

Member since February 2017

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#= kendo.format('{0:n0}', value) # Ratings
", border: { width: 0, color: "transparent" } } }); }); } $(function() { createRatingChart(); createGenreChart(); var selected_state; $('h3.activity_type').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var series_index = parseInt($(this).attr('data-index')); var chart = $("#activity_graph").data("kendoChart"); $('h3.activity_type').removeClass('on'); if (selected_state == series_index) { selected_state = null; chart.options.series[0].visible = true; chart.options.series[1].visible = true; chart.options.series[2].visible = true; } else { switch (series_index) { case 0: selected_state = 0; chart.options.series[0].visible = true; chart.options.series[1].visible = false; chart.options.series[2].visible = false; break; case 1: selected_state = 1; chart.options.series[0].visible = false; chart.options.series[1].visible = false; chart.options.series[2].visible = true; break; case 2: selected_state = 2; chart.options.series[0].visible = false; chart.options.series[1].visible = true; chart.options.series[2].visible = false; break; } $(this).toggleClass('on'); } chart.redraw(); }); });

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