Marvin Harris

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Marvin Harris was an influential anthropologist who developed cultural materialism as a theoretical paradigm. He authored many influential publications and was a strong proponent of four-field anthropology.

Marvin Harris was an American anthropologist who taught at Columbia University from 1953-1980 and the University of Florida from 1980 until his retirement in 2000. He is known for originating cultural materialism, a theoretical approach that aims to provide causal explanations for cultural behaviors and differences.

Cultural materialism is a theoretical paradigm and research strategy developed by Marvin Harris that aims to provide causal explanations for differences and similarities in cultural behavior by focusing on environmental and technological factors.

Obituaries 685

Marvin Harris (from the book jacket of Cultural Materialism, Random

House, June 25, 1979 Jerry Bauer)
Marvin Harris (1927-2001)
M A X I N E L. M A R G O L I S
University of Florida
University of Michigan
Marvin Harris, one of the most prominent contributors to
20th-century anthropological theory, died on October 25,
2001, in Gainesville, Florida. He taught at Columbia Uni-
versity from 1953 until 1980, serving as chair of the De-
partment of Anthropology from 1963 to 1966. From 1980
until his retirement in 2000, he was graduate research pro-
fessor of Anthropology at the University of Florida.
Harris was born on August 18, 1927, in Brooklyn, New
York, where he grew up. He attended the Erasmus Hall
High School and then entered Columbia College. His first
exposure to anthropology came as an undergraduate there,
in an introductory course taught by Charles Wagley. The
course spanned two semestersphysical anthropology
and archaeology the first semester, cultural anthropology
and linguistics the second. According to Harris, the basic
outline of this course could be traced back to Franz Boas.
The essentials of Boas's original course, Harris liked to say,
influenced later generations of Columbia anthropologists
and the four-field textbooks they eventually wrote (in-
cluding his own). Although he became a severe critic of
Boas's idiographic approach and historical particularism,
Harris was a staunch defender of Boas's vision of four-field
anthropology, and of the Boasian stance on race, lan-
guage, and culture.
Harris went on to graduate work in anthropology at
Columbia, earning his Ph.D. in 1953. Like others in his co-
hort, he was trained in four-field anthropology, taking
courses and passing graduate-level exams in all the sub-
fields. During his teaching years at Columbia, his col-
leagues included Harold Conklin, Morton Fried, Joseph
Greenberg, Margaret Mead, Harold Shapiro, Ralph Solecki
and Wagley. Throughout his career, Harris addressed large
questions in and across the subfields; he admired those,
like Greenberg, who did the same.
Harris is best known as the originator of cultural ma-
terialism, a theoretical paradigm and research strategy
aimed at providing causal explanations for differences and
similarities in cultural behavior. Harris introduced the
term cultural materialism in his magnum opus, The Rise of
Anthropological Theory (1968)"the RAT," as it is known to
two generations of students. First published in 1968, the
RAT was eventually translated into Italian, Spanish, and
Malaysian. In 1991, the Social Science Citation Index and
the Arts and Humanities Citation Index named the book a
"citation classic."
The RAT was a byproduct of a graduate course Harris
gave at Columbia in the 1960s (which both ot us took).
The course critiqued what he saw as prevailing idealist and
idiographic approaches in anthropology. The continued
dominance of such paradigms, in what he viewed as their
various transformations (ethnoscience, symbolic and in-
terpretive anthropology, structuralism, and postmod-
ernism) would concern Harris until his death. That con-
cern is the theme of his last book, a series of his essays
entitled Theories of Culture in Post-Modem Times (1998).
Harris organized his course and the RAT to show that
earlier social theorists had never developed a totally satis-
factory materialist and nomothetic (generalizing) research
strategy dedicated to explaining the evolution of sociocul-
tural differences and similarities. The RAT is truK a history
of anthropological theory. Through the lens of cultural
materialism it analyzes individual theories and schools of
thought from the 18th century through the 1960s. It be-
gins with the Enlightenmentthe era Harris identifies as
the one in which naturalistic causal explanations of cul-
tural phenomena were first established, a modern concep-
tion of culture began to evolve, and materialist explana-
tions of cultural similarities and differences first appeared.
Harris explores the reaction against naturalism and mate-
rialism and their eventual replacement by hard-core bio-
logical determinism that, with the notable exception of
Marxist materialism, held sway over anthropological the-
ory into the early 20th century. Franz Boas and his follow-
ers rescued anthropology from biological reduction ism
only to replace it with an idiographic strategy that, from
Harris's perspective did little to advance anthropology as
a scientific enterprise. This was followed by a return to ex-
planatory models in the form of neoevolutionist and eco-
logical approaches to the study of culture.
686 American Anthropologist Vol. 105, No. 3 September 2003
The RAT ends with chapters on cultural evolutionism
and cultural ecology, which Harris saw as coming closest
to the paradigm he was proposing. While admiring a no-
mothetic cultural evolutionary approach, he faulted Leslie
White for his lack of interest in environmental variation
and for his emphasis on symboling and culturology. The
anthropologist treated most favorably in the RAT was
Julian Steward, whose combined interests in cultural evo-
lution and cultural ecology, and whose concept of the
culture core, came closest to Harris's own model of
techno-environmental determinism.
Although the RAT used cultural materialism as a frame-
work for evaluating previous theories, the full elaboration
and defense of Harris's approach was realized in Cultural
Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture (1979).
(Like the RAT, it was reissued in 2001.) The yardstick Har-
ris used in the RAT to evaluate specific theories and
schools of thought was the degree to which they aided the
understanding of cross-cultural similarities and differ-
ences. In his view, cultural materialism is the theoretical
paradigm best able to achieve that goal. Cultural material-
ism evolved from and was influenced by a number of
theoretical currents including evolutionary theory, cul-
tural ecology, and Marxist materialism. Harris acknowl-
edges his debt to all of them, especially the last. But he
emphatically separates his own model from dialectical
materialism, as well as from the program for political ac-
tion that is so closely associated with Marxist materialism.
Cultural materialism "is based on the simple premise
that human social life is a response to the practical prob-
lems of earthly existence" (Harris 1979:ix). This statement
highlights the central tenet of cultural materialism: infras-
tructural determinismthe assumption that explanations
for cultural similarities and differences ultimately lie in
the material conditions of human life. A society's infra-
structure (or material base) is its system of production and
reproduction, which is determined by a concatenation of
ecological, technological, environmental, and demographic
variables (1996). The study of a society's infrastructure in-
vestigates "how people obtain food and shelter, maintain
a population base, and satisfy other basic biological and
emotional needs and drives" (Harris and Johnson 2000:vi). A
society's infrastructure, in turn, shapes its structure and
superstructure. A society's structure is comprised of its do-
mestic economy (social organization, kinship, division of
labor) and its political economy (political institutions, so-
cial hierarchies), while its superstructure consists of "the
ideological and symbolic sectors of culture; the religious,
symbolic, intellectual and artistic endeavors" (Harris and
Johnson 2000:vi).
The study of infrastructure should be a "strategic pri-
ority" because it is "the principal interface between nature
and culture." If the goal of science is to establish law-like
generalizations, then one should begin by studying those
aspects of sociocultural systems "under the greatest direct
restraints from the givens of nature" (1979:57). But Harris
does not hold that all changes in sociocultural systems
stem from alterations in their infrastructures, nor does he
suggest that structure and superstructure are mere passive
reactors or, in his words, only "insignificant, epipheno-
menal reflexes of infrastructural factors" (1979:72). Never-
theless, if structural or infrastructural changes are not
compatible with the existing modes of production and re-
production, they are "unlikely to be propagated and am-
plified" (1979:73).
Cultural materialism holds that over time and in most
cases, changes in a society's material base will lead to func-
tionally compatible changes in its social and political
structures, along with modifications in its secular and re-
ligious ideologies (1999). The ultimate goal of cultural ma-
terialism is to explain, not merely describe, cultural vari-
ations in the way people live.
Within this model, Harris distinguished emic and etic
approaches to the study of cultural data. In an emic ap-
proach the observer learns the cultural rules and categories
from the native's perspective. If informants agree on a de-
scription or interpretation of data, the data are considered
accurate. With the etic approach, by contrast, the observer
does not use native rules or categories, but rather those de-
rived from independent observers using agreed-on scien-
tific measures. Quantifiable measurements such as fertility
rates, caloric intake, or average rainfall are employed in or-
der to develop general cultural theories without regard to
whether those measurements "mean" anything to the na-
tive population.
Harris also viewed cultural materialism as a vehicle for
understanding and solving contemporary social problems.
After all, before such problems can be solved, they must be
understood. In his words, "if it be anthropology to strug-
gle against the mystification of the causes of inequality
and exploitation, long live anthropology" (1979:340).
Harris published 17 books, collectively translated into
14 languages. He applied his theoretical principles in sev-
eral popular books written in an accessible style (1974,
1977, 1981, 1985, 1989). In all of them Harris attempts to
provide scientific explanations for what he calls "the rid-
dles of culture," an approach that made him both highly
influential and controversial. He also wrote two widely
used introductory textbooks that have gone through sev-
eral editions each, Culture, People, Nature (1997) and Cultural
Anthropology (2002, with Orna Johnson).
Harris carried out field research in Brazil, Mozam-
bique, India, and the United States. His ethnographic
study of Minas Velhas in Bahia state yielded Town and
Country in Brazil (1956) and a chapter in Race and Class in
Rural Brazil (Wagley 1952). Wagley, Harris's dissertation
chair and long-time collaborator and associate at Colum-
bia and Florida, was a coauthor of Minorities in the New
World (1958).
Harris did groundbreaking work on race. Patterns of
Race in the Americas (1964) is a systematic comparison,
using a cultural materialist framework, of the divergent
racial patterns that emerged in Brazil, the United States,
the Caribbean, and highland Latin America. Harris took
Obituaries 687
particular issue with "cultural heritage" and national char-
acter explanations of racial patterns, particularly those ad-
vanced by historian Frank Tannenbaum for the Caribbean
and by Brazilian social theorist Gilberto Freyre for Brazil.
Freyre had stressed the role of Portuguese national charac-
ter in forming Brazilian race relations, and indeed in creat-
ing a "new world in the tropics," based on a penchant for
racial tolerance and mixture. Harris argued persuasively
for the role of material conditions in forming the patterns
of race in different parts of the Americas. He also took is-
sue with Freyre's contention that slaves received more hu-
mane treatment in Brazil than in the United States, sup-
posedly because of differences in Portuguese and English
national character, religion, and attitudes toward non-
Europeans. Harris confronted the harsher dimensions of
Brazilian race relations. While providing a vivid description
of racial prejudice in Minas Velhas, he also showed that
prejudice did not necessarily translate into systematic dis-
crimination. Again, he took issue with the notion that at-
titudes and temperament are the best predictors of behavior.
Harris is well known for his work on Brazilian racial
classification, especially his research on the multiple racial
categories in everyday use throughout Brazil and their re-
lation to the categories used in the Brazilian census. The
last fieldwork he conducted, in the early 1990s, took him
back to Minas Velhas, where he worked with the Brazilian
social anthropologist Josildeth Consorte. Their field team
conducted an experiment, operating like census takers and
using random samples of residents (see Harris et al. 1993).
One sample was asked to self identify with reference to the
four terms used in the official census; for another sample,
the common term moreno ("brunet," an intermediate color
term) replaced the official term pardo ("brown," an inter-
mediate color term). Harris found that when given the op-
tion of choosing moreno rather than pardo, many more
Brazilians classified themselves as mixed race, and there
were fewer self-identified whites. Harris hoped to convince
sociologists and others who routinely make use of Brazil-
ian census data of the serious overestimation of the white,
and underestimation of the mixed, segments of the na-
tional population.
Writing with Conrad Kottak (1963) Harris coined the
term hypodescent to contrast U.S. and Brazilian racial classi-
fication. With hypodescent, mixed children (e.g., those
from a union between an African American and a Euro-
American) are always assigned to the minority category.
Hypodescent did not operate in Brazil, where racial classi-
fication was based more on phenotype and social percep-
tions, and where full siblings could be classified as mem-
bers of different social races (to use a term coined by
Wagley 1968).
In 1955-56 Harris traveled to Mozambique to study
acculturation among the Ba Thonga. He was critical of
Radcliffe-Brown's classic article "The Mother's Brother in
South Africa" (1952), questioning its extensionist interpre-
tation and already seeking a materialist alternative. Once
in Mozambique Harris became more interested in politics
and did not complete his planned fieldwork. Nevertheless,
he did later offer a convincing materialist alternative to
Radcliffe-Brown's extensionist explanation for the South
African avunculate (1968:527-530).
Harris wrote of Mozambican oppression and advo-
cated independence for the country in Portugal's African
"Wards" (1958), an important but barely known publica-
tion. According to Antonio de Figueiredo, who served as
his informal assistant in Mozambique, Harris's "one-year
field study in Mozambique in 1955-56 and his subsequent
denunciations of the plight of Africans under Portuguese
rule decisively influenced the abolition of the forced labor
system a few years later. He had a close friendship with
Eduardo Modlane, who gave up his own academic career
in America to lead Frelimo, the Mozambique liberation
movement" (2001). Modlane would become the first
president of independent Mozambique.
Harris's field work in India was inspired by the read-
ing he did to write "The Cultural Ecology of India's Sacred
Cattle" (1966). Again attacking the primacy of the ideo-
logical over the material, Harris was concerned with dem-
onstrating the many roles that sacred cattle play in Indian
ecosystems. He interpreted the Hindu doctrine of ahimsa
as using the full force of religion to conserve a vital re-
sourcethe sacred cow. In Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches
(1974), arguably his most influential popular book, Harris
turned his materialist gaze on other "riddles of culture,"
including the Jewish and Muslim taboos against pork.
Cannibals and Kings (1977), another fascinating read,
took a historical/diachronic view of some of these cases
but extended Harris's analysis to new riddles of culture.
The most prominent was Aztec cannibalism, which he in-
terpreted in the context of protein shortages because of
the lack of significant animal domestication in Mesoameri-
ca. This position led to an exchange with Marshall Sahlins,
whom Harris faulted for what he saw as a conversion from
a more materialist evolutionism to Levi-Straussian structu-
ralism. Good to Eat (1985) was an attack on Levi-Strauss's
contention that classificatory systems involving food ta-
boos could be understood mainly because they were "good
to think." Harris argued that a better approach is to see
animals first as food for the body rather than the mind.
Harris's popular books also showed his enduring fascina-
tion with the Yanomamo, principally as described by Na-
poleon Chagnon. He rejected Chagnon's initial sociopoli-
tical explanation for Yamomamo warfare, as well as
Chagnon's subsequent use of explanatory models from
human evolutionary ecology. Harris insisted that protein
shortages provided the best explanation for Yanomamo
raiding patterns.
Our Kind (1989) completes a quartet of Harris's books
aimed at explaining riddles of culture. His renown spread
beyond academic circles through these readable, intrigu-
ing, and controversial works. Harris liked to compare the
riddles of culture to potato chipsno one can eat just one.
Whenever he offered a solution for one riddle, someone
would say "yes, but what about X?" Of the books in the
688 American Anthropologist Vol. 105, No. 3 September 2003
quartet, Our Kind is most like a bag of potato chips; Harris
provides very short explanations for dozens of cultural rid-
Also popular was Harris's account of the services and
information economy in his 1981 book originally entitled
America Now, later republished as Why Nothing Works, Har-
ris's original choice for the title. He sought to highlight
and explain the deficiencies of an economy shifting from
heavy goods manufacture to services and information. Us-
ing his consistent cultural materialist framework, Harris
showed how changes in the economy were reflected in
U.S. social organization (marriage, the family, gender roles,
and sexual relations) and ideology.
Harris was a major force in training students in the
science of anthropology. At Columbia and later at Florida,
his popular theory courses were filled with hard-driving
debates and students who found his critical style invigo-
rating. His concern with the direction the Columbia de-
partment was taking during the late 1970s led him to
leave that university and his Leonia, New Jersey, home to
move to Gainesville. Having earned an early reputation
for combativeness in defense of his theoretical principles,
Harris mellowed in Florida. There he spent several more
productive years teaching, training students, writing
books, and practicing his skills in architectural planning
and carpentry. For many years Marvin and his wife Made-
line summered on the Maine coast on Great Cranberry Is-
land. Guests at their home were treated to memorable din-
ners, day-long fishing trips, and sunset cocktail cruises
aboard the Maddy Sue, Marvin's 36-foot "lobster yacht"
built in 1932.
Always a strong proponent of four-field anthropology,
Marvin Harris served as President of the General Anthro-
pology Division (GAD) of the American Anthropological
Association (1988-90). Concerned about the fragmenta-
tion and compartmentalization of anthropology, he and
his successors established GAD as the strongest voice of
four-field anthropology within the AAA. The AAA recog-
nized his academic achievements by inviting him to give
the 1990 Distinguished Lecture.
Harris's influence extended beyond cultural anthro-
pology. As David Hurst Thomas has noted, "roughly half
of the practicing American archaeologists consider them-
selves to be cultural materialists to one degree or another"
(1989:120). As a result of the forcefulness of his ideas
elaborated in his many publications, Harris's theoretical
paradigm has become one of the best known in contem-
porary social science.
Marvin Harris is survived by Madeline Harris, his wife
of almost fifty years, his daughter, Susan Harris, and many
students, including the authors of this obituary.
Figueiredo, Antonio de, with Allan Burns
2001 Marvin Harris: Making an Impact in Brazil and Mozam-
bique. Guardian, December 13, 2001. Electronic document,
0,12212,750138,00.html, accessed March 2003.
Harris, Marvin
1952 Race Relations in Minas Velhas. In Race and Class in Ru-
ral Brazil. Pp. 47-81. C. W. Wagley, ed. Paris: UNESCO.
1956 Town and Country in Brazil. New York: Columbia Uni-
versity Press.
1958 Portugal's African "Wards": A First-Hand Report on La-
bor and Education in Mozambique. New York: American
Committee on Africa, Inc.
1964 Patterns of Race in the Americas. New York: Walker and
1966 The Cultural Ecology of India's Sacred Cattle. Current
Anthropology 7:51-66.
1974 Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture.
New York: Random House.
1977 Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures. New
York: Random House.
1979 Cultural Materialism-. The Struggle for a Science of Cul-
ture. New York: Random House.
1981 America Now: Why Nothing Works. New York: Simon
and Schuster.
1985 Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture. New York: Si-
mon and Schuster.
1989 Our Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came from, and
Where We Are Going. New York: Harper and Row.
1997 Culture, People, Nature, 7th edition. New York: Ad-
dison Wesley.
1998 Theories of Culture in Post-Modern Times. Walnut
Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Harris, Marvin, Josildeth G. Consorte, Joseph Lang, and Bryan Byrne
1993 Who Are the Whites? Ernies and Etics of the Racial De-
mography of Brazil. Social Forces 72:451-462.
Harris, Marvin, and Orna Johnson
2002 Cultural Anthropology. 5th edition. Boston: Allyn and
Harris, Marvin, and Conrad P. Kottak
1962 The Structural Significance of Brazilian Racial Catego-
ries. Sociologia 25:203-209.
Harris, Marvin, and Charles W. Wagley
1958 Minorities in the New World. New York*. Columbia Uni-
versity Press.
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
1952[1924] The Mother's Brother in South Africa. In Struc-
ture and Function in Primitive Society. Pp. 15-31. A. R. Rad-
cliffe-Brown, ed. New York: The Free Press.
Thomas, David Hurst
1979 Archaeology. Fort Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Win-
Wagley, Charles W.
1968J1959] The Concept of Social Race in the Americas. In
The Latin American Tradition, Charles Wagley, ed. Pp.
155-174. New York: Columbia University Press.

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