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National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)
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Halle D, Wiener Stadthalle
O2 universum
O2 universum
Waldbühne Berlin
Cavea, Auditorium Parco della Musica
Cavea, Auditorium Parco della Musica
Ludovico Einaudi, born 23 November 1955, is a renowned pianist and composer. The Italian musician was born in Turin where his classical career began, before he moved on to create music for film with influences of pop, rock, and folk music.
Einaudi began his career performing classical music in the 1980s after training at the Conservatorio Verdi, when he began composing orchestral and classical pieces, before progressing to more main stream music heard in popular culture in the mid 80s. As well as piano, Einaudi also plays and composes for guitar, in which he in incredibly skilled and proficient. Although Einaudi is influenced by classical artists, his style is unique with the fusion of classical and popular music bridging the gap between the two genres, making his music extremely accessible to many types of listeners.
From his eclectic back catalogue, of tracks, he has won several awards, including Best Film Music at the Avingon Film Festical for his score Sotto Falso Nome, and Best Soundtrack at the Italian Music Awards for Luce Die Miei Occhi. His music has also appeared in popular culture worldwide, composing the trailer music for the movie Black Swan.
His album Le Onde written for piano and performed as a solo was the best selling album in the UK and Italy, sending Einaudi to success. Still producing charting music, his latest album In A Time Lapse has taken him on a giant US and Canadian tour, as well as landing him a slot at the prestigious iTunes festival.
Read moreI was lucky enough to see the infinitely talented Ludovico Einaudi live at the Royal Albert Concert Hall.
The lights dimmed as he walked out on stage and the audience clapped politely. The famous and talented pianist began playing and a hushed silence fell over the crowd. The notes played out an emotional story that no one could ignore. It was like being rocked to sleep as a child, something was comforting and you knew you would always be safe in that moment. Not a single missed note, not a single look at the audience to confirm their reaction. Someone as talented as Ludovico Einaudi does not need reassurance, he is amazing.
As we sat there, looking ahead, not a dry eye in the house, my wife took my hand and held it. I could feel every second of our lives together rush through me in that moment as the somber tones of the piano flowed over us. I knew that that was the moment I would always remember no matter what happened to us. It is the moment I always go back to when I need to remember her face.
Ludovico Einaudi gave me a moment to keep forever.
scrivo la recensione in italiano..
diciamo che no ci sono recensioni da fare, perchè lo standing ovation spontaneo del pubblico in sala nella notte del 14 febbraio parla da solo.
io amo quest'uomo, entra nell' anima, ogni sua musica parla di un pezzo della mia vita come ognuno di noi può trovare la propria vita scritta nei versi di una canzone con le parole.
beh, la musica suonata senza parole entra ancora più profondamente.
la sua musica mi rasserena, mi da il tempo per riflettere, la uso per meditare, è la mia compagna.
lui, un maestro che non ha bisogno di commenti, ha il tocco delicato sulla tastiera del suo piano, dirige la sua orchestra suonando il piano forte e nello stesso tempo comunica con il suo pubblico.
ha saputo mettere il rock nella classica.
era la prima volta che lo vedevo dal vivo, non sono mai riuscita adm andare a uno dei suoi concerti a Milano e il destino ha voluto che lo ascoltassi dal vivo dall'altra parte del mondo.
GRAZIE MAESTO per aver toccato le corde della mia anima.
Ylenia Vitale
Concert was just as expected: amazing, if you like his mix of melodic and simple piano composition with dramatic multi-instrument "crescendo" pieces, good for movie tunes.
A bit disapointing was that in some pieced you could hear violins or drums that no one of the band was playing (though they did at other instances). So at times thete was a little too obviously the Synthetizer in chareg where perhaps rwal instruments could be used.
Scandalous was the leg space on the ranks. Some may know that in this multi-functional bull fighting arena this can be an issue, but I got there and had cramps afterwards just from avoiding as mch as possible knocking my knees into the people before me. And I am not too tall (1.85m). If I haf the energy I would probably try getting money bak from the organisers, because selling sears for 45eur without any indication that they are unsuitable for people taller than 1.70m is unethical, and greedy!!
Non mi ritengo un ascoltatore di bocca buona. Cerco qualunque musica, ma deve avere un'anima. E volendo essere severo devo dire che una parte della produzione di Einaudi non mi convince del tutto, suonando un po' troppo melodico ed orecchiabile per non sembrarmi "commerciale". Ieri sera all'Auditorium, temevo in fondo in fondo di trovarmi davanti alla kermesse della ormai-pop-star... Fortunatamente, aspettativa delusa ! Moltissimi pezzi che - perché nuovi o semplicemente per la mia ignoranza - escono totalmente dal temuto binario. Trame rarefatte, sequenze non banali, che richiedono attenzione assoluta. E una volta catturato, ti rapiscono e ti portano via. Ho "viaggiato", ad occhi chiusi, come non mi succedeva da tanto. E allora, Ludovico, RESPECT : all'apice della notorietà , capace di un colpo d'ala da Musicista vero, capace di girare le spalle alla via comoda e scontata. Mi inchino.
First half set aside just for Elements was a little lack-lustre. The staging was very minimal, I suppose to showcase the music, however Elements just isn't strong enough (in my opinion) to hold you captive on its own. In fact this was made even more difficult by the audience taking flash photography - as a 'millennial' I am baffled as to why people thought that was okay.
The second half was incredible and completely made up for the disappointing first. He did all the 'hits' and the staging became much more exciting. This half really showed off his ability to experiment with instruments and create sounds that transport you to a place away from the concert hall. By the end people were cheering him like he was a rock legend.
I was lucky enough to also attend Ludovico's concert last year at Blenheim Palace and I have to say - although the Royal Chelsea Hospital is obviously a very historic venue, it still suffers from aircraft noise - traffic noise is virtually undetectable unless you have sirens passing but it's still enough to detract from the beauty of Signori Einaudi's music.
The concert itself was amazing and the maestro incorporated a more electronic sound into tracks which for me didn't compare in beauty to his pure acoustic versions.
Other than that Signori Einaudi's played over 2 hours worth of music and as with all memories involving his music, will live with me for a very long time.
An expensive evening, but well worth every penny! The man is a legend and I enjoyed the concert greatly. My wife, who knew nothing about his music, came away a fan! It was a scorching hot evening, but what a lovely outndoor venue at the Royal Chelsea Hospital. A lot of thought had obviously gone into the catering and planning for the evening.
Only 2 small quibbles: the start time seemed to be very vague and I had heard, 7pm, 7.30pm and 8pm. It actually started at 8pm. There was no interval and it was rather annoying to have people wandering around to get refreshments, etc, while the concert was going on.
All in all, an evening to remember.
An unforgettable experience! Though I prefer smaller venues of his past shows compared to gaguntum that is Sony Centre, the sold out crowd was a testament to the reach of his genius and the demand for such musical style.
Live music always sounds better than the album or on-air. And to witness your favourite living composer live is nothing short of magical. There are melodies linked to people and memories in my life and this night so many moments flashed before my eyes. I smiled, I cried. I pondered abot music's beautiful ability to cross human boundaries and tensions without uttering a single word. Thank you Ludo!
Set in the Beautiful historic Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam , this was a a very special night.. From the moment he took to the stage with his band of musicians, who played strings, percussion and electric instruments, It was an enchanting evening and moved the sold out audience. He moved through the "time lapse" with grace, the musicians leaving the stage in the middle leaving him to play solo... they returned and led us into an emotion filled finale, 5 minute ovation then a celtic inspired encore... A beautiful night.. one i wont forget... maybe it was my seat in row 11 number 11 that made it more magical..
Amazing show, sold out house and the audience loved it. A skilfully played, well-balanced set with most of Elements, a beautiful solo piece and a few golden oldies towards the end. Few mistakes, nice visuals, only the incidental strobe lighting didn't really do it for me. The band ended up walking off stage in the middle of roaring applause, after applauding the room themselves for some time. This mix of percussion, multi-instrumentalist, keyboard/bassist, keyboard/violinist and last but certainly not least cellist works really well and I prefer it to the larger string ensembles Einaudi has played with.
Want to see Ludovico Einaudi in concert? Find information on all of Ludovico Einaudiâs upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2025-2026.
Ludovico Einaudi is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 54 concerts across 14 countries in 2025-2026. View all concerts.
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