Organisational Culture
Organisational Culture
Organisational Culture
Group # 06
Vibhavari Pawar
Jaswant Singh
Jigyasa Soni
Kadir Shaikh
•Define Culture?
Define Organization culture?
Seven Primary characteristic that capture OC.
Strong V/s Weak Cultures.
What do Cultures do in Organization?
Culture’s function in Organization.
Culture as a Liability.
Creating and Sustaining a Culture.
How culture Begins.
Keeping Culture Alive.
How employees learn Culture?
Number of elements that can be used to describe or
influence Organizational Culture.
Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture.
An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and
behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought
and social learning.
1. Selection Practices.
2. The Action of Top Management.
3. Socialization methods.
Selection:- The explicit goal of the selection procedure is to
identify and hire individuals who have the knowledge, skills
and abilities to perform the jobs within the organizational
The selection process thus provides information to the
applicants about the organization, Job nature, Job profile &
relevant information regarding organization. Candidates
learn about the organization, and if they perceive a conflict
between their values and those of the organization, they can
self select themselves out if applicant pool.
Hence selection becomes a two-way street, allowing
employer or applicant to abrogate a marriage if there appears
to be a mismatch.
In this way the selection process sustains an
organization’s culture by selecting out those individuals who
might attack or undermine its core value.
Top Management:- The action of top Management also have a
major impact on the Organization’s culture, through what
they say n how they behave, senior executives establish
norms that filter down through the organization as to
whether risk taking is desirable; how much freedom
Managers should give
to their employees; what is appropriate dress; what actions will
pay off in terms of pay raises, promotions, and other
rewards; and the like.
Socialization:- No matter how good a job the organization does
in recruiting and selection, new employees are not fully
indoctrinated in the organization’s employees are potentially
likely to disturb the beliefs and customs adapt to its culture.
This adaptation process is called socialization.
In short we can say introducing a new employee
to organization by the means of Induction, short
introductory training, Job training, introduction to SOP’s n
so on.
Culture is transmitted to employees in a number
of forms, the most potent being:-
1. Stories.
2. Rituals.
3. Material
4. Language.
Stories:- Stories such as these circulate through many
organizations. They are typically contain a narrative of
events of the organization founders, rule breaking, rag-to-
riches, reductions in the workforce, relation of employees,
reaction to past mistakes, and organizational coping. These
stories anchor the present in the past and provides
explanations and legitimacy for current practices.
Rituals:- These are repetitive sequences of activities that
express and reinforces the key values of the organization –
what goals are most important, which people are important
& which people are expendable.
Material Symbols:- The type of facilities perks and the level of
facilities perks to be given to the employee is called material