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Revisiting a previous post on the expressed tolerance for violence as a means of achieving a better society, another interesting demographic angle I didn’t cover now jumps out at me. The idea of using violence is far more popular among those with college educations than among those without one. Percentages, by age and educational attainment, who agree that “to achieve my idea of a better society, violent acts are acceptable”:

As the startling graph shows, this is not simply due to a higher percentage of younger people relative to older people both having college degrees and supporting violence. Millennials and Zeds who’ve gone through the post-modern university system are far, far more inclined towards the use of violence than those who have steered clear of academia. Among older generations, the trend moves modestly in the opposite direction, with the more educated expressing greater opposition to violence than their less educated cohorts.

Contemporary higher education is Western civilization’s fifth column. It indebts our young people. It marinates them in a violent hatred of their past and of their present in order to deprive them of their future. And it doesn’t just steal their future by turning them into civilizational sappers–it reduces their lifetime fertility more than anything else in society.

Its collapse–which is coming–cannot come soon enough.

•�Category: Arts/Letters, Economics, Ideology
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  1. I think free tuition would be a step in the right direction. Like Starbucks opening their restrooms to the homeless.

    •�LOL: Audacious Epigone
  2. I think free tuition is a step in the right direction. Like Starbucks opening their restrooms to the homeless.

    •�Replies: @216
    @Ledford Ledford

    The "free tuition" that exists in Germany would be hard to export here. As I understand we have some German readers, they can improve on the holes that I will inevitably leave.

    European univerisities are much less luxiriant than American universities.

    Most European students don't live in "on-campus" housing, the Oxbridge "residential colleges" are just as uncommon over there as they are here.

    European students can't as easily switch the area of study as Americans can.

    European professors do less research and more teaching than American professors. Arguably a plus.

    Griggs v Duke Power was never enacted in Europe, so the signalling power of a degree is not as needed. Less Europeans go to college than White Americans on a per capita basis.

    The kicker:

    European universites are exam-based admissions. None of the A/A crap or the "holistic" admissions.

    Replies: @g2k
  3. As the startling graph shows

    Don’t we have to know what the 60+ thought when they were 18-29 and what the 18-29s think when they get 60+?

    •�Agree: Achmed E. Newman
    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    Maybe it's not unprecedented, but I certainly didn't expect it.
  4. “Millennials and Zeds who’ve gone through the post-modern university system are far, far more inclined towards the use of violence than those who have steered clear of academia.”

    Eh. Video game violence =/= real violence.

    I’m quite sure that the first one to get the sharp end of a knife to any number of body parts or gets some hot lead in the abdomen resulting in that wheel chair life will soften that pro-violence idea right quick.

    Matter of fact, from what I’ve seen in the gym, a good slap in the face by someone who is clearly not fucking around will solve that problem quickly as well.

    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan
    , @Wilbur Hassenfus

    They don’t all have to engage in it. They just have to find it perfectly acceptable when someone else gives you a depressed skull fracture with a bike lock (from behind, because you’ll be outnumbered and unsupported — because our side never learns anything, ever). They just have to agree that it’s what you had coming, because you’re an accused racist — so they can happily keep voting for the local Democrats who make sure that the local cops let Antifa operate freely. They just have to be the prosecutor who always decides there’s never enough evidence to press charges against any leftist wearing a ski mask. They just have to be the IT guy who finds unz.com in your browser history. They just have to be the FBI agents who “resist” free and fair elections.

    This is real. The leftmost half of young college grads believes it’s ok for someone to break your legs because of who they think you voted for, and those are the ones who will go into government. This is real. It’s real, and it’s serious. It’s a bitch to think about, but it’s coming right at us. The mainstream left is getting crazier every year.
  5. @Ledford Ledford
    I think free tuition is a step in the right direction. Like Starbucks opening their restrooms to the homeless.

    Replies: @216

    The “free tuition” that exists in Germany would be hard to export here. As I understand we have some German readers, they can improve on the holes that I will inevitably leave.

    European univerisities are much less luxiriant than American universities.

    Most European students don’t live in “on-campus” housing, the Oxbridge “residential colleges” are just as uncommon over there as they are here.

    European students can’t as easily switch the area of study as Americans can.

    European professors do less research and more teaching than American professors. Arguably a plus.

    Griggs v Duke Power was never enacted in Europe, so the signalling power of a degree is not as needed. Less Europeans go to college than White Americans on a per capita basis.

    The kicker:

    European universites are exam-based admissions. None of the A/A crap or the “holistic” admissions.

    •�Replies: @g2k

    I would hardly call European universities spartan. A lot of the stuff universities provide in the states is provided by municipal governments anyway. One subject is typically picked and studied all the way through. I only know about stem here, which seems like less of a breeding ground for sjwism in America anyway, but, the big difference in Germany is how darwinian they are about throwing people out who get bad marks; I think the figure for maths is around 40%. That kind of regime is unthinkable with high tuition fees, and with that hanging over them, it kind of puts 'microagressions' into perspective. Screaming in a prof's face for not creating a 'place of comfort and home' rings hollow if you're likely to be turfed out in a couple of months for poor performance. Profs typically have a take it or leave it approach when it comes to teaching and generally don't interact much with undergrads any more than they're contractually obliged to. Salaries are low though, so the big advantage of the us system is that it can pay star salaries to star performers.

    Replies: @jbwilson24
  6. It’s also because this is precisely the generation whose elites have not experienced real violence, be it war or criminal- usually black – violence on the street. Their only exposure is through video games.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute

    It’s also because this is precisely the generation whose elites have not experienced real violence, be it war or criminal- usually black – violence on the street.
    Yeah, thanks for stealing my thunder there Twinkie The Kid.

    These shits today have no clue what violence means. Kids don’t brawl on elementary school playgrounds or meet off school grounds after school for ass-beatings anymore. They press buttons on their gaming controllers and shout threats at their tv screens. They’ve never heard the unique and unforgettable sound of a bat or pipe striking a skull. Never seen a best friend with pressure relief drain in his noodle due to cranial swelling. Never driven a pal to the ER with stab wounds. Hell, except for hick farm boys, they’ve never killed anything bigger than an insect.

    There’s never been a more coddled and sheltered population. The first time they hear a gun report on their left and a bullet strike on their right they’ll collapse in a puddle of their own terror piss. Even our cops today are massive pussies terrified to even risk an ass-beating - the root cause of the cop shooting unarmed people problem.
    , @Feryl

    According to the Youth Risk Behavior survey (which is easy to find and search online), which is a goldmine of data as to what kids are actually up to, things like getting into fights, bringing a weapon to school, and so forth, have been declining heavily since the early 2000's among high school age kids. And there's been year over year improvements basically every year since about 1997.

    My hunch is that late Boomer and Gen X parents raised kids to be the opposite of what they themselves were like in the 70's-90's. Oh, and actual incidents of school violence were highest in the mid-late 70's, although the number of high profile 1990's school shootings distorted our perception of school violence (e.g., there were a lot of "mundane" beatings and knifings in the 70's that generally did not become big stories, while a handful of assholes picking off people with guns in the 90's-present day is treated like real serious business, probably to play up the gun control angle). My dad, born in 1960, says that even in his smaller town 100%white high school, at least 10% of the kids acted like animals in the late 70's, which frightened and frustrated the older generations who served as teachers and administrators.
  7. As Heartiste and others point out, net-net, higher education for women costs society more than it is worth.

    For the 15% of women who do useful work in jobs that are not make-work (say, nurses, etc.), there are another 85% of women who lower productivity at best, and persecute productivity at worst.

    If AE did a gender split of his graph, we would see an even more precise picture of who believes what.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing - a fantastic profession - but one best learned as a trainee? Is there a "theory of nursing" that one needs to study hours a day with academics? This mad push to make degrees necessary for everything only serves to raise the barriers of entry to adulthood. Other professions that shouldn't need degrees include stock market trader, primary school teacher, military officer, government bureaucrat, most corporate jobs etc etc etc.

    Replies: @Thomm, @RVBlake, @Sofi
  8. Some narratives still refuse to die


    Note “harass” used to describe a peaceful protest.

    The lesson has to become, IMO, that we need to become inward looking rather than foolishly carrying on the Boomer-age “silent majority”. Full narrative collapse will not shake the left out of their delusion.

    We need separate countries.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @216



    This right here (root story one celebrity attacking another celebrity) is a demand for secular blasphemy laws. Which is what hate speech essentially is. The mere criticism of degeneracy apparently is a causal factor of mental illness (note the obvious Copernican solution here).

    The obvious demand, albeit unspoken (exorbiant privilege of leftism), is that (white) Christians must be closeted to avoid giving offense. She would not criticize a non-white, even an Asian, with the same intensity.

    And to make it clear: You cannot be logically consistent by supporting reassignment surgery but opposing conversion therapy.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Audacious Epigone

    And until then we need debilitating monetary damages awarded on behalf of those who've been so maliciously slandered and defamed. I hope he turns 18 with lifelong FU money at his disposal.
  9. I’m shocked at how infantile most of my fellow university students are. Occasionally, when I have to take an elective in psychology, or other arts fields, I’m shocked to see how immature these students are. There aren’t grown ups. These aren’t young men, or women. These are kids – and rather than growing up to get through the university system, the university system changes to baby them through.

    In the STEM field, things are different. You see young men and women forming, and reading to become productive citizens. Even the non-whites are much more grown up than the white arts students, though they suffer from a huge inferiority complex and feel like they have no home, ultimately aping black culture. Naturally, the finest young people are young white people coming out of STEM programs, or working in the trades.

    But when you see some of these baby face white students in the arts, you just want to slap them across the face. Wake up! Man up! Their ancestors were WW2 fighters, new world conquerors and explorers. Never had to deal with hardship.

    So while I have no doubt that the support for violence is higher among these clowns, it amounts more to throwing a temper tantrum because evil mean Drumpf was elected – rather than a plan for carrying out serious, radical violence.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @obwandiyag

    STEMMers are usually Asburgers I mean Asperger's.

    Replies: @MarkinLA
  10. A hint of what an Abrams dictatorship would have put on the table had she stolen the election.


    That said, any display of CSA imagery is viewed by our opinion-makers as no differeant than NSDAP imagery.

    Drop it.

    Pick up an EU flag instead.

    Make them call the EU a symbol of white supremacy.

    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    How long until the stars and stripes gets there?

    Replies: @216
    , @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.

    When I was a kid about 40 years or so ago, I was visiting Swamp City DC and I was given a choice of shirts to buy as a memento of the trip. I chose to get a Confederate Battle Flag short-sleeved shirt. Back then, the Confederate Battle Flag was no big deal. It is a cool flag with great colors and a striking pattern.

    Trump is a New York City shyster boy with very little connection to the historic American nation.

    I have at least one ancestor who fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side for the state of Tennessee and at least one who fought in the American Colonial Secessionary War against the British Empire.

    Trump has stabbed the historic American nation in the back by pushing mass legal immigration.

    Trump has sided with the mass legal immigration extremists who want to flood the United States with foreigners.

    Trump has sided with Shelly Adelson and Jared Kushner and the globalizers and the GOP Cheap Labor Faction on mass legal immigration.

    Trump will not advance the interests of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States.

    I would love to defend the honor and memory of the Confederate veterans of the Civil War by standing with those who will protect the Confederate statues and monuments from the nation-wrecking scum who want to tear them down.

    I hereby challenge New York City Shyster Boy Trumpy to a debate on mass legal immigration, illegal immigration, American national identity, foreign policy and the honor and dignity of the Confederate veterans.

    Pewitt Immigration Plan:



    Replies: @216
  11. @216
    Some narratives still refuse to die


    Note "harass" used to describe a peaceful protest.

    The lesson has to become, IMO, that we need to become inward looking rather than foolishly carrying on the Boomer-age "silent majority". Full narrative collapse will not shake the left out of their delusion.

    We need separate countries.

    Replies: @216, @Audacious Epigone


    This right here (root story one celebrity attacking another celebrity) is a demand for secular blasphemy laws. Which is what hate speech essentially is. The mere criticism of degeneracy apparently is a causal factor of mental illness (note the obvious Copernican solution here).

    The obvious demand, albeit unspoken (exorbiant privilege of leftism), is that (white) Christians must be closeted to avoid giving offense. She would not criticize a non-white, even an Asian, with the same intensity.

    And to make it clear: You cannot be logically consistent by supporting reassignment surgery but opposing conversion therapy.

    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

    I've been keeping up with the tweets you've been pasting in, 216. I'm getting two things out of it:

    1) I'm not getting a tweetceiver anytime soon. This constant barrage of stupidity would drive me nuts.

    2) These people are really ramping it up compared to even 5 years ago. I doubt the bill will pass, though I guess the unconstiutionality won't be any concern in this day and age because feelings can get hurt, which we can't have, per your 3rd comment. If it were to pass, it would be time for decent white people in Georgia to take action. Having the law come and take a flag out of the neighbors' own yard might be a reason for lots of people to wake the hell up.

    Replies: @216
  12. @216



    This right here (root story one celebrity attacking another celebrity) is a demand for secular blasphemy laws. Which is what hate speech essentially is. The mere criticism of degeneracy apparently is a causal factor of mental illness (note the obvious Copernican solution here).

    The obvious demand, albeit unspoken (exorbiant privilege of leftism), is that (white) Christians must be closeted to avoid giving offense. She would not criticize a non-white, even an Asian, with the same intensity.

    And to make it clear: You cannot be logically consistent by supporting reassignment surgery but opposing conversion therapy.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

    I’ve been keeping up with the tweets you’ve been pasting in, 216. I’m getting two things out of it:

    1) I’m not getting a tweetceiver anytime soon. This constant barrage of stupidity would drive me nuts.

    2) These people are really ramping it up compared to even 5 years ago. I doubt the bill will pass, though I guess the unconstiutionality won’t be any concern in this day and age because feelings can get hurt, which we can’t have, per your 3rd comment. If it were to pass, it would be time for decent white people in Georgia to take action. Having the law come and take a flag out of the neighbors’ own yard might be a reason for lots of people to wake the hell up.

    •�Replies: @216
    @Achmed E. Newman


    I don't actually use twitter, I just follow some accounts. The best responses tend to come in the replies, most Blue Checks are rather disciplined but Covington set them off at a primeval level.

    This is the attention seeking behavior by our people that I want to cease.


    Being ratio'd 10-1 by someone in Big Gay only dampens the spirit of your crowd, but plays into the victimhood narrative. She hasn't done anything productive in years, but somehow is still considered important.


    IIRC, both Mme. Goldy and her husband are both Ukrainian. So conceivably they could move back, whatever she can get from grifting here in USD/CAN would go much farther in UAH.

    Not sure to what extent the Ukrainian government could deny them a passport (presumably some moral character line), which would on paper require renunciation of the Canadian passport. But it is the logical thing for her to do.
  13. I suggest that Whites and Asians not bother sending their sons or daughters to college any more.

    It’s not worth it.

    They can easily learn to code on the internet 🙂

    •�LOL: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @MarkinLA
    @Peripatetic Commenter

    Coding is only step one in a career in computer science. The higher levels are unlikely to come to the self taught without a lot of flailing around. The higher positions require the ability to design complex systems with a lot of interconnected parts. Of course, some of that can come from experience while working at some company. However, it helps to have some familiarity with the concepts in general.
    , @Miro23
    @Peripatetic Commenter

    I suggest that Whites and Asians not bother sending their sons or daughters to college any more.

    It’s not worth it.

    They can easily learn to code on the internet

    This might not be such a joke. I have a Gen Z who did a maths online course (Australian Maths Online) for 4 years. It cost very little and was better than what he was getting in school (which he did in parallel). It got him a first in his year prize and took about 40 minutes each evening with a short video and set of questions.

    I suppose that the same system could also apply to other subjects.

    (I don't have any commercial connection to Australian Maths Online).
  14. I agree with Iffen’s point with regard to coming up with explanations. Would this graph have looked the same in 1980? How about 1968? I kinda doubt it would have in 1980, but in 1968, maybe likely. In the here and now though, if you just want to look at that, 47% is a lot of Commies! The old Bolsheviks would have LUVED, LUVED, LUVED to have seen these kinds of stats. The new Bolsheviks DO.

    Oh, and A.E., thanks for that link to student-loan-hero. I’ll have to peruse his site later on.

    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    @Achmed E. Newman

    BTW, that "student-loan-hero" site is a sales site for loan consolidation or something. Forget it.
  15. @iffen
    As the startling graph shows

    Don't we have to know what the 60+ thought when they were 18-29 and what the 18-29s think when they get 60+?

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    Maybe it’s not unprecedented, but I certainly didn’t expect it.

  16. @sondjata
    "Millennials and Zeds who’ve gone through the post-modern university system are far, far more inclined towards the use of violence than those who have steered clear of academia."

    Eh. Video game violence =/= real violence.

    I'm quite sure that the first one to get the sharp end of a knife to any number of body parts or gets some hot lead in the abdomen resulting in that wheel chair life will soften that pro-violence idea right quick.

    Matter of fact, from what I've seen in the gym, a good slap in the face by someone who is clearly not fucking around will solve that problem quickly as well.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone, @Wilbur Hassenfus

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren’t the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute
    @Audacious Epigone

    support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated
    A good film illustration of this point is “A History of Violence” with Viggo Mortensen.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone
    , @iffen
    @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated.

    Maybe as violent actors themselves, but they are a ready source of enablers and followers of those that do commit to actual violence.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone
    , @Feryl
    @Audacious Epigone

    There does seem to be a preference for individual or collective violence, by generation. Late Silents and early Boomers had relatively little experience with individual violence in their 40's,50's and 60's youth (street fights, crime, domestic violence), yet showed a large capacity for collective violence (riots, bombings, protests, mob violence, politically/goal-oriented violence) in the 60's and early 70's.

    Late Boomers and early Gen X-ers showed a major capacity for individual violence in the 70's and 80's, yet terrorism and riots declined precipitously in the late 70's and 80's.

    The cycle is showing up again, with those born in the 90's and 2000's enjoying domestic tranquility WRT little street crime or domestic violence, yet these days they are showing signs of being willing to commit mob and politically oriented violence. It's strange that Charles Murray says that rising crime levels in downscale communities is a sign of social and political decay, when in reality street crime levels appear to be heavily correlated to generational factors, with the youth of late Boomers and Gen X-ers causing crime levels to reach record highs in the late 70's-early 90's. Meanwhile, Millennials and esp. Gen Z actually caused crime to plunge in the late 90's-present day, regardless of whatever political/cultural/financial problems we may have dealt with at the time.
    , @Pericles
    @Audacious Epigone

    Sure it can be gross and scary but it's very natural for humans to be violent, even white humans.
    , @SunBakedSuburb
    @Audacious Epigone

    Agreed. I doubt the majority of the pencil-neck Antifa warriors have ever experienced physical violence. Given human nature, violence is sometimes necessary to terminate a threat. But those who have experienced it and continue to seek it out are psychopaths.
    , @A.B. Prosper
    @Audacious Epigone

    A lock and a sock still gets the job done and on the whole half trained Leftists killed an lot more people than any Rightists ever did.

    In any case US students being tolerant of the idea of violence makes perfect sense. Our society is awash in violent imagery

    On top of that the US has been spending decades arming up for one and for two, university students are young, unattached often these days to a pathological degree and three they are filled with purpose, the one thing the Universities do well

    Also the less educated are almost always rooted in society these days, working , trying to build a family or just get by . Idealism isn't going to be a thing for them

    Many are also Conservative I suspect and outside Dissident/Alt circles the idea of ideology is borderline Orwellian Crime Think

    That weakness is why the Right has no power, they don't have any idea of what they want and are terrified of discussing it much less doing anything about it

    The Left suffers from no such problems and while what they want is often unattainable or foolish they are often willing to take it by force which speaks well of them.
    , @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan
    @Audacious Epigone

    This is very true. Many of the best Civil War generals had opposed the coming of the war. In fact, among the highest-ranking Confederates, the following all either personally opposed secession or were skeptical of it:

    - Robert E. Lee
    - Wade Hampton
    - James Longstreet
    - Braxton Bragg
    - Joseph E. Johnston

    Off the top of my head, mind you!

    Only a few army and corps commanders, no one special! LOL
  17. @216
    Some narratives still refuse to die


    Note "harass" used to describe a peaceful protest.

    The lesson has to become, IMO, that we need to become inward looking rather than foolishly carrying on the Boomer-age "silent majority". Full narrative collapse will not shake the left out of their delusion.

    We need separate countries.

    Replies: @216, @Audacious Epigone

    And until then we need debilitating monetary damages awarded on behalf of those who’ve been so maliciously slandered and defamed. I hope he turns 18 with lifelong FU money at his disposal.

  18. @216
    A hint of what an Abrams dictatorship would have put on the table had she stolen the election.


    That said, any display of CSA imagery is viewed by our opinion-makers as no differeant than NSDAP imagery.

    Drop it.

    Pick up an EU flag instead.

    Make them call the EU a symbol of white supremacy.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone, @Charles Pewitt

    How long until the stars and stripes gets there?

    •�Agree: Mr McKenna
    •�Replies: @216
    @Audacious Epigone


    Only if the current flag is replaced by the rainbow flag.

    Why hate and replace the symbols of American patriotism, when you can just steal them?

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone
  19. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
    I'm shocked at how infantile most of my fellow university students are. Occasionally, when I have to take an elective in psychology, or other arts fields, I'm shocked to see how immature these students are. There aren't grown ups. These aren't young men, or women. These are kids - and rather than growing up to get through the university system, the university system changes to baby them through.

    In the STEM field, things are different. You see young men and women forming, and reading to become productive citizens. Even the non-whites are much more grown up than the white arts students, though they suffer from a huge inferiority complex and feel like they have no home, ultimately aping black culture. Naturally, the finest young people are young white people coming out of STEM programs, or working in the trades.

    But when you see some of these baby face white students in the arts, you just want to slap them across the face. Wake up! Man up! Their ancestors were WW2 fighters, new world conquerors and explorers. Never had to deal with hardship.

    So while I have no doubt that the support for violence is higher among these clowns, it amounts more to throwing a temper tantrum because evil mean Drumpf was elected - rather than a plan for carrying out serious, radical violence.

    Replies: @obwandiyag

    STEMMers are usually Asburgers I mean Asperger’s.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    Not in my 30 years in tech. I saw very few Asperger's types.

    Replies: @obwandiyag
  20. “Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.”

    Mike Tyson

  21. @216
    @Ledford Ledford

    The "free tuition" that exists in Germany would be hard to export here. As I understand we have some German readers, they can improve on the holes that I will inevitably leave.

    European univerisities are much less luxiriant than American universities.

    Most European students don't live in "on-campus" housing, the Oxbridge "residential colleges" are just as uncommon over there as they are here.

    European students can't as easily switch the area of study as Americans can.

    European professors do less research and more teaching than American professors. Arguably a plus.

    Griggs v Duke Power was never enacted in Europe, so the signalling power of a degree is not as needed. Less Europeans go to college than White Americans on a per capita basis.

    The kicker:

    European universites are exam-based admissions. None of the A/A crap or the "holistic" admissions.

    Replies: @g2k

    I would hardly call European universities spartan. A lot of the stuff universities provide in the states is provided by municipal governments anyway. One subject is typically picked and studied all the way through. I only know about stem here, which seems like less of a breeding ground for sjwism in America anyway, but, the big difference in Germany is how darwinian they are about throwing people out who get bad marks; I think the figure for maths is around 40%. That kind of regime is unthinkable with high tuition fees, and with that hanging over them, it kind of puts ‘microagressions’ into perspective. Screaming in a prof’s face for not creating a ‘place of comfort and home’ rings hollow if you’re likely to be turfed out in a couple of months for poor performance. Profs typically have a take it or leave it approach when it comes to teaching and generally don’t interact much with undergrads any more than they’re contractually obliged to. Salaries are low though, so the big advantage of the us system is that it can pay star salaries to star performers.

    •�Replies: @jbwilson24

    I was told by one of my supervisors (German with PhD from Max Planck and a few years at Tech Univ Munich as a professor) that the problem with Germany for grad school is that the professors don't have the same power to select students. You get students who are paid salary but who can float. Something about the quality control seemed to bother him, but I didn't press for details.
  22. I suspect by ‘violence’ the students mean something like ‘punch Nazis’.

    It would somewhat surprise me if they really knew what civil war was like (e.g., Lebanon). I’d say a small group would really be prepared, as with Lenin, to dispose of large numbers of people who disagreed with them.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
  23. @g2k

    I would hardly call European universities spartan. A lot of the stuff universities provide in the states is provided by municipal governments anyway. One subject is typically picked and studied all the way through. I only know about stem here, which seems like less of a breeding ground for sjwism in America anyway, but, the big difference in Germany is how darwinian they are about throwing people out who get bad marks; I think the figure for maths is around 40%. That kind of regime is unthinkable with high tuition fees, and with that hanging over them, it kind of puts 'microagressions' into perspective. Screaming in a prof's face for not creating a 'place of comfort and home' rings hollow if you're likely to be turfed out in a couple of months for poor performance. Profs typically have a take it or leave it approach when it comes to teaching and generally don't interact much with undergrads any more than they're contractually obliged to. Salaries are low though, so the big advantage of the us system is that it can pay star salaries to star performers.

    Replies: @jbwilson24

    I was told by one of my supervisors (German with PhD from Max Planck and a few years at Tech Univ Munich as a professor) that the problem with Germany for grad school is that the professors don’t have the same power to select students. You get students who are paid salary but who can float. Something about the quality control seemed to bother him, but I didn’t press for details.

  24. Time to purge academia then

    Although young people have always been like this. If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.

    •�Replies: @Thomm
    @Jason Liu

    Although young people have always been like this. If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.
    The biggest mistake we ever made was decoupling voting from tax-paying (back in the day, the criteria was land ownership, but taxpaying works as a modern equivalent).

    That is the way to exclude a lot of women from voting without explicitly stating it as such. Most existing jobs that women occupy would slowly vanish. Black men would be forced to do legitimate work (and thus be able to vote, but there would not be as pernicious of a recipient of their votes as modern Democrats, since about 90% of women would not be eligible to vote over time).
    , @Eagle Eye
    @Jason Liu

    If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.
    Only employed or self-employed taxpayers get to vote. Net welfare recipients - however deserving - do not vote, and must expressly disavow any right to vote.

    Public employees get no vote. A proportion of public employees (maybe 5%) is dismissed at random every year to lessen entrenchment. Former public staff must live outside the U.S. for 2 years.

    Extra votes for married couples who have been married for 5+ years, but couple must agree on how to vote.

    Candidates for public office must declare their interest five (5) years before the election, and must have served in the military.
  25. @Twinkie
    It’s also because this is precisely the generation whose elites have not experienced real violence, be it war or criminal- usually black - violence on the street. Their only exposure is through video games.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @Feryl

    It’s also because this is precisely the generation whose elites have not experienced real violence, be it war or criminal- usually black – violence on the street.

    Yeah, thanks for stealing my thunder there Twinkie The Kid.

    These shits today have no clue what violence means. Kids don’t brawl on elementary school playgrounds or meet off school grounds after school for ass-beatings anymore. They press buttons on their gaming controllers and shout threats at their tv screens. They’ve never heard the unique and unforgettable sound of a bat or pipe striking a skull. Never seen a best friend with pressure relief drain in his noodle due to cranial swelling. Never driven a pal to the ER with stab wounds. Hell, except for hick farm boys, they’ve never killed anything bigger than an insect.

    There’s never been a more coddled and sheltered population. The first time they hear a gun report on their left and a bullet strike on their right they’ll collapse in a puddle of their own terror piss. Even our cops today are massive pussies terrified to even risk an ass-beating – the root cause of the cop shooting unarmed people problem.

  26. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated

    A good film illustration of this point is “A History of Violence” with Viggo Mortensen.

    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone
    @Stan d Mute

    Enjoyable movie, too?

    Replies: @Stan d Mute
  27. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated.

    Maybe as violent actors themselves, but they are a ready source of enablers and followers of those that do commit to actual violence.

    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    And people who would never engage in violent exposed and alone, but who will join a masked antifa street mob.
  28. @Twinkie
    It’s also because this is precisely the generation whose elites have not experienced real violence, be it war or criminal- usually black - violence on the street. Their only exposure is through video games.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @Feryl

    According to the Youth Risk Behavior survey (which is easy to find and search online), which is a goldmine of data as to what kids are actually up to, things like getting into fights, bringing a weapon to school, and so forth, have been declining heavily since the early 2000’s among high school age kids. And there’s been year over year improvements basically every year since about 1997.

    My hunch is that late Boomer and Gen X parents raised kids to be the opposite of what they themselves were like in the 70’s-90’s. Oh, and actual incidents of school violence were highest in the mid-late 70’s, although the number of high profile 1990’s school shootings distorted our perception of school violence (e.g., there were a lot of “mundane” beatings and knifings in the 70’s that generally did not become big stories, while a handful of assholes picking off people with guns in the 90’s-present day is treated like real serious business, probably to play up the gun control angle). My dad, born in 1960, says that even in his smaller town 100%white high school, at least 10% of the kids acted like animals in the late 70’s, which frightened and frustrated the older generations who served as teachers and administrators.

  29. @Thomm
    As Heartiste and others point out, net-net, higher education for women costs society more than it is worth.

    For the 15% of women who do useful work in jobs that are not make-work (say, nurses, etc.), there are another 85% of women who lower productivity at best, and persecute productivity at worst.

    If AE did a gender split of his graph, we would see an even more precise picture of who believes what.

    Replies: @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing – a fantastic profession – but one best learned as a trainee? Is there a “theory of nursing” that one needs to study hours a day with academics? This mad push to make degrees necessary for everything only serves to raise the barriers of entry to adulthood. Other professions that shouldn’t need degrees include stock market trader, primary school teacher, military officer, government bureaucrat, most corporate jobs etc etc etc.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone, RVBlake
    •�Replies: @Thomm
    @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing – a fantastic profession – but one best learned as a trainee?
    Well, that too, but that is a separate point.

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    One of my childhood friends had an older sister who ended up going to the same university as me (a Top 30 in the midwest). Their parents were immigrants from East Germany, and had a couple of Olympic medalists among their cousins. She studied nursing. I didn't stay in touch with her, but years later, due to the wonders of the Facebook age, I see that she married a guy who owns a farm in South Carolina, and has 9 children. The farm isn't large, but that is a great setting for 9 kids. I don't personally know anyone else in my generation who has more than four kids.

    So she never worked as a Nurse, but that is perhaps the best education that can prepare a woman for a life of 9 kids.

    Replies: @MarkinLA
    , @RVBlake
    @Tyrion 2

    Yes... I retired from the military in '96 and can attest that during the 80s and 90s, commissioned officers, of whom the vast majority had Bachelors' Degrees, were encouraged to study in off-hours at local universities to acquire Masters' Degrees. I served with a tiny few who had come up from the ranks, with no degree, and noted no deficiency in performance.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @Mike Tre
    , @Sofi
    @Tyrion 2

    Diploma nurses,i.e.,those trained on the job in hospitals, out performed "school based" nurses on national board exams for years. Not sure such training hospitals still exist. They were real live-in boot camps.
  30. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    There does seem to be a preference for individual or collective violence, by generation. Late Silents and early Boomers had relatively little experience with individual violence in their 40’s,50’s and 60’s youth (street fights, crime, domestic violence), yet showed a large capacity for collective violence (riots, bombings, protests, mob violence, politically/goal-oriented violence) in the 60’s and early 70’s.

    Late Boomers and early Gen X-ers showed a major capacity for individual violence in the 70’s and 80’s, yet terrorism and riots declined precipitously in the late 70’s and 80’s.

    The cycle is showing up again, with those born in the 90’s and 2000’s enjoying domestic tranquility WRT little street crime or domestic violence, yet these days they are showing signs of being willing to commit mob and politically oriented violence. It’s strange that Charles Murray says that rising crime levels in downscale communities is a sign of social and political decay, when in reality street crime levels appear to be heavily correlated to generational factors, with the youth of late Boomers and Gen X-ers causing crime levels to reach record highs in the late 70’s-early 90’s. Meanwhile, Millennials and esp. Gen Z actually caused crime to plunge in the late 90’s-present day, regardless of whatever political/cultural/financial problems we may have dealt with at the time.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
  31. @Audacious Epigone

    How long until the stars and stripes gets there?

    Replies: @216


    Only if the current flag is replaced by the rainbow flag.

    Why hate and replace the symbols of American patriotism, when you can just steal them?

    •�Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    Falling back to historical figures and symbols is a rearguard action that hasn't conserved much of anything over the last sixty years, so it strikes me as unrealistic to think it will work in the future. The time for even trying is running out. The founding fathers and the stars and stripes will become hate objects in my lifetime, I've no doubt about it.

    Replies: @216
  32. The young have always been the troops for revolutions older generations had devised. What, I think, is different here (apart from the fact that technology matters even more than before- see Omdurman casualties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Omdurman ) is that those questioned are, on average, not capable nor courageous enough to engage in real fight.

    Now, you can count on Chinese, Russian,…. youth to fight for what they perceive as “valid cause” (although, not blindly like Palestinian Arabs or similar races/ethnicities).

    With regard to American youth, any race (white, black, Hispanic, Asian)- they would have run like rabbits when confronted with real danger.
    Radicals of this kind are not that difficult to deal with:

    •�LOL: Audacious Epigone
  33. •�Agree: 216, Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @Corvinus
    @Anatoly Karlin

    Horrifically short-sightedness. Given his defense for the Brazilian military regime, which has been notoriously corrupt, and that torture is a "legitimate practice", he is an accident waiting to happen.
  34. @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing - a fantastic profession - but one best learned as a trainee? Is there a "theory of nursing" that one needs to study hours a day with academics? This mad push to make degrees necessary for everything only serves to raise the barriers of entry to adulthood. Other professions that shouldn't need degrees include stock market trader, primary school teacher, military officer, government bureaucrat, most corporate jobs etc etc etc.

    Replies: @Thomm, @RVBlake, @Sofi

    Why should one go to University to study nursing – a fantastic profession – but one best learned as a trainee?

    Well, that too, but that is a separate point.

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    One of my childhood friends had an older sister who ended up going to the same university as me (a Top 30 in the midwest). Their parents were immigrants from East Germany, and had a couple of Olympic medalists among their cousins. She studied nursing. I didn’t stay in touch with her, but years later, due to the wonders of the Facebook age, I see that she married a guy who owns a farm in South Carolina, and has 9 children. The farm isn’t large, but that is a great setting for 9 kids. I don’t personally know anyone else in my generation who has more than four kids.

    So she never worked as a Nurse, but that is perhaps the best education that can prepare a woman for a life of 9 kids.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    Yeah, if you want to be some simple code monkey making web pages or doing payroll processing for a bank. Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.

    Replies: @Thomm
  35. @Jason Liu
    Time to purge academia then

    Although young people have always been like this. If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.

    Replies: @Thomm, @Eagle Eye

    Although young people have always been like this. If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.

    The biggest mistake we ever made was decoupling voting from tax-paying (back in the day, the criteria was land ownership, but taxpaying works as a modern equivalent).

    That is the way to exclude a lot of women from voting without explicitly stating it as such. Most existing jobs that women occupy would slowly vanish. Black men would be forced to do legitimate work (and thus be able to vote, but there would not be as pernicious of a recipient of their votes as modern Democrats, since about 90% of women would not be eligible to vote over time).

    •�Agree: Stan d Mute
  36. @Achmed E. Newman

    I've been keeping up with the tweets you've been pasting in, 216. I'm getting two things out of it:

    1) I'm not getting a tweetceiver anytime soon. This constant barrage of stupidity would drive me nuts.

    2) These people are really ramping it up compared to even 5 years ago. I doubt the bill will pass, though I guess the unconstiutionality won't be any concern in this day and age because feelings can get hurt, which we can't have, per your 3rd comment. If it were to pass, it would be time for decent white people in Georgia to take action. Having the law come and take a flag out of the neighbors' own yard might be a reason for lots of people to wake the hell up.

    Replies: @216


    I don’t actually use twitter, I just follow some accounts. The best responses tend to come in the replies, most Blue Checks are rather disciplined but Covington set them off at a primeval level.

    This is the attention seeking behavior by our people that I want to cease.


    Being ratio’d 10-1 by someone in Big Gay only dampens the spirit of your crowd, but plays into the victimhood narrative. She hasn’t done anything productive in years, but somehow is still considered important.


    IIRC, both Mme. Goldy and her husband are both Ukrainian. So conceivably they could move back, whatever she can get from grifting here in USD/CAN would go much farther in UAH.

    Not sure to what extent the Ukrainian government could deny them a passport (presumably some moral character line), which would on paper require renunciation of the Canadian passport. But it is the logical thing for her to do.

  37. Eagle Eye says:
    @Jason Liu
    Time to purge academia then

    Although young people have always been like this. If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.

    Replies: @Thomm, @Eagle Eye

    If you must be a democracy, voting age should be like 35+ and employed.

    Only employed or self-employed taxpayers get to vote. Net welfare recipients – however deserving – do not vote, and must expressly disavow any right to vote.

    Public employees get no vote. A proportion of public employees (maybe 5%) is dismissed at random every year to lessen entrenchment. Former public staff must live outside the U.S. for 2 years.

    Extra votes for married couples who have been married for 5+ years, but couple must agree on how to vote.

    Candidates for public office must declare their interest five (5) years before the election, and must have served in the military.

  38. @sondjata
    "Millennials and Zeds who’ve gone through the post-modern university system are far, far more inclined towards the use of violence than those who have steered clear of academia."

    Eh. Video game violence =/= real violence.

    I'm quite sure that the first one to get the sharp end of a knife to any number of body parts or gets some hot lead in the abdomen resulting in that wheel chair life will soften that pro-violence idea right quick.

    Matter of fact, from what I've seen in the gym, a good slap in the face by someone who is clearly not fucking around will solve that problem quickly as well.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone, @Wilbur Hassenfus

    They don’t all have to engage in it. They just have to find it perfectly acceptable when someone else gives you a depressed skull fracture with a bike lock (from behind, because you’ll be outnumbered and unsupported — because our side never learns anything, ever). They just have to agree that it’s what you had coming, because you’re an accused racist — so they can happily keep voting for the local Democrats who make sure that the local cops let Antifa operate freely. They just have to be the prosecutor who always decides there’s never enough evidence to press charges against any leftist wearing a ski mask. They just have to be the IT guy who finds unz.com in your browser history. They just have to be the FBI agents who “resist” free and fair elections.

    This is real. The leftmost half of young college grads believes it’s ok for someone to break your legs because of who they think you voted for, and those are the ones who will go into government. This is real. It’s real, and it’s serious. It’s a bitch to think about, but it’s coming right at us. The mainstream left is getting crazier every year.

    •�Agree: Audacious Epigone
  39. Most people (erroneously) think that political revolutions start and are supported from the “bottom-up”.
    Nothing could be further from the truth…
    Almost every communist-inspired revolution has been supported by college students, their leftist professors and a certain part of the “intelligentia”.
    Society gets turned “upside-down” with the support of those who are least likely to be “oppressed”, most college students with means.
    Teachers (not-left-wing), business owners, those who display “real” intelligence, and those who are truthful in their words and deeds are targeted for destruction.
    All one has to do is look at the communist revolutions of Russia, Cambodia, Laos and China to see who was “targeted” for destruction.

  40. @Stan d Mute
    @Audacious Epigone

    support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated
    A good film illustration of this point is “A History of Violence” with Viggo Mortensen.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    Enjoyable movie, too?

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute
    @Audacious Epigone

    Enjoyable movie, too?
    It was for me, but then I identify with the protagonist played by Mortensen. It’s a bit unrealistic in my view insofar as all the old friends dragging one back into the life years later. All my friends from that chapter of life were either dead or in prison by their 40’s. The central point that survivors will go out of their way to avoid resurrecting the beast within them is however pretty spot on I think. You see it with war veterans in the same way. These LARPing little faggot leftists will have a very bad time of it if they keep poking the beasts in this country who just want to live quietly and be left alone.
  41. @iffen
    @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated.

    Maybe as violent actors themselves, but they are a ready source of enablers and followers of those that do commit to actual violence.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    And people who would never engage in violent exposed and alone, but who will join a masked antifa street mob.

  42. @216
    @Audacious Epigone


    Only if the current flag is replaced by the rainbow flag.

    Why hate and replace the symbols of American patriotism, when you can just steal them?

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone

    Falling back to historical figures and symbols is a rearguard action that hasn’t conserved much of anything over the last sixty years, so it strikes me as unrealistic to think it will work in the future. The time for even trying is running out. The founding fathers and the stars and stripes will become hate objects in my lifetime, I’ve no doubt about it.

    •�Replies: @216
    @Audacious Epigone

    That's a risk for the system.

    Giving the Founders a Poz-retcon via Hamilton was highly effective.

    Unlike South Africa, where only 4% of the people are Afrikaner, conservative whites are at the lowest around 20% of Hawaii's population. So pissing off even a decadent minority could lead to unwanted backlash.

    The leading indicator will be the coming historical treatment of Winson Churchill. A leading light of neocons, he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause. But the Asian minority in the UK reviles him as a a white supremacist.

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that's accelerationism.

    Replies: @Tyrion 2, @neutral
  43. @Audacious Epigone

    Falling back to historical figures and symbols is a rearguard action that hasn't conserved much of anything over the last sixty years, so it strikes me as unrealistic to think it will work in the future. The time for even trying is running out. The founding fathers and the stars and stripes will become hate objects in my lifetime, I've no doubt about it.

    Replies: @216

    That’s a risk for the system.

    Giving the Founders a Poz-retcon via Hamilton was highly effective.

    Unlike South Africa, where only 4% of the people are Afrikaner, conservative whites are at the lowest around 20% of Hawaii’s population. So pissing off even a decadent minority could lead to unwanted backlash.

    The leading indicator will be the coming historical treatment of Winson Churchill. A leading light of neocons, he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause. But the Asian minority in the UK reviles him as a a white supremacist.

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that’s accelerationism.

    •�Replies: @Tyrion 2

    he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause
    That's an awfully hyperbolic way of saying he offered kind words of support as part of his actual ideology of British greatness.

    Nonetheless, soon the last World War 2 veterans will be dead and the crazies will successfully designate Churchill a Nazi.

    Already, if you make a Churchill themed cafe in London, you will get protested.

    , @neutral

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that’s accelerationism.
    He was going to get thrown under the bus sooner or later, he fought to end Western civilization (willing to kill millions of whites to achieve this goal). Nobody in history ever reveres the traitors of the people they replaced, why would they?
  44. http://www.studlife.com/forum/2019/02/06/its-ok-that-conservatives-dont-feel-welcome/

    Increasing confidence of some university leftists, now they spell it out that we don’t deserve self-determination.

    I have a few token right-wing pals myself

    Reduced to tokenism, the absolute state of Charlie Kirk.

    It is immoral that not a single R1 in this country is right-wing, even though the majority of the taxes in this country are paid by the right-wing.

  45. @Thomm
    @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing – a fantastic profession – but one best learned as a trainee?
    Well, that too, but that is a separate point.

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    One of my childhood friends had an older sister who ended up going to the same university as me (a Top 30 in the midwest). Their parents were immigrants from East Germany, and had a couple of Olympic medalists among their cousins. She studied nursing. I didn't stay in touch with her, but years later, due to the wonders of the Facebook age, I see that she married a guy who owns a farm in South Carolina, and has 9 children. The farm isn't large, but that is a great setting for 9 kids. I don't personally know anyone else in my generation who has more than four kids.

    So she never worked as a Nurse, but that is perhaps the best education that can prepare a woman for a life of 9 kids.

    Replies: @MarkinLA

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    Yeah, if you want to be some simple code monkey making web pages or doing payroll processing for a bank. Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.

    •�Replies: @Thomm

    Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.
    That interaction can be in a virtual form. That is the beauty of CS.

    Georgia Tech's online MSCS has had 7000 students to date, and is a fully accredited MS degree in CS from a highly-ranked school. This has completely cannibalized enrollment in schools of equal or lower ranking.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @MarkinLA
  46. @Peripatetic Commenter
    I suggest that Whites and Asians not bother sending their sons or daughters to college any more.

    It's not worth it.

    They can easily learn to code on the internet :-)

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @Miro23

    Coding is only step one in a career in computer science. The higher levels are unlikely to come to the self taught without a lot of flailing around. The higher positions require the ability to design complex systems with a lot of interconnected parts. Of course, some of that can come from experience while working at some company. However, it helps to have some familiarity with the concepts in general.

  47. @obwandiyag

    STEMMers are usually Asburgers I mean Asperger's.

    Replies: @MarkinLA

    Not in my 30 years in tech. I saw very few Asperger’s types.

    •�Replies: @obwandiyag

    Ashburgers, I mean Aspergers, have no sense of humor. And they are always revealing their personal lives (or fake personal lives, who knows on the intranets?)
  48. @MarkinLA

    Similarly, Computer Science can be learned through inexpensive online courses, as it is the field that needs an in-person classroom setting the least.

    Yeah, if you want to be some simple code monkey making web pages or doing payroll processing for a bank. Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.

    Replies: @Thomm

    Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.

    That interaction can be in a virtual form. That is the beauty of CS.

    Georgia Tech’s online MSCS has had 7000 students to date, and is a fully accredited MS degree in CS from a highly-ranked school. This has completely cannibalized enrollment in schools of equal or lower ranking.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    How long has the program been active, 7000 isn't much and if they are accredited, the students have to have some initial background like an existing BS in STEM.

    I would bet that even an MS at the local Cal State where actual hands on work with the professor is available is more valuable than the on line degree.
    , @MarkinLA

    The vast majority of purely online degrees exist because many government related jobs demand various degrees for promotions. The people getting these degrees are pretty much never going to use them and probably don't really learn much. I believe there was some study that found that there were more government employees getting diploma mill degrees per capita than any other area of employment. They usually either had a friend in HR or assumed the usually lazy workers in HR would never even so much as make a phone call to find out if the degree was worthless or not.

    Replies: @Thomm
  49. @Peripatetic Commenter
    I suggest that Whites and Asians not bother sending their sons or daughters to college any more.

    It's not worth it.

    They can easily learn to code on the internet :-)

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @Miro23

    I suggest that Whites and Asians not bother sending their sons or daughters to college any more.

    It’s not worth it.

    They can easily learn to code on the internet

    This might not be such a joke. I have a Gen Z who did a maths online course (Australian Maths Online) for 4 years. It cost very little and was better than what he was getting in school (which he did in parallel). It got him a first in his year prize and took about 40 minutes each evening with a short video and set of questions.

    I suppose that the same system could also apply to other subjects.

    (I don’t have any commercial connection to Australian Maths Online).

  50. @216
    @Audacious Epigone

    That's a risk for the system.

    Giving the Founders a Poz-retcon via Hamilton was highly effective.

    Unlike South Africa, where only 4% of the people are Afrikaner, conservative whites are at the lowest around 20% of Hawaii's population. So pissing off even a decadent minority could lead to unwanted backlash.

    The leading indicator will be the coming historical treatment of Winson Churchill. A leading light of neocons, he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause. But the Asian minority in the UK reviles him as a a white supremacist.

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that's accelerationism.

    Replies: @Tyrion 2, @neutral

    he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause

    That’s an awfully hyperbolic way of saying he offered kind words of support as part of his actual ideology of British greatness.

    Nonetheless, soon the last World War 2 veterans will be dead and the crazies will successfully designate Churchill a Nazi.

    Already, if you make a Churchill themed cafe in London, you will get protested.


  51. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Sure it can be gross and scary but it’s very natural for humans to be violent, even white humans.

  52. @Audacious Epigone
    @Stan d Mute

    Enjoyable movie, too?

    Replies: @Stan d Mute

    Enjoyable movie, too?

    It was for me, but then I identify with the protagonist played by Mortensen. It’s a bit unrealistic in my view insofar as all the old friends dragging one back into the life years later. All my friends from that chapter of life were either dead or in prison by their 40’s. The central point that survivors will go out of their way to avoid resurrecting the beast within them is however pretty spot on I think. You see it with war veterans in the same way. These LARPing little faggot leftists will have a very bad time of it if they keep poking the beasts in this country who just want to live quietly and be left alone.

  53. @216
    @Audacious Epigone

    That's a risk for the system.

    Giving the Founders a Poz-retcon via Hamilton was highly effective.

    Unlike South Africa, where only 4% of the people are Afrikaner, conservative whites are at the lowest around 20% of Hawaii's population. So pissing off even a decadent minority could lead to unwanted backlash.

    The leading indicator will be the coming historical treatment of Winson Churchill. A leading light of neocons, he devoted decades of his life to the Zionist cause. But the Asian minority in the UK reviles him as a a white supremacist.

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that's accelerationism.

    Replies: @Tyrion 2, @neutral

    If Churchill is thrown under the bus, that’s accelerationism.

    He was going to get thrown under the bus sooner or later, he fought to end Western civilization (willing to kill millions of whites to achieve this goal). Nobody in history ever reveres the traitors of the people they replaced, why would they?

  54. @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing - a fantastic profession - but one best learned as a trainee? Is there a "theory of nursing" that one needs to study hours a day with academics? This mad push to make degrees necessary for everything only serves to raise the barriers of entry to adulthood. Other professions that shouldn't need degrees include stock market trader, primary school teacher, military officer, government bureaucrat, most corporate jobs etc etc etc.

    Replies: @Thomm, @RVBlake, @Sofi

    Yes… I retired from the military in ’96 and can attest that during the 80s and 90s, commissioned officers, of whom the vast majority had Bachelors’ Degrees, were encouraged to study in off-hours at local universities to acquire Masters’ Degrees. I served with a tiny few who had come up from the ranks, with no degree, and noted no deficiency in performance.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    One of the main purposes of establishing the military academies was to give officers a background in Engineering. Engineering and other STEM fields are always what the military prefers it's officers take.
    Those fields are difficult for anybody to be self taught at. While junior officers and field commanders may not get anything out of advanced engineering degrees, the guys responsible for overseeing the military contractors benefit from it.
    , @Mike Tre

    If one were inclined to make the enlisted rank of sergeant major in the Marine Corps during the time when I was in (98-02,) they would need a Bachelors. Further - upper billeted Sgt Mgrs (not sure about regimental, but division and higher I'm fairly certain) all had masters.

    Replies: @RVBlake
  55. @Tyrion 2

    Why should one go to University to study nursing - a fantastic profession - but one best learned as a trainee? Is there a "theory of nursing" that one needs to study hours a day with academics? This mad push to make degrees necessary for everything only serves to raise the barriers of entry to adulthood. Other professions that shouldn't need degrees include stock market trader, primary school teacher, military officer, government bureaucrat, most corporate jobs etc etc etc.

    Replies: @Thomm, @RVBlake, @Sofi

    Diploma nurses,i.e.,those trained on the job in hospitals, out performed “school based” nurses on national board exams for years. Not sure such training hospitals still exist. They were real live-in boot camps.

  56. @216
    A hint of what an Abrams dictatorship would have put on the table had she stolen the election.


    That said, any display of CSA imagery is viewed by our opinion-makers as no differeant than NSDAP imagery.

    Drop it.

    Pick up an EU flag instead.

    Make them call the EU a symbol of white supremacy.

    Replies: @Audacious Epigone, @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.

    When I was a kid about 40 years or so ago, I was visiting Swamp City DC and I was given a choice of shirts to buy as a memento of the trip. I chose to get a Confederate Battle Flag short-sleeved shirt. Back then, the Confederate Battle Flag was no big deal. It is a cool flag with great colors and a striking pattern.

    Trump is a New York City shyster boy with very little connection to the historic American nation.

    I have at least one ancestor who fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side for the state of Tennessee and at least one who fought in the American Colonial Secessionary War against the British Empire.

    Trump has stabbed the historic American nation in the back by pushing mass legal immigration.

    Trump has sided with the mass legal immigration extremists who want to flood the United States with foreigners.

    Trump has sided with Shelly Adelson and Jared Kushner and the globalizers and the GOP Cheap Labor Faction on mass legal immigration.

    Trump will not advance the interests of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States.

    I would love to defend the honor and memory of the Confederate veterans of the Civil War by standing with those who will protect the Confederate statues and monuments from the nation-wrecking scum who want to tear them down.

    I hereby challenge New York City Shyster Boy Trumpy to a debate on mass legal immigration, illegal immigration, American national identity, foreign policy and the honor and dignity of the Confederate veterans.

    Pewitt Immigration Plan:



    •�Replies: @216
    @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.
    Core Americans in those states are proud of their ancestors that were veterans in the Union Army.

    It matters not that in your generational cohort that the Battle Flag was not seen as inflammatory. In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    The Confederacy wanted to import more slaves.

    Pick a different saltire


    Replies: @Lars Porsena, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan, @Achmed E. Newman
  57. @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.

    When I was a kid about 40 years or so ago, I was visiting Swamp City DC and I was given a choice of shirts to buy as a memento of the trip. I chose to get a Confederate Battle Flag short-sleeved shirt. Back then, the Confederate Battle Flag was no big deal. It is a cool flag with great colors and a striking pattern.

    Trump is a New York City shyster boy with very little connection to the historic American nation.

    I have at least one ancestor who fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side for the state of Tennessee and at least one who fought in the American Colonial Secessionary War against the British Empire.

    Trump has stabbed the historic American nation in the back by pushing mass legal immigration.

    Trump has sided with the mass legal immigration extremists who want to flood the United States with foreigners.

    Trump has sided with Shelly Adelson and Jared Kushner and the globalizers and the GOP Cheap Labor Faction on mass legal immigration.

    Trump will not advance the interests of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States.

    I would love to defend the honor and memory of the Confederate veterans of the Civil War by standing with those who will protect the Confederate statues and monuments from the nation-wrecking scum who want to tear them down.

    I hereby challenge New York City Shyster Boy Trumpy to a debate on mass legal immigration, illegal immigration, American national identity, foreign policy and the honor and dignity of the Confederate veterans.

    Pewitt Immigration Plan:



    Replies: @216

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.

    Core Americans in those states are proud of their ancestors that were veterans in the Union Army.

    It matters not that in your generational cohort that the Battle Flag was not seen as inflammatory. In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    The Confederacy wanted to import more slaves.

    Pick a different saltire

    •�Replies: @Lars Porsena

    The problem with this, and is is a major problem that so many simply don't recognize, is that any symbol you pick is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings, because it's associated with you, and the media hates you and has the power to redefine all your symbols into this.

    Which gets into his point about the confederate flag not being originally linked to Charleston SC killings. Linkages can (and will) change (according to your media enemies preferences). You can't escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works. Your adversaries are merely opportunistic.

    Replies: @216
    , @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    The thing I hate most about the Neo-Confederates is that they act like we're supposed to ignore the reality of Judah P. Benjamin.
    , @Achmed E. Newman

    In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.
    So, that's what they get for staying glued to their phones watching and reading the Lyin' Press half the day. Where are you going to draw the line with regard to the destruction of history, #216?

    Oh, I just noticed Mr. Porsena's reply.

  58. @Thomm

    Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.
    That interaction can be in a virtual form. That is the beauty of CS.

    Georgia Tech's online MSCS has had 7000 students to date, and is a fully accredited MS degree in CS from a highly-ranked school. This has completely cannibalized enrollment in schools of equal or lower ranking.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @MarkinLA

    How long has the program been active, 7000 isn’t much and if they are accredited, the students have to have some initial background like an existing BS in STEM.

    I would bet that even an MS at the local Cal State where actual hands on work with the professor is available is more valuable than the on line degree.

  59. anonymous[191] •�Disclaimer says:

    Violence for college SJWs is something of an abstraction since they are probably the nerdiest generation of radical yet. Most have never been punched and have zero exposure to firearms. They would want others to do the forcing, hirelings of the state to wield the billy clubs. They want a dictatorship to carry this out. It’s a sign of their certitude that they’re right, that there’s only one side and that’s their side. PC-cult-think is a religion and it has all these zealous true-believers out there. They’re pretty much a metro-sexual bunch though, raised and molded by women.

  60. @RVBlake
    @Tyrion 2

    Yes... I retired from the military in '96 and can attest that during the 80s and 90s, commissioned officers, of whom the vast majority had Bachelors' Degrees, were encouraged to study in off-hours at local universities to acquire Masters' Degrees. I served with a tiny few who had come up from the ranks, with no degree, and noted no deficiency in performance.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @Mike Tre

    One of the main purposes of establishing the military academies was to give officers a background in Engineering. Engineering and other STEM fields are always what the military prefers it’s officers take.
    Those fields are difficult for anybody to be self taught at. While junior officers and field commanders may not get anything out of advanced engineering degrees, the guys responsible for overseeing the military contractors benefit from it.

  61. Mike Tre [AKA "MikeatMikedotMike"] says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Yes... I retired from the military in '96 and can attest that during the 80s and 90s, commissioned officers, of whom the vast majority had Bachelors' Degrees, were encouraged to study in off-hours at local universities to acquire Masters' Degrees. I served with a tiny few who had come up from the ranks, with no degree, and noted no deficiency in performance.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @Mike Tre

    If one were inclined to make the enlisted rank of sergeant major in the Marine Corps during the time when I was in (98-02,) they would need a Bachelors. Further – upper billeted Sgt Mgrs (not sure about regimental, but division and higher I’m fairly certain) all had masters.

    •�Replies: @RVBlake
    @Mike Tre

    I foresee the day when Masters' Degrees will be a prerequisite for any commissioned rank.
  62. A number of years ago, as part of a “higher education” funding bill, a proposal to require competing institutions to require transferability of credits was vigorously opposed by the “higher education” lobby.
    Even today, colleges and universities routinely deny “credits” to prospective students “just because they can”.
    A good example of this “fraud” exists in the case of EMTs and other medical fields. A military-trained medic or corpsman that has done emergency surgery in a combat situation, saving lives in the process, is not allowed to receive college credits for what he already knows. For a civilian medical career, he is forced to start “at the bottom” taking courses for what he already knows.
    This is the case in the trades, as well, where credit for relevant military experience is routinely denied.

    •�Replies: @Lars Porsena

    What trades? Unionized trades (apx. 5-10% of total)?

    Generally speaking in the building and construction trades if you have a pulse, aren't noticeably drunk or high, are willing to work and show up on time, you have a job.

    Everybody starts at the bottom rung (which is screwdriver holder/pack animal/coffee logistics technician), but you get promoted on the fly based on your basic ability to actually perform the job without setting the building on fire or needing everything you did redone by someone else at additional cost in order to function properly and not kill anyone.

    Replies: @anarchyst
  63. @216
    @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.
    Core Americans in those states are proud of their ancestors that were veterans in the Union Army.

    It matters not that in your generational cohort that the Battle Flag was not seen as inflammatory. In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    The Confederacy wanted to import more slaves.

    Pick a different saltire


    Replies: @Lars Porsena, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan, @Achmed E. Newman

    The problem with this, and is is a major problem that so many simply don’t recognize, is that any symbol you pick is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings, because it’s associated with you, and the media hates you and has the power to redefine all your symbols into this.

    Which gets into his point about the confederate flag not being originally linked to Charleston SC killings. Linkages can (and will) change (according to your media enemies preferences). You can’t escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works. Your adversaries are merely opportunistic.

    •�Replies: @216
    @Lars Porsena

    You can’t escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works.
    We're playing right into their trap by continuing to use the same symbols and having the same ideas. The average person crimestops their thinking the minute they realize they are listening to an "extremist".

    If we wish to participate in mainstream dialogue, we must obey the standards of civility. If we want to defy their standards, we are going to be deplatformed. We don't even have the majority of white conservatives on our side, let alone the white moderates that we'd need to make a national consciousness.

    Some of that is due to our own bad behavior.

    Replace the CSA battle flag with the EU flag, hey, it worked for Svoboda.

    Replies: @MarkinLA
  64. @anarchyst
    A number of years ago, as part of a "higher education" funding bill, a proposal to require competing institutions to require transferability of credits was vigorously opposed by the "higher education" lobby.
    Even today, colleges and universities routinely deny "credits" to prospective students "just because they can".
    A good example of this "fraud" exists in the case of EMTs and other medical fields. A military-trained medic or corpsman that has done emergency surgery in a combat situation, saving lives in the process, is not allowed to receive college credits for what he already knows. For a civilian medical career, he is forced to start "at the bottom" taking courses for what he already knows.
    This is the case in the trades, as well, where credit for relevant military experience is routinely denied.

    Replies: @Lars Porsena

    What trades? Unionized trades (apx. 5-10% of total)?

    Generally speaking in the building and construction trades if you have a pulse, aren’t noticeably drunk or high, are willing to work and show up on time, you have a job.

    Everybody starts at the bottom rung (which is screwdriver holder/pack animal/coffee logistics technician), but you get promoted on the fly based on your basic ability to actually perform the job without setting the building on fire or needing everything you did redone by someone else at additional cost in order to function properly and not kill anyone.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    @Lars Porsena

    I know Seabees (Naval Construction Battalion) electricians who had both the knowledge and experience to "hit the ground running" as civilian electricians, but were forced to go through apprenticeships, despite being able to "run circles" around civilian journeymen electricians. It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience. The U S Navy has some of the best service schools in various trades and occupations and can get their people "up to speed" much faster than their civilian counterparts.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @Lars Porsena
  65. @Lars Porsena

    What trades? Unionized trades (apx. 5-10% of total)?

    Generally speaking in the building and construction trades if you have a pulse, aren't noticeably drunk or high, are willing to work and show up on time, you have a job.

    Everybody starts at the bottom rung (which is screwdriver holder/pack animal/coffee logistics technician), but you get promoted on the fly based on your basic ability to actually perform the job without setting the building on fire or needing everything you did redone by someone else at additional cost in order to function properly and not kill anyone.

    Replies: @anarchyst

    I know Seabees (Naval Construction Battalion) electricians who had both the knowledge and experience to “hit the ground running” as civilian electricians, but were forced to go through apprenticeships, despite being able to “run circles” around civilian journeymen electricians. It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience. The U S Navy has some of the best service schools in various trades and occupations and can get their people “up to speed” much faster than their civilian counterparts.

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute

    NEC 90.2(B) excludes shipboard installations from coverage.

    There’s a right way to install and service electrical systems and a Navy way to do it.

    Since all electrical work in the civilian sector must be NFPA 70 / NEC compliant, there’s good reason to require military electricians to work in apprenticeship

    Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Lars Porsena

    It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience.
    Perhaps. But 95% of the industry and the work is non-union anyway. Especially if you are not in some specialty near-monopoly trade like elevator repair or sprinkler fitters. (Then it is 100% all union).

    Non-union shops don't generally require much in the way of formal training, except maybe something like OSHA certification or boom lift operator safety training which takes about 2 hours (they tell you not to drive the lift over your foot, in case you didn't read the sticker on the side of the lift that says not to drive the lift over your foot).

    It's generally all on-the-job training and your judged not by what credentials you have but by what you can actually do. Of course, non-union shops usually don't even have rigid apprentice/foreman/journeyman distinctions but they are just doing whatever they do. Pay is negotiated individually with each tradesman usually, based on what they can do and how fast they can do it.

    Replies: @Lars Porsena
  66. @Mike Tre

    If one were inclined to make the enlisted rank of sergeant major in the Marine Corps during the time when I was in (98-02,) they would need a Bachelors. Further - upper billeted Sgt Mgrs (not sure about regimental, but division and higher I'm fairly certain) all had masters.

    Replies: @RVBlake

    I foresee the day when Masters’ Degrees will be a prerequisite for any commissioned rank.

  67. @anarchyst
    @Lars Porsena

    I know Seabees (Naval Construction Battalion) electricians who had both the knowledge and experience to "hit the ground running" as civilian electricians, but were forced to go through apprenticeships, despite being able to "run circles" around civilian journeymen electricians. It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience. The U S Navy has some of the best service schools in various trades and occupations and can get their people "up to speed" much faster than their civilian counterparts.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @Lars Porsena

    NEC 90.2(B) excludes shipboard installations from coverage.

    There’s a right way to install and service electrical systems and a Navy way to do it.

    Since all electrical work in the civilian sector must be NFPA 70 / NEC compliant, there’s good reason to require military electricians to work in apprenticeship

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    @Stan d Mute

    Seabees work on land-based systems, not on ships. I would put a seasoned Seabee against any commercial or industrial electrician any day. I stand by my statements...

    Replies: @Stan d Mute
  68. @anarchyst
    @Lars Porsena

    I know Seabees (Naval Construction Battalion) electricians who had both the knowledge and experience to "hit the ground running" as civilian electricians, but were forced to go through apprenticeships, despite being able to "run circles" around civilian journeymen electricians. It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience. The U S Navy has some of the best service schools in various trades and occupations and can get their people "up to speed" much faster than their civilian counterparts.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @Lars Porsena

    It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience.

    Perhaps. But 95% of the industry and the work is non-union anyway. Especially if you are not in some specialty near-monopoly trade like elevator repair or sprinkler fitters. (Then it is 100% all union).

    Non-union shops don’t generally require much in the way of formal training, except maybe something like OSHA certification or boom lift operator safety training which takes about 2 hours (they tell you not to drive the lift over your foot, in case you didn’t read the sticker on the side of the lift that says not to drive the lift over your foot).

    It’s generally all on-the-job training and your judged not by what credentials you have but by what you can actually do. Of course, non-union shops usually don’t even have rigid apprentice/foreman/journeyman distinctions but they are just doing whatever they do. Pay is negotiated individually with each tradesman usually, based on what they can do and how fast they can do it.

    •�Replies: @Lars Porsena
    @Lars Porsena

    And honestly let me tell you - all the formal training I've seen is totally useless.

    You cannot teach people how to do trades in a classroom reading textbooks. They fill their heads full of trivia and they're as useless coming out as they went in. Trades have to be taught on the job.

    Replies: @anarchyst
  69. @Lars Porsena

    It seems that trade unions will not recognize military experience.
    Perhaps. But 95% of the industry and the work is non-union anyway. Especially if you are not in some specialty near-monopoly trade like elevator repair or sprinkler fitters. (Then it is 100% all union).

    Non-union shops don't generally require much in the way of formal training, except maybe something like OSHA certification or boom lift operator safety training which takes about 2 hours (they tell you not to drive the lift over your foot, in case you didn't read the sticker on the side of the lift that says not to drive the lift over your foot).

    It's generally all on-the-job training and your judged not by what credentials you have but by what you can actually do. Of course, non-union shops usually don't even have rigid apprentice/foreman/journeyman distinctions but they are just doing whatever they do. Pay is negotiated individually with each tradesman usually, based on what they can do and how fast they can do it.

    Replies: @Lars Porsena

    And honestly let me tell you – all the formal training I’ve seen is totally useless.

    You cannot teach people how to do trades in a classroom reading textbooks. They fill their heads full of trivia and they’re as useless coming out as they went in. Trades have to be taught on the job.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    @Lars Porsena

    Not only should trades be "on the job", I would take it a step forward. Any STEM engineer should be required to work as a tradesman in their respective discipline for at least two years before being issued their "degree". I have seen so many errors on drawings where tradesmen had to make modifications (approved, of course)
  70. @Stan d Mute

    NEC 90.2(B) excludes shipboard installations from coverage.

    There’s a right way to install and service electrical systems and a Navy way to do it.

    Since all electrical work in the civilian sector must be NFPA 70 / NEC compliant, there’s good reason to require military electricians to work in apprenticeship

    Replies: @anarchyst

    Seabees work on land-based systems, not on ships. I would put a seasoned Seabee against any commercial or industrial electrician any day. I stand by my statements…

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute

    The question remains, are they building NFPA 70 compliant electrical systems? Because if they aren’t, the work is worse than useless in a commercial building. Ever seen a Fire Marshall or Chief Electrical Inspector padlock the doors of an office building or factory?

    Knowing the Navy way to do things is not the same as knowing the NEC way to do things. Also, I assumed you were referring to IBEW/NECA ECs, if the contractor is a non-union shop they can hire whomever they want at whatever wage they want so long as a Master Electrician holds the company’s license. If your Seabees are so qualified why don’t they take the State tests for a Master license?


    Replies: @anarchyst
  71. @Lars Porsena
    @Lars Porsena

    And honestly let me tell you - all the formal training I've seen is totally useless.

    You cannot teach people how to do trades in a classroom reading textbooks. They fill their heads full of trivia and they're as useless coming out as they went in. Trades have to be taught on the job.

    Replies: @anarchyst

    Not only should trades be “on the job”, I would take it a step forward. Any STEM engineer should be required to work as a tradesman in their respective discipline for at least two years before being issued their “degree”. I have seen so many errors on drawings where tradesmen had to make modifications (approved, of course)

    •�Agree: Stan d Mute
  72. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Agreed. I doubt the majority of the pencil-neck Antifa warriors have ever experienced physical violence. Given human nature, violence is sometimes necessary to terminate a threat. But those who have experienced it and continue to seek it out are psychopaths.

  73. @Lars Porsena

    The problem with this, and is is a major problem that so many simply don't recognize, is that any symbol you pick is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings, because it's associated with you, and the media hates you and has the power to redefine all your symbols into this.

    Which gets into his point about the confederate flag not being originally linked to Charleston SC killings. Linkages can (and will) change (according to your media enemies preferences). You can't escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works. Your adversaries are merely opportunistic.

    Replies: @216

    You can’t escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works.

    We’re playing right into their trap by continuing to use the same symbols and having the same ideas. The average person crimestops their thinking the minute they realize they are listening to an “extremist”.

    If we wish to participate in mainstream dialogue, we must obey the standards of civility. If we want to defy their standards, we are going to be deplatformed. We don’t even have the majority of white conservatives on our side, let alone the white moderates that we’d need to make a national consciousness.

    Some of that is due to our own bad behavior.

    Replace the CSA battle flag with the EU flag, hey, it worked for Svoboda.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    If you hadn't notice what you suggest is how the Overton Window has been pushed so far to the left. The goal is to push it back or widen it not continue to move it leftward. This is one thing Trump has done something about although not very much.
  74. More:

    Increasing boldness. They are beginning to spell it out.

    And this is why we need our own countries.

    I don’t want your multikult.

  75. @216
    @Lars Porsena

    You can’t escape the rap sheet by being reasonable and moderate. You will continue to be hit with it so long as it works.
    We're playing right into their trap by continuing to use the same symbols and having the same ideas. The average person crimestops their thinking the minute they realize they are listening to an "extremist".

    If we wish to participate in mainstream dialogue, we must obey the standards of civility. If we want to defy their standards, we are going to be deplatformed. We don't even have the majority of white conservatives on our side, let alone the white moderates that we'd need to make a national consciousness.

    Some of that is due to our own bad behavior.

    Replace the CSA battle flag with the EU flag, hey, it worked for Svoboda.

    Replies: @MarkinLA

    If you hadn’t notice what you suggest is how the Overton Window has been pushed so far to the left. The goal is to push it back or widen it not continue to move it leftward. This is one thing Trump has done something about although not very much.

  76. @Thomm

    Not if you want to understand computer architecture or advanced data base concepts just to name a few subjects that need the ability to interact with people actually at the leading edge of the art.
    That interaction can be in a virtual form. That is the beauty of CS.

    Georgia Tech's online MSCS has had 7000 students to date, and is a fully accredited MS degree in CS from a highly-ranked school. This has completely cannibalized enrollment in schools of equal or lower ranking.

    Replies: @MarkinLA, @MarkinLA

    The vast majority of purely online degrees exist because many government related jobs demand various degrees for promotions. The people getting these degrees are pretty much never going to use them and probably don’t really learn much. I believe there was some study that found that there were more government employees getting diploma mill degrees per capita than any other area of employment. They usually either had a friend in HR or assumed the usually lazy workers in HR would never even so much as make a phone call to find out if the degree was worthless or not.

    •�Replies: @Thomm

    This is an accredited MSCS from Georgia Tech, that has over a thousand graduates a year (a huge number).

    Replies: @MarkinLA
  77. “Its collapse–which is coming–cannot come soon enough.”

    So says one of the ringleaders of the armchair warriors. For most normies, we do not seek the partition nor the demise of the U.S. Of course, that sort of talk has been around since the 1950’s, when southrons, who should have picked their own damn cotton, began lamenting about how the entire American system would be flushed down the drain if Jim Crow was eradicated.

    Of course, we really need to delve deeper into the context and circumstances about what specific violent acts are acceptable by college students. They can agree in principal, but the devil, as always, is in the details.

  78. @anarchyst
    @Stan d Mute

    Seabees work on land-based systems, not on ships. I would put a seasoned Seabee against any commercial or industrial electrician any day. I stand by my statements...

    Replies: @Stan d Mute

    The question remains, are they building NFPA 70 compliant electrical systems? Because if they aren’t, the work is worse than useless in a commercial building. Ever seen a Fire Marshall or Chief Electrical Inspector padlock the doors of an office building or factory?

    Knowing the Navy way to do things is not the same as knowing the NEC way to do things. Also, I assumed you were referring to IBEW/NECA ECs, if the contractor is a non-union shop they can hire whomever they want at whatever wage they want so long as a Master Electrician holds the company’s license. If your Seabees are so qualified why don’t they take the State tests for a Master license?


    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    @Stan d Mute

    Yes, Seabees do abide by NFPA 70 and do "good work"...
    Here in the State of Michigan, one cannot walk in "off the street" and take ANY electrical exam. The State now requires registration and completion of an approved "apprenticeship program". It is questionable whether the State would accept credentials from a Navy electrician program.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute
  79. @Anatoly Karlin

    Replies: @Corvinus

    Horrifically short-sightedness. Given his defense for the Brazilian military regime, which has been notoriously corrupt, and that torture is a “legitimate practice”, he is an accident waiting to happen.

  80. @Stan d Mute

    The question remains, are they building NFPA 70 compliant electrical systems? Because if they aren’t, the work is worse than useless in a commercial building. Ever seen a Fire Marshall or Chief Electrical Inspector padlock the doors of an office building or factory?

    Knowing the Navy way to do things is not the same as knowing the NEC way to do things. Also, I assumed you were referring to IBEW/NECA ECs, if the contractor is a non-union shop they can hire whomever they want at whatever wage they want so long as a Master Electrician holds the company’s license. If your Seabees are so qualified why don’t they take the State tests for a Master license?


    Replies: @anarchyst

    Yes, Seabees do abide by NFPA 70 and do “good work”…
    Here in the State of Michigan, one cannot walk in “off the street” and take ANY electrical exam. The State now requires registration and completion of an approved “apprenticeship program”. It is questionable whether the State would accept credentials from a Navy electrician program.

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute

    It is questionable whether the State would accept credentials from a Navy electrician program.


    Michigan is among the toughest for licensing. See above. Although written toward immigrants, it would apply to Navy trained sparklers as well.
  81. @MarkinLA

    The vast majority of purely online degrees exist because many government related jobs demand various degrees for promotions. The people getting these degrees are pretty much never going to use them and probably don't really learn much. I believe there was some study that found that there were more government employees getting diploma mill degrees per capita than any other area of employment. They usually either had a friend in HR or assumed the usually lazy workers in HR would never even so much as make a phone call to find out if the degree was worthless or not.

    Replies: @Thomm

    This is an accredited MSCS from Georgia Tech, that has over a thousand graduates a year (a huge number).

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    Unless you see the courses available, what is expected of the students, and the requirements for graduation an MSCS means nothing. If you have 1000 students a year graduating, your are likely just getting a glorified BS and not doing real graduate student level work.

    Replies: @Thomm
  82. @MarkinLA

    Not in my 30 years in tech. I saw very few Asperger's types.

    Replies: @obwandiyag

    Ashburgers, I mean Aspergers, have no sense of humor. And they are always revealing their personal lives (or fake personal lives, who knows on the intranets?)

  83. @Thomm

    This is an accredited MSCS from Georgia Tech, that has over a thousand graduates a year (a huge number).

    Replies: @MarkinLA

    Unless you see the courses available, what is expected of the students, and the requirements for graduation an MSCS means nothing. If you have 1000 students a year graduating, your are likely just getting a glorified BS and not doing real graduate student level work.

    •�Replies: @Thomm

    It is a well-known program, that has the same full accreditation as the in-residence GA Tech program.

    This is GA Tech. This is not some 'University of Phoenix' program.


    I fail to see why you are resisting this necessary disruption of higher education. You are effectively arguing that a $60K program is to be preserved in favor of a $7K program that is just as good if not better.

    Replies: @MarkinLA
  84. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    A lock and a sock still gets the job done and on the whole half trained Leftists killed an lot more people than any Rightists ever did.

    In any case US students being tolerant of the idea of violence makes perfect sense. Our society is awash in violent imagery

    On top of that the US has been spending decades arming up for one and for two, university students are young, unattached often these days to a pathological degree and three they are filled with purpose, the one thing the Universities do well

    Also the less educated are almost always rooted in society these days, working , trying to build a family or just get by . Idealism isn’t going to be a thing for them

    Many are also Conservative I suspect and outside Dissident/Alt circles the idea of ideology is borderline Orwellian Crime Think

    That weakness is why the Right has no power, they don’t have any idea of what they want and are terrified of discussing it much less doing anything about it

    The Left suffers from no such problems and while what they want is often unattainable or foolish they are often willing to take it by force which speaks well of them.

  85. @anarchyst
    @Stan d Mute

    Yes, Seabees do abide by NFPA 70 and do "good work"...
    Here in the State of Michigan, one cannot walk in "off the street" and take ANY electrical exam. The State now requires registration and completion of an approved "apprenticeship program". It is questionable whether the State would accept credentials from a Navy electrician program.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute

    It is questionable whether the State would accept credentials from a Navy electrician program.


    Michigan is among the toughest for licensing. See above. Although written toward immigrants, it would apply to Navy trained sparklers as well.

  86. @MarkinLA

    Unless you see the courses available, what is expected of the students, and the requirements for graduation an MSCS means nothing. If you have 1000 students a year graduating, your are likely just getting a glorified BS and not doing real graduate student level work.

    Replies: @Thomm

    It is a well-known program, that has the same full accreditation as the in-residence GA Tech program.

    This is GA Tech. This is not some ‘University of Phoenix’ program.


    I fail to see why you are resisting this necessary disruption of higher education. You are effectively arguing that a $60K program is to be preserved in favor of a $7K program that is just as good if not better.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA

    It isn't "just as good" if you are not on campus working on the research projects the professors are working on. It is a glorified BS. It is better than nothing but don't equate it with real graduate student level work and I say that as someone who himself did not do real graduate student level work.
  87. I’m almost to the point where things just need to be burned the fuck down. Like get it over with already.

  88. @Achmed E. Newman
    I agree with Iffen's point with regard to coming up with explanations. Would this graph have looked the same in 1980? How about 1968? I kinda doubt it would have in 1980, but in 1968, maybe likely. In the here and now though, if you just want to look at that, 47% is a lot of Commies! The old Bolsheviks would have LUVED, LUVED, LUVED to have seen these kinds of stats. The new Bolsheviks DO.

    Oh, and A.E., thanks for that link to student-loan-hero. I'll have to peruse his site later on.

    Replies: @Achmed E. Newman

    BTW, that “student-loan-hero” site is a sales site for loan consolidation or something. Forget it.

  89. But where do I fall into this? I’m a college-educated 25 year old who believes that the “Federal” Government started this cycle of bloodshed.

    •�Replies: @iffen
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    But where do I fall into this?

    That would be the mis-guided group.
  90. @Audacious Epigone

    I suspect the expressed support for violence and having an actual relationship with violence in any serious sense are inversely correlated. Trained fighters aren't the ones hitting people with bike locks.

    Replies: @Stan d Mute, @iffen, @Feryl, @Pericles, @SunBakedSuburb, @A.B. Prosper, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    This is very true. Many of the best Civil War generals had opposed the coming of the war. In fact, among the highest-ranking Confederates, the following all either personally opposed secession or were skeptical of it:

    – Robert E. Lee
    – Wade Hampton
    – James Longstreet
    – Braxton Bragg
    – Joseph E. Johnston

    Off the top of my head, mind you!

    Only a few army and corps commanders, no one special! LOL

  91. @216
    @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.
    Core Americans in those states are proud of their ancestors that were veterans in the Union Army.

    It matters not that in your generational cohort that the Battle Flag was not seen as inflammatory. In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    The Confederacy wanted to import more slaves.

    Pick a different saltire


    Replies: @Lars Porsena, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan, @Achmed E. Newman

    The thing I hate most about the Neo-Confederates is that they act like we’re supposed to ignore the reality of Judah P. Benjamin.

  92. @216
    @Charles Pewitt

    The Confederate Battle Flag should not be given up as a symbol of defiance for White Core Americans.

    People in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio want a political leader to defend the historic American nation.
    Core Americans in those states are proud of their ancestors that were veterans in the Union Army.

    It matters not that in your generational cohort that the Battle Flag was not seen as inflammatory. In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    The Confederacy wanted to import more slaves.

    Pick a different saltire


    Replies: @Lars Porsena, @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan, @Achmed E. Newman

    In my cohort it is indelibly linked with resistance to Civil Rights and the Charleston SC killings.

    So, that’s what they get for staying glued to their phones watching and reading the Lyin’ Press half the day. Where are you going to draw the line with regard to the destruction of history, #216?

    Oh, I just noticed Mr. Porsena’s reply.


  93. @Thomm

    It is a well-known program, that has the same full accreditation as the in-residence GA Tech program.

    This is GA Tech. This is not some 'University of Phoenix' program.


    I fail to see why you are resisting this necessary disruption of higher education. You are effectively arguing that a $60K program is to be preserved in favor of a $7K program that is just as good if not better.

    Replies: @MarkinLA

    It isn’t “just as good” if you are not on campus working on the research projects the professors are working on. It is a glorified BS. It is better than nothing but don’t equate it with real graduate student level work and I say that as someone who himself did not do real graduate student level work.

  94. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan
    But where do I fall into this? I'm a college-educated 25 year old who believes that the "Federal" Government started this cycle of bloodshed.


    Replies: @iffen

    But where do I fall into this?

    That would be the mis-guided group.

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