SAVI Learning Methods
SAVI Learning Methods
SAVI Learning Methods
SAVI is Somatic, Auditory, Visual and
Intellectual. SAVI learning methods supported
by accelerated learning theory, right / left
brain theory, triune brain theory, modality
choices (visual, auditory and kinesthetic),
multiple intelligence theory, holistic education,
learning based on experience, and learn by
What is SAVI Learning Methods?
SAVI learning refered from modern cognitive science, is the best learning that involving
emotions, the whole body, all senses, and all depth and breadth of personal, respecting
the learning styles of other individuals by realizing that people learn in different ways
Basic Principles
Learning can be optimal if all four elements of SAVI are present in a learning event. Combine the
four learning modalities in one learning event is the core of multi-sensory learning.
The Benefits of the SAVI Approach
According to the theory and research results, there are several advantages of the SAVI
approach, including:
■ generate full integrated student intelligence with incorporation of physical motion
with intellectual activity
■ create a better, more interesting and effective learning environment
■ able to arouse creativity and improve students psychomotor abilities
■ maximizing student concentration with their visual, auditory and intellectual
Weaknesses of the SAVI Approach
■ this approach demands a perfect teacher so that it can integrate all four
components in SAVI
■ the application of this approach requires comprehensive learning facilities and
infrastructure that are comprehensive and tailored to the needs, so that they require
very large tuition fees. Especially for the procurement of sophisticated and attractive
learning media. This is only can be fulfilled in advanced schools
To reduce weaknesses of SAVI learning
Methods, the following things can be
done are:
■ understanding the concepts of the SAVI approach and the concepts of the material
that be teach, preparing various things that needed in the implementation of
■ choose national standard schools that have adequate facilities and infrastructure