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Priya Kumari Amit Korde Shrikant Waikar Hemashu Dalal Smita Kulkarni

Essence of life : Water 70% of our planet is covered in it Life depends on water, the reservoir depends on us

Inefficient Government and Insufficient facilities for waste water treatment. Public wasting water and polluting it. Climate change. 2020 India will become a water stressed nation. Half of all Indian children are undernourished and half of all adult women suffer from anaemia. Indias rivers carry 90% of the water during the period from June to November, but only 10% is available during the other six months

7. Inadequate piped water supply in rural areas and some urban slum areas 8. Loss of water in transmission (distribution) and storage 9. Insufficient local technological research on water. 10. Lack of control over-exploitation of groundwater resources 11. Insufficient facilities for waste water treatment 12. Industrial waste. 13. Pollution and global warming 14. Dry water tanks 15. Indian government is too focused on economic growth, instead of facilitating in basic human needs

Is There Really A Water Crisis?

1.Over 1 billion people lack access to safe water 2.2 out of 3 people will be living with water shortages by 2025

3.Half of the world's wetlands have been lost since 1900.

4.The basis for most projections for future conflicts is that with the growth of demand, the decline in freshwater availability , and the adverse health effects from poor water quality, scarcity will result in violence and water wars.

Water Challenges in India


The Indian situation

India has 16 % of the worlds population and 4% of its fresh water resources.
Water availability(Rank): Weighted average: 14.0 thousand cubic metres
#1 Iceland: 294.34 thousand cubic metres # 47 USA: 7.09 thousand cms # 68 UK: 3.1 thousand cms # 89 China: 1.72 thousand cms

Severe water stress: Weighted average: 25.5 % #1 # 36 # 42 # 51 Israel: 100 %

# 23 India:

80.2 %

China: 44.7 % United States: 31.3 % United Kingdom: 21 %

# 93 India: 1.56 thousand cubic metres

# 141 Botswana: -7.46 thousand cubic metres

The Indian situation

Groundwater [Depleted] Surface water [Polluted] Rainfall [Wasted] Population [ ] Demand [ ] Consumption [ ]

Industrial Growth [ ] Economy-Industry [ ] Water Business[ ] Agriculture [ ] Health & Environment[ ] Future [ ? ]

The Indian situation

Groundwater is the major source of water in our country with 85% of the population dependent.

Groundwater water table decline - 33 centimeters per year.

The Indian situation

India receives abundant rains compared to other water scared countries but This map shows how much water the Indian infrastructure fails to store!

Types and Quantities of Water Used

Human water use has been increasing about twice as fast as population growth over the past century. Worldwide, humans withdraw about 10% of total annual renewable supply.
Average amount of withdrawn worldwide is about 170,544 gal/person/year.
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

Water use

Agriculture Industry Household/municipal

Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

Estimated 1.5 billion people lack access to an adequate supply of drinking water. A country where consumption exceeds more than 20% of available, renewable supply is considered vulnerable to water stress. 45 countries have serious water stress, and cannot meet the minimum essential water requirements of their citizens.
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7th Ed.

Save the rain water. Dont waste in the drain. Build rainwater harvesting in every house

Rain Water Harvesting Methodologies

Roof Rain Water Harvesting

Land based Rain Water Harvesting

Watershed based Rain Water harvesting. For Urban & Industrial Environment . Roof & Land based Rain Water Harvesting . Public, Private, Office & Industrial buildings. Pavements, Lawns, Gardens & other open spaces

Rivers, Lakes,Kunds,Tanka

Nadis Talabs, lakes are similar Toba is similar as well natural depression with a natural catchment area

Solutions to water problems require the consideration of cultural, educational, communication and scientific aspects. Plant Trees Avoid Pollution Conserve water Technologies and Innovations Water Purification Systems Rain Water Harvesting Irrigation Water Management Hydrological projects - Construction of Dams Artificial Recharge to Ground Water through Dug well


National River Linking Project

The practice of placing water meters throughout a facility is called submetering. Submetering helps account for water usage and can help in the process of leak detection. Areas to consider submetering are landscaped areas, cafeterias, laundries, and major industrial equipment that use water. Submetering makes water users more aware of how much water they use and its cost.

A leak detection strategy needs to employ regular onsite testing methods for detecting leaks along water distribution mains, valves, services, and meters.


Reducing excessive pressures in the water distribution system can save a significant quantity of water. Reducing water pressure can decrease leakage, the amount of flow through open faucets, and stresses on pipes and joints that may result in leaks. Lower water pressure may also decrease system deterioration, reducing the need for repairs and extending the life of existing facilities.

Water recycling is the reuse of water for the same application for which it was originally used. Factors that should be considered in a water recycling program include: - Identification of water reuse opportunities - Evaluation of the minimum water quality needed for a particular use - Evaluation of water quality degradation resulting from the use - Determination of the treatment steps.

Water reuse is the use of wastewater or reclaimed water (sometimes called graywater ) from one application for another application. Reused water can also be used in landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, aesthetic uses such as fountains, and fire protection. Industrial Waste Water Reuse

Efficient Water Usage

Determination of how the water can be transported to the new use. When washing the car, use water from a bucket and not a hosepipe. Do not throw away water that has been used for washing vegetables, rice or dals. Use it to water plants or to clean the floors, etc. Adoption of drip and sprinkler irrigation. Use the sea water to irrigate agricultural lands, after taking out the salt. Do not leave the tap running while you

are not using it. Use other natural resources instead of petrol to create a less polluted environment.

DEVELOPING A WATER CONSERVATION PLAN Company policy statement Goals Action Plan Assigned responsibilities for planned implementation Procedures for implementation, evaluation, and revision

Education and Campaigns

A successful water conservation program starts with educating the masses. Employee Participation and Public Awareness. Use bulletins, newsletters, and paycheck stuffers to communicate policies, programs, ideas etc. Promote a suggestion and incentive system and recognize people who have water saving ideas.

Distribute water conservation booklets.

Promote slogan and poster contests.

Its not a solution to be found, it should be a RESOLUTION everyone should take.


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