Introduction To Physical Education
Introduction To Physical Education
Introduction To Physical Education
Physical Education
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Primitive time:
Physical Activity were not
Physical Activities were mainly to
search food and defend
themselves from harm and danger
Historical Development
Concentrate solely on spiritual rather than PA activities
Their religious belief stress reincarnation of the soul
before being united finally with BRAHMA, the supreme
Evidence of PA; Hindu Dancing- one of the oldest
organized dancing
YOGA their greatest contribution, exercise in posture
and breath taking and involve several positions to
regulate the discipline of the mind.
Historical Development
.The Egyptians believed in life full of PA
Young boys were instructed in the use of
weapons of war, on the other hand dance for
the royal entertainment
Historical Development
Empire building through military aggression is the
main objective of Persia
The state trained six year old's in such events as
running, throwing a javelin, slinging, hinting and
There was no training in the intellectual. The
program of PA was directed toward building of
strength, conquest and aggrandizement
Historical Development
Physical Education reach its golden age
The two city states that gave importance in PA were SPARTAN and
ATHENS, but they were exact opposite in their objectives of P.E
The main objective was to contribute a strong and powerful army. Only
the strong and vigorous babies were allowed to live. No individual
All boys above 6 years old are subjected to rigid training and entered
the Agoge, which was a system of public compulsory training.
PA activities are wrestling, jumping, running, throwing the discus and
javelin, hunting, horseback riding and marching.
Historical Development
Greece: (continuation)
Individual life was not controlled so people enjoyed individual
The objective of P.E was for physical perfection with emphasis
on beauty of physique
Gymnastic and music were considered as the two important
subjects in the curriculum
Palaestra- were a building for exercise and space for jumping
and wrestling
Greece laid the foundation of the present Olympic Games,
which was first held in 776 B.C and continued every Four years
Historical Development
Greek Philosophers
Herodotus- PA as an aid to medicine
Hippocrates- proclaimed the law of use and dis use of
the body parts
Aristotle- prescribe progression of exercises and
recognize the interrelationship of the body and soul
Socrates- gave emphasis on the importance of PE in
attaining health in order to achieve one’s purpose in life
Plato- considered gymnastics and music as the two most
important subject in the curriculum
Galen- stated that P.E should be part of hygiene and
subordinate to medicine
Historical Development
1. Physical Development
Through carefully selected
physical education activities,
an individual who participates
actively will develop and
maintain and a high level of
physical fitness.
2. Social Development
Participation in physical
education activities provides
opportunities for the
development of desirable social
traits needed for adjustment to
the social life in general.
Emotional Development
The informal nature of physical
education activities offers
opportunities for self-expression
and emotional mastery
Mental Development
Through participation in physical
education activities the individual
develops his mental capacities as he
learn the mechanical principles
underlying movements.
Spiritual Development
Provide the development
of inner self and soul.
Content 5 pts- demonstrates full knowledge
by answering with explanations and
elaboration, supports ideas with data, • How would you define physical education?
evidence, examples, and facts and from the • Discuss at least one historical development of
course content Physical education that gave the most impact to
Organization 3 pts- Paragraph is well you?
presented and uses complete sentences • 3.What is the significance of the legal basis of
that is relevant to the topic • physical education?
Grammar 2 pts - Spell, punctuate and use • 4. List the five of objectives of Physical Education
rules of grammar accurately and use a wide
• and explain how it affects your development.
range of specialist terms precisely.
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