Code of Conduct at SfN Events
The Society for Neuroscience is committed to supporting discovery and scientific dialogue, and to fostering a welcoming community in which all scientists are able to contribute fully. Reflecting these values, U.S. law, and policies established by scientific funding agencies and institutions, SfN asserts that sexual and gender harassment and other harassing or harmful behaviors have no place in a healthy scientific enterprise. We expect all attendees, media, speakers, volunteers, organizers, venue staff, guests, and exhibitors at SfN-organized events to help us ensure a safe and positive environment.
Following extensive leadership discussion, the Society will operate under with the following principles and procedures at all SfN-organized events:
- All members of the Society and all attendees at SfN-organized events are expected to be familiar with SfN's Ethics Policy and understand that sexual and gender harassment, and other harassing or harmful behaviors are unacceptable behavior and inconsistent with a healthy environment for scientific progress.
- SfN will stress this value through SfN-organized events and trainings, global partnerships, and other activities, and include a statement of expectations in materials associated with SfN-organized events, including the annual meeting.
- SfN believes home institutions and employers of our event attendees, including research institutions, companies, and other organizations, are best equipped to investigate allegations or violations by their faculty members, trainees, employees, or affiliated individuals, and to evaluate and determine appropriate actions consistent with their employment and academic obligations.
- Formal complaints about misconduct at an SfN event are sent to an attendee’s employer. In the event of an allegation of harassment or misconduct at a SfN-organized event, SfN will document and refer allegations to an attendee’s organization for its review and sole determination regarding possible actions. To the extent possible, documentation will be held in confidence by SfN’s executive staff and legal counsel.
- As appropriate, SfN staff will help event participants contact convention center/hotel venue security, health services, or local law enforcement, to help them feel safe during SfN-organized events. An online resource center supported by the Office on Violence Against Women——will be widely communicated for information and resources on how to respond to and prevent harassment and assault and for local support in annual meeting cities.
- The SfN Council may expel from the Society a member whose actions are counter to the purposes of the Society.
In the event that credible findings of misconduct are brought forward concerning an SfN member, officer, councilor, committee member, invited speaker, meeting attendee, or award recipient, the SfN would reserve the right to withhold or revoke the volunteer position, committee membership, invitation, award, or meeting registration. The decision to withhold or revoke the committee membership, invitation, award, or meeting registration would require a discussion and unanimous vote of a quorum of the SfN Council.
SfN values the participation of all attendees at SfN-organized events. We encourage attendees to report unwelcome or unsafe experiences, and we strive to create a productive and professionally stimulating experience.
Information for Attendees at SfN-Organized Events
SfN is committed to supporting discovery and scientific dialogue, and to fostering a welcoming community in which all scientists are able to contribute fully. The Society asserts that sexual and gender harassment and other harassing or harmful behaviors have no place in a healthy scientific enterprise. We expect all attendees, media, speakers, volunteers, organizers, venue staff, guests, and exhibitors at SfN-organized events to help us ensure a safe and positive environment. At the convention center, onsite medical and security personnel are available directly or through the SfN headquarters office.
If attendees experience unwelcome or unsafe situations anywhere in the city, attendees should contact local authorities by dialing 9-1-1. Additional social service resources are listed at under “Get Help.” Any official report of a violation of SfN’s Code of Conduct should be emailed to [email protected], where it will be handled as noted above.