Graphic Design
Meet Ami Ami, the Boxed Wine Whose Packaging Channels 1920s Italian Futurism
If you came of age, like I did, in the '80s or '90s, boxed wine probably means one thing — and one thing only — to you. But while in the past few years there's been something of an arms race to see who can make the best boxed wine — and turn that ubiquitous Franzia into nothing but a memory — there's only one new contender that tastes delicious and also has the kind of loose, contemporary, slightly kooky vibe that we'd actually want to display on our counters or in the fridge when guests come over: Ami Ami, a new, DTC, minimal-intervention boxed wine whose playful packaging and super-memorable logotype (the dots in the I's and the negative space in the A's are meant to resemble wine glasses) were both designed by the LA- and Montreal-based studio Wedge.