Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urb

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Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


Carindale Pines Brisbane, Queensland

A water tank concealed under the exterior deck

The road drainage layout at Carindale Pines

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Carindale Pines is a greenfield development site, 20 minutes drive from the Brisbane CBD. The development site is about 14 hectares, with 31 blocks of an average size of 720 square metres. All homes constructed on the site include a 25 kL rainwater tank, collecting rainwater after filtering through a first-flush system. Tank water is used for all household uses, including drinking water. Additionally, homes are fitted with AAA-rated water-saving appliances. On a larger scale, roads in the development were designed to conform with natural landforms where possible, and catchment runoff is directed through a series of vegetated swales. Further information

WSUD features
25 kL rainwater tanks on each house

Collected rainwater supplied for all household uses

Use of AAA-rated water saving devices

Road runoff treated and conveyed in vegetated swales

Rainwater provides 70-80% of household requirements

Fig Tree Place Newcastle, New South Wales

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Figtree Place detention basin under dry and wet conditions

Figtree Place is a 27-unit community housing development on 0.6 hectares in the inner city Newcastle suburb of Hamilton. In terms of WSUD, the objectives of the development were to retain stormwater onsite and reduce the demand on potable water supply. Roof runoff from the townhouse-style units on the site is directed to underground rainwater tanks for storage, while other impervious surfaces drain to an infiltration basin where the stormwater permeates through the base and into an underground aquifer. Stormwater stored in the rainwater tanks and underlying aquifer and is put to use in a number of ways including garden irrigation, hot water and toilet flushing and washing of buses at the adjacent depot. Since construction of the site in 1998, monitoring results have shown a 60 per cent reduction in the total demand for mains water. After passing through a hot water system, the quality of the reused stormwater complies with Australian Drinking Water Standards. Further information

WSUD features
Onsite stormwater harvesting and storage

Infiltration of runoff from impervious surfaces

Reuse of stormwater for irrigation, hot water supply and bus washing

Quality of stormwater- supplied hot water complies with Australian Drinking Water Standards

Demand on mains water supply reduced by 60%

Kogarah Town Square, Sydney, New South Wales

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Artist's impression of the Kogarah Town Square Redevelopment

The Kogarah Town Square redevelopment site covers about one hectare and includes about 4500 square metres of commercial and retail space, along with 193 residential apartments, a public library and town square. The philosophy behind the Kogarah Town Square redevelopment was to provide a place where people can meet, live and interact. The site concept involves the collection and treatment of all rainwater (with the exception of first-flush runoff) into underground storage tanks or cisterns. The water receives physical and biological treatment such as sand filters and biologically engineered 'ecosoil'. The harvested water is used for toilet flushing, carwashing, in the Town Square water feature and for landscape irrigation. At least 70 per cent of toilet flushing water is supplied by harvested stormwater In addition, the complex includes AAA-rated water-efficient fittings and appliances. The Kogarah Town Square Site also includes innovative eco-friendly urban design features such as passive solar design and solar energy use. Further information

WSUD features
Collection and treatment of stormwater

Reuse of collected stormwater in toilet flushing, car washing and water features

Use of AAA-rated water saving facilities

85% of stormwater captured

60% of captured stormwater reused

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Lynbrook Estate Melbourne, Victoria

Lynbrook Estate bioretention system

Overflow pit at the base of a bioretention system

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Comprising 271 lots on about 55 hectares, this project was constructed in Melbourne's outer south-eastern suburbs between 1999 and 2000. Roof and road runoff from the site is conveyed through a system of roadside swales and median strip bioretention systems. Following treatment, stormwater is discharged to a constructed wetland system, which in turn discharges to an ornamental lake. Preliminary monitoring results indicate that compared with a conventional design, nitrogen loads have been reduced by 60 per cent, phosphorus 80 per cent and suspended solids 90 per cent . Economic analysis has shown the cost of installing WSUD elements to be only marginally higher than conventional systems, increasing overall development costs by as little as 0.5 per cent. Further information Lloyd, Fletcher, Wong and Wootton (2001), Assessment of Pollutant Removal in a Newly Constructed Bio-retention System, proceedings of the 2nd South Pacific Stormwater Conference, Auckland, New Zealand

WSUD features
'Treatment train' approach

Runoff directed to vegetated swales, bioretention systems and constructed wetland

Significant pollutant reductions

Only a small extra expense for WSUD

Doncaster Park & Ride Melbourne, Victoria

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

Interrupted kerbs direct stormwater to treatment facilities

The Doncaster Park & Ride project was initiated to promote public transport, primarily for peak-hour commuters who use Melbourne's Eastern Freeway. The 1.9-hectare site includes parking spaces for more than 400 vehicles. Due to concerns about the impact of the site on the adjacent Koonung Creek, WSUD principles were incorporated into the design. These included directing most stormwater via overland flow and intermittent kerbs to bioretention and infiltration systems. Litter traps were incorporated into side entry and grated pits to capture gross pollutants from the high use areas of the facility. Monitoring of the performance of the stormwater facilities onsite indicate that as much as 93 per cent of runoff from the site is directed to the treatment facilities. Further information Smolenska, Somes and Papadopoulos (2002). Environmental Sustainability Through Water Sensitive Design Converting Theory To Innovative Reality

WSUD features
Use of overland flow paths


Litter baskets in inlet pits


93% of site runoff is directed to the stormwater facilities

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

New Brompton Estate Adelaide, South Australia

Conceptual layout of the New Brompton Estate

The New Brompton Estate Recreation Reserve

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

The scheme to collect, treat and use runoff generated on the roofs of 15 residences surrounding the three sides of the 50 m x 45 m central recreation reserve in New Brompton Estate was commissioned in 1991. Since then the scheme has been improved and expanded to include aquifer storage and recovery and the potential for providing irrigation for the estate's central reserve. Roof runoff from the 15 houses is collected and passed into an underground gravel-filled trench situated around the three sides of the reserve. Flow passes along the underground trench, with some of the water taken up from the soil by the roots of trees that have penetrated the trench since commissioning of the project. The remaining, now clean, runoff congregates at a central location, where it is conveyed to an aquifer 30 metres below present ground level. During the summer months, water stored in the aquifer is reused to irrigate the reserve The system reduces downstream flooding and uses stormwater runoff to provide catchment 'greening'. It also leads to reduced use of mains water. Further information munity/community_programs_c5.asp

WSUD features
Collection and treatment of stormwater

Storage of collected water in an aquifer

Reuse of collected stormwater for irrigation during the summer months

Reduced demand on mains water for irrigation

Reduced downstream flooding

Reduced demand on mains water for irrigation of public space

Ascot Waters Perth, Western Australia

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design

10 A vegetated swale drain at Ascot Waters

Ascot Waters stormwater detention basin

Ascot Waters is set on 97 hectares in the City of Belmont in Perth. The challenge of this development was to convert a disused, degraded area of land into an attractive, cosmopolitan estate. Redevelopment plans for the site divided the estate into three zones, each with different roles in the management of water quality on the site. Zone A includes two lakes, designed to deal with water quality issues in the Belmont Main Drain, along with a wet detention basin and gross pollutant traps. Zone B includes a linear park, and WSUD features such as vegetated swales, overland flow across buffer strips, bioretention and detention basis. Zone C included high conservation wetland areas, so maintaining water supply while also ensuring the quality of runoff was important. This was achieved through installation of grass swales and buffer strips, delivering varying volume of water to the wetlands depending on runoff volume. Further information Evangelisti (2002). Sharing the Experience We are all in the ring: The Ascot Waters Experience. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design.

WSUD features
'Treatment Train' approach

Vegetated swales


Sand filters

Overland flow across buffer strips

Wet and dry detention basins

Successful conversion of a degraded, disused inner city site to an attractive cosmopolitan development incorporating WSUD principles

Springfield Development Ipswich, Queensland

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


Springfield's water recycling demonstration project

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


Springfield Total Urban Development is a new residential development, located between Brisbane and Ipswich. It covers 2850 hectares, with a projected 18,000 home sites, and is estimated to house 60,000 people by 2012. The site has been chosen to demonstrate a water recycling management program. Springfield will be supplied with treated recycled water from the Carole Park Sewage Treatment Plant, which is managed by Ipswich City Council. The scheme will feature: dual reticulation to 30 houses for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing, garden watering and carwashing surface and sub-surface irrigation of road verges, median strips, public parks, pathways, bike paths, drainage and wildlife corridors, sports grounds and school grounds with stormwater and recycled water topping up of an urban lake that will be used for non-contact recreation such as canoeing.

WSUD features
Advanced wastewater treatment and reuse via dual reticulation

Urban lakes

Urban wetlands

Overland flow across buffer strips

Successful application of WSUD principles in a 'conventional' urban setting

The project also includes a consultation process with a full-time community liaison/education officer attached to the project. Recycled water quality, water usage and environmental response are being monitored to ensure the scheme's performance.

The Healthy Home Gold Coast, Queensland

The Healthy Home

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


The Healthy Home is the creation of Queensland University, the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and industry partners. It was designed by the Queensland University Architectural Department and incorporates leading edge technology, passive solar design and resource efficiency strategies, and won the 2000 Master Builders of Australia National Resource Efficiency Award/Housing Under A$0.5 million category. The water features of the home include: A water flow control system that reduces water use by up to 50 per cent and controls the amount of hot water used, saving heating energy. A triple-filtered rainwater storage system sourced from a 22,500-litre concrete rainwater tank. Water is utilised in the laundry, kitchen, bathrooms and garden sub-surface watering system. This system includes a first-flush device and water filter to ensure adequate drinking water quality and has a manually controlled mains refill capacity for when the stored rainwater runs low. Ultraviolet water disinfection ensures pure, healthy drinking water. Polypropylene piping ensures a high quality uncontaminated water supply for life. High-density polyethylene plumbing and ducting used is highly durable, non-PVC, with minimum environmental impact in manufacture or assembly. A greywater treatment system allows for greywater reuse and will reduce the load on the council treatment plant when fully operational.

WSUD features
Collection and treatment of roofwater

Reuse of collected roofwater for all internal and external uses

Use of AAA-rated water saving appliances

Greywater treatment

Significant reductions in potable water use

Significant reductions in wastewater produced

High quality water supplied to the premises from the rainwater tank collection and treatment system

Treated greywater quality suitable for use in the yard

The Sustainable House Sydney, New South Wales

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


The Sustainable House

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


The Sustainable House is located in Chippendale, in inner Sydney, on a block 35 metres long and 5 metres wide. All wastewater generated by the household is treated by a wet compost system located in the backyard of the house. Wastewater is recycled for toilet flushing, clothes washing, and garden watering. A rainwater tank has also been installed and supplies water to the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry.

WSUD features
Collection and treatment of roofwater

Reuse of collected roofwater for all internal and external uses

Use of AAA-rated water saving appliances

Greywater and blackwater treatment

Significant reductions in potable water use

Significant reductions in wastewater produced

High quality water supplied to the premises from the rainwater tank collection and treatment system

Thurgoona campus, Charles Sturt University Albury, New South Wales

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

Appendix 4A Water Sensitive Urban Design


The water management system of Charles Sturt University's Thurgoona campus received the Best Practice Water Cycle Management Award in 1999 from the NSW branch of the Australian Water Association and a gold Rivercare 2000 award in 1996. The system is an excellent example of innovative design that minimises the demand for water from external sources and utilises stormwater and wastewater onsite. Passive energy building design, low-cost maintenance, minimisation of non-renewable resources, use of recycled material, and employment of wind and solar energy are also features of the development. For further information on the water management system, see Mitchell and Croft (2000). Construction of the Thurgoona campus, located 10 kilometres outside Albury, New South Wales, began in 1996 and was completed in 1999 (Mitchell and Croft 1999; Webster-Mannison 1997). The 87-hectare site houses the university's School of Environmental and Information Sciences and the School of Business, and comprises research and teaching facilities, academic and administrative offices, residential accommodation, and a regional herbarium. The water management system takes a holistic approach, minimising the demand for potable water from external sources, virtually eliminating the discharge of water from the campus, providing water-sensitive design, and beneficially using stormwater and wastewater onsite. The system incorporates dry composting toilets, a greywater system, rainwater tanks, and stormwater harvesting. Water conservation practices employed onsite include water-efficient taps and showerheads and landscaping of the site with plants indigenous to the region to minimise the need for irrigation. Water conservation is promoted through the positioning of rainwater tanks in locations obvious to people living, working, and studying on the campus. Native vegetation planted along the waterways and in the wetlands helps to filter the water and remove nutrients. Ongoing monitoring has found that the system is meeting required water quality standards.

Extracted from Australian Runoff Quality.

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