After passing the oral examination, you must make the authorized version of your dissertation available to the scholarly public. To do so, you can publish your dissertation electronically on mediaTUM, the TUM's media server, by uploading a PDF file of your dissertation.
What should you do?
Step 1:
Approval of title page
After the oral examination, you will receive a letter from the Office of Doctoral Affairs – Promotionen, usually accompanied by an approved title page. If this is not the case, please send your title page to the Office of Doctoral Affairs – Promotionen for approval.
At the same time, you will receive an e-mail with information about the further steps of publication.
Step 2:
Check your data and upload the dissertation as a PDF
In the e-mail you will receive your individual access link to the online workflow.
- Please check and update your author and dissertation details.
- Then select the option for electronic publication and
- finally upload your dissertation as a PDF file on our server.
- Please make sure to upload the final version of your dissertation.
- You can remove the CV, the affidavit, and any scanned signatures for publication.
- Only PDF format is allowed. Please check the metadata of your PDF file before uploading. These data are evaluated and displayed by search engines and are also visible on the Internet. The metadata can be viewed and changed in the properties of the PDF file.
- Once you have uploaded your PDF, no further changes are possible.
Step 3:
Submission of required documents
After you click the "Electronic publication" button, you will receive an e-mail with further information on the publication process.
We need the following documents from you:
A. Author Contract in Duplicate
Please print the author contract you received by e-mail twice and send it signed and in duplicate to the university library by (internal) post (mailing address). Use the enclosed cover letter for this purpose. Sending the author contract by fax or e-mail is not sufficient.
Through the author contract you grant us the right to publish your dissertation on mediaTUM.
B. Embargo Period Application
If your dissertation should be published with an embargo period, please complete the provided embargo form and mail it – together with the author contract – to the university library.
C. Proof of the approved title page
Please send us a copy of your approved title page (signed by Ms. Reisenauer / Mr. Seboka / Ms. Stinzel from the Office of Doctoral Affairs - Promotionen). You can send a printed copy with the author contract by post, or you can send us a digital copy by e-mail (to [email protected]). If you do not have a title page with the stamp and signature of the Office of Doctoral Affairs - Promotionen, please send us the e-mail correspondence with Ms. Reisenauer / Mr. Seboka / Ms. Stinzel (including attachment) as proof of approval to [email protected].
Step 4:
Confirmation of publication
When all documents (author contract, copy of approved title page, embargo form and PDF upload) have been received by the university library, we will check your PDF for long-term storage suitability, indexation of the full text, free access (no password protection) and accuracy of the data.
We will then publish your dissertation on mediaTUM. If you selected an embargo, your dissertation will not be available through mediaTUM until the end of the embargo period. Finally, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail that your thesis has been published, respectively that it will be published at the end of the embargo period.
For general information on the doctorate procedure please consult TUM Graduate School's website or contact the Office of Doctoral Affairs – Promotionen (TUM Center for Study and Teaching – TUM CST).