This document discusses messaging queues and platforms. It begins with an introduction to messaging queues and their core components. It then provides a table comparing 8 popular open source messaging platforms: Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, NATS, NSQ, Redis, ZeroMQ, and Nanomsg. The document discusses using Apache Kafka for streaming and integration with Google Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and BigQuery. It also covers benchmark testing of these platforms, comparing throughput and latency. Finally, it emphasizes that messaging queues can help applications by allowing producers and consumers to communicate asynchronously.
今年3月に発売されたFINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITIONでは、マルチプレイ実装にPhoton Serverを採用しています。コンソールのバージョンとも親和性が高く、なんと約1週間で動作するところまで到達しました!
This document discusses messaging queues and platforms. It begins with an introduction to messaging queues and their core components. It then provides a table comparing 8 popular open source messaging platforms: Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, NATS, NSQ, Redis, ZeroMQ, and Nanomsg. The document discusses using Apache Kafka for streaming and integration with Google Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and BigQuery. It also covers benchmark testing of these platforms, comparing throughput and latency. Finally, it emphasizes that messaging queues can help applications by allowing producers and consumers to communicate asynchronously.
今年3月に発売されたFINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITIONでは、マルチプレイ実装にPhoton Serverを採用しています。コンソールのバージョンとも親和性が高く、なんと約1週間で動作するところまで到達しました!
This document discusses strategies for optimizing access to large "master data" files in PHP applications. It describes converting master data files from PHP arrays to tab-separated value (TSV) files to reduce loading time. Benchmark tests show the TSV format reduces file size by over 50% and loading time from 70 milliseconds to 7 milliseconds without OPcache. Accessing rows as arrays by splitting on tabs is 3 times slower but still very fast at over 350,000 gets per second. The TSV optimization has been used successfully in production applications.
活用段階に入ったNoSQLですがまだまだ実際どう使えるのかご存じ無い方も多いのでは無いでしょうか。当セッションでは、MapR-DB(Hbase互換のNoSQL)が企業でどう活用されているのか、インドのマイナンバー事例や国内事例を元に実際の使い方のイメージと技術的な裏付けをご説明します。2015年6月10〜12日に開催されたdb tech showcase Tokyo 2015での講演資料です。
Meta/Facebook's database serving social workloads is running on top of MyRocks (MySQL on RocksDB). This means our performance and reliability depends a lot on RocksDB. Not just MyRocks, but also we have other important systems running on top of RocksDB. We have learned many lessons from operating and debugging RocksDB at scale.
In this session, we will offer an overview of RocksDB, key differences from InnoDB, and share a few interesting lessons learned from production.
Consistency between Engine and Binlog under Reduced DurabilityYoshinori Matsunobu
- When MySQL instances fail and recover, the binary logs and storage engines can become inconsistent due to different levels of durability settings. This can cause issues when trying to rejoin instances to replication.
- The document discusses challenges in ensuring consistency between binary logs and storage engines like InnoDB under reduced durability settings. It also addresses issues that can occur when restarting masters or replicas due to potential inconsistencies.
- Solutions discussed include using the max GTID from the storage engine to determine where to start replication, truncating binary logs on restart if they are ahead of the engines, and using idempotent recovery techniques to handle potential duplicate or missing rows. Ensuring consistency across multiple storage engines is also challenging.
MyRocks is an open source LSM based MySQL database, created by Facebook. This slides introduce MyRocks overview and how we deployed at Facebook, as of 2017.
The document discusses using MySQL for large scale social games. It describes DeNA's use of over 1000 MySQL servers and 150 master-slave pairs to support 25 million users and 2-3 billion page views per day for their social games. It outlines the challenges of dynamically scaling games that can unexpectedly increase or decrease in traffic. It proposes automating master migration and failover to reduce maintenance downtime. A new open source tool called MySQL MHA is introduced that allows switching a master in under 3 seconds by blocking writes, promoting a slave, and ensuring data consistency across slaves.
Automated, Non-Stop MySQL Operations and Failover discusses automating master failover in MySQL to minimize downtime. The goal is to have no single point of failure by automatically promoting a slave as the new master when the master goes down. This is challenging due to asynchronous replication and the possibility that not all slaves have received the same binary log events from the crashed master. Differential relay log events must be identified and applied to bring all slaves to an eventually consistent state.
This document summarizes optimizations for MySQL performance on Linux hardware. It covers SSD and memory performance impacts, file I/O, networking, and useful tools. The history of MySQL performance improvements is discussed from hardware upgrades like SSDs and more CPU cores to software optimizations like improved algorithms and concurrency. Optimizing per-server performance to reduce total servers needed is emphasized.
This document discusses indexing strategies in MySQL to improve performance and concurrency. It covers how indexes can help avoid lock contention on tables by enabling concurrent queries to access and modify different rows. However, indexes can also cause deadlocks in some situations. The document outlines several cases exploring how indexes impact locking, covering indexes, sorting and query plans.
Linux performance tuning & stabilization tips (mysqlconf2010)Yoshinori Matsunobu
This document provides tips for optimizing Linux performance and stability when running MySQL. It discusses managing memory and swap space, including keeping hot application data cached in RAM. Direct I/O is recommended over buffered I/O to fully utilize memory. The document warns against allocating too much memory or disabling swap completely, as this could trigger the out-of-memory killer to crash processes. Backup operations are noted as a potential cause of swapping, and adjusting swappiness is suggested.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
9. 階層関係
ミッションAをクリアするとミッションBが出現 I
ミッションBをクリアするとミッションDが出現 D F
1 0..n 1 0..n
ID ミッション名 上位ID ID ミッション名 階層区分 上位ID
A ミッションA B A ミッションA 0 B
B ミッションB D B ミッションB 1 D
D ミッションD I D ミッションD 2 I
F ミッションF I F ミッションF 2 I
I ミッションI - I ミッションI 3 -
Dの上位をAにすると無限ループに陥る 上位の階層だけを上位ミッションに登録できるように
30. より詳しい技術解説に興味のある方は。。
Developers Summit (デブサミ) 2011
2月17日・18日 目黒雅叙園 (17日に登壇します)
MySQL Conference & Expo 2011
4月11日-14日 (米サンタクララ)
Linux and H/W optimizations for MySQL
Automated, Non-Stop MySQL operations and failover
Using MySQL as NoSQL – Introduction to
HandlerSocket Plugin
31. インフラエンジニアのキャリア
Problem Solving
Core Skill enhancement
Technology Marketing
Tool development 国内外での積極的な情報発信
Solution Development
Alliance 短中期的な問題を定義
最新の技術動向を(公開/非公開を問わず) 効果の高い手段をリストアップ・検証
仕入れるためのアンテナ/人脈の構築 優先順位をつけて着実に実施
Research & Development