PSCRB Officer R

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The refresher course aims to refresh skills for operating lifeboats and rescue boats. Key topics covered include regulations, safety procedures, and practical exercises.

The aim is to refresh skills for operating lifeboats and rescue boats to safely abandon ship. The objective is to ensure competence in operating lifesaving appliances and survival craft.

New regulations include requirements for lifeboat release systems (OLRRS) to prevent accidents, fitting of fall prevention devices, and performing free-fall lifeboat releases by either free-fall launch or simulated launch.


I- Aim and Objective

II-Why we need to attend the PSC&RB Refresher course?

III-What are the new things of Survival Craft within FIVE


IV- Things to Do Today

V- Practical Exercise
I-Aim and
Aim (Refresher)
The aim of the course is to refresh the skills of those who are
assigned to crew a ship’s lifeboat or rescue boat, other than a fast
rescue boat, with the knowledge and skills to safely and efficiently
carry out those duties.
A trainee will be competent to operate life-saving
appliances and take charge of a survival craft or rescue
boat during or after launch. They will also be able to
operate a survival craft engine and manage survivors
and survival craft after abandoning ship.

Trainees will know the correct use of all locating

devices, including communication and signalling
apparatus and pyrotechnics, how to apply first aid to
survivors and the actions to take to preserve the lives
of those in their charge.
II-Why we need to attend the
PSC&RB Refresher course?
Seafarers qualified in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast
rescue boats in accordance with

Chapter I/11 , Section A-I/11 and

Chapter VI, Section A-VI/2, paragraph 4 and 5 shall be required,

every 5 years, to provide evidence of having maintained the
required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties, and
responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-VI/2-1 of the
Master, Oow, CE,2E, Bosun, AB
Model Course
III-What are the new things of
Survival Craft within FIVE
“To prevent unexpected accidents during
lifeboat drills and/or inspections”.
SOLAS regulation III/1.5 for lifeboat
release and retrievable systems (OLRRS)
The entry into force date is
January 1, 2013
To ensure that suitable fall
prevention devices (FPDs) are
fitted in accordance with
Free Fall Simulated Launching
Enter into Force 1st Jan 2014

SOLAS regulation III/20.11.2

Free-fall lifeboat release systems

shall be performed either by free-fall
launch with only the operating crew
on board or by a simulated
Simulated Launching

Simulated launching is a means of

training the crew in the free-fall
release procedure of free-fall lifeboats
and in verifying the satisfactory
function of the free-fall release
system without allowing the lifeboat
to fall into the sea.
Restraining Device & Preventing
Free Fall- Ensure that the restraining
device(s) provided by the manufacturer
for simulated launching are installed

Things to Do
It is recommended that all trainees are made to jump into the water
from a height of at least 4.5 m, wearing a lifejacket, during an
abandon ship drill with a hand-launched life raft.

Trainees should swim a short distance, right an inverted

life raft, board the life raft from water and once on board help others to board
the life raft. When ready to clear away from the side, the instructor can let go of
the painter instead of having it cut at the raft.

ON Load & OFF Load Demonstration

Output 3000
29 HP
19 Sprinkler, 20 Air Supply
Things old but should know
Fast Rescue Boats (FRB)
• IMO Resolution A.656(16)
• Shall the speed of 20’ and keep it during 4 hours
• Shall be capable of being launched and retrieved in
severe atmospheric conditions (Beaufort 6, wave 6 m)
• Important for the safety of people in offshore activities

At least 20 kn in calm water with a crew of 3 persons and

maintaining that speed for at least 4 hours.
At least 8 kn with a full complement of persons and equipment
 Engines shall stop automatically or be stopped by the
helmsman’s emergency release switch should the
rescue boat capsize. When the rescue boat has righted, each
engine or motor shall be capable of
being restarted, provided the helmsman’s emergency release,
if fitted, has been reset.. 2nd ly 0.3 m/s rescue boat
V- Practical Exercise

Thanks, Let’s Proceed to

Swimming Pool.

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