CSE3001 Software-Engineering ETH 1 AC39 PDF

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CSE3001 Software Engineering

2 0244
Course Description
This course covers engineering activities involved in software product development with the
focus on managing the projects and processes throughout the scope and life time of the software
1. To introduce the essential software engineering concepts involved in developing software
products and components
2. To impart skills in the design and implementation of efficient software systems across
disciplines and also ensure engineering practices and standards.

Expected Outcome
On completion of this course, the student will be able to
A. Explain the principles of the engineering processes in software development
B. Implement the software development processes activities from Requirements to Validation
& Verification.
C. Manage software projects through activities of Estimations, Scheduling, Quality and
Software Maintenance

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Having an ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications
5. Having design thinking capability
6. Having an ability to design a component or a product applying all the relevant standards
and with realistic constraints
9. Having problem solving ability- solving social issues and engineering problems
13. Having cross cultural competency exhibited by working in teams
17. Having an ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

Module Topics L Hrs SLO

Nature of Software, Software Engineering, Software – process,
project, product, Process Models – Classical & Evolutionary 5 1
models, Overview of System Engineering


5, 6,
Planning – scope, milestones & deliverables, Risk Management, 3
Metrics & Measurements

Requirements Engineering process– Requirement Elicitation, 13
System Modelling - Requirements Specification and Requirement

Design concepts and principles - Abstraction - Refinement -
Modularity – Cohesion & coupling, Architectural design, 6, 13,
Detailed Design – Transaction & Transformation, Refactoring of 17
designs, Object-oriented Design User-Interface Design.


Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Testing Fundamentals –
Test Plan, Test Design, Test Execution, Reviews, Inspection & 4 5, 17

Software Maintenance, Types of Maintenance, Software
Configuration Management, Overview of RE-engineering & 4 1
Reverse Engineering

Product & Process Metrics, Quality Standards & Models –ISO,
2 1
TQM, Six-Sigma

Recent Trends in Software Design/Specialized Software Testing, 2 9, 17
Related Tools and Standards
Lecture Hours 30hrs

Lab (Indicative List of Experiments (in the areas of )

1. Work Break-down Structure (Process Based, Product Based,
Geographic Based and Role Based)

2. Estimations – Cost & Schedule

3. Entity Relationship Diagram, Context flow diagram, DFD 30hrs

(Structural Modelling and Functional Modelling) 13

4. State Transition Diagrams (Behavioural Modelling) 1

5. System Requirements Specification

6. UML diagrams for OO Design 5, 13

7. Tools for Version Control 5
8. Black-box, White-box testing 5, 13
9. Non-functional testing 17
Sample Lab Experiments: 17
1. Prepare a WBS for developing a customized social
networking portal for your institution

2. Using the WBS estimate the effort that will be needed to

finish the product. Also give a detailed cost estimation &
budget for completing this project

3. Identify the Actors involved, modularize the problem,

context of the modules. Draw refined structures of DFD and
make a functional model of the system

4. Impart dynamism to the functional model, so that the system

behaves in states and transition according to the requirements

5. Prepare the complete SRS

6. Detail the functional model of the system using UML

diagrams in the context of OO development

7. Prepare separate version of the design and the code, and use
tools for change management

8. Validate the functionality of the developed system in

conformance with the SRS

9. Evaluate the performance of the system in terms of load,

stress, endurance and scalability

Project # Generally a team project [3 members] 60

Projects may be given as group projects Contact
A software product in any of the following category should be developed
1. Native platform-based application
2. Web-based Application
3. Mobile App 1, 5, 6,
4. Web-service 9, 13,
5. Software component 17
 Practice the processes in Requirements phase

 Based on the nature of the product implement the design phase

 Coding & construction based on a suitable language/platform

 Validate and Evaluate the software product

 Prepare a complete documentation for the product (SRS, TRS,

Maintenance etc)

 Use DevOps or Bluemix in the entire SDLC for your project

Text Books
1. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill,

Reference Books
1) Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addision-Wesley, 2016
2) Pankaj Jalote, A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering, Springer, 2008
3) William E. Lewis , “Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement”, Third
Edition, Auerbach Publications, 2008

Software Engineering
Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course

Knowledge Area Total Hours of Coverage

CS: SE(Software Engineering) 21


CS: SE(Software Testing) 4

CS: SE(Software Project Management) 5

Body of Knowledge coverage

KA Knowledge Topics Covered in CE- Topics Covered Hours

Unit BoK

CS: Software SWE1-Software Processes Process Models 21

SWE Engineering SWE2- Software Modelling - Requirements
requirements and Software Design
specifications Software Evolution
SWE3- Software design
SWE5-Software Evolution

CS: Software Testing SWE4 - Software testing Test plan, design & execution 4
SWE and validation Reviews, Inspection & Auditing

CS: Software Project SWE8- Software project WBS, Estimation, Scheduling, 5

SWE Management management Software Quality,
SWE6- Software tools and Software Maintenance

Total hours 30

Where does the course fit in the curriculum?

This course is a
 Core Course.
 Suitable from 5th semester onwards.
 Knowledge in any one programming language and concepts of DBMS is

What is covered in the course?

Part 1: Software Engineering Concepts

Introducing the fundamentals of different process models involved in software development. It
covers the system study through requirements gathering and analysis, which leads to modelling
the system. The concepts on designing the software product the engineering activities like
abstraction, cohesion, Entity-Relations, dataflow and context flow designs are covered. Software
maintenance, configuration, reverse and re-engineering processes are completely dealt.
Part II: Software Testing
This section covers the testing fundamentals and the need for testing. Drafting a test plan,
designing a complete test cycle and test executions are covered. Basic exposure to software
review and auditing are also dealt.

Part III: Software Project Management

This section deals with planning for the software project, risk management with focus on
software metrics and measurements.

What is the format of the course?

This Course is designed with 100 minutes of in-classroom sessions per week, 60 minutes of
video/reading instructional material per week, 100 minutes of lab hours per week, as well as
200 minutes of non-contact time spent on implementing course related project. Generally this
course should have the combination of lectures, in-class discussion, case studies, guest-lectures,
mandatory off-class reading material, quizzes.

How are students assessed?

 Students are assessed on a combination group activities, classroom discussion, projects,
and continuous, final assessment tests.

 Additional weightage will be given based on their rank in crowd sourced projects/
Kaggle like competitions.

 Students can earn additional weightage based on certificate of completion of a related

MOOC course.

Session wise plan

Class Lab Topic Covered levels of Text/ Remarks
Hour Hour mastery Reference
2 Nature of Software, Usage 1
Introduction to Software
Engineering, Software
Product, Project
3 Software Process Models, Usage 1
Overview of all the
engineering activities
1 Project Planning, Usage 1
milestones & deliverables
4 Work Break-down Usage LAB
Structure Component

4 Estimations – Cost & Usage LAB

Schedule Component
1 Risk Management Usage 1
1 Metrics & Measurements Usage 1

2 Intro to Requirements Usage 1

Engineering, Elicitation.
2 System Modeling, Usage 1
2 SRS, Req. Validation Usage 1
2 Design Concepts & Usage 1
Principles - Abstraction -
Refinement - Modularity
– Cohesion & coupling
concepts, Architectural
design, Detailed Design
4 Entity Relationship Usage LAB
Diagram, Context flow Component
diagram Structured and
functional modelling

1 Transaction & Usage 1, 2

Refactoring of designs
4 State Transition Diagrams Usage LAB
Software – Behavioral Component
Modelling Requirements
1 Object-oriented Design Usage 1
User-Interface Design.

6 UML diagrams for OO Usage LAB

Design Component

1 Strategic Approach to Usage 1,2,3

Software Testing, Testing
2 Tools for Version Control Usage LAB
2 Black-box, White-box Usage LAB
testing Component

2 Test Plan, Test Design Usage 1,2,3

2 Test Execution, Reviews, Usage 4
Inspection & Auditing
4 Functional & Non- Usage 1,2,3 LAB
functional testing Component

2 Software Maintenance, Usage 4

Types of Maintenance
1 Software Configuration Usage 4
1 Overview of RE- Familiarity 1
engineering & Reverse

1 Product & Process Metrics Usage 1, 2

1 Quality Standards & Familiarity 1
2 Emerging Trends, Tools & Familiarity
30 Hours 30 Hours (2
(2 Credit Credit
hours hours /
week )
15 Weeks

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