Franz Boas
Franz Boas
Franz Boas
Antropologi (Amerika)
Disusun oleh:
Indraini Hapsari (1806165321)
Franz Boas
Perjalanan akademik
The “Psychophysical”
Historicist Counter-Enlightenment
Historicist Counter-Enlightenment
1. The skepticism of finding natural laws governing
human behavior;
2. The rejection of psychic unity of humanity, operating
according to rational principles regardless of space and
3. The focus on individuality and diversity of phenomena
as opposed to their similarity and universality;
4. The emphasis on actual historical development in
place of conjectures and speculation, on induction as
opposed to deduction.
(1996: 62)
Boas and Humboldtian Tradition
Wilhelm von Humboldt Alexander von Humboldt
• Influenced the humanistic • Central figure in the
discipline. development of the natural
• The rejection to French science in Germany.
Enlightenment The German • His contribution to geology,
Counter-Enlightenment (Kant mineralogy, meteorology
and Hamann).
helped to establish
• Johann Gottfried Herder geography as a scientific
• Rejecting “natural laws” as the
driving force of history.
Conclusion: Boas’ Alternative Method
on Anthropological Research
In order to find the actual “process” of cultural
development, Boas proposed “a detailed study
of customs in their relation to the total culture
of the tribe practicing them, in connection
with an investigation of their geographical
distribution. This would reveal the
“environmental conditions,” the “psychological
factors,” and the “historical connections”
(1996: 62).