From the Los Angeles Times opinion page:
Op-Ed: Why California needs affirmative action more than ever
Jennifer Lee is a professor of sociology at Columbia University and president of the Eastern Sociological Society.
JUNE 26, 20203 AMIn November, a new generation of California voters will have the opportunity to restore affirmative action in the state. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 will be on the ballot, giving voters the chance to repeal Proposition 209, which banned the consideration of race, sex or ethnicity in public employment, contracting and education in 1996, nearly a quarter of a century ago.
Supporters of affirmative action hail ACA 5 as a way to address historical and systematic racial, ethnic and gender inequalities, while opponents decry it as a form of categorical discrimination that privileges race and gender over merit. One contingent of opponents are politically conservative Asian immigrants, who claim that reinstating affirmative action will harm their children by placing an Asian quota on university admissions.
This view is wrong — the amendment will not result in racial quotas of any kind, which have been ruled unconstitutional since 1978. In fact, reversing Proposition 209 will help, not harm, Asian Americans.
I’m struck by how Asians feel entitled to argue in public in the Los Angeles Times about Is It Good for the Asians? The author feels evaluating a policy in terms of whether her race benefits or loses from it in the racial spoils system feels natural to do in public without the slightest apology to whites.
First, Proposition 209 did not increase the rate of Asian American admissions to the University of California system. Instead, Asian Americans were admitted at nearly the same rate before and after the ban on affirmative action. The group that had the largest decline in admissions were white people, while Latinos had the largest gain. Asian American and African American admissions rates remained largely the same.
Second, by focusing solely on university admissions, Asian American opponents fail to consider how affirmative action in other domains, such as employment, is needed to break through blocked mobility and the career ceiling they face. College-educated, U.S.-born Asians fall behind their white counterparts in earnings, and also behind all groups in advancement beyond entry-level professional positions.
Recent reports of top technology firms in Silicon Valley show that Asians are the least likely racial group to be promoted into managerial and executive positions.
East Asians, maybe. South Asians have roared to the top jobs at Google and Microsoft.
White men and women are twice as likely as Asian men and women, respectively, to advance into the executive ranks.
A similar pattern emerges in law where Asians make up 10% of graduates of top-30 law schools, but only 6.5% of all federal judicial law clerks. And while they are the largest minority group in major law firms, Asian Americans have the highest attrition rates and lowest ratio of partners to associates.
Even in academia, where Asian Americans are overrepresented as students in elite universities, they are nearly absent in leadership ranks, making up only 2% of college presidents, far below the percentage of Black and Latino college presidents at 8% and 4%, respectively.
Blacks are extremely over-represented at the college president job.
Asians are not well represented among the ranks of tenured professors either. …
Fortunately, the majority of Asian Americans recognize the continued significance of race. Nearly two-thirds of Asian American registered voters support affirmative action: 65% favored or strongly favored affirmative action, with only 25% opposed or strongly opposed.
Moreover, U.S.-born Asians, and especially third-and-higher-generation Asians (those whose parents and grandparents were born in the U.S.), are significantly more likely to support affirmative action than Asian immigrants, according to the 2016 National Asian American Survey. More recent immigrants may be less likely to understand the origins of affirmative action, and also less likely to experience the effects of systematic discrimination.
The longer Asians assimilate into America’s culture of Hate Whiteyism, the more they hate whitey.
Yet, paradoxically, the more likely they are to have white boyfriends
They enter and every single table is WM/AF. They were so mortified they left immediately without taking their reservation.Replies: @Thoughts, @Anon7, @Dumbo
The White supremacism she’s trying to marry into believes that only intra-White competition matters and every one else is just trying to get in.
She doesn’t hate whites, she hates other whites.
“top jobs at Google and Microsoft.”
She’s really talking about pensioned seniority based government jobs and government contracting. Government jobs have become nepotistic, for example the leadership of the military could use Asian racial quotas to make it more like Google and Microsoft.
"Executive ranks" are a horrible nest of crabs, (but intern reaping and overpaying sweeten it considerably).
And what comes after "executive ranks" after which they advance probably into "graduate executive ranks"? A golden parachute out of the burning company with emptied pension coffers, or a job on the other side of a political revolving door I suppose.
There’s no paradox; there’s nothing hateful in the article. Y’all are sounding kinda delirious these says, tbh, seeing hatred where it isn’t, conspiracies where they aren’t, paradoxes where there are none, etc. It’s pretty SJW-ish
Not just apology to whites but without apology to blacks whom the quota exist to help uplift. Why does she assume as a very wealthy upper middle class person this has nothing to do with her? Or nothing to do with Asians.
Blacks are just the poorest, most underrepresented race at American universities, what does sacrifice to uplift them to what Ms Lee wouldn’t argue isn’t their natural place (Or even their unnatural place) have to do with the most well off, educated and overrepresented race at universities?
We can not have racial parity in this country until we get rid of racist laws like affirmative action and the civil rights amendment. Hopefully Trump will pursue this during his second term.
Some of this I’d attribute to preferences of immigrants: a secure job with moderately high pay.
i.e work at a firm for a couple of years and then get an in-house corporate counsel job and make $200k+ working 9 to 5 and not having to worry about billable hours, bringing in business or firm politics.
In the meantime also buy some rental properties as the opportunity arises.
Also, it's surprisingly easy to get hired as a law school professor for minorities. This is a "those who can, do; those who can't, teach" situation, but I think it's a strategic mistake to let too many bitter blacks into positions that they can use to hijack the law and culture.
There’s a practical dimension to this that goes beyond culture. She’s basically saying, by negative inference, that affirmative action will be purely a Get Whitey affair, and that Asians will have nothing to fear, and in fact will benefit. The only people from whom anything will be taken under the new affirmative action will be whites.
And, really, is this not at least a superficially plausible claim? Whites are kneeling before blacks and washing their feet. The ones who won’t abase themselves so dare not make their misgivings known, if they want to keep their jobs and social standing. There are no consequences or risks to preying on a people that pathetic and weak. Whites will never organize to protect their own interests, and in fact will celebrate their own dispossession as a moral good. The word is out. The whole world is free to loot us without consequences. There’s no need for the “slightest apology to whites” at this point.
True enough, until we can figure out how to stand up for ourselves. What will asians do when they've taken as much as they can, and they're the new fat cat ethnic group in America? They'll close ranks and defend what they have, that's what.
The Jews are millennia ahead in this game, they're always living in societies in which they are outnumbered, and they know that the only way to survive and prosper is to close ranks and push and manipulate for advantages for their group.Replies: @Thomas
Anecdotally I once met an Asian American man in Dublin who was a second generation Chinese who was, no kidding, a social worker. (Stereotype beaten so far) A social worker in New York City! Now that sounds like one of the the most depressing jobs in the world. Certainly isn’t doing it for money or status, a man who really wanted to make his country better.
It took maybe 8 seconds for him to note with a jovial approval that Dublin had ‘So many immigrants’ (Without taking pause that maybe it might offend somebody to say Dublin with fewer and fewer Dubliners was a good thing or even what so many immigrants meant for the native population) and wondered if it was ‘All the diversity’ that explained why Irish people had such a place in their imagination for New York City. (Stereotype confirmed, self-conscious immigrant identity that demands the whole world because Dubai to make him feel comfortable even when he is spending serious amounts of money to visit other places, he notes with approval how they lack a distinct atmosphere and identity. He seeks this like a man might seek sandy beaches.)
A friend of mine who once told the story of one of his friends doing a PhD in Southern California. His white friend had an Asian girlfriend and they decided to go out to a restaurant in the area of the university on Valentine’s Day.
They enter and every single table is WM/AF. They were so mortified they left immediately without taking their reservation.
A white woman who is more 'cautious' (aka has Christian values) when dating doesn't stand a chance amongst Asian women who have no such moral qualms about panty dropping.
I wish I could put the email up of the white guy screaming at me 'This is why I hate White Women!" that I received during my dating days
Thank God I moved. And married.
I love all this Hate Whitey sh because only an absolute Idiot white dude could marry out Now. I heard this hate-whitey sh from my gfs who married white guys 20 years ago. I'm glad it's out in the open so that whites can see who the person in bed with them really is.
Everything can be fixed minus miscegenation. Miscegenation is Forever (unless you get a divorce and a second white wife young enough to start family #2)Replies: @Kaz, @Random Passer By
But it doesn't look like they want to marry and have a family with white guys.
Among my circle of friends there are several young men in their twenties who had asian girlfriends for a year or two. I think the white boys (both smart engineer types, good husband material frankly) were more interested in the relationship than the asian girlfriends.Replies: @Peterike
And most of the white women at the PhD level will be either lesbians or feminists.
So even if you're a white male and want a white woman as first choice, if you're living/studying in SoCal, it's not so easy. Many settle for second best (Asian women), or for the woman who is pushy and goes after them (which again will be the Asian ones, white women will rarely do that, much less for a nerdy PhD).
(Second best in terms of attractiveness, but then again, it all depends, as white women are also more prone to obesity, etc).Replies: @JohnPlywood
Yes, as descendants of Asian immigrants become whiter, they seem to assimilate into the self-flagellation of whites:
Father born to Chinese immigrants, studies science, works at CIA, and retires from the FBI.
His half-white sons study theater and sociology in college and join BLM demonstrations with the encouragement of their white mother.
Domestic eruption!
Thank God I married a sane white woman. 😉
On the contrary, as Asian population has increased, intermarriage has declined for Asians. @nebulafox
In fact--from the data i've seen--both of your statements are--completely unsurprisingly--true:
His -- the longer an Asian has been in America generationally, the more likely they are to intermarry.
Yours -- as more and more Asians have flooded into America, each individual Asian is less likely to marry out.
And as with pretty much everything else in America an immigration moratorium would solve "the Asian problem". In a few generations most Asians would have intermarried into America--mostly into the white UMC.
Here is a social experiment I’d like to run. Withdraw all government funding from private universities and let the latter do whatever they want. If they want to have a student body that is 50% Jewish and 50% “underrepresented minorities,” have at it.
At the same time, completely ban any racial discrimination/affirmative action for public universities. In fact, they cannot even collect information about race and their admissions offices cannot even see names and sex of the applicants. Maybe even make the admissions strictly based on some sort of an admissions test, say half testing for general intelligence and half knowledge in the basic subjects.
Let’s see in 20-30 years how the two respective systems turn out and whose graduates contribute the most to the advancement of the country.
My problem with this analysis is that there are over 2 billion Asian people in the world. There are a lot of smart Asians, and if we allowed 5 million selectively chosen ones (test scores, wealth, etc.) to immigrate to the US every year, we could well create a number of university systems, both public and private, with majority Asian populations. Why is this in the interest of Americans who live here and whose forefathers built these institutions for the benefit of their descendants?
I know that HBD proponents, like Sailer, Unz, and Derbyshire, are constantly arguing the US would be a much better place if our NAMs could be replaced with high IQ Asians, but this whole Covid-19 thing has thrown a lot of cold water on that idea. As the Chinese government response to the challenge has demonstrated, Asian ideas about democracy, freedom of expression, etc. are very different from ours. If you dispute this fact, just look at how resistant many US citizens have been to the idea of wearing face masks, versus citizens of Asian countries, who like automatons, dutifully don them at the behest of their leaders.
The Chinese "hide the truth and save face" response to this virus has US citizens facing record levels of unemployment and bankruptcy filings. I do not support making the US more like China, Korea, and Japan in the form of an Asian elite class and neither do most thoughtful Americans.Replies: @Twinkie, @notsaying, @Anonymous
It would not be possible for some wise administrator or senior professor (are there any) to arrange for the admission of such a budding genius and mentor him through a bureaucratic system designed to foster mediocrity.Replies: @Znzn, @Anonymous
i.e work at a firm for a couple of years and then get an in-house corporate counsel job and make $200k+ working 9 to 5 and not having to worry about billable hours, bringing in business or firm politics.
In the meantime also buy some rental properties as the opportunity arises.Replies: @Anon
Asians have formidable competition here: Black legal mediocrities have discovered these general counsel jobs as a good next step after being eased out of their first law job. And the job can be turned into an auxiliary diversity, inclusion, and equity platform as a female General counsel at Facebook discovered before leaving the law altogether to do DIE full time.
Also, it’s surprisingly easy to get hired as a law school professor for minorities. This is a “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach” situation, but I think it’s a strategic mistake to let too many bitter blacks into positions that they can use to hijack the law and culture.
For a person who denounces quotas she sure quotes a lot of statistics to how that the percentage of Asians in a job is not equal to the pool of Asians. If Asians are underrepresented isn’t she assuming they are being discriminated against?
But aren’t Asians way overrepresented in tech companies? What does she say about that. If it is wrong to be underrepresented isn’t it wrong to be overrepresented, too? I haven’t thought about affirmative action in years. It seems wrong to apply it to high achieving immigrant populations who beg to be allowed to come here.
I am pretty sure that this:
Is deliberately misleading. System-wide, Asian enrollment has increased from about 36-37% pre-209 to ~39% post-209. That looks like nearly the same amount, but only because the baseline was high. The decline in Black enrollment was about the same, but looks more dramatic because the baseline was so low. That said, the percentage change may just be in line with changes in the college-age demographic mix. I suspect the Latino increase, for example, is largely because Latinos make up an increasing percentage of the college age cohort.
But I think there was also a shift in where Asians were allowed in. After racially discriminatory admissions were barred, the percentage of Asians offerred admission at Berkeley increased almost 8% (1997 vs 1998). That’s not trivial. And if you asked Asian parents whether they think UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz equivalent, I expect they would say “No.”
Please lay off the crack. Less than 1% of white people have taken a knee for black people. Ask your doctor about thorazine shots.
Ask your Dr. about Adderall, so you can wake up and pay attention to what's going on.
He didn’t say nothin about no marriage. He said cohabitation. The cohabitation rate for Asians has undoubtedly increased. The decline in intermarriage is mostly driven by South Asians anyway.
She's really talking about pensioned seniority based government jobs and government contracting. Government jobs have become nepotistic, for example the leadership of the military could use Asian racial quotas to make it more like Google and Microsoft.Replies: @HammerJack, @El Dato
She is edgy, though:
See? She said all that without once using the phrase “systemic inequities” and if that’s not edgy I’d like to know what is!
They enter and every single table is WM/AF. They were so mortified they left immediately without taking their reservation.Replies: @Thoughts, @Anon7, @Dumbo
It is really a problem.
A white woman who is more ‘cautious’ (aka has Christian values) when dating doesn’t stand a chance amongst Asian women who have no such moral qualms about panty dropping.
I wish I could put the email up of the white guy screaming at me ‘This is why I hate White Women!” that I received during my dating days
Thank God I moved. And married.
I love all this Hate Whitey sh because only an absolute Idiot white dude could marry out Now. I heard this hate-whitey sh from my gfs who married white guys 20 years ago. I’m glad it’s out in the open so that whites can see who the person in bed with them really is.
Everything can be fixed minus miscegenation. Miscegenation is Forever (unless you get a divorce and a second white wife young enough to start family #2)
Asian women that have the lowest rates of single motherhood, teen birthrates, and lowest STD rates in the US?
White women think they all deserve a 6'8", perfect face billionaire with a 12" swinger.
...and they are completely unwilling to settle for anything less well past child rearing age.
Women in general, and especially white women, are their own worst enemy.Replies: @throtler, @JohnnyWalker123
Meh. Since the UC schools are doing away with SATs, the value of going there is about to decline dramatically. Figure more of California’s Asians will be applying out-of-state now anyway.
Yeah, why should whites think they are being persecuted. I mean, just because the 70% non-white population of California is voting to racially discriminate against its 30% white minority. With love like that, who needs hate.
Korean again. Its always the Koreans.
This is the Chinese strategy for getting ahead. Life is war and you win by destroying your opponents.
At any rate, I'm not sure what's striking about being able to find Asians arguing about this in public when it's completely normalized, encouraged, and promoted by the wider society. There's nothing entitled about it.
Steve is justifiably annoyed that he has to use bankshot methods like Citizenism to speak about white interests, but the only difference between this and Citizenism is that non-white groups are allowed and encouraged to explicitly argue about this in public outlets, while whites have to do so implicitly and indirectly.
Yeah, but we are only less than 1% into the post-Floyd era of mandatory negro-worship. And the 1% who are literally kowtowing are the ones who make the law for everyone else.
Ask your Dr. about Adderall, so you can wake up and pay attention to what’s going on.
Umm, that is not the Chinese way, dude.
There is no paradox.
The White supremacism she’s trying to marry into believes that only intra-White competition matters and every one else is just trying to get in.
She doesn’t hate whites, she hates other whites.
As if that would ever happen from any group. What is amazing is that she doesn’t figuratively take a knee before blacks to gain permission to enter their turf.
Yes, it is always best to use the most relevant word, and it is certainly Chinese that are ostensibly being discussed when “Asians” are talked about. To discriminate against Chinese more and more while keeping the Asian representation constant is as easy as pie, just favour Hmong ECT ECT. Google favours South Asian nationals as discrimination against the East Asian ones.
It is so strange to me that restriction of Chinese students at elite universities is only discussed in connection with domestic American politics. Rely on it, one day China is going to start talking about the racial glass ceiling that Chinese Americans are subservient to. But not even a future mega power China is going to mention that white representation at Harvard and elite positions in society that is presented as a monolithic block of racial privilege is in fact very substantially Jewish and swathes of whites are excluded as a result.
South Asians are overrepresented and prominent in American politics, political punditry, media and journalism, whereas East Asians are notably absent. Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, the Seattle Socialist politician, Preet Bharara, Neel Kashkari, Dinesh D'Souza, Ramesh Ponnuru, Reihan Salam, Anand Ghiridiras, Farhad Manjoo, Bhaskar Sunkara (founder of Jacobin), Saikat Chakrabarti (the mastermind behind AOC), Neil Patel (co-founder w/ Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller), etc.
In the UK, South Asians are prominent in the political scene on both left and right. See for example Boris Johnson's cabinet where they're very overrepresented.
By contrast, Andrew Yang is one of the few notable East Asian figures in politics, and he needed a novel concrete gimmick to gain recognition. I don't think he would've gotten anywhere if he had gotten involved with either more mainstream political ideas or more vague political ideas that require lots of salesmanship. He needed a concrete gimmick that largely sells itself.
The kinds of abilities and inclinations that enable success in politics and punditry are similar to those that enable success in business corporate hierarchies.Replies: @Twinkie
Her argument is sound. Alan Kreuger showed that SAT scores correlated much better with earnings irrespective which college you went to. Of course, there are social connections benefits by going to one of the Ivies, but it doesn’t seem to carry much weight in terms of actual earnings once controlled for SAT scores.
By contrast, Affirmative Action in the workplace is more likely to be a force multiplier for Asians, particularly Asian women of Eastern descent, who are not known for being pushy.
I think going forward, Asians like her are nevertheless going to face pressure. We can already see conflicts in NYC school system between blacks/browns vs yellows. If Kreuger’s research is correct, that won’t affect Asians’ earnings, but it will nevertheless ratchet up the political temperature.
If people identify themselves as “Americans” first and “gays”, “Asians”, “Jews”, “ponies” second, then it’s fine.
If, however, they identity as gays or Asians or women first, and as Americans last, then they are not Americans. Then they have no business pretending to be Americans. They are merely external parasites. They are part of the problem. They are the termites.
What is the Chinese outlook?
The way of the black is to destroy. See how they treat each other.
The Chinese way is deceit and trickery so that you surrender or do what they want without having to go to war.Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
Indeed! I work in IT at a major Wall Street bank. South Asians are all over the place, both in the ranks and in upper management. There are a fair number of East Asian developers, but in management not so much. Really, really not so much! It’s very noticeable, although of course nobody would ever acknowledge noticing it.
Part of the issue I think is that the bank has exported a major part of its software development to India. There is no possibility that it would do the same in the PRC, for the obvious reason that it would be a crazy thing to do. So an enormous number of foreign born South Asians get into the pipeline, against far fewer foreign born East Asians.
I wonder how the SinoIndian Himalayan contest is playing out among the asioids in Bigtech. Is it Yankees Red Sox right now, or is it ” I will burn your house down…epithet” ?
She's really talking about pensioned seniority based government jobs and government contracting. Government jobs have become nepotistic, for example the leadership of the military could use Asian racial quotas to make it more like Google and Microsoft.Replies: @HammerJack, @El Dato
Why is that a criterium of any usefulness? It’s as if there were some subconscious assumption that a universal-über-schoolmarm selects the best pupils for the “top jobs” they so shurely deserve (but she is just being a bit racist right now).
“Executive ranks” are a horrible nest of crabs, (but intern reaping and overpaying sweeten it considerably).
And what comes after “executive ranks” after which they advance probably into “graduate executive ranks”? A golden parachute out of the burning company with emptied pension coffers, or a job on the other side of a political revolving door I suppose.
It’s not that odd. It’s commonly argued that patriarchy is actually bad for men, so feminism is good, and that racism is bad for whites, so anti-racism is good (Scott Alexander had discussed the former as part of a motte-and-bailey argument, libertarian economists used to argue the latter when Jim Crow was in effect). She’s arguing against opponents of her position who are grounding their opposition in a form of self-interest, so it’s natural to argue against that. I didn’t see any evidence in those excerpts that Asians had ever actually benefited from affirmative action, but then I don’t think she actually believes that part of her argument.
So recent immigrants are privileged relative to their U.S born offspring? That seems extremely counter-intuitive to me.
At the same time, completely ban any racial discrimination/affirmative action for public universities. In fact, they cannot even collect information about race and their admissions offices cannot even see names and sex of the applicants. Maybe even make the admissions strictly based on some sort of an admissions test, say half testing for general intelligence and half knowledge in the basic subjects.
Let’s see in 20-30 years how the two respective systems turn out and whose graduates contribute the most to the advancement of the country.Replies: @Kyle, @Anonymous, @TomSchmidt, @RonaldB
They’re going to need a certain number of whites in the classroom for high sociability among the group, and to come up with novel solutions to engineering problems that aren’t found in the textbook.
This may be a good starting point, or one of two.
1. Notice that it is okay for blacks to advocate for blacks, Asians to advocate for Asians, and Mexicans to advocate for Mexicans. Conclude that it is okay for Whites to advocate for Whites in the opening of every single paper advocating for Whites.
2. Assert that facts are not racist. Notice that blacks kill more blacks than police or whites and by what order of magnitude.* Notice that blacks score lower on IQ tests and discuss how IQ is related to moral reasoning. Discuss Ebonics and its inability to express nuance. Be prepared to defend against claims it is all due to white oppression with even more statistics.
3. Prepare and disseminate position papers culled from the wealth of useful informkation here and on a few other sites. Position papers, limited to a smaller number, can be distributed to whomever has to deal with violent and irrational blacks.
*This might be the most important statistic, that blacks kill whites X times more often than whites kill blacks.
Asians as a group are doing pretty good. When whites finally become a minority, the browns and especially the blacks will need a money pit to suck off of. The Jews are pushing mandatory Holocaust training so as not to be that pit. The Indians are milking their skin color to the hilt. So that leaves the Asians, who are at least thinking ahead. Whether it works, is another thing.
They enter and every single table is WM/AF. They were so mortified they left immediately without taking their reservation.Replies: @Thoughts, @Anon7, @Dumbo
It seems like having a white boyfriend is a statement by asian girls, something like “see, I can have what the white girls have if I want it”. They’re making that statement to themselves, their girlfriends for self-esteem. It also makes a statement to the asian men who will eventually marry them (“see, I can do better than you, so work harder to please me”).
But it doesn’t look like they want to marry and have a family with white guys.
Among my circle of friends there are several young men in their twenties who had asian girlfriends for a year or two. I think the white boys (both smart engineer types, good husband material frankly) were more interested in the relationship than the asian girlfriends.
My neighborhood is crawling with WM/Chinese female couples pushing baby carriages.
But my favorite is the harried looking Chinese woman pushing around two clearly half black children (they look like space aliens). I have never seen the father.
The silent majority of asian-americans actually hate articles like this. The conspiracy within the asian community is that only asians who hold anti-asian positions are given the mainstream media megaphone. Where is the coverage of what the “politically conservative Asian immigrants” think? That is the real groundswell of the asian population, so why is only the minority opinion being published?
As a side note, perhaps its not surprising that these anti-asian asians are more often women than men (are women less in-group loyal than men?) and are married to non-asians (cause or effect?).
But do they like Blacks more?
“… affirmative action will be purely a Get Whitey affair, and that Asians will have nothing to fear, and in fact will benefit. The only people from whom anything will be taken under the new affirmative action will be whites.”
True enough, until we can figure out how to stand up for ourselves. What will asians do when they’ve taken as much as they can, and they’re the new fat cat ethnic group in America? They’ll close ranks and defend what they have, that’s what.
The Jews are millennia ahead in this game, they’re always living in societies in which they are outnumbered, and they know that the only way to survive and prosper is to close ranks and push and manipulate for advantages for their group.
What about intermarriage between Asians? Is Marriage between Japanese and Chinese common? I thought they still generally hate each other.
Isn’t output more important than input? Quotas will increase the amount of unqualified students coming in while decreasing the percentage of qualified graduates coming out.
The current solution of making courses easier to pass may increase the number of graduates but will not increase overall competency.
It will increase college revenues since a professor, or more likely, low paid adjunct professor, teaching a huge cohort of first year students is far more profitable for the college than a tenured professor teaching a small handful of fourth year students.
Also, the cheapening of a college degree means businesses now no longer use a college degree as an indicator of potential success and instead rely on other methods to select employees.
A college may no longer use a SAT score to select students, but a business like Google will instead use their own form of testing to select employees. The only person that suffers is the student. Instead of being informed of their lack of ability before they spend a lot of money and time, they are indulged with useless platitudes only to find out too late that they have no marketable skills. Even worse, it’s easier for an 18 year old to learn a trade than a 24 year old.
The colleges may eventually suffer a loss of reputation, but with the current oligopoly, they are relatively safe in the short term.
A reflection of higher verbal IQ for Indians?
I wonder what share of black college presidents are at public colleges vs. private? I suspect that most of them are political appointees at state-owned institutions.
Although after the ruling in the Gibson Bakery v. Oberlin Case I learned that the current president of Oberlin, Carmen Twillie Ambar, is black. She was appointed after the protests but before Gibson’s filed the lawsuit, which almost certainly could have been settled for much less than the current $50 million judgment.
Ambar has yet to issue a genuine apology to Gibsons or to terminate any of the administrators most responsible for leading Oberlin into that mess, including Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo (she/her/hers), or Vice President of Communications Ben Jones, both of whom habitually used highly professional language, like “fuck them,” when referring to people, including Oberlin professors, objecting to the protests. A college professor these days can be terminated for tweeting #AllLivesMatter, or for opposing preferred treatment for black students, but not for costing their institution $50 million.
Yeah…..and he’s overreacting.
I wonder if it works like it does in the Gulf – there they have a local Arab boss and an invisible expat who actually does the work?
But I don’t think higher ed is that smart. They have guys like George Bridges at Evergreen who kept his job whilst the institution went down the drain.
Back in the ’70s and ’80s pretty much every US cop show had a black police chief. Maybe this is a case of life imitating art.
People can vote affirmative action back in but will the courts allow it?
I looked it up and whites and Hispanics are each about 40 percent of California’s population. Outside of higher paid professional jobs wouldn’t there be many cases where Hispanics and blacks would be competing against whites and Asians where Hispanics and blacks would get the jobs with affirmative action?
She’s so completely focused on the higher level jobs that she’s not taking in there’s more blacks and Hispanics than whites. Or am I wrong here?
I think this is due to the decline in religion among Asian-Americans and the overall decline in marriage. I.e., more shacking up.
There needs to be a quota (floor) on the number of Asians admitted to play UC football.
something observers have noted for a very very long time is that asians seem to be highly conformist compared to other races. Not surprising they endorse anti-asian discrimination since it is an element of the dominant ideology.
I made this point before, but DPRK is probably the longest lasting large totalitarian state in human history. Could a non-asian country operate like that for that long? I think probably not.
I have some close friends one who is Chinese American and the other white who had one very brilliant child. Dad was Ivy League / Mom college grand and he went to the very best West Coast private schools. When it came time to enroll in college they were caught in the paradigm of, ” does he register as white or Asian”? Being comfortable with their identities it was purely a matter of expediency and he ended up checking the white box thinking that as an Asian, he would be capped out at 17% or whatever it is for Harvard. He ended up getting into where he wanted to go somewhere else but there was this lingering doubt of whether they went the right path. Being honest people it never occurred to them to fudge a little claiming their babushka fled the holocaust or that one of them was a boat person but it probably would not have hurt.
And IBM, Pepsi, Deutsche Bank, Mastercard, Adobe, Nokia, Deloitte, Novartis, Wayfair, Micron, Palo Alto Networks, NetApp, Motorola, GAP and many, many more.
The likeliest reason is that Indians are extremely good bullshitters.
Twinkie, that’s not an “on the contrary” as your statement is completely different than his statement.
In fact–from the data i’ve seen–both of your statements are–completely unsurprisingly–true:
His — the longer an Asian has been in America generationally, the more likely they are to intermarry.
Yours — as more and more Asians have flooded into America, each individual Asian is less likely to marry out.
And as with pretty much everything else in America an immigration moratorium would solve “the Asian problem”. In a few generations most Asians would have intermarried into America–mostly into the white UMC.
At the same time, completely ban any racial discrimination/affirmative action for public universities. In fact, they cannot even collect information about race and their admissions offices cannot even see names and sex of the applicants. Maybe even make the admissions strictly based on some sort of an admissions test, say half testing for general intelligence and half knowledge in the basic subjects.
Let’s see in 20-30 years how the two respective systems turn out and whose graduates contribute the most to the advancement of the country.Replies: @Kyle, @Anonymous, @TomSchmidt, @RonaldB
My problem with this analysis is that there are over 2 billion Asian people in the world. There are a lot of smart Asians, and if we allowed 5 million selectively chosen ones (test scores, wealth, etc.) to immigrate to the US every year, we could well create a number of university systems, both public and private, with majority Asian populations. Why is this in the interest of Americans who live here and whose forefathers built these institutions for the benefit of their descendants?
I know that HBD proponents, like Sailer, Unz, and Derbyshire, are constantly arguing the US would be a much better place if our NAMs could be replaced with high IQ Asians, but this whole Covid-19 thing has thrown a lot of cold water on that idea. As the Chinese government response to the challenge has demonstrated, Asian ideas about democracy, freedom of expression, etc. are very different from ours. If you dispute this fact, just look at how resistant many US citizens have been to the idea of wearing face masks, versus citizens of Asian countries, who like automatons, dutifully don them at the behest of their leaders.
The Chinese “hide the truth and save face” response to this virus has US citizens facing record levels of unemployment and bankruptcy filings. I do not support making the US more like China, Korea, and Japan in the form of an Asian elite class and neither do most thoughtful Americans.
NO ethnic group that voluntarily came to America should be entitled to affirmative action. Period!
At the same time, completely ban any racial discrimination/affirmative action for public universities. In fact, they cannot even collect information about race and their admissions offices cannot even see names and sex of the applicants. Maybe even make the admissions strictly based on some sort of an admissions test, say half testing for general intelligence and half knowledge in the basic subjects.
Let’s see in 20-30 years how the two respective systems turn out and whose graduates contribute the most to the advancement of the country.Replies: @Kyle, @Anonymous, @TomSchmidt, @RonaldB
You might check out Grove City College, which does not have to comply with Title IX, or any other, because it doesn’t allow ANY Federal dollars. One site reads: “The total cost of tuition at Grove City College is $18,930 per year …”
If you want to control the next generation and its thinking, Federal Dollars for education is a great investment. The feds supply 1/6th of the dollars spent in higher education, but control the policies of 100% of the institutions that accept even one dollar. That’s a TREMENDOUS return on investment for the controllers.
It’s one thing that has driven the growth of administration. Because you accept Federal dollars, you need to hire admins to insure compliance with the Federal regs, or the dollars will be cut off. I calculated a few years ago that the money spent by the Feds in higher Ed was about the same as the amount spent on admins. In other words, you could abjure the use of Federal dollars if you fired every administrator. Sounds like a good tradeoff.
And we need it yesterday.
As far as I understand, the new law will not set quotas, it will instead allow race to be a factor during hiring and admissions. Then various diversity commissars will set their own rules, just like they already do now only on the hush-hush, and I am pretty sure on average they will not be kind to Asians.
Latinos and blacks have a legitimate question: on what grounds should Asian immigrants and their children benefit from the AA ? Actually, blacks are already asking latinx that same question. And men should be asking the same question of women, given that women are now overrepresented in higher education.
I might actually vote this time, not that I expect the law not to pass. Too bad, I like the weather and the vibes but California might soon become unlivable.
The problem with China is an appalling level of corruption and lack of trust. So there is a huge mass of upper income Chinese emigrees in the West. Encouraged back home as both influence building a pressure relief.
There is a huuuugggggeeeee increase in Chinese students paying full freight and living in New apartments in California.
And that money and influence and power will run right up against blm and Hispanic orgs trying to get as many of their people into college.
I imagine quotas limiting White people everywhere. But also blacks and hispanics. How many nukes does blm have?
At the same time, completely ban any racial discrimination/affirmative action for public universities. In fact, they cannot even collect information about race and their admissions offices cannot even see names and sex of the applicants. Maybe even make the admissions strictly based on some sort of an admissions test, say half testing for general intelligence and half knowledge in the basic subjects.
Let’s see in 20-30 years how the two respective systems turn out and whose graduates contribute the most to the advancement of the country.Replies: @Kyle, @Anonymous, @TomSchmidt, @RonaldB
The problem with your proposal to make public university admission completely dependent on test scores is that it eliminates those outliers who are most creative, most likely to make significant advances. For example, a budding scientific genius may blow the lid off math tests (or may not; Einstein wasn’t particularly outstanding at advanced math) but wash out on verbal or specific aptitudes.
It would not be possible for some wise administrator or senior professor (are there any) to arrange for the admission of such a budding genius and mentor him through a bureaucratic system designed to foster mediocrity.
e.g. At one time the entire University of California system had a policy where you couldn’t even APPLY if your GPA was less than 3.0, no matter how high your SAT was.
They have been about that for decades already, at least in the context of academia.
“Americans were admitted at nearly the same rate before and after the ban on affirmative action. The group that had the largest decline in admissions were white people, while Latinos had the largest gain. ”
I read through all the comments to see if anyone had addressed this claim, and no one has. Why would white admission decline after affirmative action is made illegal? Any ideas?
I did find an article stating that while total admissions for blacks and Latins declined, the graduation rates, GPA and honors awarded for minorities increased. The claim is that without affirmative action, people with normal, but not high, intelligence were admitted to the institution appropriate to their abilities and thus more likely to succeed.
But, I can’t figure out why white rates of admission would decline after affirmative action was eliminated.
They enter and every single table is WM/AF. They were so mortified they left immediately without taking their reservation.Replies: @Thoughts, @Anon7, @Dumbo
But UCLA, etc, all those universities in SoCal are heavily Asian now, and at the PhD level, probably even more.
And most of the white women at the PhD level will be either lesbians or feminists.
So even if you’re a white male and want a white woman as first choice, if you’re living/studying in SoCal, it’s not so easy. Many settle for second best (Asian women), or for the woman who is pushy and goes after them (which again will be the Asian ones, white women will rarely do that, much less for a nerdy PhD).
(Second best in terms of attractiveness, but then again, it all depends, as white women are also more prone to obesity, etc).
Asian male
White female
Pick one. Asian women are the best, white women are third or fourth pick even among married men. The problem for you is that although you can deny the multiple scientific studies demonstrating that men consider Asian women's looks to be more beautiful, you cannot deny the public admission of Swedish white women, who state that they themselves are inferior to Asian women: Replies: @Steve Sailer, @throtler
It would not be possible for some wise administrator or senior professor (are there any) to arrange for the admission of such a budding genius and mentor him through a bureaucratic system designed to foster mediocrity.Replies: @Znzn, @Anonymous
I thought that Einstein had mediocre grades in all subjects during schools?
My sense is that he would have done very well on a standardized test, but he was too unfocused and uninterested in pleasing his teachers to be a first-rate all-around student. In other words, he followed the pattern of the typical boy, who tends to be a better test-taker than the girls, even though he's a worse grade-getter.
Latinos and blacks have a legitimate question: on what grounds should Asian immigrants and their children benefit from the AA ? Actually, blacks are already asking latinx that same question. And men should be asking the same question of women, given that women are now overrepresented in higher education.
I might actually vote this time, not that I expect the law not to pass. Too bad, I like the weather and the vibes but California might soon become unlivable.Replies: @Abolish_public_education, @notsaying
.. will allow race to be a factor ..
Race is already a significant factor, but the existing law is very inconvenient to the government admissions-bureaucrats, e.g. they have to assert all sorts of alternative (non-race based), fuzzy justifications for accepting under-qualifieds so as to cover their discriminatory tracks.
Repeal of the law will allow them to discriminate more overtly (again).
Jennifer Lee is Korean.
At any rate, I’m not sure what’s striking about being able to find Asians arguing about this in public when it’s completely normalized, encouraged, and promoted by the wider society. There’s nothing entitled about it.
Steve is justifiably annoyed that he has to use bankshot methods like Citizenism to speak about white interests, but the only difference between this and Citizenism is that non-white groups are allowed and encouraged to explicitly argue about this in public outlets, while whites have to do so implicitly and indirectly.
My problem with this analysis is that there are over 2 billion Asian people in the world. There are a lot of smart Asians, and if we allowed 5 million selectively chosen ones (test scores, wealth, etc.) to immigrate to the US every year, we could well create a number of university systems, both public and private, with majority Asian populations. Why is this in the interest of Americans who live here and whose forefathers built these institutions for the benefit of their descendants?
I know that HBD proponents, like Sailer, Unz, and Derbyshire, are constantly arguing the US would be a much better place if our NAMs could be replaced with high IQ Asians, but this whole Covid-19 thing has thrown a lot of cold water on that idea. As the Chinese government response to the challenge has demonstrated, Asian ideas about democracy, freedom of expression, etc. are very different from ours. If you dispute this fact, just look at how resistant many US citizens have been to the idea of wearing face masks, versus citizens of Asian countries, who like automatons, dutifully don them at the behest of their leaders.
The Chinese "hide the truth and save face" response to this virus has US citizens facing record levels of unemployment and bankruptcy filings. I do not support making the US more like China, Korea, and Japan in the form of an Asian elite class and neither do most thoughtful Americans.Replies: @Twinkie, @notsaying, @Anonymous
It goes without saying that there should be an immigration moratorium.
That’s an excellent point.
My problem with this analysis is that there are over 2 billion Asian people in the world. There are a lot of smart Asians, and if we allowed 5 million selectively chosen ones (test scores, wealth, etc.) to immigrate to the US every year, we could well create a number of university systems, both public and private, with majority Asian populations. Why is this in the interest of Americans who live here and whose forefathers built these institutions for the benefit of their descendants?
I know that HBD proponents, like Sailer, Unz, and Derbyshire, are constantly arguing the US would be a much better place if our NAMs could be replaced with high IQ Asians, but this whole Covid-19 thing has thrown a lot of cold water on that idea. As the Chinese government response to the challenge has demonstrated, Asian ideas about democracy, freedom of expression, etc. are very different from ours. If you dispute this fact, just look at how resistant many US citizens have been to the idea of wearing face masks, versus citizens of Asian countries, who like automatons, dutifully don them at the behest of their leaders.
The Chinese "hide the truth and save face" response to this virus has US citizens facing record levels of unemployment and bankruptcy filings. I do not support making the US more like China, Korea, and Japan in the form of an Asian elite class and neither do most thoughtful Americans.Replies: @Twinkie, @notsaying, @Anonymous
First of all there is no need to bring 5 million Asians a year.
We should not bring in a million a year.
You are right that a high enough number of Asians in this country would lead to conflicts with and changes to our ways of thinking and doing things.
Legal immigration has gone down over the past year or two which makes me very happy. I approve of what Trump has done with immigration this year to get the numbers down further, except I think he may have tried to get asylum rules so strict that the new rules won’t survive the courts. But at last something effective got done.
Latinos and blacks have a legitimate question: on what grounds should Asian immigrants and their children benefit from the AA ? Actually, blacks are already asking latinx that same question. And men should be asking the same question of women, given that women are now overrepresented in higher education.
I might actually vote this time, not that I expect the law not to pass. Too bad, I like the weather and the vibes but California might soon become unlivable.Replies: @Abolish_public_education, @notsaying
I would definitely vote. The number of people agreeing/disagreeing could make a difference in how things play out. Plus you would know that you did what you could.
It would not be possible for some wise administrator or senior professor (are there any) to arrange for the admission of such a budding genius and mentor him through a bureaucratic system designed to foster mediocrity.Replies: @Znzn, @Anonymous
It’s still hard for those outlier budding scientific genius students to be admitted to a college/program suited to their talents because those kids typically have less than stellar GPA’s – sometimes even lousy. Those kids loathe busywork and their teachers are annoyed by genius.
e.g. At one time the entire University of California system had a policy where you couldn’t even APPLY if your GPA was less than 3.0, no matter how high your SAT was.
Given that universities have replaces the Church as arbiters of morality, we need a Constitutional Separation of School and State.
And we need it yesterday.
A white woman who is more 'cautious' (aka has Christian values) when dating doesn't stand a chance amongst Asian women who have no such moral qualms about panty dropping.
I wish I could put the email up of the white guy screaming at me 'This is why I hate White Women!" that I received during my dating days
Thank God I moved. And married.
I love all this Hate Whitey sh because only an absolute Idiot white dude could marry out Now. I heard this hate-whitey sh from my gfs who married white guys 20 years ago. I'm glad it's out in the open so that whites can see who the person in bed with them really is.
Everything can be fixed minus miscegenation. Miscegenation is Forever (unless you get a divorce and a second white wife young enough to start family #2)Replies: @Kaz, @Random Passer By
Are you trying to claim Asian women are easier than white woman?
Asian women that have the lowest rates of single motherhood, teen birthrates, and lowest STD rates in the US?
Step one: Prevent entry and settlement in The United States.
Rest is just conversation.
I’m not sure if this is true for management and executive levels.
South Asians are overrepresented and prominent in American politics, political punditry, media and journalism, whereas East Asians are notably absent. Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, the Seattle Socialist politician, Preet Bharara, Neel Kashkari, Dinesh D’Souza, Ramesh Ponnuru, Reihan Salam, Anand Ghiridiras, Farhad Manjoo, Bhaskar Sunkara (founder of Jacobin), Saikat Chakrabarti (the mastermind behind AOC), Neil Patel (co-founder w/ Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller), etc.
In the UK, South Asians are prominent in the political scene on both left and right. See for example Boris Johnson’s cabinet where they’re very overrepresented.
By contrast, Andrew Yang is one of the few notable East Asian figures in politics, and he needed a novel concrete gimmick to gain recognition. I don’t think he would’ve gotten anywhere if he had gotten involved with either more mainstream political ideas or more vague political ideas that require lots of salesmanship. He needed a concrete gimmick that largely sells itself.
The kinds of abilities and inclinations that enable success in politics and punditry are similar to those that enable success in business corporate hierarchies.
I read a study that purported to have found the psychological traits of Caucasian men that motivated Chinese-American women to intermarry with a White guy. These traits were (1) “rationality”; and (2) “egalitarian knighthood.” (I am usually suspicious of jargon, but I love that term. The Wife of Bath’s Tale rides again. Chaucer knew it all.)
Regarding the non-advancement of Asians into CEO-type positions, I think there is wiring predilection against non-science thinking. My Chinese-American doc is wonderful, but even fully acculturated Chinese-Americans are just not superior at seeing the nuances of what a well-written movie was about.
Ahhh, now we know how to pit East Asians against South Asians!
Was the mother of jewish extraction?
I know you have something interesting to tell. Unfortunately, it is lost in translation.
>professor of sociology
An Asian who can’t do math should either be considered not to be Asian or, at the very least, unrepresentative of her nominal group.
One silver lining with Covid is lowered immigration. With all the Visa processing off and airlines halted, there is no way foreigners can come. Hopefully, this continues after a couple of years too (or Covid continues on and we get immigration moratorium because of it.)
Young-at-heart Jennifer (class of ’90) knows which side of the bread the butter’s on, all right. “Columbia University,” ooh la la
I don’t think Leftist op-ed writers are representative of their race or ethnicity. (of course, I am biased in this regard). She knows full well that Asians on average will be harmed by this.
Asian women can, with basically no effort, have really amazing hair all the way into their mid-40s.
Caribbean women have to work a little harder but the results are just as good – look at pictures of Irene Cara, for example, who is somewhere in the middle when it comes to Afro-Carribean women with good genetic luck with hair. My guess is that maybe one out of ten men, at most, who comment here have ever been married or engaged to a woman with hair as nice as Irene Cara.
Northern women – starting in Lapland, moving along past the Siberian indigenous ladies, the Inuit, and then the Icelanders, Greenlanders, and basically all the Irish and Scots and Dutch and Spaniards and northern French and so on – basically every woman born in a country that has a seashore north of Lisbon – has no problem with beautiful hair. Unless they have a genetic deficiency – many of the female characters in Dickens and Trollope, for example, are described as having trouble with their hair, but they are almost always the characters who are – to the modern eye – obvious portraits of women who have drawn the short card re genetics – inbred and crabby, for example, or with obvious chromosome trouble (not always quite pinheads or victims of fetal alcohol syndrome or *******, the poor dears, but usually close or very close), or too much of a genetic fondness for drinking too much gin, which is bad for women who want to have beautiful soft luxuriant hair past the age of 25…
(sorry gin makers! you shouldn’t sell your gin to young women in England! there are better and less selfish ways to make a profit!)
Somewhere about ten days walk south of the Sahara desert, for some reason that God only knows, female hair is just not all that much of a thing compared to the male hair of the same ethnic groups.
In other words, female hair there is just not all that exciting to men. Translated to the modern world – well, let’s just say there is a reason that “weaves” are a huge deal for some ethnic groups and not so huge for others.
On the other hand, your average sub-Saharan African woman has much nicer eyes than you would expect (if you don’t believe me, do a google image search of the Nigerian women in the Miss World or Miss Universe contest over the last 15 years … we are talking here about lots and lots of women with beautiful eyes at the Elizabeth Taylor or Ava G. level) , and let’s face it, anyone who knows much about how beautiful women are knows …
anyone who knows much about female beauty knows that sub-African women can rock white lace underwear with the best of them, sure blue and green may not work quite as well, but if we are talking white lace underwear, or orange, or purple, trust me, your Nigerian women and your Zulu women, and all the women in neighboring countries, are probably astounding! (red works for all women, and your Meditteranean?Caucasian/Asian women have a distinct advantage in blue or green or yellow lace underwear).
I realize not many commenters here have reflected long on the beauty of African women, but I have.
I know what I am talking about.
Jennifer Lee, professor of grievance studies at Columbia, is just preparing for the US Supreme Court to rule that Harvard’s blatant discrimination against “Asians” is A-OK, despite the law, the evidence, and the unique-in-modern-experience anti-racist (i.e., against Harvard) brief from the US Department of Justice.*
After the Supreme Court rules against those pesky “Asian” applicants frustrated by Harvard’s racial quotas, Lee will argue that “Asians” deserve “affirmative action” just the same as blacks “because white-racism.” If Lee and her “Asian” pals expected Harvard to lose then they would favor merit-based admissions. Lee just wants to be on the winning side to claim a share of the spoils.
One of the key goals of the current “Spring and Summer of Hate” brought to you by the United Front of BLM, Antifa, the Democratic Party, all US colleges and universities, and Wall Street is to ensure that the Supreme Court rules in favor of “affirmative action” at Harvard, and by implication everywhere else. Their argument is simply that blacks must be favored lest the riots continue and escalate: “no injustice, no peace.” The People’s Republic of California is salivating for that ruling and is preparing by launching a repeal of California’s own equal-treatment Constitutional Amendment “Prop. 209” so they can allocate all government college admissions and jobs by race going forward.
The Establishment’s rationale for all this is quite logical: if the Supreme Court were to stop Harvard discriminating against “Asians,” then it might possibly stop Harvard discriminating against whites. As Steve reported in these pages (link) and we discussed back in 2018, colorblind admissions at Harvard could help whites as well as “Asians” and lead to a steep decline in the admission of underqualified blacks. That would be anathema to the Establishment, so they must prevent it “by any means necessary.” (Just in case lightning strikes and the Establishment loses in the Supreme Court, Korean Harvard Professor Jeanie Suk Gersen has already proposed expanding “Asian” Harvard admissions strictly at the expense of white applicants to maintain the black quota while admitting more “Asians.” (iSteve link))
*The position of the DOJ (formally, the position of the government of the United States on behalf of the people) in favor of the actual law which forbids racial preferences in admissions will be dismissed as “Trump racism.” That will turn out be accurate in a practical sense even if objectively incorrect— just as soon as Trump is gone the DOJ will revert to supporting “affirmative racism.”
Although I do not expect it, I will be pleased if some miracle bestows a Supreme Court win on SFFA.Replies: @Dan Hayes
Many others would do the same thing if they were in the same time and place.
This may be a good starting point, or one of two. 1. Notice that it is okay for blacks to advocate for blacks, Asians to advocate for Asians, and Mexicans to advocate for Mexicans. Conclude that it is okay for Whites to advocate for Whites in the opening of every single paper advocating for Whites.2. Assert that facts are not racist. Notice that blacks kill more blacks than police or whites and by what order of magnitude.* Notice that blacks score lower on IQ tests and discuss how IQ is related to moral reasoning. Discuss Ebonics and its inability to express nuance. Be prepared to defend against claims it is all due to white oppression with even more statistics.3. Prepare and disseminate position papers culled from the wealth of useful informkation here and on a few other sites. Position papers, limited to a smaller number, can be distributed to whomever has to deal with violent and irrational blacks.*This might be the most important statistic, that blacks kill whites X times more often than whites kill blacks.Replies: @Anonymous
Good post. Keep the ideas coming.
NYU Prof: “Hundreds, If Not Thousands” Of Universities Will Soon Be “Walking-Dead”
I will be happy when that happens.
Blacks can advocate for their group. Hispanics can advocate for their group. Asians can advocate for their group. American Indians can advocate for their group. Whites cannot. That would be racist. Or something. But is it good for the Jews?
Asian girls like to be white boys’ real-life anime waifus? @nebulafox
East Asians have traditionally tended be more open to letting their daughters marry interracially than their sons: I don’t know why, might have something to do with residual Confucian norms that have a way of sticking around regardless of religion or political ideology. That’s moderated somewhat in recent decades as so much else has, but it’s still enough of a factor to partly explain the interracial dating gap.
I think most mainland Chinese parents these days would be OK with a white husband, or “acceptable” and rich Asians like Koreans. And poor rural Chinese bachelors frequently take on Vietnamese or North Korean brides, depending on where in China they are located: the latter has declined somewhat in prominence as the refugee flow has ceased somewhat under Kim Jong Un, but it used to be easy to find them considering how many ethnic Koreans live in Northeast China and how, unlike most of the world’s refugee movements, the majority of North Koreans who fled were women. Japanese would be much more sticky for the nationalistically inclined. One funny thing the PRC government has done whenever copying an idea from Japan since the 1990s is attribute it to South Korea (economics/culture) or Vietnam (politics) instead.
For South Asians, it interestingly tends to be the other way around. My admittedly superficial observation is that the sons are freer to marry interracially, and the daughters are under heavy pressure to bring home a nice desi boy. Curiously, this seems to be the case for both Muslims and Hindus, who otherwise tend to have diametrically opposed theological views on tribe and conversion. I’d be curious to learn why that is.
Father born to Chinese immigrants, studies science, works at CIA, and retires from the FBI.
His half-white sons study theater and sociology in college and join BLM demonstrations with the encouragement of their white mother.
Domestic eruption!
Thank God I married a sane white woman. ;)Replies: @nebulafox
The funny thing about all this going on is the fact that these radicalized young people are uncritically aping dominant upper-middle class white mental complexes and assumption, even as they decry “whiteness”. Key among them: that their behavior dictates the world around them, that other “good” people instinctively think like them, and that non-white cultures do not have their own histories.
It’s the White Man’s Burden all over again. Just that this time around, the White Man arriving wasn’t bringing civilization to slumbering inferior peoples, but corrupting innocent children with their own innately wicked ways. The contours have been reversed, the heart remains the same, complete with the failure to understand human nature.
I do know that (Asian) Students For Fair Admissions v. Harvard is currently (June 2020) on appeal to the First Circuit, not the Supreme Court. Everyone expects it’s going to the Supreme Court, though… unless Harvard wins in USCA1 (actually pretty likely) and the Left coerces the Supremes to deny cert. My assumption that the DOJ will maintain some kind of support for SFFA may be wrong; DOJ may just wear the embarrassment of reversing their stance after the November election. However, I think SFFA will get to the Supreme Court and with at least nominal (though deliberately wishy-washy) DOJ support. I think the high court will grant cert out of self-importance and to definitively kick SFFA in the teeth pour décourager les autres.
Although I do not expect it, I will be pleased if some miracle bestows a Supreme Court win on SFFA.
But it doesn't look like they want to marry and have a family with white guys.
Among my circle of friends there are several young men in their twenties who had asian girlfriends for a year or two. I think the white boys (both smart engineer types, good husband material frankly) were more interested in the relationship than the asian girlfriends.Replies: @Peterike
“ But it doesn’t look like they want to marry and have a family with white guys.”
My neighborhood is crawling with WM/Chinese female couples pushing baby carriages.
But my favorite is the harried looking Chinese woman pushing around two clearly half black children (they look like space aliens). I have never seen the father.
So long as YT suffers, we all win. All hail the BIPOC coalition!
Doesn’t her argument boil down to: we should stop letting so many Asians take up valuable college seats because they’re flops in real life?
That doesn’t fix it either, because the clock has run out on the White woman he didn’t marry.
True enough, until we can figure out how to stand up for ourselves. What will asians do when they've taken as much as they can, and they're the new fat cat ethnic group in America? They'll close ranks and defend what they have, that's what.
The Jews are millennia ahead in this game, they're always living in societies in which they are outnumbered, and they know that the only way to survive and prosper is to close ranks and push and manipulate for advantages for their group.Replies: @Thomas
Whites will be extinct before they learn to stand up for themselves. As we watch, history and nature are passing their final judgment on a high-trust, high-performance race that failed to segregate itself from low-trust, high-performance aliens.
Although I do not expect it, I will be pleased if some miracle bestows a Supreme Court win on SFFA.Replies: @Dan Hayes
Hard to believe or even hope for any Supreme Court miracle with Roberts and now Gorsuch on board!
A white woman who is more 'cautious' (aka has Christian values) when dating doesn't stand a chance amongst Asian women who have no such moral qualms about panty dropping.
I wish I could put the email up of the white guy screaming at me 'This is why I hate White Women!" that I received during my dating days
Thank God I moved. And married.
I love all this Hate Whitey sh because only an absolute Idiot white dude could marry out Now. I heard this hate-whitey sh from my gfs who married white guys 20 years ago. I'm glad it's out in the open so that whites can see who the person in bed with them really is.
Everything can be fixed minus miscegenation. Miscegenation is Forever (unless you get a divorce and a second white wife young enough to start family #2)Replies: @Kaz, @Random Passer By
You’re full of it.
White women think they all deserve a 6’8″, perfect face billionaire with a 12″ swinger.
…and they are completely unwilling to settle for anything less well past child rearing age.
Women in general, and especially white women, are their own worst enemy.
Sadly, it is not me.
I come pretty close though.
Or stayed when offered Liberia.
I read through all the comments to see if anyone had addressed this claim, and no one has. Why would white admission decline after affirmative action is made illegal? Any ideas?
I did find an article stating that while total admissions for blacks and Latins declined, the graduation rates, GPA and honors awarded for minorities increased. The claim is that without affirmative action, people with normal, but not high, intelligence were admitted to the institution appropriate to their abilities and thus more likely to succeed.
But, I can't figure out why white rates of admission would decline after affirmative action was eliminated.Replies: @JohnPlywood
Because the number of young white people declined during that time period.
P.s., you also disproved the anti-affirmative action bullshit that is floating around here. Black and Hispanic admissions have declined, partly due to the huge number of wetbacks who will never go to college. This is why affirmative action won’t affect white applicants in California. They’re the minority there.
Your idea that black and hispanic admissions declined because of the number of illegals doesn't hold water. More illegals pouring in, even if low IQ and lower motivation, does not account for the fact that the actual numbers have declined. My idea is this:
Affirmative action outside California still exists. Prior to 209, the minority students qualified for the U of C system were admitted to Yale, students qualified for California State were admitted to U of C, and simply unqualified students were admitted to California State.
Subsequent to 209, the minority students qualified for the University of California were still drawn by Yale and the like. The students qualified for California State were admitted to California State and made decent grades. The unqualified students were not admitted at all. So, the state had a net drain of qualified minority students. The students going to the likes of Yale and Princeton felt out of place and became very angry.
If California reinstates affirmative action, you'll go back to the old pattern of massive unsuitable placement of minority students, massive waste of resources, and massive anger by the minority students.
Cope, they wouldn’t do shit and BLM got forced out of the suburbs. Why is the altright basically a feminine shithole full of runtish little brats who just cant to accept the fact that they are never going to be able to inject their feeble ass thoughts in to reality? Data, reason, objective truth all go out the window when rightoids show up to the table.
Altright national anthem:
And most of the white women at the PhD level will be either lesbians or feminists.
So even if you're a white male and want a white woman as first choice, if you're living/studying in SoCal, it's not so easy. Many settle for second best (Asian women), or for the woman who is pushy and goes after them (which again will be the Asian ones, white women will rarely do that, much less for a nerdy PhD).
(Second best in terms of attractiveness, but then again, it all depends, as white women are also more prone to obesity, etc).Replies: @JohnPlywood
Dumbo, you belong to one of the following aggrieved classes of victims who have been hurt by Asian women:
Asian male
White female
Pick one. Asian women are the best, white women are third or fourth pick even among married men. The problem for you is that although you can deny the multiple scientific studies demonstrating that men consider Asian women’s looks to be more beautiful, you cannot deny the public admission of Swedish white women, who state that they themselves are inferior to Asian women:
Chinese way is not destroy. War metaphors?
The way of the black is to destroy. See how they treat each other.
The Chinese way is deceit and trickery so that you surrender or do what they want without having to go to war.
Every battle is won before it's fought.Replies: @Bucky
Asian male
White female
Pick one. Asian women are the best, white women are third or fourth pick even among married men. The problem for you is that although you can deny the multiple scientific studies demonstrating that men consider Asian women's looks to be more beautiful, you cannot deny the public admission of Swedish white women, who state that they themselves are inferior to Asian women: Replies: @Steve Sailer, @throtler
Swedish women back home in Sweden don’t expect to have to spend an hour per day on makeup and hair. Swedish women have a cartel where they can sleep in a little extra because they don’t compete that hard for men — time studies have shown that Swedish women spend notably less time on grooming than do Italian women. Being an Italian woman doesn’t leave much time for sleep.
In a study of time use in Sweden, Denmark, France, and Italy (Bonke and Koch-Weser--2003), the researchers compared the number of hours and minutes spent by childless couples and by couples with two children on paid work, leisure, and "care and needs" (e.g. eating, sleeping, grooming). They learned the male-female division of labor in families with and without children was remarkably similar in hours and minutes per day that were devoted to leisure and "care and needs". Only in France did women have about an hour less leisure time than men, and in that nation, men spent only 89% as much time as "care and needs" as the women". But in the other three countries, men spent more than 90% as much time on "care and needs" as the women.
Swedish women have been shaped by a Lutheran society that enables a more equal status to men in the key areas of career opportunities, pay gap, and parental leave. Italian women, on the other hand, in their Catholic upbringing make more sacrifices when it comes to career and family given how traditional gender roles persist, like domestic chores and the tending to elderly parents. From my experiences with women of both cultures, Swedish and Italian females are quite sociable, with Swedish ladies tending to avoid conflict and Italian ladies being more likely to be confrontational.
This study looks at the distribution of leisure time between the genders in Australia. @Anonymous
I think this is mostly myth. From what I’ve seen, the report cards we have show Einstein doing very well in math and physics, basically average at everything else.
My sense is that he would have done very well on a standardized test, but he was too unfocused and uninterested in pleasing his teachers to be a first-rate all-around student. In other words, he followed the pattern of the typical boy, who tends to be a better test-taker than the girls, even though he’s a worse grade-getter.
South Asians are overrepresented and prominent in American politics, political punditry, media and journalism, whereas East Asians are notably absent. Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, the Seattle Socialist politician, Preet Bharara, Neel Kashkari, Dinesh D'Souza, Ramesh Ponnuru, Reihan Salam, Anand Ghiridiras, Farhad Manjoo, Bhaskar Sunkara (founder of Jacobin), Saikat Chakrabarti (the mastermind behind AOC), Neil Patel (co-founder w/ Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller), etc.
In the UK, South Asians are prominent in the political scene on both left and right. See for example Boris Johnson's cabinet where they're very overrepresented.
By contrast, Andrew Yang is one of the few notable East Asian figures in politics, and he needed a novel concrete gimmick to gain recognition. I don't think he would've gotten anywhere if he had gotten involved with either more mainstream political ideas or more vague political ideas that require lots of salesmanship. He needed a concrete gimmick that largely sells itself.
The kinds of abilities and inclinations that enable success in politics and punditry are similar to those that enable success in business corporate hierarchies.Replies: @Twinkie
Her choice of sunglasses, earrings, and pet are all enormous red flags.
White women think they all deserve a 6'8", perfect face billionaire with a 12" swinger.
...and they are completely unwilling to settle for anything less well past child rearing age.
Women in general, and especially white women, are their own worst enemy.Replies: @throtler, @JohnnyWalker123
Men who are ugly, bald, old and work at low-paying jobs still think they should have women who look like Playboy bunnies as girlfriends.
Asian male
White female
Pick one. Asian women are the best, white women are third or fourth pick even among married men. The problem for you is that although you can deny the multiple scientific studies demonstrating that men consider Asian women's looks to be more beautiful, you cannot deny the public admission of Swedish white women, who state that they themselves are inferior to Asian women: Replies: @Steve Sailer, @throtler
And you must be an Asian female. Sorry, loser, the blue-eyed blonde will always be #1.
The way of the black is to destroy. See how they treat each other.
The Chinese way is deceit and trickery so that you surrender or do what they want without having to go to war.Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
Every battle is won before it’s fought.
Blacks just fight without thinking anything through.
Visionaries such as Franklin and Webster saw an America that was the nearly exclusive inheritance of white-Western man. An island people (when America was mainly British-descended) or a subcontinental people (when America accepted immigrants from other parts of Europe) would become a continental people. A country larger than Europe it would be, a single polity rather than many polities, a single ethne rather than a polyglot empire, a people with a common ancestry and a common tongue. A nation bigger, yea better and more moral, than Rome at the height of her glory—that is the vision that our hardy ancestors brought to life, that is the inheritance that our forefathers vouchsafed to us, and that is the glory that we have traded for a mess of multiculturalist pottage.
White women think they all deserve a 6'8", perfect face billionaire with a 12" swinger.
...and they are completely unwilling to settle for anything less well past child rearing age.
Women in general, and especially white women, are their own worst enemy.Replies: @throtler, @JohnnyWalker123
In the history of mankind, there’s only been one man who ever met those requirements.
Sadly, it is not me.
I come pretty close though.
“The longer Asians assimilate into America’s culture of Hate Whiteyism, the more they hate whitey.”
And yet another false premise by Mr. Sailer.
“Swedish women have a cartel where they can sleep in a little extra because they don’t compete that hard for men — time studies have shown that Swedish women spend notably less time on grooming than do Italian women.”
In a study of time use in Sweden, Denmark, France, and Italy (Bonke and Koch-Weser–2003), the researchers compared the number of hours and minutes spent by childless couples and by couples with two children on paid work, leisure, and “care and needs” (e.g. eating, sleeping, grooming). They learned the male-female division of labor in families with and without children was remarkably similar in hours and minutes per day that were devoted to leisure and “care and needs”. Only in France did women have about an hour less leisure time than men, and in that nation, men spent only 89% as much time as “care and needs” as the women”. But in the other three countries, men spent more than 90% as much time on “care and needs” as the women.
Swedish women have been shaped by a Lutheran society that enables a more equal status to men in the key areas of career opportunities, pay gap, and parental leave. Italian women, on the other hand, in their Catholic upbringing make more sacrifices when it comes to career and family given how traditional gender roles persist, like domestic chores and the tending to elderly parents. From my experiences with women of both cultures, Swedish and Italian females are quite sociable, with Swedish ladies tending to avoid conflict and Italian ladies being more likely to be confrontational.
This study looks at the distribution of leisure time between the genders in Australia.
Men who are ugly, bald, old and work at low-paying jobs are the only ones who can remember the phenomenon of Playboy Bunnies.
ablelikelyalmost-certain-to easily (and perhaps even vividly) recall the phenomenon of the Playboy Bunny is to be no younger than at most forty or so. (And to have come-of-age within the mainstream of just about any modern society, certainly any Western or Western-style one.) One's appearance, wealth and status are utterly irrelevant.Ah, for the innocence of a time when the most alluring, most titillating taboo item that a boy was likely to encounter-- or even covet-- was a mere Playboy. Today's youth are so robbed-- robbed of so much of the mystery, the thrill, the wonder, and the other other distinct advantages of the far more gradual, measured, buffered, and timely experience of growing-up that was the norm back in the pre-Internet era. Can anyone not be nostalgic for such bygone days?Replies: @black seaYes, but did he have an onion on his belt?
Can you recommend some reading that discusses their vision?
For Webster I'm relying on my memory of a quote of his somewhere where he says that someday the United States will have a population of 250 million.
Franklin, Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc., 1751 (
Read also the biography of Franklin by H.W. Brands, in which Brands shows how Franklin realized that the colonies would soon be more populous, richer, and more powerful than the motherland and would dominate the British Empire of which he for most of his life saw himself as a subject.
For Webster I’m relying on my memory of a quote of his somewhere where he says that someday the United States will have a population of 250 million.
The current solution of making courses easier to pass may increase the number of graduates but will not increase overall competency.
It will increase college revenues since a professor, or more likely, low paid adjunct professor, teaching a huge cohort of first year students is far more profitable for the college than a tenured professor teaching a small handful of fourth year students.
Also, the cheapening of a college degree means businesses now no longer use a college degree as an indicator of potential success and instead rely on other methods to select employees.
A college may no longer use a SAT score to select students, but a business like Google will instead use their own form of testing to select employees. The only person that suffers is the student. Instead of being informed of their lack of ability before they spend a lot of money and time, they are indulged with useless platitudes only to find out too late that they have no marketable skills. Even worse, it's easier for an 18 year old to learn a trade than a 24 year old.
The colleges may eventually suffer a loss of reputation, but with the current oligopoly, they are relatively safe in the short term.Replies: @Lowe
How much easier is it for an 18 y/o to learn a skill than a 24 y/o? The difference must be marginal.
I thought the same. Problems in real life, only whites solve efficiently. For example, from what country the vaccine against covid-19 will come from? I seems it will come from UK.
Caribbean women have to work a little harder but the results are just as good - look at pictures of Irene Cara, for example, who is somewhere in the middle when it comes to Afro-Carribean women with good genetic luck with hair. My guess is that maybe one out of ten men, at most, who comment here have ever been married or engaged to a woman with hair as nice as Irene Cara.Northern women - starting in Lapland, moving along past the Siberian indigenous ladies, the Inuit, and then the Icelanders, Greenlanders, and basically all the Irish and Scots and Dutch and Spaniards and northern French and so on - basically every woman born in a country that has a seashore north of Lisbon - has no problem with beautiful hair. Unless they have a genetic deficiency - many of the female characters in Dickens and Trollope, for example, are described as having trouble with their hair, but they are almost always the characters who are - to the modern eye - obvious portraits of women who have drawn the short card re genetics - inbred and crabby, for example, or with obvious chromosome trouble (not always quite pinheads or victims of fetal alcohol syndrome or *******, the poor dears, but usually close or very close), or too much of a genetic fondness for drinking too much gin, which is bad for women who want to have beautiful soft luxuriant hair past the age of 25...(sorry gin makers! you shouldn't sell your gin to young women in England! there are better and less selfish ways to make a profit!)Somewhere about ten days walk south of the Sahara desert, for some reason that God only knows, female hair is just not all that much of a thing compared to the male hair of the same ethnic groups.
In other words, female hair there is just not all that exciting to men. Translated to the modern world - well, let's just say there is a reason that "weaves" are a huge deal for some ethnic groups and not so huge for others.On the other hand, your average sub-Saharan African woman has much nicer eyes than you would expect (if you don't believe me, do a google image search of the Nigerian women in the Miss World or Miss Universe contest over the last 15 years ... we are talking here about lots and lots of women with beautiful eyes at the Elizabeth Taylor or Ava G. level) , and let's face it, anyone who knows much about how beautiful women are knows ... anyone who knows much about female beauty knows that sub-African women can rock white lace underwear with the best of them, sure blue and green may not work quite as well, but if we are talking white lace underwear, or orange, or purple, trust me, your Nigerian women and your Zulu women, and all the women in neighboring countries, are probably astounding! (red works for all women, and your Meditteranean?Caucasian/Asian women have a distinct advantage in blue or green or yellow lace underwear).I realize not many commenters here have reflected long on the beauty of African women, but I have.Replies: @anonymous
TLDR – so if Beyonce is reading this, or one of her sisters, look, stop trying to recapture the near-divine Britney of the mid-90s and go for the similarly divine Irene Cara look of the 80s.
I know what I am talking about.
Most men can’t afford the luxury of standards, for if they did they might as well join a celibate monastic order!
It didn’t use to be like this, but the last decade things went nutty.
Asian ladies often step in an give attention to men white women have turned their nosed up at.
I don’t know the answer to your question, but I do remember a conversation with a residential builder who said he far preferred to work with subcontractors who had grown up learning their trade, usually from their fathers. He didn’t think much of college graduates who then decided to become carpenters.
In a study of time use in Sweden, Denmark, France, and Italy (Bonke and Koch-Weser--2003), the researchers compared the number of hours and minutes spent by childless couples and by couples with two children on paid work, leisure, and "care and needs" (e.g. eating, sleeping, grooming). They learned the male-female division of labor in families with and without children was remarkably similar in hours and minutes per day that were devoted to leisure and "care and needs". Only in France did women have about an hour less leisure time than men, and in that nation, men spent only 89% as much time as "care and needs" as the women". But in the other three countries, men spent more than 90% as much time on "care and needs" as the women.
Swedish women have been shaped by a Lutheran society that enables a more equal status to men in the key areas of career opportunities, pay gap, and parental leave. Italian women, on the other hand, in their Catholic upbringing make more sacrifices when it comes to career and family given how traditional gender roles persist, like domestic chores and the tending to elderly parents. From my experiences with women of both cultures, Swedish and Italian females are quite sociable, with Swedish ladies tending to avoid conflict and Italian ladies being more likely to be confrontational.
This study looks at the distribution of leisure time between the genders in Australia. @Anonymous
To help the readership better understand your experiences, Swedish females seemed to be agreeable for a while when you hit on them, then politely rejected you or quietly disappeared first chance they got, and Italian females stayed around for a bit when you chatted them up, then laughed at you, spat on you or threw at you a glass of whatever they drank at the moment, making sure everyone around noticed.
YOUR experiences, not mine.
Every battle is won before it's fought.Replies: @Bucky
Yup. And because Chinese know how to think ahead, that is what they do. The game of Go is exactly that.
Blacks just fight without thinking anything through.
I have no idea why you think the reinstatement of affirmative action won’t hurt whites. Minorities are defined as non-white, regardless of the actual number involved. What you seem to be saying is, there will be seats going begging in California, and admitting qualified whites will not push out Hispanics and blacks to the extent that they do not have a proportional number of students. This assumes that California will maintain its subsidies of college seats such that they are available for anyone who meets the qualification, which is anyone who wants to go.
Your idea that black and hispanic admissions declined because of the number of illegals doesn’t hold water. More illegals pouring in, even if low IQ and lower motivation, does not account for the fact that the actual numbers have declined. My idea is this:
Affirmative action outside California still exists. Prior to 209, the minority students qualified for the U of C system were admitted to Yale, students qualified for California State were admitted to U of C, and simply unqualified students were admitted to California State.
Subsequent to 209, the minority students qualified for the University of California were still drawn by Yale and the like. The students qualified for California State were admitted to California State and made decent grades. The unqualified students were not admitted at all. So, the state had a net drain of qualified minority students. The students going to the likes of Yale and Princeton felt out of place and became very angry.
If California reinstates affirmative action, you’ll go back to the old pattern of massive unsuitable placement of minority students, massive waste of resources, and massive anger by the minority students.
Maybe, Asians realize that affirmative action or no affirmative action, Blacks with an average IQ of 85, will never be able to compete with them in STEM?
“To help the readership better understand your experiences, Swedish females seemed to be agreeable for a while when you hit on them, then politely rejected you or quietly disappeared first chance they got, and Italian females stayed around for a bit when you chatted them up, then laughed at you, spat on you or threw at you a glass of whatever they drank at the moment, making sure everyone around noticed.”
YOUR experiences, not mine.
My problem with this analysis is that there are over 2 billion Asian people in the world. There are a lot of smart Asians, and if we allowed 5 million selectively chosen ones (test scores, wealth, etc.) to immigrate to the US every year, we could well create a number of university systems, both public and private, with majority Asian populations. Why is this in the interest of Americans who live here and whose forefathers built these institutions for the benefit of their descendants?
I know that HBD proponents, like Sailer, Unz, and Derbyshire, are constantly arguing the US would be a much better place if our NAMs could be replaced with high IQ Asians, but this whole Covid-19 thing has thrown a lot of cold water on that idea. As the Chinese government response to the challenge has demonstrated, Asian ideas about democracy, freedom of expression, etc. are very different from ours. If you dispute this fact, just look at how resistant many US citizens have been to the idea of wearing face masks, versus citizens of Asian countries, who like automatons, dutifully don them at the behest of their leaders.
The Chinese "hide the truth and save face" response to this virus has US citizens facing record levels of unemployment and bankruptcy filings. I do not support making the US more like China, Korea, and Japan in the form of an Asian elite class and neither do most thoughtful Americans.Replies: @Twinkie, @notsaying, @Anonymous
That’s a Communism problem rather than an Asian problem. The USSR was just the same.
What utter nonsense! The only criterion for being
ablelikelyalmost-certain-to easily (and perhaps even vividly) recall the phenomenon of the Playboy Bunny is to be no younger than at most forty or so. (And to have come-of-age within the mainstream of just about any modern society, certainly any Western or Western-style one.) One’s appearance, wealth and status are utterly irrelevant.Ah, for the innocence of a time when the most alluring, most titillating taboo item that a boy was likely to encounter– or even covet— was a mere Playboy. Today’s youth are so robbed– robbed of so much of the mystery, the thrill, the wonder, and the other other distinct advantages of the far more gradual, measured, buffered, and timely experience of growing-up that was the norm back in the pre-Internet era. Can anyone not be nostalgic for such bygone days?
ablelikelyalmost-certain-to easily (and perhaps even vividly) recall the phenomenon of the Playboy Bunny is to be no younger than at most forty or so. (And to have come-of-age within the mainstream of just about any modern society, certainly any Western or Western-style one.) One's appearance, wealth and status are utterly irrelevant.Ah, for the innocence of a time when the most alluring, most titillating taboo item that a boy was likely to encounter-- or even covet-- was a mere Playboy. Today's youth are so robbed-- robbed of so much of the mystery, the thrill, the wonder, and the other other distinct advantages of the far more gradual, measured, buffered, and timely experience of growing-up that was the norm back in the pre-Internet era. Can anyone not be nostalgic for such bygone days?Replies: @black seaIt was meant as a joke.
A qualified touche` may indeed be in order here from me. Perhaps even somewhat of an apology. I did realize that you were almost certainly, at the very least, not being entirely serious. But the sentiment that I perceived and was responding to– a smug, ignorance-revealing impudence for older generations on the part of younger, relatively callow individuals– is one that I unfortunately have found not so rarely exhibited by some of the individuals who at least occasionally post here.
At any rate, I certainly thank you– not just for replying but for doing so entirely within the bounds of civility.