Offices & Representatives

Which office or person can you contact with which concerns? Who represents your interests and how can you get involved and take advantage of your right of participation? With over 8,000 employees and hundreds of institutions, it is essential that Technische Universität Berlin offers its employees clear points of contact for all topics.

This page lists central services and representatives available to support you in your day-to-day work.

New: TU Berlin's intranet

TU Berlin's intranet has been up and running since the beginning of November 2024. Whether it's team collaboration, the latest news, announcements, circulars, information for employees or helpful resources - the intranet makes it easier to network and stay up to date.
Good to know: With the intranet, a lot of information is moving from TU Berlin websites to the intranet. After a transition phase until mid-January 2025, content from this website will also be available on the intranet in the future.

© Freshh Connection/

Offices & Representatives A-Z

The Central University Administration (ZUV) is a service provider for the entire University and ensures smooth daily operations at TU Berlin using a number of invaluable administrative processes. It also provides a number of further services, such as technology, space management, key systems, budgeting and accounting, procurement, etc.

© Amy Hirschi/

Staff and Student Representatives

For matters of central concern such as equal opportunities, the advancement of women, anti-discrimination, data privacy, and open access, there are specific representatives at TU Berlin who help the University execute its responsibilities in these issues, adhere to prescribed rules, and drive the University’s further development in these areas.

© Amy Hirschi/

Bodies Representing Specific Interests

Whether the Staff Council, Youth and Apprentice Representation, or the General Students' Committee - the different bodies representing specific interests at TU Berlin have different rights and use these to protect their respective staff or interest group.

© TU Berlin/Christian Kielmann


There are 21 committees of academic self-administration at TU Berlin offering any member of the University interested in University policy an opportunity to have a voice in decisions made at TU Berlin. These include committees with representatives from all status groups as well as representative bodies only responsible for individual status groups, such as the Staff Council or AStA.

© Philipp Arnoldt

Advisory & Counseling Services

Do you require advising from the Staff Council, Women's Representative, Family Services Office or another University unit? You'll find here an overview of the University's various offers.