Intro IMC & IMC Tools
Intro IMC & IMC Tools
Intro IMC & IMC Tools
Basics of Marketing
• Marketing
• Value
• Relationship Marketing
• Mass Customization
• Customer Relationship Management
• Marketing Mix
The Evolution of IMC
Definition given by American association of
advertising agencies:-
A concept of marketing communications
planning that recognizes the added value of a
comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic
roles of a variety of communications disciplines-
for example, general advertising, direct response,
sales promotion, and public relations-and
combines these disciplines to provide clarity,
consistency, and maximum communication
Contemporary perspective of IMC
• IMC is a strategic process used to
plan,develop,execute and evaluate
coordinated,measurable,persuasive brand
communications programs over time with
sociates and other targeted relevant external
and internal audiences. The goal is to generate
both short-term financial returns and build
long –term brand and shareholder value.
Factors Leading to IMC’s growing popularity
• Fragmentation of the media: A huge number of media
options are available to marketers. Broadcasting media now
offer „narrow casting‟ so specific that advertisers can reach
consumers at precise locations, such as airports and
supermarket checkout counters. The print media has
proliferated dramatically as well.
• Better audience assessment through database technology:
The ability of firms to generate, collate and manage
databases has created diverse communications opportunities
beyond mass media. Databases can be used to create
customer and non-customer profiles. This information is
important to identify target markets.
• Consumer empowerment: Today’s consumers are more
powerful and sophisticated. Empowered consumers are more
skeptical of commercial messages and demand information
tailored to their needs.
• Increased advertising clutter: The proliferation of
advertising stimuli has diluted the effectives of any single
• Desire for greater accountability: In an attempt to achieve
greater accountability for promotional spending, firms have
reallocated marketing resources from advertising to more
short-term and more easily measurable methods, such as direct
marketing and sales promotions.
Communication Modes/Tools
• Advertising
• Direct Marketing
• Publicity (a form of Public Relations)
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• Packaging
• Events and Sponsorships
• Customer Service
• E-Communication
The Emerging Tools of IMC
• Road shows
• Sponsorships
• Events
• Point Of purchase
Globally Integrated Marketing Communication
• Promotion of Sales.
• Research
• Education of People
• Support to Press
Various Advertising Mediums
1. Press advertising
2. Outdoor advertising,
3. Film advertising,
4. Radio advertising,
5. Television advertising,
8. Specialty advertising
Publicity and Public Relations
• Public relations is defined as a management function which identifies,
establishes, and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between
an organization and the public’s upon which its success or failure
• As a part of being a good corporate and community citizen, a firm
will use public relations (PR) as a way to create a good image and
• Public relations considers multiple audiences (consumers, employees,
suppliers, vendors, etc.) and uses two-way communication to monitor
feedback and adjust both its message and the organization's actions
for maximum benefit.
• A primary tool used by public relations practitioners is publicity.
Publicity capitalizes on the news value of a product, service,
idea, person or event so that the information can be disseminated
through the news media.
• Articles in the media are perceived as being more objective than
advertisements, and their messages are more likely to be
absorbed and believed.
• Public relation means communication that can foster goodwill
between a firm and its many constituent groups.
• These constituent groups include customers, stockholders,
suppliers, employees, government, entities citizen’s actions
groups and the general public.
Objectives of PR
• Promoting goodwill
• Promoting a product or service
• Preparing internal communications
• Counteracting negative publicity
• Lobbying
• Giving advice and counsel.
Difference between Advertising and Publicity
Advertising Publicity
• Paid form of • Non-paid mention of an
communication. organization or its ideas or
• Advertisement is issued by products in the news Media.
an identified sponsor. • Publicity does not need an
• In advertising, the advertiser identified sponsor .
exercises control over the • The control lies with the
type, size, duration, and publicity media.
frequency of the message
Personal Selling (PS)
Types of Personal Selling:
• Order taking: This involves accepting orders for merchandise or
scheduling services either in written form or over the telephone.
• Creative Selling: This is the type of selling where customers rely
heavily on the salesperson for technical information, advice and
• Team Selling: In this, a group of people from different functional
areas within the organization is assembled as a team to call on a
particular customer.
• Seminar Selling: This is designed to reach a group of customers,
rather than an individual customer, with information about the firm's
products or services.
• System Selling: This type of selling entails selling a set of inters
related components that fulfill all or a majority of a customer's need
in a product or service area.
Sales Promotion (SP)