Intro IMC & IMC Tools

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Basics of Marketing
• Marketing
• Value
• Relationship Marketing
• Mass Customization
• Customer Relationship Management
• Marketing Mix

The Evolution of IMC
Definition given by American association of
advertising agencies:-
 A concept of marketing communications
planning that recognizes the added value of a
comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic
roles of a variety of communications disciplines-
for example, general advertising, direct response,
sales promotion, and public relations-and
combines these disciplines to provide clarity,
consistency, and maximum communication

Contemporary perspective of IMC
• IMC is a strategic process used to
plan,develop,execute and evaluate
coordinated,measurable,persuasive brand
communications programs over time with
sociates and other targeted relevant external
and internal audiences. The goal is to generate
both short-term financial returns and build
long –term brand and shareholder value.

• IMC is defined by Marketing Guru Philip Kotler“the concept

under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates
its many communication channel to deliver a clear, consistent
• Integrated Marketing Communications ensures that all forms
of communications and messages are carefully connected with
all together.
IMC Components
• The Foundation - corporate reputation and brand equity;
buyer behavior; promotions opportunity analysis.
• Advertising Tools - advertising management, advertising
design: conceptual frameworks and types of appeals;
advertising design: message strategies and executable
frameworks; advertising media selection. Advertising also
reinforces brand and firm image.
• Promotional Tools - trade promotions; consumer promotions;
personal selling, database marketing, and customer relations
management; public relations and sponsorship programs.
• Integration Tools - Internet Marketing; IMC for small
business and entrepreneurial ventures; evaluating and
integrated marketing program.
Growing importance of IMC
• Marketers understand the value of strategically integrating the
various communication functions rather operate them
• To avoid duplication
• To take advantage of synergy among promotional tools.
• To Develop more effective and efficient marketing
communications programs.
• To maximize the ROI in marketing and promotion.

Factors Leading to IMC’s growing popularity

• Fragmentation of the media: A huge number of media
options are available to marketers. Broadcasting media now
offer „narrow casting‟ so specific that advertisers can reach
consumers at precise locations, such as airports and
supermarket checkout counters. The print media has
proliferated dramatically as well.
• Better audience assessment through database technology:
The ability of firms to generate, collate and manage
databases has created diverse communications opportunities
beyond mass media. Databases can be used to create
customer and non-customer profiles. This information is
important to identify target markets.
• Consumer empowerment: Today’s consumers are more
powerful and sophisticated. Empowered consumers are more
skeptical of commercial messages and demand information
tailored to their needs.
• Increased advertising clutter: The proliferation of
advertising stimuli has diluted the effectives of any single
• Desire for greater accountability: In an attempt to achieve
greater accountability for promotional spending, firms have
reallocated marketing resources from advertising to more
short-term and more easily measurable methods, such as direct
marketing and sales promotions.
Communication Modes/Tools
• Advertising
• Direct Marketing
• Publicity (a form of Public Relations)
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• Packaging
• Events and Sponsorships
• Customer Service
• E-Communication
The Emerging Tools of IMC

• Road shows

• Sponsorships

• Events

• Point Of purchase
Globally Integrated Marketing Communication

• The same trend that exists among advertising agencies within

the country also occurs in the international arena. Instead of
being called “IMC,” however it is known as GIMC, or a
globally integrated marketing communications program.
• The goal is still the same to coordinate marketing efforts.
• The challenges are greater due to larger national and cultural
differences in target markets.
• The earlier approach was called standardization, in which the
idea was to standardize the product and message across
countries. The goal of this approach was generating economies
of scale in production while creating a global product using
the same pro-motional theme. The language would be
different, but the basic marketing message would be the same.
Promotional strategies: push or pull?

• push strategy -Programs designed to persuade the trade to stock,

merchandise, and promote a manufacturer’s products. A push
strategy tries to convince resellers so they can make a profit on a
manufacturer’s product and get encouragement in order to
merchandise and push it through to their customers.
• pull strategy -Sometimes manufacturer face resistance from
channel members who do not want to take on an additional
product line or brand. In these cases, companies may turn to a
pull promotional strategy spending money on advertising and
sales promotion efforts directed towards the ultimate consumer.
IMC Tools
• Advertising includes an attempt to persuade.
• advertisements are communication designed to get someone to do
something. Even an advertisement with the stated objective of being
purely informational has persuasion at its core.
• The advertisements informs the consumer for some purpose, and
that purpose is to get the consumer to like the brand and because of
that liking to eventually buy the brand.
• In the absence of this persuasive intent, a communication might be
news, but it would not be advertising.  
• A company like Procter and Gamble which makes Tide detergents,
Pampers diapers and hundreds of other products spent $ 3.5
annually on U.S television, magazines, newspaper and online
Features of Advertising

American Marketing Association has defined advertising as

“any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion
of ideas goods and services of an identified sponsor”. This
definition reveals the following features of advertising:
1. It is paid form of communication.
2. It is non-personal presentation of message.
3. The purpose of advertising is to promote idea.
• Advertisement is issued by an identified sponsor. Non
disclosure of the name of the sponsor in propaganda may
lead to distortion, deception and manipulation.
Advertisement should disclose or identify the sources of
opinions and ideas it presents.
Objectives of Advertising
• To introduce a new product by creating interest for it among the
prospective customers.
• To support personal selling programme. Advertising maybe used
to open customers‟ doors for salesman.
• To reach people those are inaccessible to salesman.

• To enter a new market or attract a new group of customers.

• To bring competition in the market and to increase the sales as seen
in the fierce competition between Coke and Pepsi.
• To enhance the goodwill of the enterprise by promising better
quality products and services.
• To improve dealer relations. Advertising supports the dealers in
selling he product. Dealers are attracted towards a product which is
advertised effectively.
• To warn the public against imitation of an enterprise’s products.
Functions of Advertising

• Promotion of Sales.

• Introduction of New Product.

• Creation of Good Public Image.

• Mass Production.

• Research

• Education of People

• Support to Press
Various Advertising Mediums

1. Press advertising

2. Outdoor advertising,

3. Film advertising,

4. Radio advertising,

5. Television advertising,

6. Direct mail advertising,

7. Display advertising, and

8. Specialty advertising
Publicity and Public Relations
• Public relations is defined as a management function which identifies,
establishes, and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between
an organization and the public’s upon which its success or failure
• As a part of being a good corporate and community citizen, a firm
will use public relations (PR) as a way to create a good image and
• Public relations considers multiple audiences (consumers, employees,
suppliers, vendors, etc.) and uses two-way communication to monitor
feedback and adjust both its message and the organization's actions
for maximum benefit.
• A primary tool used by public relations practitioners is publicity.
Publicity capitalizes on the news value of a product, service,
idea, person or event so that the information can be disseminated
through the news media.
• Articles in the media are perceived as being more objective than
advertisements, and their messages are more likely to be
absorbed and believed.
• Public relation means communication that can foster goodwill
between a firm and its many constituent groups.
• These constituent groups include customers, stockholders,
suppliers, employees, government, entities citizen’s actions
groups and the general public.
Objectives of PR

• Promoting goodwill
• Promoting a product or service
• Preparing internal communications
• Counteracting negative publicity
• Lobbying
• Giving advice and counsel.
Difference between Advertising and Publicity

Advertising Publicity
• Paid form of • Non-paid mention of an
communication. organization or its ideas or
• Advertisement is issued by products in the news Media.
an identified sponsor. • Publicity does not need an
• In advertising, the advertiser identified sponsor .
exercises control over the • The control lies with the
type, size, duration, and publicity media.
frequency of the message
Personal Selling (PS)
Types of Personal Selling:
• Order taking: This involves accepting orders for merchandise or
scheduling services either in written form or over the telephone.
• Creative Selling: This is the type of selling where customers rely
heavily on the salesperson for technical information, advice and
• Team Selling: In this, a group of people from different functional
areas within the organization is assembled as a team to call on a
particular customer.
• Seminar Selling: This is designed to reach a group of customers,
rather than an individual customer, with information about the firm's
products or services.
• System Selling: This type of selling entails selling a set of inters
related components that fulfill all or a majority of a customer's need
in a product or service area.  
Sales Promotion (SP)

Sales Promotion is of four types:

• Sales promotion: Here the efforts are directed towards the
customer. For example: price discounts, freebies
• Trade Promotion: These are basically done for distributors in
order to push sales through margins and discounts.
• Business to business promotion: Here promotions are between
two companies; one company may offer bulk discounts on the
purchase of raw materials in large supplies etc.
• Sales person's promotions: Here the promotions are targeted to
motivate the sale people working for an organization.
Direct Marketing (DM)
• Direct marketing is an interactive system of marketing that
uses one or more advertising media to affect a measurable
response and or transaction at any location.
• Direct Marketing uses a combination of media.
• Direct Marketing is often used to elicit a direct response.
• The buyer’s home, by mail or literally any place where the
consumer can communicate with the marketer.
• Today the primary methods of direct marketing are direct
mail, telemarketing, telephone sales solicitation and direct
response advertising in magazines, newspapers, and on
television and radio.
•  Online ordering via the internet is another form of direct
marketing and has come to known as „e-commerce‟
Top Advertisement & Media agency
• The Indian advertising agencies are stepping up their game
because most marketers had realized that there is a huge untapped
potential in the up and coming consumer market of the country.
• The revolution of the Indian Advertising Agencies started early
in the ongoing decade when they stopped concentrating solely
on media buying activities or releasing an ad and started
expanding their horizons by getting more involved with the
whole creative process.
• Currently there exists a fierce competition between the
advertising agencies in India; the ones who head the list of the
best agencies are Indian branch of international giants with very
few Indian companies being able to compete with them.
The top companies in this sector are as follows:
Ogilvy & Mather Ltd 
• Owned by WPP group this is the indisputable choice as India’s
number one ad agency.
• It has presence in over 150 countries so it has got a keen
understanding how global marketing trends must be combined
with local consumer psyche to reap the optimum rewards.
• Its major clients include Cadbury Dairy Milk (Kuch Meetha
hoy Jain campaign, one of the biggest success stories of Indian
advertising), Vodafone and Asian Paints.
JWT (J. Walter Thompson)
• Yet another WPP subsidiary, yet another company whose
brand name is synonymous with advertising greatness. It has
six offices in India and includes clients like Nestle, Unilever
and Teach for India.
Lowe Lintas 
• IPG group holds the controlling interest over this agency
which commands respect simply because of the large number
of diverse clients they represent.
• They hold more brands in Top 100 of AC Nielsen-Brand
Equity’s 2013 edition of India’s most trusted brands list than
any other ad agency. I
• t has worked on many famous campaigns including Idea,
ICICI Prudential and Star Sports (the recent Cricket World
Cup theme #Won’t give it back was the agency’s work).
McCann-Erickson India Ltd 
• With offices in over 120 countries and its Indian operation
headed by Prasoon Joshi, a revered advertiser in India, this
IPG owned company has got a strong presence in the country.
• Its impressive client list features reputable MNCs like
MasterCard, Coca Cola and Nescafe.
DDB Mudra 
• It used to be known as Mudra communications, the biggest
Indian advertising agency before being acquired by DDB, a
member of the Omnicom Group.
• The new owners had further strengthened the brand by
bringing in their world class talent team into the mix and its
clients include McDonalds, Aircel and
Leo Burnett 
• Of the four large holding companies which own most of the
world’s leading ad agencies, only Publicis Groupe had yet
gone unrepresented in this list.
• It may not have a large number of subsidiaries working in the
country unlike the other three holding companies but the one it
does, Leo Burnett had repeatedly featured in top ten lists of ad
agencies in the Asia Pacific region.
• Its client list includes Bacardi, Bajaj and Samsung.
Other agencies
• These six agencies represent the cream of Indian ad agencies and are
closely followed by a host of other international giants like FCB-Ulka
Advertising Ltd, RK Swamy BBDO Advertising Ltd and Grey
Worldwide among others; who are still trying to consistently challenge
those top tier ad agencies.
• The one noticeable aspect about this list is an acute absence of Indian
companies in a list that seeks to be representative of the best ad
agencies of the country.
• That’s because most Indian companies simply don’t have the resources
or the requisite level of skill to compete with the big boys of the
advertising world.

• However one agency that’s slowly establishing itself as a go-
to destination for a lot of marketers is the Delhi
based releaseMyAd, which provides advertising options across
a variety of medium such as cinema, newspaper and radio.
You may contactreleaseMyAd if you need any solution to any
of our marketing needs.

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