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U-2 (a) Electric Current

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Electric current [unit-ii]


Potential difference across a cell of emf 4V drops to 2V when a current of 2A is drawn from it.
What is the internal resistance of the cell? [1]
Potential difference across two wires of different materials but of same length and same radius
is maintained constant. How is the heat produced in the wire is related to the specific
resistance  at each wire? [1]
What is the value of in the given circuit? [2]
What is meant by drift velocity? State the equation relating the electric current and drift
velocity. [2]
A metal of specific resistance 64 x 10 -6 m and length 2m has a resistance of 20 . Calculate its
radius. [2]
Explain why manganin is used as resistance coil in resistance boxes instead of copper. [2]
A wire of 6  is doubled on itself with its two ends joined. What is the new resistance? [1]
A 200  electric bulb is connected to a 220 V mains. Find the resistance of the filament. [2]
State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws in electricity. Apply them to the case of balanced Wheatstone
bridge. [2+4+4]
Explain drift velocity and derive an expression for current in terms of drift velocity. Derive a
relation between current density and electric field. [2+5+3]

You are given 20 cells each of emf 1.5 V and internal resistance of 0.3 . How would you
arrange them to produce the maximum current in a circuit of 1.5 resistance? [2]
How does the resistance of a good conductor vary with temperature? [2]
Two wires A and B are of same material having length l and 2l and diameters d and 2d
respectively. If the resistance of B is 50 . Calculate resistance of A. [2]

Name a material whose temperature coefficient of electrical resistance is nearly zero. [1]
In a balanced Wheatstone bridge the positions of galvanometer and battery are interchanged.
Does it remain still balanced? [1]

Calculate the main current I in this circuit of the figure. [2]

State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws of electric circuits. Apply the laws to obtain the conditions of
balance in Wheatstone bridge. [2+4+4]

What is the terminal potential of a cell when short circuited. [1]
When a Wheatstone bridge is called balance? [1]
When dose a pure semiconductor behaves as insulator? [1]
Five cells each of internal resistance 0.2 and emf 2V are connected in series with a resistance
of 4. Find the current through the external resistance. [1]

A simple chemical cell has an emf of 2V. When the circuit containing this cell is open? What is
the potential difference between the two terminals? Neglect the internal resistance of the cell.
Two resistors of resistances R1and R2 in series are connected to a source of emf E. Obtain
expression for potential difference across R1 and R2. [2]

Drift velocity of electrons in a conductor is of the order of
(a) a few millimeters per second (b) a few meters per second
(c) a few kilometer per second (d) 3 x 10 10 cm/s [1]
Three cells of emf 2V, 5V and 7V are connected in parallel. The effective emf of the combination
is (a) 70/47 (b) 14 V (c) 7V (d) 2V [1]
Does the current in a vacuum tube obey ohm’s law? [1]
Distinguish between potential difference and emf. [2]
The amount of charge passing through any section of a conductor, as a function of time, is given
by Q = 3t2 +2t +5. Calculate the current flowing through the conductor at the end of 3 seconds.
Assume charge in coulomb and time in second. [2]
What is the current through the arm BD in the circuit diagram given below? Answer with
reason. [1]
A cell of emf is connected across a conductor across a conductor of resistance R. If the potential
difference across the terminals of the conductor is found to be V, then the internal resistance of
( E−V ) R ( E−V ) V
the cell is (a) RV(E - V) (b) R (E - V) (c) (d) [1]
Electric conductivity is the reciprocal of ___________. [1]
Write the mathematical relation between electric current and current density in a conductor.
Identify the symbols used. [2]

A wire of uniform area of cross section a, length land resistance R is cut at the middle into two
equal parts of length l/2 each. Then resistivity of each piece compared to that of the original
becomes (a) half (b) double (c) uncharged (d) unpredictable. [1]
There resistances each of 5 are connected to form triangle. The resistance between any two
terminals is____________. [1
State Kirchhoff’s law as applicable to electric network. [2]

12coloumb /minute can be written as (a) 2 V (b) 0.2 A (c) 0.02A (d) 0.002A [1]
The drift speed of an electron in a uniform conductor is directly proportion to its area of cross
section. (Correct the sentence, if required without charging the underlined word). [1]
Calculate the main current in the given circuit. [2]

A uniform straight conductor of radius 0.25 mm carries a steady current of 2A. Calculate the
current density in it. [2]
Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain the formula for finding effective resistance in case of parallel
combination of resistors. [2]

A wire of non-uniform cross section is carrying a steady current .along the wire [1]
(a) current and current density are same (b) only current is constant
(c) only current density is constant (d) neither current nor current density is constant.
Reciprocal of resistance is called __________. [1]
Four resistances each of one ohm, are connected to form a square. Find the resistance across
any one side of the square. [2]
Explain the relation between emf and potential difference with a circuit diagram. [2]

The cross section areas of the conductor R at a and b in the given circuit re in the ratio 1:2. If
the circuit current is 0.5 A, the ratio of the number of electrons flowing through sections at a
and b per sec will be

(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2 (c) 1:4 (d) 1:16 [1]

The drift speed of electrons in a conductor of a circuit is 0.5 mm/s when the potential
difference between its ends is 1.5 V. What will be the drift speed in it when the potential
difference across it becomes 3 V? [1]
A copper wire of uniform area of cross section of 1.54 x 10 -6 m2 carries a current of 3.08 A.
Calculate the electric field inside the wire if the resistivity of copper is 1.724 x 10 -8 m. [2]
A copper wire and aluminum wire of same diameter have their lengths in the ration 1:2 and
their resistivity’s in the ratio 5:9. Compare their resistances. [2]
State and explain Ohm’s law. [2]
Draw a neat circuit diagram when n cells each of emf e and internal resistance r are connected
in parallel and the combination is connected to an external resistance R. Obtain an expression
for the current in the circuit and deduce the condition for maximum current in it. [1+3+1]

You are given a cell of emf 1.5V and two weirs each of resistance 6 and a key. Draw the circuit
diagram to get the maximum current in the circuit using these. [1]
The volt meter reading in the given circuit as shown
above can be changed by moving the sliding constant
B from A to C. Plot a graph to show the variation of the
voltmeter reading with the distance of the constant
point B from A towards C. [2]
Apply Kirchhoff’s second law to the given circuit as
shown above and hence find an expression for the
current I in the circuit. [2]
Deduce the dimensions of conductance. [2]
The resistance of a metallic wire is 10  at 00C. Calculate the resistance at a temperature of
1000C. Given  = 3.9 x 10-3 K-1. [2]
A battery emf E and internal resistance r is connected to an external resistance R to complete
the circuit. Show that the battery delivers the maximum power R, when R = r. [3]

Draw the circuit diagram to measure the potential difference across a 10  resistor when it is
connected in series with a 20  resistor and a 6V source. [1]
A copper wire of 2.5 x 10-6 m2 area carries a current of 1.6 A. If the number density of the
electrons in the wire 8 x 1028 /m3 , then calculate the drift speed of the electrons in the wire. [2]
5 cells, each of emf 1.5 V and internal resistance 0.1 , are connected in such a manner that
the current in an external resistor of 10  in maximum. Draw the circuit diagram of the
combination and calculate the current in the circuit. [3]

The potential difference between the ends of a uniform conducting a circuit is V, if J is the
current density in the conductor and l and A are its length and a area of cross section
VlJ lJ lV V
respectively, then the resistively  of its material is (a) (b) (c) (d)
A V J Jl
Define the mobility of charge carries in a conductor. [1]
The current in a resistor varies with time according to the equation I = 5A + 2As -1 t. Calculate
how many coulomb pass through the cross section of the resistor in the time interval between
t = 2s to t = 5 s. [2]
Deduce the dimension of the resistivity of material. [2]
Calculate I in the given circuit applying Kirchhoff’s laws. [2]

The variation of resistivity of a material with absolute temperature
T is given by the following figure. The material is ________.
(Conductor/ insulator). [1]
Calculate the equivalent resistance between P and Q in the
following circuit, each of resistance is of 10 . [2]

If the electric current in a conductor of uniform cross section is
increased by 20%, the drift velocity of electrons in the conductor
(a) increase by 20% (b) increase by 40% (c) decrease by 20% (d) decrease by 40% [1]
How will you connect there resistors R1= 1, R2 = 2 and R3 = 2 to get an equivalent
resistance of 2? Draw the related circuit diagram. [2]

The current in a circuit with a cell of emf 6V and internal resistance 0.1  is 2A. Find the value
of the external resistance. [2]
Find the equivalent resistance between points A and B in the
given figure. [2]
State Ohm’s law. Calculate the conductivity of a conductor of
radius 0.5 mm and length 10 cm having resistance 25 ohm. [2]

Kirchhoff’s first law expresses the conservation of
(a) energy (b) charge (c) momentum (d) mass [1]
Which of the following graphs represents the V-I relation of n ohmic resister.

potentiometer is connected in a circuit to compare emfs of two cells E 1 and E2. If the null points
for E1 and E2 are at distances 90 cm and 180 cm respectively and E 1 = 3.0 V, then the value of E 2
is (a) 1.5 V (b) 6 V (c) 3V (d) 4.5 V [1]
Two cells each of emf 1.5 V are connected across points A and B. The effective potential
difference between A and B is (a) 1 V (b) 3 V (c) 0.75 V (d) 1.5 V [1]
A conducting wire with resistance 5  is drawn out so that the new length is two times the
original length. Find the resistance of the newly created wire. [2]
Find the equivalent resistance between A and B in the given circuit. [2]
State Kirchhoff’s laws for an electrical network. Apply them to obtain the condition of balance
in Wheatstone bridge. [5]

The law which relates the potential difference and electric current between two points in a
conductor is (a) coulomb’s law (b) Joule’s law (c) Ampere’s law (d) Ohm’s law [1]
When temperature increases, the conductivity of semiconductor
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remains same (d) first increase and then decreases. [1]
Calculate the resistivity of a wire of length 1m, radius 0.1mm and resistance 100. [2]
State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws for an electrical network. [2]

State and explain ohm’s law.
Derive an expression for the electrical conductivity of metal in terms of the drift velocity of the
electron. [2]
State Kirchhoff’s for an electrical network. Use them with a neat circuit diagram to obtain the
condition of balance for a wheat stone bridge. [1 +1+4+1]

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