
Make a Gift

Thank you for giving

Gifts large and small enrich the learning experiences of public officials and students who use their new skills and knowledge to improve communities in every corner of the state and nation. All gifts are tax-deductible.

Give now

  • Credit Card (online form)
    You can make a one-time or recurring gift using your credit card. If you wish to make a recurring gift, enter your desired monthly amount as the gift amount on the online form; at the final step, select "recurring gift" in the drop-down menu in the "frequency" section.
  • Check or Pledge
  • Bank Draft
  • Gift of Stock
  • Payroll Deduction (UNC employees only)

Give Later

  • Leave a personal legacy through a bequest, retirement plan, gift annuity, or charitable trust. Creative planning can lead to extraordinary gifts! For more information please refer to

Give Differently

  • To discuss new giving opportunities, endowment funds, planned gifts, or non-cash gifts, contact Brandon Foster, director of annual giving and alumni relations, at 919.962.0426 or [email protected]. More information on giving options is also available at