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Unit 4

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 Directing is the process of instructing, guiding
and inspiring human factors in the
organization to achieve organization
 It is not only issuing orders and instructions by
a superior to his subordinates but also
including the process of guiding and inspiring
them to work effectively.
Directing includes following elements:-
 Leadership
 Motivation
 Communication
Nature of Directing:-
 Directing is an important function through which the
management initiates actions in the organization.
 It is performed at all levels of management.
 It is continuous process & it continues throughout
the life of organization.
 It has dual objective-it aims at getting work done by
subordinates and other hand to provide more
important work to superiors.
 It is basically initiates at top level of management.
Scope of Directing
 The important of directing in the organization
lies in the fact that every action is initiated
through direction.
 Directing inform the human beings in the
organisation what he should do, how he should
do and when he should do.
Directing conveys management perspective of
the organization and motivates them to desired
way to meet organization objective
Directing integrates the employee individual
Without having proper motivation, leadership
and communication, individual’s capability
and potential may not be fully utilized.
Human factors in Managing:-
Every enterprise has its own objective
which may differ from others. The individuals
involved also need and the managers should
satisfy their own need and utilize their potential
for aim of the enterprise.
Multi of Roles
Personal Dignity
Creativity and Innovation:-
Nature of creativity:-
Creativity is define as the ability to
produce new useful idea through the
combination of known principles and component
in novel.
Creative process:-
Creativity is a very complex process. Many
of us believe that it is unexplainable ,but it is
behavioral scientists believe that it s specific
process ,creativity emerges .
The following steps usually identified in
describing this process:
 Saturation
 Preparation
 Frustration
 Inspiration or illumination
 Verification
Creativity Tools:-
Creativity tools are designed to help you invent, creative and
imaginative solution to problem
 Brain-storming-Generating many radical ideas:-
It is an excellent way of developing many creative solution to a
problem, It is a creative conference to develop a more ideas.
 Vertical Thinking & Lateral Thinking:-
We are educated in a classical problem solving, In a ‘vertical thinking’
one start with some known condition and then applies steps of reasoning
aimed to reaching a goal.
Lateral thinking is the opposite to vertical thinking
 Reversal Tool:-
It is a good tool for improving a product or service. In this
creative thinkers ask the opposite of the question, Using reversal you
would ask ‘how would i reduce customer satisfaction’
P-Put to another use
 Reframing Matrix
• Concept Fan – Widening the Search for
 Mind mapping
This tool is similar to concept fan expect looking one
step back from main topic.
 Provocation-Carrying out thought experiments
Provocation is an important lateral thinking
technique .It works by moving your thinking out of
established patterns.
 DO-IT A simple process for creativity
D-Define problem
O-Open mind and apply creative technique
I-Identify best solution
The term creativity refers to the ability and power
to develop new idea. Innovation means use of these idea
new product, a new service or new way of doing things.
Harmonizing Objective :
 Mutual trust
 Cooperation and understanding
 Worker participation in management
 Balancing the objective of the organization with those
of individuals.
Concept of Motivation:-
Management is the art of getting work
done by the subordinate in order to attain
common goals, Getting work done is a difficult
For this purpose ,the management should
inspire and motivate the people, get them into
 Motivation means process of stimulating
people in action to accomplish desired goals.
 The concept of motivation is mainly
psychological. It related to those forces
operating within the individual employee or
subordinate which impel him to act or not to
act in certain ways.
Nature of motivation:-
 Motivation is an unending process, because human
needs are unlimited.
 It is a psychological concept, within an individual.
 It is behavioral concept that directs human behaviour
toward certain goals.
 Frustrated man who fails in satisfying his basic needs
cannot be further motivation.
 Motivation is system oriented.
Important of motivation:
 Motivation creates willingness on the part of workers
to do the work in the better way.
 A proper motivation improves the efficiency of
 Higher motivation leads to job satisfaction.
 It helps to solve the labour problems and maintains
good labour relationships.
 By providing the proper motivation, all the member
will try to be efficient it will improve their skill and
Motivation Process:-
Analysis of situation
Preparing, selecting and applying a set of
appropriate motivating tools
Follow up
Types of motivation:
Positive motivation
It involves a proper recognition of employee’s efforts
and appreciation of employee contribution toward the
goal achievement.
Negative motivation
This motivation is based on force, fear and threats. The
fear of punishment affect the behavioral changes .This
negative motivation gives maximum benefit in short
Extrinsic motivation
This included by external factors, which
are financial in nature.
-Holidays, profit sharing, medical insurance &
Intrinsic motivation
It is available at the time of performance of work
Motivational theories
1.Carrot and Stick approaches of motivation
It is based old belief that the best way to
get work a person put a reward(carrot) in front of
him to hold out threat of punishment (stick) from
behind .
2.Mc-Gregor’s theory X and theory Y:-
Theory X Theory Y
1. The average human dislikes work. Work is as natural as play or rest

2. People are prefer to directed by Here people capable of directing their

other own

3. They avoid the responsibility. They accept responsibility under

proper conditions.

4. External control and threatening Self-directed and self controlled

5. The authority is centralized and it Decentralization and participation in

lead to leadership decision making

6. They have less creativity and resist They have high degree of imagination
to change.
Dual Model theory(Mills theory):-
According to Raymond E.miles,the managerial
tasks to integrate organization variable with human
variable into an effective and efficient system.

i)Traditional models
ii)Human relation model
Human resource model
Hierarchy of Needs – Maslow’s Theory:-
 Human liking are innumerable and never ending if
one liking is satisfied.
 Mature motives are complex .
 Satisfied wants do not motivate the worker. Only
unsatisfied wants include the man to work hand.
 Physiology needs
 Safety needs
 Social needs
 Esteem needs
 Self actualisation needs
Porter & Lawler Expectancy theory:-
They propose a multi-variate model to explain the complex
relationship that exists between job attitudes and job performance.
 An employee must want to perform the assigned job.
 Motivation alone will not ensure the task performance. A
person must have ability and skill.
 Finally a person must usually have an accurate knowledge of
the requirement of the job.

Key variables
 Effort
 Performance
 Reward
 Satisfaction
Equity Theory:-
This theory is formulated by J.Stacy Adam is
based on the social exchanged process. The theory point
out the people are motivated to maintain fair
relationship between their performance and reward in
comparison to others.
McClelland’s Need Theory:-
Need for Power
This is need to dominate or control the
Need for Affiliation
The need for affiliation is a social need, for
developing a meaningful relationships with people
Need for achievement
This is the need for challenge for personnel
accomplishment and success in competitive
Special motivational Techniques
 Money
 Participation
 Quality of working Life
 Job Security
 Effective Communication
 Power of Authority
 Financial and Non-Financial Incentives
Leadership is an integral part of management and
play a vital role in managerial operation.
Leader is one who makes his subordinates to do
willingly what he wants. The effort of subordinates are
to be channelized in the right direction.
Meaning and Definition of Leadership
Leadership is the process of influencing the
behavior of other toward the accomplishment of goals
in an given situation.
Nature of Leadership
• Leadership is a relationship between two or more
people in which influence and power are unevenly
• A leader must have followers. Leadership exists
both in formal and informal organization.
• Leadership is a essentially a continuous process of
influencing behaviour.
• A leader shows the way by his own example . A
leader is also working along with his follower.
Important of Leadership:-
1. Motivate employees
2. Leader develop team work
3. Better utilization of Manpower
4. Creating confidence to follower
5. Directing group activities
6. Building morale
7. Maintaining discipline
Effective Leadership Qualities
1. Honesty
2. Confidence
3. Patience
4. Focus
5. Dedication
6. Consistency
7. Motivate other
8. Effective communication
9. Multiplicity of Roles
10. Individuality
• Communication is the process of passing of information
from one person to another person.
• It should always be clear and understood by the person
who receives information.
Communication function in organizations:
 It is a powerful tool significant of man-kind.
 Success of any management depends more on
their ability to communication with labour.
 It is the process of interchanging facts, viewpoints
and ideas between persons placed in different position.
Importance of Communication:-
Most of the problem for human occur due to the
lack of communication. It is the process of initiating,
transmitting receiving information.
Purpose of Communication:-
To establish and spread goals of an enterprise
To develop plans for further achievement
To organize human and other resources in the most
To select , develop and appraise the member of the
Process of communication:-
 Sender
 Communication channel
 Symbols
 Receiver
 Noise and feedback in communication
Communication Flow in the Organization:-
Downward communication
Upward communication
Horizontal communication
Communication network:-
A network is a structured fabric of the
organization made up of system lines, or
channels are interconnected.
S.No Single channel Multiple channel
communication communication
1. The communication is The communication is allowed
allowed on only one path in more than one path
called line authority

2. Communication flow is Communication flow is faster

3. Easy it maintain Potential problem may occur

4. Miscommunication may Miscommunication may high

Methods of communication
Formal communication
The communication flow through a proper
channel. It refer the way recognized path,It is
also know as “Through proper channel”.
This type of communication can done two
Written communication
Oral communication
Informal communication:-
People who know each other in the
organization talk together informally. Whenever
they meet each other ,they normally talk about
the happening in the organization.
Work related
People related
Barriers to effective communication:
The message sent by the sender to receiver
which may not be effectively understood due to
several reasons.
The barriers to effective communication in an
organization may classified into:
Physical barriers
Socio psychological barrier
Organization barrier
Semantic barrier
Mechanical barrier
Rules for effective communication
The information should be simple and clear
The information should be in know language to
the receiver
The sender should use correct communication
Communication should be sent reached timely.
Communication should be checked through
Organization Culture

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