Sustainability Master
old cloth diapers work great. All the lint's been laundered out ages ago
that and even if it isn't gone, if the cloth is cotton or some other natural fiber it will just go right through ya anyways.
i have some fine mesh fabric that will strain most things really well and it cleans up and doesn't react with bleach if i want to do something more sterile. i also have a reusable coffee filter that is gold plated and that is what i bought to strain the soy milk when i was into making that (which is also the first part of making tofu).
nothing recently has needed that much straining.
for lotions the one i use here the most is a tea tree oil lotion. i have two different store bought kinds and since i was running out of the one that i like the best (because it is stronger) i took some of the wimpy kind and added more tea tree oil to it to give it a boost and have been using that. i use it on my feet to keep the foot fungus away. costs me about $10 per year so that's well worth it. at times i've also used straight tea tree oil but it seems to work better mixed into a lotion which keeps it in place longer/better.
i get rashes here or there and use the tree oil lotion on that and that seems to clear them up.