On one day, every year I offer you the non legally binding offer to take The Christmas Pledge with me. Today is that magical day.
It is Christmas Pledge time. If you're a longtime (or even casual) reader of this website you probably know that for the past 13 years I've helped thousands of people keep their cool throughout December.
We all take the pledge at the same time. November 1st. A pledge to get all the Christmas cacophony done before December 1st.
I mean all of it.
It is not for everyone.
It is for those who seriously want to get all the Christmas crap in their lives DONE AND OVER WITH as quickly as possible leaving the month of December open for going to dinner, parties, movie watching and acting smug.
How so, you say?
Tiny tasks.
The (10 page) Christmas Pledge download comes with easy to apply tips, recipes, and most importantly a daily schedule - the printable calendar outlining a task for every day of the month.
Complete those tasks every day and you will be finished all of your Christmas crap by December 1st.
What You Get
An instant (printable) download including ...
and more ...
Finish half of it and you'll still be 50% more accomplished than you normally are by December 1st. 50% less frazzled. 50% happier. 50% more likely to be able to enjoy Christmas instead of cursing it. 50% more likely to nod and smile at everyone around you. 50% less likely to kick the nearest shin.
Don't believe me?
Over 500 people took the pledge last year. All for less than the cost of a Covid head of lettuce (lettuce was $9, the pledge is $8).
Merry November.
MJ Stoop
Damn Karen- you have been sadly absent from my inbox. You have been found in the trash to my chagrin! I enjoy your wit and do my best to click on the appropriate stuff in hopes of supporting your exit from the boob tube. I have so few Christmas tasks and people to buy for, let alone the need for freeing up my time (retired).My first thought is, meh, don't need it. But I'm inclined to buy it for the uplifting humor I'm sure lies therein.
I will try to remember to look for you in the trash bucket when I find myself missing you. Cheers, MJ
Genevieve Dee Gonsor
I feel liberated because my husband and I no longer do any xmas decorations or buy any presents nor do we want presents. I make a nice dinner for both of us and we do a Halmark marathon on xmas day.
YESSSSS It's HERE!!!! *singing* it's the most wonderful time of the yearrrr!
This year I want to be done BEFORE December 1st, on account of being over 8 months pregnant already. (Being ready early for the holidays wouldn't have ever been possible, except I've been doing the Pledge for a decade now - or whenever you first had it!) My goal is to have my feet up a lot, even before Thanksgiving. I'm already able to check off some things from the pledge, so here's hoping I'll get there!!! (Except the tree, which is live, won't go up til December, so it lasts through Christmas all the way to little Christmas!)
Happy gestating!!!
Thank you! So far so good!
Every year I sing your praises for the Christmas pledge. I am a recovered grinch!
Gretchen Sexton
Hi Karen,
I just purchased mine and got a message that says, "Your purchase session could not be retrieved." Also, there is no place to click to open the 2023 Christmas pledge. Help! I'm looking forward to getting started....
Gretchen Sexton
NEVERMIND! I got my download in the email sent to me. =sheesh=
Thanks Karen!
Lois Baron
Do we have to buy it this year? It's one of my Christmas traditions to download it, mark off random items as I do them days later than suggested, and giggle over my rebellion, even though I don't drink alcoholic beverages. Are you using the same Facebook page? I HAVE QUESTIONS! Thanks for all your hard work. xo. Also, thanks for waiting till Halloween trick-or-treating was over.
Hi Lois! Yes, the same as it was last year. (although it's a new calendar package) ~ karen!
Lois Baron
I bought it because: totally worth it! I got a confirmation message, but am not seeing a link with which to download this beloved Christmas tradition. Sorry to be a bother!