OpenDocument interoperability test workshop
in Meisei University , Japan at 23/Feb/2013.
I describe OpenDocument , ODF Plugfest and explain interoperability test.
see detail:
OpenDocument interoperability test workshop
in Meisei University , Japan at 23/Feb/2013.
I describe OpenDocument , ODF Plugfest and explain interoperability test.
see detail:
17. フランス主導
• Editis
• Hachette
• Madrigall
• Media Participations
• Syndicat National de l’édition (出版組合)
• Cercle de la Librarie(書店組合)
• Cap Digital
40. EPUB Summitでの発表資料
Bill Rosenblatt, presentation of Readium LCP, here
Laurent Le Meur, EDRLab roadmap, here
Laurent Le Meur, Readium LCP Workshop, here
TEA, presentation of CARE, LCP Workshop, here
41. 韓国(DRM Inside)による国際標準化提案
JWG7 Seoul Recommendation 4 – Request for contribution from DRM Inside
JWG7 invites DRM Inside (Korea) to contribute as detailed as possible a description
of their interoperable DRM technology for EPUB. A declaration of the IPR status of
that contribution is required.