Basic Concepts in Geometry and Kinds of Angles
Basic Concepts in Geometry and Kinds of Angles
Basic Concepts in Geometry and Kinds of Angles
There are three basic terms in geometry which we refer to as undefined terms. These are point, line, and plane. We
classify these as undefined terms because the definitions of these terms are not precise. Instead, we use
representations to describe them.
Line Straight mark with Labeled with a single • It has no thickness, • line guides on
two arrow heads lowercase letter or it but its length intermediate papers
can also be labeled extends infinitely to
with two capital both directions.
letters, representing • It is straight.
the two distinct points
on the line.
Undefined Term Representation How to Name/Denote Other Information Real-Life Example
Plane Slanted four-sided Single capital script • It has no thickness • flat-panel television
figure letter or by three non extends indefinitely screen
collinear points in all directions.
• It is a flat surface.
Angles are classified according to their measurement. A protractor is used to measure angles. An angle’s unit of
measurement is in degrees (0). We can classify angles into four, namely: acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, and
straight angle. Consider the following illustrative examples of each.
Familiarizing yourself on using the protractor will be helpful in
classifying angles. So, this is an additional helpful Information for you!