Introduction To Database

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Introduction to Database

Prepared By :

Mukhtar Qureshi
Topics To Be Covered
 Introduction about Database.
 Characteristics of the database approach.
 Actors on the scene.
 Workers behind the scene.
 Introduction to DBMS.
 Advantages of using a DBMS.
 Implications of the database approach.
 When not to use a DBMS.
Structured And Unstructured data
 – Flat file = unstructured data
 – Database = structured data

 • The Problem with Unstructured Data

 High maintenance costs
 Data Redundancy: the same data will be represented multiple times in
the file.
 Data dependence: if you change things about the file format then
there will be expensive changes to programs that use it.
 Ensuring data consistency and controlling access to the data is
difficult (i.e. you cannot finely control multi-user access to the file)
 Data = facts and figures
 Information = processed data.

 A database is a collection of data, typically describing the activities

of one or more related organizations. For example, a university
database might contain information about the following:
 Entities such as students, faculty, courses, and classrooms.
Basic Definition

• Database: A collection of related data.

• Data: Known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit
• Mini-world: Some part of the real world about which data is
stored in a database. For example, student grades and transcripts
at a university.
• Database Management System (DBMS): A software
package/ system to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a
computerized database.
• Database System: The DBMS software together with the data
itself. Sometimes, the applications are also included.
Database System


Example of a Database
(with a Conceptual Data Model)
 Mini-world for the example: Part of a UNIVERSITY
 Some mini-world entities:
 (academic) DEPARTMENTs
Note: The above could be expressed in the ENTITY-
RELATIONSHIP data model.
Example of a Database
(with a Conceptual Data Model)
 Some mini-world relationships:
 SECTIONs are of specific COURSEs
 COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs
 COURSEs are offered by DEPARTMENTs

Note: The above could be expressed in the ENTITY-

RELATIONSHIP data model.
Characteristics Of Database

 In file system each applications is free to name data element

independently. Each user define and implements the file needed for
a specific software application as a part of programming the
 In database a single repository of data is maintained that is defined
once and than accessed by various users.
 In a database the name or labels of data are defined once, and use
reportedly by queries, transaction and application.
Typical DBMS Functionality

• Define a database : In terms of data types, structures

and constraints
• Construct or Load the Database on a secondary
storage medium
• Manipulating the database : querying, generating
reports, insertions, deletions and modifications to its
• Concurrent Processing and Sharing by a set of
users and programs – yet, keeping all data valid and
Typical DBMS Functionality

Other features:
▫ Protection or Security measures to prevent
unauthorized access
▫ “Active” processing to take internal actions on data
▫ Presentation and Visualization of data
Actor on the scene
 A person typically defines, constructs, and manipulates the database.
 In large organization, many people are responsible in the design, use
and maintenance of a large database with hundreds of user.
 We call these users as the actors on the scene.

 Database Administrator.
 Database Designer.
 End Users.
Database Administrator
 In any organization where many people use the same resources,
there is a need for a chief administrator to oversee and manage these
 In a database environment, the primary resource is the database
itself, and the second resource is the DBMS and related software.
 Administrating these resources is the responsibility of the database
administrator (DBA).
 The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, co-
ordinating and monitoring its use, and acquiring software and
hardware resources as needed.
Database Designer
 Database designer are responsible for
identifying the data to be stored in the data
and for choosing appropriate structures to
represent and store this data.
 These task should be done before the database
actually implemented and populated with data.
 It is the responsibility of the database
designers to communicate with the end users
to know their actual requirement and to create
a database that meet their requirement.
End Users
 End users are the people whose job require access to the database
for querying, updating and generating reports;
 There are two kinds of end users:
 Casual User:
 These kinds of user occasionally access the database, but they may
need different information each time. They use database queries
query language to specify their requests.
 Naive and Parametric Users:
 These users are constantly querying and updating the database,
using standard type of query and updates
End Users (cont.)
 Example of Naive and Parametric users are
 Bank tellers check account balances and post withdrawals and
 Reservation clerks for airlines, hotels, and cars rental companies
check availability for a given request and make reservations.
 Sophisticated End Users:
 It include engineers, scientist, business analyst who are familiar
with the DBMS in order to implement their applications.

 Standalone Users:
 Maintain personal database by using ready-made-program packages
that helps them through graphical representation.
Workers Behind the Scene
 DBMS system designers and implementers:
 These people design and implement the DBMS module and interfaces as
a software packages.
 A DBMS consist of complex components or modules for implementing
the catalogue, processing query language, controlling concurrency and
handling data recovery and security.

 Tool Designer:
 These people design and implement tools. These software packages that
facilitate database modelling and design, database system design and
implement performance.
Workers behind the scene (cont.)

 Operators and Maintenance Personal:

 These person are responsible for the actual running and maintenance
of the hardware and software environment for the database system.
Database Management System-DBMS
 Database Management System.
 A database management system, or DBMS, is software designed to assist in
maintaining and utilizing large collections of data, and the need for such systems,
as well as their use, is growing rapidly.
 Database Management system – Management of data and Management of Users
 Software package for defining and managing a database.
 Examples:
 Proprietary: MS Access, MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Sybase
 Open source: MySql, PostgreSQL
Implication Of Using The Database Approach
 Potential for Enforcing Standards:
 In large organization certain standards are made in order to facilitate communication and co-
operation among various departments, projects, and users within the organization.
 Standards can be defined for names and formats of data elements, display formats, report
structures, terminology and so on.

 Reduced Application Development Time:

 Designing a database from scratch takes more time than a flat file system, however once the
database is created, it is so easy to retrieve data from the database.

 Flexibility:
 It may be necessary to change the structure of the database with the inclusion of new entities.
Nowadays DBMS allow certain types of evolutionary changes to the structure of the
Implication of the Database Approach(cont.)
 Availability Of Up-to-Date Information:
 DBMS make the update database available to all users. It is so important at
some industries to retrieve the updated database.
 The availability is essential for many transaction-processing applications,
such as reservation systems or banking database.

 Economies Of Scale:
 The DBMS approach permits consolidation of data and applications.
 This enables the whole organization to invest in more powerful processors,
storage devices, or communication rather having a weaker equipment's in
each departments.
 Advantages of Database

 • Reduction of redundancy.
 Avoid storing the data multiple times.
 • Restricting Unauthorized Access.
 • Avoidance of inconsistency.
 • Provide Storage Structure for efficient Query Processing
 • Share ability.
 • Provide Backup and Recovery.
 • Improved security.
 • Provide Multiuser interface.
 • Representing Complex Relationship among Data.
 • Enforcing Integrity Constraint.
 Integrity constraint involves specifies a data type for each item.
 Uniqueness in data- a course_name should have different course name.

Disdvantages of Database
 Higher cost
 Conversion cost
 Most difficult recovery
When Not To Use Database
 In spite of advantages of using the database, there are some situation in which a
DBMS may involve unnecessary overheads. Some of them are listed below:
 High initial investment in hardware, software and training.
 The generality that a DBMS provides for defining and processing the data.
 Overheads for providing the security, concurrency control, recovery, and
integrity functions.
 Problem arise when the database are not properly design.
 Simple file system are use for simple, well defined database application that are
not expected to change.
Application Of Database Management System.

 Hospital Management
 Hotel Management
 Flight Aviation
 University Management
 IT Inventory etc.

 Introduction
 Basic definitions
 Database
 Data
 Mini world
 Database systems
 An example database
 Applications of database
 Advantages Of Database
 Functionalities of database systems
 Characteristics of database systems
End Of Lecture 1

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