The story is not credible- and the real question is why now this story and why continuing to blame Ukraine and putting Zelensky in the frame! Why would the CIA and Washington bother with this rather than let sleeping dogs lie?

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Recall that Reagan attempted to stop pipeline projects, with sanctions preventing US technology being used, but Thatcher and Kohl went ahead regardless. The US has always feared a Berlin-Moscow axis.

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Not so much a limited hangout as a total fabrication. But it is still instructive to consider what purpose this fable is trying to achieve.

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i think the timing of this Narrative is also meaningful, it seems like CIA tying a bow on the thread so that Trump or Kamala can be told that the case is closed

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Well, well, we'll. I wondered what kind of nonsense they would come up with in time. It sounds like a wholly fabricated baloney to me but I may be wrong of course. I suspect that Sy Hersch's original leaked info a few weeks or months after the event is most accurate.

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Well…….one might add that this was also one of the biggest environmental disasters….but surely one does not want to become Russia apologist, n’est-ce pas?

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I didn't interpret the new tale as being a message to Zelenskyy, but rather the opposite: crafted to protect him while laying the blame on a group already under attack.

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