`; this._targetInput.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', dHtm); this._targetInput.nextElementSibling.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this._targetInput); } this._newVoiceId = `v_searchByVoice_${this._instanceIndex}`; this._voiceTextElmId = `v_voiceTxtEl_${this._instanceIndex}`; var newVoice = document.getElementById(this._newVoiceId); if ((this._targetInput || this._targetInputList) && !newVoice) { let sHtm = ` `; if (!this._textableInstance) { this._targetInput.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', sHtm); this._targetInput.parentElement.classList.add('v_hasVoiceSearch'); } else { if (this._targetSelectionElm.parentElement === null) { var summernoteToolBar = document.getElementById('summernote-disconnected-toolbar'); if (summernoteToolBar) { var rowTwo = summernoteToolBar.getElementsByClassName('note-row2')[0]; this._targetSelectionElm = rowTwo; } } if (this._targetSelectionElm) { this._targetSelectionElm.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', sHtm); this._targetSelectionElm.classList.add('v_hasVoiceSearch'); } else { return true; } } } return false; }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.CapitalizeFirstLetter = function (str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.SetupRecognition = function () { let finalTranscript = ''; let voiceTutElm = document.getElementById(this._voiceTextElmId); let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; this._recState.recognition = new this._speechRecognition(); this._recState.recognition.continuous = false; //this._recState.recognition.lang = 'en-US'; this._recState.recognition.interimResults = true; if ((this._targetInput || this._targetInputList) && voiceTutElm) { this._recState.recognition.onresult = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; let interimTranscript = ""; for (let i = e.resultIndex; i < e.results.length; i += 1) { const { transcript } = e.results[i][0]; if (e.results[i].isFinal) { finalTranscript += transcript; } else { interimTranscript += transcript; } } thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = `${finalTranscript} ${interimTranscript}`.trim(); if (!thisPointer._textableInstance) { thisPointer._targetInput.value = thisPointer.CapitalizeFirstLetter(thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal); } else { if (thisPointer._targetInputList.length === 0) { var shapeId = thisPointer._targetElmTracking.split('_textarea')[0]; var textArea = document.getElementById(shapeId).getElementsByClassName("note-editable")[0].firstElementChild; var shape = document.getElementById(shapeId); if (textArea) { textArea.classList.add(thisPointer._targetElmTracking); thisPointer._targetInputList = shape.getElementsByClassName(thisPointer._targetElmTracking); console.log('Speech to text self heal'); } else { Logger.logErrorMessage("SpeechToText.OnResults", new Error('No target input list')); console.log('Text to speech error'); } } for (var i = 0; i < thisPointer._targetInputList.length; i++) { thisPointer._targetInputList[i].innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } } var modalTextbox = document.getElementById('textModalPreview'); if (modalTextbox) { var inputBox = document.getElementById('taTextInput_0'); var fo = modalTextbox.getElementsByTagName('foreignObject')[0]; fo.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; inputBox.value = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } else { voiceTutElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } }; this._recState.recognition.onspeechstart = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = ''; finalTranscript = ''; }; this._recState.recognition.onspeechend = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); }; this._recState.recognition.onend = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; var voiceTutElm = document.getElementById(thisPointer._voiceTextElmId); if (thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal.length >= 2) { if (!thisPointer._textableInstance) { if (thisPointer._targetInput.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { thisPointer._targetInput.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } else { thisPointer._targetInput.value = thisPointer.CapitalizeFirstLetter(thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal); } thisPointer._targetInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } else { for (var i = 0; i < thisPointer._targetInputList.length; i++) { var inputElm = thisPointer._targetInputList[i]; if (inputElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { var selectedFontElm = document.getElementsByClassName('note-current-fontname')[0]; var selectedFontSize = document.getElementsByClassName('note-current-fontsize')[0]; inputElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; if (selectedFontElm) { =; } if (selectedFontSize) { = `${selectedFontSize.innerText}px`; } } else { inputElm.value = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } inputElm.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } } var removeListening = function () { var elms = document.getElementsByClassName('v_listening'); while (elms.length > 0) { elms[0].classList.remove('v_listening'); } } if (thisPointer._targetActionElm) {; } removeListening(); } if (!thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal.length) { voiceTutElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.noSpeech; thisPointer._listeningTimeout = setTimeout(removeListening, 1500); } }; this._recState.recognition.onerror = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); console.error('Speech recognition error:', e.error); if (e.error.includes('not-allowed')) { document.body.classList.add('v_speechNotAllowed'); } throw e.error; }; } }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.ShowTutorialToolTip = function () { var elm = document.getElementById(`v_voiceInstructionsTip_${this._instanceIndex}`); = 'flex'; }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.HideTutorialToolTip = function () { var elm = document.getElementById(`v_voiceInstructionsTip_${this._instanceIndex}`); if (elm) { = 'none'; sessionStorage.setItem(`v_isVoiceTutorialViewed_${this._instanceIndex}`, 'true'); } } SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.AddEventListeners = function () { let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; var speechButton = document.getElementById(this._newVoiceId); this._targetSelectionElm.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.CheckForTutorial(); }); speechButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; if (thisPointer._listeningTimeout) { clearTimeout(thisPointer._listeningTimeout); } thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = ''; let tutorialTxt = document.getElementById(thisPointer._voiceTextElmId); let tutorialInput = thisPointer._targetInput; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); if (thisPointer._recState.recognition != null && !this.parentElement.classList.contains('v_listening')) { this.parentElement.classList.add('v_listening'); if (tutorialTxt) { tutorialTxt.innerText = thisPointer._recState.listening; } if (tutorialInput) { if (tutorialInput.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') { tutorialInput.setAttribute('placeholder', thisPointer._recState.listening); } else { tutorialInput.innerText = thisPointer._recState.listening; } } thisPointer._recState.recognition.start(); } else { this.parentElement.classList.remove('v_listening'); thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); } }); var toolTipCloser = document.getElementById(`v_toolTipCloser_${selectedInstanceIndex}`); toolTipCloser.addEventListener('click', function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); }); }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.CheckForTutorial = function () { let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; let isTutorialViewed = sessionStorage.getItem(`v_isVoiceTutorialViewed_${this._instanceIndex}`); if (isTutorialViewed == null || isTutorialViewed === 'false') { this.ShowTutorialToolTip(); setTimeout(function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); }, 5000); } };
`; this._targetInput.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', dHtm); this._targetInput.nextElementSibling.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this._targetInput); } this._newVoiceId = `v_searchByVoice_${this._instanceIndex}`; this._voiceTextElmId = `v_voiceTxtEl_${this._instanceIndex}`; var newVoice = document.getElementById(this._newVoiceId); if ((this._targetInput || this._targetInputList) && !newVoice) { let sHtm = ` `; if (!this._textableInstance) { this._targetInput.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', sHtm); this._targetInput.parentElement.classList.add('v_hasVoiceSearch'); } else { if (this._targetSelectionElm.parentElement === null) { var summernoteToolBar = document.getElementById('summernote-disconnected-toolbar'); if (summernoteToolBar) { var rowTwo = summernoteToolBar.getElementsByClassName('note-row2')[0]; this._targetSelectionElm = rowTwo; } } if (this._targetSelectionElm) { this._targetSelectionElm.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', sHtm); this._targetSelectionElm.classList.add('v_hasVoiceSearch'); } else { return true; } } } return false; }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.CapitalizeFirstLetter = function (str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.SetupRecognition = function () { let finalTranscript = ''; let voiceTutElm = document.getElementById(this._voiceTextElmId); let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; this._recState.recognition = new this._speechRecognition(); this._recState.recognition.continuous = false; //this._recState.recognition.lang = 'en-US'; this._recState.recognition.interimResults = true; if ((this._targetInput || this._targetInputList) && voiceTutElm) { this._recState.recognition.onresult = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; let interimTranscript = ""; for (let i = e.resultIndex; i < e.results.length; i += 1) { const { transcript } = e.results[i][0]; if (e.results[i].isFinal) { finalTranscript += transcript; } else { interimTranscript += transcript; } } thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = `${finalTranscript} ${interimTranscript}`.trim(); if (!thisPointer._textableInstance) { thisPointer._targetInput.value = thisPointer.CapitalizeFirstLetter(thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal); } else { if (thisPointer._targetInputList.length === 0) { var shapeId = thisPointer._targetElmTracking.split('_textarea')[0]; var textArea = document.getElementById(shapeId).getElementsByClassName("note-editable")[0].firstElementChild; var shape = document.getElementById(shapeId); if (textArea) { textArea.classList.add(thisPointer._targetElmTracking); thisPointer._targetInputList = shape.getElementsByClassName(thisPointer._targetElmTracking); console.log('Speech to text self heal'); } else { Logger.logErrorMessage("SpeechToText.OnResults", new Error('No target input list')); console.log('Text to speech error'); } } for (var i = 0; i < thisPointer._targetInputList.length; i++) { thisPointer._targetInputList[i].innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } } var modalTextbox = document.getElementById('textModalPreview'); if (modalTextbox) { var inputBox = document.getElementById('taTextInput_0'); var fo = modalTextbox.getElementsByTagName('foreignObject')[0]; fo.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; inputBox.value = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } else { voiceTutElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } }; this._recState.recognition.onspeechstart = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = ''; finalTranscript = ''; }; this._recState.recognition.onspeechend = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); }; this._recState.recognition.onend = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; var voiceTutElm = document.getElementById(thisPointer._voiceTextElmId); if (thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal.length >= 2) { if (!thisPointer._textableInstance) { if (thisPointer._targetInput.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { thisPointer._targetInput.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } else { thisPointer._targetInput.value = thisPointer.CapitalizeFirstLetter(thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal); } thisPointer._targetInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } else { for (var i = 0; i < thisPointer._targetInputList.length; i++) { var inputElm = thisPointer._targetInputList[i]; if (inputElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') { var selectedFontElm = document.getElementsByClassName('note-current-fontname')[0]; var selectedFontSize = document.getElementsByClassName('note-current-fontsize')[0]; inputElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; if (selectedFontElm) { =; } if (selectedFontSize) { = `${selectedFontSize.innerText}px`; } } else { inputElm.value = thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal; } inputElm.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } } var removeListening = function () { var elms = document.getElementsByClassName('v_listening'); while (elms.length > 0) { elms[0].classList.remove('v_listening'); } } if (thisPointer._targetActionElm) {; } removeListening(); } if (!thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal.length) { voiceTutElm.innerText = thisPointer._recState.noSpeech; thisPointer._listeningTimeout = setTimeout(removeListening, 1500); } }; this._recState.recognition.onerror = function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); console.error('Speech recognition error:', e.error); if (e.error.includes('not-allowed')) { document.body.classList.add('v_speechNotAllowed'); } throw e.error; }; } }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.ShowTutorialToolTip = function () { var elm = document.getElementById(`v_voiceInstructionsTip_${this._instanceIndex}`); = 'flex'; }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.HideTutorialToolTip = function () { var elm = document.getElementById(`v_voiceInstructionsTip_${this._instanceIndex}`); if (elm) { = 'none'; sessionStorage.setItem(`v_isVoiceTutorialViewed_${this._instanceIndex}`, 'true'); } } SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.AddEventListeners = function () { let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; var speechButton = document.getElementById(this._newVoiceId); this._targetSelectionElm.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.CheckForTutorial(); }); speechButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; if (thisPointer._listeningTimeout) { clearTimeout(thisPointer._listeningTimeout); } thisPointer._recState.finalSpeechVal = ''; let tutorialTxt = document.getElementById(thisPointer._voiceTextElmId); let tutorialInput = thisPointer._targetInput; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); if (thisPointer._recState.recognition != null && !this.parentElement.classList.contains('v_listening')) { this.parentElement.classList.add('v_listening'); if (tutorialTxt) { tutorialTxt.innerText = thisPointer._recState.listening; } if (tutorialInput) { if (tutorialInput.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') { tutorialInput.setAttribute('placeholder', thisPointer._recState.listening); } else { tutorialInput.innerText = thisPointer._recState.listening; } } thisPointer._recState.recognition.start(); } else { this.parentElement.classList.remove('v_listening'); thisPointer._recState.recognition.stop(); } }); var toolTipCloser = document.getElementById(`v_toolTipCloser_${selectedInstanceIndex}`); toolTipCloser.addEventListener('click', function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); }); }; SpeechToTextHelper.prototype.CheckForTutorial = function () { let selectedInstanceIndex = this._instanceIndex; let isTutorialViewed = sessionStorage.getItem(`v_isVoiceTutorialViewed_${this._instanceIndex}`); if (isTutorialViewed == null || isTutorialViewed === 'false') { this.ShowTutorialToolTip(); setTimeout(function () { let thisPointer = speechInstances[selectedInstanceIndex]; thisPointer.HideTutorialToolTip(); }, 5000); } };
  • Pricing
  • Create a Storyboard
  • Get 1 Month for $1
    For Personal Use For Teachers For Business

    30 Day Money Back Guarantee . New Customers Only . Full Price After Introductory Offer

    girl daydreaming about Storyboard That

    Why Storyboard Online?

    Storyboarding is an incredibly powerful tool for visual communication. Creating a storyboard brings words from the page to life, and encapsulates the audience's imagination in ways that text alone cannot.

    Digital storytelling is a powerful way to share your story with the world. By using visual elements like images, characters, and scenes, you can create a rich and engaging experience for your audience.

    StoryboardThat is an online storyboarding tool that makes it easy to create storyboards even without being an artist. With StoryboardThat, you can create a digital story in minutes using both images, text, and storyboard templates. You can even use our many resources to help you get started.

    Create a Storyboard
    girl daydreaming about Storyboard That
    Try 1 Month for $1


    Private Edition

    Best Option for Creating Storyboards for Small Projects

    Personal Edition

    What will you create with Storyboard That?
    With a vast art library filled with hundreds of scenes, characters, items and more, the opportunities are endless

    Try for Free

    You can create two storyboards per week for free, or upgrade any time for more advanced features
    (Learn More About Upgrading)

    Try 1 Month for $1
    Try 1 Month for $1


    Teacher Edition

    Best Option for Teachers, Schools & Districts

    Education Edition

    Storyboard That Supports
    Rostering with:

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    Try 1 Month for $1


    Corporate Edition

    Best Option for Professional Use

    Corporate Edition

    Bring visual communication to another level with Storyboard That! Add special effects, animated gifs and even make your own posters!

    14-Day Free Trial

    The use of storyboards in the corporate world adds pizzazz to your presentations! Try us today to communicate ideas and processes effectively, provide visual aids for training purposes, and create amazing marketing and team building materials!

    Try 1 Month for $1

    Pricing Options For Storyboard That

    Best for Light Usage
    A lady holding a tablet with Storyboard That logo
    It's always


    For Fun
    Best for Individual Use
    Person celebrating with balloons
    Starting at*


    Try 1 Month for $1
    * After the first month
    For Teachers
    Designed for Teachers, Schools, and Districts
    Teacher teaching a class
    Starting at*


    Try 1 Month for $1
    * After the first month
    For Work
    Business Edition
    Man working at a laptop
    Starting at*


    Try 1 Month for $1
    * After the first month


    -Priscilla G

    “Created my first comic using @StoryboardThat Super user friendly and a great tool to bring out creativity in the library and the classroom”

    - Priscilla G.
    -Dana H.

    “I am loving the ”VIEW STUDENT WORK IN REAL TIME” feature in @StoryboardThat! These students are off to a great start!”

    - Dana H.
    -Andrea P.

    “Can’t wait to see what my students create with @StoryboardThat. Today they began their comics to tell the story of our road to independence!”

    - Andrea P.

    Why Use Storyboard That?

    Storyboard That is an easy and engaging way to create storyboards. The perfect digital storyboard website for businesses and classrooms, it allows adults and students alike to collaborate and work together.

    • You can access our online storyboarding tool from anywhere in the world.
    • It’s easy to use, enabling you to make amazing storyboards in minutes.
    • You can share your storyboard with others online, or download it as a high resolution image or PDF file.
    • Businesses can use it for team-building, product planning, and so much more.
    • Classrooms can use it for lesson planning, projects, and group work.
    • It’s free to use, or you can upgrade to a premium account for even more features.
    • Engage your students and boost writing scores with our standards-aligned writing activities.
    kids at a computer
    Student using a laptop to access Storyboard That

    The Storyboard Creator

    The Storyboard Creator is a tool that helps you create storyboards quickly using a drag and drop feature. Our online storyboarding tool makes it easy to bring characters, scenes, themes, and timelines to life. With our talented artists adding new characters and scenes all of the time, the opportunities are endless.

    Storyboard That Personal Use

    With thousands of scenes, characters, items, and more, creating with Storyboard That is exciting and simple. No matter what your needs are, you will find what you are looking for with this subscription. Storyboard That is ideal for projects such as creating a poster or making your own comic or graphic novel! Create your own storyboard for planning, organizing your thoughts, video planning, or to tell a story. When you have completed your masterpiece, you can choose from one of our many downloading options, allowing you to share your work with others on social media, Powerpoint, and more!

    Try out our personal storyboard maker free today!

    Person using a laptop in a speech bubble
    Lady holding a laptop


    Designed for forward-thinking teams, Storyboard That’s corporate edition is an ideal option for professional use. With over 200 templates and business resources, you can easily create professional and visually appealing storyboards. The online storyboard maker is perfect for business use as it is designed for teams.

    You can also securely collaborate with others within your organization, as all of your data is stored securely and is compliant with all major privacy laws. You’ll be able to get your employees fully immersed in a group activity that will bring people together in a team-building manner while also learning every step of the way.

    The free storyboard software is available for a 14-day trial, where you can try things out for your business to make sure they’re right for you.

    Storyboard That for Education

    Our education option is the perfect option for any teacher, whether it is used for an individual classroom, a team of teachers, a school, or a district. Our lesson plans are suitable for all ages, abilities, and subjects.

    Over 3,000 Common Core aligned lesson plans and activities

    Activities include standards, essential questions, instructions, a blank template, and a rubric!

    Complete Security

    Storyboard That is compliant with major privacy laws including FERPA, CCPA, COPPA, Ed-2D, and GDPR. We are also SOC-2 Type 2 with all 5 Trusts

    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Level IV

    Storyboard That has been independently reviewed, by LXD Research, that we meet the standards of evidence required for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Level IV. Read the Full Study

    Teacher in front of a white board in a speech bubble


    Compatible with popular learning management systems such as Google Classroom, Clever, Canvas, ClassLink, and Schoology, Storyboard That makes organizing your students, classes, and assignments a breeze. In addition, sharing assignments with students and keeping track of their progress is as easy as clicking a button.

    Writing Resources and Activities Library

    Engage, empower, and educate your students with pre-made writing activities for every grade level, from English conventions lessons and essay planning guides to narrative writing projects, comic strips, and so much more.

    Real Time Collaboration

    Knowing how to work together is an important part of a child’s education. Students will love working in pairs and in small groups on the same storyboard!

    Want your students to add writing to their storyboards? We’ve got tons of options for speech and text.

    The storyboard creator free trial for teachers allows you to try out all of the premium features for two weeks. Thousands of copyable activities, worksheets, and posters are yours to use and keep in your storyboard library. Educators love Storyboard That because it helps students process and understand the information in a deep, meaningful way. When students storyboard, they are actively engaged in the learning process and can make connections between the text and their own lives.

    Storyboards also promote higher-level thinking by encouraging students to synthesize information and think critically about what they have read. Finally, storyboards are a great way to assess student understanding because they provide a visual representation of student learning.

    Storyboard That is the perfect tool for novel lesson plans and activities because it's so easy to use and extremely versatile. With Storyboard That, you can create a wide variety of storyboards such as the story from the main character's perspective, or any other character's point of view.

    By combining the storyboard maker with your lesson plans, you can adhere to the curriculum and required standards, while ensuring that your students will be engaged and excited to learn. Another added bonus is that our premade lesson plans are aligned with the Common Core!

    Storyboard That Examples

    When it comes to opening the door to creativity, Storyboard That has got you covered. Check out our worksheet and poster templates, our wide variety of layouts such as Plot Diagram and Book Creator, Real Time Collaboration, and so much more!
    Excited dad with his son looking at a computer

    Free Version

    Want to try us out? You can still use our free storyboard maker where you’ll have access to all the basic features and still be able to create amazing storyboards using the storyboard tool. However, the free version does have some limitations, and you will not have access to our premium features, such as advanced layouts and some of the incredible artwork.

    Storyboard Creator Free Features

    With our free version, you will have many tools at your fingertips to create eloquent and encapsulating visual representations that bring the words on paper to life. These features include:

    • 3 Cells
    • Scenes
    • Characters
    • Items
    • Speech Bubbles
    • Shapes
    • Infographics
    • Web & Wireframes

    The free version is a great way to use the Storyboard Creator free of charge if you’re new to storyboarding or if you’re not sure whether you need all the features of our premium version yet.

    Benefits Of Storyboard Learning

    There are many benefits if you make a storyboard online. Humans have evolved through storytelling, and our brains are geared to process information in story form. Proverbs have been passed down for millennia, and we have evidence to this day in the form of cave drawings found throughout the world.

    When you storyboard, you are essentially taking advantage of the way our brains process information. You are breaking down a larger task into manageable chunks and then creating a visual representation of that task and information. This has been shown to increase productivity and understanding.

    Some benefits of storyboard learning include:

    • You can see the big picture and how all of the pieces fit together.
    • You can better understand complex concepts by breaking them down into smaller parts.
    • You can learn faster by taking advantage of the way your brain processes information.
    • You can share your storyboards with others to work together and understand different people’s viewpoints.
    • The process of the story keeps us more engaged with the task; this is especially true for younger children.
    • It is a great way to organize and present information concisely.
    • You can use storyboards for any type of learning, from personal projects to work tasks and everything in between.

    Get started with Storyboard That today, and see how we can help you, your students, or your colleagues become more engaged and creative with the click of a button!

    Students around their teacher
    Getting Started with Storyboard That

    Want to Learn More?

    Check out our brief tutorial video to learn how to start creating today! You will learn how to:

    • Find and customize scenes
    • Search characters and change their poses, expressions, and more
    • Add speech and text to your storyboard
    • Save your masterpiece