Upcoming Event

Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!
01.22.21 | Everywhere in the world
It’s that time of year again! The Software Preservation Network (SPN) is looking for new members to join our working groups. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the working group’s goals. Folks interested in joining any of …Continue Join a Software Preservation Network Working Group!
Featured News
SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software
The Software Preservation Network ended 2023 with a bang, filing its first set of arguments in the latest cycle of the triennial DMCA rulemaking. We were represented by our attorneys at the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic, and joined in the filing …Continue SPN and Library Copyright Alliance Petition for Updated DMCA Rules to Expand Access to Preserved Software
Software Preservation Network 2024-2026 Goals
The Software Preservation Network (SPN) Coordinating Committee and Working Group Coordinators are excited to share the following 2024-2026 goals, which were created through an iterative prioritization and community feedback process during 2023. The Software Preservation Network is a coordinated, distributed …Continue Software Preservation Network 2024-2026 Goals
Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice
SPN joined an amicus brief in Green v. DOJ, a lawsuit brought by the online civil rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation against the US government challenging key parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The suit argues that the Act’s …Continue Amicus Brief in Green v. Department of Justice
Affiliated Projects
BPs for Fair Use
Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in Software Preservation
Fostering Communities of Practice: Software Preservation and Emulation in Libraries, Archives and Museums
Emulation-as-a-Service Infrastructure
SPN Members
SPN Sponsors
SPN sponsors help ensure that we continue to advance field level capacity for software preservation through community engagement, infrastructure support, and knowledge generation. Learn more about sponsorship
Get Involved
As SPN transitions from an exclusively grant-funded and in-kind support model to a self-sustaining member-driven organization, I hope you will consider joining our growing community of practice. You can learn more about SPN’s current members and our plans for the future in the Software Preservation Network Prospectus.