Legal Notice
All online documents and websites, as well as parts thereof, are protected by copyright and may be copied and printed only for personal, academic and non-commercial use. Any and all reproduction, forwarding or other usage of the information on this website for commercial purposes is forbidden.
The documents and websites, as well as parts thereof, may not be reproduced or stored on other servers, or fed in to newsgroups, blogs or online services, or saved on storage media, without the prior written consent of the University of Bern. This applies in particular to the University’s logo. If you wish to use images and the logo, please contact the Communication & Marketing Office.
The University expressly permits documents and websites to be quoted providing their source is cited correctly, as well as the provision of links to the University website.
Exclusion of Warranty and Liability
In accordance with the statutory requirements, the University of Bern treats the correctness and updating of the information on its website as a priority. However, it offers no guarantee that the information that is provided is up to date, correct and complete, or of the quality of that information. It reserves the right to amend or to remove the information at any time without notice.
The University of Bern bears no liability for loss or damage of any nature which arises from accessing, using or not using the published information, from misusing the connection, or as a result of technical faults.
The University of Bern has not reviewed third-party websites, i.e. those that are not on its servers or within its sphere of influence, that may be connected to this website via hyperlinks, and accepts no responsibility for their content.
Privacy Policy
The website contains a variety of forms which visitors must complete in their own interests to be able to use the associated services. They are used primarily to register for events and to submit orders.
Any data you enter in the forms of this website will be transmitted encrypted. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that data may be lost while in transit. Personal data is transmitted online at your own risk.
The transmitted data is stored on our servers and protected from third-party access. Data is used only for the stated purpose and is not forwarded on (with the exception of web analysis using ‘etracker’, see below).
The provider of this website uses the services of etracker GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany, to analyse user data. To do this, etracker uses cookies which permit a statistical analysis of the use of this website by its users, and also permit usage-related content or advertising to be displayed. Cookies are small text files that are stored by the web browser on the user's device. etracker cookies do not contain any information that permit a user to be identified.
The data generated by etracker is processed and stored by etracker on behalf of the provider of this website exclusively in Germany, and is thus subject to strict German and European data protection laws and standards. In this regard, etracker has been independently audited and certified, and has been awarded the ePrivacyseal data protection quality mark.
The legal foundation for processing the data is Art. 6 para.1 f of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (legitimate interest). Our legitimate interest is the optimisation of our online offering and our web presence. As we attach particular importance to the privacy of our visitors, IP addresses are anonymized at the earliest possible stage at etracker, which also converts login or device IDs into algorithms that, while unique, cannot be traced to any individual. etracker does not use the data in any other way, combine it with other data, or pass it on to third parties.
You may object to the aforementioned data processing at any time if it concerns personal data. Your objection will not have any negative consequences for you.
You can object to the aforementioned data processing at any time by clicking on the slider. The objection has no adverse consequences. If no slider is displayed, the data collection is already prevented by other blocking measures.
Click here for further information on data protection at etracker.
If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact [email protected]