Contact Us

5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0882
(Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Graduate School of Media and Governance)
Office Directories
4411 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0883
(Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, Graduate School of Health Management)
Office Directories
*Click here to contact Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School
For inquiries, please send them by email.
Current students should contact using the link below.
・Keio University Student Website FAQ/Inquiries (Contact form for current students of Keio University)
Inquiries concerning academic affairs (certificates, course registration, classes, timetables, semester-end examinations, studying abroad)
Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs)
Tel: 0466-49-3406
Email: [email protected]
*Weekdays 9:15-16:50 (Not available on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
Inquiries concerning admissions
For inquiries concerning admissions, please refer to the Admissions page.
Self-recommended admissions
Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus Office of Student Services (Admissions Office)
Tel: 0466-49-3407
Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Email: [email protected]
General Entrance Examination (Undergraduate Admissions)
Keio University Admissions Center
Tel: 03-5427-1566
Undergraduate Admissions
Inquiries concerning media coverage and the SFC logo
For any requests or inquiries regarding media coverage or the SFC logo, please click here (Japanease only) .
Inquiries concerning security vulnerabilities and malfunctions of the SFC's web services, etc.
Inquiries to the section in charge of security vulnerabilities of SFC websites
Email: [email protected]
For campus visitors, please check this page.
Part-time job opportunities for students
We do not accept job advertisements for students on our campus.
◆If the information you are looking for is not listed in the above and in the Office Directories as well, please contact the Office of General Affairs indicated below.
We are currently taking phone inquiries between 10:00 and 15:00.
Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus Office of General Affairs
Tel: 0466-49-3404
Email: [email protected]
Important Notes
・Please note that it may not be possible to offer a response depending on the nature of the query.
・While we will not in principle offer individual responses to any comments, we will use such comments or feedback as reference material towards university operations.
・Any personally identifiable information shared in the inquiry will only be used in order to offer responses, and for no other purpose. (Privacy Policy)
・Phone-inquiry hours: Weekdays 9:15-16:50 (10:00-15:00 for Office of General Affairs)