A Freelancer's Guide To Handling Difficult ClientsDamon Schopen
A new client contacts you about a project they want you to do. You quickly negotiate a price. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you get the feeling that something isn’t quite right. You are really excited to start the new project and make some money so you start right away. You get a couple days in and the client is adding all kinds of things to the project that they thought would be included. On Friday they remember that they never told you the project needs to be completed by Monday. Knowing that it is impossible to finish the project by Monday you get a sinking feeling. Meanwhile, the client thinks that what they are asking for is perfectly normal. After all this is their first website. Quickly you begin to curse the day you met the client and wish you never took on this project.
Having the skills to design and develop a website is only part of what you need to become a successful freelancer. Working with clients and managing expectations are essential skills to have as a freelancer. This session will be an open discussion about how to work with clients and manage projects.
Some of the topics discussed will be:
How to make sure a client is a good fit before jumping into a project.
How to set clear expectations for the client and the freelancer.
How to make sure you get paid for your work.
The document describes a child's Christmas experiences in 2014. It discusses the traditional buccellati desserts made by grandmothers in Misilmeri, making a nativity scene crib with their brother, decorating a Christmas tree in early December and unwrapping presents on Christmas Eve, and attempting to make a small snowman when it snowed in Sicily that year.
Dificultad de determinar la partida arancelaria para la exportación de prenda...Mitzi Linares Vizcarra
El documento discute la nomenclatura arancelaria para la exportación de prendas de vestir de fibra de vicuña de Perú a Estados Unidos. Explica los pasos para encontrar la subpartida arancelaria correcta, los términos comerciales internacionales (INCOTERMS) que aplican, y los organismos e instituciones involucrados en el proceso de importación. También analiza las barreras legales y culturales que deben considerarse para acceder al mercado estadounidense.
Un comerciante ofrece mercaderías por $160,000 y establece descuentos del 8%, 6% y 5%. Experiencialmente, sabe que el 25% de los compradores usarán los tres descuentos, el 35% usarán los primeros dos descuentos, y el 22% usarán solo el primer descuento. Se pide calcular el descuento equivalente a la cadena de descuentos, el descuento único equivalente a los dos primeros descuentos, el descuento efectivo total y la cantidad por la que vendió toda la mercancía.
Ako zvýšiť návštevnosť na blogu - Fabulous by xKatkaKatarina Novotna
Ako zvýšiť návštevnosť na blogu? To je otázka ktorú si kladú nielen začínajúci blogeri. Aj blogeri, ktori blogujú dlho, majú občas problém s nízkou návštevnosťou. Prinášam pár tipov, vďaka ktorým si pomôžete zvýšiť návštevnosť svojho blogu.
Celý talk aj na Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ys9H5IxbNQ
Akedabagus menceritakan pengalamannya bekerja sebagai Code Wrangler di perusahaan Automattic secara remote. Ia bergabung dengan Automattic setelah bekerja di X-Team selama 2 tahun, dimana ia mendapatkan pengalaman bekerja di proyek WordPress untuk enterprise. Sebelumnya, ia pernah berpartisipasi dalam program Google Summer of Code pada 2010 dan 2011, yang membantunya belajar bekerja secara remote. Proses screening calon karyawan Automattic melip
Marketers have one job which is to gain new customers and generate more sales while becoming an authority. Customers are often found when not looking. There are two ways to build authority: through mass keyword content or authority topical content. Keyword research is still valuable but there is more to a keyword than the keyword itself. Different searchers have different intents such as researching, shopping, buying, or seeking information. It's not always obvious what the intent is for a keyword. Topical optimization involves creating authoritative pages for topics rather than individual keywords. This allows for domination of keyword topics.
Ready to start a business blog but not sure where to start? Start here! This presentation takes you step-by-step through the process of creating an epic business blog that delights audiences and helps you grow your business.
The entrepreneurial journey is never certain and we must pivot fast in hope to move in the right direction. Join Rachel Magario as she shares ways to “listen” to your customer’s needs when you cannot see through the blind spots. These insights will help you to make informed decisions before you pivot, learn how to create a better customer experience, and create a little edge between you and the competition.
Shortcut Your Way to Success: Essential WordPress Plugins for PodcastersDustin Hartzler
With more than 39,000 free plugins on the WordPress repository, how do you know with plugins are worth installing?
In this session, I share things to look for when choosing free plugins as well as discussing the benefits of premium plugins.
A Survival Guide for the Overwhelmed Online MarketerStoney deGeyter
There is so much required to run a successful web marketing campaign, we often don't know where to start. A good web marketing strategy requires a P.L.A.N.:
Priorities: Basic Survival Strategies
Landscape: Web Marketing Facts and Fiction
Action: Optimization Tools and Tactics
Navigation: Maintaining a Healthy Web Presence
Each section will provide tips, tools and techniques you need to be effective at online marketing without becoming overwhelmed.
In this presentation I talk about why it's important to have video, what types of video libraries can be created, how to create them and best practices for your video content. I also include the best groups to market video to and great ways to get your videos in front of your customers.
I cover the importance of a Video Library for Search Engine Optimization and how it helps keep visitors on your site for a longer amount of time. I discuss how you can use video content marketing to better connect with your audience and communicate with customers. I also present a number of strategic approaches to including videos on various types of websites.
Tools to Automate & Elevate Your Marketing Efferts Sarah Kloth
Automation is a must in today’s fast-paced digital marketing world. The necessity to streamline key online business and marketing processes is continuously on the rise. During this session, we will uncover the top tools and plugins today’s marketers rely on to both automate and elevate results. From content marketing to SEO and analytics, these WordPress plugins will help you boost marketing efficiency, enhance effectiveness and help you generate marketing leads. Discover how to simplify and improve the way you carry out your marketing strategy in 2017.
Find Site Performance from the server to WordPress. A look at how some good performance gains can be made in tuning MySQL and APC and getting the most of out W3 Total Cache.
My Website Is Old Enough To Vote - Kris HowardWordCamp Sydney
The Web is an industry that thrives on the new... but what about building sites that last?
In 1996, I used my newly acquired HTML skills to build a fan site for my favourite author.
Twenty years later, the site - roalddahlfans.com - is still alive and kicking.
I'll trace the development of the site over the years, which mirrors both my own career journey as a developer and the trajectory of the web as a whole.
I'll also talk about the challenges I faced during my recent 6-month project to convert the whole site - nearly 1500 pages - to WordPress, dragging it into the 21st century at last.
Ako na rýchly web - WordCamp Žilina 2016 - xKatkaKatarina Novotna
Prezentácia z WordCamp Žilina 2016 by xKatka | Katarína Novotná
Čo spôsobuje pomalé načítavanie stránok a ako to vyriešiť?
Optimalizujte obrázky, nastavte si dobre cache a používajte kvalitný hosting ;)
There are many ways to customize your WordPress site, some wrong and some right. In this presentation we explore the wrong ways and the right ways to make you a better WordPress developer.
Imposter Syndrome (Kurt Madsen at LunchUX)Kurt Madsen
This document discusses imposter syndrome and provides advice for dealing with its effects. It begins by defining imposter syndrome as a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and feel like frauds. It then explores the potential effects like self-sabotage, procrastination, and anxiety. Common causes proposed include the analytical nature of UX work, constantly needing to prove assumptions, and the field's relative newness. The document provides strategies for managing imposter syndrome with bosses, colleagues, and oneself by focusing on strengths, acknowledging weaknesses, embracing failure, and paying it forward through mentorship.
Every developer experiences Imposter Syndrome, which can be summed up as "feelings of inadequacy in face of plenty of prior experience". This presentation will help you identify, avoid, and combat bouts of Imposter Syndrome in you and your co-workers or employees.
The document is a presentation on overcoming imposter syndrome given by Dan Linn. It discusses his own experiences with imposter syndrome, including stories of mistakes he made presenting. It provides tools for overcoming imposter syndrome, such as recognizing common triggers, understanding that everyone has different learning curves, and being imperfect is normal in the software field.
You're a Fraud and We All Know It: Work, Leadership and Imposter SyndromeAmanda Clark
This document discusses imposter syndrome and strategies for coping with it. It begins with an introduction to imposter syndrome, noting that many people feel like frauds and face self-doubt. It then explores the causes and effects of imposter syndrome, identifying six common factors that contribute to the experience. These include anxiety about failure and success, discounting praise, and an endless pursuit of being the best. The document suggests that imposter feelings are common and often get worse with more experience. It proposes several approaches for dealing with imposter syndrome in a healthy way, such as focusing on growth rather than perfection, asking questions to address knowledge gaps, and leveraging doubt to continuously learn.
Un comerciante ofrece mercaderías por $160,000 y establece descuentos del 8%, 6% y 5%. Experiencialmente, sabe que el 25% de los compradores usarán los tres descuentos, el 35% usarán los primeros dos descuentos, y el 22% usarán solo el primer descuento. Se pide calcular el descuento equivalente a la cadena de descuentos, el descuento único equivalente a los dos primeros descuentos, el descuento efectivo total y la cantidad por la que vendió toda la mercancía.
Ako zvýšiť návštevnosť na blogu - Fabulous by xKatkaKatarina Novotna
Ako zvýšiť návštevnosť na blogu? To je otázka ktorú si kladú nielen začínajúci blogeri. Aj blogeri, ktori blogujú dlho, majú občas problém s nízkou návštevnosťou. Prinášam pár tipov, vďaka ktorým si pomôžete zvýšiť návštevnosť svojho blogu.
Celý talk aj na Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ys9H5IxbNQ
Akedabagus menceritakan pengalamannya bekerja sebagai Code Wrangler di perusahaan Automattic secara remote. Ia bergabung dengan Automattic setelah bekerja di X-Team selama 2 tahun, dimana ia mendapatkan pengalaman bekerja di proyek WordPress untuk enterprise. Sebelumnya, ia pernah berpartisipasi dalam program Google Summer of Code pada 2010 dan 2011, yang membantunya belajar bekerja secara remote. Proses screening calon karyawan Automattic melip
Marketers have one job which is to gain new customers and generate more sales while becoming an authority. Customers are often found when not looking. There are two ways to build authority: through mass keyword content or authority topical content. Keyword research is still valuable but there is more to a keyword than the keyword itself. Different searchers have different intents such as researching, shopping, buying, or seeking information. It's not always obvious what the intent is for a keyword. Topical optimization involves creating authoritative pages for topics rather than individual keywords. This allows for domination of keyword topics.
Ready to start a business blog but not sure where to start? Start here! This presentation takes you step-by-step through the process of creating an epic business blog that delights audiences and helps you grow your business.
The entrepreneurial journey is never certain and we must pivot fast in hope to move in the right direction. Join Rachel Magario as she shares ways to “listen” to your customer’s needs when you cannot see through the blind spots. These insights will help you to make informed decisions before you pivot, learn how to create a better customer experience, and create a little edge between you and the competition.
Shortcut Your Way to Success: Essential WordPress Plugins for PodcastersDustin Hartzler
With more than 39,000 free plugins on the WordPress repository, how do you know with plugins are worth installing?
In this session, I share things to look for when choosing free plugins as well as discussing the benefits of premium plugins.
A Survival Guide for the Overwhelmed Online MarketerStoney deGeyter
There is so much required to run a successful web marketing campaign, we often don't know where to start. A good web marketing strategy requires a P.L.A.N.:
Priorities: Basic Survival Strategies
Landscape: Web Marketing Facts and Fiction
Action: Optimization Tools and Tactics
Navigation: Maintaining a Healthy Web Presence
Each section will provide tips, tools and techniques you need to be effective at online marketing without becoming overwhelmed.
In this presentation I talk about why it's important to have video, what types of video libraries can be created, how to create them and best practices for your video content. I also include the best groups to market video to and great ways to get your videos in front of your customers.
I cover the importance of a Video Library for Search Engine Optimization and how it helps keep visitors on your site for a longer amount of time. I discuss how you can use video content marketing to better connect with your audience and communicate with customers. I also present a number of strategic approaches to including videos on various types of websites.
Tools to Automate & Elevate Your Marketing Efferts Sarah Kloth
Automation is a must in today’s fast-paced digital marketing world. The necessity to streamline key online business and marketing processes is continuously on the rise. During this session, we will uncover the top tools and plugins today’s marketers rely on to both automate and elevate results. From content marketing to SEO and analytics, these WordPress plugins will help you boost marketing efficiency, enhance effectiveness and help you generate marketing leads. Discover how to simplify and improve the way you carry out your marketing strategy in 2017.
Find Site Performance from the server to WordPress. A look at how some good performance gains can be made in tuning MySQL and APC and getting the most of out W3 Total Cache.
My Website Is Old Enough To Vote - Kris HowardWordCamp Sydney
The Web is an industry that thrives on the new... but what about building sites that last?
In 1996, I used my newly acquired HTML skills to build a fan site for my favourite author.
Twenty years later, the site - roalddahlfans.com - is still alive and kicking.
I'll trace the development of the site over the years, which mirrors both my own career journey as a developer and the trajectory of the web as a whole.
I'll also talk about the challenges I faced during my recent 6-month project to convert the whole site - nearly 1500 pages - to WordPress, dragging it into the 21st century at last.
Ako na rýchly web - WordCamp Žilina 2016 - xKatkaKatarina Novotna
Prezentácia z WordCamp Žilina 2016 by xKatka | Katarína Novotná
Čo spôsobuje pomalé načítavanie stránok a ako to vyriešiť?
Optimalizujte obrázky, nastavte si dobre cache a používajte kvalitný hosting ;)
There are many ways to customize your WordPress site, some wrong and some right. In this presentation we explore the wrong ways and the right ways to make you a better WordPress developer.
Imposter Syndrome (Kurt Madsen at LunchUX)Kurt Madsen
This document discusses imposter syndrome and provides advice for dealing with its effects. It begins by defining imposter syndrome as a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and feel like frauds. It then explores the potential effects like self-sabotage, procrastination, and anxiety. Common causes proposed include the analytical nature of UX work, constantly needing to prove assumptions, and the field's relative newness. The document provides strategies for managing imposter syndrome with bosses, colleagues, and oneself by focusing on strengths, acknowledging weaknesses, embracing failure, and paying it forward through mentorship.
Every developer experiences Imposter Syndrome, which can be summed up as "feelings of inadequacy in face of plenty of prior experience". This presentation will help you identify, avoid, and combat bouts of Imposter Syndrome in you and your co-workers or employees.
The document is a presentation on overcoming imposter syndrome given by Dan Linn. It discusses his own experiences with imposter syndrome, including stories of mistakes he made presenting. It provides tools for overcoming imposter syndrome, such as recognizing common triggers, understanding that everyone has different learning curves, and being imperfect is normal in the software field.
You're a Fraud and We All Know It: Work, Leadership and Imposter SyndromeAmanda Clark
This document discusses imposter syndrome and strategies for coping with it. It begins with an introduction to imposter syndrome, noting that many people feel like frauds and face self-doubt. It then explores the causes and effects of imposter syndrome, identifying six common factors that contribute to the experience. These include anxiety about failure and success, discounting praise, and an endless pursuit of being the best. The document suggests that imposter feelings are common and often get worse with more experience. It proposes several approaches for dealing with imposter syndrome in a healthy way, such as focusing on growth rather than perfection, asking questions to address knowledge gaps, and leveraging doubt to continuously learn.
This document discusses two modes of product development: head-oriented and release-oriented. Head-oriented development focuses on continuous development with no releases, while release-oriented emphasizes stable releases with quality assurance. The number of developers versus users affects which mode is appropriate. Head-oriented works best initially when developers outnumber users, while release-oriented requires more users and corporate backing. Open source projects often transition from head-oriented to release-oriented as their user base grows.
There are two modes of product development: release-oriented and head-oriented. Release-oriented focuses on quality assurance and stability for users, while head-oriented prioritizes continuous development with no formal releases. Many open source projects struggle to balance the needs of developers who prefer the cutting edge with users who want stability. The Linux kernel and KDE desktop environment are examples that have grappled with changing their development process to satisfy both groups.