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PCLP Project Leadership

Currently on leave with the Division of Graduate Education at NSF

Please contact [email protected] with any questions related to professional development and postdoctoral affairs.

Kathleen Flint Ehm, PhD, joined the Graduate School in 2013 and currently serves as Assistant Dean for Professional Development and Postdoctoral Affairs in the Graduate School at Stony Brook University. In this role, she leads Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development, overseeing professional and educational initiatives for graduate students and postdocs, and directs the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. She is also a Research Assistant Professor with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, where she teaches science communication. Dr. Ehm has almost twenty years’ experience in postdoctoral policy and professional development for PhDs. She spent six years at the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA), serving as project manager for grant-funded initiatives. She was lead author on the NPA’s Responsible Conduct of Research Toolkit and From Ph.D. to Professoriate: The Role of the Institution in Fostering the Advancement of Postdoc Women. In 2004, she spent a year in residence at the National Science Foundation where she was a Science and Technology Policy Fellow sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). There she helped manage NSF’s first competition of the Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Dr. Ehm is an active member of the National Postdoctoral Association, the Graduate Career Consortium, and the AAAS. An astronomer by training, Dr. Ehm did her postdoctoral training at Gemini Observatory North and the Carnegie Institution of Science’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. She holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a B.S. in Math and Astronomy from the University of Arizona.`, `/commcms/phd-career-ladder/_images/overview/placeholder.png`, `Anastasiia Khibovska`, `Leader Coordinator`, `

Anastasiia is currently a graduate student in the Integrative Neuroscience Program at Stony Brook University.  She received two B.A. degrees in Psychology and Biology from the University of Maryland, College Park. After, she worked for Dr. Luiz Pessoa and focused on the emotional functional brain. Her research interests center on understanding functional networks and gradients in the brain using fMRI. 

Email: [email protected]
anastasiia khibovska`, ]; console.log(ctaArray)

Extended team

PCLP Team Photo 1PCLP Team Photo 2

(L to R) Alfreda James - Career Center, Nancy Goroff (PI) - Chemistry, Katy Flint Ehm - Graduate School,
Jennifer L. DeLeon - Cold Spring Harbor  Laboratory Press (MCB PhD '17), Catherine Scott - Center for Excellence in Learning and Technology
(L to R) Kathleen Ehm, Lyl Tomlinson - National Institutes of Health (Neuroscience PhD '17), Catherine Scott, Bonita London - Psychology
 Alfreda James, Jennifer DeLeon