Sompo Group's Commitment to Compliance
Sompo Holdings has established this Basic Policy with the aim of being a corporate group trusted by society by remaining constantly aware of the important public mission and social responsibility of its businesses and providing customers with the highest-quality services and sense of security through appropriate corporate activities that comply with laws and regulations, societal norms, and corporate ethics.
Sompo Group Basic Policy on Compliance (Overview)
The Company Group shall comply with laws and regulations in accordance with the following policy and realize corporate activities that are in conformity with social norms and corporate ethics.
- Compliance as the major premise for business operations
With the deep awareness that profits gained by disregarding compliance is not sustainable, we will set compliance as the precondition for our business operations.
- Nurturing and enhancing compliance awareness of officers and employees
We will nurture and enhance the awareness that compliance must be taken seriously so that officers and employees will comply with laws and regulations and act in conformity with social norms and corporate ethics.
- Systematic efforts to ensure compliance
With the deep awareness that continuous and perpetual efforts are needed to ensure compliance, we will systematically work toward the realization of it.
- Early detection of issues and prompt actions
We will establish an early detection system in order to be prepared for any occurrence of compliance issues in association with business operations, and take prompt and appropriate actions if any issue occurs.
Sompo Group Compliance Code of Conduct
Officers and employees of Sompo Group shall conduct themselves in accordance with the attached Sompo Group Compliance Code of Conduct, which is based on Sompo Group Basic Policy on Compliance.
Sompo Group Compliance Code of Conduct(PDF/1,728KB)
Whistle-blowing and Consultation System
With the aim of preventing misconduct, including violations of laws and regulations, as well as harassment and other problematic behavior, and maintaining and enhancing corporate value through self-regulation, the Sompo Group maintains a whistle-blowing system for internal reporting and consultation by establishing external hotlines in addition to internal hotlines at each Group company, and by continuously informing employees of these hotlines.