Grades Do Matter

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Asynchronous Activity

ProfEd 6
Group 2
There’s this famous line of students “Grades don’t matter.”, what is your opinion about this?
How does this thought affect assessment in teaching and learning?

We believe that grades do matter. Students just inhabit the given quote because of some reasons
— they already anticipate that they would fail on a subject or simply they are not at fond of
studying. Yes, grades won't measure the students' intellect but it does measure their perseverance
and sense of responsibility. Additionally, what grades do is show how effective students are at
managing their time and study skills to achieve identified academic goals. Moreover, it is used to
measure what the students learn and tell them something about their improvement.
There’s this famous line of students “Grades don’t matter.”, what is your opinion about this?
How does this thought affect assessment in teaching and learning?

Our group has two cents regarding on the quote given. If we are going to stick to the quote, it
will negatively affect the assessment in teaching and learning. Teachers will doubt their abilities and
teaching strategies, and they might tend to give easier tasks for the students that will surely
compromise the assessment in learning. On the other hand, the students will be unmotivated
anymore to study, not exerting efforts on the activities, and they will never take education seriously
because they think that grades don't matter. That's why the teachers will be having a hard time
assessing their performances. However, if we are going to twist the quote and convict ourselves
that grades do really matter, it will positively affect the assessment in teaching and learning. It is
simply because grades give validity on what we are learning. If we can't value test scores or grades,
how could we know that we are improving or learning? Furthermore, grades measure both the
teacher and the students. For the teacher, it measures them on how clear, precise, and more
reliable the teaching strategies and lessons they have when it comes to discussion; and for the
students, grades indicate their capacity in learning and their capabilities to guide them for their
Which is more important, knowledge or marks/grades? Why?

Upon the two choices, we concluded that both are important because if knowledge is a big deal,
marks/grades shall follow. However, we all agreed that acquiring knowledge must always be the aim
of every student because knowledge is power.

We do believe that marks/grades measure the students' performances in school while

intelligence measures one's performance in life in general. And we should focus on the latter.
Because we believe that marks/grades don't mean a thing if students do forget all of the lessons
they learned throughout the semester. Thus, don't study because you need to gain higher grades;
study, because knowledge is something we could treasure and we could be proud of. Never stop
learning and acquiring knowledge because it’s a thing that no one can ever take away from us.
Marks/Grades are just manifestations of how well we perform in class; what we carry and apply
throughout life are the knowledge and experiences we learn from school. Knowledge stays forever
and marks/grades might vanish over some time, because there are many people who are not good
in studies but good in life. Determination, persistent, skills, and knowledge are the main keys in the
real world.
Individual Reflections
Grades will never determine your intelligence or
having high grades doesn't mean that you're smart.
What grades do is show how effective you were at
managing your time and study skills to achieve an
identified academic goal. Pure and simple. From
them, others conclude as to your ability to achieve
other goals that a university set for you. That is why
grades do matter. (Carillo, 2021)
In my perspective, the students often say this quote
when they thought they would fail on a subject. This
affects the learner assessment in learning because
they would felt discouraged and unmotivated
anymore to study and so this affects the assessment
in teaching. It means that the learners are doing what
they just needed to do and not exerting efforts on the
activities so the teachers would have a hard time
evaluating their performance. (Canilang, 2021)
Grades won't literally measure the students' intellect but it
does measure their perseverance and sense of
responsibility. That's why for me, grades do really matter.
But if we are going to stick to the quote given, it will
negatively affect the assessment in teaching and learning.
Teachers will doubt their abilities and teaching strategies
and they might have the tendency to give easier tasks for
the students and it will surely compromise the assessment
in learning. On the other hand, students will just play the
learnings they acquire in school and they will never take
education seriously because they think that grades don't
matter, unknowingly it will affect the assessment in learning
and their future. (Botolan, 2021)
I personally believe that grades play an important role in our
education. Significantly, it is used to measure what we learn
and tell us something about our improvement. On the other
hand, grades don’t tell us everything. It does not wholly
define us in a matter of success in life. But, my life, as a
student, gave me a practical lesson that grade does matter
in assessment of teaching and learning because grades give
validity on what we are learning. If we can't value test
scores or grades, how could we know that we are improving
or learning? (Bugayong, 2021)
In my perspective, grades do matter because this will
measure the teacher and the student. For the teacher, it
measures them on how clear, precise, and more reliable the
teaching strategies and lessons are when it comes to
discussion. And for the students, to know the capacity of
their learning and to know their capabilities to guide them
for their future. (Bondoc, 2021)
Question #2

Grades measure your performance in school,

while intelligence measures your performance in
life in general. Another thing is, learning generates
intelligence, and intelligence measures your
performance in life. Knowledge will stay forever
and grades might fade over a period of time.
(Carillo, 2021)
Question #2

Upon these choices, I would say that knowledge is

the most important. Grades and marks don't
mean a thing if you do forget all of the lessons you
learned throughout the semester. It is because the
knowledge you learned would stay throughout
your life and you may use them as your
experiences. (Canilang, 2021)
Question #2

For me, both are important because if knowledge is

a big deal, grades marks/grades shall follow.
Though, knowledge must always be the aim of
every learner. Marks/grades are useless if there is
no knowledge remain in the students. Because,
what we carry throughout life are the knowledge
and experiences we learn from school;
marks/grades are just indications of how well we
perform in class in achieving certain goals.
(Botolan, 2021)
Question #2

Grades don’t define you. It’s possible to gain a good education

without having good grades. Generally, I believe knowledge is
still the main reason why we go to school, it is all about learning
skills and generate new ideas. Thus, don't study because you
need to have higher grades; study, because knowledge is power.
So, as a future educator, I come to learn that let's not celebrate
only 80% and 90% scores, let’s celebrate and congratulate
everyone who gave there 100% during the tests. I genuinely
believe that grades do not define your success in life. Your
attitude does. Therefore, never stop learning and acquiring
knowledge because it’s a thing that no one can take away from
you. Likewise, as Benjamin Fraklin stated that an investment in
knowledge always pays the best interest. (Bugayong, 2021)
Question #2

Grades do not define of who you are but the knowledge

defines what you really are. Because the world is far bigger
than you will be expected, and in the future, the grades will
give you opportunity to make money but the knowledge and
skills do the work for you. Because the world is the new level
and grades are no effect in the real world but in the school
only and for finding a job. For example, Steve Jobs, a college
dropped out, but he created the biggest phone company
that everyone knows– "APPLE"; Bill Gates, co-founder of the
Microsoft, dropped out in his 2 years of college; Mark Zucker
Berg, the CEO of Facebook, dropped early in his 1st year
college, and many more. There are many people who are not
good in studies but good in the real world. Skill,
determination, persistent, planning, and the likes are the
main keys for the real world. (Bondoc, 2021)
D OC , F ran z Len dl
LA N, D a rlin g Ble ss
, M a ria G illy
, P au lin e A nne
RILLO , Kar l Jo hn

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