4-footed cane. Lord spare us the spectacle of our head of state doing a fall headfirst down the stairs.
What tends to happen is that the curve of deterioration becomes steeper and steeper over time until towards the end it become rather steep.
There is a lot of footage of Biden falling or stumbling (mostly on stairs but also on level ground) so he probably should have been using at least a cane for some time now. But they couldn't give him one for obvious reasons. I have known a lot of elderly people who refused to use canes for reasons of vanity, even if it meant that they fell down a lot and sometimes injured themselves and Biden had a much better reason than they did not to use one.
In the end, Biden himself (if perhaps not Jill and his handlers) will be the one who is most relieved that he no longer has to keep up this struggle for which he no longer has the strength. He probably already knew that there was no way he was going to serve out a 2nd term, but had he been reelected the same logic that applied in the last few weeks would have been used to keep him there beyond the point where he should have gone.Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
For ten minutes this morning I listened to NPR (yeah it hurts) From the hosts and various guest pundits there was clearly a sense of relief and outright giddiness. They were already on the Pamela Harris band wagon. This I expected from NPR but as the conversation turned to her VP pick, I was shocked and bemused that the consensus was “any White man from a swing state”. Now that is a most interesting flip of the DEI hire 😂
Because Trump understands how much time you have to devote to learning how to run the presidency, and how much time you have to devote towards campaigning, and he knows she can’t do both. Harris will screw up one way or the other if she becomes president now, and Trump is waiting to take advantage of that.
That's not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won't matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it's the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn't able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Art Deco
“That’s not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians.”
Nope, its 100% true. When it comes to vote, incumbents still have a very high return rate. Careerism in politics continues unabated. A no-name candidate. You mean like Bill Gates? Or Elon Musk? (oops, he’s supporting Trump) Or Mark Zuckerberg?
This no name candidate has to have major name recognition. Otherwise, Trump’s campaign can help define him for the voters. This has always worked in the past. The reason Hillary couldn’t define Trump is that he had major name recognition, and was just as famous as she was.
“The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.”
Trumps leading in the polls, you know. Even among independents.
Also, what they tend to say and how they tend to vote, isn’t always accurate. After all, independents SAID in 2016, that for the most part, they preferred Hillary. Didn’t quite work out that way.
You do appear to be making it sound as though Trump is going to get trounced in November, that he doesn’t have a legitimate chance to win. Seriously?
“Americans have a 3 month memory. It won’t matter enough in November.”
Now that’s a lie. This is a lie. Do Americans remember JFK, getting assassinated? Do voting age citizens know that JFK was assassinated? Yes they do. And that was way before 3 months ago.
Trump is going to make sure that the voters remember. That iconic photo of him with the fist pump will be shown everywhere. The video will be used in many campaign ads. The idea that adults won’t remember him being nearly killed is asisine and laughable.
“Because she never polled well with independents.”
Initially, Hillary polled better than Trump in 16 with Independents. In 20, trump did fairly well with independents. There is a reason why this idea that the election, or at least in certain key states, was stolen or let’s say “creatively borrowed with clever math”.
You also assume that from now on, both parties are going to run total unknowns to be their standardbearer in November. Considering that both parties are heavily controlled by donors, and not to mention the party leaders, many of them elected officials, the idea that they’re just going to step aside and not reach for the brass ring, something that several of them on both sides have been doing their entire lives, moving up the ranks of their party–to just…nope can’t have that. That idea is utterly ridiculous.
Things will continue, more or less, as before. Incumbents still have a high return rate, and so will nominating party members to be their standardbearers for a long, long time.
“He wasn’t able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.”
I think in fairness, we also have to consider that there was some (some, not widespread, but SOME) voter fraud, especially in the counting of ballots. GA and AZ for instance have solidly voted GOP for several decades.
Show us the polls that Donald Trump does not have a legitimate chance of being reelected in November. If they exist, do show them.
Also, Independents are very important. But they are unreliable as a whole. Both sides get a share of them. It will also depend on which candidate’s base turns out in full swing to support their candidacies. Trump’s base is thoroughly united behind him. In this, he has head start over the Dems because the base is solidly behind him.
There is obviously, more work to do.
At the same time my original point stands. Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election. Frankly that is just asinine, and not based on solid history.
Fact: Dukakis was a total unknown outside of NE in 88. Did he win?
Fact: Perot was a total unknown outside of say, TX. Did he win?
Funny how both parties for well over a century tend to run career politicians, and the voters keep voting them in, cycle after cycle after cycle.
I asked you directly: Which candidate who is considered to be a total unknown would be the best chance for the Democrats to run in Novemeber? There was no answer.
Also, again. This hypothetical unknown would have to have some national name recognition. Joe Dokes from nowheresville who isn’t known outside his home town ain’t gonna be nominated.
Therefore that would tend to leave two options for the Democrats. They can:
1. Nominate a total unknown in politics BUT someone who has name recognition of stature (e.g. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,
2.Nominate someone who is viewed as a uniter for both sides (e.g. Mitt Romney)
Or even
3. Business as usual, avoid unnessary risks, and nominate one of their traditional party members (e.g. Harris, Newsom, etc)
Looking at how History tends to play out regarding how parties choose their nominees for over a century, I tend to lean toward #3.
Because the risk is all too real. IF you nominate a total unknown and they have skeletons in their closet, or they are so unknown then that leaves the other side to help define them for the voters.
Unknowns are easier to define to the voters. Example: A businessman a la Warren Buffett is nominated, and poof! A month before November, suddenly its revealed that he was involved with corrupt outsourcing jobs, and received major tax breaks at the same time.
This type of thing, would be VERRRY interesting to independents and hence they wouldn’t go for him.
And on top of that, it turns out that said businessman said some, shall we say, racist things and held racist views towards black.
Now, knowning what we know about 2024 (e.g. DEI, Woke, CRT, race card etc) how exactly would that help said candidate with black voters?
But again, since my original point was not specifically addressed, therefore it stands: Two months isn’t enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents. Trump was the outlier because he wasn’t a total unknown. He wasn’t part of the system, but neither was he some gadfly down at Mike’s Local Dive Bar. He had national name recognition since the late 80’s. In that sense, Trump is truly the outlier since he had as much name recognition as Hillary and in that sense was her equal. Being who he was, voters felt he could be trusted enough to be elected president.
Now the rejoiner can be: ‘well, since Trump was elected president before, and clearly the world didn’t disappear under his watch. Vote for him again’.
Was Trump defeated in 20 by an outlier? By someone outside the system? Hell to the no. He was defeated by a career politician who had first been elected to Congress when Trump was barely out of school.
History is a reliable guide. Assuming that the Democrats cannot find another special person of color that can be marketed as a transcender of politics, a uniter not a divider, then history shows that they will nominate another career politician, one who is also very pro-Israel, to cite a relevant example. After all, they do have their party’s long term fortunes to consider.
A no-name candidate as in a Democrat from a state house or even a governor that no one has noticed.
But the right tech outsider could easily win. No one is suggesting Musk or Zuckerberg.
It would have to be an actual independent or center-left Democrat. Not some creep and Musk has already thrown in with Trump.
Incumbents are statistically favored against the unknown but this is not an incumbent election. The incumbent is leaving and Trump is already known to independents and swing voters. They don't like him and only support him against select Democrats like Biden.
Trump was an outsider and he beat the legacy candidate. In fact the GOP didn't want him to run for that reason. They viewed Cruz as safer. Now that’s a lie. This is a lie.
No it is not a lie. A post-Trump poll showed that most Democrats thought Biden developed the vaccine. Of course voters will remember that Trump was shot at but the 3 month memory is in reference to how they vote. It has to be a recent event for them to affect their vote.
If Trump dodged a bullet in late October then it could affect the election. But I guarantee that any boost will be small and won't matter in November.
The Trump supporters that are invigorated by his response were already going to vote for him. There is no large group of on the fence voters that will be swayed by the shooting. We don't even know who the Democrat candidate will be at this point.
Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election.
Where have I said that every unknown candidate is going to win?
I said that in this election a no-name Democrat could easily beat Trump. That is because most independents in swing states simply don't like him. In 2016 he easily carried dissatisfied independents. But during COVID they started turning on him. They no longer view him as an outsider and polls have been consistent in that they would prefer a different candidate from the GOP.
Two months isn’t enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents.
I would agree in most cases but this is an abnormal election. See this poll for yourself:
They really don't like him. Racking up felonies doesn't help with your image.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
I’ll give this to Trump: his children all seem to genuinely love him, and all seem to get along with each other well. That’s not easy to pull off with a marital life as turbulent as his. The oldest and youngest children have a near 30 year age gap, IIRC. And they are all doing well-not a failson or daughter amongst them. Speaks volumes about his quality as a father.
On some hard to describe level, it’s just… *difficult* to imagine him treating an illegitimate grandchild the same way Biden has.
The elder George Bush was confined to a wheelchair in his later years but he spent at least 5 years off of his feet before he passed away.
What tends to happen is that the curve of deterioration becomes steeper and steeper over time until towards the end it become rather steep.
There is a lot of footage of Biden falling or stumbling (mostly on stairs but also on level ground) so he probably should have been using at least a cane for some time now. But they couldn’t give him one for obvious reasons. I have known a lot of elderly people who refused to use canes for reasons of vanity, even if it meant that they fell down a lot and sometimes injured themselves and Biden had a much better reason than they did not to use one.
In the end, Biden himself (if perhaps not Jill and his handlers) will be the one who is most relieved that he no longer has to keep up this struggle for which he no longer has the strength. He probably already knew that there was no way he was going to serve out a 2nd term, but had he been reelected the same logic that applied in the last few weeks would have been used to keep him there beyond the point where he should have gone. @danand, @nebulafox
Yep. They do this all the time.
Makes you wonder how they’d respond to someone who doesn’t care about blackmail because he’s got nothing to lose or care about anyway. Makes you wonder how a political establishment that relies constantly off an implicit MAD situation based on blackmail would.
Dropping out is a boomer thing. “Turn on, tune in, drop out”,_tune_in,_drop_out
It's more the anti-abortion fanatics saying things like a fertilized egg and a woman are of equal value thereby showing they don't value women.Replies: @Oscar Goldman, @Reg Cæsar
To say nothing of eggs
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.Replies: @J.Ross, @Art Deco, @Travis, @mc23
Biden did not make this decision. He was forced to resign. High level Democrats threatened to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from office.
One would expect a letter of this significance to be physically signed by the President and not released on Twitter before notifying his staff. There was not even a photo of Biden pretending to sign this letter.
I would expect a prime time announcement by him on the major networks like when President Johnson decided not to run in 1968. One would expect some public appearance of Biden by now, unless he is in worse shape than we realize and is no longer able to speak coherently.
Who knows why he didn’t make an announcement in person—I suggest some combination of the above.Replies: @newrouter
Last, desperate attempt to get Biden to start a war with Iran.
As Bernard over at MoonofAlabama points out
Trump was also a new candidate who is by no means qualified and has never received any votes when he first ran. So was Putin. Whether Kamala is unqualified the voters will judge in November. If she is really unqualified then Trump should win in a walk. You must be thinking of Mindy Kaling's brother, who actually faked being black to get into med school:
Kamala is not of exclusive Asian/Indian decent. She, like Obama, is black on her father's side (never mind that her father is also mixed race - New World blacks are almost always mixed blood) which in American terms legitimately permits her to self identify as black. This is not like Elizabeth Warren's fake Indian schtick. Kamala has every right to call herself black. That's not her issue.
I think Kamala is a terrible person and a terrible candidate but Moons and various Republicans and Men of Unz's sudden concern with the internal procedures of the Democrat Party is clearly insincere and unseemly. She is going to be the Democrat nominee. Take that as a given and let her run on her shitty record and may the best candidate win.
One would expect a letter of this significance to be physically signed by the President and not released on Twitter before notifying his staff. There was not even a photo of Biden pretending to sign this letter.
I would expect a prime time announcement by him on the major networks like when President Johnson decided not to run in 1968. One would expect some public appearance of Biden by now, unless he is in worse shape than we realize and is no longer able to speak coherently.Replies: @Frau Katze, @Jack D
Apart from whatever else is wrong with him (Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s?) he also has Covid, a respiratory illness that would impact his ability to speak.
Who knows why he didn’t make an announcement in person—I suggest some combination of the above.
I suggest the announcement is bs . How hard is it to post the announcement on the letter head of "The Office Of The President of The United States of America". Or how hard would it be for Biden todo a 30 second video posted at the White House web site?
Completely agree there. They have to be stopped from entering the country.
If Biden has Parkinson’s disease his symptoms could worsen with an intercurrent infection. Biden claimed to have had a cold during the time of the June debate, and now he’s fighting COVID.
Jul 31, 2024
Quoting myself from 10 days ago (
“He will be gone before the D’s convention, and the MSM can go back to slobbering, this time over Kamala. ”
That’s the point, they can’t run a “boring White guy”, Biden was their last “boring White guy”.
They ran a boring White guy in the last election and won.
That was an election where the MSM had initially declared that there shouldn’t be another White male president. They wanted Warren until all her fake Indian stories came out.
Now they’re officially the black party, and their blacks are all radicals.
They are no less radical than compared to the last election.
There are always liberals that want a Black lesbian for president. So what? Liberals want all kinds of things.
They hate Trump first and foremost. This isn’t an election where they can risk checking all the diversity boxes.
It’s entirely possible that they will go with Harris but that is unlikely.
They need a safer bet and Harris simply isn’t competent. She can’t even sit for a scripted interview. Just watch the border interview or the French accent video. She sucks. Even as an AA candidate she is lousy. There are much better diversity fill-ins. I honestly think a lot of the MSM commentators are just dealing with their guilt of having to admit that Harris is terrible. In the last primary she didn’t even take her home state of California. Harris would completely flub a debate with Trump. She can’t even sit for a softball interview with the MSM. She does weird cackles and is socially awkward. Replies: @John Johnson
But I turn to an NYT article on Kamala’s possible candidacy and check the comments.
She’s definitely not as popular as a non-demented Biden. Still a good ⅔ of the comments and upvotes were running positive. The detractors didn’t like her (and felt she was a diversity pick). Still I suspect most hate Trump enough to vote for her.
They’re committed Dems. I don’t know what swing voters would think. Polls will no doubt be coming out soon.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @John Johnson
And where is your proof that it is unlikely? She is the Vice President of the United States. Even independents know exactly who she is. Name recognition is totally there. I'm thinking even more that I'm correct--two months isn't enough time to develop name recognition. The party doesnt' want a lose cannon who isn't known. They'd rather play it safe and nominate someone they know that they can control, and, has name recognition.
Harris has support of enough Democratic delegates to become party’s presidential nominee: AP survey @Anon @Je Suis Omar Mateen
“According to NYT, Biden is suffering from Covid and was not up to public speaking.”
A fake president felled by a fake illness – so very fitting.
Aaron Sorkin, creator of that penetrating window into the beating heart of American politics that was The West Wing, actually suggested this yesterday in The New York Times:
(He seems to have had some second thoughts though).
Biden made this decision with the help of Jill and a very small inner circle of personal advisors and did not notify the larger circle of White House staff and the campaign staff until moments before the announcement went out on Twitter (or in some cases not at all). This does not mean that he did not make the decision, it just means that he intentionally did not share it widely. He knew that as soon as he shared this information widely it would appear in the Washington Post and NY Times, so better to let the world know yourself and control the timing and text. Washington leaks like a sieve.Replies: @J.Ross, @Art Deco, @Travis, @mc23
I saw it announced that “Team Harris” raised 81 million dollars in the twenty-four hours since Biden declared he’s not running. People were not running out to write checks because of excitement over Kamala.
It would more accurate if to say donors had been withholding 81 million dollars unless Biden to stepped down. The donors were also certainly withholding millions from other Democratic races as well. Stands to reason much of the upper party leadership was onboard with the donor boycott.
No one outside his innermost circle has seen him since last Wednesday. It’s been five full days.
Was it a coup?
Or did Democratic operatives make him an offer he could not refuse?
(What if he tried to refuse it, or tried to walk it back today? If he does try that, then no one with any situational awareness should get within miles of his physical location.)
That's not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won't matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it's the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn't able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Art Deco
Just remembered an important factor.
In 2016 Jill Stein ran as an independent candidate. She took some votes away from Hillary.
In 2024, RFKjr is running. If he takes sufficient votes away from the Democrats, this will help Trump’s chances as well.
Let’s not quickly be dismissive of the role of third parties as the spoiler. In 2000 Ralph Nader ran as a third party member. He was specifically successful in FL.
In other words, it’s where the third party candidate is succesful. Some of history shows that a third party candidate can have their greatest success in swing states (Wallace in 68, Nader in 2000, and Stein in 16). Not a slam dunk automatic, but it does happen. It does occur.
And some of the votes a third party candidate will receive will be from among independents.
Realistically, even if RFKjr receives at most about 2-3% nationally of the total vote, if his greatest strength comes from the swing states (and in this case would tend to believe that it would be from that region of the US, since he is from the Northeast).
Suppose a Kennedy-Sanders ticket. Just go with it for a second as an hypothetical. Realistically, where would this ticket draw its greatest number of voters from–the swing states. The Rust Belt and Northeast.
Elections are sometimes turned on third party candidacies.
If the election is close. If RFKjr gets as high as 2% nationally, but gets a large amount of votes from a specific region (e.g. swing states) then that definitely could help turn the tide in November.
Wallace carried the Thurmond and Byrd states. They swung between Democrats and regional fire-eaters, not between Democrats and Republicans. Nixon finally won them over for good (or Humphrey and McGovern lost them), except for the aforementioned regional mushmouths.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
It would not surprise me all that much if Biden’s doctor noticed that he was no longer alive.
That's not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won't matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it's the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn't able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Art Deco
Ok, for the sake of argument. Let’s suppose that Kamala Harris is the Democrats official nominee for president.
What do the polls show? And,
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to win vs her in November?
Not a trick or sarcastic question, it’s an honest question
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
That would mean as far as the independents are concerned they can;
1. Stay home
2. Vote for Trump or Vote for Harris
3. Vote for RFKjr as more of a “protest” vote (as said before depending where the votes come from, in the swing states, for instance, that would tend to tip the victory to Trump as it would take likely voting democratic votes away from Harris)
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party’s conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
I maintain that any no-name moderate would beat Trump because of independents, moderates and swing voters. The data has been clear on that. A middle of the road White guy would easily take Trump.
Harris however is not a no-name moderate and she is not even a competent AA candidate. She is terrible.
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
Currently Vegas has Trump to win and I agree with that projection given all the data I have seen. Instinctively I also feel that she is a bad choice. I think Trump would actually take even more Hispanics from Democrats if she ran. They tend to prefer masculine candidates and Harris doesn't score any minority points with them. In the last primary she didn't pull Blacks or Californians. Her own state rejected her.
A lot can happen between now and November but if the election were held tomorrow I think he would take a majority of the swing states.
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party’s conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.
I do not consider her the safe choice in the least. I think a random dice roll of someone in Congress would be safer.
Harris cracks under pressure. Just watch how she cracked in the border interview. She is a disaster when she is nervous and goes off script.
Democrats have lost many elections by rallying around a subpar candidate for diversity points. It could certainly happen again. The MSM normally rallies around a minority candidate. They did that in the last election.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Nope, its 100% true. When it comes to vote, incumbents still have a very high return rate. Careerism in politics continues unabated. A no-name candidate. You mean like Bill Gates? Or Elon Musk? (oops, he's supporting Trump) Or Mark Zuckerberg?
This no name candidate has to have major name recognition. Otherwise, Trump's campaign can help define him for the voters. This has always worked in the past. The reason Hillary couldn't define Trump is that he had major name recognition, and was just as famous as she was.
"The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump."
Trumps leading in the polls, you know. Even among independents.
Also, what they tend to say and how they tend to vote, isn't always accurate. After all, independents SAID in 2016, that for the most part, they preferred Hillary. Didn't quite work out that way.
You do appear to be making it sound as though Trump is going to get trounced in November, that he doesn't have a legitimate chance to win. Seriously?
"Americans have a 3 month memory. It won’t matter enough in November."
Now that's a lie. This is a lie. Do Americans remember JFK, getting assassinated? Do voting age citizens know that JFK was assassinated? Yes they do. And that was way before 3 months ago.
Trump is going to make sure that the voters remember. That iconic photo of him with the fist pump will be shown everywhere. The video will be used in many campaign ads. The idea that adults won't remember him being nearly killed is asisine and laughable.
"Because she never polled well with independents."
Initially, Hillary polled better than Trump in 16 with Independents. In 20, trump did fairly well with independents. There is a reason why this idea that the election, or at least in certain key states, was stolen or let's say "creatively borrowed with clever math".
You also assume that from now on, both parties are going to run total unknowns to be their standardbearer in November. Considering that both parties are heavily controlled by donors, and not to mention the party leaders, many of them elected officials, the idea that they're just going to step aside and not reach for the brass ring, something that several of them on both sides have been doing their entire lives, moving up the ranks of their party--to just...nope can't have that. That idea is utterly ridiculous.
Things will continue, more or less, as before. Incumbents still have a high return rate, and so will nominating party members to be their standardbearers for a long, long time.
"He wasn’t able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected."
I think in fairness, we also have to consider that there was some (some, not widespread, but SOME) voter fraud, especially in the counting of ballots. GA and AZ for instance have solidly voted GOP for several decades.
Show us the polls that Donald Trump does not have a legitimate chance of being reelected in November. If they exist, do show them.
Also, Independents are very important. But they are unreliable as a whole. Both sides get a share of them. It will also depend on which candidate's base turns out in full swing to support their candidacies. Trump's base is thoroughly united behind him. In this, he has head start over the Dems because the base is solidly behind him.
There is obviously, more work to do.
At the same time my original point stands. Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election. Frankly that is just asinine, and not based on solid history.
Fact: Dukakis was a total unknown outside of NE in 88. Did he win?
Fact: Perot was a total unknown outside of say, TX. Did he win?
Funny how both parties for well over a century tend to run career politicians, and the voters keep voting them in, cycle after cycle after cycle.
I asked you directly: Which candidate who is considered to be a total unknown would be the best chance for the Democrats to run in Novemeber? There was no answer.
Also, again. This hypothetical unknown would have to have some national name recognition. Joe Dokes from nowheresville who isn't known outside his home town ain't gonna be nominated.
Therefore that would tend to leave two options for the Democrats. They can:
1. Nominate a total unknown in politics BUT someone who has name recognition of stature (e.g. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,
2.Nominate someone who is viewed as a uniter for both sides (e.g. Mitt Romney)
Or even
3. Business as usual, avoid unnessary risks, and nominate one of their traditional party members (e.g. Harris, Newsom, etc)
Looking at how History tends to play out regarding how parties choose their nominees for over a century, I tend to lean toward #3.
Because the risk is all too real. IF you nominate a total unknown and they have skeletons in their closet, or they are so unknown then that leaves the other side to help define them for the voters.
Unknowns are easier to define to the voters. Example: A businessman a la Warren Buffett is nominated, and poof! A month before November, suddenly its revealed that he was involved with corrupt outsourcing jobs, and received major tax breaks at the same time.
This type of thing, would be VERRRY interesting to independents and hence they wouldn't go for him.
And on top of that, it turns out that said businessman said some, shall we say, racist things and held racist views towards black.
Now, knowning what we know about 2024 (e.g. DEI, Woke, CRT, race card etc) how exactly would that help said candidate with black voters?
But again, since my original point was not specifically addressed, therefore it stands: Two months isn't enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents. Trump was the outlier because he wasn't a total unknown. He wasn't part of the system, but neither was he some gadfly down at Mike's Local Dive Bar. He had national name recognition since the late 80's. In that sense, Trump is truly the outlier since he had as much name recognition as Hillary and in that sense was her equal. Being who he was, voters felt he could be trusted enough to be elected president.
Now the rejoiner can be: 'well, since Trump was elected president before, and clearly the world didn't disappear under his watch. Vote for him again'.
Was Trump defeated in 20 by an outlier? By someone outside the system? Hell to the no. He was defeated by a career politician who had first been elected to Congress when Trump was barely out of school.
History is a reliable guide. Assuming that the Democrats cannot find another special person of color that can be marketed as a transcender of politics, a uniter not a divider, then history shows that they will nominate another career politician, one who is also very pro-Israel, to cite a relevant example. After all, they do have their party's long term fortunes to consider.Replies: @John Johnson
Nope, its 100% true. When it comes to vote, incumbents still have a very high return rate. Careerism in politics continues unabated. A no-name candidate. You mean like Bill Gates? Or Elon Musk? (oops, he’s supporting Trump) Or Mark Zuckerberg?
A no-name candidate as in a Democrat from a state house or even a governor that no one has noticed.
But the right tech outsider could easily win. No one is suggesting Musk or Zuckerberg.
It would have to be an actual independent or center-left Democrat. Not some creep and Musk has already thrown in with Trump.
Incumbents are statistically favored against the unknown but this is not an incumbent election. The incumbent is leaving and Trump is already known to independents and swing voters. They don’t like him and only support him against select Democrats like Biden.
Trump was an outsider and he beat the legacy candidate. In fact the GOP didn’t want him to run for that reason. They viewed Cruz as safer.
Now that’s a lie. This is a lie.
No it is not a lie. A post-Trump poll showed that most Democrats thought Biden developed the vaccine. Of course voters will remember that Trump was shot at but the 3 month memory is in reference to how they vote. It has to be a recent event for them to affect their vote.
If Trump dodged a bullet in late October then it could affect the election. But I guarantee that any boost will be small and won’t matter in November.
The Trump supporters that are invigorated by his response were already going to vote for him. There is no large group of on the fence voters that will be swayed by the shooting. We don’t even know who the Democrat candidate will be at this point.
Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election.
Where have I said that every unknown candidate is going to win?
I said that in this election a no-name Democrat could easily beat Trump. That is because most independents in swing states simply don’t like him. In 2016 he easily carried dissatisfied independents. But during COVID they started turning on him. They no longer view him as an outsider and polls have been consistent in that they would prefer a different candidate from the GOP.
Two months isn’t enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents.
I would agree in most cases but this is an abnormal election. See this poll for yourself:
They really don’t like him. Racking up felonies doesn’t help with your image.
I answered some of these things you posted in response to my original point
My new question, when it is finally posted, is this:
It does appear that Kamala Harris is indeed going to be the Democratic nominee. Now, I understand that you're not going to claim that independents don't know who Kamala Harris is, or that they have no idea who she is? I take that for granted that even indie voters know full well that Harris is the VP of the US.
And that's hardly an "unknown" local or state candidate.
Therefore, my question remains:
Assuming that it is Harris vs Trump in November. Who wins? AND...
Does Donald Trump have a legitimate chance to win in November (assuming that he faces Harris)?
I also posted another point that me especially, but also yourself, may have overlooked.
Third party candidacies, RFKjr in particular.
Could the independent voters cast votes for RFKjr in November? If he receives even 2-3% of the total vote, particularly with most of his support concentrated in the Rust Belt, swing states, then I do think that that could tip the balance toward Trump.
Oftentimes a third party candidacy can help one of the two major candidates. (Wallace in 68 helped Nixon, Perot in 92 helped Clinton, and Stein in 16 helped Trump). In a close election, all it really takes is about 2-3% of the total vote, if its concentrated in particular toss up or swing states. As RFKjr's home base is from the Northeast, he could do quite well in the Rust Belt and maybe some of the swing states.
But either way, at this point in time, realistically it does appear that Kamala will be the Democratic nominee. IF she is the nominee, how will Trump do vs her in the fall? Does he have a legitimate chance to beat her?
You didn't answer this question, because it has yet to be posted. You seem to be assuming that some unknown local state pol will be nominated. I go with historical precedent and stated that Kamala Harris will be the nominee. She's already the VP, so there's the name recognition, even among independent voters--the question also will be, will they vote for her, or hold their nose and vote Trump? Or, stay home, or even vote for RFJjr instead?
But I go for historical precedent--so far, its on Kamala for the nomination. She's the VP, that's how it works.
After all, whoever is the nominee will have to toe the party line and will be beholden to the party's bosses and donors.Replies: @Patrick McNally
I have no objection (in theory) to a nation led mostly by Jews and Himdus. But the Biden Administration is full of relatively moderate Jews like Anita Dunn, Ron Klain, Merrick Garland, and Alejandro Mayorkas, and we have a $2 trillion budget deficit and a full-scale invasion along our southern border. So please spare me the nonsense about “relatively moderate Jews.” Shapiro may very well be a genuine moderate, but given the behavior of Democrats lately I have little reason to believe it.
Oh, and there are plenty of capable white Christians in this country. Even now most *Democratic* senators and governors (and virtually all Republican ones) are white and (nominally) Christian.
Not to quibble your quip too much, but the I believe the three societies you mention were all neolithic–had gone through the neolithic revolution or been colonized by people who had–even before the white guys showed up. The true Paleolithic people left around were these odd groups of hunter gatherers found off in the bush somewhere, the some American Indians (particularly plains), the various Artic peoples and some notably the Australian Aborigines.
We’re really talking about neolithic peoples vs. HVAC people.
I'm casting about for distinctions between functional and less-than-functional societies. Even though Guatemalans have nominally gone through the Neolithic, their embrace of science and cooperation is a bit less than, say, the Norwegians. May be more clinging to the Paleolithic way of life, which might be a more successful long-term strategy; Robert E. Howard's maxim that the barbarian will triumph over civilized man.
I know people who know her dad, Donald Harris. He is a rather distinguished elderly professor, a well regarded economist retired from Stanford who (although he is obviously aware that he is of mixed race) is proud of his distinguished (white) Jamaican ancestors and would have nothing to do with ignorant low class weed smoking Rastafarians with nothing but slave ancestors. He is from a different sort of people.
You of all people should be aware of the class distinctions in 3rd world countries. They all may look like a bunch of brownish buggers to us but within the islands societies these distinctions are sharp and well understood, perhaps even sharper in that you can't discern class based strictly on skin color. [British society used to be like that too - perhaps if you stripped them to their undershorts you could not tell a clubbable gentleman from a cockney longshoreman at 50 yards but as soon as they opened their mouths the secret would be revealed.]
During her brief campaign for President, Kamala was asked on a radio interview if she had ever smoked marijuana in her youth to which she replied:
“Half my family’s from Jamaica,” she responded. “Are you kidding me?”
That joke didn’t go over well with Donald, who sent a scathing statement to Jamaica Global Online [a Jamaican website] . He wrote: “My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics.”
Later in the essay, he added, “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”
Kamala grew up removed from island society but was surely not unaware of these distinctions. As her father discerned, she made this cheap remark because she thought it would play well in the context of American identity politics. I have no idea whether she smoked dope or not but she didn't really care about the truth - she was just grubbing for votes. If she had said "the Harrises are distinguished members of the Jamaican upper class. We usually prefer Scotch and would never associate with filthy weed smoking rabble except maybe when they come to our house to clean the drains", it would have been more truthful but in American Democrat political terms it would not have gone over well. Harris, Sr. regards American electoral politics as a low, hucksterish profession, similar to becoming a carnival barker or a professional wrestler and is rather disappointed that Kamala grew up to enter such a whorish profession (in her case almost literally which I'm sure does not thrill him either). Not to mention that she gave him no grandchildren with which to continue the Harris line.Replies: @kaganovitch, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Jonathan Mason
I am well aware of Kamala Harris’s family background and of her father’s revulsion for her claims.
My remark was purely jocular in reference to the fact that she claimed that of course she smoked marijuana because she was part Jamaican. It would therefore appear that she was some kind of Rastafarian sympathizer.
I very much doubt if Andrew Holness, appreciated her remarks, but I am sure that if she is elected president he will politely congratulate her.
Anon said,
And Biden said
Nothing, he’s been dead for days.
NOTAMs around Biden’s home in Delaware. Big VIP flight soon. Replies: @Jack D, @MEH 0910
The article mentions that any worsening is temporary and once the infection goes away the patient returns to baseline. But this may account for why Biden has not publicly appeared and is delaying the speech he promised to give to explain his decision.
One would expect a letter of this significance to be physically signed by the President and not released on Twitter before notifying his staff. There was not even a photo of Biden pretending to sign this letter.
I would expect a prime time announcement by him on the major networks like when President Johnson decided not to run in 1968. One would expect some public appearance of Biden by now, unless he is in worse shape than we realize and is no longer able to speak coherently.Replies: @Frau Katze, @Jack D
The Twitter letter did (allegedly) bear his signature. Supposedly he is going to make a speech on this later this week. We won’t be able to see if they are holding a gun to his head or holding Hunter hostage but watch to see if Joe blinks in Morse code during his speech.
Of course it is gratuitous. If you wanted my paid professional opinion it wouldn’t be on this subject and it would cost you.
Dont the Dems have the following on the bench:
Governor Shapiro PA ,
Roy Cooper NC
It seems pretty clear to me that Trump was never actually in control of our military. There was no one in his cabinet that had any real political power to use against the MIC/JCoS. So they did what they pleased and Trump had to go along with it to save face. The events that unfolded in Syria and Iraq during his term support this notion.
Biden’s cabinet/handlers OTOH have a lot more real political power (an or blackmail leverage) and thus were able to overrule the MIC and bail on Afghanistan.
Just In:
Biden has allegedly made a tape recording of himself, possibly of his own free will, but most certainly sounds drugged up, announcing his withdrawal from the race, in a most confused state.
Biden must resign NOW!!
The office of the Presidency REQUIRES that its holder can speak in full, coherent sentences!
What if Putin should decide to take dramatic measures in the Ukraine right now? What if Israel takes an unprecedented military action towards Iran? WHO would be calling the shots strategically in a crisis? Not our current possibly drugged up, incoherent President. And don’t presume the above mentioned parties are not all anxious about that, whether friend or adversary! We are creating world tension!!
This is INSANE! Where is the collective media outrage? This goes far beyond partisan politics. Democrat’s babies atomize in the same way from a nuclear detonation as Republican’s babies!
This isn’t a parlor game!
It’s still not apparent that we aren’t in the middle of a coup!!
CNN and others need to step up, and confront this, head on, with urgency, RIGHT NOW!
It is very likely that Kamala Harris is going to be the Democratic nominee.
It's speculation either way and I think it is unlikely. She is incompetent and they try to keep her away from the cameras.
You can go back to 2020 and find CNN articles on how Warren is the leading candidate based on polls.
Liberals in the media normally rally around the diversity candidate at the start of the primary process.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @MEH 0910
You sound like the one single guy left at last call and JBP is giving you the bedroom eyes from the end of the bar.
Sober up.
Vance is the Palantir candidate. Lefties do good oppo-research whilst conservos struggle with dust brain syndrome. What the leftoid cultists have been flurry-publishing the past few days about Vance’s tech/transhuman guru benefactor, Peter Thiel, is well-known and still disconcerts. JD’s story about Granny keeping slightly less than twenty loaded firearms in her shack rings authentic and adds to Scots-Irish lore. During my two year stay with my Texan Scots-Irish relatives in Callahan County there were firearms a plenty. And these were all women: tall, skinny, red-hair, banshee-like laughter at night. They carried handguns and shotguns in their Chevy Vega and Ford pickup truck. You could hear shotgun shells and .38 rounds rattling under the seats.
From what I’ve seen of her she’s a poor speaker and is generally obnoxious.
But I turn to an NYT article on Kamala’s possible candidacy and check the comments.
She’s definitely not as popular as a non-demented Biden. Still a good ⅔ of the comments and upvotes were running positive. The detractors didn’t like her (and felt she was a diversity pick). Still I suspect most hate Trump enough to vote for her.
They’re committed Dems. I don’t know what swing voters would think. Polls will no doubt be coming out soon.
That's the Democratic base. And most hate Biden/Harris on the other side to vote for Trump. His assassination attempt helped to unite his base, which is now just as rabid to vote for him as the other side is vs him.
So the bases could cancel each other out. But ultimately it is imperative for each side to bring their bases out in full force.
She has the wonderful combination of liberal arrogance and obvious incompetence.
I suspect a lot of her supporters haven't seen videos like this one:
She’ll lose, but she’ll win, just like Joe Biden lost but won.
For years, Steve spoke of the democrats stealing elections through bringing in millions of foreign ringers, and I nodded in assent. However, neither he nor I (nor anyone else) foresaw the democrats not waiting on their foreign ringers, and instead engaging in massive election fraud on a national basis.
Mason, when you see a “Sale” sign do you rush in a buy whatever they’re selling? If not then please stop commenting about American events as if you are a completely gullible rube. If so, then really you really should not comment on anything at all.
All “immigration reform” bills–whether from the Democrats or “bi-partisan”–are more immigration bills.
This last one was particularly foul. It was a bill to essentially legalize near “Biden Administration” levels of border hopping. It had some sort of goofy two-stage process. (Something like at 3000 people/day the President can start thinking about doing something, at 5000 people a day the President is empowered to do something … if he feels like it.) While back in reality-ville, the President is already empowered to “do something” to stop border hopping–at the very first man. And not only empowered to do so, but as Commander in Chief stopping invasion across our borders is his paramount responsibly under our Constitution!
For folks like you who need help seeing past the propaganda that means it was a bill to legalize random border hoppers to the tune of 1.825 million (5000�365) extra people a year … in addition to our already existing massive 1 million plus legal immigration. This in a nation that births about 3.6 million people a year–a good quarter of them “Hispanics” and another couple hundred thousand Asians–both populations that were essentially trivial in the US when I was born. It was a bill to actually legalize and speed up replacement of the American population–replacing 1/3 of it in a single generation. And not just with foreigners, but essentially random un-selected foreigners–whoever shows up at the border.
a) a complete moron
b) someone who hates America and Americans
would consider such a bill “reform”.
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
A no-name candidate as in a Democrat from a state house or even a governor that no one has noticed.
But the right tech outsider could easily win. No one is suggesting Musk or Zuckerberg.
It would have to be an actual independent or center-left Democrat. Not some creep and Musk has already thrown in with Trump.
Incumbents are statistically favored against the unknown but this is not an incumbent election. The incumbent is leaving and Trump is already known to independents and swing voters. They don't like him and only support him against select Democrats like Biden.
Trump was an outsider and he beat the legacy candidate. In fact the GOP didn't want him to run for that reason. They viewed Cruz as safer. Now that’s a lie. This is a lie.
No it is not a lie. A post-Trump poll showed that most Democrats thought Biden developed the vaccine. Of course voters will remember that Trump was shot at but the 3 month memory is in reference to how they vote. It has to be a recent event for them to affect their vote.
If Trump dodged a bullet in late October then it could affect the election. But I guarantee that any boost will be small and won't matter in November.
The Trump supporters that are invigorated by his response were already going to vote for him. There is no large group of on the fence voters that will be swayed by the shooting. We don't even know who the Democrat candidate will be at this point.
Judging by history, and as you said yourself, Trump was an outlier in 16, it is foolish to assume that every single unknown candidate is going to from now on win the election.
Where have I said that every unknown candidate is going to win?
I said that in this election a no-name Democrat could easily beat Trump. That is because most independents in swing states simply don't like him. In 2016 he easily carried dissatisfied independents. But during COVID they started turning on him. They no longer view him as an outsider and polls have been consistent in that they would prefer a different candidate from the GOP.
Two months isn’t enough time to introduce oneself to the voters, even with independents.
I would agree in most cases but this is an abnormal election. See this poll for yourself:
They really don't like him. Racking up felonies doesn't help with your image.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Felonies have been dismissed. Also would tend to think that independents are not naive and do not blindly parrot the Deep State talking points that everyone accused of a crime is automatically guilty, OR that a person can’t be kangaroo courted by a corrupt jury.
I answered some of these things you posted in response to my original point
My new question, when it is finally posted, is this:
It does appear that Kamala Harris is indeed going to be the Democratic nominee. Now, I understand that you’re not going to claim that independents don’t know who Kamala Harris is, or that they have no idea who she is? I take that for granted that even indie voters know full well that Harris is the VP of the US.
And that’s hardly an “unknown” local or state candidate.
Therefore, my question remains:
Assuming that it is Harris vs Trump in November. Who wins? AND…
Does Donald Trump have a legitimate chance to win in November (assuming that he faces Harris)?
I also posted another point that me especially, but also yourself, may have overlooked.
Third party candidacies, RFKjr in particular.
Could the independent voters cast votes for RFKjr in November? If he receives even 2-3% of the total vote, particularly with most of his support concentrated in the Rust Belt, swing states, then I do think that that could tip the balance toward Trump.
Oftentimes a third party candidacy can help one of the two major candidates. (Wallace in 68 helped Nixon, Perot in 92 helped Clinton, and Stein in 16 helped Trump). In a close election, all it really takes is about 2-3% of the total vote, if its concentrated in particular toss up or swing states. As RFKjr’s home base is from the Northeast, he could do quite well in the Rust Belt and maybe some of the swing states.
But either way, at this point in time, realistically it does appear that Kamala will be the Democratic nominee. IF she is the nominee, how will Trump do vs her in the fall? Does he have a legitimate chance to beat her?
You didn’t answer this question, because it has yet to be posted. You seem to be assuming that some unknown local state pol will be nominated. I go with historical precedent and stated that Kamala Harris will be the nominee. She’s already the VP, so there’s the name recognition, even among independent voters–the question also will be, will they vote for her, or hold their nose and vote Trump? Or, stay home, or even vote for RFJjr instead?
But I go for historical precedent–so far, its on Kamala for the nomination. She’s the VP, that’s how it works.
After all, whoever is the nominee will have to toe the party line and will be beholden to the party’s bosses and donors.
Why should that be the case? Isn't it possible that RFK Jr. might draw a lot of antivax voters to him? This would likely help the Democrat on the ballot.
“It’s entirely possible that they will go with Harris but that is unlikely.”
And where is your proof that it is unlikely? She is the Vice President of the United States. Even independents know exactly who she is. Name recognition is totally there. I’m thinking even more that I’m correct–two months isn’t enough time to develop name recognition. The party doesnt’ want a lose cannon who isn’t known. They’d rather play it safe and nominate someone they know that they can control, and, has name recognition.
But I turn to an NYT article on Kamala’s possible candidacy and check the comments.
She’s definitely not as popular as a non-demented Biden. Still a good ⅔ of the comments and upvotes were running positive. The detractors didn’t like her (and felt she was a diversity pick). Still I suspect most hate Trump enough to vote for her.
They’re committed Dems. I don’t know what swing voters would think. Polls will no doubt be coming out soon.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @John Johnson
“Still I suspect most hate Trump enough to vote for her.”
That’s the Democratic base. And most hate Biden/Harris on the other side to vote for Trump. His assassination attempt helped to unite his base, which is now just as rabid to vote for him as the other side is vs him.
So the bases could cancel each other out. But ultimately it is imperative for each side to bring their bases out in full force. Replies: @John Johnson
It is very likely that Kamala Harris is going to be the Democratic nominee.
It’s speculation either way and I think it is unlikely. She is incompetent and they try to keep her away from the cameras.
You can go back to 2020 and find CNN articles on how Warren is the leading candidate based on polls.
Liberals in the media normally rally around the diversity candidate at the start of the primary process.
Just googled it. Harris is STILL the VP of the US. Therefore she does have name recognition across the board. She apparently wants the nomination, and the president officially just endorsed her.
I go with historical precedent. Harris will be the party's nominee.
The question I have asked you, which you do seem at this point to be avoiding, which...I'm not exactly sure this:
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to defeat her in November? Yes, or no?
Also, you seem to ignore the fact of third party candidate RFKjr. IF he receives 2-3% of the total vote, but concentrated in a specific area or region (e.g. the swing states) then that would tend to take votes away from Harris and help tilt the election to Trump.
Could be unwise to totally discount a third party candidacy. They have tended to decide the election in the past.Replies: @Wokechoke, @James B. Shearer Replies: @John Johnson
is Joe Biden alive? serious question.
we’re well past the point of this getting very serious. who is in charge of what here? some random person has taken over the official Presidential twitter account and is posting random stuff. and that resignation letter looks faked or forged. Biden didn’t write that, didn’t sign that, and didn’t post that to the internet. and that’s NOT how you handle this, either. in case people weren’t sure. posting to the internet and not making any physical appearance anywhere is not how you handle this, at all, whatsoever.
in fact that clearly forged ‘dropping out of the race’ document looks very much like the Obama birth certificate document they produced for ‘proof’ to the public. relax, i’m not a birther, and believe Obama probably qualified to hold the office. but i’m forced to observe that the document itself which the Obama Admin offered up was very suspect.
Joe Biden better make a public appearance soon.
He’s likely too stuffed up to give a press conference.Replies: @anonymous
You can contact Biden via Ouija
But I turn to an NYT article on Kamala’s possible candidacy and check the comments.
She’s definitely not as popular as a non-demented Biden. Still a good ⅔ of the comments and upvotes were running positive. The detractors didn’t like her (and felt she was a diversity pick). Still I suspect most hate Trump enough to vote for her.
They’re committed Dems. I don’t know what swing voters would think. Polls will no doubt be coming out soon.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @John Johnson
From what I’ve seen of her she’s a poor speaker and is generally obnoxious.
She has the wonderful combination of liberal arrogance and obvious incompetence.
I suspect a lot of her supporters haven’t seen videos like this one:
For years, Steve spoke of the democrats stealing elections through bringing in millions of foreign ringers, and I nodded in assent. However, neither he nor I (nor anyone else) foresaw the democrats not waiting on their foreign ringers, and instead engaging in massive election fraud on a national basis.Replies: @John Johnson
However, neither he nor I (nor anyone else) foresaw the democrats not waiting on their foreign ringers, and instead engaging in massive election fraud on a national basis.
Then why didn’t they steal a few House seats?
They have the ability to cheat but gave Biden a divided House?
Not buying it.
Exit polls showed that Trump lost independents and moderates compared to 2016. Instead of focusing on his base he should have worked to bring back independents. He also lost swing-voters and White blue collar workers.
His response to COVID was very divisive. I honestly don’t think the average Republican or Democrat would have done better but it was an issue with independents. He needed to win them back before going against Biden. He needed to go after his weaker points instead of rallying with red hats. His cult of personality almost got him a second term but it wasn’t enough.
obviously, Steve was wildly, hilariously wrong about Biden being in control of anything. it’s been extremely clear to most astute political observers in the dissident right that Biden is barely in control of his bowels. this state of affairs has been the situation for some time. over 2 years at least. the cabinet and staff people are very, VERY clearly running things, not Joe Biden.
unfortunately, this is the trend over the last 5 years for Steve. i’m sad to see his perception, analysis, and prognostication ability drop off a cliff to such a degree. like a band that peaked in popularity 10 years ago, he’s now running solidly on his greatest hits from 20 years ago, and his recent albums are huge misses. i’m happy he’s finally reached a modicum of success and is selling books and doing tours. he earned it and he deserves it. but he’s done as a serious commentator. colossal swing and a miss on the last several world altering events. he’s batting 0.200 lately if that. he used to be a career 0.800 batter.
and as always, if you still think Democrat operators did not steal the Electoral College in 2020 from Donald Trump, after everything you’ve witnessed over the last month, you’re not smart enough for this stuff and should go find another hobby like playing Bridge or watching old Bob Newhart episodes.
“…Not sure why they are pushing to have Harris replace Biden as our President. Why would they want Harris as President ? …”
Several reasons for this. It gives Trump a chance to continue running against Biden which is what he wanted to do. Make the Democrats defend Biden’s fitness after they pushed him out of the nomination. Maybe cause some dissension in the ranks. And as someone else pointed out if Biden did resign then Harris would have to perform two demanding jobs, being President and running for President, at the same time. Getting up to speed on both quickly would likely be a problem for just about anybody.
Great comment AJ. This is how I see it as well.
Having old boring generic white guy Uncle Joe, as a figure head was useful for very vile, treasonous people carrying out their “y’all come on in now, hear” attack upon America.
Been slow getting to it, but I was going to make the comment last night that now we have the candidates that really represent their respective sides–the candidates that America deserves to see.
We’ve got:
— a white man–granted an ego-centric blustering one, not as disciplined as he should be, but a guy who made a career building stuff and loves America.
— a black-Indian woman–silly, incoherent, narrative peddling, a lawyer parasite who slept her way onto the affirmative action ladder lifting her up, who hasn’t done a single productive or useful thing her entire life but feels entitled to lecture Americans on their failings
It’s up to Americans now to wake up and smell the coffee. Do we really want to be sheep-dipped in feminized silly minoritarian nonsense, fed to us by parasitic minority grifters?
“That which is falling should be pushed.”
They don’t have any boring White guys left in the party. Old Joe was the last one. It’s all communists and DIE. Except for that astronaut guy I forgot about. But I think the party loyalists would lose it if he was picked over Kamala.
You forgot to mention, ALL-Not-American. Which of course is the new "American" these days, im Dickicht. Take a bow, Jack D, you finally got what you wanted.
"but probably a negative for more voters."
Pfft. As if "voting" actually matters. You're so charmingly 20th-century. Wait, maybe 19th-century.Replies: @Jack D, @ThreeCranes
With feigned innocence they ask, “And why shouldn’t non-citizens vote? After all, we’re all one big happy human family.”
We answer, “Well, because the foreign aliens, being from and having allegiance to another nation, will cast their votes in such a manner as to harm our nation while helping their native one. Therefore, any political party which supports voting rights for virtually anyone who shows up at the polling place desires not what is in the interests of our nation, but rather what is in the interests of anything or anyone other than our nation. This is treason and they should be hanged.”
If you actually think that, you should be logged into one of the betting shops loading up.
But … you’ll lose. Harris will be the Democratic candidate. The Parasite Party is a minoritarian coalition-of-the-fringes party. Denying her–a woman!, a black woman!–her rightful spot atop the ticket would be all sort of double-plus ungood “racism” and “sexism”. They aren’t going to do that.
Nope, Harris will be the Parasite Party nominee. And a whole bunch of ambitious Democrats will–in the privacy of their own homes or even just within their own thoughts–be hoping she loses opening up opportunities for them or the person the work for/advise/support to run in a wide open 2028 against the record of the Nazi Trump.
But staying home or voting third-party, yes, perhaps enough of them will do that.Replies: @John Gruskos
It wouldn’t be absurd to support Trump if he decisively committed himself to an America First foreign policy: end the wars, bring home the troops, end the sanctions, and end military foreign aid.
If the US government takes these steps, Israel will be compelled to reach an equitable settlement with the Palestinians.
In 2016 Trump received more support among Arab Christians and Shiites than previous Republican presidential candidates. Part of the reason for this was his opposition to Hillary Clinton’s plans for a regime change war in Syria.
Deep State, anyone?
Obama retread Janet Napolitano was named to a panel investigating the Secret Service failures that allowed Trump to be shot.
What tends to happen is that the curve of deterioration becomes steeper and steeper over time until towards the end it become rather steep.
There is a lot of footage of Biden falling or stumbling (mostly on stairs but also on level ground) so he probably should have been using at least a cane for some time now. But they couldn't give him one for obvious reasons. I have known a lot of elderly people who refused to use canes for reasons of vanity, even if it meant that they fell down a lot and sometimes injured themselves and Biden had a much better reason than they did not to use one.
In the end, Biden himself (if perhaps not Jill and his handlers) will be the one who is most relieved that he no longer has to keep up this struggle for which he no longer has the strength. He probably already knew that there was no way he was going to serve out a 2nd term, but had he been reelected the same logic that applied in the last few weeks would have been used to keep him there beyond the point where he should have gone.Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
I have several hiking staffs that I intend to use proudly and ostentatiously when I hit my dotage. I’m also going to grow a beard and wear a hooded cape.
The kicker would be that as San Francisco D.A., Harris notoriously refused to seek the death penalty — most egregiously in the case of a cop who was shot and killed by a suspect he was trying to talk down rather than just shooting.
Dude had done it once before. It didn’t work the second time.
I tried watching some of the SS testimony. It was a mess. Congressmen are not smart enough to properly interrogate this issue. And I am SOOOO #$%ing sick of the down brain “look at someone badger someone” Fox News silliness, that most of the clips highlight.
And they make stupid mistakes, like saying “the perimeter” should encompass all threats. This is not feasible. And shows a lack of understanding of what “the perimeter” means, basically where magnetometers are used to check the crowd. It is normal to have threats outside “the perimeter”. Not just rifles, but drone launches, mortars, etc. That doesn’t mean the plan ignores the threats. It just means “the perimeter” is not the means of dealing with them.
They basically wasted their time and Cheatos time. To their credit, there were times they tried to ask penetrating questions. But in general, just from a few hours of surfing different YT analyses of the shooting, I felt that I was better able to ask questions than the Congressweasels and their staff people.
Cheato was not very helpful either. Sharing preliminary findings, doing a presentation, and discussing next steps would have been worthwhile and could be done without compromising the ongoing investigation and could be well caveated. You have to think that 80-90% of the key information has been gathered and that at a minimum they have hypotheses about what the issues were (planning, execution, staffing, capabilities, etc.) Instead she just sat there and took the abuse. I actually felt slightly sorry for her given the off target questions. But then she would say something silly or refuse to directly answer a question (e.g. is she sticking with the slope story).
The Republicans are now the official Party of the working classes. The Democrats can no deny their sole allegiance is to the parasites.
The Lamprey Party.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
The Teamsters endorsed Reagan in 1980 and 1984. Probably didn’t speak at the conventions, though.
All "immigration reform" bills--whether from the Democrats or "bi-partisan"--are more immigration bills.
This last one was particularly foul. It was a bill to essentially legalize near "Biden Administration" levels of border hopping. It had some sort of goofy two-stage process. (Something like at 3000 people/day the President can start thinking about doing something, at 5000 people a day the President is empowered to do something ... if he feels like it.) While back in reality-ville, the President is already empowered to "do something" to stop border hopping--at the very first man. And not only empowered to do so, but as Commander in Chief stopping invasion across our borders is his paramount responsibly under our Constitution!
For folks like you who need help seeing past the propaganda that means it was a bill to legalize random border hoppers to the tune of 1.825 million (5000x365) extra people a year ... in addition to our already existing massive 1 million plus legal immigration. This in a nation that births about 3.6 million people a year--a good quarter of them "Hispanics" and another couple hundred thousand Asians--both populations that were essentially trivial in the US when I was born. It was a bill to actually legalize and speed up replacement of the American population--replacing 1/3 of it in a single generation. And not just with foreigners, but essentially random un-selected foreigners--whoever shows up at the border.
a) a complete moron
b) someone who hates America and Americans
would consider such a bill "reform".Replies: @Jonathan Mason
There’s a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.
Hungary? Israel?
You are wrong (I am unsurprised); in the long run, there isn't much difference.
We had it solved pretty good for forty years.
This is a problem like having a stray cat problem. Stop feeding them!
You're hilarious friend-o.Replies: @John Johnson
Saudi Arabia
What you meant to say is there isn't any white, gentile, democratic country that has solved the problem of treasonous elites recruiting and transporting illegal immigrants into their countries.Replies: @John Johnson
I sure didn’t say he was good-looking haha. You a fat Midwesterner yourself? Try eating more green vegetables and walking more.
Your mother is a vegetable? She seems very animated with me.... weird.
The Anti-Gandalf?
we're well past the point of this getting very serious. who is in charge of what here? some random person has taken over the official Presidential twitter account and is posting random stuff. and that resignation letter looks faked or forged. Biden didn't write that, didn't sign that, and didn't post that to the internet. and that's NOT how you handle this, either. in case people weren't sure. posting to the internet and not making any physical appearance anywhere is not how you handle this, at all, whatsoever.
in fact that clearly forged 'dropping out of the race' document looks very much like the Obama birth certificate document they produced for 'proof' to the public. relax, i'm not a birther, and believe Obama probably qualified to hold the office. but i'm forced to observe that the document itself which the Obama Admin offered up was very suspect.
Joe Biden better make a public appearance soon.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Frau Katze, @Wokechoke, @Curle
Didn’t Trump abolish press conferences and replace them with tweets?
Governor Shapiro PA ,
Roy Cooper NC @Rich
If they nominate a Paleface, the party will splinter. They won’t be able to hold it together. Shapiro has the same problem as Pritzker, Schumer and Blumenthal. Beshear won in KY because the genius republican ran a black guy against him, I don’t know much about Cooper. I did hear some people pushing the astronaut from AZ today, and though he’s voted pretty left his whole time in the Senate, he could beat Trump. Except his parents were as Pale as that first White man who stepped out of the Caucasus mountains and set out to civilize the world. Biden is their last White male.
we're well past the point of this getting very serious. who is in charge of what here? some random person has taken over the official Presidential twitter account and is posting random stuff. and that resignation letter looks faked or forged. Biden didn't write that, didn't sign that, and didn't post that to the internet. and that's NOT how you handle this, either. in case people weren't sure. posting to the internet and not making any physical appearance anywhere is not how you handle this, at all, whatsoever.
in fact that clearly forged 'dropping out of the race' document looks very much like the Obama birth certificate document they produced for 'proof' to the public. relax, i'm not a birther, and believe Obama probably qualified to hold the office. but i'm forced to observe that the document itself which the Obama Admin offered up was very suspect.
Joe Biden better make a public appearance soon.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Frau Katze, @Wokechoke, @Curle
Biden is sick with Covid and has retreated to his Delaware home.
He’s likely too stuffed up to give a press conference.
I would guess he suffered a mini-stroke.Some major unreported shit definitely went down in Las Vegas.Biden and Kamala are lying. @Jonathan Mason
In 2016 Jill Stein ran as an independent candidate. She took some votes away from Hillary.
In 2024, RFKjr is running. If he takes sufficient votes away from the Democrats, this will help Trump's chances as well.
Let's not quickly be dismissive of the role of third parties as the spoiler. In 2000 Ralph Nader ran as a third party member. He was specifically successful in FL.
In other words, it's where the third party candidate is succesful. Some of history shows that a third party candidate can have their greatest success in swing states (Wallace in 68, Nader in 2000, and Stein in 16). Not a slam dunk automatic, but it does happen. It does occur.
And some of the votes a third party candidate will receive will be from among independents.
Realistically, even if RFKjr receives at most about 2-3% nationally of the total vote, if his greatest strength comes from the swing states (and in this case would tend to believe that it would be from that region of the US, since he is from the Northeast).
Suppose a Kennedy-Sanders ticket. Just go with it for a second as an hypothetical. Realistically, where would this ticket draw its greatest number of voters from--the swing states. The Rust Belt and Northeast.
Elections are sometimes turned on third party candidacies.
If the election is close. If RFKjr gets as high as 2% nationally, but gets a large amount of votes from a specific region (e.g. swing states) then that definitely could help turn the tide in November.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Wallace carried the least swing of states, at least defined as swinging between the major parties. 1964 was very much an outlier, all across the land. 1976, 1992, and 1996 were really the only years the South swang. (Okay, the outer mountain South in the 1920. But those were landslides.)
Wallace carried the Thurmond and Byrd states. They swung between Democrats and regional fire-eaters, not between Democrats and Republicans. Nixon finally won them over for good (or Humphrey and McGovern lost them), except for the aforementioned regional mushmouths.
Jill Stein took votes away from Hillary in the Rust Belt areas (swing states such as PA, WI, MI). Last I checked, those states are not in the South.
IF RFKjr were to take votes away from Harris, it would be in the Rust Belt area (and a few swing states), as he is from the Northeast, that's his stomping ground.
Yes, but we were born into the position of powerlessness, you had control of the greatest empire the world has ever known, and you gave it away.
It's already starting. Something has been going on behind the scenes over the past week with various sticks and carrots, analogously to how everyone dropped out suddenly to give middling Biden the nomination in 2020.
And of course the media will do its part. Expect them to work overdrive for Harris, even more than they would for another Democrat Woman of Color (to the extent that's possible), to make amends for increasing Biden's vulnerability.
I predict that Harris will be "elected" president.Replies: @Anonymous
Of course she will win. The chances of Trump winning are so low as to be unworthy of serious consideration by serious people. This is some kind of mass delusion, where you have an election stolen from you, the people who stole it have total power for 4 years, then for some reason they let you win the next time.
So how much have you bet against Trump?
Well, I'm a nice guy who likes to give total strangers money. Five to one? I'll put up twenty thousand and you lay down a hundred grand.
Easy money, dude.Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
To be clear, I was talking about statistical generalizations. You have groups--notably blacks and women--that deliver huge numbers of votes and really think they ought to be represented. But members of those groups--and especially the ones who happen to be putting themselves forward--might not actually be all the appealing, competent, compelling to other groups in the party and to the swing voters the party must appeal to in order to win the presidency.
You are correct, in some sense it's just same old, same old coalition politics. But race and gender advertise and amplify the divisions. When conservatives wanted to bounce Henry Wallace from the ticket--insiders knowing Roosevelt was dying--Jimmy Byrnes might think he's the smartest guy in the room and ought to be next president, but the party left and right can compromise or a non-entity like Truman who offended no one and everyone in the party and public can sort of hum along ok. But when you have to play race and sex games and end up with an unpleasant incompetent like Kamala Harris, bouncing her becomes much, much more fraught. How dare you suggest a *woman*, a black *woman* isn't up to the job?
Race/sex diversity makes the coalition much more about *identity* rather than just ideology, policy and spoils and makes the squabbles much, much more fraught. Simple personnel choices/battles can become attacks on "who we are", on self-worth.Replies: @nebulafox, @Houston 1992
True, but Trump is easily baited and if Trump shows his nasty male side while debating Harris then he probably loses suburban White women and the November election
Equally , Harris could implode for many reasons . Managing the tension between the donor class versus the voters who are often pro – Pal is probably impossible
Does Harris as Senate President need to preside over Congress when Bibi comes ? She cannot simultaneously remain seated and clap , and stand while clapping ? Yet, one action alienates either donor$ or voters especially the young and MI Muslims
The Secret Service protects 36 people including all of FJB’s grand children except Navy Joan.
So 2 per people per shift times 3 shifts a day = 6 agents per person times 36 protectees = 216 agents. Say $500k each agent with bennies and expenses, that’s about $108 million.
So what else do they do with a $3.3 billion dollar budget?
Oh wait, the top SS babe, who takes “full responsibility” got a 9% raise. And she doesn’t have any recordings of SS comms the day DJT got shot.
I think it would be more on the order of 4.5 shifts per week. In addition to their sworn agents, they have supervisors, civilian technicians, and support staff. Someone fairly minor might have two agents; IIRC, George W. Bush's detail is large enough that there's a guest house on his properties for them. (Bess Truman had one agent in her last years. The Nixons gave up their detail in 1986. Mrs. Kennedy had no detail after 1968 and arranged for her son's to be removed in 1973).
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
Not correct. Say what you will about Israel, they have taken decisive steps to stop essentially all unwanted/illegal immigration into their country. Unlike the US and Western European countries, Israeli leaders actually care about their own people.
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
The end result is the same numbskull.
They need the Senate seat. Probably won't pick a Senator from a marginal state.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Funny a state is “swing” or “battleground” vis-à-vis the Presidency, but “marginal” in relation to the Senate. It’s correct, though. The swing states will have less seniority in that body, what with higher turnover.
The Boxer/Feinstein dynasty lasted 30 years. Can anyone name a single swing state with such a record? Had Kamala not been chosen the President of the Senate, she’d still be there, in the Boxer seat.
Who knows why he didn’t make an announcement in person—I suggest some combination of the above.Replies: @newrouter
“Who knows why he didn’t make an announcement in person—I suggest some combination of the above. ”
I suggest the announcement is bs . How hard is it to post the announcement on the letter head of “The Office Of The President of The United States of America”. Or how hard would it be for Biden todo a 30 second video posted at the White House web site?
Wallace carried the Thurmond and Byrd states. They swung between Democrats and regional fire-eaters, not between Democrats and Republicans. Nixon finally won them over for good (or Humphrey and McGovern lost them), except for the aforementioned regional mushmouths.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
I did not say anything about a specific region for a third party candidacy to do well.
Jill Stein took votes away from Hillary in the Rust Belt areas (swing states such as PA, WI, MI). Last I checked, those states are not in the South.
IF RFKjr were to take votes away from Harris, it would be in the Rust Belt area (and a few swing states), as he is from the Northeast, that’s his stomping ground.
That was fast. Bringing $100 million in 24 hours can do amazing things.
Harris has support of enough Democratic delegates to become party’s presidential nominee: AP survey
It's speculation either way and I think it is unlikely. She is incompetent and they try to keep her away from the cameras.
You can go back to 2020 and find CNN articles on how Warren is the leading candidate based on polls.
Liberals in the media normally rally around the diversity candidate at the start of the primary process.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @MEH 0910
Last time I checked (admittedly it was last year), uh, Kamala Harris is the official Vice President of the United States. Let me…yes!
Just googled it. Harris is STILL the VP of the US. Therefore she does have name recognition across the board. She apparently wants the nomination, and the president officially just endorsed her.
I go with historical precedent. Harris will be the party’s nominee.
The question I have asked you, which you do seem at this point to be avoiding, which…I’m not exactly sure why…is this:
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to defeat her in November? Yes, or no?
Also, you seem to ignore the fact of third party candidate RFKjr. IF he receives 2-3% of the total vote, but concentrated in a specific area or region (e.g. the swing states) then that would tend to take votes away from Harris and help tilt the election to Trump.
Could be unwise to totally discount a third party candidacy. They have tended to decide the election in the past.
That’s good.
And to interject at least one note of sympathy, he is very probably in his last 30 days - 6 months and they just couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.Replies: @Jack D, @Harry Baldwin, @Bill Jones
He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.
Maybe he doesn’t enjoy his family.
It's more the anti-abortion fanatics saying things like a fertilized egg and a woman are of equal value thereby showing they don't value women.Replies: @Oscar Goldman, @Reg Cæsar
Any randomly selected embryo is of greater value than the Tamil Kamel.
Keeping all other conditions unchanged (a favorite phrase among scientists), what demographic that did not vote for Trump in 2020 will like to vote for him in 2024? He has the burden of being an old man now, being convicted in many court cases, disreputation of January 6, Classified documents etc., The shooting will be old news in 3 months’ time.
Lol. I did not make this up. Honest Injun.
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
There really isn’t, most especially as the vast,vast majority of sogennante asylees are frauds. The difference amounts to the difference between armed robbery and burglary/embezzlement. Even actual asylees are not entitled to travel across half the world to claim asylum in the US.
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of i̶m̶m̶i̶g̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶/a̶s̶y̶l̶u̶m̶ treasonous virtue signaling
Hungary? Israel?
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
Yeah, tell that to the Emperor Valens.
You are wrong (I am unsurprised); in the long run, there isn’t much difference.
Maybe he doesn't enjoy his family.Replies: @kaganovitch
Considering his family, it would be difficult to fault him for that.
He’s likely too stuffed up to give a press conference.Replies: @anonymous
It was a medical emergency his office has not yet disclosed, it was very serious, and he kicked up a ton of shit in Las Vegas before he was whisked away…
During his recent phone call to his staff, he was slurring his words, having particular and uncharacteristic problems pronouncing his “S’s”, making him sound intoxicated.
I would guess he suffered a mini-stroke.
Some major unreported shit definitely went down in Las Vegas.
Biden and Kamala are lying.
The problem is that people who say things like this have never been proven wrong, at least not in their own minds.
Trump is a problem for them. If he weren’t, there wouldn’t be this visceral reaction to him.
The median duration of noticeable impairment is about eight years and Biden is four years into it. The life expectancy for a generic man Biden's age is about seven years.Replies: @Jack D, @James B. Shearer
“He was not and his daughter was explicit about it. She first noticed something amiss in May of 1993. …”
You have to be a little careful here. His daughter is not a doctor and may not have been in constant contact with him. The first signs of dementia can be very minor and easily missed. In my relative’s case it was three years of increasingly garbled tax returns but you wouldn’t have noticed anything wrong in normal interactions. Maybe if you asked them to count backwards from one hundred by sevens (a quick and dirty test for dementia) but who does that.
What do the polls show? And,
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to win vs her in November?
Not a trick or sarcastic question, it's an honest question
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
That would mean as far as the independents are concerned they can;
1. Stay home
2. Vote for Trump or Vote for Harris
3. Vote for RFKjr as more of a "protest" vote (as said before depending where the votes come from, in the swing states, for instance, that would tend to tip the victory to Trump as it would take likely voting democratic votes away from Harris)
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party's conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.Replies: @John Johnson
Ok, for the sake of argument. Let’s suppose that Kamala Harris is the Democrats official nominee for president.
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
I maintain that any no-name moderate would beat Trump because of independents, moderates and swing voters. The data has been clear on that. A middle of the road White guy would easily take Trump.
Harris however is not a no-name moderate and she is not even a competent AA candidate. She is terrible.
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
Currently Vegas has Trump to win and I agree with that projection given all the data I have seen. Instinctively I also feel that she is a bad choice. I think Trump would actually take even more Hispanics from Democrats if she ran. They tend to prefer masculine candidates and Harris doesn’t score any minority points with them. In the last primary she didn’t pull Blacks or Californians. Her own state rejected her.
A lot can happen between now and November but if the election were held tomorrow I think he would take a majority of the swing states.
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party’s conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.
I do not consider her the safe choice in the least. I think a random dice roll of someone in Congress would be safer.
Harris cracks under pressure. Just watch how she cracked in the border interview. She is a disaster when she is nervous and goes off script.
Democrats have lost many elections by rallying around a subpar candidate for diversity points. It could certainly happen again. The MSM normally rallies around a minority candidate. They did that in the last election.
"Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of “anointing a candidate hand-picked by elites” and urged them to return to an “open process” of selecting a nominee for the upcoming November elections—while also claiming that only he can beat former President Trump."
"He [RFKjr] then slammed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for “rigging” the nomination process by getting “a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into President Biden’s shoes,” arguing that “it’s the easiest way to hold onto the money,” referring to campaign finance rules that make transferring funds from the incumbent president to his running mate possible during the election cycle."
Well now. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Campaign finance rules allow President Biden to transfer campaign funds to VP Harris during election cycle.
In other words, Harris has a full warchest for campaigning up to November. Meaning that no party unknown can compete vs that.
So I would have to ask you, who exactly is going to be the Democratic nominee? And that's not including the amount of funds that she has raised over the last few days.
Basically, any unknown candidate is already behind the eight ball, due in part to Harris' already having mega millions (or perhaps billions) available, far ahead of any would be party competitor for fundraising to help run her campaign.
Again. Historical precedent (as well as basic common sense) strongly suggests at this point, with the party's convention less than a month out, that Harris is the party's official nominee.Replies: @John Johnson
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
Japan has. I assume China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore have.
We had it solved pretty good for forty years.
This is a problem like having a stray cat problem. Stop feeding them!
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
Yeah thanks for contributing. Israel, Bhutan, Japan, the Arab kingdoms, Luxembourg, Dominican Republic, just cannot solve the problem of immigration/asylum. Tiny states, at the mercy of unstoppable immigration/asylum. Davos, the Papal conclave, the Paris Olympics, the Harvard quad, St. James/Montego Bay, just CAN NOT STOP immigration/asylum. Russians swarming Alaska. Costa Rica packed to the gills. The Golan Heights, beat down by WAVE AFTER WAVE of human immigration/asylum.
You’re hilarious friend-o.
The DR is a third world sh-thole that locks out the third world disaster that is Haiti. We should probably have a fourth world category for Haiti.
America put a man on the moon but is unable to control immigration......according to both liberals and libertarians.
It's just like....not possible man to control immigration....cause people want to come can you like...stop it
- Libertarians and liberal douchebags explaining how a third world controlled problem is beyond our controlReplies: @Jonathan Mason
Guiteau was an Illinois Protestant of Huguenot descent. You could see him as the original Never Trumper.
So much of today's weirdness has precedents. Santayana was right.Replies: @Ron Mexico
I was going to bring up that Arthur wasn’t a natural born citizen, but you beat me to it.
I suspect the plan is to let Kamala run, let her drift left, and let her lose. Lose badly, inarguably, permanently.
Then sabotage Trump’s presidency, while meanwhile, the ‘progressives,’ suitably chastened, return to a party that has spent four years finding Bill Clinton’s political heir. Democrats win, 2028.
Of course, the country continues to go to hell, but that’s neither here nor there.
Harris will be the Democratic candidate. The Parasite Party is a minoritarian coalition-of-the-fringes party. Denying her–a woman!, a black woman!–her rightful spot atop the ticket would be all sort of double-plus ungood “racism” and “sexism”. They aren’t going to do that.
Democrat party faithful in the last election said that the candidate should not be another White male.
Elizabeth Warren was the leading candidate for months. You can find articles where they decreed that a woman must be president.
The MSM even said that Biden had no chance in the early primary voting. He was saved by Blacks to the chagrin of the MSM. Obama actually didn’t endorse him until it was him and Bernie.
So my opinion is not without historical precedent.
But … you’ll lose.
How exactly would I lose? I’m saying the odds are in favor of another candidate. I would say 60/40. I’m not taking a hard position that she won’t be the candidate. I fully recognize the ability of the DNC to take the unsafe route for the sake of diversity.
I would also point out that I was lectured here for saying there is no reason to assume that the Biden will be the final candidate.
The plan appears to be to run South Asians all across the Anglosphere.
There's a big difference between individuals and families entering the United States and claiming asylum and foreign armies entering the United States and occupying US territory.
The fact is that there is no developed country that has really solved the problem of immigration/asylum.Replies: @deep anonymous, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch, @kaganovitch, @Mr. Anon, @Colin Wright, @The Anti-Gnostic, @rebel yell
Yes there is:
Saudi Arabia
What you meant to say is there isn’t any white, gentile, democratic country that has solved the problem of treasonous elites recruiting and transporting illegal immigrants into their countries.
I dislike Kamala but not for her ancestry. She is American born as all Presidents must be. Trump is also of recent immigrant stock.Replies: @Nachum, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Colin Wright
Trump is also white. Germans and Highland Scots have been part of this country since the Eighteenth Century. To equate that to a half-Hindu, half Jamaican who spent much of her childhood out of the country entirely is to willfully misrepresent the situation. @Colin Wright
None of you gloaters bother to provide any evidence that Steve was wrong. I think I know why, too.
This election really just boils down to one rather stark thing:
TRUMP: Whites still have a voice in American politics!
THE LEFT: No, you don’t.
Now give us the rest of your land, your resources, your money, and your women.
And then the Left wins. Whites will finally have to face that they were successfully targeted, infiltrated, invaded and defeated without even knowing they’ve been at war for decades, and now must humbly accept their permanent-serf status in New America.
The one good thing that will come from all of this is, that when the dust settles and the Democrat still mysteriously “wins” by 450 million votes, the illusion will be over for good: everyone will see that elections are no longer valid, America is a fake country and that we live in a Left dictatorship, n’importe quoi. Even THEY will have to shrug and giggle and just admit it.
Saudi Arabia
What you meant to say is there isn't any white, gentile, democratic country that has solved the problem of treasonous elites recruiting and transporting illegal immigrants into their countries.Replies: @John Johnson
Israel has the immigration policy that both Republicans and Democrats tell us is not possible, while lining up to fund Israel.
In fact Israel has a DNA test based system that liberal Democrats teach as not scientifically possible. Race is just a fabrication of evil Whites and can’t show up in a DNA test.
Evangelical Republicans teach their children that God favors Israel and plans to destroy most of the world in their lifetime. American moral degeneration is actually a sign that the apocalypse is near. So the worse the immorality gets the closer we are to utopia. Things are getting worse! Hooray!
Kamala’s do
That seems completely baseless. Her father is a highly respected Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and her mother was a scientist doing cancer research. Both seem to have led impeccable lives. Definitely an order of magnitude superior to Fred trump, the slumlord. Her black politics is entirely American.
You're hilarious friend-o.Replies: @John Johnson
Yeah thanks for contributing. Israel, Bhutan, Japan, the Arab kingdoms, Luxembourg, Dominican Republic
The DR is a third world sh-thole that locks out the third world disaster that is Haiti. We should probably have a fourth world category for Haiti.
America put a man on the moon but is unable to control immigration……according to both liberals and libertarians.
It’s just like….not possible man to control immigration….cause people want to come here….how can you like…stop it really….man
– Libertarians and liberal douchebags explaining how a third world controlled problem is beyond our control
There’s also the point that a non-citizen who votes is a contradiction in terms.
To vote — to participate in the political process — is to be a citizen rather than a subject, whatever the individual is called.
A non-citizen can’t vote because he’s not a citizen. If he does vote, he has become a citizen.
He didn't waste a millisecond. He has been posting like a maniac. Replies: @duncsbaby, @AnotherDad
Trump being Trump. He really, really, really wanted to face and beat Joe Biden–2020 revenge.
Trump needs to get Biden out of his head. Biden–the man–is utterly irrelevant now. There are only two points about Biden that are still relevant:
1) The Democrats and the Press
— covered up and downplayed his corruption
— covered up and lied about his complete unfitness for office.
They have both shown a complete willingness to directly lie to the American people, there is no reason for anyone to believe them.
2) It’s obvious now Biden was incapable of being “in charge” of anything. So the treasonous open border–an attack upon Americans and the American Dream–is not “Joe Biden’s” policy but the Democrat Party’s policy. The Democrat party is a treason party–for open borders and trashing the American Dream–decent jobs at decent wages, affordable housing, decent schools, livable American communities–for young Americans, for our children, for our posterity.
I had assumed when he picked her that he would resign in 2022. Not too far off.
The plan appears to be to run South Asians all across the Anglosphere.
Just googled it. Harris is STILL the VP of the US. Therefore she does have name recognition across the board. She apparently wants the nomination, and the president officially just endorsed her.
I go with historical precedent. Harris will be the party's nominee.
The question I have asked you, which you do seem at this point to be avoiding, which...I'm not exactly sure this:
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to defeat her in November? Yes, or no?
Also, you seem to ignore the fact of third party candidate RFKjr. IF he receives 2-3% of the total vote, but concentrated in a specific area or region (e.g. the swing states) then that would tend to take votes away from Harris and help tilt the election to Trump.
Could be unwise to totally discount a third party candidacy. They have tended to decide the election in the past.Replies: @Wokechoke, @James B. Shearer
Johnson is still predicting the collapse of Russia.
If one wants to highlight Trump’s hypocrisy over his anti-immigrant rhetoric, more useful targets might be his desire for East European women of questionable character who enter U.S. using questionable methods.
The thing about Trump that his opponents don't understand is that -- unlike the successive frauds the Democrats keep serving up -- with Trump, we can all see what we're getting. When he lies, we understand and accept his lies. We know the guy -- for better and for worse.
Kamala Harris? Who is that? Everything is a charade. As always, it's not that Trump is so great; it's that he beats the alternative.Replies: @epebble
we're well past the point of this getting very serious. who is in charge of what here? some random person has taken over the official Presidential twitter account and is posting random stuff. and that resignation letter looks faked or forged. Biden didn't write that, didn't sign that, and didn't post that to the internet. and that's NOT how you handle this, either. in case people weren't sure. posting to the internet and not making any physical appearance anywhere is not how you handle this, at all, whatsoever.
in fact that clearly forged 'dropping out of the race' document looks very much like the Obama birth certificate document they produced for 'proof' to the public. relax, i'm not a birther, and believe Obama probably qualified to hold the office. but i'm forced to observe that the document itself which the Obama Admin offered up was very suspect.
Joe Biden better make a public appearance soon.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Frau Katze, @Wokechoke, @Curle
You can contact Biden via Ouija
“…The chances of Trump winning are so low as to be unworthy of serious consideration by serious people. …”
So how much have you bet against Trump?
Just googled it. Harris is STILL the VP of the US. Therefore she does have name recognition across the board. She apparently wants the nomination, and the president officially just endorsed her.
I go with historical precedent. Harris will be the party's nominee.
The question I have asked you, which you do seem at this point to be avoiding, which...I'm not exactly sure this:
Does Trump have a legitimate chance to defeat her in November? Yes, or no?
Also, you seem to ignore the fact of third party candidate RFKjr. IF he receives 2-3% of the total vote, but concentrated in a specific area or region (e.g. the swing states) then that would tend to take votes away from Harris and help tilt the election to Trump.
Could be unwise to totally discount a third party candidacy. They have tended to decide the election in the past.Replies: @Wokechoke, @James B. Shearer
“Also, you seem to ignore the fact of third party candidate RFKjr. IF he receives 2-3% of the total vote, but concentrated in a specific area or region (e.g. the swing states) then that would tend to take votes away from Harris and help tilt the election to Trump.”
There is a good chance RFKjr will end up taking more votes from Trump than from Harris.
After all, RFKjr is a lifelong Democrat, and is fairly well respected among the left as well.
Also, he fits the same mold as Jill Stein--a bit out there, somewhat conspiratorial, and reliably left wing. RFKjr is more photogenic perhaps, and comes from a storied family in US politics, but overall, he should be able to pick up the same number of votes that Stein got. IF he gets them from the same region as she did (WI, MI, and PA, Rust Belt/Swing states for the most part) then that will definitely help Trump.
IF RFKjr wanted to increase his total vote percentage to say, 5-7%, he could publicly take a pr0-Palestinian stance. It is however very unlikely that he would do so, but perhaps one could hope that he would send some signals to those disaffected by the whole Gaza genocide thing that he could understand their point and feel their pain. If he were to do so publicly, he'd be the only candidate who would do so and would increase his vote total immensely. Certainly not enough to raise eyebrows, like Perot's 19% in '92, but it would be more than the last few third party candidacies.Replies: @James B. Shearer
Harris has support of enough Democratic delegates to become party’s presidential nominee: AP survey @Anon
The power of billionaire desperation. Now it’s time to gaslight the country that Kamala is a genius. It worked with Biden, at least after partaking of a bit of ‘fortification’, so here we go. She might be the most popular politician ever! 90 million votes you guys!
Equally , Harris could implode for many reasons . Managing the tension between the donor class versus the voters who are often pro - Pal is probably impossible
Does Harris as Senate President need to preside over Congress when Bibi comes ? She cannot simultaneously remain seated and clap , and stand while clapping ? Yet, one action alienates either donor$ or voters especially the young and MI MuslimsReplies: @Anon
I’m sure we all remember when Trump convincingly destroyed Hillary in that debate. Not sure if Kamala can laugh her way out of such a scenario, even with a double dose of Adderall.
It's speculation either way and I think it is unlikely. She is incompetent and they try to keep her away from the cameras.
You can go back to 2020 and find CNN articles on how Warren is the leading candidate based on polls.
Liberals in the media normally rally around the diversity candidate at the start of the primary process.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @MEH 0910
Looks pretty likely to me.
Yes and a week ago the Democrats were telling us that Biden was definitely the nominee. Harris does poorly in swing states and her debate skills are subpar.As I said I would put it at 60/40. Give it a week.
Why shoot? Three strokes of the cane, prison labor breaking rocks for a time, then deportment to their home country when they’ve worked off the flight fare.
I keep saying you Westerners are just too squeamish about this.
Ditto for gun laws. If the leftoids really want gun control, then control illegal gun use first!
Illegal possession of firearm?
Illegal discharge of firearm?
Obviously, the leftoids would never suggest this, which means they have some other agenda. Disarming the US populace sounds about right…
Trump’s “deportation squads” comment told the correct solution. If only he did more than tell…
The DR is a third world sh-thole that locks out the third world disaster that is Haiti. We should probably have a fourth world category for Haiti.
America put a man on the moon but is unable to control immigration......according to both liberals and libertarians.
It's just like....not possible man to control immigration....cause people want to come can you like...stop it
- Libertarians and liberal douchebags explaining how a third world controlled problem is beyond our controlReplies: @Jonathan Mason
It generally seems to be the case with Islands.
When tourists become mentally ill while on vacation, they will often spend a short spell in a psychiatric unit at the destination, but as soon as they are well enough they are put on a plane with an escort and delivered back to where they came from.
However if an illegal immigrant ends up in an American mental hospital, the process of repatriating them is almost legally impossible.
However neither political party seems to have any credible solutions. Neither party has the power to abolish courts and the Supreme Court has more power than any legislature or executive branch.
Perhaps the United States could declare war on Mexico, all American states south of Mexico, and on the Caribbean, and then send troops to the southern border with orders to shoot on sight anyone who approaches the border. The old East German border in reverse.
Then we will close all the seaports to foreign shipping and place minefields strategically along the coast of the US.
And then all international airports can be closed to anybody who does not have a US passport., including airport employees.
Flights from Europe or Asia with final destinations elsewhere in the Americas can be rerouted so that they don’t have to touch down in the US.
That should do the trick, and have the added benefit that incoming flights would be much less crowded.
Israel has been cited by some posters as an example of a developed country that is able to close its borders to immigrants, however since Israel is engaged in perpetual war with its neighbors, having adopted its policies wholesale from George Orwell’s dystopic novel 1984, I don’t think this can be regarded as a real or final solution.
The US did get Mount Vernon.
The South has been invaded before. Replies: @John Johnson
Looks pretty likely to me.
Yes and a week ago the Democrats were telling us that Biden was definitely the nominee.
Harris does poorly in swing states and her debate skills are subpar.
As I said I would put it at 60/40.
Give it a week.
I would guess he suffered a mini-stroke.Some major unreported shit definitely went down in Las Vegas.Biden and Kamala are lying. @Jonathan Mason
I would agree this is a distinct possibility.
Moon of Alabama – LOL. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. What just happened in Washington stinks but at least no one threw Biden out of a window Moscow style.
Trump was also a new candidate who is by no means qualified and has never received any votes when he first ran. So was Putin. Whether Kamala is unqualified the voters will judge in November. If she is really unqualified then Trump should win in a walk.
You must be thinking of Mindy Kaling’s brother, who actually faked being black to get into med school:
Kamala is not of exclusive Asian/Indian decent. She, like Obama, is black on her father’s side (never mind that her father is also mixed race – New World blacks are almost always mixed blood) which in American terms legitimately permits her to self identify as black. This is not like Elizabeth Warren’s fake Indian schtick. Kamala has every right to call herself black. That’s not her issue.
I think Kamala is a terrible person and a terrible candidate but Moons and various Republicans and Men of Unz’s sudden concern with the internal procedures of the Democrat Party is clearly insincere and unseemly. She is going to be the Democrat nominee. Take that as a given and let her run on her shitty record and may the best candidate win.
That's not true at all and in fact a no-name candidate would have an advantage in some cases. Americans are sick of career politicians. They would rather take a no-name over a Clinton or Newsom. Trump in part beat Clinton because he was an outsider. Independents did not want another legacy candidate with Mr. Bill in the White House.
Voters are not all filled with Trump hatred that they’ll vote for total nobodies over him.
The polls show that independents and moderates in swing states will in fact vote for a nobody over Trump.
Trump polls terribly with independents. They only barely prefer him to an election against Biden and that is out.
I assume you are aware as most of the nation is by now, that Trump was nearly assassinated. So the sympathy bounce is there as well.
Americans have a 3 month memory. It won't matter enough in November.
In this case, why not simply re-run Hillary again? She has the name recognition and perhaps a base of support within the party.
Because she never polled well with independents.
The data suggested she would be a bad idea for that reason. Both parties can generate all the hype they want around a candidate but it's the swing states that matter.
I warned about this in the last election. I had Trump Tribe mad at me over pointing out that he was losing independents. Well exit polls showed exactly that.
Both parties have a hard time separating emotion from data analysis. Trump beat the polls in the 2016 but that was an anomaly. He wasn't able to do it in 2020 and lost independents as expected.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Art Deco
The last occasion either of the political parties nominated someone not known outside a modest geographic constituency was in 1976. He nearly lost. You’ve had other occasions where a no-name candidate was the runner-up in a nomination contest. Some of them rally subcultural constituencies, some of them are archetypal versions of a party’s candidate, some of them are magnets for those dissatisfied with the front-runner, and some are a combination of these. One of the few who you might have expected to be more salable to the general public than the eventual nominee was Gary Hart; the very youngest Hart voters are older than 70% of today’s primary electorate.
And when was the last occasion that the opposing candidate was a convicted felon and unliked by independents, moderates and swing voters? In past elections a no-name candidate was normally going against a boring lawyer with a mediocre record at worst. Those elections are of a different era. Standards have been drastically lowered to where a table tenting subpar attorney like Harris can become VP on account of having a slight tan.
Trump is going into the election with a majority of Americans rating him as unfavorable.
This is not a normal election and the polls have been consistent in that independents would like new candidates.
A no-name moderate Democrat is the safer choice. Look at the numbers for swing states:
Harris is a terrible candidate. I honestly think The Rock would be a better choice.
Hillary also polled poorly in swing states and look at how that worked out.Replies: @Art Deco
or watching old Bob Newhart episodes.
That seems completely baseless. Her father is a highly respected Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and her mother was a scientist doing cancer research. Both seem to have led impeccable lives. Definitely an order of magnitude superior to Fred trump, the slumlord. Her black politics is entirely American. @Curle, @The Germ Theory of Disease
In the way Tammany Hall was completely American.
They have some other functions, like chasing down counterfeiters.
I think it would be more on the order of 4.5 shifts per week. In addition to their sworn agents, they have supervisors, civilian technicians, and support staff. Someone fairly minor might have two agents; IIRC, George W. Bush’s detail is large enough that there’s a guest house on his properties for them. (Bess Truman had one agent in her last years. The Nixons gave up their detail in 1986. Mrs. Kennedy had no detail after 1968 and arranged for her son’s to be removed in 1973).
I keep saying you Westerners are just too squeamish about this.
Ditto for gun laws. If the leftoids really want gun control, then control illegal gun use first!
Illegal possession of firearm? Illegal discharge of firearm? Obviously, the leftoids would never suggest this, which means they have some other agenda. Disarming the US populace sounds about right...Replies: @Nico
Totally agree. If the solution to illegal immigration is to pay prospective immigrants to stay home, why would Third-World governments ever act to stop this blackmail fund? Paying ransom to Barbary Corsairs only motivated them to keep kidnapping more coastal Europeans.
Trump’s “deportation squads” comment told the correct solution. If only he did more than tell…
we're well past the point of this getting very serious. who is in charge of what here? some random person has taken over the official Presidential twitter account and is posting random stuff. and that resignation letter looks faked or forged. Biden didn't write that, didn't sign that, and didn't post that to the internet. and that's NOT how you handle this, either. in case people weren't sure. posting to the internet and not making any physical appearance anywhere is not how you handle this, at all, whatsoever.
in fact that clearly forged 'dropping out of the race' document looks very much like the Obama birth certificate document they produced for 'proof' to the public. relax, i'm not a birther, and believe Obama probably qualified to hold the office. but i'm forced to observe that the document itself which the Obama Admin offered up was very suspect.
Joe Biden better make a public appearance soon.Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Frau Katze, @Wokechoke, @Curle
In what way did Obama’s birth certificate differ in form and style from other contemporaneous Hawaii birth certificates from 1961? The birth certificate ‘controversy’ was a low point in conservative meme making. At no point were conclusions drawn from reasonable inferences.
The last occasion either of the political parties nominated someone not known outside a modest geographic constituency was in 1976. He nearly lost.
And when was the last occasion that the opposing candidate was a convicted felon and unliked by independents, moderates and swing voters? In past elections a no-name candidate was normally going against a boring lawyer with a mediocre record at worst. Those elections are of a different era. Standards have been drastically lowered to where a table tenting subpar attorney like Harris can become VP on account of having a slight tan.
Trump is going into the election with a majority of Americans rating him as unfavorable.
This is not a normal election and the polls have been consistent in that independents would like new candidates.
A no-name moderate Democrat is the safer choice. Look at the numbers for swing states:
Harris is a terrible candidate. I honestly think The Rock would be a better choice.
Hillary also polled poorly in swing states and look at how that worked out.
No one takes the 'convicted felon' babble seriously except partisan Democrats.
You keep posting alternative universes where Democratic voters and Democratic power brokers do things they've not done in decades and have no intention of doing. It's an onanistic exercise.Replies: @John Johnson
The birth certificate ‘controversy’ was a low point in conservative meme making. At no point were conclusions drawn from reasonable inferences.
Would it take you months along with numerous drawn out debates and theories to determine if you have a birth certificate?
I have mine in a safe along with the certificates of my children.
Saying that “no conclusions were drawn” over a basic document is highly suspicious in itself.
It’s a simple document that hospitals can normally provide within a few weeks.
I don’t believe he was born in America. I think that was realized after the election and there was a half-assed cover-up.
The MSM won that case just as they did with the Hunter laptop because the Republicans didn’t ask the right questions and then gave up.
The debates were occurring entirely among the opposition. He had no reason to save his opponents from a fight that was destined to make them look foolish which is what occurred. His background in HI was no secret. There were well known people who knew him and remembered his father and mother during the time period of his birth. The whole thing was concocted by scammers hoping to make a buck off of dupes and they succeeded. whole thing stinks to high heaven. People commonly get a replacement when they need a passport. The fact that it was so drawn out with conflicting excuses from Democrats suggests a conspiracy. I'm normally one to be skeptical of conspiracy theories but this is one that has weight. Getting a replacement birth certificate is not a difficult process. Why didn't Obama let a third party view the original at the hospital? Having it sent to the White House was a major red flag.Replies: @Gandydancer
There will be no impact. Trump has been already selected as the next president for a while, the fake ritual of the "assassination attempt" was only the final step.Replies: @Precious
This video will educate you on just how difficult it would be to fake this assassination attempt.
After every event like this, the internet is full of competing conspiracy theories. Trump plotted this to gain sympathy. No, it was a plot coordinated by Joe Biden (or his handlers since Joe Biden is dead). Etc. It's hard for either side to accept that something that might have changed the course of history was carried out single handed by one 2o yr. old loser and his daddy's rifle.Replies: @J.Ross, @Precious
There were well known people who knew him and remembered his father and mother during the time period of his birth
That was never doubted and isn’t proof of anything.
He could have been born in Kenya and then they rushed back in an attempt to make him a citizen.
It happens when pregnant women go on a trip. They have the baby unexpectedly early and the child is technically a foreign citizen.
The whole thing was concocted by scammers hoping to make a buck off of dupes and they succeeded.
If my house burned down I could get a copy of my certificate within two weeks.
So why couldn’t Obama simply provide his within a similar timeframe? Or even within two months?
The government in fact has a faq on how to get a replacement:
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. People commonly get a replacement when they need a passport. The fact that it was so drawn out with conflicting excuses from Democrats suggests a conspiracy. I’m normally one to be skeptical of conspiracy theories but this is one that has weight. Getting a replacement birth certificate is not a difficult process. Why didn’t Obama let a third party view the original at the hospital? Having it sent to the White House was a major red flag.
You could have been rushed back from Kenya as well.
For sensible people this thing was settled when Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who knew both parents contemporaneous to his birth, said so early on. When Punahou classmates recalled his father’s visit from Kenya when he was ten. When back issues of the local paper were shown to have reported his birth contemporaneous to the actual birth. And later, when a copy of the certificate was released and nobody spotted discrepancies from the standard of the time.
Believing he was born in Kenya was a delusion concocted by willful fantasists and it brought disrepute on the Republican Party generally.
Never mind the law, that alone should have been enough to disqualify him.
Whether the citizenship of someone born to an unmarried, underage girl and an alien bigamist sire in an illegally occupied foreign kingdom has been passed on in a "natural-born" manner, I'll leave to the constitutional lawyers. Now they're arguing about Kamala's eligibility, under Wong Kim Ark, no less. Sorry, but it's four years too late.Replies: @Art Deco
Whatever the reason, it was a minor lie and no big deal until he began eyeing the presidency - because of the George Washington principle that a president should never tell a lie.
He could have handled this three ways: (1) admit he lied, which would look bad; (2) deny he ever lied, which would cause people who knew him as a youth to publicly call him a liar, which would also look bad; or (3) say nothing, and pretend the whole controversy was absurd and beneath him.
He took the third option, counting, correctly, that his opponents would miss the nuance and expend their energy attacking a straw man.Replies: @Curle
I’d say it was all mainly yet another demonstration of people’s ability to believe what they find congenial to believe. @Colin Wright
How does this demonstrate that his position is incorrect? I couldn’t care less about his past, much less his taste in women; if he’ll deport all the illegals in this country and halt all immigration, legal and illegal, I’m all for him. The further he strays from that, the less my enthusiasm.
The thing about Trump that his opponents don’t understand is that — unlike the successive frauds the Democrats keep serving up — with Trump, we can all see what we’re getting. When he lies, we understand and accept his lies. We know the guy — for better and for worse.
Kamala Harris? Who is that? Everything is a charade. As always, it’s not that Trump is so great; it’s that he beats the alternative.
I answered some of these things you posted in response to my original point
My new question, when it is finally posted, is this:
It does appear that Kamala Harris is indeed going to be the Democratic nominee. Now, I understand that you're not going to claim that independents don't know who Kamala Harris is, or that they have no idea who she is? I take that for granted that even indie voters know full well that Harris is the VP of the US.
And that's hardly an "unknown" local or state candidate.
Therefore, my question remains:
Assuming that it is Harris vs Trump in November. Who wins? AND...
Does Donald Trump have a legitimate chance to win in November (assuming that he faces Harris)?
I also posted another point that me especially, but also yourself, may have overlooked.
Third party candidacies, RFKjr in particular.
Could the independent voters cast votes for RFKjr in November? If he receives even 2-3% of the total vote, particularly with most of his support concentrated in the Rust Belt, swing states, then I do think that that could tip the balance toward Trump.
Oftentimes a third party candidacy can help one of the two major candidates. (Wallace in 68 helped Nixon, Perot in 92 helped Clinton, and Stein in 16 helped Trump). In a close election, all it really takes is about 2-3% of the total vote, if its concentrated in particular toss up or swing states. As RFKjr's home base is from the Northeast, he could do quite well in the Rust Belt and maybe some of the swing states.
But either way, at this point in time, realistically it does appear that Kamala will be the Democratic nominee. IF she is the nominee, how will Trump do vs her in the fall? Does he have a legitimate chance to beat her?
You didn't answer this question, because it has yet to be posted. You seem to be assuming that some unknown local state pol will be nominated. I go with historical precedent and stated that Kamala Harris will be the nominee. She's already the VP, so there's the name recognition, even among independent voters--the question also will be, will they vote for her, or hold their nose and vote Trump? Or, stay home, or even vote for RFJjr instead?
But I go for historical precedent--so far, its on Kamala for the nomination. She's the VP, that's how it works.
After all, whoever is the nominee will have to toe the party line and will be beholden to the party's bosses and donors.Replies: @Patrick McNally
> Could the independent voters cast votes for RFKjr in November? If he receives even 2-3% of the total vote, particularly with most of his support concentrated in the Rust Belt, swing states, then I do think that that could tip the balance toward Trump.
Why should that be the case? Isn’t it possible that RFK Jr. might draw a lot of antivax voters to him? This would likely help the Democrat on the ballot.
JFK was a problem, so they assassinated him with a sniper.
Unfortunately for them, this assassin missed.
He wasn't a problem for the security services and he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, not some nebulous 'they'.Replies: @Curle, @Precious
If the Democrats had ever gotten a Republican presidential candidate to drop out in July of an election year in the past 70 years, they would be celebrating such a big win. Is a football team scoring a touchdown at the beginning of the fourth quarter doubling down on stupid because they should have waited until the end of the fourth quarter to score the touchdown?
True, Harris is not a dementia patient, but she is a drunk and if she becomes the candidate Trump can point out she lied through her teeth to the American public about Joe’s dementia for years.
You could have been rushed back from Kenya as well.
No I was not and I would happily share the passports of my parents if I was running for office.
I don’t have an estranged dad from Kenya along with relatives that say I was born there.
For sensible people this thing was settled when Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who knew both parents contemporaneous to his birth, said so early on
You are saying the strongest evidence is the word of a fellow Democrat?
And later, when a copy of the certificate was released and nobody spotted discrepancies from the standard of the time.
Why did it take over a year to release a copy and why was it hand delivered to the White House?
You don’t find that at all suspicious?
Why not invite a third party to verify the original?
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn't have a US birth certificate?Replies: @John Johnson
And when was the last occasion that the opposing candidate was a convicted felon and unliked by independents, moderates and swing voters? In past elections a no-name candidate was normally going against a boring lawyer with a mediocre record at worst. Those elections are of a different era. Standards have been drastically lowered to where a table tenting subpar attorney like Harris can become VP on account of having a slight tan.
Trump is going into the election with a majority of Americans rating him as unfavorable.
This is not a normal election and the polls have been consistent in that independents would like new candidates.
A no-name moderate Democrat is the safer choice. Look at the numbers for swing states:
Harris is a terrible candidate. I honestly think The Rock would be a better choice.
Hillary also polled poorly in swing states and look at how that worked out.Replies: @Art Deco
You’re both gassy and obtuse.
No one takes the ‘convicted felon’ babble seriously except partisan Democrats.
You keep posting alternative universes where Democratic voters and Democratic power brokers do things they’ve not done in decades and have no intention of doing. It’s an onanistic exercise.
You keep ignoring what I’ve said before in response to your why, why, why questions. Obama is a sophisticated political actor. He understands something that seems to elude you which is that you don’t stop an opponent when they are busy digging their own grave. The birth certificate issue was hurting Republicans and helping Obama and the Democrats because it tarred the R party as a bunch of loons, exactly the message Obama wanted to deliver. Sensible Republicans were trying to tamp it down. I was in a room where Michael Medved attempted to do just that. It was the Obama team that wanted to keep the story going because they realized it was an own goal for the Rs.
Did it take over a year from the time that an order from a judge was obtained? Or was it that Obama became tired of the insinuations and released his birth certificate voluntarily to put an end to it?
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn’t have a US birth certificate?
A judge was never needed. He could have requested a copy himself.
People do it all the time.
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn’t have a US birth certificate?
You do not actually need it for an SSN or passport and it was less restrictive when he was born.
There is also the possibility of them trying to hide a Consular Birth Abroad Certificate.
Why didn't they allow the copy to be sent to a third party? Why did he have his personal lawyer hand deliver it to the White House? That doesn't add up. Why not walk out of the hospital and show it to the press?Replies: @Curle
No one takes the 'convicted felon' babble seriously except partisan Democrats.
You keep posting alternative universes where Democratic voters and Democratic power brokers do things they've not done in decades and have no intention of doing. It's an onanistic exercise.Replies: @John Johnson
No one takes the ‘convicted felon’ babble seriously except partisan Democrats.
I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. Most independents have had an unfavorable view of Trump since COVID. I can back that with polls if you would like.
I have my own opinions and I have no doubt that Trump committed multiple felonies.
Most of them have been a success and I’ll call him whatever I feel like. Before switching to the Republican party he fundraised for the Clintons. I’ve never sent a dollar to the Clintons so take your accusation of being a partisan Democrat and shove it right up your asshole. It’s Trump that was a lifetime Democrat before he ran for president and that isn’t debatable. He is in fact on record praising Hillary.
Taking home Federal classified documents and not returning them is a felony. Would you or I get away with taking home multiple boxes of classified documents and showing off secret war plans to friends?
I’m sorry we are at a stage of idiocrasy where the leading candidates are a felon and a dingbat.
But I’m not going to adopt intellectual dishonesty for your emotional comfort.
Trump is a spoiled orange felon. A better candidate than Harris but so is my mailman.
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn't have a US birth certificate?Replies: @John Johnson
Did it take over a year from the time that an order from a judge was obtained?
A judge was never needed. He could have requested a copy himself.
People do it all the time.
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn’t have a US birth certificate?
You do not actually need it for an SSN or passport and it was less restrictive when he was born.
There is also the possibility of them trying to hide a Consular Birth Abroad Certificate.
Why didn’t they allow the copy to be sent to a third party? Why did he have his personal lawyer hand deliver it to the White House? That doesn’t add up. Why not walk out of the hospital and show it to the press?
Can be under some circumstances and not in others. You’ve never evidenced the intelligence or legal skills to make those distinctions so aside from being a blabbering buffoon on the internet why not see if you can make a claim within your compass of reliable knowledge and save us all time?
1. Was informed that he could not keep the documents
2. Was asked to return them
3. Ignored said request
Trump is also in a public audio recording where he states that he should have declassified the documents when he was president. That is an acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
It doesn't end there. He also asked two employees to help him cover up the evidence.
Can be under some circumstances and not in others.
This is not an ambiguous case. The National Archives make the rules quite clear:
The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202.
Admitting that he committed another felony is not going to change the election.
Was he asked to return classified documents or not?
Would you like to go record stating that you believe he did not commit any felonies in that case?
Why do you think he has been playing delay games? He knows damn well that he is guilty.
The fault here is with a spoiled brat felon who thinks the rules only apply to little people. You're frustrated with me when all he had to do was give them back. It would have been like a library book if he simply handed them over.Replies: @Curle, @Curle
“Try eating more green vegetables ”
Your mother is a vegetable? She seems very animated with me…. weird.
So low, are they?
Well, I’m a nice guy who likes to give total strangers money. Five to one? I’ll put up twenty thousand and you lay down a hundred grand.
Easy money, dude.
Careful, bud. There's rather a big difference between who really wins the election, and who "wins" the "election". I'd keep my money in my pocket.
Meanwhile, this is funny...... @Colin Wright
This isn’t a parlor game!It’s still not apparent that we aren’t in the middle of a coup!!CNN and others need to step up, and confront this, head on, with urgency, RIGHT NOW! @Colin Wright
This has been the situation now for three and a half years. You were kind of slow to catch on, weren’t you?
I’ve read the Federal case and it’s quite clear that he
1. Was informed that he could not keep the documents
2. Was asked to return them
3. Ignored said request
Trump is also in a public audio recording where he states that he should have declassified the documents when he was president. That is an acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
It doesn’t end there. He also asked two employees to help him cover up the evidence.
Can be under some circumstances and not in others.
This is not an ambiguous case. The National Archives make the rules quite clear:
The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202.
Admitting that he committed another felony is not going to change the election.
Was he asked to return classified documents or not?
Would you like to go record stating that you believe he did not commit any felonies in that case?
Why do you think he has been playing delay games? He knows damn well that he is guilty.
The fault here is with a spoiled brat felon who thinks the rules only apply to little people. You’re frustrated with me when all he had to do was give them back. It would have been like a library book if he simply handed them over.
I make it a point not to indulge randos on the internet sharing their ‘considered’ legal opinions thinking that if dilettante 1 and dilettante 2 reach agreement on a blog then the matter has been settled. Since you’ve presented yourself throughout your time on this site as the very definition of a dilettante you’ll have to forgive me if I fail to acknowledge your claims as authoritative. Maybe you and some other dilettante can reach an agreement and let us know what you decide.Replies: @John Johnson
^Trump never did that. All of his documents were declassified. I told you a couple of months ago that Trump had already beaten all 37 criminal charges in Florida. Where is that Florida trial going now? Exactly where I told you it was going… down the drain.
As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump saidTrump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’ want to learn about the case outside of Fox News. He was recorded stating that he should have declassified a document. I get that the MSM lies but Fox News is just as full of shit but for the other side.
Kamela Harris – Rachel Levine
First ticket with two women on it.
History calls. How can the Dems resist?

^Lie #1. Trump specifically says he lost only due to election fraud. And Trump has filed in his Washington DC court case where the US government can find the documentation proving the fraud. Trump requested those documents as part of his discovery.
^Lie #2 and Lie #3. Arizona’s audit found more invalid ballots than the margin of victory, which according to Arizona law means the 2020 certification of the vote for president in AZ was fraudulent. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich stated in writing that elections in Maricopa County are so tainted with election fraud that multiple reforms and prosecutions would be needed to eliminate it. As for Wisconsin, Robin Vos, Speaker of the Wisconsin General Assembly, was presented with enough evidence about the corruption of his state’s election, that he was forced to admit on camera that there was “widespread election fraud” in the state in the 2020 election.
No, he told one of his trusted aides he lost.
“And Trump has filed in his Washington DC court case where the US government can find the documentation proving the fraud. Trump requested those documents as part of his discovery.”
And his fishing expedition failed miserable.
Regarding Arizona…
Regarding Wisconsin… @Precious
A judge was never needed. He could have requested a copy himself.
People do it all the time.
How would he obtain a social security number or passport if he didn’t have a US birth certificate?
You do not actually need it for an SSN or passport and it was less restrictive when he was born.
There is also the possibility of them trying to hide a Consular Birth Abroad Certificate.
Why didn't they allow the copy to be sent to a third party? Why did he have his personal lawyer hand deliver it to the White House? That doesn't add up. Why not walk out of the hospital and show it to the press?Replies: @Curle
The enormous leap into childish fantasy here is that Obama felt or should have felt some need to indulge his opponents. He was president whether you liked it or not. He didn’t need you and he probably doesn’t like people like you and the other certificate doubters. Obama treating you and the other doubters as ignorable nobodies says nothing about where he was born. I don’t recall any Republican big wigs forcing the matter, which is telling. There’s no mystery here. Fringe people were treated with the lack of respect befitting their fringe status and their fringe claims.
1. Was informed that he could not keep the documents
2. Was asked to return them
3. Ignored said request
Trump is also in a public audio recording where he states that he should have declassified the documents when he was president. That is an acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
It doesn't end there. He also asked two employees to help him cover up the evidence.
Can be under some circumstances and not in others.
This is not an ambiguous case. The National Archives make the rules quite clear:
The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202.
Admitting that he committed another felony is not going to change the election.
Was he asked to return classified documents or not?
Would you like to go record stating that you believe he did not commit any felonies in that case?
Why do you think he has been playing delay games? He knows damn well that he is guilty.
The fault here is with a spoiled brat felon who thinks the rules only apply to little people. You're frustrated with me when all he had to do was give them back. It would have been like a library book if he simply handed them over.Replies: @Curle, @Curle
The lawyer specialty websites covered this matter. Dive into one of those and link to it if you find one making your broad claims. I read some at the time and there were, wait for it, nuances.
I make it a point not to indulge randos on the internet sharing their ‘considered’ legal opinions thinking that if dilettante 1 and dilettante 2 reach agreement on a blog then the matter has been settled. Since you’ve presented yourself throughout your time on this site as the very definition of a dilettante you’ll have to forgive me if I fail to acknowledge your claims as authoritative. Maybe you and some other dilettante can reach an agreement and let us know what you decide. two employees are willing to testify against Trump. Maybe read about the case instead of getting frustrated with those of us that don't think Trump is an angel and a victim of a grand conspiracy. Trump's main enemy is Trump and not the MSM. All he had to do was give the damn documents back.Replies: @Curle
For sensible people this thing was settled when Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who knew both parents contemporaneous to his birth, said so early on. When Punahou classmates recalled his father’s visit from Kenya when he was ten. When back issues of the local paper were shown to have reported his birth contemporaneous to the actual birth. And later, when a copy of the certificate was released and nobody spotted discrepancies from the standard of the time.
Believing he was born in Kenya was a delusion concocted by willful fantasists and it brought disrepute on the Republican Party generally.Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous
Including the willful fantasist who wrote the jacket copy bio on his first book. For some reason, Barry never bothered to correct it.
Never mind the law, that alone should have been enough to disqualify him.
Whether the citizenship of someone born to an unmarried, underage girl and an alien bigamist sire in an illegally occupied foreign kingdom has been passed on in a “natural-born” manner, I’ll leave to the constitutional lawyers. Now they’re arguing about Kamala’s eligibility, under Wong Kim Ark, no less. Sorry, but it’s four years too late.
1. Was informed that he could not keep the documents
2. Was asked to return them
3. Ignored said request
Trump is also in a public audio recording where he states that he should have declassified the documents when he was president. That is an acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
It doesn't end there. He also asked two employees to help him cover up the evidence.
Can be under some circumstances and not in others.
This is not an ambiguous case. The National Archives make the rules quite clear:
The Presidential Records Act (PRA) requires the President to separate personal documents from Presidential records before leaving office. 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The PRA makes clear that, upon the conclusion of the President’s term in office, NARA assumes responsibility for the custody, control, preservation of, and access to the records of a President. 44 U.S.C. 2203(g)(1). The PRA makes the legal status of Presidential records clear and unambiguous, providing that the United States reserves and retains “complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.” 44 U.S.C. 2202.
Admitting that he committed another felony is not going to change the election.
Was he asked to return classified documents or not?
Would you like to go record stating that you believe he did not commit any felonies in that case?
Why do you think he has been playing delay games? He knows damn well that he is guilty.
The fault here is with a spoiled brat felon who thinks the rules only apply to little people. You're frustrated with me when all he had to do was give them back. It would have been like a library book if he simply handed them over.Replies: @Curle, @Curle
You know, I broke down and looked up the explanation of the case and outcome relative to some important and dispositive issues that the authors briefed (successfully it would appear) to the court. Here is their explanation. I have zero expectation that you will comprehend anything they are saying but that, of course, illustrates why dilettantes making blog posts shouldn’t be treated as authorities on legal matters no matter how deluded they may be about their own abilities.
That seems completely baseless. Her father is a highly respected Professor of Economics at Stanford University, and her mother was a scientist doing cancer research. Both seem to have led impeccable lives. Definitely an order of magnitude superior to Fred trump, the slumlord. Her black politics is entirely American. @Curle, @The Germ Theory of Disease
“Her father is a highly “respected” [viz affirmative action] “Professor” of “Economics” at Stanford University,
I’ve slept with more respected Ivy economics professors than you can even name; forgive me if I explain to you how a casino works.
and her mother was a “scientist” doing cancer “research”.
“Both seem to have led impeccable lives.”
And yet they somehow shat out some giggling crooked race-baiting moron who is now in line to be the “President”.
Sorry, I’ve been in the back rooms, I know how all this math works; you don’t seem to.
Never mind the law, that alone should have been enough to disqualify him.
Whether the citizenship of someone born to an unmarried, underage girl and an alien bigamist sire in an illegally occupied foreign kingdom has been passed on in a "natural-born" manner, I'll leave to the constitutional lawyers. Now they're arguing about Kamala's eligibility, under Wong Kim Ark, no less. Sorry, but it's four years too late.Replies: @Art Deco
Hawaii was duly annexed in 1898 and admitted as a state in 1959. Ann Dunham was born in Kansas in 1942 to a married couple born in Kansas. That she was under 21 in 1961 is immaterial. Births to woman under 21 were as common as sand at that time.
^Trump never did that. All of his documents were declassified. I told you a couple of months ago that Trump had already beaten all 37 criminal charges in Florida. Where is that Florida trial going now? Exactly where I told you it was going… down the drain.
What did Trump mean by this statement then:
As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said
Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’
Might want to learn about the case outside of Fox News. He was recorded stating that he should have declassified a document.
I get that the MSM lies but Fox News is just as full of shit but for the other side.
I make it a point not to indulge randos on the internet sharing their ‘considered’ legal opinions thinking that if dilettante 1 and dilettante 2 reach agreement on a blog then the matter has been settled. Since you’ve presented yourself throughout your time on this site as the very definition of a dilettante you’ll have to forgive me if I fail to acknowledge your claims as authoritative. Maybe you and some other dilettante can reach an agreement and let us know what you decide.Replies: @John Johnson
The lawyer specialty websites covered this matter. Dive into one of those and link to it if you find one making your broad claims. I read some at the time and there were, wait for it, nuances.
You’re attempting argument by authority which is a logical fallacy.
This is not a complicated case. The National Archives requested that Trump return all classified documents and he refused. That eventually led to a search warrant where classified documents were obtained.
Did you also want to explain what Trump meant when he said that he should have declassified a document?
Trump f-cked up here. Not just in keeping the documents but asking two employees to help him hide the evidence. Those are also felonies.
A timeline on how Trump tried to delete camera footage of the boxes
Those two employees are willing to testify against Trump.
Maybe read about the case instead of getting frustrated with those of us that don’t think Trump is an angel and a victim of a grand conspiracy. Trump’s main enemy is Trump and not the MSM. All he had to do was give the damn documents back.
^Fake news.
I did. I didn’t just read the prosecutor’s claims like you did, I followed the case, read the court documents and listened to legal commentators as they reviewed transcripts of the case. That is why I learned, which you apparently didn’t, that the prosecutors lied to the judge, were caught, and were forced to admit that they lied in open court.
Let’s review what you told me on Jan 26, 2024 when Trump was facing 37 felony charges in Florida.
Trump is going to lose this case. His rant about presidential immunity shows that he broke the law. Innocent people don’t go on 2AM rants about how they should be allowed to get away with felonies.
Now let’s review what I told you in reply:
Trump is going to win this case. His rant about presidential immunity shows that he is serious about laws having to be enforced consistently and equally. Innocent people absolutely do go on 2AM rants about how they should be allowed equal protection under the law and constitution, ESPECIALLY when the law is not being applied equally.
Which one of us was right Johnson? How many felony charges is Trump facing in Florida today? two employees are willing to testify against Trump. Maybe read about the case instead of getting frustrated with those of us that don't think Trump is an angel and a victim of a grand conspiracy. Trump's main enemy is Trump and not the MSM. All he had to do was give the damn documents back.Replies: @Curle
That’s all law is, argument by understanding authorities and precedent. You accepted those terms the moment you went down the path of claiming knowledge of the law. That you are willing to opine on things where you are incompetent, as you were here, is what has been revealed.
The thing about Trump that his opponents don't understand is that -- unlike the successive frauds the Democrats keep serving up -- with Trump, we can all see what we're getting. When he lies, we understand and accept his lies. We know the guy -- for better and for worse.
Kamala Harris? Who is that? Everything is a charade. As always, it's not that Trump is so great; it's that he beats the alternative.Replies: @epebble
His positions may not be incorrect, what is important is he is insincere and tells what may please his supporters to garner a vote. For example, much has been said about building an impenetrable wall, paid for by Mexico but nothing at all about a strict work authorization process akin to that used by innumerable Mastercard/Visa subscribers to validate transaction. How is it that I can’t buy a loaf of bread if I am short of $0.01 but a robust employment authorization can’t be instituted? His tremendous business skills were never applied to solve the problem without all the Sturm und Drang. That is regarding illegal immigration problem. As for legal immigration, it can only be changed by law, which would require action by Congress. You can bet your bottom dollar that that is never going to happen in a Trump administration. Infact, no meaningful legislation from him will ever happen, because legislation needs the art of persuasion – which he has none.
Well, not quite. Since he refuses to resign the current term. 3 more months of the slow moving cadaver.Replies: @JimB, @QCIC, @Wokechoke, @Wokechoke, @James Speaks
The more confusion that can be generated, the greater the opportunity to steal the election.
Well, I'm a nice guy who likes to give total strangers money. Five to one? I'll put up twenty thousand and you lay down a hundred grand.
Easy money, dude.Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
“Well, I’m a nice guy who likes to give total strangers money. Five to one? I’ll put up twenty thousand and you lay down a hundred grand.”
Careful, bud. There’s rather a big difference between who really wins the election, and who “wins” the “election”. I’d keep my money in my pocket.
Meanwhile, this is funny……
You're right about the possibility of Kamala 'winning' though. That's why I wanted five to one. After all, if Trump wins by enough, the Jews won't be able to rig it.
Besides, Israel will never trust Kamala. That's going to make it pretty hard for her to even 'win.'
In other words, the rights of those thousands of individuals who gave him money are better protected than the 14 million individuals who have already given him votes.Replies: @SF, @Gandydancer
IMHO there is zero chance that the courts will deny Harris access to these funds for any significant period of time.
Graetz is commonly a non-Jewish name. If your jewdar doesn’t admit to the possibility of false positives even when it’s probable all you’ll do when you report its pinging is make yourself look like a loon. Which you are, of course, but you probably don’t want to make it so obvious all the time.
He can read English well enough to understand the 12th Amendment. Short of being on SCOTUS where you are empowered to say up is down why would he need more than that?
RC has loony ideas about the meaning of the 22nd Amendment , but the 12th is dispositive, and I’ve thanked him for pointing that out.
*The Senate Judiciary Committee's amendment of House Joint Resolution 27. **No one is to serve more than eight years of 365 days, under any circumstances.
I don’t know why you would obsess over getting the approval of bogus, lying authority figures, but you need to gain the confidence to read plain English without such approval if you want to be fully human. The 12th Amendment, as I’ve thanked RC for pointing out, is perfectly clear. Predicting SCOTUS, which is somehow empowered to say up is down, is a different task, of course.
RC has loony ideas about the meaning of the 22nd Amendment , but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t obviously right about the 12th.
For sensible people this thing was settled when Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who knew both parents contemporaneous to his birth, said so early on. When Punahou classmates recalled his father’s visit from Kenya when he was ten. When back issues of the local paper were shown to have reported his birth contemporaneous to the actual birth. And later, when a copy of the certificate was released and nobody spotted discrepancies from the standard of the time.
Believing he was born in Kenya was a delusion concocted by willful fantasists and it brought disrepute on the Republican Party generally.Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Anonymous
He was born in Hawaii. The problem is that as a young man and student he claimed to be from Kenya. All the people who knew him back then thought he was Kenyan. I don’t know why he said this. Maybe Kenya sounded more exotic/exciting than Hawaii (?!)
Whatever the reason, it was a minor lie and no big deal until he began eyeing the presidency – because of the George Washington principle that a president should never tell a lie.
He could have handled this three ways: (1) admit he lied, which would look bad; (2) deny he ever lied, which would cause people who knew him as a youth to publicly call him a liar, which would also look bad; or (3) say nothing, and pretend the whole controversy was absurd and beneath him.
He took the third option, counting, correctly, that his opponents would miss the nuance and expend their energy attacking a straw man. whole thing stinks to high heaven. People commonly get a replacement when they need a passport. The fact that it was so drawn out with conflicting excuses from Democrats suggests a conspiracy. I'm normally one to be skeptical of conspiracy theories but this is one that has weight. Getting a replacement birth certificate is not a difficult process. Why didn't Obama let a third party view the original at the hospital? Having it sent to the White House was a major red flag.Replies: @Gandydancer
Did you even attempt to read the comment you were replying to?
Curle didn’t dispute that Obama could have easily produced a birth certificate. He said that Obama didn’t do so because all the usual idiots on the right making a fuss about allegations that he was Kenyan were discrediting themselves and everyone else on that side, so why should he interrupt them?
It does not, by the way, have a clause permitting renunciation .Replies: @Jack D, @Gandydancer
And to interject at least one note of sympathy, he is very probably in his last 30 days - 6 months and they just couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He should have retired in 2016 and gone home to enjoy his family.Replies: @Jack D, @Harry Baldwin, @Bill Jones
Don’t be unnecessarily cruel, you’re better than that.
Except, of course, that Barry the Kenyan is a Kenyan. Somebody wrote a book about Barry’s Dreams from his Kenyan father, who was a Kenyan and Kenya bestows citizenship on those fortunate enough to have a Kenyan parent, no matter where whelped. Go read the Kenyan Constitution, I did.
It does not, by the way, have a clause permitting renunciation .
The problem with all these conspiracy theory arguments is that they only serve to convince true believers. All the people who thought that Obama was Kenyan weren't going to vote for him anyway. The same is true of the various Trump assassination theories - the people who thing this was a setup by Trump himself already hated him and the people who say this was a Democrat conspiracy already hate Democrats. Your political preference drives your belief in the conspiracy theory and never vice versa.
Now her campaign managers are going to have to compete her against Trump, who just took a bullet for democracy. I guess no one else wanted the job (or does someone?). The hard-core Trump-haters will vote for her of course, but that only goes so far. Can you smell the desperation?
So what's left? They'll be scrambling to fortify the hell out of this election. I keep seeing things in my news feed about how COVID is surging in certain states. I think that noise I hear is printers spewing out mail-in ballots by the metric ton.
WWIII is on the table too. So many possibilities.
Where's it all end? I have my doubts if we'll actually have an election in November. If we do, it may well be the last.Replies: @Rex Little
As far as it needs to, just like last time. Have any procedures been put in place to make the next election any harder to steal? Not that I know of.
Every registered voter already gets a mail-in ballot without asking. They probably will need more fakes this time around, @Jack D
Nothing is impossible if you are a true believer. For a long time, MSNBC kept saying that Trump had been “cut by flying glass” (fragments from his teleprompter):
After every event like this, the internet is full of competing conspiracy theories. Trump plotted this to gain sympathy. No, it was a plot coordinated by Joe Biden (or his handlers since Joe Biden is dead). Etc. It’s hard for either side to accept that something that might have changed the course of history was carried out single handed by one 2o yr. old loser and his daddy’s rifle.
JFK was a problem, so they assassinated him with a sniper.
He wasn’t a problem for the security services and he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, not some nebulous ‘they’.
After every event like this, the internet is full of competing conspiracy theories. Trump plotted this to gain sympathy. No, it was a plot coordinated by Joe Biden (or his handlers since Joe Biden is dead). Etc. It's hard for either side to accept that something that might have changed the course of history was carried out single handed by one 2o yr. old loser and his daddy's rifle.Replies: @J.Ross, @Precious
That argument really doesn’t work here: the theories are too lopsided. The anti-Trump ones are fighting too many uncontested facts. On Biden’s side, on the other hand, the absolute best they can plead is earth-stoppingly historical incompetence, and even that us unlikely. At best, murderously anti-Trump bureaucrats denied repeated requests for necessary support, and are indirectly responsible. This is going by the official record. Weeping Christopher Wray babbling as we speak, very incoherent. There is reason to believe things, but the event itself is so miraculous and absolute, it doesn’t really change anything. That’s another big difference between this and the Kennedy assassination. This was just incompetant and evil Deep State f-up #637,285. The Kennedy assassination on the other hand was a cultural and political turning point bookended by radically different worldviews. Whose view of the world is different after 7/13? We all already knew they wanted to kill him.
However, our government is full of examples of unequal treatment, where blacks get treated better than whites or liberals get treated better than conservatives, so I have no problem believing that Trump's requests for security might have been treated differently than if Biden had made the same request in 2020.
But this could have been done just out of sort of general dislike of Trump and not in the direct hope that if they reduced security enough someone would kill Trump. 99 times out of 100, having 3 sniper teams instead of 4 or whatever the request was would not have made any difference even if an assassin was there that day and on most days there are zero assassins present.
Maybe I am wrong but I am going with colossal incompetence. Nowadays especially, colossal incompetence is exactly what you get from our government most of the time. I am no longer shocked or surprised by colossal government incompetence. The term is almost redundant. The fact that blacks, who are the least competent group of people in America, are 50% overrepresented in the Federal government workforce, sure does not help.Replies: @J.Ross
Whatever the reason, it was a minor lie and no big deal until he began eyeing the presidency - because of the George Washington principle that a president should never tell a lie.
He could have handled this three ways: (1) admit he lied, which would look bad; (2) deny he ever lied, which would cause people who knew him as a youth to publicly call him a liar, which would also look bad; or (3) say nothing, and pretend the whole controversy was absurd and beneath him.
He took the third option, counting, correctly, that his opponents would miss the nuance and expend their energy attacking a straw man.Replies: @Curle
This is complete nonsense. The opposite of reality. My sources are not third hand. Yours?
I’ve seen similar footage posted by the Vallejo CA PD a couple years ago, though with a few less participants… and without the literal fireworks that seems to initiate this “event”. The latter bit is very strange.
He wasn't a problem for the security services and he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, not some nebulous 'they'.Replies: @Curle, @Precious
Self-described patsy Lee Harvey Oswald.
He wasn't a problem for the security services and he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, not some nebulous 'they'.Replies: @Curle, @Precious
Thanks to Trump, we now know that is not true. The declassified JFK papers Trump has released show the CIA was involved.
After every event like this, the internet is full of competing conspiracy theories. Trump plotted this to gain sympathy. No, it was a plot coordinated by Joe Biden (or his handlers since Joe Biden is dead). Etc. It's hard for either side to accept that something that might have changed the course of history was carried out single handed by one 2o yr. old loser and his daddy's rifle.Replies: @J.Ross, @Precious
Especially hard to accept when Austin private wealth decided to buy $8 million in shorts on DJT Media on Friday July 12th. There was no reason to expect it to fall the following week with Trump being nominated by the RNC… if anything you would expect it to go up. And why exactly did CNN, after refusing to livestream any of Trump’s other rallies, suddenly decide to livestream Trump’s Butler rally on July 13th? What was so special about that one?
Statement on Incorrect Filing with the SEC
The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error.
No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing.
We filed the report on July 12 to reflect our positions on June 28. We amended it on July 16.
We deeply regret this error and the concern it has caused, especially at such a fraught moment for our nation. We are committed to full transparency and maintaining the trust of our clients. As such, we are reviewing our internal procedures and our processes with the third-party vendor that assists with SEC filings to better understand how this happened and avoid similar issues moving forward.
Not really, at least in the official version, because on this particular occasion they did not. So far all the examples are from other events where no one took a shot at Trump even with the reduced support. And there is no law that the Secret Service has to give in to some sort of unlimited wish list from the Trump campaign. They have finite resources and are entitled to make reasonable judgments.
However, our government is full of examples of unequal treatment, where blacks get treated better than whites or liberals get treated better than conservatives, so I have no problem believing that Trump’s requests for security might have been treated differently than if Biden had made the same request in 2020.
But this could have been done just out of sort of general dislike of Trump and not in the direct hope that if they reduced security enough someone would kill Trump. 99 times out of 100, having 3 sniper teams instead of 4 or whatever the request was would not have made any difference even if an assassin was there that day and on most days there are zero assassins present.
Maybe I am wrong but I am going with colossal incompetence. Nowadays especially, colossal incompetence is exactly what you get from our government most of the time. I am no longer shocked or surprised by colossal government incompetence. The term is almost redundant. The fact that blacks, who are the least competent group of people in America, are 50% overrepresented in the Federal government workforce, sure does not help.
RC has loony ideas about the meaning of the 22nd Amendment , but the 12th is dispositive, and I've thanked him for pointing that out.Replies: @Reg Cæsar
Whereas your idea– that due to less-than-airtight language, the amendment doesn’t exist at all, other than in a fig-leaf manner re the method of nomination, and, further, that Justices Thomas, Alito, and the “originalists” the Federalist Society packed the Court with will meekly whimper “Ooh! An oopsie!” and allow Obama (or Bush or Clinton) five more terms, despite crystal-clear evidence* showing that this is the opposite of Congress’s original intent**, all while Ketanji and Wise Sonia (and Gandydancer) dance in the corridors– that’s the mark of sanity!
Was it Chesterton who said the madman’s problem isn’t that he is irrational, but that he is too rational?
Just who is doing that here? If only Antonin Scalia were here to offer one of his trademark paper-bag quips!
*The Senate Judiciary Committee’s amendment of House Joint Resolution 27.
**No one is to serve more than eight years of 365 days, under any circumstances.
It does not, by the way, have a clause permitting renunciation .Replies: @Jack D, @Gandydancer
Kenyan law has no impact on American law. If Obama was born in America and subject to American jurisdiction (i.e. his parents were not diplomats) then he was an American citizen and he was eligible to be President.
The problem with all these conspiracy theory arguments is that they only serve to convince true believers. All the people who thought that Obama was Kenyan weren’t going to vote for him anyway. The same is true of the various Trump assassination theories – the people who thing this was a setup by Trump himself already hated him and the people who say this was a Democrat conspiracy already hate Democrats. Your political preference drives your belief in the conspiracy theory and never vice versa.
Lee Harvey Oswald.
However, our government is full of examples of unequal treatment, where blacks get treated better than whites or liberals get treated better than conservatives, so I have no problem believing that Trump's requests for security might have been treated differently than if Biden had made the same request in 2020.
But this could have been done just out of sort of general dislike of Trump and not in the direct hope that if they reduced security enough someone would kill Trump. 99 times out of 100, having 3 sniper teams instead of 4 or whatever the request was would not have made any difference even if an assassin was there that day and on most days there are zero assassins present.
Maybe I am wrong but I am going with colossal incompetence. Nowadays especially, colossal incompetence is exactly what you get from our government most of the time. I am no longer shocked or surprised by colossal government incompetence. The term is almost redundant. The fact that blacks, who are the least competent group of people in America, are 50% overrepresented in the Federal government workforce, sure does not help.Replies: @J.Ross
I got one sentence in. They’re the Secret Service and they left a water tower and a perfectly positioned rooftop uncovered. This is like a surgeon not washing his hands and not knowing which tool does what. Too simple, too graspable for laymen, and going against too much training at too fundamental a level.
On foreign travel by Presidents. Harry Truman presided over some of the most consequential diplomacy of the 20th century. He left the United States 3x in 93 months in office: once for a courtesy visit to Mexico, once for a courtesy visit to Canada, and once for the Potsdam Conference. Nowadays, a president will travel abroad a dozen times a year and travels with four planeloads of equipment and personnel.
A story emerged from one of George Bush the Younger's visits to England. The Secret Service suggested that some windows in Buckingham Palace be replaced with green bullet-proof glass to prepare for the visit. They were told to pound sand.
The same Secret Service humiliated itself in 2012 by spending time while preparing for a state visit to Colombia cavorting with Colombian hookers (then stiffing some of them).
Public bureaucracies in this country have slovenly institutional cultures.Replies: @Cagey Beast, @J.Ross
It’s as if you weren’t born until Biden became president. Prior to Biden, illegals weren’t allowed into the US in such high numbers. Trump’s ‘remain in Mexico’ was working well. Obama didn’t leave the border wide open and neither did any other presidents. This is a newer, worse situation. But laws already exist that can prevent illegal entry, prevent illegals from working, deny benefits to illegals as well as deporting the illegals. You are either misinformed or prevaricating.
Stick a fork in AmericaReplies: @Gordo, @Curle
She’s weird enough, but where do they find these guys? I’m sure I’m supposed to recognize him but he really does remind me of this guy.
Is this a man bites dog story or other way around?
Georgia Republican shifts support to Harris after backing Biden
Possible, but not necessarily. The same 2 or 3% that Jill Stein won in ’16 were definitely not Trump supporters. So a majority or bulk of RFKjr’s possible at best 2-3% of the total vote could be from this voting demographic (mostly white, and leaning heavily Democratic).
After all, RFKjr is a lifelong Democrat, and is fairly well respected among the left as well.
Also, he fits the same mold as Jill Stein–a bit out there, somewhat conspiratorial, and reliably left wing. RFKjr is more photogenic perhaps, and comes from a storied family in US politics, but overall, he should be able to pick up the same number of votes that Stein got. IF he gets them from the same region as she did (WI, MI, and PA, Rust Belt/Swing states for the most part) then that will definitely help Trump.
IF RFKjr wanted to increase his total vote percentage to say, 5-7%, he could publicly take a pr0-Palestinian stance. It is however very unlikely that he would do so, but perhaps one could hope that he would send some signals to those disaffected by the whole Gaza genocide thing that he could understand their point and feel their pain. If he were to do so publicly, he’d be the only candidate who would do so and would increase his vote total immensely. Certainly not enough to raise eyebrows, like Perot’s 19% in ’92, but it would be more than the last few third party candidacies.
Actually Stein won just over 1%. The libertarian Gary Johnson won three times as many votes overall and in the key states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. See here .Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
I maintain that any no-name moderate would beat Trump because of independents, moderates and swing voters. The data has been clear on that. A middle of the road White guy would easily take Trump.
Harris however is not a no-name moderate and she is not even a competent AA candidate. She is terrible.
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
Currently Vegas has Trump to win and I agree with that projection given all the data I have seen. Instinctively I also feel that she is a bad choice. I think Trump would actually take even more Hispanics from Democrats if she ran. They tend to prefer masculine candidates and Harris doesn't score any minority points with them. In the last primary she didn't pull Blacks or Californians. Her own state rejected her.
A lot can happen between now and November but if the election were held tomorrow I think he would take a majority of the swing states.
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party’s conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.
I do not consider her the safe choice in the least. I think a random dice roll of someone in Congress would be safer.
Harris cracks under pressure. Just watch how she cracked in the border interview. She is a disaster when she is nervous and goes off script.
Democrats have lost many elections by rallying around a subpar candidate for diversity points. It could certainly happen again. The MSM normally rallies around a minority candidate. They did that in the last election.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Thank you for answering, that only took a few times.
“I do not consider her the safe choice in the least. I think a random dice roll of someone in Congress would be safer.”
Uh, YOU may not consider her a safe choice; but her party does. After all, she is the sitting VP of the US. That is a fairly insider mainstream position as one can get. A woman and a person of color. Seems as though she checks all the right boxes in 2024.
I go with historical precedent. For well over a century, both parties have gone with the safe choice, or those candidates who perceived that it was “their time, and their turn”. Also, sometimes a party knows that they aren’t going to win the presidency in November. So run a sacrificial, and try to focus more on increasing their party’s Congressional total.
Why did the GOP nominate Landon in 36, Wilkie in ’40? Because they figured they were going to lose, and it was more or less a safe choice (Landon especially). Wilkie was an interesting choice–he wasn’t even registered GOP very long before receiving the nomination. Of course the GOP was in shambles at that point.
But running Adlai in 56, after he had just lost to Ike in ’52? What was that all about but desperation and it was still considered to be “his time and his turn”?
Dole in ’96, what was that all about? “His time and his turn”. Same goes for Kerry in ’04, McCain in 08, and for the most part, Romney in 12.
And Hillary in 16. ‘Twas her time and her turn.
Funny, the last time a VP was so pilloried over their perceived lack of competence and electability was Dan Quayle in ’92.
So again, I will go by historical precedent. Harris is the current VP of the US. It is her time and her turn.
If she loses to Trump in November, it probably WONT be her time and her turn in 28.
“Border Tsar Kamala Harris”
That’s her proper appellation. Stealing from J. Ross, who was stealing from someone else.
Like to see everyone use this so that someone in the Trump camp can get Trump to use it. (Or at least get Vance to use it.)
This does two things:
1) Points out she’s not some “fresh face” that the media will try to portray, but was actually given an important job in the Biden Administration and was an abysmal failure.
2) Keeps the focus properly on the border and the Biden Administration–ergo the Kamala administrations–open border treason (which matters to Americans and their future) … instead of Trump endless bloviating about being Donald J. Trump (which does not).
“Border Tsar Kamala Harris”
That’s her proper appellation. Stealing from J. Ross, who was stealing from someone else.
Like to see everyone use this so that someone in the Trump camp can get Trump to use it. (Or at least get Vance to use it.)
This does two things:
1) Points out she’s not some “fresh face” that the media with try to portray, but was actually given an important job in the Biden Administration and was an abysmal failure.
2) Keeps the focus properly on the border and the Biden Administration–ergo the Kamala administrations–open border treason (which matters to Americans and their future) … instead of Trump endless bloviating about being Donald J. Trump (which does not).
After all, RFKjr is a lifelong Democrat, and is fairly well respected among the left as well.
Also, he fits the same mold as Jill Stein--a bit out there, somewhat conspiratorial, and reliably left wing. RFKjr is more photogenic perhaps, and comes from a storied family in US politics, but overall, he should be able to pick up the same number of votes that Stein got. IF he gets them from the same region as she did (WI, MI, and PA, Rust Belt/Swing states for the most part) then that will definitely help Trump.
IF RFKjr wanted to increase his total vote percentage to say, 5-7%, he could publicly take a pr0-Palestinian stance. It is however very unlikely that he would do so, but perhaps one could hope that he would send some signals to those disaffected by the whole Gaza genocide thing that he could understand their point and feel their pain. If he were to do so publicly, he'd be the only candidate who would do so and would increase his vote total immensely. Certainly not enough to raise eyebrows, like Perot's 19% in '92, but it would be more than the last few third party candidacies.Replies: @James B. Shearer
“…The same 2 or 3% that Jill Stein won in ’16 were definitely not Trump supporters. ..”
Actually Stein won just over 1%. The libertarian Gary Johnson won three times as many votes overall and in the key states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. See here .
Georgia Republican shifts support to Harris after backing Biden @Curle
A former state Lt, Gov., which in my state is a nothing office, who is a Republican, says he won’t vote for Trump and gets an article in the Hill. Talk about bottom feeding.
^Lie #1. Trump specifically says he lost only due to election fraud.”
No, he told one of his trusted aides he lost.
“And Trump has filed in his Washington DC court case where the US government can find the documentation proving the fraud. Trump requested those documents as part of his discovery.”
And his fishing expedition failed miserable.
Regarding Arizona…
Regarding Wisconsin…
In 2016 there was a guy in Israel who said he had a secret that would end the Trump campaign, he got an American journalist to get on a plane and fly there and hand over $1000 for this terrible secret. There was no secret.
No, they don’t, except in your imagination.
Something pointed out 40 years ago by Michael Kinsley: the clanking security apparatus is a function of the insistence on broadcasting a president’s movements beforehand and it’s so obtrusive it can increase risk by tipping off people who would not otherwise know a dignitary is around. (His example was George Bush the Elder’s visit to a restaurant across the street from Kinsley’s office. “I had plenty of time to go buy a cream pie to throw at him, and I’d have had a pretty good shot at him in spite of all the security around”.
On foreign travel by Presidents. Harry Truman presided over some of the most consequential diplomacy of the 20th century. He left the United States 3x in 93 months in office: once for a courtesy visit to Mexico, once for a courtesy visit to Canada, and once for the Potsdam Conference. Nowadays, a president will travel abroad a dozen times a year and travels with four planeloads of equipment and personnel.
A story emerged from one of George Bush the Younger’s visits to England. The Secret Service suggested that some windows in Buckingham Palace be replaced with green bullet-proof glass to prepare for the visit. They were told to pound sand.
The same Secret Service humiliated itself in 2012 by spending time while preparing for a state visit to Colombia cavorting with Colombian hookers (then stiffing some of them).
Public bureaucracies in this country have slovenly institutional cultures.
On foreign travel by Presidents. Harry Truman presided over some of the most consequential diplomacy of the 20th century. He left the United States 3x in 93 months in office: once for a courtesy visit to Mexico, once for a courtesy visit to Canada, and once for the Potsdam Conference. Nowadays, a president will travel abroad a dozen times a year and travels with four planeloads of equipment and personnel.
A story emerged from one of George Bush the Younger's visits to England. The Secret Service suggested that some windows in Buckingham Palace be replaced with green bullet-proof glass to prepare for the visit. They were told to pound sand.
The same Secret Service humiliated itself in 2012 by spending time while preparing for a state visit to Colombia cavorting with Colombian hookers (then stiffing some of them).
Public bureaucracies in this country have slovenly institutional cultures.Replies: @Cagey Beast, @J.Ross
No, they don’t, except in your imagination.
No, he told one of his trusted aides he lost.
“And Trump has filed in his Washington DC court case where the US government can find the documentation proving the fraud. Trump requested those documents as part of his discovery.”
And his fishing expedition failed miserable.
Regarding Arizona…
Regarding Wisconsin… @Precious
^Fixed. Here is the sentence Cassidy and CNN left out. “I lost the election… of course due to the fraud.” That was Lie #4 from you.
^Fixed. Judge Chutkan still has yet to rule on that discovery. That was Lie #5 from you.
^Fake news. Kari Lake’s court trial confirmed in 2022 that Maricopa elections are corrupt, with election officials unable to verify tens of thousands of ballots were valid. She lost the case because the judge invented a new higher standard of legal proof than proof beyond a reasonable doubt… we will see if that standard holds up.
^Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now. Much of the election fraud was collected outside Vos’ investigation, including Racine County sheriff’s election fraud investigation which forwarded a recommendation of criminal charges to the prosecutor for action.
No, he never said that to her. Regarding Hutchinson, “He said something to the effect of, 'he knows it's over. He knows he lost. But we are going to keep trying. There's a chance he didn't lose. I want to pull this off for him,'" Hutchinson said, recounting what Meadows told her about Trump.
“^Fixed. Judge Chutkan still has yet to rule on that discovery. That was Lie #5 from you.”
You have a reading comprehension problem. Trump’s team in 2020 went on a fishing expedition to find evidence of widespread fraud. They got their asses handed to them in court at that time.
“Fake news. Kari Lake’s court trial confirmed in 2022 that Maricopa elections are corrupt”
Not quite.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
Citations required.
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as AlmostMissouri, but with more training, you can do it!Replies: @Precious
^Has obviously not read the declassified JFK papers which documents the CIA was involved.
On foreign travel by Presidents. Harry Truman presided over some of the most consequential diplomacy of the 20th century. He left the United States 3x in 93 months in office: once for a courtesy visit to Mexico, once for a courtesy visit to Canada, and once for the Potsdam Conference. Nowadays, a president will travel abroad a dozen times a year and travels with four planeloads of equipment and personnel.
A story emerged from one of George Bush the Younger's visits to England. The Secret Service suggested that some windows in Buckingham Palace be replaced with green bullet-proof glass to prepare for the visit. They were told to pound sand.
The same Secret Service humiliated itself in 2012 by spending time while preparing for a state visit to Colombia cavorting with Colombian hookers (then stiffing some of them).
Public bureaucracies in this country have slovenly institutional cultures.Replies: @Cagey Beast, @J.Ross
Yeah, no, none of this is impressive or relevant. Stiffing hookers isn’t even a problem in terms of what we’re concerned with. The Secret Service simply does not leave a perfect firing position open. This was not an error.
Actually Stein won just over 1%. The libertarian Gary Johnson won three times as many votes overall and in the key states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. See here .Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Yes, but Hillary specifically went after Stein, because apparently Stein’s total took votes away from HIllary in PA, WI, and MI.
OT — Ed West on demographic collapse.
Does Trump have a legitimate chance of winning vs Kamala Harris in November?
I maintain that any no-name moderate would beat Trump because of independents, moderates and swing voters. The data has been clear on that. A middle of the road White guy would easily take Trump.
Harris however is not a no-name moderate and she is not even a competent AA candidate. She is terrible.
But again, a direct question. How would Trump do vs Harris in November?
Currently Vegas has Trump to win and I agree with that projection given all the data I have seen. Instinctively I also feel that she is a bad choice. I think Trump would actually take even more Hispanics from Democrats if she ran. They tend to prefer masculine candidates and Harris doesn't score any minority points with them. In the last primary she didn't pull Blacks or Californians. Her own state rejected her.
A lot can happen between now and November but if the election were held tomorrow I think he would take a majority of the swing states.
And we also have to allow for the Democratic party being not one to take a whole lot of risks at the convention. Harris is the party’s conventional, safe choice. After all, she is the sitting VP.
I do not consider her the safe choice in the least. I think a random dice roll of someone in Congress would be safer.
Harris cracks under pressure. Just watch how she cracked in the border interview. She is a disaster when she is nervous and goes off script.
Democrats have lost many elections by rallying around a subpar candidate for diversity points. It could certainly happen again. The MSM normally rallies around a minority candidate. They did that in the last election.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Update from RT a few days ago with RFJjr
“Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of “anointing a candidate hand-picked by elites” and urged them to return to an “open process” of selecting a nominee for the upcoming November elections—while also claiming that only he can beat former President Trump.”
“He [RFKjr] then slammed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for “rigging” the nomination process by getting “a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into President Biden’s shoes,” arguing that “it’s the easiest way to hold onto the money,” referring to campaign finance rules that make transferring funds from the incumbent president to his running mate possible during the election cycle.”
Well now. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Campaign finance rules allow President Biden to transfer campaign funds to VP Harris during election cycle.
In other words, Harris has a full warchest for campaigning up to November. Meaning that no party unknown can compete vs that.
So I would have to ask you, who exactly is going to be the Democratic nominee? And that’s not including the amount of funds that she has raised over the last few days.
Basically, any unknown candidate is already behind the eight ball, due in part to Harris’ already having mega millions (or perhaps billions) available, far ahead of any would be party competitor for fundraising to help run her campaign.
Again. Historical precedent (as well as basic common sense) strongly suggests at this point, with the party’s convention less than a month out, that Harris is the party’s official nominee.
This from the APW website:
Statement on Incorrect Filing with the SEC
The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error.
No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error. In submitting the required report for the second quarter of 2024, a multiplier was applied by a third-party vendor that increased the number of the shares by a multiple of 10,000 for all options contracts (not just DJT). We did not catch the error before approving the filing.
We filed the report on July 12 to reflect our positions on June 28. We amended it on July 16.
We deeply regret this error and the concern it has caused, especially at such a fraught moment for our nation. We are committed to full transparency and maintaining the trust of our clients. As such, we are reviewing our internal procedures and our processes with the third-party vendor that assists with SEC filings to better understand how this happened and avoid similar issues moving forward.
“Here is the sentence Cassidy and CNN left out. “I lost the election… of course due to the fraud.”
No, he never said that to her. Regarding Hutchinson, “He said something to the effect of, ‘he knows it’s over. He knows he lost. But we are going to keep trying. There’s a chance he didn’t lose. I want to pull this off for him,’” Hutchinson said, recounting what Meadows told her about Trump.
“^Fixed. Judge Chutkan still has yet to rule on that discovery. That was Lie #5 from you.”
You have a reading comprehension problem. Trump’s team in 2020 went on a fishing expedition to find evidence of widespread fraud. They got their asses handed to them in court at that time.
“Fake news. Kari Lake’s court trial confirmed in 2022 that Maricopa elections are corrupt”
Not quite.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
Citations required.
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as AlmostMissouri, but with more training, you can do it!
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as CNN Corvinus, when they told us Joe Biden was mentally sharp, but with more training, you can do it!Replies: @Corvinus
No, he never said that to her. Regarding Hutchinson, “He said something to the effect of, 'he knows it's over. He knows he lost. But we are going to keep trying. There's a chance he didn't lose. I want to pull this off for him,'" Hutchinson said, recounting what Meadows told her about Trump.
“^Fixed. Judge Chutkan still has yet to rule on that discovery. That was Lie #5 from you.”
You have a reading comprehension problem. Trump’s team in 2020 went on a fishing expedition to find evidence of widespread fraud. They got their asses handed to them in court at that time.
“Fake news. Kari Lake’s court trial confirmed in 2022 that Maricopa elections are corrupt”
Not quite.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
Citations required.
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as AlmostMissouri, but with more training, you can do it!Replies: @Precious
No, I don’t have your problem. I wasn’t talking about Trump’s 2020 court team. I was talking about his request for discovery in Judge Chutkan’s trial. He specifically identified the government documentation which proves the election fraud and requested it for discovery. He never applied for that documentation in 2020. And he isn’t fishing, because he was President, he knows where the documentation is because he put it there.
^Wrong again. The appeals court let slide Judge Thompson’s newly invented standard of proof which is even higher than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. We will see if that new standard of proof continues to hold true and is adopted by the US judicial system.
^Request denied. You can look up Racine County yourself.
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as CNN Corvinus, when they told us Joe Biden was mentally sharp, but with more training, you can do it!
“He specifically identified the government documentation which proves the election fraud”
No such documentation exists. Trump’s legal team got whomped back in 2020 and now.
“The appeals court let slide Judge Thompson’s newly invented standard of proof which is even higher than proof beyond a reasonable doubt”
Citation required.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
You made this statement. Now it’s time to put up by proving it or shut up.Replies: @Precious
“I would also point out that I was lectured here for saying there is no reason to assume that the Biden will be the final candidate.”
Stop the cap.
That’s not what’s being said. Lectured vs respectfully disagreement, there is a difference.
I have asked a few times, to please produce any direct evidence that Harris is not going to be her party’s presidential nominee.
I outlined my reasons for why I support historical precedent and that she is going to be her party’s nominee:
1. She has a fully funded (multi-million, perhaps billion) campaign warchest. Due in no small part that she was part of Biden’s ticket and thus receives the full campaign money that was raised for his candidacy.
No unknown candidate can compete with that.
2. The major Democratic donors are lining up to support her.
3. Also, Biden instructed his delegates to vote for Harris at the convention. Now, the last time I checked, the two major parties have delegates that are pledged to a specific candidate. In other words, Jim or Jane Dokes can’t just suddenly come along out of left field and swallow up a majority of the delegates that are needed to receive the nomination. The delegates were pledged during the primary system to Biden—the primary season is officially over but the delegates are still pledged to Biden-Harris ticket. As Harris is still technically part of the Biden-Harris ticket, and now he has officially dropped out of the race, she will accrue most, if not all, of her party’s delegates.
Riddle me this: How the hell can an unknown candidate win the party’s nomination if they don’t have a majority of the party’s delegates, because the majority of the party’s delegates are pledged to vote for Harris?
I’ll wait while you solve that one.
Time’s expired.
Oh, yeah. That IS how it works.
Ergo, Harris = Democratic nominee for president in the November election.
That’s not what’s being said. Lectured vs respectfully disagreement, there is a difference.No I was lectured by A123 in a long rant where he told me that I don't understand US politics for making a such a suggestion. He said there is no way there will be another candidate and I'm clueless for suggesting otherwise. I'm in fact on record stating that they could ask him to step down or pressure him out. I said it doesn't matter what happens in the primary. This is the DNC and not some honor society that must stick to its word. Did you want me to pull his rant? I was also lectured in another thread related to Biden. I have asked a few times, to please produce any direct evidence that Harris is not going to be her party’s presidential nominee.I never said she will not be the nominee. I said 60/40. Do you understand how probably works? If I point out that hitting 7 or 11 is less likely than another combination am I saying you will definitely not hit craps? I would definitely not give her 60/40 after Obama's endorsement. Her odds have definitely increased as Obama was favoring a brokered convention. Riddle me this: How the hell can an unknown candidate win the party’s nomination if they don’t have a majority of the party’s delegates, because the majority of the party’s delegates are pledged to vote for Harris?Well batman those are unofficially pledged. They can still vote however they want. The DNC could also still get rattled by swing state numbers and ask Harris to step down. Unlikely but then I was lectured on that very scenario with Biden.Maybe you should have just asked politely as to how our system works.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
You’re not on the same level of gaslighting as CNN Corvinus, when they told us Joe Biden was mentally sharp, but with more training, you can do it!Replies: @Corvinus
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
“He specifically identified the government documentation which proves the election fraud”
No such documentation exists. Trump’s legal team got whomped back in 2020 and now.
“The appeals court let slide Judge Thompson’s newly invented standard of proof which is even higher than proof beyond a reasonable doubt”
Citation required.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
You made this statement. Now it’s time to put up by proving it or shut up.
You mean the CIA persuaded JFK to travel in a convertible that, fixed the route of the motorcade (decided upon less than a week earlier), mindtricked an employee of the Texas School Book Depository (employed there < two months) to shoot the President, the Governor, and a Dallas police officer. Sounds real plausible.
The evidence you offer doesn’t move the weight of evidence scale one way or the other.
No, sounds like you still haven’t chosen to look at the JFK papers declassified by Trump.
We're really talking about neolithic peoples vs. HVAC people.Replies: @bomag
Thanks for the input.
I’m casting about for distinctions between functional and less-than-functional societies. Even though Guatemalans have nominally gone through the Neolithic, their embrace of science and cooperation is a bit less than, say, the Norwegians. May be more clinging to the Paleolithic way of life, which might be a more successful long-term strategy; Robert E. Howard’s maxim that the barbarian will triumph over civilized man.
“He specifically identified the government documentation which proves the election fraud”
No such documentation exists. Trump’s legal team got whomped back in 2020 and now.
“The appeals court let slide Judge Thompson’s newly invented standard of proof which is even higher than proof beyond a reasonable doubt”
Citation required.
“Judge’s decision is from 2022 and woefully out of date now”
You made this statement. Now it’s time to put up by proving it or shut up.Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed.
^We will see if the documentation exists or not. Trump’s legal team whomped Jack Smith in 2024, at least so far.
Page 3 of Judge Thompson’s ruling in the initial trial. He states misconduct that changes the results of the election is not enough to force a new election. He instead states that the misconduct must also be proven to be intentional, and it must be proven to be intentional to change the result, and then he gives himself plenty of technicalities to not order a new election because he didn’t hear a confession of all that on the witness stand. I REALLY hope this new standard of proof doesn’t become the standard of proof for murder trials.
I already did. You can look up Racine County Sheriff’s recommendation of criminal charges and you can also look up, Meagan Wolfe the Wisconsin Elections Commission administrator, tacitly admitting that the system for requesting mail in ballots in 2020 relied on an honor code.
^We will see if the documentation exists or not“
You said it does unequivocally. Good to see you backtrack for once.
“Page 3 of Judge Thompson’s ruling in the initial trial.”
His ruling stated there was not the type of fraud as alleged that fundamentally changed the outcome.
Trump’s lawyers went on numerous fishing expeditions and lost in court.
“I already did. You can look up Racine County Sheriff’s recommendation of criminal charges”
No, you continue to make unfounded allegations.Replies: @Precious
"Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of “anointing a candidate hand-picked by elites” and urged them to return to an “open process” of selecting a nominee for the upcoming November elections—while also claiming that only he can beat former President Trump."
"He [RFKjr] then slammed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for “rigging” the nomination process by getting “a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into President Biden’s shoes,” arguing that “it’s the easiest way to hold onto the money,” referring to campaign finance rules that make transferring funds from the incumbent president to his running mate possible during the election cycle."
Well now. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Campaign finance rules allow President Biden to transfer campaign funds to VP Harris during election cycle.
In other words, Harris has a full warchest for campaigning up to November. Meaning that no party unknown can compete vs that.
So I would have to ask you, who exactly is going to be the Democratic nominee? And that's not including the amount of funds that she has raised over the last few days.
Basically, any unknown candidate is already behind the eight ball, due in part to Harris' already having mega millions (or perhaps billions) available, far ahead of any would be party competitor for fundraising to help run her campaign.
Again. Historical precedent (as well as basic common sense) strongly suggests at this point, with the party's convention less than a month out, that Harris is the party's official nominee.Replies: @John Johnson
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of “anointing a candidate hand-picked by elites” and urged them to return to an “open process” of selecting a nominee for the upcoming November elections—while also claiming that only he can beat former President Trump.
So he would be like the 50th person to point this out.
The DNC is crooked…….more shocking news at 11. They were caught cheating for Hillary after all.
As for RFK he is even less connected to reality than the DNC. He rides on his last name and his numbers crater when people learn of his anti-vaxx views. Trump needs to get rid of him as the data shows that he pulls more red hats in a 3 way run-off.
So I would have to ask you, who exactly is going to be the Democratic nominee? And that’s not including the amount of funds that she has raised over the last few days.
Most likely Harris at this point. Obama was one of the few Democrats that was promoting a brokered convention and he caved.
I never said that Harris would not be the nominee. Historically the media will initially rally around the diversity candidate but cooler heads do some sifting based on numbers. But in this case they seem to be convinced that they have to rush to Harris and not consider any options. DNC analysts could be waiting out the data to see if she improves in swing states in the next week. Or maybe they have given up since so many potential candidates have already endorsed her.
Basically, any unknown candidate is already behind the eight ball, due in part to Harris’ already having mega millions (or perhaps billions) available, far ahead of any would be party competitor for fundraising to help run her campaign.
Her money doesn’t matter at all. Her poor swing state numbers haven’t budged. What is she going to do? Write checks to independents? The media is bragging about her fundraising while ignoring the data that counts. Trump is pulling swing states. It doesn’t matter if you gain X number of Blacks in states like NY. This isn’t a popular vote.
An unknown candidate would be preferred by independents and moderates. They have an unfavorable view of both Harris and Trump.
Going with Harris is an extremely poor decision. A dark horse candidate is the best path. Registered Democrats were willing to vote for Biden which means they will vote for anyone against Trump. You ignore them and focus on independents and swing voters. They have made it clear that they don’t like Trump or Harris. This is terrible strategy and a sign that estrogen-fueled cat moms continue to push out critical thinkers.
I understand that point. I have never directly focused on it. My question as always been: who in the Democratic Party will receive the nomination, period?
Historically, neither party gives a crap about the moderate/independent voters. If they did, they'd genuinely attempt to reach across the aisle to gain their support by supporting policies that appeal to them.
But in doing so, they would then lose their BASE. If a candidate gains a vast majority of independent voters but loses their party's base, they still lose the election.
A candidate needs their party's BASE, as in base of support. You lock up your base and then build from there--that's how it's always been. If your base doesnt' turn out but the independents do, the candidate will still lose, because the other side's base WILL turn out, and they'll win the election.
There's always been a breakdown: 40-40-20, with 20% being the independent votes. As you can see, that's not a very large number of the electorate.
Example: Perot took votes away from Bush (largely). He received 19% of the total vote, which included the vast number of independent votes. He lost the election, because both party's BASES voted for their candidates. As the Democrats base of support was larger than Bush's, we got Bill Clinton.
I don't believe there is direct evidence that a party's candidate can ONLY win the vast majority of independent votes and not win their party's BASE. If they won the independent voters, will yippee, yay-yay! They won 20%, and proceeded to lose their ca.40% party's base of voters.
"Going with Harris is an extremely poor decision. A dark horse candidate is the best path. "
It is not for the party, which is why they united and chose Harris. The convention is for locking up the party's BASE and moving forward in an attempt to gain some independent votes.
This election could very well turn out to which side gets their party's BASE excited, jelled, ready to turn out come hell or high water.
But the independent voters have never mattered much to either party. Why don't the independent voters run their own candidates, have their own conventions? No one's legally preventing them from doing so.
"Registered Democrats were willing to vote for Biden which means they will vote for anyone against Trump. "
And Registered GOP are willing to ride or die with Trump. And now that he survived an assassination attempt, it gives him an iconic, mythical status.
"You ignore them and focus on independents and swing voters."
And historically that's a recipe for disaster. Did Perot win the presidency? Nope. Jill Stein? Gary Johnson? Buchanan? Nader? All third parties. How'd they do?
And they primarily focused on independents. How'd it turn out for them?
See, realistically there is no real such thing as a truly independent candidate. Because if such as person were to actually win the presidency, they would still have to deal with both of the two parties in congress to help pass their agenda.
So it really doesn't work that way.
You do independent voters. But only so much, and only after solidifying the party's BASE of voters (ca.40% of total electorate). From that BASE of support, you then can build off of that and move forward.
Also, there's no real evidence that independent voters do reliably vote in every single election--if anything, the party's BASE DOES vote reliably in every single election.
Simply put, a candidate cannot afford to piss off their BASE. If they do while reaching for the pipe dream of gaining the independent voters, they're toast come November.
Trump has solidified his BASE. Now comes the work of attempting to build on that and get some independent voters, or just enough to put him across the finish line in November.
Stop the cap.
That’s not what’s being said. Lectured vs respectfully disagreement, there is a difference.
No I was lectured by A123 in a long rant where he told me that I don’t understand US politics for making a such a suggestion. He said there is no way there will be another candidate and I’m clueless for suggesting otherwise. I’m in fact on record stating that they could ask him to step down or pressure him out. I said it doesn’t matter what happens in the primary. This is the DNC and not some honor society that must stick to its word.
Did you want me to pull his rant?
I was also lectured in another thread related to Biden.
I have asked a few times, to please produce any direct evidence that Harris is not going to be her party’s presidential nominee.
I never said she will not be the nominee. I said 60/40.
Do you understand how probably works? If I point out that hitting 7 or 11 is less likely than another combination am I saying you will definitely not hit craps?
I would definitely not give her 60/40 after Obama’s endorsement. Her odds have definitely increased as Obama was favoring a brokered convention.
Riddle me this: How the hell can an unknown candidate win the party’s nomination if they don’t have a majority of the party’s delegates, because the majority of the party’s delegates are pledged to vote for Harris?
Well batman those are unofficially pledged.
They can still vote however they want.
The DNC could also still get rattled by swing state numbers and ask Harris to step down. Unlikely but then I was lectured on that very scenario with Biden.
Maybe you should have just asked politely as to how our system works.
Whatever the merits regarding Oswald as a lone assassin, assassin under orders and/or both assassin and patsy, the rest of the details you offer are consistent with all three scenarios unless hit men are given directions to avoid surplus deaths should they prove necessary to the mission, which I doubt. The car was the standard car for such purposes and the route was advertised. That Oswald happen to work where he did would be a strange coincidence for a lone assassin as well as a conspirator.
The evidence you offer doesn’t move the weight of evidence scale one way or the other.
You’re pushing a swiss-cheese thesis. That you don’t read things critically does not improve your thesis.
“moderates. They have an unfavorable view of both Harris and Trump.”
I understand that point. I have never directly focused on it. My question as always been: who in the Democratic Party will receive the nomination, period?
Historically, neither party gives a crap about the moderate/independent voters. If they did, they’d genuinely attempt to reach across the aisle to gain their support by supporting policies that appeal to them.
But in doing so, they would then lose their BASE. If a candidate gains a vast majority of independent voters but loses their party’s base, they still lose the election.
A candidate needs their party’s BASE, as in base of support. You lock up your base and then build from there–that’s how it’s always been. If your base doesnt’ turn out but the independents do, the candidate will still lose, because the other side’s base WILL turn out, and they’ll win the election.
There’s always been a breakdown: 40-40-20, with 20% being the independent votes. As you can see, that’s not a very large number of the electorate.
Example: Perot took votes away from Bush (largely). He received 19% of the total vote, which included the vast number of independent votes. He lost the election, because both party’s BASES voted for their candidates. As the Democrats base of support was larger than Bush’s, we got Bill Clinton.
I don’t believe there is direct evidence that a party’s candidate can ONLY win the vast majority of independent votes and not win their party’s BASE. If they won the independent voters, will yippee, yay-yay! They won 20%, and proceeded to lose their ca.40% party’s base of voters.
“Going with Harris is an extremely poor decision. A dark horse candidate is the best path. ”
It is not for the party, which is why they united and chose Harris. The convention is for locking up the party’s BASE and moving forward in an attempt to gain some independent votes.
This election could very well turn out to which side gets their party’s BASE excited, jelled, ready to turn out come hell or high water.
But the independent voters have never mattered much to either party. Why don’t the independent voters run their own candidates, have their own conventions? No one’s legally preventing them from doing so.
“Registered Democrats were willing to vote for Biden which means they will vote for anyone against Trump. ”
And Registered GOP are willing to ride or die with Trump. And now that he survived an assassination attempt, it gives him an iconic, mythical status.
“You ignore them and focus on independents and swing voters.”
And historically that’s a recipe for disaster. Did Perot win the presidency? Nope. Jill Stein? Gary Johnson? Buchanan? Nader? All third parties. How’d they do?
And they primarily focused on independents. How’d it turn out for them?
See, realistically there is no real such thing as a truly independent candidate. Because if such as person were to actually win the presidency, they would still have to deal with both of the two parties in congress to help pass their agenda.
So it really doesn’t work that way.
You do independent voters. But only so much, and only after solidifying the party’s BASE of voters (ca.40% of total electorate). From that BASE of support, you then can build off of that and move forward.
Also, there’s no real evidence that independent voters do reliably vote in every single election–if anything, the party’s BASE DOES vote reliably in every single election.
Simply put, a candidate cannot afford to piss off their BASE. If they do while reaching for the pipe dream of gaining the independent voters, they’re toast come November.
Trump has solidified his BASE. Now comes the work of attempting to build on that and get some independent voters, or just enough to put him across the finish line in November.
That’s not what’s being said. Lectured vs respectfully disagreement, there is a difference.No I was lectured by A123 in a long rant where he told me that I don't understand US politics for making a such a suggestion. He said there is no way there will be another candidate and I'm clueless for suggesting otherwise. I'm in fact on record stating that they could ask him to step down or pressure him out. I said it doesn't matter what happens in the primary. This is the DNC and not some honor society that must stick to its word. Did you want me to pull his rant? I was also lectured in another thread related to Biden. I have asked a few times, to please produce any direct evidence that Harris is not going to be her party’s presidential nominee.I never said she will not be the nominee. I said 60/40. Do you understand how probably works? If I point out that hitting 7 or 11 is less likely than another combination am I saying you will definitely not hit craps? I would definitely not give her 60/40 after Obama's endorsement. Her odds have definitely increased as Obama was favoring a brokered convention. Riddle me this: How the hell can an unknown candidate win the party’s nomination if they don’t have a majority of the party’s delegates, because the majority of the party’s delegates are pledged to vote for Harris?Well batman those are unofficially pledged. They can still vote however they want. The DNC could also still get rattled by swing state numbers and ask Harris to step down. Unlikely but then I was lectured on that very scenario with Biden.Maybe you should have just asked politely as to how our system works.Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
“Maybe you should have just asked politely as to how our system works.”
I know how it works. You’re stating that Harris wasn’t initially going to be her party’s nominee made me seriously question your understanding.
And IF those “un-pledged” delegates were to massively break for another candidate–realistically–some mighty nasty things could occur to their private lives, for instance. Remember, the party knows who they are and all sorts of things can happen.
I would also add here that if RFKjr wanted to run a more interesting and possibly gain a larger percentage total of independent voters, he could support the Palestinians or take a neutral stance on Gaza–and actually make that a centerpiece of his campaign. Definitely would help him with independent voters, who I believe, are far less por-Israel and less pro-Israeli military vs the Palestianians than either major candidate.
But how would that work out in November? Both sides would get their BASE, and RFKjr, at best would get about what? 10%? 15% at most of the electorate?
So independents aren’t this be and end all of the electorate. The party’s BASE is vastly important.
Example: At her convention, Harris publicly states in her nomination acceptance speech, “I’m now anti Affirmative Action, anti DEI. I also no longer support the extreme measures of the LGBTQ agenda, AND I want to run as a law and order candidate–if a criminal commits a crime, they should be locked up. After all, my record in CA on this matter affirms that I’m pro Law and Order regarding violent crime!”
Now IF she actually stated such things publicly, and at her convention, (after having officially received the nomination), how exactly would she do with her party’s BASE?
She’d be toast. Almost literally. Yes, she might win some independent voters, some, because most independents wouldn’t necessarily have a problem with what she stated. BUT…..her BASE would definitely have a problem.
They’d either:
Stay home
Attempt to nominate another candidate. And if they couldn’t, they’d pivot to staying at home and not voting in November.
I never said that they would dump or reject Harris immediately or that they wouldn't have her as the de facto candidate going into a convention. I previously said I think the odds are that they follow their history which is getting excited about the DEI candidate and then changing or allowing a vote which then leads to a more viable candidate. Which would mean dumping Harris which is what happened in the last election. But I did not say that they would definitely dump her. For all I know enough cat moms would elect her in a brokered convention even if the competition pointed out her poor numbers in swing states. I put the odds at 60/40 which completely allows for Harris to be the nominee. That scenario is now less likely with Democrats like Obama changing their minds on a brokered convention. Unfortunately the party leaders are now trying to scheme out of a brokered convention with actual competition. See primary challenger Dean Phillip's comments on this recent development. I've long said that they could make the mistake of going with Harris. In fact if you dig far enough in my history you'll see that I said it was possible that the plan was for Harris all along. Last year I said it is possible that Biden actually plans to drop after the primary with the intent of handing it off to Harris. I don't believe that happened as Biden wanted to continue until the pressure was too great. Choosing to debate showed overconfidence on his part. And IF those “un-pledged” delegates were to massively break for another candidate–realistically–some mighty nasty things could occur to their private lives, for instance.Why would that be? If they have an open convention then they can simply state that they voted based on the performance of the candidates. It is in fact their duty to pick the best candidate. Some of those votes are actually not tied to representatives. There are basically VIPs that also get to vote that don't represent anyone but themselves. I would also add here that if RFKjr wanted to run a more interesting and possibly gain a larger percentage total of independent votersThere is no possible path for him. His anti-vaxx positions go too far and he has been a lifelong liberal. It isn't simply COVID. He also opposes the MMR which has saved millions of infants. Independents would take either Harris or Trump. He also can't walk back his AR-15 or border comments. You can't be a lifelong anti-vaxx liberal and then switch to being an independent when it is clear that the Democrats won't take you. The third party play would only work with a true independent or moderate. As it stands he takes more voters from Trump. So Trump has to get rid of him. So independents aren’t this be and end all of the electorate. The party’s BASE is vastly important.The base is not vastly more important because of the electoral college. Now IF she actually stated such things publicly, and at her convention, (after having officially received the nomination), how exactly would she do with her party’s BASE?Well of course I'm not suggesting that she can run completely afoul of her base. Kind of a duh and why would she do that? She is a true liberal Democrat. Her record is clear. The point is that the DNC should run a candidate that appeals to independents. When going against Trump such a candidate only needs to meet the bare minimum of being a Democrat. The base is not going to stay home if a moderate opposes late term abortion or open borders. And that is exactly what they should run. An actual moderate and not a liberal like Harris who thinks 9 month abortions should be legal.Replies: @epebble, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
^We will see if the documentation exists or not“
You said it does unequivocally. Good to see you backtrack for once.
“Page 3 of Judge Thompson’s ruling in the initial trial.”
His ruling stated there was not the type of fraud as alleged that fundamentally changed the outcome.
Trump’s lawyers went on numerous fishing expeditions and lost in court.
“I already did. You can look up Racine County Sheriff’s recommendation of criminal charges”
No, you continue to make unfounded allegations.
^You are projecting. You haven’t read the declassified papers, so you don’t even understand what I wrote.
^We will see if the documentation exists or not“
You said it does unequivocally. Good to see you backtrack for once.
“Page 3 of Judge Thompson’s ruling in the initial trial.”
His ruling stated there was not the type of fraud as alleged that fundamentally changed the outcome.
Trump’s lawyers went on numerous fishing expeditions and lost in court.
“I already did. You can look up Racine County Sheriff’s recommendation of criminal charges”
No, you continue to make unfounded allegations.Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #7 Corvinus.
That is correct Corvinus. Good to see you backtrack for once. Trump’s lawyers did not go fishing in Judge Chutkan’s Washington DC case. Trump knows where to find the documentation he needs that proves the fraud.
^Lie #8. He stated that even if the fraud fundamentally changed the outcome, Kari Lake would need to prove that the election officials INTENDED the fraud to change the outcome. And without a written confession or a confession on the witness stand from those election officials, Lake could not prove that and Thompson would not order a new election. Judge William Clark, in Connecticut, did NOT use this standard when he overturned a primary election late last year. So we shall see if this new standard will continue to be used.
Indeed, we will see if the documentation exists or not. But, you claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists. That’s not the case.
And the Arizona and Connecticut cases are different in their scope. You know better but you perpetuate the falsehood of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
—The Bridgeport debacle also is a clear contrast with 2020, where Trump’s lawyers challenged the results in more than 60 lawsuits in state and federal courts, and failed at every step of the way, with one judge after another rejecting their claims of mass fraud.
“I won my case because there was evidence of misconduct offered into a court of law, seen by a judge, and ruled on,” said Bloss, the attorney for Gomes. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”—Replies: @Precious
I know how it works. You’re stating that Harris wasn’t initially going to be her party’s nominee made me seriously question your understanding.
I never said that they would dump or reject Harris immediately or that they wouldn’t have her as the de facto candidate going into a convention.
I previously said I think the odds are that they follow their history which is getting excited about the DEI candidate and then changing or allowing a vote which then leads to a more viable candidate. Which would mean dumping Harris which is what happened in the last election. But I did not say that they would definitely dump her. For all I know enough cat moms would elect her in a brokered convention even if the competition pointed out her poor numbers in swing states. I put the odds at 60/40 which completely allows for Harris to be the nominee.
That scenario is now less likely with Democrats like Obama changing their minds on a brokered convention. Unfortunately the party leaders are now trying to scheme out of a brokered convention with actual competition. See primary challenger Dean Phillip’s comments on this recent development.
I’ve long said that they could make the mistake of going with Harris.
In fact if you dig far enough in my history you’ll see that I said it was possible that the plan was for Harris all along. Last year I said it is possible that Biden actually plans to drop after the primary with the intent of handing it off to Harris. I don’t believe that happened as Biden wanted to continue until the pressure was too great. Choosing to debate showed overconfidence on his part.
And IF those “un-pledged” delegates were to massively break for another candidate–realistically–some mighty nasty things could occur to their private lives, for instance.
Why would that be? If they have an open convention then they can simply state that they voted based on the performance of the candidates. It is in fact their duty to pick the best candidate. Some of those votes are actually not tied to representatives. There are basically VIPs that also get to vote that don’t represent anyone but themselves.
I would also add here that if RFKjr wanted to run a more interesting and possibly gain a larger percentage total of independent voters
There is no possible path for him. His anti-vaxx positions go too far and he has been a lifelong liberal. It isn’t simply COVID. He also opposes the MMR which has saved millions of infants. Independents would take either Harris or Trump. He also can’t walk back his AR-15 or border comments. You can’t be a lifelong anti-vaxx liberal and then switch to being an independent when it is clear that the Democrats won’t take you. The third party play would only work with a true independent or moderate. As it stands he takes more voters from Trump. So Trump has to get rid of him.
So independents aren’t this be and end all of the electorate. The party’s BASE is vastly important.
The base is not vastly more important because of the electoral college.
Now IF she actually stated such things publicly, and at her convention, (after having officially received the nomination), how exactly would she do with her party’s BASE?
Well of course I’m not suggesting that she can run completely afoul of her base. Kind of a duh and why would she do that? She is a true liberal Democrat. Her record is clear.
The point is that the DNC should run a candidate that appeals to independents. When going against Trump such a candidate only needs to meet the bare minimum of being a Democrat. The base is not going to stay home if a moderate opposes late term abortion or open borders. And that is exactly what they should run. An actual moderate and not a liberal like Harris who thinks 9 month abortions should be legal.
Newsflash: NBC News tonight is jubilantly reporting that Harris is nearly tied with Trump in several battleground/swing states.
Now, I don't know how the independent voters will break at the last hr and don't claim to.
But you continue to state that the swing states have Trump up by comfortable margins, and yet polls released tonite on NBC News is stating the opposite--or at least, that these swing states are tossups.
Do you want to still stick to the idea that the swing states will vote Trump?
Serious question, since I don't know either way if they will or not.
But as of now, the MSM (and Drudge) is triumphantly pushing the narrative that Harris is neck and neck with Trump, especially in the swing states. This isn't me or my opinion--this is NBC, Drudge Report and other MSM outlets as of 7.27
What say you to that information?
I never said that they would dump or reject Harris immediately or that they wouldn't have her as the de facto candidate going into a convention. I previously said I think the odds are that they follow their history which is getting excited about the DEI candidate and then changing or allowing a vote which then leads to a more viable candidate. Which would mean dumping Harris which is what happened in the last election. But I did not say that they would definitely dump her. For all I know enough cat moms would elect her in a brokered convention even if the competition pointed out her poor numbers in swing states. I put the odds at 60/40 which completely allows for Harris to be the nominee. That scenario is now less likely with Democrats like Obama changing their minds on a brokered convention. Unfortunately the party leaders are now trying to scheme out of a brokered convention with actual competition. See primary challenger Dean Phillip's comments on this recent development. I've long said that they could make the mistake of going with Harris. In fact if you dig far enough in my history you'll see that I said it was possible that the plan was for Harris all along. Last year I said it is possible that Biden actually plans to drop after the primary with the intent of handing it off to Harris. I don't believe that happened as Biden wanted to continue until the pressure was too great. Choosing to debate showed overconfidence on his part. And IF those “un-pledged” delegates were to massively break for another candidate–realistically–some mighty nasty things could occur to their private lives, for instance.Why would that be? If they have an open convention then they can simply state that they voted based on the performance of the candidates. It is in fact their duty to pick the best candidate. Some of those votes are actually not tied to representatives. There are basically VIPs that also get to vote that don't represent anyone but themselves. I would also add here that if RFKjr wanted to run a more interesting and possibly gain a larger percentage total of independent votersThere is no possible path for him. His anti-vaxx positions go too far and he has been a lifelong liberal. It isn't simply COVID. He also opposes the MMR which has saved millions of infants. Independents would take either Harris or Trump. He also can't walk back his AR-15 or border comments. You can't be a lifelong anti-vaxx liberal and then switch to being an independent when it is clear that the Democrats won't take you. The third party play would only work with a true independent or moderate. As it stands he takes more voters from Trump. So Trump has to get rid of him. So independents aren’t this be and end all of the electorate. The party’s BASE is vastly important.The base is not vastly more important because of the electoral college. Now IF she actually stated such things publicly, and at her convention, (after having officially received the nomination), how exactly would she do with her party’s BASE?Well of course I'm not suggesting that she can run completely afoul of her base. Kind of a duh and why would she do that? She is a true liberal Democrat. Her record is clear. The point is that the DNC should run a candidate that appeals to independents. When going against Trump such a candidate only needs to meet the bare minimum of being a Democrat. The base is not going to stay home if a moderate opposes late term abortion or open borders. And that is exactly what they should run. An actual moderate and not a liberal like Harris who thinks 9 month abortions should be legal.Replies: @epebble, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Can you think of a demographic that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020 now deciding to vote for Trump instead of Harris? Now, add the delta of demographic changes from 2016/2020 (extra delta of -1.2 million, mostly elder, Covid dead). It is difficult for me to visualize a winning pathway for Trump.
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Indeed, we will see if the documentation exists or not. But, you claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists. That’s not the case.
And the Arizona and Connecticut cases are different in their scope. You know better but you perpetuate the falsehood of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
—The Bridgeport debacle also is a clear contrast with 2020, where Trump’s lawyers challenged the results in more than 60 lawsuits in state and federal courts, and failed at every step of the way, with one judge after another rejecting their claims of mass fraud.
“I won my case because there was evidence of misconduct offered into a court of law, seen by a judge, and ruled on,” said Bloss, the attorney for Gomes. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”—
No such requirement was set by Judge Clark. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”
But not in Arizona, at least for now.Replies: @Corvinus
Can you think of a demographic that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020 now deciding to vote for Trump instead of Harris?
You’d have to explain the point you are making since I’m not seeing how this applies to the current polling data. Trump has enough support in swing states to win.
But yes I could provide such a group. Israel first voters that were unsure of Trump in 2016. What you might call establishment first Neocons were also leaning towards Hillary.
Blue collar Whites that normally vote Democrat in swing states appear to be returning to Trump after switching to Biden.
Now, add the delta of demographic changes from 2016/2020 (extra delta of -1.2 million, mostly elder, Covid dead). It is difficult for me to visualize a winning pathway for Trump.
Well here it is:

He is currently leading in swing states.
The national polls highlighted by the MSM can be ignored. In a close national poll it actually doesn’t matter if the Democrat is ahead by even 5 points. We have an electoral college and Trump would win if the election was held tomorrow.
Harris is a terrible pick because she only slightly gains in the swing states when compared to Biden.
Much of the swing state polling data to date is predicated on Trump vs. Biden, which is now in trash can. Recent polling data show Harris has quickly made up the difference in the crucial demographics of non-whites, women, previously undecided/don’t care voters (who didn’t want to move their butt to select between a corpse and a criminal). If the pronouncements of Trump-Vance are any indication, they will continue to hemorrhage female voters. If Trump wins, it will be by a Planck’s constant difference over Harris. currently doesn't take a single swing state which I have said about a dozen times. only ties Wisconsin and it will be even worse if RFK drops. This is a terrible candidate. Maybe use Google before questioning any data I post. I'm sick of being your Google assistant. If someone says "polls show that Harris does poorly in swing states" then go to Google News and search first before questioning if it is true or not.
It would help Trump to have a third party liberal candidate run on a pro-Palestinian platform and siphon votes from Kamala.
*In the event that I actually win and have to do the job, I want either fifty million or a signed statement from Tucker Carlson that he'll agree to fill in for me.
Indeed, we will see if the documentation exists or not. But, you claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists. That’s not the case.
And the Arizona and Connecticut cases are different in their scope. You know better but you perpetuate the falsehood of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
—The Bridgeport debacle also is a clear contrast with 2020, where Trump’s lawyers challenged the results in more than 60 lawsuits in state and federal courts, and failed at every step of the way, with one judge after another rejecting their claims of mass fraud.
“I won my case because there was evidence of misconduct offered into a court of law, seen by a judge, and ruled on,” said Bloss, the attorney for Gomes. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”—Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #9 Corvinus.
^Exactly. We know because he filed the discovery requests in court.
^Fixed. You know better but you perpetuate the falsehood that there was not enough election (not voter) fraud in the 2020 Election to change the outcome.
…in that the judge did not require election officials to confess their election fraud in court. Judge Thompson did require election officials to confess their election fraud in court. Plaintiff needed to prove by clear and convincing evidence… 3) That the misconduct was intended to change the result of the Election.
No such requirement was set by Judge Clark. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”
But not in Arizona, at least for now.
I never said that they would dump or reject Harris immediately or that they wouldn't have her as the de facto candidate going into a convention. I previously said I think the odds are that they follow their history which is getting excited about the DEI candidate and then changing or allowing a vote which then leads to a more viable candidate. Which would mean dumping Harris which is what happened in the last election. But I did not say that they would definitely dump her. For all I know enough cat moms would elect her in a brokered convention even if the competition pointed out her poor numbers in swing states. I put the odds at 60/40 which completely allows for Harris to be the nominee. That scenario is now less likely with Democrats like Obama changing their minds on a brokered convention. Unfortunately the party leaders are now trying to scheme out of a brokered convention with actual competition. See primary challenger Dean Phillip's comments on this recent development. I've long said that they could make the mistake of going with Harris. In fact if you dig far enough in my history you'll see that I said it was possible that the plan was for Harris all along. Last year I said it is possible that Biden actually plans to drop after the primary with the intent of handing it off to Harris. I don't believe that happened as Biden wanted to continue until the pressure was too great. Choosing to debate showed overconfidence on his part. And IF those “un-pledged” delegates were to massively break for another candidate–realistically–some mighty nasty things could occur to their private lives, for instance.Why would that be? If they have an open convention then they can simply state that they voted based on the performance of the candidates. It is in fact their duty to pick the best candidate. Some of those votes are actually not tied to representatives. There are basically VIPs that also get to vote that don't represent anyone but themselves. I would also add here that if RFKjr wanted to run a more interesting and possibly gain a larger percentage total of independent votersThere is no possible path for him. His anti-vaxx positions go too far and he has been a lifelong liberal. It isn't simply COVID. He also opposes the MMR which has saved millions of infants. Independents would take either Harris or Trump. He also can't walk back his AR-15 or border comments. You can't be a lifelong anti-vaxx liberal and then switch to being an independent when it is clear that the Democrats won't take you. The third party play would only work with a true independent or moderate. As it stands he takes more voters from Trump. So Trump has to get rid of him. So independents aren’t this be and end all of the electorate. The party’s BASE is vastly important.The base is not vastly more important because of the electoral college. Now IF she actually stated such things publicly, and at her convention, (after having officially received the nomination), how exactly would she do with her party’s BASE?Well of course I'm not suggesting that she can run completely afoul of her base. Kind of a duh and why would she do that? She is a true liberal Democrat. Her record is clear. The point is that the DNC should run a candidate that appeals to independents. When going against Trump such a candidate only needs to meet the bare minimum of being a Democrat. The base is not going to stay home if a moderate opposes late term abortion or open borders. And that is exactly what they should run. An actual moderate and not a liberal like Harris who thinks 9 month abortions should be legal.Replies: @epebble, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
Harris IS the Democratic BASE. Period. That’s why they’re behind her, and contrary to your original skepticism, she will be the party’s nominee.
Newsflash: NBC News tonight is jubilantly reporting that Harris is nearly tied with Trump in several battleground/swing states.
Now, I don’t know how the independent voters will break at the last hr and don’t claim to.
But you continue to state that the swing states have Trump up by comfortable margins, and yet polls released tonite on NBC News is stating the opposite–or at least, that these swing states are tossups.
Do you want to still stick to the idea that the swing states will vote Trump?
Serious question, since I don’t know either way if they will or not.
But as of now, the MSM (and Drudge) is triumphantly pushing the narrative that Harris is neck and neck with Trump, especially in the swing states. This isn’t me or my opinion–this is NBC, Drudge Report and other MSM outlets as of 7.27
What say you to that information?
Does this mean that the decision as to who is to be our next president has already been made?
…or maybe it’s a job interview?
Careful, bud. There's rather a big difference between who really wins the election, and who "wins" the "election". I'd keep my money in my pocket.
Meanwhile, this is funny...... @Colin Wright
The mulatto getting the girl is no longer funny.
You’re right about the possibility of Kamala ‘winning’ though. That’s why I wanted five to one. After all, if Trump wins by enough, the Jews won’t be able to rig it.
Besides, Israel will never trust Kamala. That’s going to make it pretty hard for her to even ‘win.’
I’ll do it. Two million and I’m your man.*
*In the event that I actually win and have to do the job, I want either fifty million or a signed statement from Tucker Carlson that he’ll agree to fill in for me.
It does not, by the way, have a clause permitting renunciation .Replies: @Jack D, @Gandydancer
You are not a serious person. Kenya can award citizenship to offspring of citizens in foreign lands, but obviously Obama isn’t actually a Kenyan unless he accepts it. Which he hasn’t done. Heck, Kenya could unconditionally award citizenship to every American citizen if it wanted to, but that wouldn’t make us all Kenyans.
Much of the swing state polling data to date is predicated on Trump vs. Biden, which is now in trash can.
Swing state polling is not based on Biden data. They started polling immediately after Biden dropped.
It wouldn’t make sense to build that map based on Biden data.
Here you go
Harris currently doesn’t take a single swing state which I have said about a dozen times.
She only ties Wisconsin and it will be even worse if RFK drops. This is a terrible candidate.
Maybe use Google before questioning any data I post. I’m sick of being your Google assistant.
If someone says “polls show that Harris does poorly in swing states” then go to Google News and search first before questioning if it is true or not.
The Civil War has already begun.
Where was the admiral around the time?
The American colonies did invade Cartagena De Los Indios in the 1740s war of Jenkins Ear. Most American raised Marines. 90% casualties.
The US did get Mount Vernon.
The South has been invaded before.
No such requirement was set by Judge Clark. “The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”
But not in Arizona, at least for now.Replies: @Corvinus
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case, given past and current legal actions.
The Arizona and Connecticut cases are notably different, yet you perpetuate the falsehood that in the 2020 Election there was massive fraud as to change the outcome. Trump lost.
“Plaintiff needed to prove by clear and convincing evidence… 3) That the misconduct was intended to change the result of the Election.”
Right. In Arizona, the attorneys for both Trump and Lake were correctly found to have no legal basis for their claims.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #10 Corvinus.
^Fixed. And that was your lie #11 Corvinus.
^Lie #12. Lake had auditor and consultant Honey document the chain of custody failures including the county not providing delivery receipt forms pertaining to ballots dropped in drop boxes on Election Day. Judge Thompson said it didn’t matter because election officials Valenzuela and Jarrett did not corroborate Honey’s testimony. And Lake had Parikh, cybersecurity expert for Northrup Grumman testify that the tabulator failures to read the nineteen inch ballots printed on twenty inch paper was intentional misconduct. Judge Thompson once again shrugged and threw out Parikh’s testimony because the defense did not corroborate his testimony.
Judge Clark, following the same logic, would have refused to order a new election. Clark noted in his ruling: Through their respective answers and special defenses, defendants Clemons, Howard and Ganim deny statutory violations and further assert that the plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. According to Judge Thompson, that is it. Defendants deny it, so it doesn’t matter if the fraud is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Judge Clark disagreed, which is why:
“The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win.”
Thanks for the quote Corvinus. I will keep using it.
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
“Judge Thompson said it didn’t matter because election officials Valenzuela and Jarrett did not corroborate Honey’s testimony”
Right, he said there was not any corroboration to the claim. And the fact of the matter is you keep insisting that the Arizona and Connecticut cases are analogous. They clearly are not, as the source I provide demonstrates it. In fact…
Keep trying and lying!
I hear all the time from credible people who favor allowing economic refugees into the country that the opposite is the truth. That the deck is stacked in favor of the govt and deportation. Both sides can’t be right.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #13 Corvinus.
^Fixed. And that was your lie #14 Corvinus.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #15 Corvinus.
^As the citations of the rulings I provided demonstrate. In Arizona, the defense must corroborate the evidence of their own misconduct. In Connecticut, no such requirement by Judge Clark. The defense refused to corroborate the evidence, and Judge Clark still overturned the election.
^Woefully out of date and fake news. Keep trying and lying Corvinus!
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they do not have the evidence to support their claims at all. The Arizona and Connecticut cases are different.
It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. His legal team was trounced in court in their fishing expositions. The audits in Arizoma and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention of widespread fraud.
And then you have this….
Keep lying and trying!Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they do not have the evidence to support their claims at all. The Arizona and Connecticut cases are different.
It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. His legal team was trounced in court in their fishing expositions. The audits in Arizoma and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention of widespread fraud.
And then you have this….
Keep lying and trying!
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they do not have the evidence to support their claims at all. The Arizona and Connecticut cases are different.
It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. His legal team was trounced in court in their fishing expositions. The audits in Arizoma and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention of widespread fraud.
And then you have this….
Keep lying and trying!Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #16 Corvinus.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #17 Corvinus.
Which doesn’t help you at all. Keep lying and trying Corvinus!
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they don’t have the evidence to support their position. Furthermore, the situations in Arizona and Connecticut are markedly different.
Fixed—It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. There was not the type of election fraud that his legal team alleged. They lost repeatedly in court because they did not have the proof. The audits in Arizona and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention.
Keep lying and trying.Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they don’t have the evidence to support their position. Furthermore, the situations in Arizona and Connecticut are markedly different.
Fixed—It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. There was not the type of election fraud that his legal team alleged. They lost repeatedly in court because they did not have the proof. The audits in Arizona and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention.
Keep lying and trying. Replies: @Jack D, @MEH 0910
Dr. Drew: Biden Definitely Has Parkinsonism, But We Don’t Know if He Has Parkinson’s Disease
Jul 31, 2024
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Lake’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they don’t have the evidence to support their position. Furthermore, the situations in Arizona and Connecticut are markedly different.
Fixed—It has been four years since Trump lost. He admitted it. There was not the type of election fraud that his legal team alleged. They lost repeatedly in court because they did not have the proof. The audits in Arizona and Wisconsin did not support Trump’s contention.
Keep lying and trying.Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #18 Corvinus.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #19 Corvinus.
^Exactly. And because the election fraud in 2022 was proven beyond a reasonable doubt at Judge Thompson’s trial, the fine people of Arizona just fired Stephen Richer for his lying and gaslighting that there wasn’t massive election fraud.
Keep lying and trying Corvinus! And wave buh-bye to your partner-in-crime Richer!
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #20 Corvinus.
^Fixed. And that was your lie #21 Corvinus.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #22 Corvinus.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #23 Corvinus.
^Fixed. And that was your lie #24 Corvinus.
^Now it is fixed. And that was your lie #25 Corvinus.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
That is interesting. If this is true. that could mean tens of millions of Zuckerbucks won't be available to corrupt Wisconsin election officials this year. They will have to cheat on their own dime! This could also mean Zuckerberg has decided to vote for the ONLY presidential candidate elected by the primary voters for president, that being Donald J Trump, because Zuckerberg wants to save democracy!Replies: @Corvinus
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.Replies: @Precious
^Lie #26, #27, and #28 by Corvinus refuted. Now that I have corrected your… “corrections” let’s see if I can find any news stories that are new as opposed to your old and busted news stories.
That is interesting. If this is true. that could mean tens of millions of Zuckerbucks won’t be available to corrupt Wisconsin election officials this year. They will have to cheat on their own dime! This could also mean Zuckerberg has decided to vote for the ONLY presidential candidate elected by the primary voters for president, that being Donald J Trump, because Zuckerberg wants to save democracy!
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position
That is interesting. If this is true. that could mean tens of millions of Zuckerbucks won't be available to corrupt Wisconsin election officials this year. They will have to cheat on their own dime! This could also mean Zuckerberg has decided to vote for the ONLY presidential candidate elected by the primary voters for president, that being Donald J Trump, because Zuckerberg wants to save democracy!Replies: @Corvinus
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position
Lie #29, #30, and #31 by Corvinus refuted. Wait a minute… there is a lie missing Corvinus. You aren’t going to tell me a lie about Zuckerberg apologizing to Trump? You aren’t going to tell me a lie about who in 2024 is saving democracy?
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their positionReplies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position @Corvinus
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their positionReplies: @Precious
Lie #32, #33, and #34 by Corvinus refuted. Oh, and in case you are still contemplating a lie about Trump and Zuckerberg, here is your review cheat sheet with everything you need to know.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position @Corvinus
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position
Lie #35, #36, and #37 by Corvinus refuted. Since you won’t add any new lies about Zuckerberg, let’s move on. Trump stated on Truth Social that Biden has seen his fraudulent Presidency stolen unconstitutionally from him by the Democrats. Trump also claims that Biden regrets this and feels it was a mistake to allow this coup and wants to take back his power. Reading this, I think Trump is talking about himself and what happened in 2020. What’s your take?
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their positionReplies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their positionReplies: @Precious
^Lie #38, #39, and #40 by Corvinus refuted.
Ok, have you read the 6/27/2024 affidavit by a poll worker in Milwaukee Wisconsin who stated that they announced at that location all the ballots were finished and counted on election night in 2020 at about 1030pm and sent all the Republican observers home at that time. This poll worker finished cleaning up and observed in the early AM hours that more ballots had arrived and were now being counted without any Republican observers. What are the odds all those ballots were fraudulent Biden votes?
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
"Ok, have you read the 6/27/2024 affidavit by a poll worker in Milwaukee Wisconsin who stated that they announced at that location all the ballots were finished and counted on election night in 2020 at about 1030pm and sent all the Republican observers home at that time"
Source, please.Replies: @Precious
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
“Ok, have you read the 6/27/2024 affidavit by a poll worker in Milwaukee Wisconsin who stated that they announced at that location all the ballots were finished and counted on election night in 2020 at about 1030pm and sent all the Republican observers home at that time”
Source, please.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
"Ok, have you read the 6/27/2024 affidavit by a poll worker in Milwaukee Wisconsin who stated that they announced at that location all the ballots were finished and counted on election night in 2020 at about 1030pm and sent all the Republican observers home at that time"
Source, please.Replies: @Precious
^Lie #41, #42, and #43 by Corvinus refuted.
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
Yes or no—Did Zuckerberg himself say to the media that he called Trump?
So you linked to a person making a claim in Milwaukee. It may or may not be true. We shall see what happens next.
^So you linked to a person making a claim in Washington DC. It may or may not be true. We shall see what happens next.
^Refuted again.
No. He never denied it. Now that I have answered your question, I expect that you will answer a question of mine. Quid pro quo.
And here is my question. What are the odds all those ballots were fraudulent Biden votes?
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
So Zuckerberg didn’t directly tell the media himself that he apologized to Trump. And he wasn’t asked by the media directly if he apologized to Trump. That’s what I thought.
We don’t know if the incident actually occurred in Milwaukee, so feel free to speculate.
Yes we shall.
Now it is fixed. 49 lies total from Corvinus refuted.
Ok. Next question.
President of Smartmatic is among four indicted today by federal grand jury for bribery and fraud related to electronic voting systems.
How badly do you think these indictments will impact Smartmatic’s defamation lawsuits against Fox News, Giuliani, etc? Do you think Smartmatic will get any more contracts to run elections in any county in the United States ever again?
Fixed—Hutchinson said, accurately recounting what Trump said to her.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
So Zuckerberg didn’t directly tell the media himself that he apologized to Trump. And he wasn’t asked by the media directly if he apologized to Trump. That’s what I thought.
We don’t know if the incident actually occurred in Milwaukee, so feel free to speculate.
In the 2020 U.S. election, Smartmatic technology was used in a single district: Los Angeles County, California. It also doesn’t have any existing ties to Dominion Voting Systems. It may complicate matters, but it is a bribery case, not a case involving voter fraud.
Fixed–You claimed Trump unequivocally knows that this evidence exists, but that is not the case. The discovery requests Trump filed in the Washington DC case are a continued fishing expedition, as the Arizona and Wisconsin audits, as well as his failed 2020 legal inquiries, proved.
Fixed–The moral of the story, at least in Bridgeport, is that if you can prove your case in court, you can win. The problem is that Trump’s legal team has lost repeatedly in court because they lack the evidence they claim supports their position.
So Zuckerberg didn’t directly tell the media himself that he apologized to Trump. And he wasn’t asked by the media directly if he apologized to Trump. That’s what I thought.
We don’t know if the incident actually occurred in Milwaukee, so feel free to speculate.
In the 2020 U.S. election, Smartmatic technology was used in a single district: Los Angeles County, California. It also doesn’t have any existing ties to Dominion Voting Systems. It may complicate matters, but it is a bribery case, not a case involving voter fraud.Replies: @Precious
Now it is fixed. 52 lies total from Corvinus refuted.
Fair enough. We will see what happens with that during the trial and how it affects the lawsuits.
And this new lawsuit by Trump’s people to get foreign nationals off the voter rolls in Maricopa County… we will just need to see how that one works out too, right?
“And this new lawsuit by Trump’s people to get foreign nationals off the voter rolls in Maricopa County… we will just need to see how that one works out too, right”
Another fishing expedition.
As for Tina Peters, yeah that is a loss for my side. You can take a victory lap.
Another fishing expedition.
Meanwhile… @Precious
Very unlikely, we just have to look at the massive increase in voter registration starting in 2012 in Arizona (which doesn’t have automatic voter registration) that ramped up even faster after 2016 to know that the voter rolls are bloated with a lot of fake and outdated registrations. RNC just had 90,000 inactive voters cleared from the rolls in Clark County in Nevada, they can easily find more than 10K in Maricopa to clear.
As for Tina Peters, yeah that is a loss for my side. You can take a victory lap.
Surely the Maple Leaf state is close enough.
…for government work, as the expression would have it. More seriously, I cannot think of any respect in which Canada varies from the United States more than the various states vary from each other. From my moving career, the most striking distinction I can recall is that underpass clearance heights were rather unnervingly expressed in meters. Fast math time! ‘4.3 m’ is how many feet and inches?