Submental Intubation Versus
Submental Intubation Versus
Submental Intubation Versus
Tracheostomy in Maxillofacial
Trauma Patients
O Oro- tracheal intubation is the most reliable and time proven method
of securing airway even for trauma victims
4. Dental surgery
Indications of NTI
O General indications
airway injuries
O Hagen–Poiseuille equation
fixation (MMF)
O Retrograde intubation
O Cricothyroidotomy
O Tracheostomy
O Can be traced back to 3000 BC
modern tracheostomy
O Prolonged ventilation
O Oncologic resections
O Cricoid cartilage and first tracheal ring must not be injured
O Tracheomalacia
O False passage
O Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve
O Aspiration
O Vocal cord palsy
Submental Intubation Versus
Tracheostomy in Maxillofacial
Trauma Patients
nasal intubation
international literature
O Technically easier
needed, switching the tube from nasal to oral route may lead to-
O Risk of aspiration
et al.,
O Conclusion:
Uneventful extubation
O Conclusion:
O The death toll was due to the associated injuries rather than the
emergency cases
O Submental intubation versus tracheostomy in maxillofacial trauma
patients. Petr Schütz, and Hussein H. Hamed J Oral Maxillofac Surg
66:1404-1409, 2008
literature and analysis of 13 cases Med oral patol oral cir bucal. 2008