That the Alt Right/nationalists are again being shoahed across the Internet is nothing new:
- YouTube: Stefan Molyneux; NPI/Radix; AmRen; Richard Spencer; David Duke
- Reddit: Some 2,000 subs, including /r/HBD, the few remaining more “intellectual” nationalist subs that had evaded a ban to this day, and a bunch of vaguely transgressive joke/meme subs.
Nor that it is coordinated between several major platforms at once (Reddit, YouTube, and Twitch), this has also become standard practice.
It does seem to be mark a step escalation in severity. One of the banned Reddit subs was /r/The_Donald, which was by now a thoroughly boring, normiecon venue with none of the energy and memetic magic of the Trump 2016 campaign. (Much like Trump himself after the failed Tulsa rally). No matter, away it goes, despite at 800,000 subscribers being by far the most prominent political sub to be banned to date. Reddit is by far the world’s largest forum, and Trump supporters have been deprived of one of their main online nodes for organizing; but I sure this will not stop the US from lecturing other countries on “fair” elections.
The Reddit purge follows less than a month after the resignation of Reddit founder Alexis Ohanion, who recommended his position be filled with a Black person – Michael Seibel, in the event – and the company announcing they would be implementing even more radical restrictions on free speech. Soon after, incidences arose of Reddit banning individual accounts for merely upvoting (“liking”) certain posts that were in retrospect judged to have promoted “hate”. This would make it the platform-wide equivalent of punishing crimethink. Today, in tandem with the purge, Twitter has announced a platform-wide ban on hate speech – while making its real agenda by making an explicit exemptions for white people:
While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect all groups or all forms of identity. For example, the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority or who promote such attacks of hate.
However, even more notable than this, in my opinion, is that we are also seeing a mass ban of Far Left subs – most prominently, the /r/ChapoTrapHouse subreddit.
Based on a podcast of the same name, it has developed its own unique culture of leftist shitposting, complete with meme and insider jokes that was quite distinct and refreshing compared to SJW psychotwaddle (ironically, some are even appropriated from the Alt Right, e.g. they call each other “based” if for mostly different reasons). Make no mistake, there is next to no opportunity for “intersection” with them so for as nationalists are concerned – we are all racists and “MAGA chuds” to them, nor do they care on any for free speech (“freeze peach” accompanied by dancing crabs whenever some right-winger gets stomped by Zucc or @jack). Though in all fairness that’s a pretty universal trait, we all know that most neolibs and rightoids couldn’t care less about free speech as a core universal principle either, so kudos to them for their blunt honesty.
And they do have their good points. One thing I want to emphasize is that in the American context, it is the libs, the Maddows and Joy Reids, who are desperate to pin everything on PUTLER.
The chapos, the real leftists, for their part hate “the libs” almost as much as they hate Trumpists, mock them on account of their Trump Derangement Syndrome and RussiaGate histrionics no less than any /pol/ shitlord, and tend to have read books other than Harry Potter.
They also happen to unironically want to hang landlords, hate American imperialism far more than any other foreign Power, and yearn to impose FULLCOMMUNISM.
As such, while a world with “chapos” in power in America will very likely be worse for ordinary Americans – they are far more radical than Bernie Sanders, while as I have pointed out, Bernie is himself considerably more radical than most European communists – it will be better for the world as a whole, as they follow Lenin’s dictum to turn imperialist war into civil and class war. Frankly, they would probably even be better for the world than an America ruled by the Alt Right, considering that it is dominated by people like Boomer Bannon, who are just going to take America on a last crusade to make the Middle East safe for Israel and safeguard Taiwanese rights to gay marriage.
Now at this point I would like to make a subtle point. Many conservative types are pretty simplistic when it comes to political theory, to them everybody from Pelosi and Soros down to the Black Bloc are on the same, anti-America team. But this is only superficially true. While the neoliberal establishment is happy to use Antifa as shock troops, this is only true to the extent that their interests are congruent, e.g. participating in shows of force to demoralize Trump supporters. And Antifa is happy enough to take oligarch money. I mean, why wouldn’t they – there are good commie aphorisms about rope sales. But this same establishment, also for understandable reasons, does not appreciate it when they “go off the reservation”, and start to (seriously) attack banks and imperialism – as opposed to gamers, nerds, Karens, and rednecks. At that point, it becomes necessary to rein them back in.
Look at it from the Deep State’s perspective. In the short-term, we are probably going to see Israeli annexations of Palestinian territory that are going to provoke intense left-wing ire. In the long-term, while Trump and Conservatism Inc. seem to have essentially thrown in the towel, like the Tsarist regime in February 1917, the Biden administration that is likely to replace it this November is unlikely to enjoy much in the way of approval or even legitimacy. Navigating the 2020s from such a position of weakness will be extremely hard as it is. They could do without the chapos and adjacent left-wing extremists growing too big for their breeches.
Please keep off topic posts to the current Open Thread.
If you are new to my work, start here.
This is the consequence of the altright trashing high verbal IQ people with good people skills like lawyers as useless blowhards, I mean considering the classical Roman education system, you can also call Cicero and Cato and glorified law school deadbeats.
Samantha Bee and John Oliver, his proteges, now do that as well. When you look at the screeching retards yelling at black cops about racism or whatever, you can see this psychopathy more into sociopathy. The left can no longer mask its crazy, even at the highest levels.
So what exactly is the point of having verbal intelligence when the opposition is certifiably insane and not interested in rationale explanations, but domination of others through the government? The left, in its hatred of Trump and praise of the criminal George Floyd, is proving to moderates that mad dogs get put down for a reason.
I have read somewhere that most intelligent right wingers tend to have lower verbal IQs compared to most intelligent liberals?
Well, we watch history in the making. This time the cultural revolution will be in the US.
As for the source of the revolution, I don't see it coming from an agrarian base, and there's sod all industrial base left. Maybe it all comes down to whoever can martial the lumpen proletariat?Replies: @animalogic
Well OT, but checking YouTube, most Chinese TV shows have very high upvote to downvote ratios, which indicates continued satisfaction with the general direction and state of Chinese TV, despite it being stuck in a Hays Code era time warp with 2020 technology.
I don’t know much about Reddit politics, but many people seem to think that the banning of the Chapo subreddit (what other prominent leftist subreddits were banned?) was simply an attempt to make it seems as if the banning of the TheDonald subreddit wasn’t politically motivated. The idea that liberal elites are actually scared of the far left seems far-fetched, given how eager they are to defend any stupid shit that antifa and the like do (“no enemies to the left”).
I don't know if they were indeed making that much money, but closing that loophole only strengthens their finances.
The attempt to *appear* balanced in censorship is very transparent.
Perhaps the answer is “because it being stuck in a Hays Code era time warp”.
Is it verbal skill level? Or, delivery technique?
SJW Globalist methodology targets preferred prey. Non-STEM college freshman may have better vocabulary, but they exhibit a complete lack of common sense, and a desperate hormonal need for acceptance. These “sheeple” are the ideal candidates for brainwashing and assimilation into the SJW Cult of anti-factual, highly emotional dogmatic theology.
TheDonald effectively disappeared months ago when reddit replaced the mod team and the users migrated en-masse to a replacement off-reddit site so there really wasn’t any significant news today regarding r/TheDonald.
There were a bunch of subs that were expecting cancellation that did not get cancelled. Maybe the biggest thing that happened was r/TheRedPill did not get cancelled. They seem like they ought to be the first on the chopping block but they dodged the bullet.
Given the Chinese investment in Reddit, one would imagine that there is some National Security law in the US that the President could use to seize ownership of the site.
Durov was bullied out of VK, and supposedly we are to weak to do the same thing?
Now PUTLER is giving him a big tax cut to boot.
Does Russia have it’s Reddit equivalent? In Poland it would be Wykop.
Reading French philosophy one notes how verbose they are…and how full of shit. Unsure about IQ tests, but there is something more important about concise language that gets to the heart of an issue compared to word salad.
I’m waiting for US popular culture to agree on words that are equivalent to: bourgeois, proletariat and lumpen.
As for the source of the revolution, I don’t see it coming from an agrarian base, and there’s sod all industrial base left. Maybe it all comes down to whoever can martial the lumpen proletariat?
Lacking an industrial work force IS a problem. However, prior to "Lumpen" comes "working people". Should working people become conscious of their collective interests (as Elites ALWAYS have been) we may refer to them as the "working class".
Instilling consciousness & the guiding working people is the monumental task needed to reset this planet. In the face of Elites who have been practicing every aspect of their own interests for 100's of years. No betting man would lay money on working people.
Yes, we do, Pikabu:
absolutely nobody:
AK: /r/chonkers iS aNiMaL AbUsE
big chungus: *reverse uno card*
big chungus: this is how I win
AK: wait that's illegal
big chungus: ok boomer
keanu revees: you're breathtaking!
(everyone liked that)
gaben: first time?
Freedom of speech is worth nothing.
Nobody cares about anything we have to say.
Even if you are like Alex Jones and wield enormous influence, your supporters will do nothing, because your arguments can’t distract them from the awesomeness of globalism and liberalism, whether they will admit that they are enjoying globalism or not.
The world as it exists today is virtually flawless. Never has the world been more peaceful, cleaner, bountiful, comfortable and with more opportunity for everyone to pursue their dreams.
Anyone who is a critic of today’s world, who thinks they can improve it from their box seat with their trinket ideas, is a mentally defective human being who needs to be shot in the back of the head. Censoring them is not just an ideological objective, but an evolutionary imperative against harmful genetic mutations.
Look, even if a person’s seemingly delusional ideological beliefs were in fact legitimate, and they really had a case for saving the world (or their “race”, their preferred economic class, or whatever), what good has +20 years of bitching on the internet really accomplished? That’s right, absolutely nothing.
I repeat, nobody gives a damn about what we have to say, and we’ll accomplish nothing with our free speech. If you are a true believer in an impending doom, and correct about it, your many online works will simply be recorded in history as the effeminate ramblings of a man who sat by and typed, in some cases for decades, as his country burned to the ground. How humiliating!
I celebrate censorship. Nothing warms my heart like the sound of an effeminate little hermaphrodite screaming about the fact that they got banned. The more free our world is from ideological and philosophical garbage, hyperactive bickering on forums and twitter, political obsessiveness, “meme wars” and so on, the better. And the mutants will be forced to finally explore alternative methods for changing the world as they see fit, forcing them to finally realize whether they even worth a damn, or not. Most of them will eat a shotgun within 72 hours of no internet soapbox, having realized they were never even competent enough to make decisions for themselves, much less change our world.
Is there a comprehensive list of banned subs? I notice they took down r/GenderCritical (feminist anti-trans sub), which would comport with the theory that they are just taking out all the enemies of American neoliberalism in one fell, Godfather-style swoop.
There is still a big asymmetry in banning the largest online community for supporters of the POTUS vs. the relatively fringe interests that are “Chapo Trap House” and “Gender Critical” feminism. But I do expect that over the course of a Biden presidency there would be multiple attempted and/or successful purges within the American left; there are simply too many disparate ideologies operating under the “progressive” banner right now and all that’s yoking them together is the thin thread of “Orange Man Bad.” Whether the radicals purge the old guard–or the reverse–almost seems like a coin toss at this point.
As already mentioned, TheDonald sub was dying.
The CTH sub user base was much larger in recent times, representing a greater threat to the establishment than the defeated fans of Donald.
In fact, the Chapo sub was at war with the Chapo staff. Redditors would regularly post links for the paid episodes, and would curse the five (((Marxists))) for charging a fixed price, as if they were some rich televangelists.
I don’t know if they were indeed making that much money, but closing that loophole only strengthens their finances.
The attempt to *appear* balanced in censorship is very transparent.
I predict that Molyneux will be re-instated, at least temporarily. Seems to be part of their MO to help create uncertainty.
The idea that there will be legislation to prevent this, if Trump gets re-elected seems like a very naive hope. Though, withal, I still think it is poor strategy for Youtube to engage in bans, when they have a lot of technical tools to limit the audience for videos they see as problematic.
Ideally, you’d want to service opposition niches with videos to keep them occupied, as videos take a lot of time to watch, and provide an outlet for their frustrations. The last thing you’d want is for people on the Right to gain an appreciation for squashing the “free speech” of the other side, or simply the value of controlling the channels of propaganda. And if vlogging isn’t an open outlet, people might seek to create propaganda on higher, more effective levels. Or, if denied this, the natural result might be to create a deep socio-religious movement, with people actually meeting and having children, outbreeding the side whose consumerist demands are met in a plethora of wokeness.
This is one place were we could all take a lesson from Hugo Chavez. Expropriate, expropriate, expropriate!Replies: @songbird, @dfordoom
Nobody cares about anything we have to say.
Even if you are like Alex Jones and wield enormous influence, your supporters will do nothing, because your arguments can't distract them from the awesomeness of globalism and liberalism, whether they will admit that they are enjoying globalism or not.
The world as it exists today is virtually flawless. Never has the world been more peaceful, cleaner, bountiful, comfortable and with more opportunity for everyone to pursue their dreams.
Anyone who is a critic of today's world, who thinks they can improve it from their box seat with their trinket ideas, is a mentally defective human being who needs to be shot in the back of the head. Censoring them is not just an ideological objective, but an evolutionary imperative against harmful genetic mutations.
Look, even if a person's seemingly delusional ideological beliefs were in fact legitimate, and they really had a case for saving the world (or their "race", their preferred economic class, or whatever), what good has +20 years of bitching on the internet really accomplished? That's right, absolutely nothing.
I repeat, nobody gives a damn about what we have to say, and we'll accomplish nothing with our free speech. If you are a true believer in an impending doom, and correct about it, your many online works will simply be recorded in history as the effeminate ramblings of a man who sat by and typed, in some cases for decades, as his country burned to the ground. How humiliating!
I celebrate censorship. Nothing warms my heart like the sound of an effeminate little hermaphrodite screaming about the fact that they got banned. The more free our world is from ideological and philosophical garbage, hyperactive bickering on forums and twitter, political obsessiveness, "meme wars" and so on, the better. And the mutants will be forced to finally explore alternative methods for changing the world as they see fit, forcing them to finally realize whether they even worth a damn, or not. Most of them will eat a shotgun within 72 hours of no internet soapbox, having realized they were never even competent enough to make decisions for themselves, much less change our world.Replies: @fish, @Daniel Chieh, @Kratoklastes
Yeah……you probably could have just stopped there.
Nobody cares about anything we have to say.
Even if you are like Alex Jones and wield enormous influence, your supporters will do nothing, because your arguments can't distract them from the awesomeness of globalism and liberalism, whether they will admit that they are enjoying globalism or not.
The world as it exists today is virtually flawless. Never has the world been more peaceful, cleaner, bountiful, comfortable and with more opportunity for everyone to pursue their dreams.
Anyone who is a critic of today's world, who thinks they can improve it from their box seat with their trinket ideas, is a mentally defective human being who needs to be shot in the back of the head. Censoring them is not just an ideological objective, but an evolutionary imperative against harmful genetic mutations.
Look, even if a person's seemingly delusional ideological beliefs were in fact legitimate, and they really had a case for saving the world (or their "race", their preferred economic class, or whatever), what good has +20 years of bitching on the internet really accomplished? That's right, absolutely nothing.
I repeat, nobody gives a damn about what we have to say, and we'll accomplish nothing with our free speech. If you are a true believer in an impending doom, and correct about it, your many online works will simply be recorded in history as the effeminate ramblings of a man who sat by and typed, in some cases for decades, as his country burned to the ground. How humiliating!
I celebrate censorship. Nothing warms my heart like the sound of an effeminate little hermaphrodite screaming about the fact that they got banned. The more free our world is from ideological and philosophical garbage, hyperactive bickering on forums and twitter, political obsessiveness, "meme wars" and so on, the better. And the mutants will be forced to finally explore alternative methods for changing the world as they see fit, forcing them to finally realize whether they even worth a damn, or not. Most of them will eat a shotgun within 72 hours of no internet soapbox, having realized they were never even competent enough to make decisions for themselves, much less change our world.Replies: @fish, @Daniel Chieh, @Kratoklastes
Perhaps you shall soon be so blessed by censorship, too.
From my similarly unscientific observations most youtube videos, unless they attract controversy, have high favourable ratios. I don’t think this measurement doesn’t prove very much.
You can tell just from the way it sounds that it was an insult invented by gay-nerds
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller / Chemical Hazard Urban Disposal
Basically Zombies from chemical waste ... from the sewers. Or me if I haven't showered in a few days on a camping trip.
There's a sweet sequel and an Alligator movie along the same vein.
Most of the people involved would be better off exploring the sewers of new york than the sewers of the internet ...Replies: @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive
I just checked its pageview stats and wow, is very popular. So along with popular Facebook and Google alternatives, Russia also has its own Twitter.
Politically, what is the ratio like?
Russia must take notes from India re: China and ban US tech companies before it’s too late, and by too late I mean the woke cult may gain traction and, if given enough time, a life of its own, then not even banning US tech companies may revert the ideological poisoning – with a big caveat, though – in Russia there are ways to compel the leadership of these tech companies to be more based and ideologically opposed to poz, a possibility that just does not exist in the ZOGified US.
I deem the US Empire responsible for Ukraine banning VK so that Ukrainians would migrate to FB, exposing them to woke ideology and severing them from the RuNet. You see, the US can be blatant in using the law to advance its interests, freedom to choose be damned. The church split was likewise masterminded from abroad. Any law that helps sever Ukraine from Russia was considered, deliberated and adopted.
Russia has taken some baby steps, like the sovereign internet law, with the technical details implemented & ready for use (to great disruption, but I think it’s being fine-tuned to be more like China’s Great Firewall ), and smartphones are obliged by law to come with Russian-made apps as alternative to US made ones. This is good and all, but more should be done.
Off-topic: Russia should fine that sushi chain you mentioned to serve as example to others, so they don’t get any ideas. The flag is a LGBT propaganda symbol and there are children who use Instagram. I must say that shit bothered me. Was there a fall out from this?
Purging all the racist/hate speech for the eventual transformation: from platforms to publishers.
It’s depressing to say this but I’d expect the old guard to almost certainly lose and get purged. And very messily and nastily purged.
Dumb take.
Citation please?
Nationalist/socially conservative rightoids have lower verbal IQ than regular people (making them effectively retarded).
Dick Cheney and Robert Zoellick-style neoliberals have higher verbal IQ than Lefties -- making them the most politically intelligent group in the world.Unsurprising, given their glory.Citations:
Perhaps it was a hint that “you fat turks need to get out into the streets and smash some windows.”
How can you be sure you actually comprehended that which you believe you read?
Wasn’t there an Audacious Epigone post that right wing agnostics and atheists have lower wordsum scores than their left wing versions?
One can only use the data one has.... And, WORDSUM is the available field. That being said, the low correlation makes it problematic as a tool.
PEACE 😇Replies: @Grahamsno(G64)
It varies by the “type” of rightoid.
Nationalist/socially conservative rightoids have lower verbal IQ than regular people (making them effectively retarded).
Dick Cheney and Robert Zoellick-style neoliberals have higher verbal IQ than Lefties — making them the most politically intelligent group in the world.
Unsurprising, given their glory.
As for the source of the revolution, I don't see it coming from an agrarian base, and there's sod all industrial base left. Maybe it all comes down to whoever can martial the lumpen proletariat?Replies: @animalogic
“As for the source of the revolution, I don’t see it coming from an agrarian base, and there’s sod all industrial base left. Maybe it all comes down to whoever can martial the lumpen proletariat?”
Lacking an industrial work force IS a problem. However, prior to “Lumpen” comes “working people”. Should working people become conscious of their collective interests (as Elites ALWAYS have been) we may refer to them as the “working class”.
Instilling consciousness & the guiding working people is the monumental task needed to reset this planet. In the face of Elites who have been practicing every aspect of their own interests for 100’s of years. No betting man would lay money on working people.
Durov was bullied out of VK, and supposedly we are to weak to do the same thing?Replies: @WHAT, @Chuck
Durov was paid for VK and is working with Kremlin. All his fronde is just a cover.
Now PUTLER is giving him a big tax cut to boot.
It will be interesting to see what effect this has on reddit’s alexa ranking.
I’m surprised they didn’t ban /r/TheRedPill and /r/MGTOW.
The "Incel Terror" meme has gone into hibernation.
absolutely nobody:
AK: /r/chonkers iS aNiMaL AbUsE
big chungus: *reverse uno card*
big chungus: this is how I win
AK: wait that’s illegal
big chungus: ok boomer
keanu revees: you’re breathtaking!
(everyone liked that)
gaben: first time?
Yes. It also pointed out the mediocre correlation between that value (based on only 10 words) and others. Vocabulary is not intelligence.
One can only use the data one has…. And, WORDSUM is the available field. That being said, the low correlation makes it problematic as a tool.
The high verbal IQ thing is also associated with manipulation. You can look at virtually any successful jewish left winger and you’ll be able to see dishonest tactics at play near 100% of the time. Jon Stewart is infamous for this. He had a formula for casting an opposing ideology as stupid and irredeemable by cutting out context, presenting whatever remained as a joke and allowing no time to question the validity of doing that or whether it was the whole truth.
Samantha Bee and John Oliver, his proteges, now do that as well. When you look at the screeching retards yelling at black cops about racism or whatever, you can see this psychopathy more into sociopathy. The left can no longer mask its crazy, even at the highest levels.
So what exactly is the point of having verbal intelligence when the opposition is certifiably insane and not interested in rationale explanations, but domination of others through the government? The left, in its hatred of Trump and praise of the criminal George Floyd, is proving to moderates that mad dogs get put down for a reason.
It’s from an 80s horror movie.
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller / Chemical Hazard Urban Disposal
Basically Zombies from chemical waste … from the sewers. Or me if I haven’t showered in a few days on a camping trip.
There’s a sweet sequel and an Alligator movie along the same vein.
Most of the people involved would be better off exploring the sewers of new york than the sewers of the internet …
Most intelligent right wingers don’t reveal them selves and set up alternative systems. Probably the smartest right winger right now is running his own fief somewhere upstate and you don’t even know he exists.
What is wrong with women and homosexuals
they exist.
One can only use the data one has.... And, WORDSUM is the available field. That being said, the low correlation makes it problematic as a tool.
PEACE 😇Replies: @Grahamsno(G64)
Bullshit they’re deeply interrelated to the point that the former can be taken as a rule of the thumb evidence for the latter. Trump is Exhibit A that these concepts are deeply related he is as stupid as he sounds. The correlationship coefficient has to be intuitively greater than 50. Vocabularies can only be built up by reading the one common activity of the overwhelming majority of intelligent people. Ebonics speaking hoodrats aren’t intelligent people.
Overproduction of elites, all of whom want to argue and scheme for a living instead of doing honest work.
Cicero and Cato lived in one of the most prolifically literate times in all of history. They also lived at the very end of it, just before it went authoritarian and dictatorial (at the end of their lives while they were still around), and a couple hundred years before their entire society imploded.
When Rome finally burned down (multiple times) guys like that were too busy speechifying, arguing and politically posturing to do much about it. When a real crisis hits, the lawyers want to blame it on their political enemies. Only the soldiers and the stoics tried to fix any of it.
What did Cicero and Cato accomplish by the way? Everyone remembers the wonderful things they said. What did they manage to do?
The idea that there will be legislation to prevent this, if Trump gets re-elected seems like a very naive hope. Though, withal, I still think it is poor strategy for Youtube to engage in bans, when they have a lot of technical tools to limit the audience for videos they see as problematic.
Ideally, you'd want to service opposition niches with videos to keep them occupied, as videos take a lot of time to watch, and provide an outlet for their frustrations. The last thing you'd want is for people on the Right to gain an appreciation for squashing the "free speech" of the other side, or simply the value of controlling the channels of propaganda. And if vlogging isn't an open outlet, people might seek to create propaganda on higher, more effective levels. Or, if denied this, the natural result might be to create a deep socio-religious movement, with people actually meeting and having children, outbreeding the side whose consumerist demands are met in a plethora of wokeness.Replies: @Lars Porsena
The social media companies should all be nationalized.
This is one place were we could all take a lesson from Hugo Chavez. Expropriate, expropriate, expropriate!
Gab, not Parler, Slug or Telegram.
Gab deserves more attention. Its done an outstanding job on defending its user base. If they can keep Andrew Anglin on board, they can certainly keep the rest of us there.
Parler is Kushner funded. Bluepilled Cuckservative Inc. Will censor anything not agreed by GOP central committee. It is paying the whole Israeli run “alt” gig to migrate from Twitter, the Ted Cruz types, eventually Marco Rubio, Charlie Kirk.
Same for Slug. Pompous outfit from Eric Weinstein (Palantir, and donor to many sites many of us like to read 😉 billing itself as the International Dark Web with claptrap about “civil discourse” amateurishly ejecting anyone who uses based lingo or so much as disagrees with a trany’s “I’m Mathew Sheppard” imitation.
With MeWe and Minds and you get total fragmentation of our voices. Of course you can camp it out on Telegram, Dlive, and VK or LiveJournal before Putin makes a deal with the Great Sanhendrin and kicks all of you off to the Digital Jigoku.
The word “fragmentation” translates as “losers” in my book. In election and long-term political sense. There is no alternative to Gab. Start the migration now while you can still tell your followers from Facebook and twitter to join you.
Expecting the enemy to spare you is foolishness.
To radically rephrase Pastor Niemöller
At first they came for Andrew Anglin…
They managed to get themselves across the millennia what about you?
This is very good:
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller / Chemical Hazard Urban Disposal
Basically Zombies from chemical waste ... from the sewers. Or me if I haven't showered in a few days on a camping trip.
There's a sweet sequel and an Alligator movie along the same vein.
Most of the people involved would be better off exploring the sewers of new york than the sewers of the internet ...Replies: @Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive
Is it a reference to “Fascisti, carogne, tornate nelle fogne.”?
Well I haven’t gotten myself executed nor committed suicide to avoid it yet.
They got their many fine principled speeches and dignified losses across the millennia. They live on as an inspiration for cuckservatives everywhere to remain proud of losing the right way. With the right crease in the right pants and/or toga.
This is one place were we could all take a lesson from Hugo Chavez. Expropriate, expropriate, expropriate!Replies: @songbird, @dfordoom
National news media seems to be almost universally toxic.
Gab deserves more attention. Its done an outstanding job on defending its user base. If they can keep Andrew Anglin on board, they can certainly keep the rest of us there.
Parler is Kushner funded. Bluepilled Cuckservative Inc. Will censor anything not agreed by GOP central committee. It is paying the whole Israeli run "alt" gig to migrate from Twitter, the Ted Cruz types, eventually Marco Rubio, Charlie Kirk.
Same for Slug. Pompous outfit from Eric Weinstein (Palantir, and donor to many sites many of us like to read ;) billing itself as the International Dark Web with claptrap about "civil discourse" amateurishly ejecting anyone who uses based lingo or so much as disagrees with a trany's "I'm Mathew Sheppard" imitation.
With MeWe and Minds and you get total fragmentation of our voices. Of course you can camp it out on Telegram, Dlive, and VK or LiveJournal before Putin makes a deal with the Great Sanhendrin and kicks all of you off to the Digital Jigoku.
The word "fragmentation" translates as "losers" in my book. In election and long-term political sense. There is no alternative to Gab. Start the migration now while you can still tell your followers from Facebook and twitter to join you.Replies: @Hartnell
Ask yourself this question though. Does anybody really want to listen to views on here? I tend to find that most people can only be pushed so far.
Right now with places like Parler, you do have many Trumpists but also the anti-islamic faction too. Yes, it’s not actually anything to do with ethnic nationalism but it’s a huge step in the right direction. At least people are turning heavily against BLM and do tend to agree with Trump and his base message of no more immigration/America first.
Honestly, I just don’t expect the view points expressed on this website is ever going to truly make it to the mainstream.
There were threats of mutiny when Congress considered the initial vote on attacking Syria, before the rise of ISIS.
In the Trump era, two times the Joint Chiefs have issued a coup threat over racial matters.
If the loyalty of the (very white) Tier 1 units comes into question, the efficacy of the US Military will be approaching zero.Replies: @Hartnell
The bigger picture here is things are just reverting to the norm given Google, Facebook, Twitter etc are now essentially part of the mainstream media (MSM) complex.
Google in particular has been moving more or less in this direction since the Panda update years back. Some ‘incidents’ and politics have helped to accelerate things.
MSM outlets have also been trying to bully platforms like YouTube into promoting their own content by alleging these amplify ‘extremist’ content aka traffic competition.
The problem with all this is you are dealing with supply instead of the content demand side.
They also tend to be more prone to outrage, and willing to boycott at the drop of a hat. When's the last time you heard of gays sitting back and grilling?
Most Big Tech is also concentrated in two regions. Seattle and the Bay Area. Both were liberal prior to the tech era, and have become even moreso.
Facebook is now operating a two-tiered model in the US. Facebook for Boomers, and Instagram for Millennials. They risk being undercut by Chinese-owned, but Woke-Operated Tiktok for the Zoomers.
Conservatives can't manage to concentrate their anger on a single target until it is destroyed. If they do have a single target, it is "Soros" and you can't boycott him.
Minor nitpick, The Donald was banned despite having no activity at all for several months. They left Reddit and started their own website that you can’t easily find by googling since a few days ago, so they had stopped posting anything for months now.
Also, while the chapos got banned, tankie chapos did not.
Durov was bullied out of VK, and supposedly we are to weak to do the same thing?Replies: @WHAT, @Chuck
Okay Shlomo.
So you want to nationalize them too?
I’m ok with that. I’m a big fan of Victor Orban.
Nationalizing doesn’t mean the national news controls twitter (ABC, NBC, CBS), it would mean the federal government controls twitter (and as such, it would be subject to all standards for content neutral free speech and anti-discrimination etc). It would be more like PBS in control of twitter. How toxic would PBS and NPR be with managing it? Better than we have now.
But PBS and NPR both provide content. The federal government wouldn’t be providing most of the content. It would be more like CATV, public access television.
My trust in the rule of law is in decline. I don't think any law promoting impartiality will pass or be enforced. There's probably even less hope outside the US. We're on our own, IMO.
I remember back before it was “cool” to be right wing, the UK was always considered a right wing, “racist” sort of place, when it was fashionable to be socialist/communist, the UK was seen as the opposite of that. Very stuffy, very conservative. Not the sort of place the LGBT crowd would like, when it was cool to be pro-LGBT.
Then after it became cool to be right wing, “based” and anti-LGBT, Britain was then considered a left wing, cucked sort of country. Total reversal. I think what I’m basically saying is that the UK, especially England, is just despised and seen negatively by many. What ever is in fashion at the time, England will always be seen as the opposite.
In Sweden's case, things switched to definite cuckedness sometime in the mid to late 90s.Replies: @Pericles, @Dmitry
I think local access was just a different era – different demographics, different technological dynamic.
My trust in the rule of law is in decline. I don’t think any law promoting impartiality will pass or be enforced. There’s probably even less hope outside the US. We’re on our own, IMO.
There was asymmetry, but not in the way you think it was.
As already mentioned, TheDonald sub was dying.
The CTH sub user base was much larger in recent times, representing a greater threat to the establishment than the defeated fans of Donald.
I’m really pissed at reddit because they deleted my favorite sub, r/3rd position politics, where actual philosophical and political debates on stuff like Fascism, Existensialism, National Bolshevism could take place without having to endure a bunch of rightoids and boomercons screaming “Cultural Marxism”, “demokkkrats”, “china” and other lolbertarian buzzwords. Does anyone know of somewhere interesting to hold such discussions apart from Karlin’s blog?
Nobody cares about anything we have to say.
Even if you are like Alex Jones and wield enormous influence, your supporters will do nothing, because your arguments can't distract them from the awesomeness of globalism and liberalism, whether they will admit that they are enjoying globalism or not.
The world as it exists today is virtually flawless. Never has the world been more peaceful, cleaner, bountiful, comfortable and with more opportunity for everyone to pursue their dreams.
Anyone who is a critic of today's world, who thinks they can improve it from their box seat with their trinket ideas, is a mentally defective human being who needs to be shot in the back of the head. Censoring them is not just an ideological objective, but an evolutionary imperative against harmful genetic mutations.
Look, even if a person's seemingly delusional ideological beliefs were in fact legitimate, and they really had a case for saving the world (or their "race", their preferred economic class, or whatever), what good has +20 years of bitching on the internet really accomplished? That's right, absolutely nothing.
I repeat, nobody gives a damn about what we have to say, and we'll accomplish nothing with our free speech. If you are a true believer in an impending doom, and correct about it, your many online works will simply be recorded in history as the effeminate ramblings of a man who sat by and typed, in some cases for decades, as his country burned to the ground. How humiliating!
I celebrate censorship. Nothing warms my heart like the sound of an effeminate little hermaphrodite screaming about the fact that they got banned. The more free our world is from ideological and philosophical garbage, hyperactive bickering on forums and twitter, political obsessiveness, "meme wars" and so on, the better. And the mutants will be forced to finally explore alternative methods for changing the world as they see fit, forcing them to finally realize whether they even worth a damn, or not. Most of them will eat a shotgun within 72 hours of no internet soapbox, having realized they were never even competent enough to make decisions for themselves, much less change our world.Replies: @fish, @Daniel Chieh, @Kratoklastes
The current social unrest is of a piece with periodic outbursts by bourgeois midwit university students that happen about once every generation – as the current crop of undeveloped brains convinces itself that it has found the solution to some social problem that is their current infatuation. Sometimes it does some good – although all the low-hanging fruit was done by the 1970s.
Most of the time it sputters out and we’re back to the status quo ante.
In the last couple of decades, American-style “set the volume dial at 11” media takes this pointless shit and amplifies it until it infests everyone’s minds and gives it a significance that it simply doesn’t deserve.
Media portrayals of all this shit remind me of my 22-year old midwit nephew’s idiotic ‘Twitch streams’ that always seem to involve 2 Yank fuckwits fake-cackling like hyenas and saying “What the fuck?” every 15 seconds while they play video games. (Like ChapoTrapHouse… a bunch of tards trying to impress each other).
I can’t begin to understand why there is a market for this, but there is – just as there is a market for Fox News and CNN. Same shit… different sandwich. A very large proportion of the population are desperate for a reason to believe that there’s something interesting going on in their lives – even if they are only participating vicariously.
The actual big problems are Bastiat’s TWINS (That Which Is Not Seen), and is not remotely among the current infatuations of bourgeois kiddies.
Still, it’s maybe a bit strong to celebrate censorship, but I get where you’re headed: it will take some genuine full-contact bitchslaps before whiney ‘alt Right’ bitches will get up on their hind legs and do something concrete (if they ever will – which they probably won’t).
As I’ve said elsewhere: nobody on ‘our’ side is willingly lining up to be the early-stage shtrafniki that will lose their livelihoods in order to furnish a launchpad for an eventual victory by “Team anti-Woke“.
That’s because ‘we’ intuitively grasp the Game-theoretic problem: it makes no sense for an individual to set himself up to bear highly-concentrated, direct, costs (including loss of career etc) of taking on the WokeBorg… on the off-chance that there is some long-lasting diffuse advantage to ‘our’ side.
In June 1989 some guy – apparently on his way home from getting groceries – just thought “Y’know what? Fuck this shit“, and stood in front of a column of ~20 tanks (the close shot of 5 tanks is misleading). He then gave the lead tank crew a good fucking talking to.
If Tank Man had stood in front of a WokeBorg tank, he would have been smeared on the pavement and posthumously defamed as a racist transphobic antisemite, after having all his social media accounts frozen and their contents deleted.
What did Tank Man achieve, in reality? Zero. The reforms put in place by Deng Xiaoping were already in place, and they are the causa causans of China’s meteoric rise.
In the final washup, Zero is also what will be achieved by BLM, Antifa, Coronachan and all the rest of the nonsense being used to whip a tiny number of people into a frenzy (and to spark a frisson in the pants of people with the worldview of middle-aged Methodist spinsters).
There is absolutely no risk of a genuine overthrow of the system, because the people leading the attempt are halfwits who will eventually be angling for positions within the system.
The whole thing reminds me of people ‘analysing’ the ‘strategy’ of their favourite participant on [some stupid reality show – Big Brother, Survivor, etc].
It’s not totally clear whether the right term for it is panem et circenses, son et lumière, Sturm und Drang, or “sound and fury”… probably a mix. I prefer Guy Debord’s term “Spectacle”: Shakespeare was on the money regarding its overall significance.
2020 - joining protesting with American equivalent of sans-culottes. Recent difference in 2020, American "sans-culottes" were crazy enough to also attack shopping amenities of New York elites - (which even in distant Moscow, has class conscious representatives like Ksenia Sobchak become worried about). @Dmitry, @Pericles
Thanks for the citation. To an extent both you and those on this thread who downplay verbal skill (vocabulary is not intelligence) are both on to something. What I think is interesting in the study you cite is the following part:
In short, teens and young people with high vocabularies will tend to be highly intelligent overall, with the speed at which they acquired the vocabulary the true measure of intelligence, while those who have acquired high vocabularies over the course of a long life are highly trained readers, but not necessarily the brightest.
I think a lot of those on this thread who are downplaying the importance or accuracy of verbal IQ measurements, are doing so because they associate those verbal skills with the pseudo-meaningful babble of tenured SJW professors. And in a sense they are right: these tenured know-nothings are not really intelligent, they are just trained at reciting big esoteric words that the average person has no reason to ever learn. But the true measure of their (low) intellect is not the size or rarity of the words they use, but the poor quality of the ideas they are expressing.
On the other hand, those who manage to have acquired a decent vocabulary (and know how to use it) at a relatively young age, are probably quite bright in a variety of other ways, hence the r=78 (actually larger for the young, because the overall correlation includes the old aged.) Notice that verbal skill does not respond quickly to short term training in comparison to math. I would venture that those who do well on verbal tests as teens are probably those who spoke better at age 3 than the average 6 year old, and that is a valid measure of intelligence.
Let me end by saying that verbal skill is not simply related to oratory. True verbal skill is the ability to condense relatively complicated and detailed information into concise language accessible to the lay person. And that is a valuable skill.
That was an awesome dancing crab video.
Both are already under quarantine, but my guess is that they’ve been out of the news cycle for a while.
The “Incel Terror” meme has gone into hibernation.
Our views don’t need to be mainstream. They just have to be moderately popular within SOCOM.
There were threats of mutiny when Congress considered the initial vote on attacking Syria, before the rise of ISIS.
In the Trump era, two times the Joint Chiefs have issued a coup threat over racial matters.
If the loyalty of the (very white) Tier 1 units comes into question, the efficacy of the US Military will be approaching zero.
I think the Trumpists would be accepting of such a message. I have noticed a lot of them now are accepting pro-white points of view. As long as it isn't too radical and holds any prejudice to other groups, they will get on board.
Google in particular has been moving more or less in this direction since the Panda update years back. Some 'incidents' and politics have helped to accelerate things.
MSM outlets have also been trying to bully platforms like YouTube into promoting their own content by alleging these amplify 'extremist' content aka traffic competition.
The problem with all this is you are dealing with supply instead of the content demand side.Replies: @216
US Liberals draw their strength in particular from two blocs: Unmarried women and gays. Both are a lot more consumerist than the population at large.
They also tend to be more prone to outrage, and willing to boycott at the drop of a hat. When’s the last time you heard of gays sitting back and grilling?
Most Big Tech is also concentrated in two regions. Seattle and the Bay Area. Both were liberal prior to the tech era, and have become even moreso.
Facebook is now operating a two-tiered model in the US. Facebook for Boomers, and Instagram for Millennials. They risk being undercut by Chinese-owned, but Woke-Operated Tiktok for the Zoomers.
Conservatives can’t manage to concentrate their anger on a single target until it is destroyed. If they do have a single target, it is “Soros” and you can’t boycott him.
This is one place were we could all take a lesson from Hugo Chavez. Expropriate, expropriate, expropriate!Replies: @songbird, @dfordoom
Social media should simply be shut down. It is inherently a bad thing.
The UK was a lot more based in the 80s and 90s, and so was Sweden for that matter. And wow just look at us now.
In Sweden’s case, things switched to definite cuckedness sometime in the mid to late 90s.
Next election, there are mutterings that there will be a full-on islamic party to vote for. (And I assume the cucks and traitor parties will be fighting to kiss their asses.) Perhaps the time to vote our way out of this has passed.
While in 2020 England. Much of young people - are this kind of post-industrial, bourgeois hipsters. Much of the youth in Great Britain look like.
In poorer conditions, people are too concerned with having basic working conditions and feeding their family, to obsess about polar bears. You don't go after your work in the factory, or the coal mining - to protest about polar bears and vegan homosexuality.
I thought maybe this is just regional. But (although Great Britain's economy is collapsing this year from coronavirus), it has generally very high level of economic comfort. Here is the proportion of money people spend on food. This is one of the main inverse measurements of economic comfort. Great Britain is 2nd most comfortable in Europe, with 10% (despite all the luxury supermarkets).
And the predictable difference of political prioritization of Ukraine in the bottom with 50% of spending on food (despite cheap supermarkets) In both Sweden and Great Britain, it looks like "infection point" of GDP per capita is around 1990.
When do youth fashions like football hooligans start to peak?Replies: @Pericles
In Sweden's case, things switched to definite cuckedness sometime in the mid to late 90s.Replies: @Pericles, @Dmitry
Basically, in Sweden’s case there was open anti-immigrant sentiment on the streets as well as in politics (though that party was more or less a joke, perhaps even a planted joke). Then that disappeared for about a decade while the government pumped in migrants of various sorts. Then the Sweden Democrats rose from the ashes and became the second largest party, which was good. However, they seem to have settled around 15-20% and are of course boycotted by the cucks and traitor parties.
Next election, there are mutterings that there will be a full-on islamic party to vote for. (And I assume the cucks and traitor parties will be fighting to kiss their asses.) Perhaps the time to vote our way out of this has passed.
Where do Antifa go when they are kicked off mainstream sites, I wonder? Voat/gab or do they have their own freeze peach plantations?
There were threats of mutiny when Congress considered the initial vote on attacking Syria, before the rise of ISIS.
In the Trump era, two times the Joint Chiefs have issued a coup threat over racial matters.
If the loyalty of the (very white) Tier 1 units comes into question, the efficacy of the US Military will be approaching zero.Replies: @Hartnell
This is true. To be honest, I think that when it comes to view points on this website, the best that can be achieved is what I would term as a healthy white Identitarism. Nothing radical, just promote the idea that it is fine to be white, there is nothing wrong with it, too much immigration destroys the traditional identity, etc.
I think the Trumpists would be accepting of such a message. I have noticed a lot of them now are accepting pro-white points of view. As long as it isn’t too radical and holds any prejudice to other groups, they will get on board.
From my post #38:
From your post #65
You are misunderstanding my intent, because you missed my original post #38.
The specific measure in question is WORDSUM, a value generated by a specific survey that uses only 10 [TEN] words.
Does a vocabulary of only the 10 [TEN] words of WORDSUM convey intelligence?
There’s no premise for your assertion as far as the relevant research is concerned.
More Dems than Repubs support speech restrictions:
Liberal college students are far more likely than conservative students to support obstructing the ability of people to speak freely:
College students who identify as strongly liberal are the least supportive of speech rights:
Yet more evidence that Democrats and liberals are more likely than their opposites to say certain kinds of speech should be shut down:
The most you, Karlin, can claim is that at one time in the distant past, liberals were more supportive of free speech, but then all that tells us is that the moral justification for free speech is a function of power. When shitlibs are out of power, they want free speech. When they are in power, they want restrictions.
PS The terms of art are “leftoid” and “RWDSer”.
I’m usually dismissive of the notion that everything is about Trump, but it seems that the tech lords are doing everything to get Gropey Joe over the line.
In Sweden's case, things switched to definite cuckedness sometime in the mid to late 90s.Replies: @Pericles, @Dmitry
Lol I think “Based” is an afroamerican teenager slang for something which is cool. But in its use in this forum as meaning right wing or redneck – it’s clear conditions of life for this are less each year in England, because of the kind of post-industrial hipster lifestyle which is produced there.
What proportion of English are an industrial proletariat today (in the meaning of working with manufacturing or extraction of resources), compared to 50 years past?
In Great Britain of 1971 – there was a significant and influential proletarian youth culture. Although already sign of rising incomes of the proletariat, that it could produce this. (1970s Great Britain – youth culture like in 2000s Russia).
While in 2020 England. Much of young people – are this kind of post-industrial, bourgeois hipsters.
Much of the youth in Great Britain look like.
In poorer conditions, people are too concerned with having basic working conditions and feeding their family, to obsess about polar bears.
You don’t go after your work in the factory, or the coal mining – to protest about polar bears and vegan homosexuality.
I thought maybe this is just regional. But (although Great Britain’s economy is collapsing this year from coronavirus), it has generally very high level of economic comfort.
Here is the proportion of money people spend on food. This is one of the main inverse measurements of economic comfort. Great Britain is 2nd most comfortable in Europe, with 10% (despite all the luxury supermarkets).
And the predictable difference of political prioritization of Ukraine in the bottom with 50% of spending on food (despite cheap supermarkets)
In both Sweden and Great Britain, it looks like “infection point” of GDP per capita is around 1990.
When do youth fashions like football hooligans start to peak?
I feel like, in recent years, there has been increasing ADHD symptoms, in the “revolutionary energy” of bourgeois youth? or in constantly changing variety of causes it is being directed against.
For example, in 2018 in America – “March for our lives” (against gun violence in schools).
2019 – weekly protests against climate change (this kind of protests has been primarily “Girondist”, without reinforcement of violent sans-culottes).
2020 – joining protesting with American equivalent of sans-culottes.
Recent difference in 2020, American “sans-culottes” were crazy enough to also attack shopping amenities of New York elites – (which even in distant Moscow, has class conscious representatives like Ksenia Sobchak become worried about).
2020 - joining protesting with American equivalent of sans-culottes. Recent difference in 2020, American "sans-culottes" were crazy enough to also attack shopping amenities of New York elites - (which even in distant Moscow, has class conscious representatives like Ksenia Sobchak become worried about). @Dmitry, @Pericles
The LGBT protests have been escalating as well in recent years: but at least nobody attacks the luxury clothes shops of Bond Street. This is not only the cheapest kind of virtue-signalling, but it’s actually a profitable one – even the physical protest is likely increasing customer throughput.
The article neglects to mention that about five months ago The_Donald migrated to its own independent site:
The new site is thriving. It’s unshackled by Reddit’s B.S. and is growing incredibly fast. Check it out.
Apparently Boris Johnson has now officially opened the UK’s borders to millions of “Hong Kongers”. Almost no one in Britain wants this, just another example of his anti-British agenda.
Hopefully they will decide this country’s weather is too wet and cold for them and that it’s a poor substitute for America, which is the flag they normally fly and not take him up on his offer. Apparently a pro-independence thug stabbed a policeman yesterday and tried to flee to Britian and was arrested on the flight to London just before it was due to take off, China is doing us a favour there as far as I’m concerned, sparing us from yet another violent immigrant knife thug.
While in 2020 England. Much of young people - are this kind of post-industrial, bourgeois hipsters. Much of the youth in Great Britain look like.
In poorer conditions, people are too concerned with having basic working conditions and feeding their family, to obsess about polar bears. You don't go after your work in the factory, or the coal mining - to protest about polar bears and vegan homosexuality.
I thought maybe this is just regional. But (although Great Britain's economy is collapsing this year from coronavirus), it has generally very high level of economic comfort. Here is the proportion of money people spend on food. This is one of the main inverse measurements of economic comfort. Great Britain is 2nd most comfortable in Europe, with 10% (despite all the luxury supermarkets).
And the predictable difference of political prioritization of Ukraine in the bottom with 50% of spending on food (despite cheap supermarkets) In both Sweden and Great Britain, it looks like "infection point" of GDP per capita is around 1990.
When do youth fashions like football hooligans start to peak?Replies: @Pericles
Looks like things took off around 2000-2002 to me? Sweden spent the 90s recovering from a burst real estate/bank bubble. The subsequent dotcom bubble popped in 2001.
2020 - joining protesting with American equivalent of sans-culottes. Recent difference in 2020, American "sans-culottes" were crazy enough to also attack shopping amenities of New York elites - (which even in distant Moscow, has class conscious representatives like Ksenia Sobchak become worried about). @Dmitry, @Pericles
Btw, Ariana Grande has to be the coldest whore in the music business.
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