Ethics, CSR & Corporate Behavior
Ethics, CSR & Corporate Behavior
Ethics, CSR & Corporate Behavior
Colgate worldwide toothpaste market share is 44.4% Colgate Total has a formula which can prevent gingivitis The top selling toothpaste brand Contains triclosan Suspected to be an endocrine disruptor
Inform its customers that a key ingredient of its product is facing questions? Amend its marketing? Play an active role in the scientific debate? Publicly defend its turf? Simply do nothing and wait?
ASDA : chain of super markets in U.K Part of Wal-Mart In sep-oct 2009, ASDA cut its banana prices six times in 6 weeks Sold bananas at 38 pence a kilo (roughly 27 Rs per Kg) The bananas were sourced from Windward Islands
Would you like to know the true cost of your product? Would you be willing to pay a higher price? Will you boycott the product altogether as a protest measure? Or can you think off buycott?
Do you think the actions by the companies involved are ethical? What would you classify as an ethical response in these situations?
What is ethics?
When the company apply some set of standards or norms as a part of their responsibility we can call them ethical code of conduct of business. Ethics shows a corporation how to behave properly in their all business and operations. Ethics is the set of rules prescribing what is good or evil, or what is right or wrong for people.
Honesty Confidence Respect and Fair acting in all circumstances Is business ethics
What are the differences between legal, social, and ethical responsibility?
What is implied by shareholder wealth maximization? Specifically, what does this perspective 'mean' for the interests of other stakeholders?
An ethical theory that holds that actions are right or wrong independent of their consequences
fairness caring liberty
An ethical theory that holds that actions are right if they produce, or tend to produce, the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of persons
fairness caring liberty
Consists in giving each person his or her due, treating equals equally and unequals unequally
Conform to important principles? Create more good than harm? Lead to fair outcomes?
fairness caring liberty
Focus is on persons, and giving them what they deserve based on merit
Ethic of Care:
Asks us to recognize and take seriously the moral worth of relationships, particularly those characterized by caring
Conform to important principles? Create more good than harm? Lead to fair outcomes? Promote caring relationships?
fairness caring liberty
It is not clear what might be meant by caring for nonhumansor what it might mean for them to care for us
Suggest right action consists in maximizing the capacity for free, informed personal choice
Conform to important principles? Create more good than harm? Lead to fair outcomes? Promote caring relationships? Advance personal liberty?
fairness caring liberty
Non-humans are not considered to have choices in the way in which humans do, and therefore are not privileged with liberty
Virtue theory:
Focus is on achieving our personal ethical ideala matter of who we are, not what we do
Conform to important principles? Create more good than harm? Lead to fair outcomes? Promote caring relationships? Advance personal liberty? Stimulate personal ideals?
fairness caring liberty
Who we are in an ideal sense may have little or no relation with the external world
What is a corporation?
The exclusively economic definition of the purpose of the corporation is a deadly oversimplification, allowing overemphasis on self-interest at the expense of consideration of others.
--Kenneth Andrews
Manought to regard himself, not as something separated and detached, but as a citizen of the world, a member of the vast commonwealth of natureto the interest of this great community, he ought at all times to be willing that his own little interest should be sacrificed.
--Adam Smith
Land Ethic:
A thing is right when it tends to preserve the beauty, stability, and integrity of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
Conform to important principles? Create more good than harm? Lead to fair outcomes? Promote caring relationships? Advance personal liberty? Stimulate personal ideals? Contribute to sustainability?
fairness caring liberty
One of the distinguishing characteristics of any social system is the way in which property is owned and transferred from one party to another. What are the socio-political implications of community property ownership? Of private property ownership?