Thea Gustafsson, known as Becky and the Birds, recently released her debut album Only Music Makes Me Cry Now via the celebrated British label 4AD. This milestone marks a shift into an era of creative freedom for the S...
Thea Gustafsson, known as Becky and the Birds, recently released her debut album Only Music Makes Me Cry Now via the celebrated British label 4AD. This milestone marks a shift into an era of creative freedom for the S...
FIELD is a London-based creative studio focused on the interaction between design and technology. They create digital art, especially working with physical spaces, interactive and immersive design experiences for top ...
Swedish product designer and mastercraftsman Love Hultén whose designs have gone viral – especially on Instagram – takes game consoles and synthesizers to the next level because of their wacky, playful personalized d...
Swedish artist and entrepreneur Karl Grandin is a good old friend of SHIFT who together with Björn Atldax collaborated with us for our curated monthly cover while working at their former design studio Vår back in 2009...
Makoto Amano, from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), has published many media artworks that take advantage of the latest technology under the theme of "resistance to AI implemented in society....
This year’s winner of the SHIFT Award at Unknown Asia 2021 is Ball Piyaluk Benjadol. Her work “Loved and Gone Series” – miniatures that combine antiques, old toys, daily necessities, knitted work, and even hair – is t...
Mawari is a global team that has developed high-quality, real-time, interactive 3D streaming technology and formats to make AR experiences more accessible to people in various fields. Since its establishment in Shibuy...
Founded by long-term friends Carl Ollson and Felix von Bahder, Swedish sustainable fashion mavericks Deadwood™ have raised the bar in the leather clothing game internationally. They started off working with fac...
In Abdul Vas’ work there is a search for an individual voice which one needs to know how to hear if one wishes to understand, delve into, and appreciate the impulses of an artist who create a unique universe. Abd...
In the fall of 2019, I met him in a solitary theater after a performance. He was sitting on the concrete stairs outside the theater, seeking an empty chair. He looked like something out of a novel, with an old-fashion...
Riop is a Jakarta-based artist who has worked in fashion and has experience in commercial both stills and filmmaking. We are very proud to present his work “Glodok” for which he is receiving the SHIFT Award at Unknown...
Chika Shirakawa, who was born in Oita and now living in Fukuoka, drew attention when she exhibited last year for the first time at Unknown Asia 2019, an international art fair that attracted more than 13,000 visitors ...