Measurements of Destination Image
Measurements of Destination Image
Measurements of Destination Image
Destination Image”
Such tracking studies and market segmentation analyses are used in the design of their
promotional campaigns.
The framework consist of 3 continuums:
1) Attribute-Holistic
2) Functional-Psychological
3) Common-Unique
1) “Attribute-Holistic” Continuum
➢ Concerned with the nature of human information from the psychological
fields and consumer behavior.
➢ Any product is perceived both in terms of information on individual
features (attributes) and impressions (holistic).
➢ Image of destination include:
Structured Research
Unstructured Research
Model of Destination
Image Research
Content analysis
-Interactive interviews
-Very Spontaneous
Goa - “A perfect Holiday Destination”
Triad elicitation
-Successive presentation of group of 3 elements.
-And then explain the construct 2 of the places similar but seperate
from the 3rd one