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English Class

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English Class

First Week
Possessive Adjective
Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun

1st person singular I Me My

2nd person singular You You Your

3rd person singular, male He Him His

3rd person singular, female She Her Her

3rd person singular, neutral It It Its

1st person plural We Us Our

2nd person plural You You Your

3rd person plural They Them Their

A. Hello. My name's __________. What's your name?
B. I'm _______, nice to meet you
A. Where are you from, ______?
B. I am from _______. Where are you from?
A. I am _______.
How to use 'Wh...' questions
Wh Explanation Example
What En una pregunta significa “qué” o “cuál”. What are you up to today?
When Para saber la fecha o cuando algo sucedió / va a suceder When are you travelling?
Why Esta es la palabra que usamos para saber el motivo, la razón: es Why are you taking so long?
el nuestro por qué.
Which Significa “cuál” o “cuáles”, pero se utiliza cuando nos referimos Which one is yours: the blue or the
a una elección entre elementos, es decir, es una pregunta con red?
opciones limitadas de respuesta.
Where Si quieres saber el lugar en que algo está o va a suceder. Where are the kids playing?

How Es el “como” How are you?

Who Cuando quieres descubrir quién hizo algo, usa who. Who were you talking to?
Joe: Who is Maria?
Sofia: Maria is my sister. (1) _____ lives in Russia.
Joe: Lima? Is Russia a good place to live?
Sofia: Yes, (2) _____ is. My sister loves it.
Joe: Who are Joseph and Alex?
Sofia: (3) _____ are my brothers. Joseph and Alex are twins.
Joe: What’s Joseph’s favorite soccer team?
Sofia: (4) _____ loves Real Madrid. He thinks Cristiano Ronaldo is the best soccer
player in the world.
Joe: Yes, he is one of the best. Who’s your favorite player?
Sofia: Sorry, but (5) _____ don’t like soccer. I think soccer is boring.
Joe: I see. What do (6) _____ and your family do in your free time?
Sofia: Well, (7) _____ usually go to the park or to the cinema.
Joe: Sofia, I have to go. Bye-bye.
Sofia: All right, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Second Week
The Definite Article
When to use "the“

General rules

Use the to refer to something which has already been mentioned.

There's a position available in my team. The job will involve
some international travel.
Use the when you assume there is just one of something in that place, even if it has not been mentioned before.

Where is the bathroom?

Use the in sentences or clauses where you define or identify a particular person or object.

The man who wrote this book is famous.

He is the doctor I came to see.
Use the to refer to people or objects that are unique.

You can go anywhere in the world.

The president will be speaking on TV tonight.

Use the with countries that have plural names

I have never been to the Netherlands

Do you know anyone who lives in the Philippines
When not to use "the"

Do not use the with people's names.

John is coming over later.

Do not use the with years

1948 was a wonderful year

Do not use the with uncountable nouns

Rice is an important food in Asia

War is destructive.
Decide whether to use the definite article the or not

1. My grandmother likes flowers very much.

2. I love the flowers in your garden.
3. See you on Wednesday.
4. I always listen to the radio in the morning.
5. Alex goes to work by bus.
6. Don't be late for school.
7. Listen! Dennis is playing the trumpet.
8. We often see our cousins over Easter.
9. She has never been to the Alps before.
10. What about going to Australia in February?

Decide whether to use the definite article the or not

That is the restaurant I like best.

This is the Pacific Ocean.

Put your name at the top of the page please.

He goes to - work everyday at 8 o'clock.
My parents watch - television every night after dinner.

I love - chocolate.

She is the tallest girl in the class.

I go to - school by bus.
Third Week
How to order adjectives in English

Are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns, they can also describe the
quantity of nouns.
Adjectives denoting attributes usually occur in a specific order. Generally, the adjective order in
English is:

Quantity or number
Quality or opinion
Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or
Purpose or qualifier
For example:

I love that really big old green antique car that always parked at the end of the street.
My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.

When there are two or more adjectives that are from the same group, the word and is placed between the
two adjectives:

The house is green and red.

The library has old and new books.

When there are three or more adjectives from the same adjective group, place a comma
between each of the coordinate adjectives:

We live in the big green, white and red house at the end of the street.
My friend lost a red, black and white watch.
• It’s a big table. (size)
• It’s a round table. (shape)
• It’s an old table. (age)
• It’s a brown table. (color)
• It’s an English table. (origin)
• It’s a wooden table. (material)
• It’s a lovely table. (opinion)
• It’s a broken table. (observation)
• It’s a coffee table. (purpose)

Write the adjectives in the correct order.

Spanish / beautiful / a / woman / young small / three / books / black

glass / a / round / small / table big / red / a / apple / delicious

French / city / a / old / wonderful man / an / Canadian / old / intelligent

a / blue / cotton / bath / towel / large wooden / a / chair / old / big

red / new / a / car / fast fat / brown / cats / two

day / a / cold / winter / long

Fourth and Fifth Week
Describe People Appearance Shape

Alto: Tall Adorable: Lovely Plano: Flat

Bajo: Short Precioso: Cute Alto: High
Joven: Young Limpio: Clean Hueco: Hollow
Viejo: Old Elegante: Elegant Estrecho: Narrow
Lindo: Pretty Sucio: Dirty Redondo: Round
Grande: Big Guapo: Handsome Cuadrado: Square
Pequeño: Small Bello: Beautiful Ancho: Wide
Amistoso: Friendly Claro: Clear
Amable: Nice

Size Adjectives of condition Adjectives of sound Positive personality adjectives

Inmenso: Immense Equivocado: Wrong Ruidoso: Loud Amigable: Friendly

Pequeño: Little Útil: Helpful Escandaloso: Noisy Creativo: Creative
Diminuto: Tiny Mejor: Better Tranquilo: Quiet Amable: Kind
Enorme: Huge Listo: Clever Áspero: Raspy Entusiasta: Cheerful
Masivo: Massive Famoso: Famous Débil: Faint Aventurero: Adventurous
Frío: Cold Valiente: Brave
Cálido: Warm Gracioso: Funny
Helado: Frozen Honesto: Honest

Giraffes are tall She is a unique person. She is thin.

Cats are short My father is generous. My car is new.
Kids are young She gave me a plastic spoon. Lynda is pretty.
Grandparents are old My sister is intelligent. Donald is rich.
Bunnies are pretty He has a practical mind. The cinema was full.
Monsters are ugly We are happy. Jane is single.
Whales are big They are sad. Your homework is easy.
Ants are small The Earth is round. His house is large.
This game is boring. That is my black dress. This apple is soft.
She is a great woman. The meeting was interesting. Her house is dirty.
She is slim He is very impolite. I have a beautiful pet.

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:

new / old / blue / small / big / long / short / hot / beautiful / red

An ant is very ________.

It’s a sunny day and the sky is ___________.
Look at my _____ car. I got it yesterday.
It was a very _____ summer.
He is reading a very _____ book. It's almost 600 pages.

She has _____ long brown hair.

Sixth Week
To Be in Present Tense
I …………………. Am a student

You …………….. Are a student

He ………………. Is a student - - William is a student

She ……………… Is a student - - The boy is a student

It …………………. Is new - - The table is new - - The chair is new

We ………………. Are students - - You and I are students - - Alan and I are students

You ………………. Are students - - You and He are students - -You and the boys are students

They ………....... Are students - -Alan and Susan are students - - The doctors are students
Question Form Negative Form

Am I? I am not

Are You? You are not

Is He? He is not

Is She? She is not

Is It? It is not

Are We? We are not

Are You? You are not

Are They? They are not


Complete the sentences

I ___ a student They ___ in the hospital

He ___ a doctor The table ____ new
They ____ students The pen ___ on the table
The boys ____ students The school ___ a university
The woman ____ a nurse It ____ a university
The women ____ nurses The pen and the pencil ____ good
You and I ____ psychologist They ____ new
She and you ____ friends Lynn and Susan ____ in the school
Alan and You ____students I ____a good student.
The boys and the girls ____ friends
The doctor and the nurse ____ in the hospital
Seventh and eightWeek
To Be in Past Tense
I …………………. Was a student

You …………….. Were a student

He ………………. Was a student - - William was a student

She ……………… Was a student - - The boy was a student

It …………………. Was new - - The table was new - - The chair was new

We ………………. Were students - - You and I were students - - Alan and I were students

You ………………. Were students - - You and He were students - -You and the boys were students

They ………....... Were students - -Alan and Susan were students - - The doctors were students
To Be in Past Negative Tense
The negative of To Be can be made by adding not after the verb.

I ……………………….. was not I was not tired this morning.

You ……………………. were not You were not crazy.

He ……………………… was not He was not married.

She ……………………. was not She was not famous.

It ……………………… was not It was not hot yesterday.

We …………………….. were not We were not invited.

You ……………………. were not You were not at the party.

They ………………….. were not They were not friends.

To Be in Questions
To create questions with To Be, you put the Verb before the Subject.

Affirmative Question
Affirmative You were happy. I was late Was I late?
Subject Verb You were sick. Were you sick?
He was surprised. Was he surprised?
Question Were you happy? She was from Italy. Was she from Italy?
Verb Subject It was a big house. Was it a big house?
We were ready. Were we ready?
You were early. Were you early?
They were busy. Were they busy?
To Be in Short Answers

Question Short Answers** Short Answers

Was I late? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
Were you sick? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
Was he surprised? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.
Was she from Italy? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.
Was it a big house? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.
Were we ready? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
Were you early? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
Were they busy? Yes, they were. No, they weren't.

The students elaborate ten sentences with the verb to be in

affirmative, negative and question.

Nineth Week
There is and There are

THERE IS Before a singular noun:

There is a book on the table
There is an English class today
There is a man in the room

THERE ARE Before a plural noun:

There are books on the table
There English clases today
There are two men in the room
Practice there is and there are

There is a man in the room There is a map on the wall

Is there a man in the room? There isn´t a desk in the room

There is a calendar on the wall There aren´t two many tables in the room

There are many students in the class There isn´t English class today

There two blackboards on the wall There isn´t a book on the desk

There are two pens on the table There aren´t many girls in the class

There are two new students in our class There is a teacher at the desk

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb is or are
There _____ a fly in you soup.
There _____ a man reading in the car.
There _____ some coffee shops in this area.
_____ there any tea?
There _____ more than twenty people waiting to see Beyoncé
Transform the following affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences

There is a toilet on this train.

There is a man waiting for you outside.
There are two women in the shop.
There are ten children in the class.
Tenth and Eleventh Week
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

The article “A” is used before a word that begins a

consonant sound. It is both masculine and femine. “A”
always indicates singular.

A boy A nurse
A girl A dentist
A doctor A class
A child A family
A man A woman
A university A hospital
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

The article “AN” is used before a word that begins with a

vowel sound. It is both masculine and femine. “AN” always
indicates singular

AN apple AN interesting class

AN orange AN easy lesson
AN oldman AN excellent book
AN english book AN idea
AN honor AN hour
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

“A” and “AN” cannot be used in plural.

There is a book on the table = Singular

There are books on the table = Plural
There is an Apple on the table = Singular
There are apples on the table = Plural

The use of “ONE” is not very common in English unless we

wish to give emphasis.

One boys is a good student and one boy is not

One man is a doctor and one man is a dentist.
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)
I have a car. Tengo un carro.
She is an engineer. Ella es una ingeniera.
We need a big house. Necesitamos una casa grande.
He is a nice guy. Él es un buen tipo.
They are buying an apple. Ellos están comprando una manzana.
You need an umbrella. Usted necesita un paraguas.
I work at a university. Trabajo en una universidad.
This is a hotel. Esto es un hotel.
I want a hamburger. Quiero una hamburguesa.
She will be here in an hour. Estará aquí en una hora.
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

She has a bicycle Ella tiene una bicicleta

She has a brother Ella tiene un hermano
I want a new sofa Quiero un nuevo sofá
He rented a motorcycle Él alquiló una motocicleta
They bought a chair Ellos compraron una silla
I want an ice-cream Quiero un helado
He rented an apartment Él rentó un apartamento
They bought an egg Ellos compraron un huevo
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

I am__AN__ English teacher. My sister is__AN__ engineer in__A__ factory. We have

_AN___aunt and __AN___uncle. They live in__A__ house with__A__ beautiful garden. In
their garden there is _AN___apple tree and _AN__ fig tree. They have__A__ daughter. She
is __A__singer.
Indefinite Articles: A and AN (un – una)

Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is ..A... book, ..A... pencil case, ...AN..
apple and ...AN.. egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys ..AN... ice-cream for
Today he has ..AN... English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes ...A.. short story
about ...AN.. adventurer. The story begins like this: “It is ..A... special day for Oliver. At ten
o ́clock in the morning he gets on ..A... plane.
His destination is Australia...”
Eleventh Week
Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns
This and these are used when speaking of someone or something relatively close to the
This = este, esta, esto.
These = estos, estas.
This is singular:
This man is a doctor.
This is a chair.
These is plural:
These men are doctors.
These are chairs.
Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns
That and those are used when speaking of someone or something relatively far from the
That = Ese, esa, aquel, aquella.
Those = Esos, esas, aquellos, aquellos.

That is singular:
That man is a psychologist.
This is a chair.
Those is plural:
Those men are psychologists.
Those are chairs.
Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns
The demonstrative adjective This can also be used to present someone:

John, this is Mike. (John, este es Mike).

Hello. This is Craig. / Hola. Soy Craig
Paul, this is Helen / Paul, ésta es Hele
Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns

This flower is beautiful. Esta flor es hermosa.

This car is dirty. Este automóvil está sucio.
That house is expensive. Aquella casa es costosa.
That dog is bad. Aquel perro es malo.
These apples are cheap. Estas manzanas son baratas.
These pencils are in the box. Estos lápices están en la caja.
Those stars are in the sky. Aquellas estrellas están en el cielo.
Those boys are my friends. Aquellos niños son mis amigos.
These shoes are old. Estos zapatos son viejos.
This vase is very expensive. Este jarrón es muy caro.
Demostrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Those toys are dirty. Esos juguetes están sucios.

Hi Mary. This is my boyfriend, Ron. Hola Mary. Este es mi novio, Ron.
Hello Miss, these are my parents. Hola señorita, estos son mis padres.
Hello? Is that Sarah? ¿Hola? ¿Eres Sarah?
This apple is mine. Esta manzana es mía.
I like that hat. Me gusta ese sombrero.
This is a nice cup of tea. Esta es una buena taza de té.
Whose shoes are these? ¿De quién son estos zapatos?
We have lived in this house for twenty years. Hemos vivido en esta casa durante veinte años.
Have you read all of these books? ¿Has leído todos estos libros?

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