The document discusses the iPhone SDK. It includes code snippets and descriptions of various UIKit classes and components used for building iPhone applications, such as UIImageView, CALayer, UITableView, and more. It provides examples of how to load and cache images, implement pull-to-refresh functionality in a UITableView, and animate UI elements like buttons.
The document describes the Backbone.js framework and how it can be used to build single page applications. It explains the core components of Backbone - Models, Collections, Views and Routers. It provides examples of initializing a Backbone application, defining models and collections, creating views to render data, and setting up routes and navigation. It also covers events, templating, and best practices for structuring Backbone code into separate JavaScript files for models, collections, views etc.
The document discusses getting started with the immersive web and WebXR. It introduces key concepts like the WebXR specification which allows accessing virtual and augmented reality devices from the web. It highlights opportunities like discoverability, reach, and accessibility that WebXR provides. Frameworks like A-Frame, BabylonJS, and THREE.js are presented for building immersive experiences. Examples like a solar system, LOVE sculpture, and Ava avatar demonstrate how to create VR content. The document emphasizes thinking about user interaction, readability in 360 environments, and combining WebXR with features like service workers to enable offline capabilities.
YUI3 and AlloyUI Introduction for Pernambuco.JS 2012Eduardo Lundgren
The document discusses YUI and AlloyUI frameworks. It introduces YUI components like utilities, selectors, DOM, events, effects, and more. It states that AlloyUI is an extension for YUI and is open source. It provides examples of using YUI for first steps, comparing it to jQuery, and why one would use YUI. Specific examples discussed are the Liferay Portal workflow designer and scheduler applications that were built using YUI widgets, nodes, connectors, and graphics components.
The document introduces AlloyUI Diagram Builder, which provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for visually building definitions in HTML5 without Flash. It started by rendering basic nodes and connectors. The architecture includes components like DiagramBuilder, AvailableFields, DiagramNodes, and Connectors. Events and serializing visual data are demonstrated. Finally, its use in Liferay Workflow Designer is shown as a real world application.
The document discusses various Material Design components and techniques for implementing them in Android, including:
- Applying a Material Theme by setting android:Theme.Material
- Using CardView for visual cards with rounded corners and shadows
- Implementing RecyclerView with adapters for lists and grids
- Adding a navigation drawer with ActionBarDrawerToggle
The document discusses how to implement Google Cast into Android apps. It covers connecting an Android app to a Cast receiver app, launching the Cast app, and interacting with the Cast app. It provides code examples for initializing the Cast SDK, adding callbacks to handle Cast device selection and deselection, and starting discovery of Cast devices.
With the introduction of the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, Apple added 3D Touch, a new dimension to the multi-touch user interface. This new technology senses how deeply users press the display and provides a new way to interact with the iPhone.
In iOS 9, Apple introduced several 3D Touch APIs. In this session I will explain in a practical way what is 3D Touch and how you can benefit from it in your app. I will cover home screen quick actions, peek and pop actions and also how to use the force properties of a UITouch event.
The document contains code listings for the interface and implementation files of the BirdWatching project, including files for the model layer (BirdSighting.h, BirdSighting.m, BirdSightingDataController.h, BirdSightingDataController.m), master view controller layer (BirdsMasterViewController.h, BirdsMasterViewController.m), detail view controller layer (BirdsDetailViewController.h, BirdsDetailViewController.m), and add scene view controller layer (AddSightingViewController.h, AddSightingViewController.m). The code listings do not include comments or unused methods.
The document discusses the Sahana Eden emergency development environment. It provides an overview of key concepts like the model-view-controller architecture and describes how to build a new module for incident reporting with models, controllers and views. Instructions are given for setting up the development environment and performing common tasks like defining data models, creating forms and joining resources.
This document provides an overview of key Android development concepts and techniques. It discusses fragments, the support library, dependency injection, image caching, threading and AsyncTask, notifications, supporting multiple screens, and optimizing ListView performance. The document also recommends several popular Android libraries and open source apps that demonstrate best practices.
After you’ve done all the UI optimizations recommended by UX designers, how do you make your interface even more engaging? That’s where the Samsung Mobile SDK can help. Part 1 of Advancing Your UI introduces you to three new technologies -- Look, Motion, and Gesture – that allow you to create an interface that engages your audience in ways you have not yet explored.
The document discusses Core Animation on the iPhone, including why to use animation, simple and complex animation techniques, and examples of animating user interface elements like a search bar. Some key points:
- Animation brings realism to UIs and provides feedback on what is happening
- Simple animations like moving an image are easy to implement using UIView animations
- Complex animations are possible using Core Animation features like keyframe animations
- Examples demonstrate animating a search bar into and out of view with frame transforms
- Related images can be animated using a three-part zoom, flip, zoom animation group
The Ring programming language version 1.2 book - Part 35 of 84Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document discusses using the RingLibSDL library to create games in Ring using SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, and SDL_mixer. It provides examples of how to create a window, display images, switch between images, draw rectangles, use TTF fonts, handle events like closing the window, mouse events, and playing sounds. The examples demonstrate basic 2D game programming tasks like initializing libraries, loading assets, rendering to the screen, getting input, and playing audio.
Ionic framework is one of the popular hybrid framework, which is AngularJS and Apache Cordova base. @ionic-native/google-maps plugin is for the plugin of the ionic framework, it enables to embed native GoogleMaps view in applications easily. This slide introduces the overview of @ionic-native/google-maps plugin.
This document discusses UIPickerView and NSArray in iOS app development. It includes sections on NSArray classes like NSArray and NSMutableArray, how to initialize and access array objects. It also covers the UIPickerView, UIPickerViewDataSource, and UIPickerViewDelegate protocols. Example projects are described that show how to generate a UIPickerView programmatically or using a XIB file and populate it with array data. Projects also demonstrate handling selection of multiple components and dependent picker views.
Programación funcional con swift. Se ven conceptos como funciones de primera clase, funciones de orden superior, métodos como filter, map y el patrón Result para la gestión de errores.
303 TANSTAAFL: Using Open Source iPhone UI Codejonmarimba
This document discusses modifications made to improve the animation and behavior of an open source cover flow library called OpenFlow. The author hacked the code to have a scroll view handle animation instead of core animation for better control. Touch handling was also hijacked to directly control selection instead of relying on scroll view callbacks. Friction was reduced and reflection rendering was adjusted to better match Apple's implementation.
The document provides an overview of advanced Android Wear development techniques including:
1) Customizing notifications by creating a custom activity displayed as a notification, handling notification data changes, and building notifications with custom backgrounds.
2) Advanced UI techniques such as disabling swipe to dismiss, adding long press to dismiss interactions, and using round and rectangular layouts.
3) Transferring bitmap images between handheld and wearable devices using assets, Volley, Picasso, and data syncing APIs.
4) Techniques for voice input using the speech recognizer, networking on Wear using libraries, and avoiding data caching issues.
20181020 advanced higher-order functionChiwon Song
1. Functions can be treated like values in Swift: they can be passed as parameters, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables.
2. Higher-order functions allow functions to be used as parameters or return values. Functions passed to higher-order functions require @escaping if they are used after the higher-order function finishes.
3. Functions store behaviors that can be passed around and used later. This enables many useful patterns, like the GAFunction example that chains asynchronous operations.
4. Libraries like RxSwift take advantage of these Swift features to provide generalized reactive programming capabilities.
Android Sliding Menu dengan Navigation DrawerAgus Haryanto
The document discusses how to create an Android project using a navigation drawer to display a class schedule. It provides step-by-step instructions to set up the navigation drawer menu, fragments to display the schedule for each day, and classes to store and display the schedule data. Key aspects covered include creating layouts for the drawer menu, fragments and schedule items, adding sample schedule data, and using fragments and bundles to display the appropriate schedule based on the selected drawer menu item.
Programming with Segue
Dynamic design through coding
Views and its Co-ordinates
Core animations
Picture pickers
Sound manager
Address book picker
- Hussain KMR Behestee
Developing for Plone using ArchGenXML / ArgoUMLJazkarta, Inc.
July 24, 2006. The training materials for the Plone Magic Camp in Brooklyn, NY. This day-long course helps you get started with rapid application development using ArchGenXML and ArgoUML. We walk through an example of building an Artist and Group classes in ArgoUML, and auto-generate the Plone product code using ArchGenXML.
This document discusses best practices for developing a chess game app called ChessMate. It covers topics like architecture patterns, design principles, testing practices, code quality, and project organization. Examples are provided to illustrate concepts like separation of concerns, dependency injection, protocol-oriented programming and value types vs reference types. The goal is to build a well-designed, extensible and maintainable chess app following industry standards.
This document provides an overview of computer vision and facial detection using .NET. It discusses digital images, convolution and edge detection using Sobel filters. It also covers convolutional neural networks and their limitations. Facial detection is demonstrated using Viola-Jones detection, integral images and cascading classifiers. Finally, it shows how to integrate facial detection with the Vonage Video API in a WPF application by intercepting video frames and running detection on each one before rendering.
This document provides tips and examples for using UIWebView in iPhone SDK, including:
- Loading local HTML files into UIWebView using pathForResource and loadRequest
- Loading HTML strings into UIWebView using loadHTMLString
- Interacting with JavaScript in UIWebView
- Passing data between Objective-C and JavaScript using URL schemes
- Implementing a custom URL cache to block certain URLs
This document discusses several iOS user interface components:
UIImageView displays images and animated image sequences. UIScrollView allows scrolling through content larger than the screen. UIWebView embeds web content in apps and converts phone numbers to links. It provides examples of loading and manipulating content in these components.
With the introduction of the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, Apple added 3D Touch, a new dimension to the multi-touch user interface. This new technology senses how deeply users press the display and provides a new way to interact with the iPhone.
In iOS 9, Apple introduced several 3D Touch APIs. In this session I will explain in a practical way what is 3D Touch and how you can benefit from it in your app. I will cover home screen quick actions, peek and pop actions and also how to use the force properties of a UITouch event.
The document contains code listings for the interface and implementation files of the BirdWatching project, including files for the model layer (BirdSighting.h, BirdSighting.m, BirdSightingDataController.h, BirdSightingDataController.m), master view controller layer (BirdsMasterViewController.h, BirdsMasterViewController.m), detail view controller layer (BirdsDetailViewController.h, BirdsDetailViewController.m), and add scene view controller layer (AddSightingViewController.h, AddSightingViewController.m). The code listings do not include comments or unused methods.
The document discusses the Sahana Eden emergency development environment. It provides an overview of key concepts like the model-view-controller architecture and describes how to build a new module for incident reporting with models, controllers and views. Instructions are given for setting up the development environment and performing common tasks like defining data models, creating forms and joining resources.
This document provides an overview of key Android development concepts and techniques. It discusses fragments, the support library, dependency injection, image caching, threading and AsyncTask, notifications, supporting multiple screens, and optimizing ListView performance. The document also recommends several popular Android libraries and open source apps that demonstrate best practices.
After you’ve done all the UI optimizations recommended by UX designers, how do you make your interface even more engaging? That’s where the Samsung Mobile SDK can help. Part 1 of Advancing Your UI introduces you to three new technologies -- Look, Motion, and Gesture – that allow you to create an interface that engages your audience in ways you have not yet explored.
The document discusses Core Animation on the iPhone, including why to use animation, simple and complex animation techniques, and examples of animating user interface elements like a search bar. Some key points:
- Animation brings realism to UIs and provides feedback on what is happening
- Simple animations like moving an image are easy to implement using UIView animations
- Complex animations are possible using Core Animation features like keyframe animations
- Examples demonstrate animating a search bar into and out of view with frame transforms
- Related images can be animated using a three-part zoom, flip, zoom animation group
The Ring programming language version 1.2 book - Part 35 of 84Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document discusses using the RingLibSDL library to create games in Ring using SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, and SDL_mixer. It provides examples of how to create a window, display images, switch between images, draw rectangles, use TTF fonts, handle events like closing the window, mouse events, and playing sounds. The examples demonstrate basic 2D game programming tasks like initializing libraries, loading assets, rendering to the screen, getting input, and playing audio.
Ionic framework is one of the popular hybrid framework, which is AngularJS and Apache Cordova base. @ionic-native/google-maps plugin is for the plugin of the ionic framework, it enables to embed native GoogleMaps view in applications easily. This slide introduces the overview of @ionic-native/google-maps plugin.
This document discusses UIPickerView and NSArray in iOS app development. It includes sections on NSArray classes like NSArray and NSMutableArray, how to initialize and access array objects. It also covers the UIPickerView, UIPickerViewDataSource, and UIPickerViewDelegate protocols. Example projects are described that show how to generate a UIPickerView programmatically or using a XIB file and populate it with array data. Projects also demonstrate handling selection of multiple components and dependent picker views.
Programación funcional con swift. Se ven conceptos como funciones de primera clase, funciones de orden superior, métodos como filter, map y el patrón Result para la gestión de errores.
303 TANSTAAFL: Using Open Source iPhone UI Codejonmarimba
This document discusses modifications made to improve the animation and behavior of an open source cover flow library called OpenFlow. The author hacked the code to have a scroll view handle animation instead of core animation for better control. Touch handling was also hijacked to directly control selection instead of relying on scroll view callbacks. Friction was reduced and reflection rendering was adjusted to better match Apple's implementation.
The document provides an overview of advanced Android Wear development techniques including:
1) Customizing notifications by creating a custom activity displayed as a notification, handling notification data changes, and building notifications with custom backgrounds.
2) Advanced UI techniques such as disabling swipe to dismiss, adding long press to dismiss interactions, and using round and rectangular layouts.
3) Transferring bitmap images between handheld and wearable devices using assets, Volley, Picasso, and data syncing APIs.
4) Techniques for voice input using the speech recognizer, networking on Wear using libraries, and avoiding data caching issues.
20181020 advanced higher-order functionChiwon Song
1. Functions can be treated like values in Swift: they can be passed as parameters, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables.
2. Higher-order functions allow functions to be used as parameters or return values. Functions passed to higher-order functions require @escaping if they are used after the higher-order function finishes.
3. Functions store behaviors that can be passed around and used later. This enables many useful patterns, like the GAFunction example that chains asynchronous operations.
4. Libraries like RxSwift take advantage of these Swift features to provide generalized reactive programming capabilities.
Android Sliding Menu dengan Navigation DrawerAgus Haryanto
The document discusses how to create an Android project using a navigation drawer to display a class schedule. It provides step-by-step instructions to set up the navigation drawer menu, fragments to display the schedule for each day, and classes to store and display the schedule data. Key aspects covered include creating layouts for the drawer menu, fragments and schedule items, adding sample schedule data, and using fragments and bundles to display the appropriate schedule based on the selected drawer menu item.
Programming with Segue
Dynamic design through coding
Views and its Co-ordinates
Core animations
Picture pickers
Sound manager
Address book picker
- Hussain KMR Behestee
Developing for Plone using ArchGenXML / ArgoUMLJazkarta, Inc.
July 24, 2006. The training materials for the Plone Magic Camp in Brooklyn, NY. This day-long course helps you get started with rapid application development using ArchGenXML and ArgoUML. We walk through an example of building an Artist and Group classes in ArgoUML, and auto-generate the Plone product code using ArchGenXML.
This document discusses best practices for developing a chess game app called ChessMate. It covers topics like architecture patterns, design principles, testing practices, code quality, and project organization. Examples are provided to illustrate concepts like separation of concerns, dependency injection, protocol-oriented programming and value types vs reference types. The goal is to build a well-designed, extensible and maintainable chess app following industry standards.
This document provides an overview of computer vision and facial detection using .NET. It discusses digital images, convolution and edge detection using Sobel filters. It also covers convolutional neural networks and their limitations. Facial detection is demonstrated using Viola-Jones detection, integral images and cascading classifiers. Finally, it shows how to integrate facial detection with the Vonage Video API in a WPF application by intercepting video frames and running detection on each one before rendering.
This document provides tips and examples for using UIWebView in iPhone SDK, including:
- Loading local HTML files into UIWebView using pathForResource and loadRequest
- Loading HTML strings into UIWebView using loadHTMLString
- Interacting with JavaScript in UIWebView
- Passing data between Objective-C and JavaScript using URL schemes
- Implementing a custom URL cache to block certain URLs
This document discusses several iOS user interface components:
UIImageView displays images and animated image sequences. UIScrollView allows scrolling through content larger than the screen. UIWebView embeds web content in apps and converts phone numbers to links. It provides examples of loading and manipulating content in these components.
This document discusses 3 use cases for Grand Central Dispatch (GCD): 1) Using GCD to move OpenGL rendering off the main thread to allow for smooth scrolling in a UIScrollView, 2) Using GCD to asynchronously load and display images in table view cells for smooth scrolling, and 3) Using GCD to continuously update an attributed string in a label to prevent stuttering of the main loop.
Курсы по мобильной разработке под iOS. 4 лекция. Возможности телефонаГлеб Тарасов
The document discusses various capabilities and features available to iOS applications, including determining internet connectivity, detecting WiFi or cellular network connection, accessing the device's accelerometer and gyroscope, determining device orientation, obtaining location data and compass heading, recording and playing audio and video, taking photos and videos with the camera, and more. It provides code examples for implementing many of these features.
Yahoo Open Source - The Tour & Mystery of AppDevKit (MOPCON 2016)anistar sung
This session I explained about how to build shareable library and what we did for AppDeKit that is open source app developing tool for app development. If you're looking for a good mechanism for developing your own app, please read this deck to know AppDevKit more.
The document discusses new features in iOS 5 including blocks, Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). Blocks allow performing operations asynchronously similar to JavaScript callbacks. GCD improves concurrency by executing tasks on background threads. ARC simplifies memory management by automatically releasing objects no longer in use.
This document discusses various topics related to the iPhone SDK. It mentions PhotoFlipCardView, which allows flipping between thumbnail and full size images using animation transitions. It provides a link to download the PhotoFlipCardView source code. It also discusses using NSZombie and Instruments to debug memory issues. Additionally, it notes that the iPhone SDK supports the 3G model of the iPhone.
Hızlı Cocoa Geliştirme (Develop your next cocoa app faster!)Sarp Erdag
This document provides links and code snippets for several iOS development libraries and frameworks. It includes code for making network requests using AFNetworking, parsing JSON with RestKit, displaying loading indicators with MBProgressHUD, pulling to refresh with SVPullToRefresh, theming interfaces with NUI, displaying alerts and action sheets with BlockAlerts, formatting dates with SEHumanizedTimeDiff, authenticating with social networks using HPSocialNetworkManager, and displaying tweets with link handling using STTweetLabel.
Want to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your apps? I will show you how to let go of using Interface Builder to create better performing, more optimized, and leaner apps. I'll walk you through why it's better, how to create and move projects off of IB, building your UI in code, and how to gain a better understanding of how your code works from the ground up.
This document provides a short introduction to HTML5, including:
- HTML5 is the 5th version of the HTML standard by the W3C and is still under development but supported by many browsers.
- HTML5 introduces new semantic elements, video and audio tags, 2D/3D graphics using <canvas>, and new JavaScript APIs for features like geolocation, offline web apps, and drag and drop.
- The document provides examples of using new HTML5 features like video playback, semantic elements, geolocation API, and drawing on a canvas with JavaScript.
The document discusses the iPhone SDK and its core components. It describes how view controllers work in the SDK, including how they load views from nibs, respond to memory warnings, and handle the view lifecycle through methods like viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear. It also provides an example of initializing and implementing a view controller class.
This document discusses various techniques for working with multimedia in Android applications, including detecting device capabilities, loading images from local storage and remote URLs, playing audio files from assets and raw resources, and improving performance through caching and asynchronous loading. It provides code examples for checking if a device has a front-facing camera, loading images while avoiding out of memory errors, playing audio files from assets, and using an AsyncTask to load images asynchronously to avoid blocking the UI. It also discusses potential memory leak issues and strategies for building an image cache.
This document provides an overview of common object-oriented programming best practices and design patterns for iOS developers. It discusses obvious best practices in Objective-C like method naming conventions and notation. It also explains several classic design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Strategy, Decorator, and Delegate. Examples are given for how to implement patterns like Singleton, Strategy, and Decorator in Objective-C. The document aims to help iOS developers write code that is easy to understand, reuse, and change by using these practices and patterns.
This document discusses using CakePHP to build ranking systems for iPhone applications. It provides code for initializing a UIWebView to display CakePHP content in an iPhone app. The code loads a default HTML page and then loads ranking data from a CakePHP URL to display rankings.
Mobile App Development: Primi passi con NativeScript e Angular 2Filippo Matteo Riggio
This document provides an overview and tutorial of building mobile apps with NativeScript and Angular 2. It discusses choosing between native, hybrid, and cross-platform approaches. It then demonstrates setting up a NativeScript project with Angular and making HTTP requests to retrieve Pokemon data to display in a list. It shows implementing user interfaces with grids, lists, images and styles. It also covers adding interactivity, native dialogs, plugins, databases and accessing native APIs. The document provides a helpful introduction to building cross-platform mobile apps with NativeScript and Angular.
Synchronizing without internet - Multipeer Connectivity (iOS)Jorge Maroto
The document discusses using Multipeer Connectivity to synchronize data between iOS devices without an internet connection. It provides an overview of Multipeer Connectivity and its classes for discovery, advertising, and sharing data in sessions between nearby peers. Examples are given for sharing images, streaming data, and building a shared whiteboard app using gestures and drawings sent over Multipeer Connectivity sessions. Further examples are mentioned for simple synchronization of data between devices and using third party libraries to enable syncing of Core Data apps.
This document provides an overview of core concepts for building user interfaces in iOS, including UIView, UIResponder, touch handling, and drawing. It explains the view hierarchy, how to add and arrange subviews, and how views handle touch events. It also covers low-level drawing using Core Graphics and Quartz 2D, including how to draw shapes, text, images and patterns.
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz
In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. We’ll be covering:
Why, when, and how should you use lexical search
What is the BM25 distance metric
How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
TrustArc Webinar: State of State Privacy LawsTrustArc
The U.S. data privacy landscape is rapidly proliferating, with 20 states enacting comprehensive privacy laws as of November 2024. These laws cover consumer rights, data collection and use including for sensitive data, data security, transparency, and various enforcement mechanisms and penalties for non-compliance.
Navigating this patchwork of state-level laws is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and requires a combination of strategic planning, operational adjustments, and technology to be proactive.
Join leading experts from TrustArc, the Future of Privacy Forum, and Venable for an insightful webinar exploring the evolution of state data privacy laws and practical strategies to maintain compliance in 2025.
This webinar will review:
- A comprehensive overview of each state’s privacy regulations and the latest updates
- Practical considerations to help your business achieve regulatory compliance across multiple states
- Actionable insights to future-proof your business for 2025
Revolutionizing Field Service: How LLMs Are Powering Smarter Knowledge Access...Earley Information Science
Revolutionizing Field Service with LLM-Powered Knowledge Management
Field service technicians need instant access to accurate repair information, but outdated knowledge systems often create frustrating delays. Large Language Models (LLMs) are changing the game—enhancing knowledge retrieval, streamlining troubleshooting, and reducing technician dependency on senior staff.
In this webinar, Seth Earley and industry experts Sanjay Mehta, and Heather Eisenbraun explore how LLMs and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) are transforming field service operations. Discover how AI-powered knowledge management is improving efficiency, reducing downtime, and elevating service quality.
LLMs for Instant Knowledge Retrieval – How AI-driven search dramatically cuts troubleshooting time.
Structured Data & AI – Why high-quality, organized knowledge is essential for LLM success.
Real-World Implementation – Lessons from deploying LLM-powered knowledge tools in field service.
Business Impact – How AI reduces service delays, optimizes workflows, and enhances technician productivity.
Empower your field service teams with AI-driven knowledge access. Watch the webinar to see how LLMs are revolutionizing service efficiency.
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA priče iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodošli na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online događaj koji okuplja senior lidere i menadžere iz različitih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj događaj pruža priliku da zavirite u način razmišljanja ljudi koji donose ključne odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
📕 Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna stručnjaka, istražićemo:
Kako uspešno započeti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najveći izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazići.
Na koje načine automatizacija menja radne procese i pomaže timovima da ostvare više.
Bez obzira na vaše iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uopšte, ovaj događaj je osmišljen kako bi bio koristan svima – od menadžera do tehničkih lidera, i svima koji žele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridružite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da naučite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za sledeće korake u vašoj RPA strategiji!
Kickstart Your QA: An Introduction to Automated Regression Testing ToolsShubham Joshi
For teams eager to elevate their quality assurance practices, this guide offers an introductory look at automated regression testing tools. In the realm of software development, regression tests are vital to ensuring that recent code changes don’t inadvertently break existing functionality. This article demystifies how automated regression testing tools function and why they’re indispensable for maintaining software quality. It covers the basics of setting up automated tests, integrating these tests into your CI/CD pipelines, and choosing the right tool to match your project’s needs. With clear explanations and actionable insights, you’ll discover how these tools help reduce manual testing burdens and catch bugs early. The guide also highlights common challenges beginners face and offers practical solutions to overcome them. Whether you’re a QA professional or a developer stepping into the world of test automation, this resource will help you kickstart your journey toward more reliable, efficient, and scalable testing practices.
Dev Dives: Unlock the future of automation with UiPath Agent BuilderUiPathCommunity
This webinar will offer you a first look at the powerful capabilities of UiPath Agent Builder, designed to streamline your automation processes and enhance your workflow efficiency.
📕 During the session, you will:
- Discover how to build agents with low-code experience, making it accessible for both developers and business users.
- Learn how to leverage automations and activities as tools within your agents, enabling them to handle complex and dynamic workflows.
- Gain insights into the AI Trust Layer, which provides robust management and monitoring capabilities, ensuring trust and transparency in your automation processes.
- See how agents can be deployed and integrated with your existing UiPath cloud and Studio environments.
👨🏫 Speaker:
Zach Eslami, Sr. Manager, Product Management Director, UiPath
⏩ Register for our upcoming Dev Dives March session:
Unleash the power of macOS Automation with UiPath
This session was streamed live on February 27, 2025, 15:00 GMT.
Check out future Dev Dives 2025 sessions at:
Benchmark Testing Demystified: Your Roadmap to Peak PerformanceShubham Joshi
Benchmark testing is the cornerstone of understanding your system’s performance, and this guide breaks it down step-by-step. Learn how to design tests that simulate real-world conditions, measure key performance metrics, and interpret results effectively. This comprehensive roadmap covers everything from selecting the right tools to creating repeatable tests that help identify bottlenecks and optimize resource usage. Whether you're dealing with web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, this guide offers practical tips and real-life examples to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency.
Blockchain is revolutionizing industries by enhancing security, transparency, and automation. From supply chain management and finance to healthcare and real estate, blockchain eliminates inefficiencies, prevents fraud, and streamlines operations.
What You'll Learn in This Presentation:
1. How blockchain enables real-time tracking & fraud prevention
2. The impact of smart contracts & decentralized finance (DeFi)
3. Why businesses should adopt secure and automated blockchain solutions
4. Real-world blockchain applications across multiple industries
Explore the future of blockchain and its practical benefits for businesses!
William Maclyn Murphy McRae, a logistics expert with 9+ years of experience, is known for optimizing supply chain operations and consistently exceeding industry standards. His strategic approach, combined with hands-on execution, has streamlined distribution processes, reduced lead times, and consistently delivered exceptional results.
Bedrock Data Automation (Preview): Simplifying Unstructured Data ProcessingZilliz
Bedrock Data Automation (BDA) is a cloud-based service that simplifies the process of extracting valuable insights from unstructured content—such as documents, images, video, and audio. Come learn how BDA leverages generative AI to automate the transformation of multi-modal data into structured formats, enabling developers to build applications and automate complex workflows with greater speed and accuracy.
Not a Kubernetes fan? The state of PaaS in 2025Anthony Dahanne
Kubernetes won the containers orchestration war. But has it made deploying your apps easier?
Let's explore some of Kubernetes extensive app developer tooling, but mainly what the PaaS space looks like in 2025; 18 years after Heroku made it popular.
Is Heroku still around? What about Cloud Foundry?
And what are those new comers (, railway,, etc.) worth?
Did the Cloud giants replace them all?
It is an in-depth exploration of how technology is transforming the financial sector. Covering the evolution of FinTech from credit cards to AI-driven banking, this guide explains key innovations such as blockchain, DeFi, AI-powered assistants, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Learn how FinTech is enhancing banking, lending, and payments through automation, data analytics, and decentralized solutions. Whether you're a financial professional or just curious about the future of digital finance, this guide offers valuable insights into the rapidly evolving FinTech landscape.
Drew Madelung is a Cloud Solutions Architect and a Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services. He helps organizations realize what is possible with Microsoft 365 & Azure, onboard them in a secure and compliant way, and drive sustained adoption for those solutions. He is experienced in a range of technologies but specializes in the collaboration and teamwork workspaces such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. He has helped deploy Microsoft 365 to multiple global companies while rolling out modern information protection and information governance technologies. He has been doing Microsoft consulting for 10+ years with a strength in security & compliance solutions.
NSFW AI Chatbot Development Costs: What You Need to KnowSoulmaite
Are you considering building an NSFW AI chatbot ?Understanding the costs involved is crucial before starting your project. This PDF explores the key cost factors, including AI model customization, API integration, content filtering systems, and ongoing maintenance expenses. Learn how different pricing models impact the development budget and discover cost-saving strategies without compromising quality.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDB
Weighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling