Debt Rattle December 5 2024


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  • #176035

    Johannes Vermeer The lacemaker 1669-71   • The Incitatus Precedent and The Caligula Cure (Helmer) • Trump’s Wild Bunch Is Ready for Action (Miele
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 5 2024]


    Good Morning :-))

    TVASSF – Geert was right.


    the Clayton Morris piece brought back the memory of The Naked Ape

    cheated death several times
    opposed the god of war
    freely dispensed knowledge
    surely angered the gods
    pleased to meet you hope you guess my name


    Suck on it madafakas



    Strategic Thinking

    From the mouth of babes putting in the Duh’

    Even kids do it better than most Duh’merican ‘adults’


    Dr. D

    Man believed to be member of wealthy Rothschild family dies in LA house fire” ABC7

    “UnitedHealthcare CEO fatally shot in ‘brazen targeted attack,’ “ — ABC
    A gunman killed UnitedHealthcare’s CEO on Wednesday in a “brazen, targeted attack”

    How do they know that? Seth Rich here was shot with nothing taken and it was a mugging. Amazing how we get to know before we know. We know what we don’t know.

    Anyway, what do you call that? A good start. Who else is going to accidentally trip down the stairs in the next 70 days?

    “Cutting Back Blood Pressure Drugs Doesn’t Raise Heart-Related Risk, Study Finds

    They would be bad for United Healthcare CEO profits though. Again with statins. Why? Because they’re the most prescribed, the longest, with widely-admitted serious side effects, and also well-known they don’t work, neither does the original premise (Cholesterol) have any merit. Yet after all that, after decades of proof, prescribed briskly as if the evidence never happened.

    “Tucker Carlson Returns To Russia; Warns “We Are Closer To Nuclear War Than Ever”

    All over with Tucker. How DARE he go interview people like a Journalist? Don’t you know journalists are people who do NOT ask questions? And have no human curiosity at all?

    “French Government Falls As PM Barnier Loses Confidence Vote

    About f’ing time. This is how the Black Hats are able to do so much evil, they can foot-drag, run out the clock, while the White Hats have to focus on correct legal process then are too busy once in to go chase them and give them prison wedgies for this relentless low-level bad behavior. So…if they had let LePen in (which time?) another 40,000 Ukrainians might be alive? But not directly, so we can’t convict them in court? Pure evil.

    What’s the street deaths of rising crime through France for 1-9 years since she would have won? Also 40k? So if you were a woman raped in Marseilles, that wouldn’t have happened, but no one can prove it. Your life wouldn’t be the wreck and casualty it became instead, but there’s no one to shoot and jail.

    “Bitcoin Soars Above $100,000 For The First Time: Next stop, $200,000…

    They’re not kidding, it has a flag formation that points at $200k. They’re letting it run, however, meaning this is the end. The owners are selling out here, and why? Well, it’s at the end, for one, but also, say, 50-90% stock market crash? Euro banking crisis? Russia whacks back to end this nonsense? All that will drive money into US$…short term. People need to close debts…short term. Long term, BRIICS is out, Powell says he’s fine with multiple currencies. XRP is launched, so that’s it: the alternative to SWIFT and banking transfers, US$, is now online. Past tense.

    No news on this, but XRP already WAS, in the Middle East, Saudi, UAE, etc, and not just as XRP but sub XRP-based coins. So what are you supporting or saving?

    Today’s lecture:

    See, in (1994) 2001, 2008, none of this was ready. IF you have a collapse, THEN 200 Million Americans die. Ain’t no one live on a farm anymore like 1930. So that’s Financial Terrorism, extortion, the money-bomb strapped to their vest, all on purpose, as planned, all government come to heel, as they must. This is in books and papers back as far as 100 years: One world Government. One world Currency. Bancor. IMF. BTU Note (now the CO2 note). And then?

    Well, and then, none of these maniacs trusted each other. They held it off until ‘08 when they saw this PLUS Occupy Wall Street, started the Race, Race, Race Woke hoax (literally, Google “News Search terms” day of, day after) then the collapse would have aligned with the Glorious Socialist Revolution pre-trained into 99.99% Millennials at infiltrated schools. 40 years to set all that up, slowly, expensively, methodically, just like the “Race wars” they wanted.

    …I just ran across the Dark Knight Returns, with Bane, which is what they THOUGHT they would be fighting and thought would happen. Q. Mr. 17. Handing over NY to “the People” meaning Woke Antifa people, like a Jacobean mob. All a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE revolution, FAAAAAAAKE uprising, not to give power to the “PEOPLE” but to flip governments….TO BANE. To Power people, the “People” are just a patsy, a tool, just like Trotsky > Lenin > Stalin.

    I don’t have time to do a decode of the movie, but what’s the level? They have Zero-point energy generators, like Iron Man, but instead are holding Gotham hostage to NUCLEAR attack, NUCLEAR war each day, and they have to beat Bane without letting that go off. Using the People, or DESPITE the people, who will believe any d—n thing. That’s what they THOUGHT. That’s what they prepared for. ….And so that’s what they diverted and prevented with their efforts.

    Back to reality: in ‘08 we were all relentlessly pissed that they did NOT allow it to collapse, handing out $23 Trillion and Infinity bonuses to all banks, all Wall Street. Intolerable. And illegal. Yes. And WHY?

    Well of course the Black Pill say because business as usual. Maybe. But no: WHAT SINCE THEN?

    Well, US did NOT collapse. US did NOT Civil War. Europe did NOT take all capital flows. WEF/IMF/UN Blue hats did NOT take over and install their CBDCs. And at the moment, because that was delayed, they CAN’T. Bitcoin, a CBDC alternative, is in the wild, and in size, launched exactly a minute after Greenspan, a top programmer believe it or not, left the Fed and worked with the NSA basement – White Hats, we hope. Just a very few months after, it appears, and the owner is no regular guy, dies without spending even a nickel. ‘Cause suuuuuure, that’s normal. National. Security.

    Then they slow-walk the whole Revolution 2.0 window until Millennials get a clue-by-four the system is f—ing them. “They never thought she would lose”. What’s the other key phrase in Q, also in Dark Knight? “The Storm is Upon us.”

    So? And? And Wall Street realizes – high level first, then low-level later on – that although the whole thing was rigged to blow at 49 years runaway debt-compounding – if they did that, stopped the US$, then the whole US would go down too. Including Wall Street. Europe would eat them and laugh. Euro-commie gonna Euro-commie. You can’t let them drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Power would move inexorably to ..somewhere else, they think Europe, but probably Shanghai. And Wall Street really IS a hive of scum and villainy as you will never find, Epstein, Nexium, Weinstein, …and 5,000 grandmas from Cuomo all based there.

    But then what? They all had it planned to blow for 100 years, certainly since 1971. Every charge laid. This was “The Plan” and Wall Street was in on it, operating it, saying okay to it.

    Yeah well, when it came down to it 1) Going UN/IMF CBDC means there’s no need for Wall Street. 2) Taking out the U.S. means there’s no power base. 3) Someone came up with a better idea, and these “White Hats” blackmailed them and shoved it down their throats.

    Slowly, sloooooowwwwwly, the US-based resistance, around since JFK, in Nixon, then RFK, then Trump, HAD NO CHOICE but to come out of the woodwork and ACT after 9-12. F—kers. Why not before then? They had no choice then but to move and try to capture chess pieces. In secret. And as everyone, the people, the Generals, Wall Street even could finally SEE who it was and the danger, could see what Ayn Rand said, they could ALSO see – F– the Revolution! Nobody DGAF abut abstractions or America — Their OWN interests would all be destroyed by the Eurocommies running Russian Revolution 2.0 on us. Then WE would be the USSA for 70 years, as planned. With one size shoes. F– that. NO ONE wins then.

    Every level it became more obvious, means another level you can talk to and persuade. Until with Trump – or now – you’re down so low as to talk to the People directly. IS this what we want? No currency, no rule of law? One-Party rule by Party membership, no free speech, technocrats in palatial mansions at sea level for them, and no jam, eat bugs for the rest of us?

    Great, well, genius: ALL THE BOMB CHARGES HAVE BEEN LAID. For 50 years. How do you UN-lay them, diffuse and dismantle, discard them?

    Yeah, back to today: we need to NOT have a US$ collapse. Or a US Government collapse. We need to CAPTURE the government. Intact. We need a US$ ALTERNATIVE. That is, we’re going to have to construct an ENTIRE US/Europe/Babylon Banking system. ON TOP of the existing Babylon Banking System. AND ALSO without anybody noticing or stopping us.

    Go to it boys! If you think you’re genius enough. Show us what you got, doing the TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE. That’s why EvilCorp never feared. CLEARLY that is a totally impossible ask. CLEARLY when they run media, government, war, AND banking, churches, schools, everything else.

    Nope. We just did it on them. We HAVE Banking System 2.0. Now no one’s tried it yet, in size, but all the structures are installed, ready to go, XRP-SWIFT being just one of them. …And if we fail, the BRIICS system is isolated from the patch-upgrade as our human-society backup. Thanks to YOUR own sanctions. WEF/Euro can collapse the Dollar, even themselves, anywhere, and we still have a working system of moving money, debt, Net-30 wholesale value FROM the containers on Long Beach TO AutoZone. FROM the wheat fields in Nebraska TO General Mills in Minnesota.

    THAT was their extortion, I talked about it at length in ‘08 and after. EVERYBODY WOULD DIE. Leaving the warlords, and the warlords most prepared are the New Boss same as the old boss: Warburg, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and their front men for Technocracy, USSA, Zuck and Zucker, Gates, Dorsey…etc.

    And now? With XRP, but not JUST XRP, that’s more like an example, with SOFRA, with Euro-bank isolated, with the Trump Government, with bailing out secretly but keeping thousands of regional banks afloat, with all these hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of moving parts alive….

    Now there’s no extortion. No financial firing pin. No leverage.

    And what does that mean? A: The only thing they have left to kill everyone and take everything is WWIII, and a LOOOOOTTTTTAAA people are all over that game too and stopping it. It’s down to nearly their only card.

    That doesn’t mean that like the last money-swap-over like 1970, we don’t have trouble. Or that it isn’t worse, like 1980s Brazil, 70%, 200% inflation. It just means that EVERYBODY DOESN’T DIE, as intended, as clearly seen and reported by Deagle. And that means that the level of trauma isn’t high enough for these guys to take the levels of total control they require.

    Okay, insight for today.


    My Holiday gift for frens & family this year is a plum colored T-shirt of the cat taking a selfie with UFOs in the background.

    Seems appropriate and ‘theme oriented’ for the Times





    Low Testosterone and the Fall of Empires




    Dr. D

    “Hungary’s Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, warns that the next two months will be extremely dangerous as the Biden administration and the EU are worried that peace will break out, and aim to sabotage Trump’s efforts”

    Yup, that’s it. We got Powell, the banking, the People, a bunch of Generals (or more like the military at officer level), but we’re still at risk of WWIII right now. Although I’m quit sure Russia, China, are perfectly aware and know they can wait. We may not get Great, but we can get cleaned up and get normal.

    “Across the Pacific this US escalation now extends from the martial law attempt in South Korea to coup attempts in Bolivia and Venezuela, the threat of trade war against Mexico, and forcing Canada to submit,”

    Note there’s no cohesion, only racket. Noise. It’s as if every middle-level manager with blackmail in SoKo suddenly played their Ace, but with no coordination. Then SoKo LOSES instead of wins, and that Ace leaves the table. Heck, he may have done that knowing he was blackmailed, and if you act badly, you get off the board and mostly aren’t a blackmail asset anymore. Like, if he becomes a Korean BBQ street vendor, what good is his file? Same with Congress, they need a way to retire that the blackmailers will allow. If that were your case, it’s the least you could do for your country.

    So I’m suspicious that a move that poor, played that badly, was a pure accident of game.

    But again to the point: what was the odds they would win in Syria or distract Russia? Practically none. And with these other cases. A new random Guido every day? Lose, lose, lose, lose, they are not coordinating their attention and efforts right now, so it looks like flailing. Not even flailing, it’s like the high upper management has been taken out, so the subs, morons down at Wray’s level, don’t know what they’re doing and have to act without orders.

    “• The Pocket Pardon and the Final Corruption of the Biden Administration (Turley)

    Mixed on this. It’s better for the country if they stop fighting and we have no resistance to finding out what Fauci did and killed, for example. The faster that comes out the faster we can run the Spike repair protocols down to the patients. And so on. However, if everybody gets pardoned for real, even IF they can’t walk the streets without eggs, then there’s no warning for next time. Same as FDR’s Businessman Coup that let the Bushes keep going until 2001. Just one example, you can bet the Rockefellers were there too.

    Let’s put it this way: IF Biden pardons, AND we also get all true facts out to the Public as Consensus Reality, THEN it’s not all bad. There’s a huge win there over today, just not as much as we hoped or might have got. If that happens, try to take the win.

    “• Rep. Gosar: Joe’s Pardon of Hunter Unmasks ‘Biden Family Crime Syndicate’ (Sp.)

    Yes but he only pardoned one. There are hundreds of people left to arrest. Burisma, Rosemont, Jill… That is, you give up already? Why? He didn’t pardon “The Whole Syndicate”. Have one guy cover Hunter and move on to arresting everyone else.

    NYC Mayor Eric Adams says he will work with Trump and Border Czar Tom Homan regarding deportations”

    Have anything to do with all the people taken out by Police around him? It’s NY, it’s too complicated as they all have angles and are all grey.

    “• Trump Could Blow Up Dollar – Saxo Bank (RT)

    Promises, promises. Hoping, hoping!!! Europe seems to keep planning, plotting, predicting…then being totally wrong. Huh. Almost like they’re setting it up then talking their book. As the only thing that can save them now.

    “• Trump’s Dollar Threat Against BRICS Shows The US Hasn’t Learned Anything (Amar)

    I said, 1) “Art of the Deal,” the “Big Ask” duh. 2) He doesn’t have to do anything as BRIICS is not a currency any time soon. But:
    3) All the BRIICS responded saying YOU did this. WE were trying to use the dollar, you LITERALLY OUTLAWED our use of SWIFT, the US$, when we were doing everything to try to use it. So you outlaw us from using the US$ then charge 100% tariff because we can’t use it? See? It’s only the relentless spin we get that makes this not seem peculiar. The lies tied themselves up in knots.

    “• Netherlands Could Reintroduce Military Conscription (RT)

    And if every adult male there lined up it would last, what, 30 days against Russia? I mean, conventionally, it would be about 30 seconds against the SATAN II. They wouldn’t even notice the drop of their Nuclear inventory.

    Dr Rich, that’s a good point, I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe taking the extra leap of shooting someone isn’t about being annoying or getting in the way, as you say you have, but there has to be a specific fact they know or action they took or plan to take. …Of course as we already know what we don’t know, so it’s not a jealous husband or unrelated real estate deal not HMO-related. Of course that is the problem of me suggesting you do the speaking tour, we both know it. That may whack the bad guys in the nose, but it would also possibly put you at risk like this. My point in saying, as we both know it, is, go DO something. You have options and can make a choice, be active, and then there’s no complaining, about you or me. We’ll all be too busy fighting evil and letting in daylight.





    Once again this morning, suck on it madafakas



    Ritual Humiliation No. 1768





    Ooops – we fucked up!

    “The number of people in hospital with flu in England has more than quadrupled compared with last year, while cases of Covid, norovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are also on the rise.”



    Bluesky is a Pigsty



    Social Media is a Blinding Mind Virus on Humanity



    Sasha Latypova’s substack.
    The “old” poisoning tech found in the mRNA vials.
    Massive quantities of undisclosed protein found in mRNA vials indicating severe risk of anaphylactic/allergic/autoimmune reactions.



    John Day

    Petty, juvenile and spiteful; hardly inspires respect…
    Visa Already Issued by Malta For Russian FM Spokeswoman Canceled on Eve of OSCE Meeting


    Sasha speaks about “fraudulent manipulation of public perception” with the DOD and covid. Well, that applies to the whole system. It’s all fake, all lies. Any glimpse of hope or meaningful change, will be an illusion to string you along as they kill you off. There’s an elephant in the room, $ , and the jews who control it, which funds the Illusion, the wars, the injections and genocides. It’s much more comfortable to stare at the walls, or out the window, describing and discussing minutiae, than to turn around and face the behemoth.


    How Lame Stream Media-whoredom Works

    Simple edit







    “Old School Blues”



    A pandemic of the unvaccinated…they told me.


    That phrase — no one is safe until everyone is safe — is an admission the jabs don’t work. In my opinion.

    Dr. D

    “There’s an elephant in the room, $ , and the jews who control it, which funds the Illusion,”

    I know, right? I never hear anyone talk about Money. And never anything about a Jews. Nope, never. Never ever pointed at, ever. No more than the Silents or the Lizard people of Antares Prime. Oh wait, you HAVE heard there’s this people called the Jews, keep popping up in history, constantly pointed at for every thing, even raisins in my corn flakes, but NOT the silent lizard people king of Antares Prime? Goes to show which is the one that’s the Elephant in the room, and which one is TRULY repressed and not allowed to be spoken, which one has REAL power, eh? That you’ve never heard of Antares only proves that they must be in charge and running everything. If not, you would be able to speak their name.

    I rest my case.

    Dr D Rich

    Don’t touch The Innocents.
    Here he goes again like clockwork and always at the ready.
    It’s another morning.

    It looks like an ordinary Grift that really pissed off a few trigger happy ppl.

      “You bet they know already. All that is left is The Fat Lady Singing and The Gaslighting.”

    Brian Thompson “snitched to the Feds.”

    Brian Thompson “cashed in that inside information.”



    When the gov tries to stop the flow of money.
    https: //
    Canadian bank earnings reports
    Canada’s Big Six banks are releasing their quarterly earnings. Here’s what they said this week.
    https: //

    French Prime Minister Michel Barnier is due to hand in his resignation on Thursday, just three months into the job, after his government became the first in more than 60 years to be toppled by a no-confidence vote in parliament.

    The left and far right punished Barnier for opting to use special constitutional powers to ram part of an unpopular budget, which sought 60 billion euros in savings in an effort to shrink the deficit, through parliament without a final vote.

    https: //
    Opposition party demands South Korea’s president step down after imposing martial law
    Period of martial law was short-lived after lawmakers voted to overrule president.

    “This is very much about a domestic power struggle and a deeply unpopular president essentially bringing in this measure in the midst of a number of debates in its domestic parliament on the budget as well as scandals — including with his own wife — and other issues that have been plaguing democracy and the constitutional system in South Korea for the last few months.”

    https: //
    UN evacuation in Haiti, police assault stronghold of gang leader ‘Barbecue’
    Insecurity in Haiti is rising again, forcing embassies and United Nations agencies to evacuate the capital amid gang-fuelled violence.
    ‘World on fire’: UN aid agency warns of tough choices as funding falls

    Photos: People walk miles searching for bread amid Gaza’s war shortages

    UN raises alarm over Syria as opposition groups press Hama offensive

    Israel kills more aid workers in Gaza who feed Palestinians
    https: //
    “What we need is the restoration of common sense. We want safe cities, we want secure borders, sensible spending, freedom of speech, respect for the Constitution. If that’s George Soros of the right, that’s me.”
    • US House Speaker Rules Out More Ukraine Aid (RT)
    Republican Mike Johnson is opposed to a new $24 billion request from the White House
    The US House of Representatives will not consider President Joe Biden’s request to include $24 billion in additional aid to Ukraine in a government funding bill, Speaker Mike Johnson has said.

    In the absence of a formal budget, the US government has been funded through “continuing resolutions” periodically approved by Congress.
    The White House has requested the $24 billion as part of its latest proposed legislation, which the House would need to adopt before adjourning for Christmas holidays.

    “I’m not planning to do that,” Johnson said on Wednesday, at a press conference on Capitol Hill.
    “It is not the place of Joe Biden to make that decision now.”

    The Louisiana Republican reminded reporters that he had predicted Donald Trump’s election would change the dynamics of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and make further US funding unnecessary, adding that this is precisely what’s been happening in recent weeks.

    US House speaker has lost ‘appetite’ for more Ukraine funding.
    “We have a newly-elected president and we’re going to wait and take the new commander-in-chief’s direction on all of that,” Johnson said.
    “So I don’t expect any Ukraine funding to come up now.”

    Since February 2022, the US Congress has approved more than $174 billion to prop up Ukraine in its ongoing military conflict with Russia.
    The latest batch of funding, amounting to $61 billion, was held up for several months amid a battle between Johnson and the White House.

    The previous speaker, Kevin McCarthy, was ousted last October because a group of Republicans was outraged he had secretly negotiated with Democrats to get the Ukraine funding approved.
    The funding ended up stuck in Congress for almost six months, before it was approved in both the Senate and the House in April, with no concessions to the GOP.
    Foreign financial aid

    https: //
    • Many Georgia Protesters Are Foreigners – MP (RT)
    Speaking at a briefing on Tuesday, Mdinaradze claimed that “30% of the people who were identified at the protests in Tbilisi are citizens of other countries.”


    6th Wave ‘Feminism’ Explained



    The Art of the Deal

    Worst Ever…….



    Which of the following do you find most disturbing taking Full Spectrum Dominance as reality.

    1. There is a plan for Full Spectrum Dominance.
    2. There are human beings working together creating the broad outline of the plan.
    3. There are human beings planning goals and avenues for implementing the plan.
    3a. There are humans beings creating a broad plan for executing the plan within a force command structure. At this point a mirrored hierarchy of authority is created.
    4. There are human beings compartmentalizing the plan for department level management.
    5. There are human beings selecting managers and oversight regimens for control of departments.
    6. There are human beings working to compartmentalize the departments and developing working group oversight.
    7. There are human beings working to form a project from the planning group outline.
    8. There are human being working on a coordination
    9. There are human beings working to manage funding for the project.
    10.There are human beings working to staff the department sub groups.
    11. There are human beings creating calendar based objectives and goals.
    11a. There are human beings using the calendar based objectives to implement items 8 through 11 for the force command structure.
    12. There are human beings creating hierarchial information flows, security and need to know command.
    13. Staffing is completed and human beings begin planning for Full Spectrum dominance.
    The Planning command and The Force command become hierarchically disparate. Uncertainty is institutionalized.

    14. There are humans beings sitting at desks working on plans to destabilize societal units.
    15. There are human beings working on methods for creating mental, emotional and psychological instability.
    16. The are human beings working to detemine the point at which terror loses utility and death is required.
    17. There are humans beings working in sub-groups to detemine the most efficient means of death within specified demographic units.
    18. An objective and goals are fullfilled and humans beings create a coordinated effort agenda.
    19. Human beings in the information and security command assemble the agenda into a plan,
    20. Human beings deliver the plan to the General Staff who coordinates with The Force Command Structure.

    21 There are human beings engaged in items 14 through 17 in an environment without ethical boundaries.
    22. There are human beings who believe such an effort is desirable with no ethical consideration.
    23. There are human beings who believe such and effort is desirable and justifiable.
    24. There are human beings who will implement the plan knowing they will become a target of blowback.
    25. There are human beings who do not believe this is how it works or that it is being done.

    That damned rock keeps rolling back down the hill.


    Makes sense

    Sonic has never lead me astray



    The Black Plague of Pronouns is still stalking the Land


    Dr D Rich

    Could SBF, an Innocent Autist, Sam The Bank Man Fried’s fraud pale in comparison to Brian’s company United Healthcare?
    How quickly FTX, SBF, and Alameda Research left the limelight and the forefront of our miserable lives, but not before SBF gave his Stanford Law Prof Parents a cool $32 million on his way to forfeit $11 billion by order of the court.
    Don’t y’all wanna know how many billions Brian, er ah, Sam B. Fried DIDN’T have to forfeit?

    Do you ever wonder why United Healthcare has the one of the highest rates of “denial for low coverage”?
    Might it be UHC collects premiums from customers, you know, to pay their corporate officers first, but UHC, you know, doesn’t hold an actual policy in the name of said customer whose claim was denied?

    D is thinking “they wouldn’t do that”, that meaning fabricate accounts, income, profit margins, illusions and delusions to seduce the next sucker in an another run-of-the-mill Ponzi scheme.

    Everyone recalls Wells Fargo doing The Same by opening millions of fraudulent accounts without their customer’s knowledge from 2002 to 2016.

    Title: Wells Fargo Cross-Selling Scandal

    2002 to 2016……yeah right. That’s the Gaslighting for Public consumption.

    Remember the backbone for the EternalBlue exploits WannaMine and WannaCry IS Monero and not BTC. That thing which hijacks any Windows computer into a Bitcoin Mining rig.
    No worries ‘coz NSA is on it and in it too.

    BTC to the Moon and Beyond!
    Mars BITCHES! –Dave Chappelle

    Piss ppl off.
    That’s the trick to drawing out the frauds and psychopaths since they’re usually the cool customers…usually.


    just a snide bonus question. how many jews do you estimate are working within parameters 14 through 17?

    demographics is everything


    Simple advice for a Simple People for the Holidays

    Seldom talked about “Single Childless Cat ‘Man”




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