Taguchi Quality Loss Function
Taguchi Quality Loss Function
Taguchi Quality Loss Function
Quality – loss imparted to the society from the time the product is
Societal loss
• Failure to meet customers requirements
• Failure to meet ideal performances
• Harmful side effects
• Losses due to production (raw material, energy, labor) of
unusable products or toxic by-products
L(y) is the cost involved as quality deviates from the target, T;
y is the performance characteristic;
k is a constant that translates the deviation into Rs. (quality loss
Taguchi Loss Function
Average Loss
– Desirable Qualities
Larger-the-Better (strength, mileage etc)
Nominal-the-Best (specified dimensions, uniformity)
– Undesirable properties
Smaller-the-better (defects, resources - material/time, cost)
Robust Design
1. Concept Design
– The process of examining competing technologies for
producing a product - Includes choices of technology
and process design
– A prototype design that can be produced and meets
customers’ needs under ideal conditions without
Robust Design
2. Parameter Design
– The selection of control factors (parameters) and
their “optimal” levels
The objective is to make the design Robust!
– Control factors are those process variables
management can influence.
Ex. the procedures used and the type and amount of
Often a complex (non-linear) relationship between the
control factors and product/design performance
– The ”optimal” parameter levels can be determined
through experimentation 15
Robust Design
3. Tolerance Design
– Development of specification limits
Necessary because there will always be some variation in
the production process
Taguchi fiercely advocates aiming for the target value not
just settle for “inside the specification limits”!
– Occurs after the parameter design
– Often results in increased production costs
More expensive input material might have to be used to
meet specifications
Suppose that the specification on a part is 0.500 ± 0.020 cm. A
detailed analysis of product returns and repairs has discovered that
many failures occur when the actual dimension is near the extreme of
the tolerance range (that is, when the dimensions are approximately
0.48 or 0.52) and costs $50 for repair.
Therefore, the loss function for a single part is L(y) = 125000(y – T)2
Therefore, if the dimension is more than 0.004 away from the target, it
is more economical to adjust it at the factory and the specifications
should be set as 0.500 ± 0.004.