Language in Society: Lady Lou C. Pido, Malt
Language in Society: Lady Lou C. Pido, Malt
Language in Society: Lady Lou C. Pido, Malt
Group Activity:
A. Identify the contributing factors why the following exist
in the society.
B. Identify when, where, and which environment do these
term exist.
C. Discuss the positive and negative effects of their
existence in the culture and society.
1. Pidgin, Creole, Lingua Franca
2. Bilingualism, Code Switching, Borrowing
3. Style, Jargon, Slang, Euphemism
4. Language change and variation
Group Activity:
A. Choose a graphic organizer to present your ideas.
Please prepare to share screen tomorrow.
B. Choose 1 person each to discuss the factors (1),
environment/s (1) and effects of the linguistic
terms (1).
C. Each person will be given a maximum of (3
mins) to discuss his/her assigned topic. Thus,
each Group will be given maximum of 6
minutes each to present via GMeet tomorrow.
Objectives of this lesson
At the end of the unit, you are expected to: