Unit 1 8626

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Course Code: 8626

Unit 1

Introduction to Teacher

Muhammad Shahjahan

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We will learn today about:
It is hoped that the study of the unit will enable you to:
1. delineate the nature, scope and significance of teacher education.
2. explain the necessity of teacher education in Pakistani Context.
3. identify major aims of teacher education as a discipline of study.
4. evaluate the used appropriate teaching methods that can be attempted
imparting knowledge to the students in local setting.
5. explain the spirit of Islamic education and the foundation laid down
for the
6. explain the vast role of teacher for school, community and state.
7. examine the potential benefits of research-based skills and knowledge
improving school performance.
 Teacher Education is that knowledge, skill and ability which
is relevant to the life of a Teacher, as a Teacher.
 A course in Teacher Education should seek to reshape the
attitudes, remodels the habits and in a way to reconstitute the
personality of a teacher.
 Development in knowledge, skill and attitude is the prime
purpose of any teacher education programme.

According to UNESCO, teacher education

institutions "serve as key agents of change in
the transformation of education and society".
These institutions form pre-service or in-
service teachers, providing them with the
professional knowledge and skills they need to
become effective knowledge transmitters
Teacher training covers teaching skills, solid
pedagogical theory and professional skills.
Teacher Education = Teaching Skills +
Pedagogical theory + Professional skills
Teaching Skills= training and practice
Pedagogical theory= philosophical, sociological, and
psychological Considerations )
Professional skills= techniques, approaches and
Teachers responsible to impart and transmit knowledge of
pedagogy to prospective teachers are known as teacher educators
(or, in some contexts, teacher trainers). Teacher education is
categorized in three stages.
1. Pre Service Teacher Education
2. Induction Training (aimed to familiarize the newly inducted
teachers with the context and teaching learning environment)
3. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Some of the most important objectives of teacher education are as follows:
1. Subject Matter Knowledge:
The most important objective is to cultivate an expertise of the knowledge of
subject matter.
2. Pedagogic Skills:
The main objective of teacher education is to improve the pedagogical skills to
motivate the taught, in an artificially formed setting. The capacity to do, observe,
infer and to generalize should be developed in the teachers.
3. Learner Psychology:
To know the child psychology is very important so that the teacher may easily
understand the difficulties faced by children. The understanding of child psychology
will bring about new modes and methods of achieving the goals.
4. Developing attitude towards teaching:
One of the major objectives of teacher education is to cultivate an appropriate
attitude towards teaching so that maximum achievements from the material and
human resources can be got.
5. Self Confidence in Teaching:
The objectives of teacher education are to develop self confidence in teachers. develop
emotional contentment in his life.
6. Empowering Learners:
The objective of the teacher education is to develop the proper habits of taking care
of their body.
7. Appropriate use of instructional facilities:
The objective of teacher education is to develop the enabling skills of teachers.
8. Understanding Individual differences:
The objective of teacher education is to understand the individual differences so
that he may take appropriate steps to develop the abilities of children so that he
may develop himself as a fully grown individual.
Teaching Method
A teacher uses different teaching methods and
principles for instruction to achieve the desired
learning by students. Subject matter to be taught and
the nature of the learner determine these strategies.
Now a days student centered environment in school
encourages a lot of creativity. Approaches for teaching
can be generally divided into two kinds
1. Teacher Centered Approach
In teacher-centered approach, teachers are the main authority.
Learners are considered “empty vessels”. They are passive and
their role is to receive the information passively either by
lecture method or by direct instruction and its purpose is to do
testing and assessment. It is the topmost duty of instructors to
impart information to their students. In teacher-centered
approach teaching and assessment are regarded as two detached
and isolated entities. Learning is measured by quantitatively
scored tests and assessments.
2. Student-Centered Approach
In Student-Centered Approach, teachers and students both
perform an equally active part in the teaching learning
process. The instructor’s principal role is to facilitate student
learning and to give an overall understanding of the course
content. Formal and informal forms of assessment are used to
measure student’s learning. These forms of assessments are
projects, portfolios, demonstration, recitation, memorization
and class presentation
An ideology is a combination of thoughts, ideas and
principles. It is a complete and inclusive vision to
numerous features of life to regulate one's ways. States
which are grounded on diverse ideologies symbolize
diverse features. Ideological contents of an Islamic State
i. Allah is Sovereign
ii. Man is a vicegerent of Allah
iii. State has an illustrative character
iv. State is answerable for the well-being of man

 Ideological foundations affect the thoughts of national

curriculum designers. So they have emotional impact the
content material, organization and construction of the
curriculum. A country’s culture and society is reflected
mainly by the curriculum. An educational institution is the
appropriate. So the teacher and the school are responsible for
setting practices in the form of curriculum.

1. Philosophical/ ideological Foundation

2. Psychological Foundation
3. Socio culture Foundation
 Philosophical/ ideological Implications on
 Ideology directs the curriculum developer about the
kind of objectives that should be included in the
curriculum, the learning experiences which are
appropriate and kind of content that should be part
of the curriculum, and the process and method of
curriculum evaluation
Psychological Foundations
Since all the learners have their own distinctive personalities,
their learning style and skills are also different from one another.
When they are not same in nature, they can’t be taught through
same teaching methodology. Some learners can easily understand
the information conveyed to them whereas some learners are
slow. That’s why curriculum should be designed keeping in the
individual differences of the learners. For all kinds of
educational associated program. Psychology supports all the
procedures in the developmental practice of the curriculum.
Socio Cultural Foundation
The social and national stimulations influence curriculum.
Curriculum designers and curriculum developer consciously
and unconsciously are affected deeply by socio cultural
foundation and it is obvious from the curriculum that their
influence is profound. For example in Pakistan curriculum is
designed in such a way that is a reflection of the society and
civilization of the country and that leads society to change.
Curriculum and society both are integrated and one cannot be
separated from the other. So it is explicit and clear cut, that
social and cultural powers influence the curriculum deeply.

Teaching is one of the helping professions.

 It requires many personal contacts with young people in the
classrooms. Certain interpersonal relationship skills are part
of the repertoire of all successful teachers.
 Some understanding of the emotional condition of
youngsters is essential before the instructional programme
can he designed in such a way that learning takes place.
 The term guidance is used in so many different ways..
“Guidance is helping the pupil to become adjusted to his
present situation and to plan his future in line with his
interests, abilities and social needs.”(Hamin and Erickson)
Respect for the individual should be the basis of all guidance
work. Guidance services are meant for all pupils at all stages.
 Counselling
 Counselling is a personal face to face relationship between
two people, in which counsellor by means of relationships
and his special competencies, provides a learning situation in
which the counselee, a normal sort of person is helped to
know himself and his present and possible future situations
so that he can make use of his characteristics and
potentialities in a way that is both satisfying to himself and
beneficial to society and further, can learn how to solve
further problems and meet future needs.

The subject of teacher – community relationship is one deserving

thoughtful attention from the beginner teacher.

In many small communities the public fail to distinguish between

the rights of the teacher as citizen and his obligations as an

 His activities outside school may be scrutinized closely by the

restrictions impose on his individual freedom.


Following points must be kept in view during training of teachers:

 i) Community – teacher relationship should be taken as a subject matter.

 ii) All kinds of social and community activities, especially the close
activities should be chosen and taught as considering them practical

 iii) For novice teacher or teacher under training, the practical component of

relationship must be taken up as a practical.


 iv) Time schedule should be considered and chalked out.

 v) Imposition of community demands and restrictions

should be compensated successfully grievances or

complaints may not be aroused from both side.

 vi) As civil servant of the Government or any private

institution practice of finding a successful way as a

paved path is most necessary to the training component.

The earlier research on teacher and subject matter of

knowledge attempted to find statistical relationship between
what teachers know and the achievement of their students.

The researchers presented subject matter, either as the total

number of classes that a teacher had taken in a subject matter
or a teacher's average grade point or a teacher score on a
standardized achievement test. These indicators of subject
matter knowledge were coordinating with student
achievement on standardized tests.

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