The document describes a TimelineTableViewController class that is responsible for displaying a timeline. It initializes a TimelinePresenter when loaded, which handles fetching the timeline data and notifying the view controller. The presenter calls a TimelineUseCase to retrieve the timeline and then uses the view controller as an output to update the UI, such as showing/hiding empty and ad views depending on the timeline contents.
The document discusses Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). It provides an overview of FRP, explaining that it is a programming paradigm for reactive programming using functional programming techniques. It contrasts the treatment of values and events in FRP compared to traditional programming by treating events as values that change over time. Examples are given showing how FRP reacts to changes in values.
This document summarizes a presentation about React Native given at DroidKaigi 2017. It discusses how React Native allows building native Android and iOS apps using React by rendering UI components to native platform views. It describes how React Native maps React components to native platform views, implements native modules to access platform features, and uses the JavaScript bridge to allow calling native code from JavaScript. It highlights how React Native enables writing once and deploying to both Android and iOS with shared JavaScript code.
Fragment allows dividing the user interface of an Android application into independent and reusable modules. It provides ways to reuse components within and across activities and helps manage the activity lifecycle. Popular libraries like the Android Support Library allow using fragments in older Android versions back to 1.6. While fragments are useful for modularization, some argue they can overcomplicate the activity lifecycle and advocate for alternative approaches like custom views or architectures like Square's Flow library that simplify state management between fragments and activities.
AWS meets Android - "AWS SDK for Android"で開発を楽にしよう!SORACOM, INC
Android Bazaar and Conference 2011 Winterで話した資料に、簡単に解説を加えたものです。以下は、講演の概要。
Amazon Web Services(AWS)は、仮想サーバ、ストレージ、データベースなどを初期費用不要かつ安価な従量課金で提供するクラウドサービスのパイオニアです。AWS SDK for Androidは、モバイルアプリケーションのためのライブラリであり、開発者がモバイルアプリからAWSのサービスを使うことを非常に簡単にします。容量無制限でオブジェクトを置いただけでURLがつくAmazon Simple Storage Services(S3)を使えば、画像やビデオを高速にCDN(コンテンツ配信)できるアプリケーションを容易に作成できます。その他にも、非常に柔軟性、スケーラビリティが高いNoSQLサービスのAmazon SimpleDBや、高信頼でスケーラブルなキューイング、メッセージングを提供するAmazon SQS、Amazon SNSなど便利なサービスが揃っています。本セッションでは、アマゾンクラウドの概要、AWS SDK for Androidの解説だけでなく、デモンストレーションによりアマゾンクラウドとAWS SDK for Androidの魅力を余すところなくお伝えいたします。
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT