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Standard Deviations

Standard Deviations: Columnist says ‘So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu’

<em>“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.”</em><em>— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow</em>This column is going to make a lot of people happy. And — perhaps — a few others a little bit sad.Me? I suppose ...

Standard Deviations: Snacks make everything better — even impeachment

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn. Or, right before it goes pitch black.Either way, I’m sensing we’re on the precipice of a monumental shift in this country.The showdown between Republicans and Democrats over President Donald Trump’s alleged misdeeds in office has been like a ...

Standard Deviations: As a boomer, feeling the love from the millennials

Anybody else think this whole tribalism thing is getting a little out of hand?Republicans vs. Democrats. Liberals vs. Conservatives. Rich vs. Poor. The Religious Faithful vs. Godless Atheists. People of Color vs. … Colorless People?I guess I’d say that the United States has turned into one ...

Standard Deviations: What’s the big deal about 5% beer?

One of the most important roles I see myself fulfilling as a weekly columnist for the local newspaper is attempting to bridge the gap between two disparate groups that often find themselves at odds here in the Beehive State.Sadly, we’ve long embraced this sort of binary culture in Utah. ...

Standard Deviations: The war on… Halloween?

You thought the War on Christmas was bad? It’s got nothing on the skirmishes going on over this next holiday coming up.Halloween.The attacks on All Hallows' Eve may not get the same kind of attention in the press, but the relentless debates going on about the Oct. 31 celebration are enough to ...

Standard Deviations: Romney fulfilling prophecy? Stranger things have happened

Last Tuesday morning, just before the alarm went off, I suddenly had a random thought that quite literally woke me from a sound sleep.As I opened my eyes and the conscious mind began grasping hold of that which my unconscious must have been Indian leg wrestling with all night, the basic idea ...